CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1903, p. 5

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mirent of lumor... I ~ ~ HAD RÀTHIER HAVE A FOOL TO MAKE ME MERRY 1 ITHAN EXPERIENCE TO MAKE ME SAD.-Shaiesçpeare. I Is -Relisbela the lest OU -4 liJe Actf. &.S rer' Adv,.r&a ~Rok to H.tlp the UCorne r Dî'ug. ,Rote fut Along tu * Cep>'iigt. 19U., by C. B. Lewis.] eftbht new lfiteen cent cigara i gotlu net programmue w1î b îfilm1fr. Jowser duos nt StoP ut generat grocer or batcher or centi interest. kils sollcitude wouid hi' luch lat, ç.Jiaslihe ally set ing Ir ottertise auppileit.lie buse PSIIqwttit tbe Proutier tho bonds up ncrapbook thirei lie hat@splitei Up bl âoeast irtierruls <r the trtt Pds. unit Prerved a h setofnewrippr (*s who sbout ibeir vwaréii ov'r flits clpiliigs relating te fatal nilsttîkes un 'Cnt gate. it la ouly witti bis famil), the. part ot druggitls. lie la î'ariy anîd drl*iggfnt bhatho boda-to programmne Otfici'On thei 'grolind with liat serap- aad polUc. le liegan Il orteet, Yurabook, and lis iîîlm l19lu keep thtle v'fat- *90, aud laatleklng riglît tu Il yet. tati )wistakes5 eoistiintlyonu exhibiition -Thotra.bave beo e 'cra lig.1 or5 and lu uiird. latnliY druiato, but n change lni 1fr. *'Aiy prescriptions todii>ir'bc asks »Owacr. Wlieu t6e nid drugggt va- as lbe atitern ln <f au e(llitg witli «IlWs the corner store and a newv on' a fox tf trocles or a hotitie of sodla takea tbls Place. 31r. itowmer ia onubattît minIs la vew. ea.eug the. Prut caltera. le Jalit thon' "'Ilre or four," repliesthie drug- * bave a Prescription Oued or ta invest gut. I a bot Wter bug but to give a little *'And ynu? Are» Yen sure yoîî made &WOieudvalie, A dozen grocrs t mal, no fatal mistake lu putîlua tbemt up? eosaeandl go andl Le glye hein oLord.,Diao, but Ibere lan't a <liy passges Jieed. but-with the. tumlly druggist the tInt sanme druggist doesu't put Oit tise la dferenl. morphine for quininîe. flow eau you ".ily a"ie,"' beins Mr. leowrrer as be sure flbt ynu ditdut niake aenme ter- lie catera lbe.-store. *'llowacr. t live riblo msta;e*t' il!e Sol ltetc au oid stnry wththeti tit 111'Idéu*glt, but Le nov er heurs il wtii- 1~ j out a ebîi lltding down bIs spinal cot- uuîn. lic banslbouen lubusiness tleu yeara aaïf made ln mstake. pnd tyet 1fir. Bower's wuy tof pultlug Iblug8 would ule any drugglst gooseo, J " Pàieay Io do t, yen kuow." cou- J nots 1fr. ltnwsr witîbpositive enJoy- ment. "Look.t flit casiie iOstkosît a ctb uago. T -re asa adruggtt tlio bal been lunbrîsiners for ttvrnty ycurs anduit b adi ileilt J10)lre serilttons tlliut aànîlslake. Thou bu tiecoînes absent rinned for tbtrty sec ondsaund kilia off a coliege professer. Yeou muytbink yonutIlleul Ibow., lire- serpttnîii as trigbt as a string. but I abouda't ti a bit surprtsedi f o aubaitrîteinmetblg og nuettiere." If 1fr. itowner l't feeling ln roai bigb spirits holi I stop right Ibere aud glve the druggizt a chance Io Set is cotor tsck. but If he la ho avilt kludty offer te take a flot audnru rcund to the varienutfamilles and sosec If fic YoORAT AD~1O aoa illiiî" pattelitàa an" st ltwe. . aroan th te corner sud liait way d*u 1Mr. Bewser doesn't tpropose e foie .1w. block. Athontgb r bave Oly a lai awsy ln bis grave Ilirougb 'the MaU tamilty. tamn a itiensi paton0or tupldty etflitafamrlty druggtat. Ifrtic' dm Msores. and 1 always pay cash. la, suspciou* for otiier people be la ,4Xt. knot >-îrr busIness as a drggM doutily n for blimaclf. lie invetainl ,do jour' consomption cure titi acemng pret " I tlik 1 do" ta the reply as the. confidence finit no afterciup wtt] r- -deconlt colora up. - uIf, bat the odda ars' Ove ta one tiat ATbat ta teil., Thu a taonecorner for ut midigit tic tili tout the .truggist 9 diuggWst hé ba@ Only buif lotrnod épet of bis firat leepnsd holii t bt-t bis business. Yeu bave core ne mb a le onden is nose aud aay: 'aew neigbborliood. Succesa or fuiiIurc 'I 1foui a dose according te irc iwali depend upen youir persouaiity. AI- tiens, sud l'Il bit bunged If I dou',t is greet every calter.wth in nlie tiîink ttier's saneme stake about It . e.woiçome, Do't lnainsy part in Are ynu positive finut uotiting foreigu fpqttlcgsuadt doat becoine a litture t coulti have gl loto thie botteT'1 siny psr'ficuiar chureb. Stand neutrni 1fr. Itowner wtii boy 5 cents torth ibetwMea -capital sud-tabor, andl don't et bicArbonalte of soda ta take borne hse atIyarnlly l'ows t0 cause gossip aqntIdisiolve for bis hearthjurn, aud tus' jami idvisittg yua * fln li6 fiâldii*giWt li o eeling of-tcrgs .b luO~iteresas at tieant andl therefore ttrtelien lbtrego, Ituîuy bc one tipur ah P.ilhily urld to the point. 1 amn or two hefore te patient tromes burst- MW4 blrrjr b!s mnrnng, buttîllit iî ngluto te store, buresîide<i sud bis agal» s&tt aud gve ou turf ber point,.oies buigIug out, to exciaini: ii,. Uesuttiuie tbîbik over au profit "ly thtouder, but V'm feeling quct'r! Wý ebt 1 bave alreedy aaid." I at You Put Up flintbicarbonatt-,su *~efamlly druggtlagenrUy q ~ sure there tas l0 in take tîlîIR ffln tho satm p bumnan nature pret- jit. botut accstetoaffect me lu e strauge "DY THUNDER. BUT 'il ÏEELIXIJ QUiEltl" tyClOsOIyn sudt b. decidea le hein titI Mrt. lotsee'. That's fte beganiug of &t Mn tfue a" ioui>' come then the ~Pr man dits or fids"nme one to Imj hlm ouf. Mr. Bowier at once le- g#eM a sort er guardlan anti parfuer « titt drug Mort, When le Isn't Phay- IlS gutanuand partuer le ta mak- qUg hafmmet a nuisance, anti one tInt e0in au shate. Tht Interest be tbhIa istock spd sa*ls coudn'f bc ëi'stet i ho bld$10,000 et bis own euei larysitoi. e xcaime Mr. Potser aa he *dvauces upon the man et druga anti iaJka on big tbas anti- aiakes a inger Uaden lits nase, "yen have gel a dtmg jïe home, but whal la a drug store ýj«%uf 'patronage? f arn gitng ynu Myî eouteuanc0 anti support,.an>t ihlbngi me yuOètre geftiug the 'bat- ganue et ibis nelgtbbtood. If jota *&*M te wf0ttfbtrat, If joutwant me hi ltike my custintelsweren'- - Iatsotli e fetannîl>'druggtt, anti ,be *AM"s tat ifla lefjr f0 bear te ,*W - lias tban le le Yréw'n eut f iltno . HeIbereton' forces aaiIe bu4*ad apKte: -taseriat f1malt n ewuy. Could yen have mireti anYthiug tdeadly titi it as te tere tateblug the aautane. go tiY? Ir you bave miade sainiatake atter ahi bave eau- tienetiyen It tîl ha'mtgbly costiy for j eu. -i1ten't jet upUp ti 1 have jour la.t dollar?' one or tire or the druggtats w'ho bave tdoue hommnes la Mfr. Boweer's neigb- ?berbo bave tain dot'. andi died, vzble i t bers bave aomot nsd nover stoppeit itMI ttey got 100 mliesuwsy. it'saa gond businescorner sud nue ilkeiy f0 -be §Itays occupleit, but nman et 1druis tilt ever tic happy there. 1Mr. rito*ser otus ibis otu bouse andi likes ethe ueigiibnrlood sud eouidu't be lu- 3duced tfoenil nul. iltainJust possible ithat ho mnai be rua orer by a atreet 1car or-break hîs neck trying té ride a - bicycle, but ail the odits are againat it, iHe bas got a gond tilug, andi ho know's e f, sud be in going ta keep riglit ou making lite misersble for biis fîrmuy 1driggist until he eltber dieg of nid age eor the soda fountain expiodes soute fday aud blets hlm acroas the streot lu h-onika and chtunkL M. QUAD., r 'ROrE't a eonnt;rm ton ynu," niad Hotu Mrî'. Janet Ilovrever cfotril thre car or balt mu$ l - Jolies gels a st-at. ttioiitî lui lier tliirtie'-er-nlit Giadty.'iTifs ta the wa t i ukx*: Entt Irs. Jones. Ail fte sîufil nieu- ped-, woutenralwltul ndltferetit; îtî,-u buried leibtut notappurs. tIftil>î,-31ainmt, atatutal hIiidyit Wboàre la jotir msI, linimla, antI wLert"a îy sent? f-ftata rotîppear. above uew-appei's w'tiii'M r'. Jolitatîii'r iroitoo ait'l une of tiie reiukvi mnnotira1f ra. .folles JiS'ait. svito bts i lguartikem mooitîl'r C atdyîî. Illit lth eitiiuouli'tJtl <'afite %ultutit lr. Jolie* laplperîrd tlbte wilb hlts tvte. Giidys pîied ber quel'> abolit their "tiritailymr' %it . iones. "But ilnumina toietuta10 ttit.a" 'rîî t'î fw-tiiiobol"s turc tu stij ifot -î orit rTimes .A Prerd Baa. "'s t'row rocks at blin, an' naibe bellIl onne tuek an' kick us." "Wot good 'hl dut do us'i" - t'W'ty.d-ut we kim brag dot Kid Me- Golf. de etanipeen midutle tetgbt. lias kiekeit us onet"-.New York Evenlng Journal. "Thon tberu. la n prospect ofau marrtage beteeti Jack and 3iss Bit- " 7No. tudeei. Tic -engagement tas tioken off for gond sid aU." "Wiat vtasihe trouble?" 'LOb. Jack, tus entIreiy t blâme! Mabel baul been frylug te prove to hlm wbat s prze ho tus getttng aead le- marite t(bt Tom Magglelon toulti give bis eyes f0 marry ber. Anti Ject salul Ibut dldin't prove mucli. One of Toma eeetlaoerousetiand ho aqults horriliy tilti the otier. And M abel tiareti up ad air Iuiitbey tort Ithe est ejes be batd. andl iltabeautîful ut hlm to offer t0 give titen op. Anti Jackt sait bet hougt 1ht as mueti more beautitul to keep bis ejes sud devote tben 10 sei'ving ber conifort anti bop. pluess. And %Mabel, saiti be butne sentiment tîbout hlm, sud Jack -sauttibc hai - - lu teuthin tifLmk!uz u -b1i,4 font of hiniseif. Anti Mabel saIt she htaed a Man witbout seutimentf, andi then Jaîek look tits bat." "And uiautslael ligoîug f0 do?" "l' utre i1tiot't knotv." "Anud that tg Jackt going tu do?7" «W.ei], everytiot> la certain lie Ia go- Iug f0 marry, Cloa 'Coupons. the riea- est girl in (ho state."-CleveiuftiPlain Dealer.- '5we Untatul Dlaoveries. "If te bati more mono>' t nul'comt- mand,." dectare the polar explorera. "te couiti Ondth ie norti pote lanon lime."- "If jon bati more nerf b potes" ret fhe plulocrata, "'jeu cotaI dueover dite once lu utviuie tee, - -Wbereat tfie explorera dicover thaf titeir compases have b4odefiectadtU h tic tréng banut accounts. Judge. The fr'simptiluement. "dan't sea tInt excuse Ibere tas for publtaiing fIla volume et vers,." "Wtty, theouaotr ta a thibu.4000 cousin et James Joues." ",Andtite laJames Joues, prey?' "Oh, boa a man fuie two bundisiti anlverzarj- etfivboae irll or' duatb tatlenme tlmd about not."-Detrlt FM .Pres. Gladys-If Mr. Payrair la n bop" iitit ber haband wttin te egettiag a divorce? Eisle-Bftauso abe dreada tbe tacts efthfeir presalc agreement comtug ont lu tbo ace$y papers. It tooltiho ucb, a scandai, jpli kuow!-ironkijn Lite. "Jehn,." 1 the tvite disconalatelY. "«the uoît la at'the deor!" "oodr' eited lier bobant. '"Nw the bill roilectors w-i li e ufruld te corne near us."-Ptiatoiphia Leuger. A» luvelsatat'y 0151, Srbedboy. freelae aî isee iind lah Q. H 015PE J ONE$ rbleded. by theisli aItieop.nd (l rios , it.r ld ie lis robtîttiîn'ver licou'î tl ci<'ruli or bal bis iliiut lk'iiidî'. Hé Dllivs a Lecture but cauri aujtlitt llity jeairsterice or, Skhio fo it, leutiiualot..lie ' a, re;ier aili liait i Totî Platit or Mar k ll.inia". if lt-i got Meti stlck tt il lini-aa i thlat ret lCqoyrtzlit. 19b o' . iP. twst litir-, i's borînîttuj gît ttic'c , udoi!y C iTIZEJsof.atj,,> "' aton-n-deatt irtii ka-p 11Ii;ii ak. -~It colet mlu. - Man $l:o[i~ y fri'iiis. i dont w:îît tu burt IIIII tàotisôw i t ni i.. i' ttr- >our rfiel inigs hy uikiiî oîîiiîtiiti taitrîet n% 'N'ai tiing Yaîrl. 11bave lin0tiault tirt Iif you ltndLicit but i titi vi'a feeling iii i i ftou i ii in y&:,tutrt wlot tGi--a twc Wasiitîgt n twais tireiat OitiI tter the îa- ol i'-tirîî youd ihavt, liq'ii ua bg a i Iiftii nslie lias iteer taken op 1 c ote otntit wtt s and idtîc]1rîlalis ggir. Ilwaîl' tI a s t il arter sbelid a tit ti', abltI10 Y lt-fil tii t .ou l tiaiiitu tit i i t biove oit10tite nexl 1P. "ri. 3olrs luateri 1*111iiitintoli iajii l i tit- lThearîbJect eofiuy I 1i4tiit u l u. U iiltaite > titi. itiil jl ititei11 i. atl- have treiri nfordleit. i - -etir-i-ai i trer s sipi.'-aî i aîlri-îîilte 51 t-t or. StickIig tu It," i% i.i it' lilt t- vor lu it poti-y.A fier-tie'biladeîtot-îîillrîcl tri deniL. butilaieogIv,-inai--iiliarri vii >Itise ti'liai iaîtliîr itii-aNI îaaiîliay lie won'îtl go atter t ig-itti. Tirl. tiiver lot go. IL-' otl ttti(- il ot n ambuifti. est'ue asud liini-st>' are' gîttiil i untdri-i i'in i bu ,0 t' efit friaitt lîuildiig stones, bût y' iii î (ll ual etir(li lagirix dii w-îulîi trng toitcei-ai ithle, tuortar of ctccrn-'lui - ttai l tai end. aitrit i i'uît. togettier. 'Anut f'tuî,îtciitîtt-diw-ttlu Q. ifoli- Let us fakte thecaes,- tif (UPttt. Iii Joies, thie illaru whti, starnds t~~i. o liegnsit ooking ahieatitit-itii ww-;tu.I-i i 1aid a living lliitttitoîf .%batute- >-etrs olît. At @ltWon lit-t fathèr w-at i severaniae Las dioueî'andît au i,. %Witiit editu luppreutice hlm ltiai iitiî.andtl 3ouitook at tue gain sot'i- r-att îrîîni-o laits motîrer ',aute.d tii -tatiit'lI iiii iît i seif.- Nly pire'rts w-cri itaueta nît a Troy laundry. Hié liit îmadeîi). iii itisrspi-tatiie. but ily ral lier diîitt kitu' uîInu loie a ruter of ii-Il ititii'int ' * ntitgli 10shttrpoien il xor ît itiitiîer but for tite jears e'"t-ry sort of disita enougia lu niikei'-ltîîtie. eouragemnttwuastbîiatîlit litsii'. ty. As a batti1>- I lt-i op saotitiorot and 111@ tatller got hini totiai ascgbilkltiockkîtocii: 8as 9a etîit i tas lîîîuîp- titant opiug tt aaitd itlisfy Ilit-. tited, tatnd bail tiie' -ar:tc-ibo. V'tacîi ambiltion: bs uuncle gui tutuai ('uunnrv ivais lit'.yotirs oit1 itut 'tk tint i sebooni tu tecbthintiniîg lie t-ouli i tt. goti egg frnta i a trtdoor. ltit towtn tirne becowc uit Unee ttielýits brolli- lunti' ott mid I bail ilhuplan. 1thlnl er-in-iv IrIédta tgetlatuii guipart- ,toterrntîin 1 luîî-înîî' ri-attand fa- nera la the windmliitl i-',and tht 'tnus andtn latcoe tamenotutQ. Itmp. fumit>' doctor jsa l, iii "i-atrî'titvieîtJon--s eside tarit ofthte gmie-lst or witI ceC juuuiill ti u 't idIrOlIn.acartit. Most of ILis limoe dllai-Once iliati madeeDtp My' rîint t ai- Soin.' yîîîrg men t ii ui ai -ogi teut i muet notiig lu di-couttatgî' tr dis- u eud staritdont i, liti-liiiî'et-s no'amide lme. i was îd on joiinuyi-iie Joinelt ati rt-u. but la --i autt tier ol and butleritîlik. 1i vt'î-iari'ftaot In iti lits t'itt.d, ît tc îti rit gît. w'tIntr tint tîtrebetîteil ln ui lrr -1 Il tugs tlit-kng lta ilt t;ti. hîia- ain got up ut 4 o'ciuou- t< ulii.' ninlg to a long untt hlie ri- i t, iii- itiiloti food te itogs9t;rid ut up tlii10iioeioctc wiieî-.'iii i-îul gond i 1jou ttd petopleit utitiit tufo ad lbhecoU-s. nTLonoly to jil lîYtai itixof l iýi- iT'rioy selioing i bad w-us w'ial 1 taugit tny- bored lirtonuimlîn t ii ii atîitnlsbtiself troni roating over te fax ret-tlpts hit off. lbtatt tit -lý amteî'roîn andi murîguges oun y fatiter'q tarat. js'atiousa..lip bliili i-- iriilu(ittie ' As ut Young Itîui w vasn*t inokot my l-ait- iahit sîlal. ij:g tu il beuts uponv as înylhîIg tont gond tu boecrotrt evir a ts--f trusrt.nt 30 coula a day. ont those tito ditn'I Soute uf lii boire il lackon's Cor- predict taf 1 ouit go lob iî e drive nots, whilîleb i Iltcouir-as of tourleeon ueii business ivere sure thal I wouid booums. a store andtas tiiekanitt sîtoît, eventoally open a aide shotwitl s cai- anti la pcuegeysitualtI on Atbre lu ai for the ieainig attraction. The>' aides of at horse pond. inut bave Iteard fl'et me oivuanti pIred- It ouù-teme. et ChrIstopher Columbuts. At an>' rate, but tiiey cotl net hoiti me down. i t wil laite Il that yîîu have and cili got up teasick tate t strougor than ever, jourattfention ftutetact iba fl iftbuandi you ape the reanîf before. You. badn't ailloli t Il te uîtgbt bave bippu Q. Hope Jones stands Letoret you ais borils in Africu Insteat oft fhe United a man thotie naine la kntufroni pote Staes.te polo, anti Il la knnauvn now-ierc bttaf He ral got l uinto bis liCutithait ho bonoreit. Be Ilke ne.. Yon chin f then' tais artacre orto ot itndînt u- Yer u iJ, n t l a ni ton nitiit 1to pe tînt mi rêmarks tiere thîs eve-ong tili in cite sn amis anti embious fiaf ftont>' years lience NorthlaAnerica tilt h ieti edf rom .ackann'a Cornera. 1 wIlt uoiv close anti pass aroundthefti litand Il la neediess for nme lu sau tîtut I itîy 0on eî'or bas mate ip h$ minai lu> drop ln as muteti us a itmne t Ahali oxpeoet hbu ti ic tac Il andi bot -pot me off wt ttirce cofiperg md lhait a dozcn utulos. IM. QUAI>.- XA1'OalW-AS A PAR Ba OY-- sfd. of Spain. Il toniç bim feu jeara te mok ite he panili bteteve Il, and f0 ttiis dey tflilaven't gst over thoir surprise. Affer ontce geflios' afartet lie neyer ici up, und ieb.' n fnali fuir- nîshbet I tIban oualfut ant i bd tosailt ata>' sud le bunge te10hlm. TLej tbal Sot tireti of bis gti anti tantedte10 mod Mlm té the botînut ofthle soa, but tic did'f go tIee. lie beatiet afraiglit fror Ameriea, sure thet mapie augar sud anisirat sias awtaitet i hm hers, aud even then bia alors thresteneti mu- tia>'If le dudti blurn bock lic toult taot yield. No Amterlcan ougît fe lie dow'n at nigut or rse lu the monning without itiesatng the memorj 0t fhe man who matie Il possible for ni te b. borni here and gi'oi op 1tic iuig enoug ltouwer taticoule anti suspenders. Baine ligbtuîng rot man niaj have corne uiong bore aonm eyandeut ld jeu ot Napoleon Blonaparte. lie proti- abltfoitiyou cu les toe i Intia, but fhe trufta Iolutcrdafiug onougli. Thon' taeta lé>' boru on the tarin, anti a miglafj pour terniaitInht. Hua parents itardi>' knetv etugh te figure out iuhv mucti tour dozen eggs wouiti corne te at 13 contsa e tuzen. andthelientrest sebotbnume w-as tre ties utay'. ai the tonctier oas (tirene akliathfe linie. Then' tasu't orne chatie lu a thon- senti ofthuit boy rrnklng sntjtltl&i-, of hiniseif ahove ea -ilclaouraiser. btllic sait te btnaseif liaat lie wouid rat' the,- tonidsonire dît>'.ant ie ho tueu te Il until lie dtit i,îe w-us uffet ta>'lis motber, icket b>' ia father andlroiot ia te diri by aal he t ottier boys fur a mile arount. butiehonover lt go of bts Mdes. leaieLng teIi lt tnd puatiedt il îtnîg. and font b>' foot ie lîitbetiup. Ttîey lied grîndtoneq telitslacatttalla.bta flac>'coultiu'tlitoît ine downa. Thttno tas nonne e fa iilon thfe bout andî taik about "Exceisior,"' but he wouidnt lot go. Wiieu lie titi get a atart, f bore ware Ibose wiîo tidt eir lest to stand hlm on Isebeat. antilho atite Oghuf agOtut euT>' anti maîtti.. - Fmomta a rner'm boy te the rulev ot ih.tsi.destiniestTiuo bt *sks'dWIS---Asîsac. Mns. iiajfork (In counrj imtoomcet -Au-tliiug for nitt? rosîmuster I îion't asenothin'. hins. Iîiyfork i ta oxpeîlu' n let- teornpost ran rittoni Araul Spniggstell-' In' tn it > site w-t iitnin'. Rural P<itiuaster tcnllintug 0 is ifol -Itit jon sec a poqt card tron lIrs. Iiuyfork's Aurt afSit>? Hils Wife-Yes: sbhe's comin' ou Thuusda.-Lyre. Siens Couiseer.. "tHave ion ever knouvn ay onue." aIe noi. "w-liéwtnaacloali>' killet b>' happinesst' "Well," repiie tte'cruat>' nid hache' Inn. "I1 cun't auj poitlveiy as 1 tu ht. but I dua knosv a erap once tho tas toonti tend nit bis motiae-ln-law's grave. ,-Chîesgo Record-Heralti. "'You love jour country. don't you?" saldth ie iucere afateamnan. "Certsuub'," anateped Senator Son- qrhum, "but I'M flot tofpIng my betît andi faklag chances on oufering tire panga, of uurequited affeclion."-Washlmigtot Star. WiU Uv.. Va. Beryl -Mrs . ileavyswell te-arnoa maénj duamnda ut receptlons Ibut she la frigîttatî>' ovendroaet. Sibjl -eil, <ti makes up for tht ln ber decoltote evening gétua. - Blsti- mon' Heratti. AtlensiOa, Va Gaitenal "-Wti do ynu ltaja amoke that bg pipe thora you're goitglItr. îaudgc? f shouit imagine l anulti hblIn he "i amoke ilut'eI5 iara a religînus, Man,, "Wbe"a fhe connection?" l'Weil, wbenever f looaie batiiy, the piape vens me tmem oposug tai CUTTIN' CORN. jirllus me>' harakor.adi tht3 -tkur t10 Titi-t ina y t-it- tatIl l. "it i ai t y trini l'iui caa-s.. ;iii . Titi-i 1ltaittlk liotthia,î- tif fi t-a i nîc- n« th' batti- ~T!iaay faeabattit'igriandeurit if ittui iat ii l-tlt 'ai>s. tMitt th-. a lianst c rtktletl Ma ibil, t adt. l' ait-lr-i Pauirein!ai u ttI- n ta ;itiatlVin ttautt uut-t-e Saatahn i.- i I- r jauiptr An' î t ttt uaba-t-is-ri (rUat tri ia' gil,,. v.ais:ia* Deailt-irla I t kt Jta-t a-.Wi At ar ittt-ta -ak ata car iýc t-1atil Ja-tI ataitta.-t Atnia . iti ait lit,atla-t Ta iti nia w hîtte taatg ias at t'iatituîaî. Itap ta thingsa a nid<ont i ,t- I i laI tIilte n. ir.. Wher' e s -c-sotl icer. a-sPtart-m* AitsY"u unîds t' Ldys itaw-rat; uteti, itoiti find yyen t-ac -asy A. il tui vtulirit St-w-as tit W'Ith the 1 loag day's tas an' r i. Tiatt armit' werk rettuireti ittit yrtIl il'v-r tatt-h me frettto' N 'r à n , na ortîn. ft-tom. White 1tiraislze rm afe frai i.'ultin corn! 8. W o!:i.ulu Baltimore Arntetican. "Yo Iok Lungry. Fox>'." "xuti. Afiltle people la Ibisa uelgt- tiorbood an' geltntiu 10ievegetarlans, and ttiey'tc quît raisins chicken."- Chicago Amorican. met iavttug.- Bblad hitearti agreat tieal about beaven.eutdshlalid assé hearti couiti- eratite about the other place. Aa usuiri, ber itou of île ottier place tas mihi lam bazy tian lier Iden ot beaven. Peo- pie are tntlî-ery apef cid w-tien ttiey ttpeuk about ltcoveu. "llouuveii lsn't like the hbat place.t' abe remiaritet tnîuirtugli ononecocca- Sion. "Xo, ut>' tor," lber mother repleti. "It's est flie reverse of it." Th itt11e onue 'vas alant for sMet lime w'tlie bLe ilguredot Iw'at the reverse ivoutî bu'. "j don't boiteve 1 tant to go thon',"' Se anitoutieo t an at. 1"I1,nover Ii like colt îveaitter."-Chieago 1'o8 C Yt'llite andT "utj an' 1w-o MIe.ltig yugsicrs w-ho are pugilistldaliî lu- litd. Tue ulluer day the tuloting conversationt but place letween Ibeba: "*At." salit Wuiiit tatiîtiugli, "îou're utrait t' Ogitl tLu'a tt Iltl." 'Nat, 1i tuntl," urotestet Tommy iqtoutt>'. 7fiit if 1 flgbt mj nia 'Il fint il outIlle,-"lck nie." "îlot 'Il sito lied Itt O. eh?" "St'isec the tuctor'goin' t' jour *bouse."-Lyre. Ris Expsortae*. "It's funuy tuaI t mltakes dose nota- papors niake." ris d Meaudoriug Mlite. 'WîVt's de natter?"asaketi I'otdiug if en's onue dut keeps talin' 'boul de prisouer ai de ber. Mj observation la that you don't bave to keep a man prianner et no bar. Mos' liket>' de oui>' tay to gil il bole tu teltI'lm It'a 12 o'onk au' put ouf de llgbf."- Washington 8tar. SravenitetPrid e. 111 delur'," salti Brother iJickeY,.a"I gol fer le mo' keenfasi lu future-I she' "Wl,.t'athe trouble uow?' ", b. i ubiet ln en prayeti for relu des tivo boums eti a hait. en dey' corne a regular delugo tut coule migîl>' ulgt drow'niu' de tes' mulle 1 laed. Providence la an partial ter mer' -Alants constitution. A Feit.i.e Ezeepilu. - -Yu n"e lra Iiton bias a deligbt- fui ygenerous dispoaition." "'Indacti?" "Yen. Indeed. Slietd alatte ber lest croît alihn trient." "1'.'uit site?" "Ithe voîld. Sbe'd Ulve liutan>'. ttiintg eite posseaseul except the let word."-Ciet'elund Plain Deuler. abat Par Place. "Your trient Orpheus Steki'r la ver>' obsoiîoious 10 Seuutiir i'>'tiiese taji." said flic politieul otsol'i-t l'. supnîpose lie's plsying bLin l ta ia." "MtoreIlike- 1>." repiedthlIe nuptlg utant. "i" pint>inig Lirai forai 1ie.--tLldi ptiiatReccord. te'icsann rditat-ymain. listloties are atht-rt-id. fi la lit l9 woattu nduishalubtaundihis abtie have t-eati rt-soleil Hte iwittulat niat a sty-lae orlt-y ii Maaea shats He reaîÂly cantisa- t i, for lie 1149 sIX gtiarsayu 'rauw. They're ail steel. ioveiy cessîres. anti tir s et an ewfut lot; -Tiey're alw&ys tu t he tasilea. athoufli desm- papa la net. Reuuh .utb.&~ 'rty itaa.Y'know'. 1 I idstb« h> ysi.tiont-lertnot. ltat rather ai lot standardéfet je ment? As n..d a w. The Lawvyr-Can't te p The Crook-Let'a se., lies.. a altbl-bougftt sud Pai& <ai dldn't use laittlime f1us Wii dat tini-Newre nk tu Am 1,V155imR* t«4. "'Cari mu teli a dog tbat'eMid, 'reil lin w-al?" -Net Yort Nvsig 4 - l Adne WouAS yo. ai, e asoWiMteau ». man? Besides Ita t eiuh noftug slu tis laIdeWorM. Bt 'a.»saI Oi-

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