-WASMING: aUTTiER. C.lIe* ~taer t re The. da"ry deitartment of the.lOWO State Coeeo of AgricuJture. whicb ban been carrying on experletnt foi tamt b~ a ring tu vlew the. improvc erdsluqstuluies egaduti ment of the keeplng qulities cf butter or tuberculcels ln Brittih bas nai bai diécorereti a device :bY iagyen lu a bulletin isud whlcb the desimreireuits arc succOs* '-béu of anial i ndastry. The tully obtained, "s taho Fariner' Ad- teatd wre toseebggeti for vcei. tui utalerti »î*xry tu 181nnd ",ruh, devire wilch recits luntMe cin- imb' dW.rpemi. hm entd. or pletepurfetino ash wter seo ex thej ýà ben. o, cnslvely used la ail Iowa crearncrles; :e cen, w. et rejectad n tuber- by the destruction of ail undeirable W. Thisla a baU .nougb record.g us ndbacterla veWl'r 'us.' tha ~it *crsthaneos'tl would ca ixlerapld deterloratiefl of butter lu qualityr t~w'ra tse Canue Isinti ansd iiator, la o e i.uuotbpra ffl t ramthe ceui. f an~sd aver te sU daîryrnen. [tWiIti carne direct frontthe 1 bien The. dej.rtaent, assimted by th state uni(iuriiey ui> on w a liry cemmîsslener lp lies Moines. ieit aud ibis was a deàbtui enn wlli co-eperate wtb the daîryrnenIr or thse Ouernaey a frintIrent tBint- the state te put the dettes Into prae- 10.3 pet' cent and of the Jerseys tic-il use lu tiielr ewu cresmeries. I W cei vere tulserculous. A large iliteriug plant bas been coin- à* ought toe efiectually dispose cf pieted. consistlng of a tank hoiîaiîg a kics tint a disposition te tubereu- great number of layera of upinltonles, le Iniienut In Jerseys, for lu tieir gravel, saed. charmcai and coke, e tandi Ji seems te be unknown. througiî w-iich the impure water lm Stockxuan andi Farmer. -As ta thcrouighiy tittereti. The average wnsh abri troublies we sarctvblng te water ugeti ln*lowà's creanicrica Luas e hem te tite Britiash. W.hJuie been foundta te cotaîn frein 5000 te Ta rer borne. Ail w. uecd to do 10000 gen per cuhlc centimeter. antd Sire oui cattie.Pleniy of suligi h olb.ou method for ps>nfiatloi er e- tresl air. com !un weii as warm. tofore lias heen b>'the procescf Pu"- thse dlmase w111 net trouble.lieux. teffrîmatien. wblclî bas beeu fount!vers! aeu aise asne ttee rîglu e 1w expensîve snd airnoat Impracticable. dxais et 1ehierd. andi If liere la Water taken freintsbaliow wells lD «copictou'o! danger resort te tbe varous parts cf te shat hwieb lOrat xane of àlading it out. Commun preved te ho rompletel>' Infemteti witb > pannagement. llgt asd air are these barrnfnlitacterla vas experI- isi. es-f discsocf ail klaUs. mented viii,. auà nftýr the filtration Peet Ewsry V.ws IUb.i'aiit. - hefiltrats n'as toues! toe b.cheixecit- 410M auotten ferget tixt more ]y' pure and f ree fren ail undeslrable 'blf lbe fe.d glven a cow muai go germa, as showu by chemîlcal and bac- oio*ncM Fient tus Ihere are tonial analysis. ire o liet . returus. To get a B> tihe installationuof sueit à plant lu 44'rt alukthe ratuon MuA i b. ccicrearuer>' lu thé. tate andthet .use ÉL Ë% ihat 4*117 cow lanearly of chemlcally pure u-ater -for purpoges *è big etst.Ol0v ber pienîy cf wasbluz buterjt la the expectahloix. goes ami a varlohy. er the departmenOttat lie keepînag à »eVqM C.w. qualities of Iowa btter wiii b. muci P .,eÇ ov Souireas Il., subit mproved.thonbuasavlng s conslderable e;ttta 4etPI. vas bred anti la arneunt oft cois! sterage expenses te àà* iaà b . p. zoomesenti mont- ceMDilkoa ueses hannduig butter Ir î1b asa trutetylffl o dont theosiste- _____ vone. Slipbaustruc beef .- , refe er . be i.u rdWnd leveliln The net national crearner>' sud but- ils f«-eirpe, ur ia t. LUoui ct. 20 te 27 1904, a full lu014. tmbr. e ai0% wSek'meeting. Il bas been huggetedl * *r e& hit -aevn ad .aby hmb ebn h 90,teinter- (5(. As a auiÏ*iMO14 tate and atil t ry 7coventos 90 -Snïe eed. et Mk p" b u ht an arrangemencti b. made -.laed a convention on Year tmd lhe oine assocIatifns Uic nazI. abanidpnlng t h puinal meting cadi aiternatlng 7tûs. undetieundlag veuit! tlle. thte tade of the. iurdea cft expense. Incident te holding ail th, conventIons cacit yomî. anti vo believe I veu dmeterial- iy atreagthen ail tii. dufty umocitioM The. falluro te secure (anis ferflie Sioux Fallu meeting hon demonatsti (bat 1 it Viidot beopracutblo (o main- talu (ho uimerons conventIOns If lseld annually aidexpece t ep hem tu tbriving condition. cru buiiésapractlce. ITt15fit a Mer- ... ger, bu; ruinons competttiom le te, bu eliminahet! by *an nnderahuut!ng."- -. Creojuer>' Journal inp»eovmentn la NeVA seettul. noxa"ÉIS 13,For te pai ivwo scasons ttc Nova Sctia govrnment basoperatet! a trut- vî"Wwths thé Baiocismachinealligdam>' la thaiprgvinco. Miss Lau. 4 51p Wt btter fat. ra Ronslustructýr lu tb. bomne dairr, -puillisai 8lSUt. cOitltinU- t the Ontario Agrlcuitrai clleo. Imt er(sa tae y O, . Béit ba rge ef th beWrkis. tie vershW& Y' orwoveidai tsfetu.ato. atItithIa a-, bat W« xDTa or' *fi twoftraeilng dame« art luaopera- tif 02 ts 110,iti.une tu cbarope cf mI..hae 1sud hieothr lmchrgehi ar iWt-.Noie At hItSZ45 TaiS lodS s la arneraandt the wirvIes are euaOà8»WOlbP te eehlogtbe iest trainng lu ths la UM tuna* det aagemenot e i.bornedulry (bat dmet1141onP. mbattne Ontario «câuglVe. - *imeoftw e0*84 e hampion. - ff t U heda n- -à biii«g bs ilé t as tanIUse ta iea1pee a les oteliay- the moelers for ,t«etty-tour 0 -"àtisastm atise* Motier. lais  t aoo» tIlasstUrnes a dta o i tp,orav@B day iy auftua wthot have uMt caltes ku bath baisota tot fai att 1 o«IW foti thvaut(veut'y ne. adl:la 1. e :,*_,Xue aitnom1Jà tat e MuSUaifor osa te beecome alt it i _ I»WoPMta rde.tix e uis.! ivP e diinbut 1l=tead »r jay hip t dy, »p4 e tegtve purscoeid vater n. ue bothle W ýor eTwar ddk Utleanti If thé, caffl'stndigt1elovafe è, t tb iýthé. l ed 1 akethe beati agporlb. wmier into tii. r &Mmb t dy wtb gglob4 e-vas ton veais te stai. A& 1 gave ths nt au rne tp ted by-,is>st.àA aler t m ta back eut, of bis Ments Mà1ip sshéna " ttiase un no ticedt (aht Santemeratur. «rt -*aagh tor tise gr#i vesis - arisi eenuZlderlyu. 1persereci W* b4'ort t r t mmoua UutIl ho *ailoved valSa un W aM ru tA ebondibout Sai vec tr pu«t veIl. .1 bave hbai calete lk bdomme W ,ite Oov-Tba«ms alla lu icS la oxtremely c.014 vesher. but, Wiesa Àrleunst . moud the sanie treatint ltii goi ai»9W t es Weesuee. 1 have saved i mévery oie- ~i s. te the latt coMug et tb enues cses ati think 1 am'-vurranted respIred lk th ise oisetpointu lu iecemsiting t(le itreatmut. thse Omuney cz-Govemrua K«g 'nie.. 1>wvan& cleau. eI t tie rscsut meeting o! Uhc Do >oui hast (o miSSe tselune uroqN WWIMs n9sMr Cattie club tiat- wbicli fieceira mut cotete e $. ts- ami e~OCthes.iiont aonfnicul bis t mlhkng tut, dry anti dean. Cgwt- goèqlu tb&e liai.ne nid lhé -t u c ledo net se>' v adlng Ibron ugi me e »*wbo b ha.id acnlice tirond *foot deep, and i tat i oveil for t ii,. W" t vion<pratest -againt ccv cinfort. comtfortable ceira 5v. prt% ad bira ntd tihe mcl.115M. andt t Vt bicb la rileli ".t a m o«MWt tenom eadu edoIblsg gClsnfetafedevr týM'*WMM4 lma n'Ve l ç Iaont bu a e utOb nt ef FARM COÏ4VÉNIENiC£S. 4 po.,k verotbhsedded.d eO-Au *mollir Hasdd tsb*ÏP Tiamgb*. Anicng coavenleucesfer tmm UWe40- scribes! lalie OioeFamer luat.e ha>' fotit tor' badllng sitetiàdet!or eut.ted- dcr or chtiff et all kînt sibcwlu (In h* Illustratilon. 1h la matieetfhaitInch tuf fer tUnes. Ttc boas! lao e nche square atuf. Theo pleco titat gees under lie Ues ttehls!the nouhe icbondIes lu ene-balî b>'oeaIncht. Bore boit Inch A IIANDY 1055.1 bolles hireugb hlie ins!ans! round of[f the Unes te it; ftes naît o ospiece1 esili taillter aide et lie f ie, se the. la 41,~ î ches of sporce beweentheii tire plecea. Tien tanti te handhe on ovrîtise lieus! ans! nter tecrosialece nuisitliai lit. ent s otels (ost In.tlic siull.1ii1 lu thi.et entdflf litnatile wmies 1hgee uodon*tlse ere aspiece. Tii. intile lat madcetraniirow sft-tp cf bout-s. la (ha journal ncationcti s correspond-' ot msya: I snti yen the plan et s eep atrough 1I enstructi vict lau ensluy cices! i ben a quarter tirnuo endci c-aesil>' b. rolies!about'te uÜse taè dry trosigi by lut-lng snme eue- feurti ut as tinaie. t use a plain board tbintoca Inebles vide, gangoti icngtb- v.is?1ti.theconter o ottax side&. SIX Incihourda are thonnasIles! on. on oaci aids tlutg thie lirai bourt backs et lhe conteranen.(eshgoscanel> emlng tatetc lin,> andI nallîng Il lit-ml>'; lie ciier I st teck, of tiselUne ou tsepposite ie t ofe o ard, thet'eby getlng t-cern 1 drive tse naiàlin flic second bout-si. soIiBt-ml>'; Usqu taie et-oreàstoto 14 kIhsquare pleces et eue Incht board. Divlde*théa niaigluquall>' ail areunal at otii ormor eige oet(lie treugb andi Bail securel>' le te 01itai. 1 For inie use, la stotta, etc. I itaug ai c l egtbeve upiktigirpoStB viii ltou p lit set tu te enter or tise endaoetirougisase tefie>' eautodre. .t bore a second bote lîreug t lie Peut Os' uprîgiti atout six tarîmes abovo te cen. ter or axis,.ilion bavlng lie trengla In position. 1 bore fireuglt the asatiet «çb fhe tfour(rUgih euntensua >jORPing the biu th alé oteI.te up-1 riglt> nad !tutmi aeb trougi go il te level acta..lISetiges. lua(bisaisola a masisu PMi ta basaifftile ieep us'j tzougis treý (arumsvisen ktise. Ti pua je remired (*turni tise to a"ma neplucetta> a"in astim I Ou.r«« tb reae li'U. giuiurai cMI- loges are aso f ltiiti studanu et botta ses la becauat tbiva*UMa et fies.leIus(tlguqssare net 'matcie kuomu, Oui sgnleuturil laea lëam a i .(hqmiidle at.send. salg de lIttIg Iut"andvientisng sithét lu thie newspaporaor lk other maya.I tla1 au open secet fatthie* ymt attend. anc. miicist of (b.egreat unîtes- sittesa bve l S e etoelie auastueus mWM Stisais Jautionu are cutautl>' liilusgtaioic ts .t. la aile camsa (b.>' eouuImlaiosaor mots ropreslenfa. tives ta osusteaut i>'liit the - tlgtý obeetsand brspratoay Intittutions ta. tel is e tdftc .about th ustetl> asdtib Pt h tm lntceshe lu aIls voiS. Auagrheqjtai collaège tiat vI -%"et a moe O t w la" aien ses. Unes«an "Yal>' ue more studeitte (baulih eaui aecosmetiato, and wr. héltst tisai evet-y eue o!r(4owoInsftittonsabouti- ho lentn (o tta sexes.Tise sa bave as ma"ni ilts as Uic boys tgu a t. col eiucatiou.-Aaertea ApilcUttuIt lai Tiers are lots eaofSls irbe, drIve1 ose mho trots-tiI. herses 4tonbhl. ý, ,i Juathé aboultions anti nmrbrins, On pralysIe-afhes tertes ant mscles. It masnkittise (tieS.is as!" ai the Saes. 1Let a boisas hava ie onwn uay 0 IIBuvsUI *O$r- LDIN0 GOOD SOADS IN MAlaSoi COUNTY.1 *iippwlp*the, »bwaya et lb.eDMo- porlty-4is Sisabi. veiai .2 tP- eagi laotar 4Jmeëaese *bout hevIe r»soneilathé, Suinty ce m5d5ss.,. p aalyses&auil vas byit' >aefféftot var, about a ti-04 mm, asi4the liorlhbiee canltiot of "ugathotn .homes devut(tti »oi turnes!ove to.i1lmrance sud pôverf y, sav Ut sodaqibinibai te ho 'done, salti Charles P'. Laune la an addrffss.do- lItoee before the national goond reads çoynvetiott. We oesuidsee so ntlung olso t'o de but ho belit tiree aipties, se.a canipalga wa S auguratati. We wont itb Ibis groeM~palg nd tt!lte le«is laturo paum«*.,'bUl previdultE fer tic iauance-ef $81OOQ lu bonda. We went -botoro the epeople. W. bati la iny 'countrythat,,can icit cali Itueif ,the. ceuserratire clan," meu Wite de net IMuate oimprove. I eau them "ýmuzIe lodeWs."Tbcy belong te lia dend pet; tise>'do net want oui innovations cr changea; tbey fougbi us; suntut thse fraitfait ticy-bentus 1,005 vo-es tefore tie people. Thativas lu the fait, wben the ronde vene gond. W. Imuirndîtely vent bitIs tie Aia' huma lêglslatn1'c sud obtalurd sanctions for enotber electIon. We tie tien lu Feitruar>'. aud neyer shalh 1 forget thât campafigu, matie oî on' lebactt ever hbis aud bôtterna, ins! betore Oetober andi Novenube tbersaR a nchange et senti- ment troTa 1,006 votes agoluat us te 1,855 voie$ for frac pikes. We issues! bondusud w. put dovun thé pikea. Wè d l filu rather a crude wOy nt ijie-atit, but w, leannes! ns we vent sleng and a w. gatheed cipeni- euce..Anti vien vo bat!litulît about s hundred tlles cf pike a bevi vent op inaiison enunty titat vas beard fret tihe Tennesse mounitaius te lb. Tennessee river, demnndlng another tiundrstd mlles ef pie' andi 1 bollev anotlior $123,000 or "15,000 bas beon Issedt tebuil i nother hundred i mles o! pîke. And nov vrai vwis tiihe sICiTouYe ea stait fio4e -i.beautiful anti bis- toile city et nuntavile tetiay-tben, mark >'on, (hea baibut about 4»00pee- sarcely an>' nortboru mon thers at a»l. uni noe witepeopll ived, ln théecoun- "try-you eau sien ont iodai fron thta beautifuni Utile r.ty and go ou ena geot country rond, liseè Miloeu pIS., anti if yn ma n ds!a biler paicb lu ten uilas fjom, Hluntsville I wiii, agio. ta nst tebiler.Ail aleng that rend trorn HuntsvilletoteMileu, a distace of ffteen miaes, thors arc beauntul homes, tefoncestralgbt, barnus painteti and au air of0generalpiosaesrlhî anti cvlisation prevalls.' etOui>' tbnt. but wo se grenU>' kereae tise taxa- hle vain, or Use piolseity of Madison tht ve pai off ltosbonds anti 1 remember vbsn as a muid vo vwers luth ti mr tint tise horrible rondO 5111- ai pore borou " malues tianaoui gun. 1h vas at irlbldestruction. W. do nôt vaut anyspnieawar-eed m, li-wb± evad O,.want geoit.rads. anti easy transit.' W. vaut 1h itecas the peple arc entilethaIit. w vnt It because ht la onv duty ho our people te, buildthferoais.It laeonet Oui>'oui priviiego ta do il. but l la oui duly as civilicet!. progressive men. When 1 aes (ho prosperlly cf Use tova 1 thinis ibis prasperli>' vIti e tnuliliea b undret Unes t>' the n ofei the i rralprecinets. a"l vbsu ny thia 1 do nt SgCOttofon.- giy fane>' acheol techlg thoor>' about t-lt OaM TheseiMa te gt Ibat moaq la b> a bMa4 isne. anti tiglp tur zoaita- ts eSuters ef coninUies mliii at'Ue.n out Yo eau jet sloltai 111, 4 o 5 p« eent o o geai odufor twentti ySsuant ituli 700?r radi anti. greti'lacueiossejour (mails, tatas aud, s. gtcmtly utuwt ttilelle it(at Ton Wmt scaicsly tlelhé9expense ef patins thosbonds. Vb57 viii IlqilI- date tbe.ua . mA Olukg ( un" yu ou o th lautasti ain suant M th*ebonds. n 1h pfflthie n Itad me oeunty. Th*t an- e dopa.'If Madisanon t>' c» de i% wbicannot 4 eeuty lan, mesonrlt aine or Van. issaido Ih? CSdoadiats viii eâoise Urne andi rse klatranaportatloli be vlen minim .Zumble-(armm sto taire dtuntage etf I arietOctuatloss lk buyl«_sg ais»I. lag. rwmft tnspomttigu otfipi rou." uct &M purciaaa&,Ouùno4dlliss iurJi times of comparativ isiure .. , Reduce veuarsd tsar on borns, bar. aful anti wbidet Paissance the mret vainsetfreamite. -Sè of r e nW»'PM bi ave in- offlsatamreuiak*bJe Mialatuseb cgbsiunt et wrand ties tiellvery. ve ue sesByedall' pipera taien ena .western rote Ws bb1h vactai-. liUsbdi nom (lie number le tztuliyie . It le Mi athes.Pe qbes Otmrh tu thé ontabulahment er , t(.se. de. "y>, bile ail.udmrikon.2 »y n ltaI 1 love tiMa." replies tise, lifrit, 11 love anti trust hilm, W.e came. hors te tgsSyen te îenni7 us; nt rlgitt -,à-à a vay, bull we vOiteti te ialk i over it Mesed tho b.the rman'situte apeo aitdi oià uwltes!fer biis woode. av DsOWAm. fhSLBNO Sioe.signea!with boives!bond, hlits c upnstheo ilor., Becoeîiîg rOU»t4it-Inset thie silence, hie lookes!fsl), osps't a'se. -h C5eaow . Ifah '& "q an glsidtai yen tire itsrP." ho g, als. *0f couOyeyU nrsnt RU Ber. Wiliiah. Brownu laid usi.e la net anomasea." tiemu is peu ains!brusheit the ' Weil, 1tabutiîtithink it hwtis't." l'e' beàiâto eut et hua bruits viii spondll tic minsiafer, iut a lasîgi. "4Z ltbe bsbns c-onsa bis *"Yen, boiter tiuian otitern ccu 'tOreited stie . bekes! Up aet theservant tell me viter 1I he usrîglit te 410 standing letoi'e dm. thîs" sgais! aleue.1"i hove bolla ier tise "Wbo une te>'r' lieaitses!.truti, ond t! liisite olits!couie te sic -rh. young lady la Mise lieudersne nd tinlre la tiselheme tint i bava bout. replies! tiseniais!."The mou 19 a stran- iBut t emunet glr. banrîy naine. I an ver.',. .- 1 1yknoewn'here as mertln lit-oi ad Mu lt . lg I« B ndenson," ropeutet h le ciar- t tIn e tleho se knev iCt1 , gyran. 'f lis- iorigt' "Nov, le'x consder iov.fl thetsom - ".Ym A.ir.' stands." sani Brown briaklY. "Yen? "*Anti yeuntui Ioa te mua?" t-saccornes bock tu me. but nct >'oun ,*No, ir, thoug Iit seus htue lhet tface. b>' the vs>'. It-sali> colanut se. Ive reen hlm." thte most casaint eemblance., Ilomev- "'Asit tibu te cone lu," saidthle cher- t-r, lei ns proceosi. Ttc warden toit! ose gymiat. ti slt about yen. le saiat! niyenbat! tie hastil>' set la ot'ter lie papers strucis a nian ln the hoat et a qudarret witi n-hied ils denté va.s trewn, îlîink- wluis yeur liandadji t th a vsp-' lag pleasantly itrau-lile ofbilabse on. Ttc mna'meat bore nedt! iledt 11eadenson. a plutky.girl mite upon. ber 1ieurs Inter froinite cffests o!ftis Ov tutier's deiltbboa!taken lts businesst exetement sut! ma>' eans aet liard ln baudd 5l ias! uult? a living ont or' t!ninlg. Tia's tte tact la the mat-- it foér tset and!lier youug sinter. ter, ns tihe vartieti ld anti as 1 came As Nlilasqleudenitsetred slii s tudy te iscleve atter a bilet lnvetilgatloii. the tîxîrîlter sheppeti terwrnt!iti cs- lYeu mu>' rememiter titt1Iwasthie teîidcd litnand u(o fr d seoisiad*puces fOr oui>' afeir veeksa s!hen >'eucame. W -ls oetititl iit làgneettng bb ictneAsuIsoit!, Yen truck ibIs moa. lau lie turnes!Ilis talnces lnber canipanlon. ver. ilarnable, ne douit.> Yenu>'a lis sow ia reiutama o! tiltîn yexrs havae wed some relaratleanaden WIth sîreng, clear eut face anti brîi,;tueticlava. But te convict yen etfu>' bilu e ye«I tisemtue. rvid becnse et terasiOfetoitoncde wvasmOnsurons bl bis sun bremnet!skaî.Vlew of thi elul ltestlion>' gliea ah Mrn.iBrovw n wi l'otig l l am aht; be i.trial, andut! lnever conula have teexi vas a rapiti, sbanp Observer o!bils tel- donseiecep tisai te. ma ln questions Ion-s, Tien, le hl#ii put surprise, ville wat a pliticlan et tise ParI>' tisa ail Misa Hentierssn vas utter-ng tîte f t-t powertul lu tisai rit'. 1i hlIik tint tise n-ords et introduction, he siîw lier t-ne tety teilin ibis commuat>'anti trient!grnw pale and eagge' but-k. bucisaib>' ne coutiburt yen uut ile. strIkiug the dean, wvilc closes! behIlut!Wby net malle a ftrns éland? Rexsmne bim.vlti s ionas enas. yeur eva nome, bestow.1tuPon ibis "Yen!"li.ect-led. "Yen!" svef anti exemplan>' >'uig iWonsani Tic minuster 'vas neupluae- cti;it.ceîti'eho lian touoeaiyen ihibsnlove. malle noe esa ai lie menulng eft tua Tell the plain trutb" t- scell. Wite. i. sto&î salng the ;tri Stoe taliseds! i baud te cieck Us. steppes!]hbocki '1ma11>'antIi ld a haut! mînishen'. utterauce. HiI.pallie ioira -iil --- - tun.bseiih hecbt-ote.. "Menioton," ee xcinhnied., "wbtai hi Jlarn a fugitive." sali ho. "I tergef fi athe t'Y tbat yen mlgbt out isnev. 1i Sapeti 'lTtec capinin o! tise priseo . -- i'aronstht rue ae( iai"o i plisti. apeakilsg vlhh Oatespeotte clD xias- liho se mya ous for m a. to "i1 do net cetupreiteut!" nid BItwn bavegaayusît* bscniio Anti bilft baud vas.pressodagainat vas usntanmd lb.>' contiemned lta bis orctea lua va' Uai as iliteh saon eb 'era, te deut Is bdeot! fer hé abistic lrn. "Cwy hat lahs har-bas told mae that ho coutli not bave actéistc o hlm l'hapal»? Yç 1tiva! e olong. vux once chopiain e! a pt-ion rnnny beestviqIolet."asi aillas frntmbere -alnoist tihe misle "Ihiesl 4ti 1«rda4d mlti te b.continent.%Vers you-did Sioenu a firai voite..-My beuithina 1 kueir yenustera?" alipping aira>' sa ater runs tbroligh "Yen wmlironiembet me presUy'" susak linera. en thesenéhreime- nIld the vLIiter ln an even tle. ' IoeiS~me oeae ae tlrovn'a puse.bta!bee t buse. IRe r.andsit1h as eisuce-I teck 1h and step- th of fnt'vIch boiaibeen I wn C lot.g'as!tie' clergyman. format-s. lHe ubok bisheat!.oluel. 1I h- ave. s e mntoetyen," - y prownfey. saI!, ues (oTite rnlister sut dom uopnaa mcere 111 "I. ko a h prison au ,John ofbiliaei sud toit big bauds nont- The Image et s pals. uanriw shbout- lautuste palm et ils. other. dorai youth prsmatnrei>' irrnkiet ui.t- tcolmeuanet seti gyoie.hon. ou the terebonti and! hoglnnhngtg b. ofltcaut s1Us u an> ga ot! core. taelifaueuta p loolise ailitW@ 'Fo hs akr se- iaBn 'li Io net possible," id ho. drot-sn quickly. "I tuv Iletia haittnllIt elce The clergyman'. face f nabot!, 111sohayem," reaonit Slien., "rut aa For rn>'ova, 1 suintoée.1 raid ho, thos dys, repoed Sone I*irz un"bacause ibis secret militâtolebra a ctle'« heriar for a 'filent! o! mine n. vise di nt drive me tee tard anti me.*' inter as a frut gromor upon aM>'ownu 4ttho iottldib. et. tIa bouid Cit.l>' ars gsusifort>' ponada of hé 555hdireci> melit nt bas l&usd lSvis" roQ buton teh(le trufl. et wêb. boli ie (bcS ma>'tat aov cors."sali Stone. "Wb ilsultiex lbd ferhei-"lint Iuni tise"me mon tstin cl. fer aU that" 1 " mIss!the va>' t of taI C-Md "Mo foyc'e.suhi Ie fot, asoxprencesbauseve hlitoeme," Druv, miiitiecale; t?>' at laue t im mai14 more balIîg te théemini. -- - yet aotltsgme conpsop mte thie otservU(a& bas thse vortluga efthe luir irsi>'fItes'> urneio,tis vents! muet dean>- iU(otéuie ill seciet tisonna«. tise tnswm tIo l i muet t lisly t ho reeiWM i.' ~~ "~ "Yen menti dissuad e at-.UenT' sal - "I de nt su>aigo" irasthse reJoliet. «antiyeh- "Whit la Uic vort(ah eeuhId ap- Pou?, nid Mollet.*"Let um ilaS et Usai. Suppose theo0 oes iro wveta -telle bin tck mare standing la fia - roem iting for hl=m. la ;u. hkk -- Ust 1 onlt!uehisaep my vord toi im? Da yen fhil a bsuli net ishi te b. bis vite?" Stan. i trew, bis art kiIsulaltel>'r *çrosa hen aboulio nud crusiai liber clostobdm. «IV lou a lre er et lu. sli fie subsister, *"11bats nemmts es>. Mat-, r>' lami dmgy flaibleum Yeo*oi. Wsndo Yedesire thie aemeny' "W. boaipiannei.lt f«r a eeis trous tods>'," responeti1i tom 1114oTua sa ehilld anti a f ewo. e! berr ses leis mil corne euh te ny homse, ýwieie soet timple preparations irliho mnai. for the enhertalumsent oe. (b. Party.'. W. baoti .tbgAt yen mgit cejas mUs teiset. *41h mOUlgve me great pusure,"li Mr. Bromu. extaudlng a baudino oaci. Theeoxlrimdnar>'caseofsJohnbatSie lm Aw Y't7,"lu l*m Wenexi tiaydoitHa vas reaituiet ft bae rod m«M.ý f.Set L, nlud, ev ia orillas b>' a ai'U oe boutinoeron ilam youiu1et- spMotheti.prettlest peares tramuso thé.*or% B InVut wpastus batfair dteas aoup. Thase oe>eilngs' F'ou km,. John <i1ký Otfkihd utieàibis deamS,and hbe mout ettes '1 >wIs trul> i = Oillê osfi" tiiosmit 4ttarng ai Useni vhle a again. a w«rptlsas . ' ' rnt varions t bera of tli revixsled îlts allDame-i peosndat-t stii> 15 smmbaitlu lt* tset Afésiýfli muid jtleugbt tisaiî h o ue hé enaal, but elle aiwa e reboi ili evnvie atsr r . ..... ,9enes btheie otttrany. lIt. P3romu t.li a coniderall 1 ess, thc ttetr isuoi peints lu the descipion e MW seed aiteunggbt W semaee irtu meut out a nm-ba lquite& a u lng bis ovi fo11>'nsssm'mille, sm the ora m a t-sai>'oecaote? b lie carne hock te Mbs m0ooWtW titnon n ati dlofti 1, but #IWe moe saunxiona. l-bli--stuY lbe $011» lM*hol fletidorson als."hIM niaisaI bock upen blis Isari Ahitii. S àlisupes ut lien., '5onie oneislansber- lmtt gaspe'a. "Morton vas lua0M>' tore 0" sai thc man poisa, a detectita freu tbb The clergyman ni tievu ln thce eata b>' bilsdesis, an Ifsesmthit gCouli * Lto 1cav-* s Alme as Sira doue (bers, mu if ube familial er Sn- as! 1>00kacouit gite bims snteadules. "11e bas iteon bers," ho sais!. "Us lis coulag buek, i knewmlit. Tiie girl rua paie as deahis. BShe 1»W tomant!biba. lier agenacesecisi-te* but-n hlm itbi l» Intensif>', "I titouglit hit 1 conli ter, i'lI abc soit!. "bunt 1cau't. i-i1meti ld i (bis iman Iftil:venit ate Meton. "Yen imuet net speai Hâke (l.' ap e helb clergyman. "Have cern'. Rage irenglit. Seois If me lu suay. et. vays lie touas!." "Il la net seitucaslume," b. efslO us If tepeing an accusation. "1h mp511 ho neoasat-y tint ire sison ld aI e lu thiI. atlebee".Tii. sin wird oat e reet uponMynI>'elalone. aIsI, y" cannot atvse"- lIes Impatience coli mot bear.1ltl queotug. Site cnesti ubishlm i panifng, shastl>' pale,. tarfng Ilai st111 ais. ilperet. "h cnu«otobli li.e*i. mmente her va>'vi eq.s "Rush?' sise inieti. raisa leS- vannint ban& There *as i rap mWS ta' tica o-,e tc muid opeum t, "lihe* bers aql&». sa& mid Mr. BMWoins14>i8s retcd.but- 110 Muni came-eut oet*tIai.us esil %tep lstise hall. ne aumo tu ta ~- nam lt. fie mus mu aiala i kigt yem do?, Thée mpventibmlorda andt os mare idîculeus. anti be SscILf. s b*, ati apaseslI an auloniagat. rf - **Ab. Mr. romu," al fisvumr 'Mploetittu e remmuieum& , Must b. aurpriseti teassela*er Tiiclegymn as noidLbsg .àaw~ lcahy. Be ibati taien defia.-# the tas upmsthéedut kanSmg0g*1l kog (héMI'u bis WloihaL -N dreamiie fane>' (bt uiiif bemit e9 Maiel Renieras-,l' " -I bivcaminuteta uiqe. Cliforti. '7s(! emulit agis cia et@ut ns>'u.A 11(11e mOllir mus-.boght 1. ' Petind 94 u Settied it xvl* bt batlag tet yen. We sot wrtsetia i 51e Morion BrookIIngbes ua loba StOes.Wvoebrei jul anea ?'Mrs ugo,, Ivasseauita fa 'y. usm Brook tfiamnn ClIffSa't,"unidIt'sagil of. He i007k an>' more litJolis $tom,,- "i bave mess f imas several saui 0i lergyman, peukinlg an t artait diicuif>'*,asti 1 >Po Minutes Jeter tlie ma euat bati aoueï, suda vsepmaq bersat i lis ulsafsfit. b lit baud. 'w erotot 'qbbt* da tl s&