CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1903, p. 7

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Lders. wlth un and sbould cunt 'with Ion as weiI am every brwd purebsue. W. haýe £a opid .upply ot the pflet, fr~seaip ysetw l twn suad the. pre.i right too -:::~ Yot will alwaysfilnd a comploté lino !f resh and malt liii t Our MON lu -mao.Pies are rlght, eoliant, ,With'»ood quallty TRIGS &TA VLOR, ,ertyville ç ~ çs ~ ~ s ç ~ s 1lios r r, r iii ir - DARBV BROS,q Removed to. Proctor B' -s -i-h --s --s -es --s --s -sa .4-s -e -r' Libertyville, 111. AA#1A A à- Cali andi Se~ Our. WewiIt have in our store for'another week tthe finest line of car- pet samples ever dis- played in Libertyvilte. Prospectivepurchasers must corne early as the samples witI positlvely be shipped, back in another week. ft MOIflstSui y 1771908,.et J ,aelle. 70 ONEOAGO. OMpA . oumo*mutvMNow Depo. ArltVo a% $W* rDepot. liN .. a.lita. Mn........uaM16 n No. Ob M. 0 . . ,. ..... f;mié. fl. 140-..$ie l........:ls06 M. M- ..... oriu1-u. ......t.... 3: P. M. P, mi. rep ........ 8 . ....,. * a. t l. S. .....4:2 P. Me. OVgIfLa143 Ii.... m 004..........:8P. I. ' .... i 8:8 .0 ............ 8. s07 I:IuUA. 81. U7 - i... :B........... :l .M roe.Brt Pi,' 0W dD*pot. wLu&. Its ai. A. ri....... o P. i. :m ..........10P No. ...~..*iS. .........ID la .... Ion*p.............U Arrive 6 0 ept Let besin. "ove LbertyvIlie. ...... 9mee ........... 10:43 a.flM. .... :8 0 p3O.LU. .1...... O4:O0rP. l. - l i i P. m. .......12..40 P. M.... m . . èa. IM. 11M IlP. M-..... 120P.U lin.: Héeen ltsoml eandulcuglter 1-orCul uWtHtmias Bilie, of LmL'roim, Wis., are g"-te 0of i4rcrial coai)nnlt»nofii John leason nditfenily. lidgr-A. F. citA . d ~a492 S-hturia. *Wirt Wrght removedU)taChiragr i tis iglt. Fr.-lîîwruft lUViteti. we.k. Couiltt stand for the.ii- lu- At thi- litzaar at thetowtr l to-niglit veulent -train servi-e iîri.tii- h, Bw upîe-r wili lin.serve& iv 1indi-s tif tih. ictdtii.-' PuîtecrY ausciation froii .î1. lu,. tin. Win. Wairrind hlia e du.rrrcunetr urt liani tirtai.your ibipir tn- hi@ sut«r- thlew eek, and a 4uh of hot -A mnilt lt boy iaby a.îrr îtkm.n colite ,l urvcrt ail wîo -iljit ti Iv Mrm. T. Ferîuttir.frni niu(iiirg convînci- that ltei's in ae goel ranir. institution, ide iedBtanrhru .-rmigi At the M. E. <-litrcli huiîay lr froni effet--te iof a ruvre trild. lIktrblinn lutint, i<ring wiii rarmider Diirhy Broc. uiouaed lui t irjriuw Hie eecoui Batitrade "Tue Moîînr.rm.* ' iirre il te PrNM-sr himk li.tir ln tht rPering lie ill ile-ies tho soif i e-ru have an fillu lé n-.- itli irf "Prîbliii ofib d itf Eul' te-au lient, gas lbt ani g.îiurnIi Hereeter eand until furtlmîr notice moeraice. Aeeii<r Camp, No. 387, R. N. of A. wy mi riaMpÀ±t bs sgî n gnor intet the fret Thnîutu i-,vnng andthte- expresCompany M dFrai Ali-nin third 'Thuriay a fie-roon (icatii mnti. agaiinimuulfws' ghai (À iîls- loc" MemberePieaseebear l inuiiii. lmeu- Mr. licAte , nîntcitiline hie mih& Davis are exiiitimig thus ginerai itliensebuinumi. a'eek a large tarir-tv of carlietseaiipiee Sîperirteîideit ApldeY ii... king fur a lntendiag pureblasr-eshorild it ke tue-r gx onsbim for e brtgt temy, niii.» et the eletiOn iIn the udut fi-w daY'e &ls the Couty Farmi. Ili! inuit le- si ixeicm the seniples tyil lw e- turuit ini anotls-r littie ieliow le lu the rwglt band Irwefore wr-rk. e-1-i. lie wiltCoutent to let tilu. go. Dr. J. L. Tayvlor wits at-compaiie u i Dan Herrek l-f withumsiilerttîitatff Chicago Moutcy fa' Dr. Galoway t le- tht- langut w.- bave saen, ai tieir se treatfd fur a panful carlrimitle. 1t was lu no way m-trate frouir-1w jiîlity. liii intentioni tr ubuit tri cui opertilon, Tue-y wouiu mim, for exiitinr ire-, but pbiiet-iis et the Prfly tii<anmd might pui fur pumnpkiim. '. hospitai deemneit it uneeseusry, thougb j m&idi n tu-ieile nmiiiiin-iiring ,Ldvissd that lie itay a f-W dtys that pat angoitigwti ie-rt t they uîlght botter tu-et hm. He la Ioctiag lu LibiertyvWUe, andmitiw r.-osi gtting along nioly. ion ai îletainiing City wati-r i-n the une Bey. John Davis, of Sandwich, ]ILi, stumbling ilmmk. We trusmt tiraitarly brother of W. E. l>evi, ani] well kuown npring willi ie tiareuinovm-îi ln Llbertyvillu and bis iioyhalhome, Lt thie.bayesr-epaie-r Sitiirlmy niglît Dtacuoud iAko, llu naeCiiuaihomital that waatou demtrumtion mof rmmferty le 111011P reundrwent a deikate 1t9I otte le- trlorai-uI ten o arrIielîweun. fior r-mayai aifgel atone.whiicb lie Thér- e carot differimietwer-u witbiatdwtlifortituite, eut leon the. innocent fan cind uniewiiriltm-. Ke ruai t tat-mpli-f rr-vey.the hfiletii îîiuilaite. We have ahl Uic latenit aritiimuts for Dd o ign rI),ii elfr phoit.os lnail ss uat surprn id o iigii îrlmr.iigaw-I o pris., Cali auy We-tteday ut Bu.- ythe îîîoll rr'rutmr wtmirk e$V'teq-~are blîuck. C. Beswitx. advertied foîr in, ti. isse.e. A-rering A new Du-boIt saie eas instaliedinluthe toa W14-lt mirvertiwmm-iitui ut iîlpear Fint National Bank thie week. .hi leactlirtwei-se.amoiti tut-mmittrill 1wpsiliil.- jute miteýl ant il fmodern ingenuuty e-a t ycvritthe ritret maid h*in mark rnake it etu, inIturgier 1roaf. AÀ sale Su fer w e-- v- îîmt Ina icdiacît4ied eitllin a sfe le-t diteerilie. it, hcviug a ctiluiir itor ur 1 Umtt-.L-t ie tmîkmý triîîletimecloi-k. lteiiirthemuney it4,o tite r. amy W-ituîini. iite liklmty E o . . w a m e- m u k .i$ i e titre- evy' steel ilummrs ea-bh lving jcomintaiuilole-t, cuit titting wtîh bonnesa ioiSte-wart A untiit]rnt ii tntmf a nlcciy wîiehu precludes eny posemilitv tawn Jamiii-.s. % r. Johntmam, umf of exploiive* lx-ing uni-mlwitli î.ieît. un,;-Chcaiiwiil riir t.-rm tb itUMîu- lme e l ilei. land is niîrritrmig i..t ilY i ît * echi- iarnmy m>iHarfra.tiim h, retu-titue cident tA hie beuggy. He ilent tui a te-ar- li. hanse, the occupant of whiieb happened tu le-a $wedeu, andt aek4if lie rouit bairrîîw a inqnkey-wn>tiieh. He wvias toiiiitlItdltii reeethe îîîîîî:î'.îîg1 :-ply: "No, ay got c ccttle-,raiirl.r; nia liitler. Oie, liai a horme-rari.l; Nem Neisuin hla hiog-raeîh bide ic- -ofer; anîd a Yankee felier bla a mliveup.ruiiî-l but 5 mile do>vn de road; but &ay bet nu fliler bool euougb to mtarta iiîomkey- mach in dome country." The auicalrr gitan b.yLibertyville pupilsq! i- uBon* .le Weiy et iion i-lircb Tuuedcy rvenig did iiot attreet the attetideuce !te ierit warranted. Eceli ruuiher wae armdeml i amuuanner doiîig reiit ti the fte-r ac-m weil arr pupile and thome lres-lt wer&- grratiy pli-amAtr with the prograin, wiiml. ta e- rleîueard ext Wedntm-ieda vtning Nov. 4 et the saine plat, wlîen it le hoîewd a larger cut4im.î-r- nl greet thie partiiimto. Our citimun ewilt erai witiiiatimicetion that iu tihe very beuer future. irobably Moiiiay, cars on thueica-etrie rondt are tu lie operated byeleiitrieltv, aid a haîf liour servira luauguiraed,*cemîîruîaîîsed. Furtlier wu e aOXPeet Clummmer, îr wiiîfrr care, tri Tepaetâle o ncenow lun uâe. They are duaidediy uiioeifortable these Chlly fubil days. But %%l are flot firiiing fault, di#Wuethe coînpany hlic maitainedthieserviethiey hâfve unit.-. dltllcultise that aiiouid inspire gratitudel on Our part. However, wr- are preparc Xi tboroMgbiy appreciate the- change tht- wil no* §bdmieItpossible iti riike. for thi- botter. G.ll. - Libertyville, Illinole. SGIIANGK UI.4ht %ldng!pi plant' have iwq II ii prgreffl ai, wcck. Tise additioîîal i ..jin i îtplacean rd the- additionî Writir. ,U9iîîî. rooni hiîieh.d, alth<iîgi lw Il.- je-rt riirrand dynaniîo have not arrivei buit a iii bY tiMineUN i j lin ains or ej istallattion. Hiiuna sto)lîjoîjo rbI, wJIs taloej.ij- witli utîptlî.ria ut T. 1-.iîîutter't hoeik- but week âle proVîllg raptdly and la-,r case te fot now seriotig. A quarantini- hma linaniaintitii;àt the Feneutter boine froîn the tirst. and HUbre le no appr(alieu8einOuof tjletliwemuue spreauliug. Tliurtsdayeuveiiig 1îrmxt le tii Lwl- tte annual Ermterîî titai- banquet, ii year in ileathn üiiiatîii,- ptore, whii, r m tu lie î-iered for th. îmutriioe. Ladie mi Lakeide Guwiiery Aseiatioii un- îuu serve. It im an jvidafiair. Cai-r,. for 125 are ta 1w laid. Berrington Bnîe., F'rnk cand Cliarlq., have pamhiueed oa[i arrY Baies, Ilite î'iiik route, cud alter Nireliiber 1 ili l)m-- duct the lusiiîesr. lleirtng their owui dair.y tbey are ire-~l to W furuiilitti- bet o!fîiilk t il tunile.liides thit "eartie heliga very iiaterial utvaiit lu ,uany other wîy.Mr. itoleebhum warked up a splenidip1atronage during the tinu lie lias i t ltiliuetueee, lir lia eaine tri b.-one- of eaiiiderale îiir- PL) tanua- F. BAIRSTQW MANUFACTURER OF 1 Marbie Granite !iii)IÉNT8. DUe0~YlOk4. Covro~oudeucr- - eshioltet. gwd aâ'new, vwhkib1*e Wtl .91*-a t ,> bmargaiti. Sic ils ii.dnm Yon b". - i-if4 PEOPLUSCIOLUMN. ailva"S. a dam 11«Sa mm wi. wooeemstiu à lm. F OrBE "' - w tth SEAS. AILE u FotCiJThal. lfull drambox 54. tberpvfle. 4-1-p. FOS B uNr-7 t m ianm.Md atm ar ~O AL-i rivr. 8d~ubl. gente dai thégut.Her xfl Fiooaeelirig. uifmab Tle latfflt winloate. V4-40.t mîul Tiiîîinig. ' £tias"'I laiie-', Chi ilh-W- '- thitiiitieet liii.- tu- -vur -mr- Ladliefs' taeil or ai aeil e suite and ekimie. $bons aiUgfflr Prkcu, the Iowpo't. Mrs. F. Protine, ýWatchoý'0 For H. F. Houiing, proprietor of the new Lihertyville Tea and Cofftue Co., who fI visit- ing ail the Burronud- ing towtiu as wel *-9 ealling on Libertyville reàldentm, elling the. very bert Tuas, Collets, Spices and Baking Powderi andi j nt a littie aheaptur Try îny world beatpr" êOF0-F i 8c -.ECOFFEE ItAle-My 8pecia1ty. 'TwilI Save You DOLLARS. LINCOLN LOJSK, AUCTIONCER. satlsltaiO tsu mmtmd. Roasonablê Rate$. 8a.i.Pý "l'had a bâid ncot sio mx iwecks and coulut mn relief un- Onie-fou' fbtoIde Ue d ei c" L. Hawn, NevinatnOn t. Neglected colde always lead to something serious. They tun Into chroi9lc bronchitis, pneumna asthme, or -onsump)tion. Don't w&114 but take Ayer's Cherry Pectorl jusi as soon as your cough begfins. -A few dosesw*1 1 cure you' then. _'ILC While there are hundreds of boss, clothng, you1 cat Cout the nuaisof CLOTHING -the clothing'of the N6e KIN D" -on the fingers of your hand>. We seil KO}IN BROTMERS' FINI i t's the Fine Clotbil advantge over arý In their »new patent B"shouId« ~pad. AU1 Un"onMade. mi unv ...Gettifl AnXicus About lotir Eal.SuN9 Most men areabu now. W. are. proud of ourhadeome now Sutsand Overco4itsý.. $80009-410.00, $13.50 anid $i5.oo., We InVite Yo)Unot only toe look through stock, but to a close insp tion and trylng on oneofo thèse superb garmeuts ::Our Une of:: r -Bats, Cap$ andFihlM ui9 Good in comploe.and "compsu that la nov and u p-to- date. Telephone'29. 'About That-ý ln lait week'ot ludependeut wvu told you about biWing about #ffl00 Worthi of Dary Ooads, the firet choice.ofaIli. et 1284 ua,4we4 6d 8r1. C',ie stock, at about OUn ou tiie dollar. We pronitast Blp1artcukmArsa tu primoi le a " es ait, but wie have ta esaityour ludugsneu'for mctheir eei. lni the putwekaur buinlesi bas beau 0 pur cet. larger Hu.a i Hempoie ek laitya yimrwti Our 8aMlas al4uy over- crowdad wte em. %aobe to arraflg and ira* but a mailhipurtof thuew Alont 5M0 yardts dark Caleose fai tresse, and Jarge flowerait bright patterms for cotort iniui, mual prit-e6% to7% et...........................41ç Fancy Plaid Dats inghaans,. Worth 8 10e t........... 12%c yard ide Percales in bnlgh t coloni........................... S%c Wieli flcit Othi lug kan........S Ailwool DreusFlannele lintihe heet fau shade, 1Jý yards wite, Chcago piou 1.00, Ll~ Lihtyville prleim 51-Fini-st Worated (hit (lote.25c for girls................. Y enOigtcoloraullge Shirt,, heavyweghtgoods, e Weil me,MtshtIy eoiied-2 C A biglot of un woiMitte. .........lo Heawy aII woi doublelutte-.... N1ew Items adited almait every' hour. Corneait mue for yaui-slf. Llbertyville - - UC7 1541 .gtlWlm Il > 1 Il -1 -=eýi

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