CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Nov 1903, p. 7

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iders.' and obi ab.oveýý ibrai od supply Or' tniult, o fi 'towua ad thie Von wfll £151578 fAnda ompeeb 14o of freoeband isit fiah at Ouwrs Flfl5D Pi ela"a eriglit, ouaoi vlth good qualiti i:. TRIGU<S &TA YL OR, mrtyville-----------lios BV OS:, rjwmoved-to, Proctor BI' k Li bertyville, -111. l Cali-, and See Our ý<We wili have in our store for anothler- wk the finest ilne of çar- pet samples ever dis- layed in Libertyville. *Prospèctive4>urchas ers must corne early as f6e. samples wtII positlvely be 8hipped back ,in another week. L.ibertyvtlo %C. M.U Rd,m.0, #14 ?&r.AS CD"* Vao,4a liow omt. ~. s. . ........... 5 nt5. * W.. ..*ilS .........O5U - NB............. ..........Pa. . 151 . 41 . . . p..... No.*1. :48.1 . ........ . lU . 1: ............. . De"rt Froua ch Depet. Anivaat ApW(ipot. rm" a *ieulb. *Mni"emoeeeo. Laave oaon *tmlb.irtyville. 1:46...îBW .m 16tisU a it. .en.16 UL .........O:uL e. M. e M. la. - ..... 14. 5.w p.U. ..........40IN.m * IU............ .. pf. 1... .. .... 1:8 p. ai SIINDAI5 IilIIil** o. . ............ U. o . . ... 1 ......... 16la4i&s.. . ..... ..... . ......' p.8. 11 10. 4 .... lâaus. M Thorp e.w balle àattiieimls*frlgt pln irani luplace and rayt sae The baya were wiii ne Jialloweon but c ouffned tilcir pranke ta iewdlernoi tilt vIl" othor tItan ab:uoylng. hIt - gdesired ubat ladies who 1.1 dialaTs at the. bazaar nmpr, wl <ail for mamn at horne of Mm. J. E. Trlggs.' Winî. gtltoarvam married ta Mim Annkic Grsm, of North Clileago. They yl rnc-ide on him farn north.esai nitii.village.1. .H. Moyen noid the honte on Laki atropt ho now occuplin, but week, ta o n% me. laugituin, a carpeuter lu lioi. îîploy. W.. am hi5;rui.the . conN"idaon va am"wnis aitant to St. Paul Agent Allenian and han charge of tihe earce. buninena. Mfr. Brown purchased a h ome thli.vesk vlth whiet4àtodouver The W. C. T. U. wiii monîvith Mr». Rd. Clark on Tusnday dt*-rnion, oN~ovemlwr 10. A report oi the titate e .onveution will be. giveu stt iiD meeting. -A eardial invItation je i.xten&.d to al to attend. ftinl x1.tetwvillage cou- a«ainst W. A.l anm, on aehfl6rea0i kaghls micloan open Juiy 4, 194>2 viii «une «i ln the. circuit court tmeiay (Itrday.) Attoru.y Colby reprenanigte, ivillage and Ati'y Whiue.y, Mfr. Dean.. On aud atter .Noveuber lOhthe ii.ffent car un the clactale rond viiibar. Lake Bluff Kt 6.00 a. un. sad Uberty vile at 6:80 a. m. and nunke regular houriy tripe, tii lait car lesvlng Laàke lulat 11:05 p. mu, and Luhetvîlle ai 11-PÀD p. m. 5-2 Two par"ieof0< ngineere vere eugaged tRis W"u.k urveylug for the electrie maxd exteon flt to tii. WlncowsluCentral. Thora wae s delay lu lntallng tiu larg engine, renetly repaired, at the 11gb. wood pawer houem, and cannaitwoa not turnwd au tii. Lbotyville braneb Mouday lu consequence, but itin. belUred will le in a frw day.. W. are openu evury Wedneeday sud guarante U) gir. yau satiefectory htom. Bek'm Studio inltutBuly it am it No le.. than tilt. deturtlvex have 'on Ofberty ville in quesi of iniormntisu rela- tive ta joiin Brown wiîo twlce "iînrztted out' durlug hie short renidc.noe ere, once hb machine $hou> ii Mr». eniiiîuu n bulding sud àagain the.lionne. h. twêuph.vd on tii.. iosenthal place. h le aid 1Mr. Brown suffered la.. b>' flrebeiarehpffue hqre aud bas tiie "urnedoutt' ine. leavmug. Preaumabl>' the deteetlve are here in intere,,te of inaurne. onîpaniee. A partiV/a. given lu>' Mm. -C. N. Durand ut ber hnte Tuesday evening and! incienÇ!lry the ut va.arraaped wîthout 1Mr. farau'. knovledlpe. He va. aufficet' surpelse.! to suit the. taerry gatherlng, but ataié recoverng bis uenal equsulunit>' met ta vork ta moka ii guesae elcome. A testimonial là 'the way ofa s eautiful Morris chair was presente.! hlm by tue gathening sud. agait h. va. surprise.! and jut a. agreebi>'sa 5tIret. A daint.y luncheon follave.! ganie. aifcln", sud ,urher an.! Ilinch, allaof whlch combinei ta matin the evefing campcte sud mogt enjoyable. .1 Hugo Van Brixcu di.. ai hia home lu Fremont Thursday lat week age.!71 yëmara. Decesand was one oi thie esrly nettians aifIhortyville, comlng hems in 1871. Ot laiolte .! " uear iiodaughter, Mm. Angut Wirtia--lu Premamît town- ship. "I.deMms.Wlrtu are John, oi Lihortyville; a son living aS Gurus., and! Mra. Wmn. Sage, af Lhbrtyville, @urvil'- fat. Deease.wuaanur.qiected b> via boejoyed hie acqunîntance and wha lirdan auexemplarylle in hilnquiet uuaeteatatlous woy ftPnera se.rvices vere hld ut hie laie home Saturda>', hurlai being i Lakrealde cemetery. The Cam VangitanWales Compan>t appears at thei.Uuon churcit Frida>' nlght neit, Nov. 18. This ia the flrot ai the entertalument coure arrange.! for this vinter spd eliQuld agmAstaerovdèd house.. l[re. Waleê na rar, paver. ai elocution. Mmo Morse,. soprano, in a Ialtortila Singer, who ha. iss, urm several saisons an egtabllehed favorite op sud dovu the Paciffie oant. Thomas MiiltouMeudmee, tenor, buiae a utitul voie, sud in a remarkable singer. eertr ude Mfonroe; violinet, thougli a Youug lady, ranka among t4 .boat ii tiie land. Sncb a combination wîli ho a rare treatau.! an ua.. Inters"t.!nlu ecuring tisse et«WurTslamr noS doing it for profit, but ta a&Od anlsan opporteuit>' tuenuajy superlor S»mmn, tDlr effort choud lie .jmp'scted. 15 à ut ti I12-mour Cingh COuesta1Àky Ire. 1B. A. IButrer i ndfim(iiu i wu.ek Mm. L. B. llauby liM. rein u fl iront a six wei.ks' riit ln Uodwis N. Y. Att'y B. il. Milletr tuî d uî ift im now offIce.over Hoatul i ato .mt e. Mii.. <erdina Shernio, ,fo IerIl opent Sunday vitii itindm ville. Mm . IsileY, of WiIco-,1î.iit..d neyeraI day. laet week vltl m ri. lt.,i)t. Mi~ i.Ethel .Downs aud t; rt,. I ner atteed a aHaJiowee.'ty ir et! jelàtt Friday evefing. Ifarry HaclcleywýlI give a 11111;talli at 80) "p. nm. Sunday ta th.- lungue and othera at tbe iM. E. chu hiý About -twelve iromu Lilmsntvlleat- tended the Chistiama Baeavor ltally at Highland Park liât Frla .uîî,g Mr. and Mr#. Freaum n, id<licg attahded the. nUrpriesl partY given in honor o fMr. andMuirs. Durutîl MOjjlby, evenlng. Blancli Protor gave. a pa rty to lier ydung filnde l1"t Sâturdny .rîing, ih beiug aliowe'en entertiinîîî,qîr aîuproi priate te the oeuaaiau. Mb,. Edua Harrin, ueof fthe..telipmm lu our achooalmhareudguad hlelimition on aoumi oai Iheslth, the aannîy belnehiled by Ume.Maftamati, -ofUliaga. Conductor and 1Mr..Taitr. iofCihi. espi, spent the. Irst of tii..ecekwlti bJante.MeO1regor and amily. 0,1nductor Tointer han b e uloying a t wo vveeke aouidy weatiier makea n) ifferenS Wl tii taklng ai y4ur photos où Wednen- dey. at ilewiet'mi. Tihmrs yl l e an Epworih Lague Social TOWBde eveiing, Nov. 10, At tii. M'.leiib chowholareiorndinittance or reiau,uienis. tun oierlng viii h. takea sur the. innefit oi the Lake, Bluff OrPhaaffle. Everyone le invited. Ou Maturday, Otolier 24, ut the . lîi OfIWO leansd htfia latllne, p.,Iarenteu of the. bride, ui Wooimlm*k, Ili., Mii. liele BlakEulim van tîarri..lta Clniytouil Cuaalghai, ni Cliîigt>. the .Rev. L1.. i or ChlcafGu, lna been îýiI iut aiWood- stock for iiie pai ,.ntiiuig WFl ovu hwicinciie of.nItitat -ity -mnd oitie ircuit court. I.<rnnia l an -aSSi n»Y 0a ie ic. 'ligulbar and han eucetiy il hmumaer ini the lav fini of Durand, l'oyîît.î & <,uuitigiain oi thai ity. HeIl.. utt*I.lis, boni. ln Lîbertyville for me uüm1- ,and iarni.d many artînaintame ln.,wîth viu tIe 1NDFPENDg.iT uites il[î cngratula- tions. 1Ur. sud tMm-. Cuiîiiguani vil> mud. ait 1112 Fitîy.niuîl 8t., Chkcaga. 11'h baeaar for . Wldcîti. Ld*enide OaaeryAg@miation aîmualy atoande sp)ooesr occurred Fiday nigli,,ud na. lu pove'IOn. Y-arwilag"IY attsuded. lji ourse tii.bamaurafiordyd enteutain. nàmansd aunnuent it ,il k.dlvemîîy aI attraction. uid oppo)rtu,îitles to get rld of mon.>', al [or Lilipityvulls niosi worthy wOrk Ofaillhant>. bat the. splenid aupper ls.rved, we. tfile realy ",taking lwestonsfitliei. bxr. surlia aupper as It va., the produet ti of i culiusry art. Everyoup hlid *or&e oi prou.. or the ladies ad that iblar effrt, were appreciated vas evideuced b> the raiid disappeaératie t qithe Sautptii edliblea. MIse sabel Cak alp len Wa. WOnUb4YJesse Porteaus suad MIse Bueh ' et ta Wayne. C<îiiy. F. P. Dymond hlld the, nuîîîber Winnlng the. heaptuh uated pitn effliion utril>uteiî -4> "is ghuhall. 'Mm. Henry DuIaZnSd', knitted oalw a. vWou b>' Louis Pýrotii,'. Sit fi mated tist over #l00 Os n@ eî9ei 4 b tAi' ld ut nihei aemuaiatioa, COAL Dogi. ws, Kou1dbm àiI. S" sféètdp SCwor MF*. Drain UMI Portland Cernet Urne- Stucco, sa- Llbertyviile --llinois. r D0ema't Respect OUI Age. j le. saiul w lîeîî )111onth t e ) < shlà e~e foý d agW.,but l'.ithey .t of à ade n. maSer h~ eevand fîw1 tv of 9d -rqa, n ~.W The. latent lu Mateq, Volvota and Tnmmldflg. Primes i.lest Mrs. e:.Protinie, Watch#000 For HR. F. -Heuning- ..proprietor of the new Libertyville Tea and Coffee Co., Who in visit- ing ail the srround. ing towna au vell as calling on Libertyville resldents, aelling the very beat Teas, Cokfes, Spices and Bakin.g or and j uot a ll#le cheaper Try my Ilworld' beater"' COFFÊE ISCcOFPlE 1% 1 iny Specialty. 'TwiIISave 4you - ' ft LLk S DepdÀ wntL is, Seting a V*1orousSeding Pd ~~For Novembçr=.= Dark taucy ...a.l. c..................1 Fine alughame, umediumu MotIS olore,.........W Liglît colora.! Outing FlomW al emnaute log Yard vide Heavy Perrale., iglit colores...... ZK A lot ai Dra.. (loadeRemuants-........... 1 1 Ail vont Drom, Flanuai, 1%~ yds vIde .......... $.00 A loi of salle.! Ladiessu.! MisseUuderwear 33e sud lIC MienHes evy leed Vese, No. 26& 84uînly, i8e Mets plushi lin..! ajilvool fuderear ...... 1.73 Dr. Wrighi'a Reath Underuhrto ............. $1.00, Boys' al vool se"oolPant................. ....I Boys' oadd ail vool Coata, ver>'am .......0.... S Bg larg"a i. iMu'e ain ool Pauts. Men', lteavy <ivercoata, saplandidiyYiluI; *l3. Uti l Bys'Laundered Shirt., gss.4 5.1Io 6&C mies. Fauc'y Flanuel Caps, latenft styles.6k Chudren's heavy al vool Stocking cap@... fc Mien<n sud 1Boys' hoar>' Il vool Mta..... asc Boy.' sud Men'aliined Kid MISS.......... ..I.ý 63C Extra wlde No. 4), 60, 80 ail .11k Rjbbonn, 0per yar....................................... 4(c, $00 UbeatyvM. 'se a,, il.35, *1.0 SL80~ 33C8an sudlc t u n s e ,'rilsge I*Iam 1 oo final atloaion nma !1 ut kicatidof niwefflfor i Pi p-pn-d vatr vri, nnt. sd'ad»ioned Uir bide are to lie openod and ematrart lW for nlnki>ig of "'l, It was deded ta snk the. wPl on Sprague ntroù ndtie lot now orcupled 'hy thé. village hall tno-caled),a tour minelnug toie. uaed aud the. depth bc, ho detruledby low of Wa&tr obtained, 01 course a 11owlIg1 woli ta dealWl, but 0f a gond eupply eau lie eured [t viii ansiawr .aven thougiia flower doon snôt InatearlWA. 'ThIi. <>d hman epnt go Imuciiin atritt lmprn)Vejnnts tuea nummier and the. -p&ylnentLot n liw ldwalka tlîat iundn altlclpaù.d to.> hoavailable fo>r tiie waSer workn imprÔveujeut are madly depleted. How*vee, vheu ail bills' are audited about #9200 vill reinain. a goodly portion ol ws#'h maY Le U-4 tu proaeute the. worc, anf it Ia hoped that ertion of a tauk and tower yu'l' ha possible sariy utiinan aT~ Illg rsatv 'le able to bond issue, in tact ai ona Urne hoped tu, do vithout bondlng, etd çud had flot other Improveinents demauded thet Pilipnditure of large sumo. COUliCIL PROCICEDINCS. JÙBERTYVILLE, Nov. 2, 1903. 11oard met lu regular session with full bard Present 'Minute* of eieeting Ott. 5, rend and un miotion by ilanl.y auîd Wright mtxood armproved n rend. ~1 ge, olluwirig bille ""re rend and rei.rred to fluanm. conjiîîîttee and an thpir report ik wI*J. ov.d I.y Truggs and (irabbe Ut awrritute b.. drawià for sine an correctel. Uarri..d. L.Lk Oonr arvio. ol ....Su ..$4 Uns» lace del verina aveion streetu. pou WuisnDielou toma ok.. a* ~80,4 Ié: Ur. Nentt . .. ...............211 WMIlwaet ove vile ............setse Treneuraro repart for inouili of, Oct. read and relèrredl ta, duaneS commilttes and on itir repont a miotion wae in"d by Kaisr aîd ,tlanby that sanie ho mmopted saddlîlaid on di.' Carried. Repart showed aoout on baud Oet. l1 $M1>2.87. lte.tved durlng te muontia $4.00>, paid ont during the. ,onth, $3,41.24. Amount on hauid *2615.68.. The foilowlnx r.eolutioiî va. rend and on motion by,(irabbe and Trigge maine Reoa<by the. prueent and board of trugtes. that #700<>b. takén frua the unappjopriateid land nid plame! ln. tîh. contiuient tuait. Maved by Wright and Orabho that village elerk lie iutlîorlsed ta .draw v *arrant for *M0 payable to Peter J. flock.lmau fur lot putt-baud by village Aul voting aye. Moyed by Wright and Bitterfild that tii prospect for village wll ho made on Moved by a nsd (Irab>.thait tii meaeting djouta util Nov. 16., Carried. ",On , .8 aCak Our. Price' ist For the àMoath of November WIiI Interoe EcOnomicaBU-yers. Nta thinig left unturned- in our efforts to give you 'the E8T from' the markts Pf thé wôrlct at LWEST PRICE. XVikIUng $klrts <» 'AT $3.O, $375-and $5.oo Visit ls-,WhIIe- Shoppio - 1 7 7 lé 7 7 1 1 ? 1 1 ý iý 1 ýl

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