lino of &Mr - Ifli. mo# d ladif ne-aun.PeueIo WO WPU alon Ou OU »Utea an ort*o 1 y. 1 ~l~day ~ Ebet&bvouevattemded hi@ Poaiu'e lit. audýMiu. Wn. Laiub' aie teIi.appy pAft pof dààgev, bons Nov. là. $=uauir wti Mr. and M". 8. ICuaer. ohaawa8tnvIr s eippyd a cavload c0 in' tonlu t, ILafak ta th#Cos~autFl lEx astiier pent 1Moud*y ans ~e. wluh )Ir. and iM».. A, hao M boélieru~KtnwDbod.vvee t Md Woodomu-119M, 7T p. ms. net Bund..y C. J. klucher -amt dauglwu apln a ew da" sWtsg v.. Àw ili go laits, opaation jaaivoManad Mm .Joli. Ai Ë'nwtiluPa*, ceW au om %ps4ey. be0 h tazwmos tIti.yIcau ýmàastý s 50 il. lckR »om t fpttieoa.Z.gl1a mbdsas Mrg. Vb.. Klopper, ver. Chi- Mago vlutors mi.. homut apteiI 1.w* ,ao va onioeBud PMU ilWW Oé*0Wtaad IlumiMy aftsov i. andti9m>1vIM4 s'ehaier vluted *ulv sau.éhtar, Mv.. joua, SwAtI, ai& torkeym lu tt. ommnl. É le lutend allpplug a cailoat i ta NoToil Ciy. ?haakqnag bainat Lohm",»asI'.H, I~iesy u .~N-- ". a. *b,' gcbsUst'velsatm Ofdi Melfry. JlSov Wa--towbe iEL Wi1.ý,, bavuiu, Bd.. W W Qkav,1amul a. Ticke., WLeI. W. Lowpab, topa$eor. oui vhaton itsim bouslu Lobnis hmistonau". Dr. h3vOtii Aptai*i, we.a Ma *f Tuwtiay. .- o1w' tw oelwnori». TaYIor. eiDu a.Q" , aies.' Day attau. Mrâ ofS dschureb hemRq u*dyevang visi Mm 1wJmunje Knedr ih taslu%*aisi 5W -ds! latin, bey mioutsrm Long GOfqa. sW e Md en aug. .ro *We me "Myt y * tl>'iat mm .Fisti Gs.yar le s.d.ithe ictoenre. .. mMaw QuStiS, of 'azagnes, cewi ou miaivu mas! tado lot uudy. Tn.utay 1lFast % s Bl mayi abi fal>' a tin t p am W t*dr futsushomea. Faiki arou'ad hmi'.as pi'ety wuli ps.psred for viste. Workvk uloui thse Ro i3w e u e ue rý........ ..... Tb# yensp -ee01 on u'um rÊiMr ~New itliofptou. oîe-iiewabIf, pald one yesr lu à"c. Submrà,bê or renw 1to4ay:and doiV* fowget tg mutk)L, waut bahi apr eù fo ly 01.40, the F4e 01 the I)EB"*1D Samplew of Parm Lite mJlIed on applicatiofi. This offer l or a llrltUne; take ady.ntage o! it while Mv. utiUve.C. .lsaton .puii Bun* dsth Mr.-aiMs. IÇiuu ai neR D. Ogosda.y wu ~Mr. and mm . P. Eaiou. G P.. »ab&,, Mr. ansd m .M pailmand iarnian ataaded tise Ooin Luevssstemn lt Tueadh Magnat SbePP ltalY of (Dana. bu teken tihe b0sm ip vacat hy M. The .dWw^,I"Msoasary Soepty of the Pad ayj Mo, ofR. imMPwatuoo, ic UteaiuvMsP. H, aisa wa dete g5me RWDLY i mg. tb Ge oLi te Mmep. E Tower af Chiengo lm vi.utisag at R4ligisBrem. Obvi ksn vWsted vlain- aiWau. Jlobn ltcbavslouviitaI fienda lu 'M off Iowa, la tisa *w bitte.ý uskqc t tisa Va40irema'ry. 11*0 Franem W .c hua bom <ilte ae Sýe pmteut vii wtIh apufuig Jome. MurcaBfa psovieu bs .bonas,-1 Ii4goodqt4 *Mry ibfý week; Mrýl;John Do ogsviaims hir Water, Ms.. Hsàta oa$ la.' *.G.8inlflOlO~f ~ le vtti»gber plteM.apl<u aso. iol XBUWLAMi- waeoldMoindadio W.IH. Smith. *Ja Dama, o! Chicago, qpu t Sunday At on Lake., tise usmt o! hW i"".~ e.~auy Ma "«#Ml fskha# saov@d lt hie isMMW "maac"sd Z V. Couteau ov omupw v thse boumat aeti by Mmr. The", ISRVVLE une way. Jo. Doeler ia dolu the WOvk W dh.lag rumb-in h loagx i* u sm5aeaip iunr. 1WCTS WOSTO tjsse emotbd, Alter a*t absous 0!1it w montIhA ai! .tetfi teafound Labo. tô agisat inltev vus bis 00o1. e s e"g eMbd to OM bek fut à gnd l illy fiôn*u o Wbil obutinlg corns ai Johiis at'. p SpvibWmim -tbp 2 1111Mfflr. ue m u PSib ORqaihlht. OwluOshl,.Ou1leke!illbsd iýWe*i ont eS*a It >'«)t "minaith" b amch * W& bhu ahsboun luM»g lk. tsl*0*4». -W@ qP#I<I 054 titi th remmtanIsor thse wsli . v. Bfi, 0 4, mm aold, aulx. Tour point wosjkl mo lit atteni55 WttheO us, Zdimm. in t ii ma hai.oeom mff suais. hay lu tpet ,ustoa" eo la la gorsI. E'fr,1-d ad -M i- - of the timt bellis noa 4ultvator, asoisse t Wynw, bsy effl't do tiiat, It h. bard f '"r aMo e, pbv, 'sMtu barrovs, OOt atv of <4I nd aiati< ttk4 lu Labocont>. Tii.>ban'.u"aeamw lo ng)"erwaon wutisdoubox, Oe earM toect. " tis e ist ms otin." -- rbWIaWos a ck, sot giav d o Z~ i. tu in. 81v. i abda tiiauam pgsewnlîl>emyul lu , liw oc, Mtig cat d koaine st>'. <'. ~~alsw'lul l>' iesCosscu ai8" nsmy otà«te Dot ssssatov.. IIa ig,,udlug etiser, ligàt 3de--verybody 81108141 leu. liegniartermi. lg Ia at.lvele dtdEor to- cmse us.agRod tifSa In LymAe¶98 Roit, Piiip. iînt. x me,- ssss t> Wtt xtasd om coguilatonau ~ ouldnt nffsrnl it. t.vpo sty mia Ma.Fvek esdavou, who otijesst .eeuo i.palh.<n i. .h>f ianaigpià Sslam olebrtesi the twenty-ifth iortIs o!Lbavinle mou ilaka. W. naw t ou sanve.y!tiarmartso.Aluhoqgh &1one , ad >N. B., *en1, r isensuthéinrf i anvrat fr weiii>'4v, >' Mr-. Mm: togpopra o<ok laP the W@ ar your he4juer mot ysswJ lo, u olà,nmt eprt-12 e4plShe mv., 5 oitul' Las.ti"idy, aMd ahow headuafriag 1 5e pfvhmXev, bliesavsetts.Au . ur menti h-.yssr e% Itieus ia t beii.badfi't aa umspot on is . yak utavu.. >'svl um w.tolt I'1~LI. lumd. avai, a la»a cns IM. .1 ateen*dilngtai li evmu.Ir, lubrwagon blxAisndstmat, usai 44nt TWO alan wve behrs, uai icago haut iiii5tr*0,tOP- boMg, iUi-uYMJIi iv. W« ba&loklug for a favorable ait,. , ou Wt Oul2 Ainge l.vUa, ' m s Wb" lt. e r oe">. Tisa' gWO Ni OIW k ow,.edry v.p~agt4ve aù ne 01 tisa at *Mt igutkae pvrrou bowus ompulm i &wuta" b,, aoutskfile o ~t oulas! ,a Piababi>' ou ithe lot bnwftamn va'tÇauI, !c AMADn'. e Mdosanti Bialun14Ail. autal e wbWliSitwl!,dipw .1tait ai un uetiat *0ntk, RÀnMd isa~ lhyIn brn, lck*r 04gurssughy upto.iti li>' tyle zgoW ti , boc t ,st a.. bm*5 M d-we nowiïaye ons fuinituva, #la 5,aboyeam not4"ertkieýg, tw upoink l vi* do anl tise>' eaM to fusaS. Euiularter-is the fflteý a «UMM. I. W. Gavuim", PNop. ùbW Pbt ý tIt~Pte1>ii5 a~'.W. H. AmevI:, Atctioneer. 1% t.SspliO9uliug omy l>' yoda -6-", 0bailsg veioaeW au4 le Auiitae. bo- tu l. mu-i -ua gaaielml a*0*umby 1*Gsvidwil Wi "M, mue"o tle ew *Ws capomd ofai Mv. .of » DommbnI1t a$ ai Darbda- anti i i'Jai..meok . vi.1 8.. au tait kWbikcdaLt - *wt»dty on d"> F. BOOMvWgteti W.&As misa g«"A5eite. a Pol>- »ts bu>EM. tatu plan PM ngperaim à. Joli reusmm. «wu 40 *w WI%âte1100>1b Dm. liffl »flu t Oui thei.mire os oort5u thiii wiii «aPan ue. LE.Poesilt iha-in anauaddi". boRt t t*0lbr mom. -mv.. Wewolait.yaauj Uit. vIN* Iroth The eommo is ew bain outiseP C. C. aISebav an4 Einoît (auou I iqfeni tise peut tva yackson u" aidty 1 "Cbus.cals~ PinBatulaeonadetas tise but IusutMt o iil Il .'w i w, marne