CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Nov 1903, p. 3

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" Ms enoser oa.t ip *0. 5*Id m»nia. ba" lai e amusurat Valnii vaye nuspuabt4 1Cms bave spoto N ehir. . .y . "Tom bve sddreeds se ela tF0e." ho MW *ma sM« t;1 Imuss. 21~se~rsmet thec ' su pesk toe u1 *ÉL.v«ry elally. "le115 irly- yor.fseguauso Svr>' lgt oms. Vmflantuâgranul vîth ls fot tiat t vas ne iliseM» «Y longr. "l'es ns e My petef 6". et rmus e qualalana »uS.vlli a» 014 mlxtun 'Slsa."If y«eu toi f «I bave »a. vhh otef »r*s lteresp>e», 1t l us- nbclIer nu tov.t kta Tics lIa- ne' aa m fietub la lIu". seto *eanlb. vasimt et e leu te " *k bout.amidlia go l>arnasvenuappareuîiyl abseoel l a old mi *" <Uonvas i t tys kUl eet et t 8fitwlvrd tI . mdo«bapffl te qsty Ibi aD betialyo bo*% I w harowvasos Ste "ms. 1. -'=w saus dISutelli ya of b huln y»n me ày » r a gm d in t WIb egt Ilhin Co, ihls aham- l. Veisêb a 511Ma e hbote-dzy, . ai*eli oi et uvcYthlugau- y t fakiry iumwu et the 1 *là mi mevcame yom Veient 60 enill a*t? UN "S tesm s odether." Svpel la Me u nps en I *béat lint les, -Ta ton lS68 ht yos Zn"si auboL "Yo m04é ot bit 15mai0 à« tb» e Pt ubr land 'IMa esme agabin 0 EasvlsNton m liafulyi tg ma bu "00kber baud. 001 .. eaftiaturdesy a$ ensnips5i laumîl, 4.0?'he ai il, ci aonmea ski!"d sSe have' I ne 7m, bette iDS. e en ousibrr ,V "Ibi mhlm beets.* hmean te MAttoella etu vgmIen sud miSer aà $4tmtn sIc lad esen hi 'Whtdc ouon 1mb et oi ta* ea cgeal a. auh. Ivq tav n M ny lIt #cpF but loblngs «t rivý,al i bs icî ol >*pl, lveSl-n va*h setuet a Upmw 09, a 1110u viVisa*l$l <lIt I nes a pis et -la tact. *'l dam ,*limalh lit ,"Iau axm ens 0 ple& .tee, by ce as, uvue 1 mof1 on la Laodn aM -tuhe a $mot laera lnllniq vh itbae __i Pha solSflulff-fl - - âge bu Imidsous, ýuwàxoet buII Ét sotte b W» u l ~vefistl àtbhb.turne £»&'ebalIre <1 -*Puslte ""Is te un al»pr, M-a miss thé ou "liat*h - t45 h a. q user1.11het "2I " lnvteeMa 4 neSho t.&,ui fle ~ reyur s lmiutA eti .b vVl,"emiIlsr~o 4p~~tioo aboutbheu. -E lulpu.<seS eA. 'ct e y Dudly et amit 1 redto nt ap à w IF~.- réputaittth rua anlt oI er Rel 09h P effl," epeel etyan meut.dné isse b thpain of h.selmg <lis a" i-elentne #taps& eu MiA s IfhIt vre "brolehe 40 hlim. a~ ~ ~ ~ » meolimut Aa ilm I.mim addansts"t mn. ~ ~ 4M »MUatUl merA Saiitting lte <mlii telS tallr ge ura-a vaensuetafir ygaspeailNet thetl dut-gi* th le un »Mtel.thl g mfle t wbf Mi'po *dru on5 ands.- bel vas rielu nexpression et lmis. eu .oon ce 0 hWltralid, aW bot attendt Tn-radagî ie!" ho a aniseh-tee . lalmab"ad suo.l-"orgrase W tai HRacha agtv ie. h se talb e .the mel Te, um<gnandgabtu t a la Leisdon th=n seae.tM& AM, Véry poulet lbr 1 O= 1up to e tra l >s-ver> poiet her.- dSe vint t0- Trons i»M mos ie. vs, bal Raichilvslflnehe lveen ibsb«w tu. tireughValu lusHirlfalea wée' brai.a àconfeSmediey et pas ceuta vas bey lb adlqss a ver> 1wvyolres, lsd ceehmo-la tsar anS trmbling te mier her on relatieni mud bl ainb..r=dlmai ant te pou," said mfSUimgy rosasumd lnsa4trou th bor efbar mm s hdi"sdkhlsa.if ab Ore5tl1 wrdé 4 <e ldhem..àabe5g5t. u yiMdthg ta< I. "Y-e lou- iren.sblmun urtrviabitumly,a Omsail oqe h iaIme eut"la1ba "Ute&glta.aih& lothur e0al«ethétic al misa leSdoeefer hlm Samba U vIole t,m il"vwu oqly 0&W.1 th1 11- h tal e i.batelas diouhlu t 1tâe.bus on Sa 9 "ce trat ii" te the pau ,eu .t dlh bihl niieh me la u-v Ou. VandeicuM su sithlug et tbi lauïMsbgdW esc; but s ansr lin -hisseit.but renau Smimmy wkvite ld ss r to aie tollownuiaU blsd hleseif moch abs he taellags o éthars. se lIteh st surprllg uht bd eains tliaI1Iamo mitooh iinimt'hp«no Ii. Ce., ichet," h. "Tour" thblas e mthéteprepet 1 ot huM tr as yd urytearhlo,"b..l lmibis hanifs rgot = 424 1t, foctioaMay upos the yeum ina s*ovm - "IltvWi mao êne Sufureneth euen V r'gt the pont." or Ter litti." Sens vf itI for. "I vs$ Bot thlnkimg er moisiet aoz, se, t lellier oet reurad val, sbelr. or 'lot." , Tt If -ro euglinH. as thimbisa wante e$Ueacu, et that afleesoon vhee b.oih" genelm 9h. lad coma te MerleMsd teund i. dsrut iag ssh o0 8peak. Ho-andl qmlerlngsaSSdor h pals f et he ni. W te hnov nihet dem esvasw thibAis viat ansouil oa Mcii m4" 1I-s.godces. abs vaste aven allev tle .1 ,muldy eutrel>aulooratte buy lber pltues.And tlia wvvlags -then--* . enmajose u r bgt Oi. ia old Sme Ist# bis mIm--if abs *"Id <oiivesu *t Of *imi.r Is à brutal a tat hvbc. «"an 00 on be uader fttaas- b.d pst semWe. urély. suril a3SIR01 senru lm Ms e -b veuid &.bsis te fergive hlb iss thIst thitbavplshd svromsii iar- oui> b.thh e.exceaà g. noem"asot lhWlov-4 te at vws boti h. pet Il- bu ien- -ehahe h.Iov" hlbkbvoudA mot, se" guLcly ail ber hli.ily lot uve vu8 ilpelm for tlb Il. . , To 1er Of&. Ttsand~ 91lberlà. t en. mou 11shegemilely mmudil vas. enappli>ehé 0désirs eot nseet of stemnntha liait sers mdil ioughâtt e bave gnere essuos. w<hlng la ur r«eli- Tewu*es« aintblhigbout the prer 1'u anal 8 seme-et. YVL-' salithe gmerL. Wh zu Ihbi au tien? neabout that olhar girL I hope.- la th A«ems '- aet her r" 1 Petel 1Valentina4 lu eueh simulas ammpesômet lbis goal rut vouas." hle 'tler biat e-A uoment or @0 tu tlils er tome, se tliai liaIîle lad vse- it .or "grlisais or nemanmoine "Te--ttIir, gir eeafl ite murry *!tiy. vhum y.. am me osséhm." h. ixplalu- e g rst vo.- eS. tntIly. ti voues. AUl Valeutino turâeS sud leokýoda leu, hlos FOn. Wh. vben blbl ly asIf hhiesadneyer Isard oet'lat Sa but alist tu .11ev girl!" la aitl il. lte bfo tlost cn i 7 v ary"mdtiat Wvasthe ursln htbslochi ros muet M I ce.yeyed tethle .1 ventral.Thon hho ' chsaceft e@- 9s116d,19i> temub-o lt hbis e,1odftmer vwu nlterly Ignorant oethle tact liat ta knov Gsa, ho lsaïvishil te uas> Iawitand :.ksd, suodlsuy. soane aubtfe feelng proupted bine te "ay -Vslentino au. nthilusabout It untilh.oliaS modu mon 'Sarir l el widi beand al delno smaeft t I am tors-tal Ictffole b"vhic oh ldlet by leavuw stapid bluaioteslnlfoy. liaS a utth Oh, 1I l u dototen ail abouetiat,' ~r Ie Witha Iguue eoê- "uigal fihtly by-P r asSiof dut" cuS hIe aceael. ladiy. -4uM .11la imelia oye 111mb yen' h. od fisivth My Suss, t ba-grsa@ nslut> -uit'l Dama. buaua "I vent te syouo a pit question., oalyjS cuivesire <v,»cId Vamunle. quiebly. IL. go eome "Aeh ito" thel. gntra'slalurepi>'. "l'Ilgve Yen a plais anavor." soîd Valent.o à$air " veYou an"' des et mi> ao Mms Dae@mimylus XMsePaverr' I. ashul. "I alculal 4e aaesigh appy if yenl afternoon, anSdli,', the<su1 suvonS =thê thb," "Ivelmarha O-muevIf mli. r. tb"Esymy ven boa< isae," sidVealen*qulelly. Lu ,e door ves "To-siorrow--eyj, t-e--e Omeu m lieavth CIPE V A tgv veike adsgos. bo. lie »Mosu o,* Mai tachul, vae fat mtvng seat4 leso., and "Islut prompt- people vere tàtlln murs about lhih cinluaMm es.plane for lIe-aencens hm ofet any 01ev ractiy nihat cir- subject. Valentino fle-lagta hen# Lum before. sev. a trie mn. w, vi! uiii aulIte Bud et mmetieg ofet Leeol pies, ter av. apoudlng tis sutuma; but Esohel vu hevi" demi"- net an «0 p nmean to ge liformaion Y onuiSout oeTrots-e. vb hsld miSe op lers mid Dot te tive 1t% aMScBally le lad te mak. néss 01suIus thle ld geral te AaS eut nIaI hod VW84ls l us pýAtoUJarly essioqs.te kueni. algi le tout Net thct h. sau etiiênerai i lint - vrdi ta<o de ii. t"s rvc-voieti mma pasuol,nla Hinitmn udri pst blé ia vanlate Io* te pnltichelain yre set une time. and sueur on >e ..anod, émis 40oooielea as lis. But h leIniteS thel leptthé o ed ai1<relsue nqulu M tu l #«àvlugtic u l nicatle saitls gradaaul- le v < tir otheb.Pdcy burins the atmn .or lre,"ob alSnet, snd ths eseisIw, ilÏightvsy falfu A.uto ttra ipmiesIt bie luiness te go bt>, vh ail neta Rachetsud laiybils plans b. at i quItit. thfore 1er. q Ur~ ah. viiil "li Go lIte Peleyl" sIi echet. Whou [»I bu s luchy eh. 1ssaio ava r ktlmvlshs O& ih, Pus vy rsam. Pm1'. pure-but thé tact le. ho sasud, eux- SMaDamu es S11I itsvc mad aul our , Msba hin lrosepanal I pu't ee, o 1e un manus- ie studio, part- aucet- te Pt la A veat anynlist nipartisea yU aise." the meuin' 8t , aBàýýy ut," MUi . @.old-gosse-el moarcly>te eme rePvPO.ehtOlyr, "10V miSyen 1Caxno«llo na ai l'smrneIseute vlth- Mt lnah Iie ey" out Lti*peboirnt vlju:ismy plisns e nu th voud"Toi, nuIt haiebéo o-surs th&&a1 i ulni cuit huai â*" Yeu, se pend 0if lottMseapart et * ~ ~ ~ ~ " -- eo o a o<novr.4M lis em tcoi orai ttel Mhar 'But 704 et imam lae-, Mr' iler. la.'.tow 111r a hom. e rty at the IO 7VltbOut yen te."Jam& eil. h lcpre.eb loraotvayte l'aDUtwe No5 UWMgsnebsvffIoLU - Vmh e u enU euta as bis29%enit, _ a r lbUlongansd"h. i ee. n eh.e, teulldiS Dt met kmtba h. vu. VHfteO Ait CUABCTEUL Vwm"ulmr;et the PriétckMî.11iet t . a~ v Rer. J. P. Peter, ~ v~ hoedlhi-sa * r. i *v»emn . t ellevetji ou hlm in ,net aS ~""~judgud; lia tSbAt eîeîb net bath lu."Du P" lamca' tete on utb8t flhihelbeon Jd&Mê 8IVCdy.-St. John. II.. tirs rm. S* Ms. es bave evor lochaI me n at OID la 1< e, Bokt-th.-old mam ai. bat MM eM 1 is a hIe tim aOInd di- Tlwv. le aaolçtelY D' no:oe elUgi tuit. dotrine tiietLh. sccording te J"m at,.adet Wl ent ou fle .arnMBet fIfush. christ# "e*"?s,1esseutiae soyia- M tu. - : ýtien. No doIte au Bave, ne hetsay j ~'Thi kld 8 @ ho crie& . Why, orcf oer" ltaeIt coudeilnu; E. »W« "an soeir u 006-."hrél 1v. oris an ure. an sd ev> e lIA* lor boar'd 0ftIC but *bait do 7y«thktbar a u connection 100.111 the visible cdurc la Mm Dama.or 1 eau vent te rad or n rt foi? 1 ha. e ea t ame te0mire. Iei. l or.m:gpî.d îacrarneuto. dom Swbklu Ba1 t noesy a tblmg -an0y«nigit fto f a msli uc a nt. Si filnel, sd à" bu hiegt a great unies te Do flot nluudeýrtnd. D)octrine* ma beaP- -hleh ila Ju &bout ton lImas bard- are not usoe*î6ces i.<er are torme. ertoede. le, vit tdo vo vant te b.onier- E.git aoctrsas sud rlght forme are the r7ig u ulvohbont the IRed Book fr tj~a~valuie.but they are neot et Iro surpart.,1 i thlb ethoneand 1-fei Iesimbl more et te. cademy Cetalue Ii iotîhabcae hc r1sns1 il do ofàte.W Boos ana antelle in anend, and that end lla lire, cliarater. joi te . onl." .obiit 1mJ~eans o Ielp us te ba- »0 (T o b.coutlnced.) cone one vili <ld. elief oshlm la or ne urne lt It méan n 0517 Ilat yen SUP THE miHIEST MOUN4TAIN. heM <the correctdettrine of hWe inoar- n- !q1, nation, the Moiemnt, regeneratIon. A iaapies 'or A«emedingt emt lthe eueharis e d.ciurch. etc lfltly, Te ave ethe e Clu. Mimai.7.i. If that le ail the talith a masnlias, If ellob a nglmenthe, periapa earebla s bellot do not luvoive oaweeu vltb ing a film ltu h o luate f ni OdC U<id lu the spirit of Christhalie nght mi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a eh at flmyet exaetly ae walel eleve Iu tie Jucar- an that la nihat le Prolio.d lai the attempt aonf£Bulla reoewo4 las n an" tWho retestheov bvin.5i ti. elp him se siuicli u>'olittie su the at mi»end wh rean tir um niQt viiother. baring faitii is ns ote ID tebtura " vh nirhumatt t d tact, not. botrIrthe facts. ot the ât Whto "Iacit tle1< No r> a doal 0four Lord. but encli 4. ut.o BVsha petch tiethé ah rosi alloer In .s lit, that vo corne p li. Evrse, l. th Rlmlaylutint~ nion o wlth hlm:ansu cliunion et highesel menntain, la the iorI& d ~wth ChrIile union wlth God the 't rera liebod M00 tfoitaeh.,. the Iratier and etornalIlite. a*rtelcfem. &The dLflulty laIs - The pogeilllt feternal lite lielu on th ~~ e developrncnt of out divine nature; la DotCUR lanah a ssi et l@ edai 1h tsgroietl i Uisuh the lafiulte agese du te cm en elusme bje acmlieau vo dcelop More sud zlMé la itte n-docllltlee, for te.path up theIi. lieiImage ort(;0& lit le n constant growtb ,- et Everest le kms.dIlleuit, a. Jar a. et hliejpneus; egrowtb of love, e Of "ehobaitacle ar econcernod. thm n ttîof ail tho osi ,itla orh ha tht0vldh leads t the'su-ndmt et ulortous divine nature wlfhlnusn. the siany mountol.aln vhh have bien 81W e-feble coîîeclousaiess of whlch oves ty: ceufully and repcetbdly acoimded. Dow giveuns enséet of ier, et M That wldch . u eefte * ogader f bappines 0f stlSfaetlOn. i, moustaitichoeur. tretcn rcchlagthewvjleh nothlng elle can gîve. But tbis top fetvr~at bas bleu 'ti. -tally trm ellty of divine developmenct " orthe Oe rplt tc,1lire la lie hlgitutbiafonou 'te te.mnuwb uivec play gi«tutm tu viamlte mentala ____ t-ibJ% sou-tliat la, wbo seeks te le- te1 Iflen la Dow peelS dte goblgt ibis volop the divine, the good. and tie aue< saerela. sclStllofy anud deibl lc l hat It u hlm, whe belles.. vli ,o ately, aller te.plits whhIè uho hem bli te ou the Drne ecfte.Out, ho- of propessal tnqnectly fe7r.eeebug U the psoloGO m poo; that lit, tu. tabUsâ ldoe. or ,0f A mas that mokea btmeal a lieât. in etàÂiondsviie.mes sohan -llv. m Wo@" o iiiitt fi sa beyhome.ammandtOtai& *nnature tha int lîthinhlsi, w c eh ron and =O nulit l le *"5dptu ebooses te.ignoble eh.eemena, e1 17thele vitl! muas tW thc ondlions or. Wsaithe dI8hq»oe.bIile late' man b lIf*te eprevUihg. vie donsoet belUeve on c$i Dame oft an As MM RE thes elOnte bsec.. se10ehe only begotten go#j of Goal. low-c -aelmated li ba hy osA Sdure ltSe* toal ud Ùprotestations, to the coil,. tu la thfr OamI satim wlethot disciellum ra y.That in the main who Ilebe-t ha tort o« danger tther WU -6 u èb anon a best vho' leafrfetlig hfie e A, Umm &dvaeiile.a-"831014SS bl» iltsdivine nature aud wlth it erery ' lic en v vIlWMb. amompllet gda6MIilty or the iernal and glorloua de-t Horetofere the lithgitetifluntwaa s: ThepOslbliles oficaven lie lu the il et CeuDffdbus boila AWZ«804ues, ii ii.eharsoer of anmin, Iuthe anuandfi AnSes. Aonuca lue sicst2SMlprpof îbs fe and no l lathat tes f<ilh, but eh. $.Wu0- tlot mO ore en ct hie Son Dot te judge tUiC ivihlch viiibave fib.ho flre1 om *Vrd but te nOte the vonlal by a1 -eCh tc th*t O rOft reproiets a« lI.asd deuil,. Lelief iii whlIuilgbAt -caoece MeAIr4e-th.vruaeMv Tlpte uioId oùr chîîractera. 'if -qa. min So e e.atinospher. flmeaentvlth troe t make cholce of Jcaue Christ, .as bist srapllty- piler o-e9"ts&hors certanmaster add bis patios, lelevlug fn loves.hlm as bis SArior trois cvIi, thon lic il a ouaemn. INb fessal a belp.: je-succor vblch toof5 l*Ce~ piq>lnt sud proplieti longeS for sud f A tgv day" "0.I' via as ulut coulnet md. tlirouli a protty. ïebady it-t. iters o.ibîe te'ylI rstg i-some boy& veroe ytig et basebeiL AUiewlertyW1Ifo t m et Amnt t lir number wv*a tUeSennearcproparilug for thi. future lite a i fllow, eeemlatly sabout <volvo 7*atreiurely ns the boy lit preparlhg 10 be a a r 0<1- plesIClyleetugdilal ~ man. Every mn uthe viole world y pote P on1d t,,e rUtheF. sod vihu. .*oer l evelopin, I. vrlldvl Sdeutiy round muciý to tui uit> i a i, hcabstly aienof bilsnature or thie a ng, @cycu vitli UOh nuouts :1 lse shows ine aieleIvie, vlsutiv » Thé. lame boy lslied ta jot a* heal aboweirn et. la vinoe. wBelwu t ,gamè, fer hl i ala»M tsoimte t lnk1 ti bAmensathe oel pai e deoft ilia kv wasoi lg iufemty v ubuo-)feigugaten t i nds igtB im. owu vey, à" a iteMi lit We a*ourpateruflood .un& go e r ti 7binuder- thie aese -uet u li . standard <thon the perfect standard et w EUrt@5l5ibeLout Lord JeésisChrist. Te belere lunm lyIs retersouad ery g d-atur et.the inme of the %noa one ed le tuafiT iy, tlal OP SdS iln telaad t e matteour iresIlîkebils; te do vlint On@ M<0 idi "let 9etelhr ta» te PUM vc ehenestly belere tht he vould bav. r sud I1vas9glad Wusotie. that 4liof0doue lu cor pince. And se to belleve C .them hblntat holiaI h ovo tul 4, i, hl eaus 1taobtatu.a, incompat- a , but tiat th"e aitlboi4 etafr Ile'aid lu the bard atruiggle, agaluat a ear h. vould bnhurteiSf. th. measel>'and derili part of our In "*Vhy. lluupy." 5511 1one0etihaïs utnatuire. vbich, 1 tube It, every flan. (I last, "you e*tnttii, 7OttiOW" tIent lu the nioments vieu lie stops t' "(24 hhtfr'Ilà a lSetb taDISaud thIns,ironid lîke le couquer If lie re ms th. Party; "neVer &r, ilt us <se ad the steitb. N 111M" aD4 ho ttet bis pisOc ft ig>- W. know God Ibrongli man, for lu fe my'e ide.eprael te act.«iflmosth.e n Jeans of Nazareh vas Goa bE ehlm4» bicsaI.te' revaed; e ni d -as wvc Itow-Ced- Pr rboys. "you voldrt, naut te ha threugh matl, no oniy Ilregi mon rnay m~ 1telS etfl il té, UI115 wqvei-aei Cod. Our bdet iu Jesus r As I passeS o t theught te mysftei byltjeif tjio a truc billet, la sot 0> g tt liera WU aS lmucgentleman. inereiy a botter lu the on. perléetman u Iftieton of Goal Instaâ; 1< le a be- A «*» tl HiD. U«y lu inthe wlilcblie mbnlfestel. tl, At ibis "amet etneb li5lliup'taib, 1k lea abelloet lu love asudI lli h hr- eci One M"1917 h5er5 t0 Dame OfePt r75 er vwe Bu4 tbern, anofor suad bis- TI de 1<0estr, am fet h. fret te tant<he hb A nd oommwlion ibalgulmsa fcasbhl~ e seral aviatio, .eal l menet lu thelr ltoslove and GO yet leo w«sthe bavoeut bis dey. A I trtiti. nri tmonufment P«Wse retl a.renoe on jTh* democrs e>'of the kingdoi of tr' >fatal attempt. Whou thc belltoe dotuoet heuven, as Jeans used thie ex-,pli vas Brut iuvelâted lie iorucal th.e Mua roloo.meantsonethit Inug t im esrtli tl tlist crimloale aboeutilic sent te mie1 and flot menel>' somethIug lu the world tant asceuts. 1"Il vwe ho bir lfté pome, aud thuttico man enterthie bh tOý ln" asilelit. IAe-Alb- 0-U~bngas fbavnl i utr ien an cateph," and .<15ne$eep uh tîe eetri i -v The carg, cr Streng l>s.iok. Proverbe 2&,l; Z1:20, 21, 219M& Ment- boi4tblg, olcttge e4çN r-ves.,22A 2 tb1g~l*c1îtJ>lugs stfurlug tings. Golden Text-Wiue is a goeSke.o" Il lia.enly lS >yearu '11:6de lbe. la; Pi-or. 20:1. ta'goret e.. eins f»se eealneady. lutemî,eraice le uo new evil. Fia.s W. muet hb.p ni>sd bestir oueseves, the nanlîcît tume» it lias prevalel. A SAil oxpsrlouce Sg os.ejUatlty thig liqual contnining engsr, or starci con- PreWi. Sivatincomere, ol..ver'tible iota Auger uîîder h igh templera-. > predlolln."a ucalontucommeeys. oli - n il, butin to forent.Te us ani «s-ai aé etenaurelu Choite,1 becoMi.,csrboic mciiid alcohel1. AgliN anal.111 lie a.natue dhiglts l ir- >peple liae ,made lts- aimidle discover~i sables.This hurrle4 âge la lhe ege Tho Ilterature Ofthe,. uclent Jeva ior* 1tit &clamera freamusement- it Ile . itusste te .prevaleuce of driinen- 1eâg lu vhlh fun-sselUng bas becorene uas. The.perila et drink lire uowbiere corporate. lua tee S dys coliege, presi- more vividly ast fortis than lu the hook dents arce15115< serions tbengbt, tuait-Of proverbe wierein le tonaithe rti. luggret ieu t. ~><>. Atbistîclam" cal PhlIOuophY cf the evéa. nthe veuid mm. o b. the domlinat WordwOrd. On whieh ve comument there are i colu lre tsto-day. TPO pliysllad- argre thr, od r vtugO5G§ MUcular dhvaeeo atar e. ieepl r theton-ltng iweb l alntan,- Thore Ie ailureinent, then treachary, eh.fuslevug ~atncl laluies iS-then InOckery. The attractive appeer' tur. Nsru' l ti iltoy e ti ved sce f in. luecalculuted te deMvoY& lia. there bien 8s uch souci- allaS-"Look net UPOnUchevin& wheu, itlalerad, îlO. gisen te. amousements, go mesy vien Il sporkletla inthe cup." The long imes vioe sru theln living by the svciî sunuy baya in 1h@ vInoyardsSein coe-- Of tiiele risibles. , Great corporation« Pro5Sod lu île» My deptl.. Nô, vouler are formed, large capital lI. Investeal Heracetvrote so charmleldy 0orri"l anal lanchlme la abuerbed hybntnsia w ins .Whisky aise lia boom. aposta, meS nalvoms l foserlg eS ft.- iue No rbepsodlgt ha appoear mes e wmenin offtrlut ad fr'hovcver, te land 1he charme et beer. tbein iecesla tbies.Tiere la nothing poetic about heer. It Wllb sMy aulecedente sud training iWit a poende word. Oue ight a. vOU! ti-e tea ornetblng ludievîone, jf nut attempt s lyrit du erkr&urt ipstliete lu the prolongation oft1h.e lTh. dlreumetaneeç vhereis we are lu- playround perod or lite bajyond 1h. viealte drink ai-oe. &Ie.of tnecmtlv. trl.hY age, the gsmbofing WedS hicli WO are in an atmaosphere et goo-feliov- bolouge 1to the mmli, colt sa" coltlehsh sip and viciath. landiord iliieth. stage amoug tlie docks anS bordlOr OMDovl av, l. t seiseth. ebeest efse- the ield. l clahlenea. b Join lu, Indeol, te .meut tho ti, n gà il I hilalons sienvieo nce estiemed 1th.este il Ibias, a si wl thes<r e ise tellev. evhc era a Umm vex *-ofo emset The. ret eitecte 01 alcohol aise, decelve.7 ethîc wsr; mes eacting sud i-e- jIt 6041 8 theoheurt, the Ilow etfbleod'15 liglon vas. moi-c aeverely testeS. I b.- apilckcucd. UOvtfielsestrougor, fancy 11eve there. nover vis safUme vhou the gObtsfrosarus. There le uoaetneroi reproeulnatiyes et religion ver, zpre but the draft lu qtrcngr, the bienshlgh. Sttenluonlu aheir attempt leo stbllsh ci-, sud theRas, houns ter. 'b itum- n couneetien belvisu thc'nierebi, liera-y pbYuical uxhlaration peopile vWho and he app, bewee th 1 r. sui£ppy, or Wvilv.on the. phylica analliehipp, btWoei l. lii'aieis plne are *Pt tu rasent. If. vu Ilyc ia Oue sud the vi-etchel. lu other *Verdi a&aungy, ill-ssieliug roeeose tond a, lu trYlng ltu lterpist the" gospel lua, u iv ollhv term Orcfhumain need andt al le me nwlu@ about i tomel u d shave1 ple> Iie îngalmeseenger erbt her-lg about the cravlng i-or beautlful sur- fuluces. Foe> Ibis very reeses- I thist rosulluge, whldli vouAIimpel Muste . there le a real demad for a cheerfül seleens. There le ne final cure lort -n religion. Itemperanco nil vo learey recet5ruact - - ettenst sections et eeclety PIEUMANENOU op TasE CHuRCIL tom up, util ire gIvo submargeS mam . or Jer.' 5'. A. Ssrtiere. isud vesen opilirtunlt>' teu11, humea If the Christian durce u h eep. l, UO utl vo lUt theosup 'abev e .- alilv. anal h. a power tiers muet h. templetions of aleoliollc de-lut by lteo &a erthutante peple reiower of Chistia eu lel. sot to bo trichod lmb Inteet ci-en Boi.<iuti.bas rIn e1 ns iliortant sud Octillous metters.Tlcv. le. "Peyrny,,"tmouaeehBs suain ho usdenlylng, great fundanseDta lot et the drunhard. Our natiosul bglubt maid .uncbamnggpnllcplea vbh ailsl,li fer ho tfia ymer clos>lnglM_0 APPUIe te ions convictions, Th* 19M w a. 81,172,41)M44. Tt vestehiga eburclà, wiU recoin tbeughttul men andal ilibahtviat vaut Ineroas.tiersVe womon OnlY se long asu ey rirsde h. lu the commen veaîti. Tiseufigures help. MUlu indmuet h. fe& Tiers lakeo neçccouait h.eexpeusentll ab9 ertan, »atioal ad throoghthe crime vhi, Imlth cunit et are ccran eeaeacl u emperydrink uOq et tIi lois r"- net tract thec attention ofte.papers et ien bas ebovu b hedi. taMeswlli cause, a t1rlpe lu public %ttutoei, butPermit délaklng on tuie prenihue uae It le poeer Rlu lhe long rus. ý 10 par cent- lever ta' productve power Tic crtlonlem t publice ocal% t- thin thé tuctees luhitiade set ié -t tecki Ou municipal nierais, den eru inem omine e. argin et proift ila mnlt of clubs sad Labeor guSetlonu, uriw ams. A» thrfg Ié'en ifs. ail tbIs sleneealcd ht times, neoaoubt the raeifor comamercial s»rsnîoW> 10iU but Il Soie nqes&foil t l>up r in- Ilange W e.natioe. vIe.. vorom am,~ IIPl& I WHI. nt bog h. euot tesipurate. cspi re Il Wl tnemt Mua litbe. 1e Taer As lu aigityal hum. Thon thut-l o boaltiisi ies. im R»s re vouad. "vtet eceuse." The dhunk.. times. whmeaiery enoSulentlone inis&J- opuisbatteesare gratulta. Tiretbu fer muetIneds Ilft nihis voici, oa Pub- lh ovr-eMilestdieu gly. fHeMri SoU .li mattecu, but it le etten ait a mcm. som t»fancew lasAI and peoee bt. seul hue. Nlstiha er bi$ peuple vaut a @soue. t mia. Plys P-S"eai ieuse te thir meuleabalout cal hans 1lekothes dotrineetthsler To GO&. elu, àsclvrtoà, courage, o»e, ln: "advctsiuts feud lPlestqlly lu fepu- W> noita"lî tS-ttable ppern s.noe rt e.. redln mat- teems to h. te denounce cIl tsltia; , et." public agitlet teil the unthinhlnuggaUer>' crOva tt1 Whtloror n loo l eusu. the Bible le, net lnjpIro;that Itla15a.,tii«esIoea -"tocS'? le saqqutop s er lim collectioof e nYtie saidsuperotIieins.expmerts, te ft euot. Tmaugh Il oxlime rlieu tliere OM tIlose vhouilmurse-ou ln lie body Il mosemte do, se et the sx- tree lovesanl dvocite ion. Peusae Otheprolsids. Te ail praeticai lave anal cosy divorce. What binai fPurm sIt le sualia substance, a pol- SuR e tat lorSeu150?dicovre -y lh. plyscal luury et alcehol ia s tua- buluese mes, 'lii tireSdiorouWegoa lar e ao-y.Itulcerates te. tomacia, mother, thec liêorhlng. teuPtld eufsble ticheert, "ueauthe lis up e Yung sas or voumes aial gel se te.nervfs, anad uoftesathe nmuscles. The ëhurdli toeuir politicz Slsuli laucorpulent alrlukcr laegse be..worn ocut asgrmon.ur fun mal. ut naSed tIsanesace net;proes*y removial; ho la lbiuga. Thcyvafit to heur eta s. mmasoitPURla. IePidomlcanehityitaa vlo- vhe vIlI orgive, ~a rthi.s- o sentenceOf eat al. 1Anenrace couanis nIl anevr pramer, et a home Wb, viii tak, ne rie*@ on ourmaed drinheis. -~ ~ O - Dink verts- greattmralburansos. moltO v wi ..e t 'b Taor thé, hody leascerlloge. Te luss" ad 61 a Vuy71.te y doeniborii*5 siouesability te serre the vori l tt i. eos. ti. 70111e bat viensever> pereen vs night haie soi-- nUl save the oburcli, andloet vici el. "De-mhes in lenet oniy the cause ion wer. iiever more nes- rto e i. of crime." Rays Itueelu. "tlnlacime." The crut-flOal, itansd ever-iiviug %Whisky incites to crimes «.fpnsilou sud Christ le th. hope of <the churcb. licer soaldeus Ind delîberete crime. Mont crimues couitted Sa re nbk cý e sien- >11E @TEP AT a lIMII. ho]. Intoxication lowers moraAcsetreaLs oryiler. L. A. cran545U. The sense et proplieto' laloest. XOL!9havo Thiis ln au Impatient agi-, We are A cre tched tho cîrilizel sman sud round e l a sever-cuallug hurry. The get-rîci-mAnge. qulck acliemes are unwlicug te vaît Sondaue. for tbèglo acumuatin& y mail "I will ee Il yet *ain." leotthe oetrn Ilrsowtthccutmate by mini dniuburd's renolve. NViy? Perliepe the explenatiesla ysca.Aicobolîs inl %e are ail the tIme ou the 'oohont a disense. Thec man*Wlo ha It la 10 lie tor nome aient-cul rond te vnalah anal piticdan sd belpeal. The disorderal sys- becorne ant easy pney 10 aisyoe e hteni a eaubquieteal oui>' bo s stimulent PrOWse. 100 Pet Met profits. Crai- lever more die.' TIc vaist rnnjeity et mlu tabres tie place cf educatios. sud mes wig drink, do seonuodenatel>'. Many ire greedlly accept the assurances of : oftlius are splendid mes wlîo allier lu- s.n vho promises to teaco us italien eaty. lu rie lesons.Rut ohservatiou proves tht the drift i apt te b. dowswsrd. Andi when once If stur sudhîsor>tesc nssuy the teet slip, vo bave the spectacle of îlug It sla l ime leana essentiel tUs min on the icy hlle, liera la se >eent ln ail valunhie lproduction. stop)until ho reachie Unthottoni. mis enrtli came te le wbal ItlaI.b>' iw grovlb Ibrougl i nold ages. T119'Next Lesen-David's Charge te Bois-. ermen empli-e bas coine up f-ront vAr- mon.-i Chronicies 28:.1-10. ug tribes anal stles Ilint bad se cor- ýeIatIOu. bas lu the resîlt o long- The Unknowable. !ininnal aevelopment. Thîsis l od' Binks-Wluber s la agrelot <riend cf ln; firet tlie blade. thes tAhe mn, then Youil,lias't be? le full corsnu I esr. Jînha (e mou of the voi-ld)--Cau't lu the building of lirtahelc sni. liv a«Y. I1liaven't bot! bu horrow money joide swey. %We de ual cerne tu full.- ince I huev hlm. 't..... UaDW ~Z- vu~ I ~ORssrn~a Posters, - *LL SP m=

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