ývembïr27..1903-lO Pages. ,S1.50a 'r Mus C orr«pýudeu00 Paper, in box or tablets. BneQeto match, Of correct shape.. Ink that Io lnk--hk that doeii't fade. Pens-u4teel. Pen#, fountain pens, gold penils-the best of each. Safety pocket pen a id pencd! holdere. And mmali prie«, too. Ubertyville pou@,1 F. B.. LOVELL, - - - Mi lînle. Footwear Miéhawka Heavy ArcUes, double isole.................. 15 (Tbéh bi Art-tic Over.lio)e ma&e for Farine.) A Cauvas Legginss, Sheepskln foot lined at.,............. ........ ...... .....5.2 Qerman Sox with Larnbertvil'le Sna Proof Enbbers. . 3 M-Itn'V medium welgbt and light 'weght Areticu, made by 'Walise Goodyear and Apeley Rubber 00., ail1 fit quality. * When you want a Fur Coat SRi and Caif... black, bIne and bine stripe. Yor fer c.uS E.W. Parkhurst, Llbotyvllb. Ill LAKE COUNTY -N-ATIONAL- BANK.0 apltol, 5so,ooo .Stockholders. Llabllity, $550,o01'. Surplus and undivldedpro"ils$5M.. Wi. an? now ready to recive deposita ini our savinga departmnt o! $1.4x)an(] upu urd on wichie interent wyul b.. allowed at the rate o! al Per C'ent. per alinuiîi. ~P. DYMOND. Pr.. FFI CERS 080. A. WRIONT, Vcs Pros. C. P. WRIOMT. Câleme. P. . BR, atC*Ioi. - DR J L TAYLOR, i!ssm:-7 tii 10 11, ni. 2 t.. 4 and 6 I Jiî. ni. eldence uts lir&iuilway, opposite Park. Lilwertyville, Ilhlinoits. MR.E H. SM!TH. l)ENTIST. OrPWE .OVFR.iLAKR uiiNi-Y liAX. ceSto. 12 ia. ni. andl 1 to 7 P. sM. l>AILY. jLbertyrille.Ilîlinolp. DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. pua-roin 1 Io 3 ansd 0 Io 8 p. ni. Libertyville, Illinoita. DR. A. 1. N!éHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE 'LVl BIACE OYER t al'HiTS& AVnIR'avo31 îrg:-Wednesdavm of eaab sepk frein 8:00 a. u.to 6ffl P.n. *DR. FLO0. YOUNG.- à1denee p pos4 éLehman Hotel Bldg. BÈDNI. . LMRL[. ATT'ORINEY AT LAW. - hertevvlliilbola. bto. E. BTTSRPIBLD. VETI!EINARY SURGEON. A551TANiT i'ATE V&TEsINAiIAN. Libertyvllle, Illinois. Wi we gvIt er.luIt. aplto t m.s J"li Wdd* Io. e Pl hIV. Pu 'Iv. Couter Burmi 095,000 LOBS. A dlsasts-sor* esswept Antloch's buise eter early Sunday ii*sng,ý aqd witIs thebi hadequate Ore protoo. Uoa. qtiuiaawho turnàed ont ho it tisa r. ver. nahie hiop It natil av@ budings and contenta were eonianad usd losse aggregatlng about 885,000 austaisd. Ruidinge burned with thpir content. Thayer & Vlker',grooryshire, owned by Battie and Ania Ain. Builng owned by Webb Brother., occupied by Webb & Boyian'sq dry goods store, Royal Nslgbbors and Woodsnen hal, anid Hart Be.vick's photgraph gallery., WIII Hannainuna barber ahop, owned b>' Chariles ibis>'. Henry' Herian'a saloon. Deserted blacuismithi shop and vacant remidence, owasd b>' Amon Petersan. Another blakom"t shop occupiedý by deand the baek, belng burned, but not yed. It was ln Chas. 8ibis>". bar- bie *hop the Éfie. tarted, it la thougbt b>'exploalonof acoal stoye. Thefiames apread rpidi>' and befope an>' auiber of men arrved b.d galued sncb headway uàtoh be boyond eonntrol. The ônly meaissat baud hi fight the lire vmaaili band pump, wbiie vater vas obtaied froin vats under the drug *tore, onp@ i ut picl. eggs. Buchet brigfades vwere fonued sud the mnen worked with a Winl. EkLo. Wallace witb a few follower., auccacded i saving the Çrie buildlig which lao oly a ev tuf.erons vbere Pe*tesn'e building stod.. It vas a terrilc fight, but the mmeaminsu>'won. The Wffe block, owaed by Webb Bras. wa. valued at $4,500 and tser. wa.but ittie ipuraneon it. Webb & ' Boyiaans loi on stock inetlnqated ut 810,000, Tbay'ei& Vieker $8,000. The - - mearid o iqraseou tbair heaitre ad - , PbaO*PmlW thomgb ttio building ha ocupied vas covered b>' $1,000. Mfr. Petemso, ve underatuiid carried no insurance. Ira Boyhan, o! Webb & Boylan bougbt ont (eo. Webb'a latercat onl>' six veeks ago sud tuila lois so aril hie isbusiness venture linout severe.. goitense vas leu froin tIse dames tIsat plate glass Wiadows itIhe WllIlan' block acron the street ver. broken. It seened at tîies as tboug> eltormto ta et.>' Iw te -vold prove lu vain and the intime business 'center lie destroyed. Two jearsaugo the villfge ,uffered a bad Oir. and ever ime agitation lookig hio establishmnent o! vater vorka, had bien ni!., until action vas mâal> taken and tIse syste in l nov being put in, but vas ot no avail at tinie o! the fi e.. It vas proposed, tu compiete it lu the spriag. vhich vili doubtlesa 1w douc and~ vitb vins. New Bc sodule ont Electrie. WitIs the satiifactor>' completlon of reasiresto it. large eninhe baHigh- vood pover bonumtise C. & M. elactrie rond inaugnrated a nev achedule lent vcek botls ou the main and Lihert>'vilIl fines. On tise main lias the car. mun nuucb fagter under tue nev achedule. « LIEETYvSLLE LINs,. Cars ieave Lake Bluff at 5 minutes alter the hour!rým f6:05 . «In. tu 11-05 p. m.ind ud n hi Lbertyville. leturnig cars have Libertyvilie st 80 mnute alter thse bour froin 6:80 a. M. hi l1:80P.ini. To Editorg-if the Indopeindent. Dirait8f: We fil.desire tothankyou for eilng te popleo! ibertyvilie aotDevo-Iay Ptint, lu ompai wu vltb lead sud 011, but are estrained b>' the tact tlsat jour busineelea hi priat the nevs, ail thse neya, especiâlly good newv It concerna ever>' man, t4at ovni a bouse; It concerna aven>' panter. Bcareel>' ueo! Jour -readers la not eonesund vlth a pint tut ave. mep,, on Une everges, svernildollar.a ayear And a peloter, vbo.e vork lunt ice -80oaa liv ofo!othr" pslai's,» o! course, seUl get ail tihé bmitassam-@non as tIhe fat la knowf. But peupla vo't vaut for Prout, vhec v. auiborisequr, agent. to oeilI lt under thM aguarasites:- "1! Yen bave nas>fauit hio fnd vltb tbi. paint, etiraow lunthe putting it-ou -or heras4ter la the. Wear, toi your dealer Oboutt" "We sutisoris. hlm ta do vbat la mtigat Our epias."' Tha usuai paluts's aylng k .that JeaS higond- for- tbr.eyearm; De'o teeS'pint la gond loir iYea".ya tar tes or UtO u I voeabh-crein Clerk Cook$ 1 olm provetnent board Monday 11e qa e0rence with 1f4r. Frout Of tha IISrk liI,..relative to the cltY ioltidaeàon Narlon atreet lu order to gat& liemdWer along thât street. . r F»t Imelierated his tonner Proposition or iOVliig the tracks hhn. selfif the Cty wSm m 4 give hum the Atrip Cet the sMd <"l4t eiuetery which heaneeds timwk.hlae e.ftraigbt froin Nortb Chicago uor4 to Waukegan. Thisa the city ha* o LI refumed hi du and it is announced tIsaàte board je going Abead vith ils P"ai f lifting parta O! the track at a tIns *id pîîtting down the mever la tuis a nu-~r- The Illinolaisgas' ifineryv iii sterit up bull force Deeqinherk 1. lietween 450 aud 500 muen whtR*lis1 eniployed. The announoentftit m heplant viii e gannismeans tIntthUeltrumt fla ready tg start ite figut . . thi..independeut factory iu tbila pl, éeWarner Stàreh worka. The ltêa ncern bas gone abead, putting Up ai the flunt pluntB lu the vorid and el*htly Igetting rcady hi oip4t«-Witis fias .I-uL ecnt au- nounessactn frein t ai ad that the trust vas about to hWu n hi fit tiie indépendent cosu mail dit i. tberefore euident that the. * Us4bri. wilf o-perate as long ne. doem thse amer coucern, in hope.o f making thel patb of tre uew concern the harder. -Y 1Father Gavi's btther. Rev. Dr. Cliasie Gavin, died *nday mornlug lu Obieugo, and ths. local priest was un- able hi be-athibis 4iîle and se.li befor. ho passed ava>' owing to the dela>' lu deliver>' o!C telegrani. Word vassent to Fatiier ghein Sunday night that bis brother la>'li a crîtîcal condi- tion a>id urged blw tAii onie at once. Thse message_,wàâ mot delivered outil MonLda>' Mornlng, lu*italter hie received anotiser telegrain amltouncing bis desth. Father Gavin burrad at once hi Cicago. Thec reunaina ver. btougbt-to Waukegqn Monda>' evening sud taken hi, St. Mary'. churchi, vbere the 'laid lu state tuntil Wednesday, viien fie fanerai vas beid froin the cliurehat 10 o'îeloek. Inter- stain luCalry,ý eenetery. .Father dewu i lI. kuY5 s ILake couit>', ubsatyvile, and avn ratrelie .Ith bis brother, hend of the. local Catholir churcli. Titeeremony of lnyin g the corner @tone of Christ chnrchl parimh houme, waa eondncted lfaturdiny afternoon at :3:30 o'clock. The rector was assisted by the Bev. Mr. Mallory, of Kenoha. who nmade a good address on the ueed, f. ea,and arivaintages fo! the twentietlî century panah boune. At the tioseý of Mr. Malorys speecflh the illiprese4ye serviWe -ofTavifig %liecofirne itt at ffor-ine by, the rector and ani approlîriate hymu was sung by the choir. Within the atone was pIaced a large copper. box whlch contalned the, lollowiug artic 'lem: Naine. of the véstry mest elected. Naines of the buildingctommittee. Naines of the arclîitect and coutraetor. Naines o! the Ladies' Aid aociety. FNaines of St. Margn ret's guild. Naines of Parnst lbrnnch of Womnu auziliary. Naines of Altar gnild. Naines o!ichoir mîamter and chorjater. Naîne of the janitor., Copies of local newmpapsvs, the Living Cbnrcb and Spirit, of Missions, the Dloe4se of Chicago, canons o! the diocese, theî Young Chiurclinian. Two piecea o! United Sitates coin o! the date of 19,0-3. Mr. Titus Granted Divorce. Frlday Circuit ('ourt reconvenied. Motions in various cases were entered and t he affIruoou waa taken up by argument o! couiîsel in tiieflillvsRube-no case, for a new trial. The judge over- ruled the miotion for a uew trial. Judge Donuelly announced hi. decision I the. Titus divorce case, granting to Mmr. Titus a divorce, tie cuatody of lier cilId and a cash su in of $4,500 and $2 a week for support o! the chlld. The Novenîber terni o! court then !Iri Organise Repllcen Club. A publie meeting of Lake eounty Bepublieais will lie beld la the village hall aie Liertyville at 1 o'clock1p. ni., Bâarday, Noveniber 28, 1903, for the purpose of organizing a Mial Repîîhli. ea eib for Lake eounty. Ail loyal Repubilcnm interemtedi are rcqutimA hu rsetand ussit luthe-organi- sation, Dssmb Mother Grieveu for Son. A Chilcago paper coutaineil the follow- bîg: "Grieýving ove? the diappearunrepo! her aixteen year old Kou, Willie; Mro. George Blair lies serloualy fil nt lier home in Antiocli, 111. UnIes. the boy in !ound soon it ln teare that ber condition wiii prove critical. Sue and lier buabaud are deaf ad duaii, -but the boy le 'poasoed of op"scnasd bearing. lie securd, their cousn u isilat the, chicago Centenulal &ad -wÜth tbise xcpt iqu ýof! one lettet. Tw.uttle masent Departe for Plsilppia.. T-o Year &go Aprit, the Twentieth lns try rrnd froin the Philippine,-» one o! the s t, depletpd regin.entp ever brougut hi Port Sheridan. Frlday àaternoon the regiment, fîîlly recrnted, starteil on lit returu trip tii the Isands, where oervice-,vi1l bis con- tinued lu the islaid o! Mlndauiov. The tient section ieft t 3:30 o',clock, the second At 4:30. Ailt tad about M00 mien were on the trains. Colonel Mc- Cgky, wbo had' been cormanding o13- cer, of, the, fort. lieing on the second trahi. The trains veut to San Franeisco via the Union and Southeru Pacifir unes, arriving lu four day.. A thousnnd Persona witnemsed the..departure and it la aaid taàt thirty wieof a few weeks were let behind. Tiiere vasxniue-h veeping, and one vite was particularly uncontrollable. Rh@ la the vite of Corporal Rd (iro- eue of Company 0Ï, and had heen to General Bates to get ber busbaud trans- !erred tbo another régiment so be vould not have to leave ber. Tii.. general took xtepm, but hi, orders did not arrive in tiie. and thé,. wifp *of two weelra was heartbroken. The fort la nmore nenrly does.rted than in year.. Ali1 that remîain behiid. are tihe Four- teentlî and Tweîtit-firmt batterie.sud two troops o! cavalry. Tii.. latter leave In a month for the islandm. and the Twenty-seventh infantry returua wbeu they arrive. Auction Sale of Hereford Camte. The underslnid vilI sell at public anction on the Gould!lanm at Bainesville, on Tnesday I)ecenuher 1, 11503 coni- menlng at 10 o'cloek sharp the follow- ing property: 23* Hereford breedin cova. ri 2-yr.old hefers, 1) 1.yr .11 befers, 6i 1-yr.old eteer., 18 ca1vs@ý 2 1-yr-old --imported bulle, 1.yr.old regi9tere@d heifer, 4 regmtered cows, reeltered bull cal!, 2 regi@atered bafer caives, 2 suilk covi, cov aud ca,52 yearling baffera. bay Hamsbletonsan mare, Ch*etnut Hackney 6 yrs nId, brood mar e yar-old colt,.suckiug colt, 4-y>! nid ôamallel colt, 6-yr-oIî Kentucky niare, brood sow, 4 aboata, 7 pigest- new double barnée, 8 sets double9 harneas single barnesa sddle, 151i0 tous nphlia>', 5 ton..traw, .300 busbela oat à 100bnahoeercon. Lunch, serveS emr Oui.Ragulsr .- -- .-- Elgin Butter, Markeet. Freezing vater -o! the last veek and the necessity for dairymen feeding cattie vas reaponsible for tueadvaue lu butter o! 2c ou tbe Elgin Board o!f'lrade Monday. The quotation, cémiÀnittee Ouied the officiaI price at 24c. During thie e6rreàfpoiîding2,.veek maft yegr the market was quoted at 27c. The roduef prce* tlîisyear lWattrubuted b>' board me n ýiher.hilarge q uantities of stock now iii tore. The outputtfor the district during tise veek was 549,-00 lh;.tbirty tubs .,oid ut 24e before tbe quotation vas auîiounced Monda>' on thie board o!, tradi. Tii. annual meeting oftbeLakecounty Agricultural Society' vill be belt at the Town 'Hall, Libetyville, Wednesday, Di.cumb)er 2, 1908 at 2:80 P. ns. 0. E. Cavacaoa.l, Sec. Report ef CoIRciioù Of tise bLs eCouuety Ilational Bank st Ubertyvile n e taSe o! Illinois a I lb. o"@ sof business Novamuber it sac j. asouiRcm. Loinqsu icounts ......... imc I.bonds ta secure 12N:: Use,0s Prnoao . i.bond....... ...um e, Stoksiscnilc .............. . MMeco Chaasd otser casàh lems s . .... mas ireOUal paner carreau,.nakeIs. cents .......................ici os ý iieder notes 22.30iiW mntion fü nd vlÏ*Iit tf ... le o! clrîtonJU ............ il&e Total........................ hais> i apIt toc ad .la...........oiSe S e a a i, flu îand ss an ce tass ............. .......... 1111f 6 N 111ml un0uteoussssins.... I55500W 1 0 did 0 l ...lua lits luaaic L à.. .Wrlghtt. Casier o! the aboya. nsmedbak do solenair s.wear ibaSt tc ftov iatemint Je truc 'to the bost o! mg owlsd su d bous!f. . P. Wmxusa. abltr. Correct ttskoi». PP. Dyxosn. Direetors Gos. A. Waxosv. Natice. i take tlis smoeso! notifying the.. publhie that 1 wlll not hé raponsible for debta coutracted for ni> grandson Lyle, a mnîor. 8-i-p Mes. N. ?frOuhhE. Opeit E~eîftop dm11 £br1sms~~~ ~cbecoy k i Speci llolilav artici6-. are uow on diop* & adviffe ur customera hi begin thele' extrit early tItis yeur hi foIe a4vaUb4 coffplet.. ammortmeutm anu f onvenf* elloosing. Two .Blg Bawsment 8Salporootua tbi* climck fîîll of Tëyà and Cidm.usPi.ý o!fijîl kinda3 and descriptions and Wi iîîc-re:it.l eelliug force to handie the hol rai Thlngs for Xmas. In ail Departments. G . R.LY O N & 5 0 " *.EADRAB Or L.OW PRICEB. Waukegan - - -i Cloc. s -and -,5Ie Cut'Glass, Ebony Goio< Silver. Novelties and Art, ... Cali and Sée Oui... -.:-*-Holiday Stock ESaBLU4DIS. IIwaukeàari VINTE B~ -My- stock is îust ln and « compi.slbthWet lin WoQI 5trect Blankets LinedStorm BIaakets. Llned Stable Bifinketsa Aiso hvago.ln~ F ur. o and, Fr C6ïate. Som.thlng nice ln luth Rob. My prices are bound to seli the good Baum'S Stock lood always on band. CHAS. KAISE, Lbertyville - - fl Jieating Stoves& and Rat We CenaliRit price aw Ail prices- Notice of Final bettlesuent. 9,Usmd, POY.ats esuhe sa e! thuttc cuur ut o! Ls"ka outr. lu th. U ter o!ftefiMal setieunt ofte tplae o01 rs W. Ieli. deceaued. To IUaE.IL LiSsaWill B. Smitb, Vers Ld'lsy. Dca Ë:". Guybuaml. >'oussau isc of Fou sm her.br notlfled t At R o Nonîr tte51% ..KEamIne our SoucIs BIo~k -7 - -= ý-- - ý ww-" -i il FT AL -;ým