..,:o..BSSg .ppg.. i l tSS"p Mlii4U IC ECOUNTY. pste1$1le Advands tne s l ated nstate.. e[niy tmouly kuomu as tl"ScneIlxIsmeaaof thse eýz tintheStatr, aud wiiuui soi etw -it-p en et lie st .,Igu$1,00 l*It t-eay. À n0a, fie. poilcourt boutse w*d ithîn feu tmiuutes &fier r tuuetroe, ste koya. the of lie rentrasepiée vis his. Tho country Ib icibot- - smber e' t.as u«tibtta on!etiros, as e publie vii9 Jahoa i mttiahre heec»forser- Théise atansad exieuîivll. tor tramps diurlmaglis vi- ffl The e0cuty sInsisos, Io rm u sifeihommse. The Circuit e utimailottraqe nb eltoilJotaî t- taas*ýr, omluî tate S'remaukable' uspe ort itiatien. la thc pt Ive ro lisre bas net be; ienstge crins-- 1 #ass triel tliere, aud but eue jury tiW l* il tisat te sadi ittlwa Matt h a mon whe ue lmenotie- swfer atteussting bIs*life'%a sfeetiosis. t'resssirbasn ol seul a putis'se te thé lêitsltry lu tiirty renfra, a record ,,,p unuauoi. lu ttler yeastra ir 1 bien butueis aloon ln lie coust>,. 0athe vtas operatet but antiglara. ait te eunvible ytei et Improva- i bas Sean a,levait *lisout lie or- *ty seurceas oftrevenuce esJcyai by iV ceelias. th ie cos','oet il pbhora comette sud is toubtiesa lutlise nird tifase. 191OlUs A TOWN IN TENDOIF. e nis Da aer ie é imeaIf luae 6*it a4 KMiapa O11c'et- B"Da. iStl kcamnau James Huds1on, iris latrtit Thoemas Ppellmsau lun ArroIs ig', Z. vWet on theise rpad *gasinthie sur stt, aisiafuer a tesperte batlla li tusepoliee. ditiarnt vicbsevaral pu a-efired and Husisoc invs se- rxIy aronaitd. lueeemscansd harua- -idmlf i % u wsu-nhome, n-lera foi gr5« her iigimis suitrevolver, lic aed net unyrlie, police, bultishe enire gra. Tisa oMîtes iaed nt3eavuritdte oai is a ismun'munpaiit lIss vite Runi de damgltr, wvue.Isaile hlidtiei kill ieus, but lu lie mielie viiiit ne aMim «inm ose oiers siud sizet i oa' Simite.avefl! vonmilsa rIce Nù Iobosen lu the san. Olemr C'raft slir iom.rM h a emiste, tisaliomse and ntlHudseomnitli s lub disunti binet resqit truaitis, iasl.. P. BaIotur "#slWtadrei itlieounud, Ubui p#Um 0 &Mvaf et tise bonne liid.uuuii*prai; lis tet. mirenta a si;tgsnsudnit r'ei . dotor vltm . Thîe police ver, tla tnlven -eut suithtisadortor. telgu- a la elum ht tu-n fei' Meicie, ew prit. AI muultuigt Iliutsmlat hit sm aie.d mmniith R ill iot'iiim, l'ut tro aimni d aareatli% injuries i OW »»Mau* Admit Mortier and ct4oem Aaussisi Crime. ai s. MVIllpplesee, a*ias Tony Rt tuse baissat!aI Gourva fer bis ouee et Nlcholi Temase FaIs. 21 in1 'Ier.oah Auroe. Tise condensa"dzoo oi nuï,mspanidteluthse galeira hy Pati p. mnella, tront Jolet.ansd Patte gtVuongb oet Chiçago. Itherif Burki oçéd $iippls.ee vietier b it atny Oui Io"y sBudani ie epliaitlu itallie 9 h tissai dia int, conty ollilaaun atse people of lthevoitet Ste". "0 My fit. silillie a vritiug te es ont# men." 'île ale aditt.ed it 01L- Latll thsa atrout vus adjuste od lb. tieplacet about lits ecS Fil 5aessetsepesteddete rts sahtsi bu h «Oneit. Re. vaikete te diafcabItv Wibeation, but yreakeued juit baero W_-'i --tinsud sila - ' .Depur hilE Biciarilsen gave lise ituns1i mý mprlniofethle lrop. Aflai th ýra> ýtissu vasunulthe ligltesb sItrota rnt tie Part ai lie uurerer. Tirenti gaq amiutei alter the esecttion tise heu ru cet dovu ansi sent te Aurore tc urssu t aMount Olivet ceseteil. Abol De persns vituessat tisae ecution. mabond Kh5s Làndeim slOui 1Wcîis te Dvecel Wismafl- .5gcrsed pr«monahT! becuiinse (ean 6n 7'%dvlek. a Harvey lanudrymi si aen.vlo>minub 10 bivs i-urevif bhoi. tlporgs 8. Freesusu. a Harv-ey a piukeeper. aict sut kiliat Van Zan nsle isbisevn latinudiy et 19 e uml fd»er nglt. Tan minutes later Fr, man usearietat. charred i 'tb muid lns police or. stitl gusîsiliug for tiecni iv fr tde crime. I aIl ieugit th mometiISin.ese beeltea the assistance Cis' d7oces voulan by U. aud bM Va ZsoteiSwasmtise camuse. Tise un ibtumseae tu t@abootng-Mi's. Fiv jan Mim Van Zandwlek. tFrauk Par, ama Freenan lilrnelt-tsttiC remai ptute aines tieotluot. .1il havei O aSrgariigttise affaîr. Pl ~édiî dib tcy Sesinotin it i rapt ibat Van Zanditck wusxiiot. vixIOHUWITiI 1480140 THUG& ý0g,iSavais, Lhre by Lean iru -car and Arresuia Are Mais. -Joseph is Miteuia yruagt; Poilàhai dent et t]icmgo, tenglit a desperite lis 1ie for big slite lu a box car vis ilsrt o amevnu fe 'igit train '1èr 1CbIC ansd Alten rond. BlU ir au nero Ibtuga.s, tes Wa s asa ,Mf iu a tureuiamuner sud roSi ,«is v atci ant$15T.75. Wtie oe tlt garattire vs brandlshisstga kSu eha*ëunu tle eudthtie lite of thtvieil Scge matnigetutfrCime liself nadti tea-ths doer othtie car, leapet i Ro4uzisgesi te ranch a tsrn ieusea udi siorities t Elvoto e enotili âï Lth oc5e utise a raisudtakc iaes os asfii utain arrit the neurea ver. lt hebsîtegar vind salen vhee they irue piacet luJ 1ait iti latent te titi. IRA14K CLOBUI>BUT EXAMINES - sistise ,Cose.of th Fi Wit n Ou-Baremas lIy.Ahlguitilaagaus. mi ei70 and to dealli at berscineomeu eila,: Two wok. s escMrs. Thomas bord$?" t or ti AnrofMl smie sîaweld'be deuil lu two irceki.. Sie dIêeot beait dilslise. I'ivate gtw. G. Posta. Company E Secnd lllolsKatoui Gord.nssbecu boneusta, dlscbarged troaiti the el National Gourd. Ovins ýte a mlspI'aced switcis as engi an tise lllismls Central vas evertunied et Douîga sud 8. B. "launiSrinisu, et Catalla. wsos cruabed ta deails. ClydIe Alyea etprlacevnllea@u ot Dr. 1%. IL Aiyca, Iereperte lalu Inthe inocuslalsueofOregon. ne. wB5 0onbIe wiy teulita latier'a Coppet uinacs. Mm .Henry Cspplug lller arreut at Galesburg folewilg thse deatîsof et e isuabut, visebodtyise round Inlutse tit oee slu thsarreur o1iscihoein. AtStlise ieriut etf(Combler Bàtler of tie Itîclange Bantif cckport pîtiui- oacI czamlatloi wa valsait andsihe waa hlaigowtatrait tiseotin etthe grand jury cuuoiu $10000 bouds. o%-. Tt. suitthe ltai. board of partout at Springfieldt have licard argu- men tafer the coumutatiohu er the sau- tchofetJoin Mi-Cres. a Peoria .5'é$80 Btviti gire a deelulen n lua tewdays. picestrtini lInle printîig Offie e Joismul lethard & Ce. etf eorm. ue0 lise targeul voiseaale firmae' centrai Illinois,, cauait nloes. ei $20,(.00-Thi oire vas cofunesiteate issumeut. lt 1vwiiciason tored $50.000 nortis et ire regrien. Oiirif f llt ol utetn deiipîlY sheriffi of »urs-uCuunlty. p*»emlê n.L%4hsearchl statramt». veut te Sprina VaTay mand cap- turesi tweniy M'aie ahisnttes lu aaloons. 'rliy n-re leade lto wagons fBudttai tirPrinvaton. tic counny set, whrle ticY sitillie- testroyail. - Maltîea ' elsOis. colorait, afler a (peur- roi wiIslit> sire"tetrtTittibÉ Moore. ilncoloredAt, nsd ktili er ou tihe publie c trees et Iltusminglon. aeil tics Irait n bullel Stroligh ishsiead ding làn tAnti>'. A ilretatratat by thec quai m'aei wtnass thle idouble shireint. STihe uiter of Adt. G«i en.ott Appoint- ..ng Francis A. Hopkinua et Chicago sec I retary. ails tise ri et lieutenant. Julio I grade. Illnois enavail ittia. la reveof ilMr. Itepkius haviug ileclinail te servi. i Tiigeider sppitinst Iolmat B. Wilcox ofe Chicamgo assis~tat euiineer. le rauk It as eugoti, Itlliois avalt imitinuis. is al Irevotait, hlemin.- faitaittuin tisatis eas- Isuiluallon. fr Ater tsttiug lin'.tY-"e' etefrint * lit" top mît a groin elevalmr li S outh Chi- * rugis ltanry Jtt-euai, 11yc.en ld. eu- i ployedait astimukeeper b he lmacouatium eP tien cenipioy in charge eft lie wmî t aS a- lirs. itolteraen u* usaieiait a fracture i1 o-bots leg. anditanlitaol vasfraclurai li Tiio yug minn' an-nig onultstrogi in ihen lia mil ou a plaeeuftarlaip9i re crozna s ole. l.aka Coiulty. -bielias long lsez uagWeîitbu the rural route agent, la B lest le receive attentilon, Places ha' A bire uidae te tart ten icv reutas lu th, rereaie mendia in audtioln te lhe tise >. ileis have been lu eperation for wsonq e timea, pet. Tiey wn-Utlte frotu Wukegan a Itoeklefelitt.asit L.isctYrilta tW ete tu and tfrin Dacirfiait. AutiocIsRonud lAi laan sudrs..eueilelC. Carriers ore ne ,r beinc selered- lie Feino oion et Mumphysi Il 1 y- yonng min iriselias lroitetis y readini : ia n esn'iperie. Ti eeyaks ago l ,ad rend cf ries Ieari itudgil iitise Wabs. 1 river,.nitmd c aen te mconclusion tlb ll thislqsa la tise Big Mald ouglit I la% ylld pearîs as -Pl] As tioss, e tia il buitI. AcouintlYý lie iea'u iutina i l. tisa riveruer .1itrPibOro, and lu th ie Ive vceks ba roulait about' $M)51nort thi et pearis and Almainlamlinhell aS ,re fraei tise lid "Moddy. e7 S>îglvssbarBaker- a nette. = Yaars Ob 'oi confessainlucouartt Belleville lis Pil ie lu dhe eupepirar! le kiuitnp Jesse John; 'e tay. au -East St. lîmaso.8years Oe t- lisker iras aciitenm-e'mi l)i thscrefmiro cwl t! at Pontine for tur saurs. Accordiv fr tea Baker, ibo iras a fientlberOetfa ce )t nival conipao! iriicigareanauelhihltlu aIetFat Stloais leat Jue. tîe mi aget santeatgtisaboy te go wiuditis aaim' Thearow1-m#sfinally tiditapeit and kml lu , a gen nith semmc uthlIe Animmiu Va tlta.sanie h rerealeit Lis h idlngtplmace. re' ilisels. lu tIse Persan of judge Sel u, Phillriet. and bbc Unite lIttem. in t ia, persan et CUiitd lttes District Atiu mo.-nucr Wrtlunttn, are lgltiug gaerr .3 ad- liolmes. ietaSrevenue collecter et i ch. cstur_ Mr. Halaes melinci tu teltil ,et- De Witt Cotml grand J ry % vibelt lr. Chartes Swmnney et Forci CitY 6s so- llqmo i n certain gluantitîes, bsirmg I at refusailon Instructionsiefroutshmli et ton. Tha St, ecourt oderait isingna [re. te joli. District Attorney Werthingt- airsil u ntitiite baa»corptus piii -ec- liitiso e fdorai court. îc': Fr'ank (layon. tU ilian,. i lapi mdailo tise l'nirarsib! et Illinois Otob re, teanutir enlra age sud wigm nas il ira a %tar oms tisa tracktelai,eleped it ex- M..iss' AneaSuytai et Areula mimti couple ivera marriet -lu Tuacola. Casg ,iila nnove tha tramner et tise Lil c lten.met Misselinyter lu Arroissud. attýchmenb ssi girewietveneu ti Cayeu Isla agrn dmatcetrtise Carisle1 mio mi& ciaelaun enered Illinois th, bt eressAtga e.aneusuinim sbride ett1 at- e tIiot s miotly sitar the sveidng.1 iclatiei dtnatonias not reranleit. ou hr etgao pou Tise Indignation et George B. Acre. aIlt- raie et tise action of bis tclio' sel, het diricetors lu adoping tii.unitoriut bo! books racomnicudeit isvCeuly Super tire, tendent Van Hein et Sangamon Couz ire, las led litm'to eret a ie seboo ll 'u- S At ba own expeusa. lu addition t el out.- aiseeggl diractor Acre. ila ssprriaoi tr aiude Tlkinglon townshsip. Iltas saithtia li. ci>,boo lu-tise seisools lu bisi disti rhliedai brousin service noe ta mn ap- ycnrs beraire thé nsiform tait Ibooks ate atdopteit Are. bas atatenbis chld ait. eut et scbooud willlkecp tisennt lc and uantit bse secures a eacher for hisis sebol. BoiesMonroe. srlo murulereil Ruo jatnan et Etginlu s la lari. irus -el Umm eses S S , ARnnsitS D. ON oGRAVE c HARGoe. Wfli . BUeea'ett aebnrg Iedictud a. Nequthofet ectarS Trolley Stri., WIII B. Boyer, a mamber et tise Sa board et tabeu commlsolouer.is eeet ttres eu arested lu Oalsbura, chaug- et witi conspirit and cutting er tise trolley wmu, sud otharavîse' damuglng i<oerty t-tiswieopleo Traction puirdîîing the. strika tisica mentis &go. lloy.u vas lntlctdou tire ceentesud pisrea nuder *1,000 bond. -bs[el, be gave. At tise testaneofthelbtuternatienal Breemuakera Union anetiser warrant fer is suret was averu ont, chemuins bina vildila sesslndurlug tise lent yeiu $1,000 of thi e nel emnug ta blmu as aarttry-trAnîr et tiste International Breominiuke.suds e dtor of tb.lr journal. Laat Septeluber Boyer refnsed te sllow thc suditing commlltee sceau te hls books, sud aIe tafot-lia ànew bond, hie old bond barlns tipireit. Tisa ezecutiva commutte put Oliver Brever et Amsterdam,. N. Y., luntchargeofthei boots, .and tisainvestigation toleveit. It le a assiBayer tees Dot iteuy tiat i la aMortlln ite aeceunts. ibut blâmes the condition ot affaire teamniappy dtemestic trelations. Boyer lits beau promineutlnl Istbor cires. sud tve or threa yemrs age vas oeeetary ofthé tiefat. Feiteratien et -Boire SAVE CORN CISOP. Viirosu Locmtv Mte5sias. le etoibnyl or etMedors, ptainlg ucar aan abandone art ai.isptayet hieroilalu extingmishing s fire wviaiStreaaSancd t consume lmiuiitids at acet îcoin along tise tracks of tisa Chicago. Bnrliinglou sud i Qainry iSslwa>. Sparkp frein a passîng etrain Ignita thtie fieldt et Jetn'Wltîen, oe tetanurhbofethde clîy. Tîhe youthe. *eelus the auote. rau te tisa scne an4 r n-tlîsçmed eut die fiania. w ii boarditshb. fore au acreetflise grain iras desîroycit. r- Tise igîm alaient lthe fireWlasteit for au ibosîr. Tise boys, sous et pre)mîneut titi- sa Zens. mare Mastèe Martini Katctium, M Claude ClampitS. RImer Calverd. Nec] -Orea nuitJames McCrellis. Hait- Nalisi Body n'mai» ialEl a nae- )r TieDer Fouad Near iNlshop. ri he lt-ukd body et M». Ela Heu- e"neger wnsatu iurie lu, tisabandt abomut us mile trom lier tome aI Bicboti. Frac ,, $tirube. smi hein h e net fo s social 10 Sartay ngit, visen se disappearet, -ie anspectet ofthtie crime. Ha la miss- lin. ntd netrace et hlm lias bec dis- coeriet. Je.leuuy la aupposedtale bne n bean tihe motiva, tise youns wousan bar- mug r rcetly Wbai-eusce ta10a St Lents man &mita iaccepitng Stnsibe's eai Il tentions fou sevaral years. An anbeper of isoe atnttisa gir'aaluli hitd e. '. tciiet. Sie was about 17 yoars old ofand hiad always borne s god rapolatieti ,tSîruhe Ls 21. BULLET IN DRAIN, TET LIVES. n i Ea, iAcciealîy uot br [AlletIsSister ve with au Ot Pintai. ie Henry Ks4aier. the -ye.r-eld sonmet ee Chist Kruegar, resitlng et iloîleton, In liresansuitln aotimons s'il a ballet Im- n, battait ini is bralý Wiile piaylug ih ah .younger &inter lu 4 ' tite ol f bei home ýk tbey came scrons.a pistai tliat bilal i ybeau ued for Yests. Tbey besD point ilit ai 51 estesan sd sappina the pistai, mien dhe utponwas disebarge, :n ad a bslliel plerce thde akul et Il Slifle. tellov. Mesuters of tise famil LSh round dhe little teltev cmusclons and abl lt ie valS te the borne ef l1p innmili phy te siien, vitisout apparent effort, visere i Sproie vasnumade for the bultet, but I ,tui contd Dot hb. teuni. tii CRICAÇONAIZ.WAT SMAN WESDI an" lltmsi V. Dextes' andm i jI..Loulm Zwimua.Wcdai-at.iiematon. ' Id.'F.dmulpd I atre iîao s mrt Mis Louise Ewing etfiiloomingtouwie ne- mariledi thie Ewlug bomestea inluth, Id. presanceaet gue.tq trom Chicago. i 1-soi ls, Cincinnati anetother chtien; Roi ing Henry' K. Deniluger efthde Second Fne -or' byterlan Chuieb ofigrltet. Afttr th IOn eercmouy tielbride and groeom leftin th Ci- privte car cf LoueraI Manager cisarue un'- A. Geoduow oethde Alton rond for Ch! :ept rago aud the t sIta@pendi a six yeeîi u isneruscon. Mi. -Dexter inth ieperdua lus'w agent tor tise Allen, wit i lauquui ton bers lu Chlcaàgo. t, GALS INJURES THNEB lMEN. M. Kuisa Dalýwn Part ef es Hon».., De>- Werkmeai tFox ILake. lise During a liaavy gale nt Fox Lake lier ging t carpenters atamptdte elevmi oIt , iportion et a building leint reeteitb Ili, bise Norîlieru i.akes tee Company snd lg- tali, tjurtut thîce men. Thse lit: Job 'et H. Glbert, bolli boue, inltt leg Sao rto" n, aukle broken; Auat Lludqulst f usa' lainai Injuries rsut ljury intesespin, Jolmus Walsh, oramAnd handt iroko, fiq 'Ycd badity eut, internail Injurias. siZo STONE FONT SMAX KILLEM> witîs il-i oit Reitent Natcîlves Fatal lalmie ou.t la Nnaway. ba George Joyner oeef etliseodent au toen mont prouinant ctizens of Saline Ceu tien Sm. vas illait lu a rmoaiay t Sto luI- Fort Heansutbis dtangiter n'ai, ratur irea lut hume trous a afriera ien tise tas t oi became frighlened an rai s 'ay. Bo but n'eue drowu fronstishe carriage. Mi Jeyner iras seriously injurcd, butw b..a racover. Mi. Joyuer vas trw Iool Omsbig hast unit expîreitsononalter. tast rin' 6RI9199E HIIUAND'BLAIN. unty 5,55e Teiepheue Supeinteedat a Elactr einsi cti bu Top of ugis Poe. trom Friank Lester, auperîteudat ofi ter' Home Tetephene Company. vas dlect I ai ,equMa1r. szpemaoe ta autoemnal 2:4 1 Ciiron. 26*I-10. jemory Veress , ofl 10. t, trou Golden TÉ-Tru5t lu tise Lord with fe'Ju Ail dhilue hart."-Pro. 8;5. ca Atter tIhe colîspuet q!Abamnl m'a coun' sptrecy David ceme sek ta erJcsmleui. wo A nIl rebeilàn a fOsesbad<sis miset tlb.h dmrembermnt oetélé. kluiýil.î,lad by tiu Sbeba mnd a"memon o 01 im"iilaraal, O«i vwos 318o crusheit ot».51tlserig,rousasdudt0, ruthless Joabs. lsvIdvas ii v an old îii mui; lic lait rcacisethee mre acobe ver yare and ten. -s et t ia; ton "etapiovide tor theral sithe suiccesione. Tise eouaplry ut Adouisis aftt Iasteneaitaction. AdoWJM wis maanedier rl boy ike Absgalout. lotBalim.ilieba. diths isotiser of solosuon, iie5'd et hi, chae, q And David, tore«sr1sQ,, vasnt'rearmad. had golono on a atity Eérewn'd. andi lu a dia popular iclais eofthdia ieir kl or Adouijai saaisithe utitle f ruler Sica- A mon. A great isceubly won cumiemi te rat- "l lfy tîhe eronatton etflermi. T'ii thetise Iendtiug maioret Iseutire kiiicmi weie den niàimîmiîmd, egpedlnllthue % u mt,%ve@ , lu promlinetit officiai peatimI'n. It won ve lu thelr praseni'e liat David lave torue]ands public- charge t l minn. op About un, too,. Slire laa i "i 'w tcfwtt- nem,.se"am' s e Stae uop e1t11-mk (lia- tmrevit 12:1). N, eue lIres a lfirlmlly NiX mrlusarveml. Miy eyelàAreu sin un on a 'me tta u lp t e îcpolumblmim et lite.A, Tuera wis tramis 8veili apomuponis I ileteric lit Napomleeu's wci'i'ite bis h troopîs befor,- tliej.detautcdSthe Marne-th iite, umder rie fst~dýfof tll-m' pyramide.Pi '*Boldi".. fronst 'ender pyrinmids fety Ba cemm i,îrlo ok dmmn'nupon you. 'oie.etfciel rimee - ,-pu.mn ua- r itial sud hostile, Toi tses' lieeta sec mis fait. 1.'t 'le sea tisaIr iliîy mre never allite te gay. -1 relit yen i g."'rliere aie oliter cy" ill Icf tîteud- the o ue', il dhope. Iîtotier's m->'.,ni ma li, miire. are always upon an..sd bie air "ni-mis telieu lu sna ller."'ba g t Na n imîgitieofthedi impîtneofanet 'lime occaiion mileu the kinmg îi'.s Sae impak. ordimiril ha- voulitmrpnin sa.utait, aie *My brettîran andt sy peell.' i a vrrY «ieim,ratie' add.ress as coutim.ieml wit)i tIhe raaIt ligh-sonndlnt simmiîPtien, et àorintal kings. And it lblaa. s iumte utisemi tleS,' mof David tint thse .one 5 w-je hiiss couamustieu occopled dth oî.'grcuit et ita uinit wos tisatemple toi ietorab. ta I lait lu mine hesit te bili." h dia et -%tarement et su ambition wihionia u, pl 6prreay chiseict. tit good te kuow gal tuaS Lied judgea s e hemr aspirations IL raier.than bi ouieietsleeî'ibm. "'Ti% ju ont n-lia jsaunmdors whithexails. Iiot, but wi Wisst inuwouid do:"Tb it tBut GLd eusi'md tgratit a tbuildinlg mn permit. David uîigis tiillerillaitrilal, ro butSial wnanii. Aud set in gettua1Ki tia Siteradsud eCansd ghtotgether ha was dcmug a grasS sud nmà'esary pue- tSi Iaratry' mt. Tier nevr Was Ray mn temple built nios. malerisu reanet of gamise by preaeaaers of tue builder. mi tAndthtisaremimon Davlidra4 tier permit- ta er uëeted Iatemple vas tha tact tIsattf loielit had bicot. Any mani mImediminose cran iu lairful n-ai vas am'cuntad Un- th d coen(Nnrbei's 31:19). Tisetbeuse ot W, a, God irasn et teaSe asoimted. ylhthe iath ravages etn'i. Real religiemi 'erikes for -of pence. The truc souier wasa ilei bY te (;cei. W. T. Sherman in an mdrita teath ti Steumlay am'toot: "Hlina 'mcmiii ti1lves ti pice wel ienugis te igltfriti l" SOu@- AI if lutne. a n'roimg eau lie repentait, or right- Pl à, it. urml> 53' tie s'.'cd. bitS Sie@ Ctiistlan z- »liier lias npleasure lu ver-lie lovesOc th ene..W ce lit. s tlument.m il- It'ill ceine Sisimmigisorne prince et ho the bouse cf David. Haie Iii the aigu' 4, meont-mmisel. jiuiah. teiamof tJosse.i ha Dsvid, te sou eofl.iid. tirset as s [1 pimîtite wis a fart. Among tham tise ,je prituscy a given te Jutais, ne Jacobs y. delmired itis iibit ytng irath (GRmI a 49:10)4 Widitui iisUtens, et Jcsi httait becu chosen: ot Jesse'asuseDavid vag Iauoluted.1 To David was gircu the promise'et s parpetuat dynasty (2 Smm D. :131. Tiseroymil chirie badl alreadyr foneiupon Selomnon. . Ha viii buitit de. the Temple. Hea-vns cheeubecause lha] W..s»tise itteat Roancua Dviit' aun a te r- Bd ceira tIse cin-iis. iré - tÏiras ttirosglisSlmfl tri atlvtd"s-f 1e I;reat projaciIbail foulient. The sgledl Il. kîne wnasconfluent ria; Goit's cause woasI e. te go en l is themfutue. '"Be teatY!"a an . sit ld Sensuel Wesley te his sou th Chartes..**Tîhe ('listiîmi fatti wil aors-0 be îy revive In thit i kigot; yen $halSa le. il. tlougi shsai1ine." It lta115wlththie moiStsolernu sanctiona ka tîsit Havit apîea;tte m asambly. Tisa» Il national Intercala mre in tdiu bandsaia or leaders, Go4 mi e lieit ara t iseir vows. Thair awfety lies, i obéisetu tic lava et oct. Tisat tley MaY Ike.paIl" dte cemmndmenli lbay aie biden te -"sec" sfor tiens. Aq David aiv. Myo," tisera In a a ilepper traer te ii'. 'ucI. Very tender at. and yet vr ittîiil 'mre-Havi'. verts. hi Every boy deiglil ti l, ins David bld 1il tietomois. 'limaI le stummid nt tise immitof cbue tisaromd-ulduby îad iisobeitienc. joy uSk- or grief. la. Tisera taitue 1ieil of a Irunpet lu De- se; vid's clesia n uitsd.: "-aa i eet nov."I 'e. A bnp-hasard lite la sure te comae te dis- noter. Lay hldut $onm.gicat iteatl, lier yeurseit Itenoir mpiendid tuait. Look aiseet suit plan îun~ieiinig vortisy et s mai u n whlons Gditplaces a croiri. .es -Be arent anmidcoil." I)reuas muat be folloi'ad by imyiiait jol if tiscy avar aut contie truc. Fine architectural plans toi nu- a temptle aic teestan,]itidspensable. but ;Oue tley are a uiovteiy uiîiesa tiestones are ir- caîvetl and liftî it ime Iheir places sud ea thse galalenfta smi'rmnd non dons.sud lthispiunaacle. Mas. gil Nait lesson: htuIouion'a Wise Choice. ont K ings. 3:4-15. 1 1 tbougtit.' maIdt he traIe strap- bauger, .yOu c iaiun'd vies trinhg te gel thse franchise. thlat j'on tPeopae te buttishe rosittor tise bonafil et thé puîblie?" "MNy dean Ir." replIit tisa d1roctor of the Soullesq cnriieisttleu.isho oc- caslonnlly cotsdesceimdcd te paroulle bIs a-an cars, "tls' resut vas but for tise benetit efthie pulblie,. but itlsla in for tise tunefilb etthe officlat." Toue Out of Ceheai. Accomupauilediu'y ter boni'lioim'tit, a wommin *eaa cmlIng oms a trieisitris bappelleaitutelive ln uP ueRetrow'Oe bou$ofmi teiaetty the bsune alsîscr- auce. 'The great PI)JOctousn tO livming lu a t'on et bouges" remaitet the bosStes, la th lilIabillty of makbg a mitake. Do you ever bave any dîffteulty, my desuF" . --()ne," geplede h. ttIe fitd *lgik n uau«mseped0y. i"Ma -j ad un wffl t" - oier a Ceeta Destis and IXxilmy. 1%1iety-en* men were kilih sie d et mt fitteen' tujureit lu a bemad colS. m betweena set-bonnd frelet a ia ,r trinuon the. Big Four Eeoad b.- oqMarkinaw end Tremont DI., t &' o'clock Thmîraday atterneOn. Tii. dies of îwenty-oix victtime wée taisai rn the. debria, wblch was pfled tbirty et high on the trucks. Couduetor 3. W. ige, a et treight, iiOlated rmies, 't '0 rged. and eaused the collision.- Ail thse dead sud mon t fthée Inurai ar menibers er the work trainle forci ýcraws on both 0englueS Jumping la me teasare tiseir livez. Theii. coud 'ued ln a deeP eut et tise beglnnlng s asarp Carre, neither train bellesvIs se ta thse crew of the other untl th"y re witbîn Iftty fett. -Tise seulutii - nthse brake. soussded thse whusamo and len leap.d froum tdicbe is. A Second rr the. cotlleit4 the bolier 0ethe werk lu .xploded, throwing i"tory trou bars ma apjtuters ot wood 200 fest Conductor, Judge, of Indi-VOla. who ad charge cf tlsefrelght train, rocelred ram et UDisat wwatt at msckuAw )r te wok train, wih -a due tsse 2:40P. in. Instesa efdotas " hoiii c l4a te stop. The. engîneer of tihe work ut mie, GeorgeBeacker, bad rcMev$d OF- ix ers te pas. the. frelglit at Macttlnsw sudý sol OU thse way te that station. The Ti mrk train was perbapp live minutes tata U nd was rdnng et fuit speéd te m*e 01 ptime. Whou about two miles trom L tiet the.Crsascame. th The. collision was wltueascd by Runase >oDna,ODa ferimer* 5boy Ot 14. wiio frain w u ear-by bons. ttepbOned to Tr"ment sl Lspeclttraiu wt tour pisclu wAs md. up lu a few minutes nd inluesU1 an hait en boni was on te aces. At w he ame tinse anotlser train arrlved'lrOM tc 7eldu bearing Superiutandent C. H. Bar- cc lr a , of th e B i g F o u r. n d t re . p h Y si- f lsus. The second train bore a lttOtft rurkisti raseaud thase wer. used taesr- lm ,out thse mangled coipses. p5 Oue ot the lent iesearcovered wl. b ht f William Bale, f Macklnaw, vho bod been thusit thirty feet Into tiie r sud betd by twe steel rails whicb ld bacis pusmed mPbtwecu the. engin. e Mad the tender of the wrk train. Tise orkmennhlitdbeen 4I*Yilnteàtee *il. t n lion tetrack. t A CROSB STATE I4IGI4WAY. d Xasurt ta unit. a SPîsadid Nemi d fro. et. Loui, tea as eCti. issouri lu a&bout t e bgin an undei- t Lkljg sgreat lu its way as the barge muai prolected in New York State. c plans sae virtually completsand work lu ll probablttY wll beglu in tii. sprint ont asplendid highwaY sas.the 8tatç. nest whîch One or thîce propoaed -u wiII ho adopted bas flot been declded.i 'he varions routes src 274. 288 sud 290 t mile, loug. Iu suy avant tiie road miii t n aroa the State Ira=n St. Louis te K ansas C ity. ,i The roadway wili b. 100 feet wids lirougliont. W h ie it sn t a h o bsslt p i- 1 arlly fer stablltY l tain &180thse Purpose1 orth tcprojecters tb mais. It Ou.eOfth*ii Most besutltul bltbwaye lu thse world Macadam cight luches deep snd 244 téet wide wtll torur lie principal coad- hd, but daY wagon patis mi paral ths main roadwsy ou botb sîdes for dry reater. Betw.en the dlrt roidbeds »Il te fenees, wbich wi fllolthe d. cure. to tii. rosa,water sînices iare ta b. mode fer drainage. Betwcen tises. Blutce.. sud th, feuct a wlde planât vals for POd.se triang -la .te ho laid sud betwé.n tb. ilules snd the. alk trees su te b. planted for sadole. Thea. tues. are to b. plautid-by per- salnu living aiong the. soute etittha road- way, accomrdlng tea a Ius, lu thi*ge. ment, wislcbwlt ho drawaunp b.twie th. projectors sud the odIclal Of tise Couetltse ugs. wblcistii. rond psases. The cmn of tiie rusa t net te tressa 83,000 a mlle, wicisîll bingslis, total whon comnplotei!about 800000. Taxation Wll torni tise chiet me&"s 0 ralalng tmouerte Complets tihe wors. .ach Mooey sPProPrlat@d by dtihe glsîture for the Improvement Of tise radways wll @aie .ousaden die bigiw&Y. CUBAN Wtt. ADOPTEO.6 ans, Ps. Ths.uhthse Nisser. by a vote or 3» ta 21. Tise Cubin reclpuoclty bill. whii gives fortesund eflit tai tie treatr.i "13g- raduction of 20 per cent troutise Dias- ley tarif achedulca Ou Cubsu Preduets entering thc United' States. wIsS Passd by dis Houa. Of Itepresentativea at 4.80 o'clock Thursday sttcruOOu by a atoal!~ jus vote or BU~ te 21. Tii. announeé- ment of tise rasult,,wlich boa neyer beea lu doubt ue tise signal fer &sr e t applause frein tise' oor sud gllai. Tise dlating votes were about ellalty dil-ided betwecn Bepubîlcan» sud 1)anS- crata, but-tiser. vas ne roll cxil. b«icas. thaMnority bod tua fev volés bordes thre ycaç sud uDar&Amonitise dissent- rs ere Menrs& Derragis, lmidi. loan, Forduey, Blabop und Meorn, et Michilgan; Gillett Metcaît, Needisain, McLaclilon, Daniels of CalîfOrula sud Hou e Colorado» ltePnbllcaua8; ad Stiatortis ut Colorado, Bell, Llvcrussii and Wyuof t stoiforuansd Davey, Meyer, igrouasard, Rtobertaon and Bras* "eale of Loulalana. =»_.nlldi. ls steaiStractsurO. Many ofthtie great steel structures diat sas bains built lu cvery cltY m8s ptauned sud modeled ÏsBorne, distant City -tuke dis materiai for Solomou'a temple et old-hnndi'eds aot mliii avay. It la in Minerollng ulill tOvu etfPeunsylva- nia dia ot ote iggtic trames works for thse modem «.kYscrPera are bult EviUy place saf ttcd together aud nom- hersd bafoue it Is takten awY tien th. steel mIll. goe xact are die meaurs- mentae dat net iv.tisthedrllllng et a hote la s.ecessry fer fltting. tise riveta wblch fasten the pIstes sud girdera te- getlier. Bhun . rcme Is Vre.,l Alabama trou prodîscers bave usde bit alIsipnets te Europe, visere better prie«i are obtalncd. SaulrDevis, a negro.,was arrested Preuttant Jefferson,$ plana fer te gev- Co ýusent et Louislana teru t ry wve. e-t P m us cet ly the fciteralst P rtus " e lto era wiîdeiueem.,: sm" AlbrtGaletn 'Seretryet th. r.aanny, reportait tuaI Impre nt mbthe uttet Sitatufrom tde Spaulis teritamy >f 'lorlda anuthdi llreuch teritory et ulalana 'hsd tetaled *1,006,214 fr tdii Loal yeau. Thoemas Pain. sud Jierome Boniapate wors repoutait amont tde dieugfuiei 'riraIs lu N ew YorS C ty. - Anthony M.rry, Brtishs mînisteu te the. nitedSatae, taid et atNrfolk, V-, iti mes blau n ugh iousbold furmi- ire t tvlci fil the Wite Re,e- -mrdiug ti - Ii"aers et dat 557 Tise Ameican ai» PcOvTieuiM.beun rmu Asatram, vus$s.sd a"towsd ito Portmetsh y theBtishs, Whso ans pclte dat Jrome Bona1arte wus' on tsid. .seaty-hme eara Ago. Daniell Wbter beEsu criminel pe- medaga against Theedore Lyman, a os- top >ultoi. nho Saut usluatd la s nevepaper article tisat Weistler iseldttnt- ronis cerreupenci mli theiii tl durina dte var etofjI12. runi t. esolîciteu t stNew orS for amonument te Robeit Emmet,- de lIr" potio te be erectet la Bt aul& chuiris yard. Tise Cayuga aud Bueccapot w» compoted lu theBtte o etwYvork. ltauldsuts cf Boston, Mua., ver. mail te b. buiuing coaI minet ner diaecciy. Expermnts in rasin# Idin eu lM tugland ver. anunesteas Iavilla Pm-r td e cus, suitpratietious wve.und* bac ern brent vouîd becema stai iser.. MY y Tar Ago. jani* Lint, or Mme. GltscIsUliMa Wa* ssit te have gIven avay ait et9bi grAat ftune, excet I 1,000 Prsdeut FrauIluPlane, vas diestsè id favorable te tde sunciatien ofet Hvu bcouafit Itaextensve cemm.rci vils Preudant Fankin PierWi' "kle"» eobint vas reprtit dîvided nu dia fie seit question, Weber.u, Perid OnieU @ay ts ing Bld.. aga n el M a rty, JZOOMM U nen Davis andsut ie, wvise v ers Ofll l tise 'queoV' faction,. ôu rorty TsarsAgo. (sC~ eat captsslua vire ias. d by a report dt Ive wCoussa culshs u nebai ien s n uLake. 1,10 o gsudeky m unnmiby Seutier « s Pis- r tisrsfreinsCanada. Twoo iensasioLmahinlata etrac* et ey orS Cittysad 1,500tluthe. avV yard et Boitoni te soer»250 leday - vag o, tolym ul u reai' verS m ar01W das, sud tisaabolisâmeut ef thi e eab » qnulrirg dieu te begin voiS t et.dyliè tise gevernor general of CanadaeBl lsd Lord Lyons, Britlish arsbasàiior Mt Washington. et a plot lu Canada, te l-19 arate tise rb ot priaoners a n Me by tise Untd Staes governusent on Jcbncm'* Iiand la LkseBe.- . Bebel cavait? unifer Wbs.lsr ad rNe ret ver. replsd by Union Scoops onder Gai .WP. Sanderslua attacis e port Saudrs. et Knoeille. Tean, (Jen. Nal Dw. dine cofiae la Lhbb ,ru« xnta lcismn -cit 'wm-atbheb by liacretary cf War Stautos te dnvw on doe Unted Suites overument fer ail lotisin neetet by the Union primie tiare. Oea. Unuslte's Union sony, IMputa oued lu Koxlle, Tenu.. Sy Lonastuset isad cuti oua tay'e rationa lait, nd di* soldirs ver.esitared te masr«Aty te lire en bran. Twilty Tsars Ago. A great mas. metig vss e W la Ne Y o rk Cty ta dsuoance Busalll #c- duel; IDth d e umlna aSol, WilIMM. Eranl real în an WIiam Ccilnm Bry at ohx J ceiA tr, John- ÀA. Dix. Ale ande r T. Stewart, Gan e sF as 1 116% .1 ltrnsnto iïWood antt-tereula- Vaner- tilt baîimnOI9théieVICe presîdents. li.cuetaey et Stste Haunillan MI"5a- 1 pres.ed opp ositin tS e a aaem daten et Cuba bcns e i.United tt ll le. 2,000Q0 rvensue yearly. Masmeetings vcerib.ld l i thiefl citifs oethde United State taea the execution etftlie stemefr Ti~, crew by th. lPaipoinluCuba. Oco. James Lougabreat, former Cto- tedcrate leader,asuit don eurv*yor oe!tde port ah Nw Oeas, wiS reportai te have enrotteit 10,000 men lu tdat ctt for ou exusedition against tise Spaulards la Cuba. Wasinton geverunicut officIais de- rlared the Unted Sitates dld nt tare ga Se var vîti lipsin over tia Vigiie»,ale fa eauséoi ts Dvy vas '"misautuiy Intes'le" te thal cf Spai. (ten. Hanici B. Sîrice, Unied Bats miniter t Maid, vaa autisei b liocuetsiy of State Hamiton Pilh te'sug- gtate othse lpanisîs gerernusent 5551 Cuba te altovei téSepuicisa.s teiédou lieDUied lSaes guarsutsetng payUmt. Ex-Pretîdent Auduev Jobu e ee ,a stalamant at' Wsaiuugton, D. C.,'skif- lng tiie blame fer Mrs. laruutî'B exicti- tIan forhe Lincolntuaodm,15tt10u piet on Lau. 11011, Juta. atrocate enera, viseue. lecsnet, bat alAi hlm. ywecty Yer ta o. Sacasalon f rom dte dominion ef CaàatB truie-enly aulvecalet lu Mantoba ad BNortismest lerritory isecanse orthde ai- e etédd ishou et ftise O tta a 1gcves'- ment, Cbang, tic Ctiinese giant. Wo bai beau icinset Permission té land aS Newv Yort, vas admltted b7 Collecter Robert- Ir son, w vrie otaiat he vas net a laborr,ý It. mm a n mi e - b Pnom fl mât Pays*. ~ur £ND *8km5 Jiob O MS. A? la Ir Iz