CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1903, p. 5

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I s y AU.. Capitil Stock 2 500,000" Shares-Par Value $1-00 Each Foufl1y P1aid and Ntxi*AssssàbIe, No 'Personai LiabiîityAttached. F. C. DINSMORE, Merchant, Delavan, Wis., Pros. J. H. MYERS, Friaco, Col., Mining Engineer., let Vice-Prea. FRANK B. FLUCK, Kimmelton, Pa., Engineer Readng Coal Co., td Vice-Pres. S. H. ALEXANDER, Madison, Wis., Sec'y, 10 Vears Elanking Experience. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Watertown, Engineer, Treas. J. E. DINSMORE, Delavan, Wl. Merchant A bove, and C. A. GUR*ELL, Deflance, Ohio, Solicitor FRANKE. WIRÉ, Chicxigo, United States Railway Mail Service R. P. ADAMS, Walworth,. Wis., Merchant st being imposible for the Oftloort . 1 This Oompa&ny to meiet £ve-y Résident of Lake Countyf P.oionally, and lit Uelng Our WlÏh to Brlng our Enterprlse te the Attention of Ali, We'Have Bought This Spaoe. Give us your attention anti we will try te make our position clear.- We bave matie a careful investigation cf the business of golti mining. Firstly, in regard te ameunt cf capital needeti; Secondly, in regard te chances cf suc- cess in tbe business, anti Thirdly, Profit te be rçalizeti by tbe investment. We finti that it takea frornt.$zeoeete $îoeoee te tievelop the average mine. Tihis would be toc large a sum for any one of us te spare fromn ourlôtlier business, but it is not very mucit when tivid&! amng ev- eral buntiret people. We saw <is, _,so fermeti a stock coaipany and asc our redoshe I uorboe partners without liabilty in our mine. We ail belp malte the mine anti al abare in the dividentis. We knew that a gret ny bave meney that is earning them very little anti that <bey wilI invet in air stock wben they un der- standthe<b facts. A number of substantial anti succesaful aituens,of Libertyville anti Lake Ceunty have already in- vesteti anti are well satisfieti. In regard te cbances cf succesa we findt tat ever go per cent ini mercantile pursuits faau turing 2o years ac- corting te Bratistreet. Outaitie conditions sucit as panic, cempetition, ire, etc., wbich woulti in ne way affect a mine-wreck other busitiesses. Most mining enterprises <bat bave failed have faileti because of dishonest or in- compeent management. Conditions have aIse changeti. - Impvovel facilii fo'reaily anti ecoomicaUy shipping, uMilng anti extracting the golti bave matie ore tbt was a .forrnerly thrown on the dump valuable, anti,bave put the * business cf golti mining on a safe anti profitable basis. In regard te -the profit in the business al krilw that ini no allier business are the colossal fortunes -matie anti matie as quickly. A few examples may be to the point: $aWo.o investeti in Elkton nettet i $4,ooo anti dividends. $Mjonvested in Acacia netted i $o6,oo anti 4iÔtdesids. $aoinvesteti in jack Pot netteti $135.00 anti dividentis. Anti yet a &I.d deal of this stock went begging on the .mrket andi ne doubt the promeoters met the wise mani <lien, as nov', who matie the tiscovery that if it was a goodi thing it woulti bave been tietelope long ago by soine capitalist-'no, he wus toc wise, se burieti bis mnoney in a napkin while bis neighbor with net quite se lar ge a bump cf conceit, bought the steçk anti matie bis fortune. The State of Colorado preduceti- over $28,o00,0pS in geli laut year, almost 4s mucli as-thie total productien of aIl the allier ti"ngolti States combineti. Ovcr 8o per cent of the past total gelti production cf the Skate is esti- matedt tehave cerne f ront<the Sulphitie Golti Belt, reach- f rom Leativille te Central City. Our property is le- citeti in the center ef this belt ini Summnit County, near. Frisco. It consista cf 12 fuIl lotie mining dlaims on Royal Meuntaa anti vicinity, anti 52o acres of valuable placer gravel. The Veins we will cut rnaf rom 3 ft. to over 50o ft. wide anti ore tns frem in o.oo to $So.oo up per top-acmre ore having run oser $zoo per ton. The average cf al ore slipped frein tus couaty is aver $40.oe per ton. We are tiriving a tunnel into Royal Mounkain te creascut anti develop car veina. The tunnel will drain the preperty anti serve as mneans ef transpbrtatfen for ore, se. that no wat«et will ever-iauretq b&»puaWecr. ore lioistcd.. A great saving. Ore can be dumpeti tirectly from the mouth ef due tunnel ott cars cf Colerado & Southera R. R., anti the Denver & Rie Grande R. R. is within 500 feet of mine. We bave a supply of pine timber for al <une anti are.withia 3oe miles ef guetter. Fine water power on property aufficient for running ail machiaery. Summnit County, our County, bas been the greatest producer of placer gold in the Skate. Within a few miles of us lie th,1e great Golti Pan-.-bcked by Amcriçan Biscuit Ce. and Abnier McKinley, owning fourteen miles of gravel and witb $8ooooo speat in equipment and development work. The Ore Grande, The North American Dredging Company of Baltimore, Th2ie Meca, Ryan's Gulcb, Golti Run Iowa and others, ail being worked anti making the bolders cf stock or owners more money many times over than they coulti make in any other business. Over $6o,- 000,000 was paid eut in dividentis to stock boîtiers'by the mines of the Uniteti Skates thie first six montbs of 1902.. Summit County is crediteti with a production of $62,- ooeeeo in placer gold since the discovery of ber placers in 1859-6o.' Themas Tonge, speci al correspondent of the Mining journal, London, says: "Summit Co.. bas been and is pre- eminently the geld placer district of Colorado." Here is wbat Geo. B. Walker, a Deputy U. S. MineraI Surveyotl cf Colorado, formerly a Milton, Wis., mati, says: "ýI came te Breclcenritige, Col., 23 years ago atid have been a resident of this place during that perioti. 1 formerl y lived at Milton, Wis. Frisco, Col., is ten miles froni Breckenritige anti I arn, well acquainted in andi arounti Frisco anti baveaurveyet in nearly aIl parts of the ceunty. I bave matie a surface examinatien cf the prop.. eryof the Kn Solonion Tunnel Deve ment ComW- pany, anti ai underground examination of the Klng Solo: mon Tunnel. The tunnel runs about at right angles with the veina upon.Royal Mountaiui, anti will eut the veina Ol the King Solemen Co. At about xoo efcet froni tbe mouth the tunnel has cut a blinti vein, about twenty feet wide, that dees net show on the surface. The tunnel gaina depth very fast and as it cuts the several veins belonging te this company, andi blintiýveins it may cut, the mineiCu very economically extracted, milled or shippeti. Vie- nel is close to the Colorado & Southeru R.. an=4 a au cati be matie to the tunnel so that ôre cabe duniped i the mining cars into the railroad cars. The De4ve R. G. R. R. also ruas within one-eigbth of a mile.:0 is a splendid water power close to this tunnel ant suft power cati be get f romn it to rua air or electrie for any otherpurpose that niay be requireti arounti a m There is also plenty of timber on the#e daims for il purposes." -George B. W ilSr U. S. Deputy Minerai Survey Opinion of another prominent miaing enwue "In regard to the location of King 1791Moi have to say: 1 do not believe that ycul ceulti gel a1W location in the whole Ten-mile range than King S0 Tunnel. The tuln!tl will tap srnie cf tediq vi ý bodies ever opened when it la driven 100 owct. if want an inveatmient that will pay you a' big pmM"i net think you can do better in the State dtîs 4w~ and the King Solomnnbas one of lii hest ica1 o district. G. W. Adiam,, C. I.L "I have been in ail the nining camps bf Co(arioeu 1 think I ama acquaiated with their hls6tory, but k;à believe there is a mining camp in, tbe State <bat'wo tura a prtltfor the un-1'wy véa* Frisco District will. King, Solemen Tunnsel kçm" the_ best part of the district and wil cut sonie Ç' veina. which cross. its line at right angles. You cam better than investing your moaey in this districtand pecially ini King Solomon Tunnel. 11J. W. Spratt, Supt. Tabor Mines & Mihlin g ç The Superintendent of M1ines Recelve* à Omail Salary for Actual Work Done-No Other Salarled OffIers. We-offer> a Iimited amount- of- Stock, If. Taken at'Once; aàt the.gon lorpiof 20-Oents per Share. fablet r0e n dyw tumntice. Onl y eriough sokwh be soIdý'>at this Remarkably Low Price t nsta ranacinery. If-ýyou want to make the os (om th isinv metdon't wait tili the stock goes to par or is w atôoether from ihe market k t LIO 5y rc - ay *rio Pé Oent. olosunt frCashff Coupon Osmohe s usSaba o.mbbeF1114-'0011eut P#upen llefow and Mail Te-ojoaywlth Druat. Wail Yeu Haven't the Cash Sien option b.low end mail ai One*. wlth 62à te Offlf Firei Paymant. Yeu omn pslythe b*lenob »0 pornethuOlt. I"if Yeu Want Mors lnferimaain Mal Thle Poupon te-Deys No___ INSTALL.MNT BLANK $ King Solonion Tunnel and Developunent COMPanY (lucseporsted.l D&LAVAN, WIS. Yeua re hereby suthorleed to spbfcrlberMY »an uthla subRcrlPtlOfl book O e tue la @OLOXON Tu1 NEL AND DII VELOPMENT COMPANYLaÀfor.... sehre of lis capital stock, at 20 cets oc skoa&. berelthlucile........................... olais ias rny tiret psyoent thaeen aj a"d e à herewtth u al th ...r.te.. f ... t icea tha;n ...... ......... Duai per menit Outil ftolipid, air. be plad l # leetten mouths. ln couslderatioo of the flillmeot Ot the, toigll g freet the.KINQ SOLOMI4014TUNNEL AND deliver ta the subseriber herelu ............ areoflits capital .tock, foulli ansd uon-asahle. la ot lia capital stock. tuiiy paît and uoo-nsaeable, 4rnmediateiy lapon ceiagle a ofu"XeNpayaient& . Irfotreay relace. the peymets on uald cotiact lapse, and are tu arisars more tinas thlety d i, lte CerSl7 erw "O ervea the rght of auuulllog tht, pttuan of iuoug La Uen thereot. stockaf0 i. i hua red sbares et thetbten price. for the a&Mout paidl. Dated..................................... u....10............................ i.......... ....... Addeue. FC.Dinsmore, or Sam.H. Alexan PregLdeni, Delavan, WIs. Secretary and Fiscal Agent, Delaý4I , i 'I il h j' 8 No-__ CASHI SUBSCRIPTION BLANK King Solomon Tunnel anid Development Company DELAVAX, WiS. Tee are ereby entlteuisd te aubaeibe my usine la the aubscriptiln bok et tia. mNq SOLOMON TII- fIEL AND DBVBLOPHENT COMPANYT for.... dSu a[es .caital stoeck. et 20 iecu per skare. I ituwtit lcime .................................. Dollars au ton 'paymt for said toec, fully PAUi &uj ue.saemable. No persoul al blItty. Dee.............................. 10.............1w. .......... ................ arsSSiB tfSommier 1, 103. ........................... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 8 DY

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