CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Nov 1903, p. 9

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Muer. aeft reutry ofthIe elviiized i wrimi TM&@followins lbIter in fronti Congres.- »S ce Cbarlîy are kamov. Nottemly mail M4eebioen. Of Napleon. Ohio- lbry luîiter te the mIirnîmmi mand Thp. leruua bMedumine C., Colubus, 0.; Uffl needs o e ulc l rge% inim- -Gentlemen: "i d fb their rare, but îhey aime have useti everal Mt thoimir bomily needs. btties ot Peruna 1fkm. many eliltru lu take rare of sudI feeI grently te pm-Lt lfron limat.sund dimease. beuelted tiere- a wim e nd prudment $,;juter% have by frein my em-* iý Peuna:,a neyer faiinmg, afcgmarm. tarnlioet the hed, .Càiholie 51.ersfrem in liove, tbe agmite belhuve i, fiAe. A*rpSemaCutirerly that lits con- ,'md fromn a ctloleIntiîttiton lntinued uaq .111 BIma ic.ramsufolos: J fany eratilcute L.u £ w go N,<u CIMMMWbga. l& diseas etefthry Diylithu ffl~ey~Dr Hartinasoeeoetthe lbot knevu ~ v~e. I m a et & W piar nud, urgent In thé Unitedi vMam w sa*"toy- Stales. Wou the Orl: mnute formulat. ~ MW. MiWEO 8 àft Peruna. It vms tbveugh bit g£ulus and w cieh. m. va e p.perxevermuce that It vas lntreduced te 9 esa a. a"l et oer& " lbe medicul prof ession oethIis entr>-. Cha, >.If yen de not dérive prompt sud salin- se yeuug girl s mm ander lie ceref f fctr>- results froua lihe une ef Peruna. 111wera et C11anit> andl umemiPermuimmwrite aI once tn Dr. Hartman. $[vint s ,taavlm o e lahrot wim go e- full ataieenit of yeur case &ud lbe will e lis. auvoe lettcr eîi lie plesd le give jeu lis valurable ad- mai t. The perummssin 3n iaze C.. C, e Igratis. e. Ohio. fur a fE meek vristen b>- Address Dr. Hortmnmi, l'reildent of flhitluI. The.Hartmnu Sanitaritini. Columbus. 0. WJTH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS, THAT ACHE WISE WOMEnN TAK th- Dakota is the place to go if you have moade up y'our mid -to stop payingt rent and start on the highway to inde- pende.nce. Farm lands can now be bought at prices that will allow a good profit on the sale of products. Recent extensions of the SINbBoMULAUKE &Si.. PAUL open the way tonew fields where offered. South 'Dakoôta bo6ok, i 903 edition, sent for two centst postage. IF'.. MILLER, enerai Paumger Agent, CHICAGO BRIPHT AND iEmm ia SaDTina. ub& Tbe problena et plercing a glacier b>- mensetfliorIoglias at tant been oirai, soamtlie Neiw York'iSun, wlt resuitse freal seleuilfie Inlereat lu ex. perinients matie.lait. Augut cn a gis- donr near Vent.' ln tlie Tyrol. At a distance cf about ou. anti a Quar- ter luueat' rous the top cf lb. glacier vbere ls breattilanearly trent>-- tvo bundreti teel sud thelIegil of lis surface above tbe es ievei neari>- eighty-eix bundreti teet, borinq lu thie mitidie resceetircck ma tieptb et ire huudrei teet. Taken atout vib mens- uremeiU cf tnt- cf movement, surface mêlns, an sd iemipeature the expert- Ment enabidtbe folovlug conclusions - te b.drawsi: Firat-Ila, temprature of the lee. lut _the mellng point it]rubcut lb. irbole mass ou thé longue cf the gacier. Second-tb, bed of the glacier la trclqg#.ahapeti. Tird -..lhe Ic qioyen more- aolvy at lbe bettôlu titan et tb. urface. 'tbe bore boie vere ilci up vltb pleces ef vooti,.,%hbb vll serve for rnany yeara le, cocae at indexes et the rate cf mevemnulasd of suraface rmailing. OUI Sofas, Bacs ot Chair»,etcý.,con be tijea l vilPUTNÂM 3'ÂDELIZSS Alpac lulime Dame of a avortes et nama. trous viiome viol the. gufiè. tub- lie la veveeq - ii tluw.whltmpcettage Ibat itanie vVu m eu levated Pncé oet rouutttacins -h. river bed. aiid knevn sas iM Noilli Kzocb Anitihrtacueoflber ixteft i.i i grers treet, lvesm lr.Caus er>- jdren. Tbree boys bave 1.51t te hoe- steai mandare ln Uaternr ctien lire- parlngfor lives et future' muuhesa. Que tastudylng for tihe munatry sudi Jthe otbegtIw-o are workIug Ibelr way tbrougli clege. M 1r%. Kochb'Io robust anti ltally, Iwith h at aincere, ourueut umy of ex-. JPyesslu bermelt tat leavai. uet the liflolr f- - oult aoniis mini su te b reagly, ad wen b*,writer ealeG te stIf ltieh.woul< furulali blm wlh»Mre data concerniez bei lame bruqi she muld radianty. «*My irumbanti an 1 vere juarrimi ln Cermany twenl>--elx jears go," ahe seid, "andi unlil hie deatb, wbieb oc- curreai reetly, we lirci together witb eur taml>- sand ere aways ihappy. Ilu roliglousmamtters alyui>-di vdisagree. lie belug a metber et the HoIinma churcb, or Texas Jumpera, wbile air the chidremandui yeif aie strict Bap- tinta. "It vas twelve years aga tbat we set mIl ofe b.Unlieti Stafen, un upon ~prliviug teok up or residence lu Les Angeim. Cbris butt a srt cf mack back ef the bouse ber. and vo ar- r9ugeil bertba lu It fer tiie blggeat cf, our cblidren. Tbere never was a mec.; ber ofthte tamîl>- wbe usai tobacco, or Ilmuor, sud to-du>. altbougb we bave te tvork ver>- bard ta make' ends meet. omr hoes a mont happy eue. My> eldemt dauglier li cooklng for a baller erew nt îr*sent and twe of the 4oye- work re;-ularly and beliume wtb tbeir earningo. Occasi5lmmaUy, wbess limes are bard, 1 go eut ta days vorli myself, but tbere li a SO ueb te b.edon. al bomne t bat tbe ebltrea ir> bard teaor- range lblngs se tbatI ican rensalît go far as in ksown ibis fansliy la the largest ln Soutbern Califorula. certain- ]y- lbe largeot lu Les Angeles. Ti. eblidren .are aIf trong sud bealtliy; four attend sebol nov. andth e ethers have aili bd a common sebeol eduea- flou. No mollier ever displuyed a great- et arnou of love anti affection for ber offprlug tbon didt iis fend parent. Dqriu Itbe Interview theecbildren lbai tirifleit into tbe remuIntu-os and tbreeti, sagasmie arome ta bid me good- b>- tbe litile groîîp vas gatbereti about ber, andi I couiti flt beip belng re- mîndeti et Mober m(;~»se(unaons ta- ble: -There wam an oIt! voman fliat liveti ln a sboe."-LoAsAngees Heralti. >Thon lHe flèmguaOne. "George"saitheti.fair maii lu th y e ci. ".vatyu tud' nock et tbm front tier heretter vbu eu i CIli" ..But .bat abol i do?" amke th ie dense yeuug mon. ,, "Weli. jeu miglt enter vllh a ring." .ngaested the bumch i efermiju, loveit, ien. A Reiarkable Weuaa ICokooo. mm.. Nov. 23.-Mrs. Ana M. Wiliz,.oet tbl place, a charîulng 014 lady et -.4 jears, bas glven for publica- tion a Tor intereatlug Imter. 1frs. Wlis Lu v-idel>- kuowu"sud. bigimi>-respecteansd the reemmis- tien ebe girs la veli vert» Ubcon- sideratien et an>- one vbo mar ieb.tu- terestati. 1rs..Willsa' aitircsslaIL . No 8, Kokesie. lier letter rosis as tolleva: "I have been troublai vlIb KIdue>- trouble for 20 years. Il vus se bad tiat Il affectai us> beart and my bock. It hurt se' thut I could net get up wbeu down ud an1 Ibegan te tblnk Ibat I wouid lie pontl dolag uuytlblg. .1 vas-recornmetidedmto gel Dcd's Ktd- ne> Plla anti purchaied nminetatheb. tirug stoire etf1Mr., G. M. Meck. Ater naIng everni boxesi, I vaa ceuspiteiî restoreti. 1It tenty 7y"rsyeunger, ,anti I arn ble te o- *1l. ga work ln tbe bouse anti garden whblii a persan n-be lives on the farni bas te do. aitbeugh I amn 74 years cf age. Alas! Foor M47 Yeî. Mary bati a litti, lanib. 'Twaa serv-ci upon a plaller; She ise vauteti bnrkvheat cakes- But Ibere vasnt auj botter. ItN8019of EdrtCOoWl, tdls bow..uewu aU"siffnowhI tdes mWm im. ruble, tedhl pois mi bathacli, by thou-1m et Lydia L MPtMWSI Veptobl c2narouibe edector titi but belp e.I ~IerbrethtmYmotbar Vegeabl (~mpoauion isu>- ce- troules ma o t ur bt il u rQ. me a any rate te gir. 15 a "Iva ertainly Ila t i d that villalo avookf1etit, mucb botter, lb. terrible pinaus baiik sud, aide veto beglnuing to esumà4 a lbth Urne of m eatsatlon !Idii~nf4 aarysn-oua tin m e tefo.Zre, =d &t ceuued ils us.for 1.0 mentIs. suai ail. i f at tinte I vas 1k ae. nowoman. I1teal>- bave nover telt botter lu my lite, bave net hiai & ae e&heagd mne.and velgh 20 Poun@ UM. hau1 e -r n a 1l- L NUJAL1 IL Duit ~ B & Co'o NV Wfter ll"Ie-mm-w of Traté Imor orgoumdaaeus ro c-pliug re- doumtions lu a affvlbotîî cumtrovermy, whiel mirenoves eue threaleaing inumistriel fatre,.andin lu oraI brammm-lmetm eoflisi- liumrmierma are iiqfuDmeiironsf, bul lu lie steel ludusit1a>âmcin is ttle expert&- tien of liberal beglul Otil 1904. con- sîruction w.06 la depaeaaing. mespie op- timitie reporlae titoe building.perti immuieillait n"tb $bsu s ear go. lllld veatîmer smlii 4ockpilmetilimtion ef mer- cbandise usani>- la briaik demndt ait tus geamen, wviela I. segetin romreteti acllvit v loole Aibi vorsted illes ad elething factorie. 1?àffl is net lb, cern- plaint oetrltaime qo.goolon tîat vas lso troquent lant jear ait Iis lime, railway earungs »6.1 per ecift ehlgmr Ihan lu No- vember to dmt. lu »«, feifying te tbe Iarremeed tmcilitit'_ . Sileaymwtiiie toreigitinpnrkm-îrmlare mugbt witît luore perol&tmaO. ~JMat-hiei7 andi bardwnare liave fel th remmimun leumanas tur Ihami triscîmrsl Mattermiaiand ti ter heavy shapes,. vbfle -ew siipbuildîng pliute andI maeiimam for the Pennsa canai are encourmglug featitres et lb. fu- ture. Mino e rnolm5m quiet, amide freon one pecuiallve ac$s ion R ondon. bFailures tlbls, wa* were 249 in lb. United States, agaimmt II last remr, andl 17 in Caunama, censpavtei vithi 24 a yeur aeaeiaim reather Cbeq. brougabi de-lled iruprove- ment Ini the final muveen or mieeesilies anti aes hlulihe ruminent relail branches reacheti c Pry- atîisfac- tory ggregate, Ibm bu>mmmg ieing weii dixtribîiîed anti empein uv i oraimi>-wilb lime munie eisoeofetlamt mm',r. Country- advires indicaele suIltlratmif> ing con- d itions, andi élI jolimr.trr-rv umanerons urgent derpnnitsfor reasseri- meulft. t sIples, partlcularly in mering apparei sud footwear. lit marumiacturinic uines.production in being marefiill- adapt- i te deusabct, amdilebtlitere le moine ecaraieentftaents eompio>ed, monteit thé mliiisud faèto" havebaye a aenilm 0fw4rk mabeati.' Grain mblpuenlm, iuciiding 2.032.-121 buliiels o ettcrx, jggrectite 4.555,289) bumeis, an Increaite eoft l.ier cent oeze corresponditiig eelu of 1942. Fat-m vork la vel adveuceti andthelimeediug of winter wheat fully equail t that tif a -ymnr aie. The toeigu iemanti fer breati Mue has been dimappeintingi>- ligbî. bbt dbnemuli îiing hia aîrm-iîmthpeim-tiamd exeptt for fleur, values rtiited bighmr. Lire stock receipta. 384.575 lhead, are 14 per cent over a jear agi. Banik lenringm, $176.417.480. at 1.06 parut emit uammh&r flcereponming week or- 1002. Deposils are mlcami>-auind cney la quoted, St-m'aI 6 pier cent. - Ieteirnmtienai'm le eport. Telegî-apieic dvicem froin correspond- enta. oethIe International Mercantile Ageucy llrotigliomt the Unied tâImen and Caida regarding the t tae et tratie are suumarized mi s olowi: The. mee, lumsmatie iltlein Ibatpro- esse, et readuîmtmpint and ecnrb ln prlcei lu Industrial lines, Ingeilier witb oger-- valiseI among commercial buyers, viii mere ieu offset lie increaseti promisme of agltiltural prosperil>-. itauntial h>lie situation hum imprevei ineitemeioyeemt et ofuropean golti Ibis vay. Mercantile molectle~ it-e aiti ta e b.geod atnearIril etmexcept PhUlstelphim and Clevelandi, wlere lie>- are a8uner. SI. Pauf aya leim>are miew lu Woalitieg. Molutroai reportita a ieati>- aerrnnd for ntpl 1firn uprices. M4pe-cants loek fte ou eut-W mettfetrio-th iiitrike of 5,0W00 jliIt>lmyea in ile Qmebec, hoe dtdt imtather imimltitry. 'Tiorontlo avices are of grentiy aiiuilel i-nies b>- remn of thae coider %m-affmmr. iYm li întiruirly en- cenrmagimg ormiinu front- the '1-a,. ra'nds aI Denîiuims i lnaiai m-e-,1 ,rý- main eu.. Cirago--('atle. comniîe eprime. $8» 0te $5.25: hiei.slilpping grades, J0 te $4.73; sieel, fairt lp cbe'e.$2M2 te $3.75; wbeat. No. 2 r*&dBk Sc lec; corn, No. 2,ý 42c te 43c; nets, sadard, 85e te 3&-; rye. No. 2, 35& le 54e:-lis>. tipotby, $8.50 lu $Ë2-50; prairie, i*.00 tu- $11.00; butter. choit-e ct-camer>-, 18c te 22e; eggs. treahi. 20c te 25c; petatoee, elle te 71c. Ind!ianapolis-CuslIle. .iipping, $3.00 to $;5.W0; boga,' choire lixit, 4.00-to $e4.75; sbmep, cormmi îo 1mrimme *2.50 le $3.25; wvbent, No. 2, 82c t'm 83c; corn, No. 2 wvitle. 42c lu 43c;: til, 'No. 2 white, M3ee u31-. St. Lu'm( $f e 4.50 le $5.25; hogs, $450te $4.70; mlm-e3.5.00 lu $3.50; vhmat, Nu. 2, 86e- mm 87r-: cont, Nu. 2, 1 ive te 41c; cal., No. 2, 3Me tu 37c; r>., Nom. 2. 4etu -iSe. Cincinnati-Catlm-, $425 le $436; kWg, *4.00 te $4.!N); cueep, $2.00 te $8.25; wlieat. No. 2, Sac e 86ei; corn. Ne. 2 mixai, 45e Imi 46c; cela, No. 2. mixed, 36e lu 37e; t-se, No. 2, 5& e eioOc. Deroi-Catle. 531.50 te $4.50; Ios, $400 te $4.5.5; uiecli. 52.50 le $&25; whesmt. No. 2. Me,-tî,m81k-: ern. No. 3' yeliow. 46c le 47c; cals. No. P3n-bile.' 3(ia' le 37v;rme. Ns. 2, 56e e lu57C. Milwaukee-Wiemat. No. 2 nertberu,ý Sic Iu 82e; corn, Ne..'3. 45 te 46c; est$, No. 2 wile, 37rete:3&,-: r>-.. No. 1,Sile te 56e; barley. No. '-, 163e te Uic; pork, meus, $11.25. T'lcdc>-Wliet. No. 2 mixed, 84e te coe;rn. No. 2 niixeml. 47c te 48c; unis, No,. 2 uixet. !17c lu 3S1;fr:e, ,No. 2, 5ke te Sfic; clos-er seeti ptinme, *6.50. New York-ratle, $400 te 1..30; boes. $d.00. te $5.00; meep, 53.00 le $375; Ahemt, No. 2 rad,. 8Cr te 8e: t orn. No. 2, 50t tle 5ic; omIs, Mi. 2 whiie, 42e te 43c; butter, creanser>-, 18e te .13c; egqs, western, 27e te 34c. Bufaio-Catlec oice suipping illeers, $4.50 la $5.25; lbogs. tairt e prime. $4.00 te $4.60; sb.ep, fir le chile, $325 te *4.00; lIrnbe, comusmn ta eboice, *400 Ote $5.75. ____ _ __ Th&* sud Ibat. Lewis Glasier,, agemi 26, vagkili.d lu mine Nu. 5 aIt Leblgb. I. T., by> a prerna- luire explosion,Ulebaves asomali fans- Il>.- ýtha Serrelame et Wr bas autherlaei thé construcion of a large guard ho «e a 40 barrack. a farniere uhp -omet. s trfctonmem The ftaliday lhed davndet aIlent. Fer weektr andi veeku the hai dreadeti the domiug et tbt da>, but Il bat! ar- rivai just the &@an. 'tLife lu dear te me," 'she @ani. "but-" Agalu tbe gased aI thé. refletn- of &er tain face là thbm iitir, and more espodillali 5thIbm 1.gray- hare she lhed 1-nmi-tine as acorne. 1 mont dye." nanane. as mel i lie isereost. sud mm thO 0 dIi ieJulrit bmlai omremdoea, S . su d n e ae sum dbun ~ mhe. I e ba Omtubea i a d am i t e m al Mu»dennui sa$sfea(ang r, J. CeffEEà sCO., Toedo, 0. Soid b>- Dructisafm lic. Bal. 5Fmliy Plls are tbe bout. As Orithoiegicai Pbservaf ions. .Wbea Ibre.Iheu& go a-vslklng. the>- Observe thtm order anti urra>-: The Aret heu waika lu front, anti Ibert Behint iber valks ithe e-ond hlen, Wlilie, morete lmevie or move the>- fast. oeu Snd lie tiird heu waiking ist. -St. Niciiolmaz. Disb Waàhtuag in Winter. Housekeepèrx usîarxiiy tireatidinh Vsiing in 'aduler. -owing te the fatt Ibai It chape lb, hanmmlm mm rentiers thons h:rd anti. reugb. Much of the injur>-, lie- ever, resultu front lime ne er impure map. If Ivory Boap inued lu vashimi diabea andthie banda are crfuily rue anti driedti. 1,0 wiii net chap. * ELEANOR R. PARKER. Word. mand Desta. Great stbernes by.coeivernmion Aise, are ettea baiketi; Wo stop te talk tuile ovor 'Until they're eveitlketi. -Washingtton Star. Was GoaciMedicine. Dector-Ilidt ose rad ilpIsle ]fi for littio Walter de ' imi n u gootl? 1fr.. B.-Yeu, lîîdeeml, tioctor. Ho'm beon a-sittý.' tp lu fledail day ýa-playi' manIles wimli tem-lit-Bits. tJmtielujTrait. -.Next te mone>." saidth Ie yeutb. "vbat do jeu consider the moal Inpor- tant tuîtng uecesary te a man's exist- "'Credit,' asaereti thé sage. Hava o- usew plwmeii Cure for C onzemp- tien atarI>- Ive eamsand Sud uetblns te Compare vib it.-Mrs. Morgan.Berk.- ley. CaL. Sept. 2. 1901, MoeeInspiration bas grovn ut ofta man's buiigrling fer vemm' love Ihan ail the- sals bmmanit>- ever.mgbmd for iminortaliî>-. The imperiat palice et Pekin lu te have eietric igbls. viDt SICE KUIETS CAUSZ. Kmsir Cours.àne&- Dis- betes, Brigbt'm Dise, sO. lflni mion et lbe KfIdmys, Dms Y (mweling et thie llmbdcr y) lncmsut pains lnathe bock or .Biiarnaa ROrAEL In.u Isrnmatlen et tbe bladier. la- mac or tocn Ile urine. Umiro Acu TRamLa.- 1 msula, Oravel, Goûit Ga1 Stms umbogo *NauvT ov - Neural- Msrother diorders are easeai directly or lndlrectly by tsuliy kidncy aien, snd eau b. recbed sIld cured b Doon'à Kiducy PilUs. Thi rmd lm bucursi every coin- CaLoUieoncfrde hve, and over ,00t@gbluniais proveoIs =cnep= bx, et aIl dcii- ors, ortm ~fon outceipI et , addreulng Poster. WZ (ce.. Butain. N. Y. A Horrible IBoubt. A certain New York Iitersry lilgbt vbo boast o et cl.> bepilal ant i mx vocal studios vithIn a tenes tbrov cf ble quartera, vas being ccndoled witb the oibcr day b>- a trienti vho haepe ina le b.prement aismorneeta slugera excruclstiugly bigla C'a. "Wb>-, man, Ibmis laterrible," said lb. ilould-be comforier. "'Yen," aidthelb.scribe,'-bqtl 1 dos't believe Il vould be qut. mc bcd If -tier. was only .crne v>-et 0 Ielling vbicb vaa opera anti vbleb vas opera- flou." A Ilanisomu Traie-Mont. Recenti>- the editerofefb.leadlng a2& vertlsing iagma. et thecounltr viol tu Mir, 0. W. Buggies, generai pauoge agent of the Michigan Central taIrems& askuug bla whvat be ceusidereti the article ever vrilles about the Miehga CnrlRellroad. Mfr. Ruggien, vithomî beutatlon, maleiIbmhé, etr ofthebmaga-j mine.thae llowlug. vrllen b>- O"elle, F. Andrews, sud printei lu the Chicago icve»4ng Peut .2,1903: Or-0f&Il the do- eligna cenceiveti te rresent a rail iL ethélb. ymb.i the Micigan t rai le entitieti rat ruuàk. The utiful figure *p r easaeatltng holinlg up -agra Fmlls te, ay esez ofIte rlrdt la art aud busines-bientiet te a bigladegre. la sroad bas Ivo Mt ug tentures, route tiirongb IlaicàùI>-popu- jtof Miclm tua eb. or d'm squatic vonder near tbe )hues l'e. e eatera terminus. Pe ave beaunosefortiuale lu havlng sncb a au eet. as te latter te treal. Niaaralails. the mont minis- cent of ail cusatse bas beau pre-elupteal b>- lb. Michigan Central rend. sud the ralvay a"ithe vatertaflhaebecota. no clomol>- llukei that tht>- râneusldersd parts ef eue anoîber. The liobiga no- tral net ou> un via Niagara Flls, but l rou uisa Vl est b b>- he, aliment onr Iboin. la viev et tlIadsivtervs ever clbor Unes lulais Nagara lrails route, It la fltetau i;b t I he MOIDme niant cf Ibis rati jeans go placeutitm l'als upouIxls banner andi adoptad i t au Ils mark te thé wvend. The Miigan Oantral'm tade-niark la ldcatte et the seneral arlimtie ataep bens thal perales everythiag la and about PLis rta". Il* euatisnuus .g*e o fidouea. If tb. goidoas F10, ver.erer te asMue l*. material one er ber §rst mers. aboulli b. a tri# over lhe MichiganVelraL The Receatton Velume. t ýWhat di yen reai l usummerr 1 "The grenil booket human nuIre." Spain experts 8longtou f cerk su- nuili>-, valueti at abcut *6,00,000 - -i coVemy wicb clesusesandt hb ag i lflamimaion oet membrane vhcraver locatéd. .la lowal Iealuseat of feus ilsinvaluhieUmetiu la a revewaion l Ineansiug pova,; h kilns .&Udiseuse canas imamation and..d4W I pemnenibe ail I asutiscileal At *n~ hoUolR t. sI Mn Ee SrML, M lniOe-bs set-oua~ ~ ~~ lbIms fm> ok etbewL h bai suof ed mue lue d alvaye oe err eslu lb.nfor etPtluo'on narig lvu difiui»fey$: urbe or l ïtvtirs. aryack. met m ypet- stralghle, osu trobe. Il forte5. 1 l élesa UrneIl vs bad fr e ruPfaro"dluII pvririei- ise. wit ck I bvy oxs"flot s ue of, bmeu lasv mondât. itaiwPlla, udlb.r u po atelessfbureenne nod. dmll, dilagroe hibng lett reourrel oate e l.trouble." bai the DOAN'S K1%lIDNRY P N me Ai

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