eu -. «w-t lte usrrov 0 attidiet aiocihale 9.ud, Onbechaine heing Ir t Ontheotir _____ to vWb" tirs.%ro be drias may ho ai- e h ested snd III or bo09ork& su ~a vestspoleofetàs oas possble snd long 6" or savon tora woettabing iii. center RWÀ4inu avet s og or ,t uotciioetai tre. ta ft uneelde ar menras l's* round the wu andlesa Ooubloiuoe Se a la ig. Lhrr u au.tula uat - Ww- by it» cOue- la4b taéoiy 3% îét. lec lo it aitoaci e bu nthlu 4 Vte0.I or Iru pis AM aiidtht le e dhl 1» dt Onth Tie-ear sSs, GrthseOrmo"ai i te s eadtr 0 sud erSf Pstbioet ýTeg sf t e apyty IM te l Theon ii, *am tien.vns sud pue sbowts. e-h 1ttbe es. Th osf l ar na ne- Issis te boiafin 545 Farmer. 9Oaa Wdginu. blp et its nev pred* ne.. lb. lova tate lune and Noc"lne on its accusamed son Oevehoping sou. linos. Ament the e0 pbyosoiil tor- yof One sl pnob. o g adgrain mGa- Me i.4-1&0. agd la MM b'4ettw van. Mha4. e4 Ut nlqy Vwà metal senrisd il fow yoi seI& mtagg"Mt for a ent. pocud c. I as talsd b camse tthe meuitu enyt busashoed tfa ttu nst la taande.,ncban insiltuios as ibis .t1 aso u roi o *lof lie aupound vilc inle preuid l à mIdis ttin eus andlu lieUtae t Wo foai comond wg tis adlte aisy eih- Mianuce.miiifor th purpase or keep- Jus lu te, a sweet- condtionOuntil h mm*m Io ecbnumer. sncb preserva- uflos ne linoly aatloni tacaver up Ilie noglooct Md teie ocl f cleanlines. Wbhotancause ur[ ta saur vion It l a hipputl t es or dellverod ta tnalorle s ad choosofacturiez. . i recoleut soneiat the saime shock Iodey as vas ivon me by ibis man vwbe &W dtooilne a proiervatlve for aut dairy iool productasounneal yesrs ago. Tii eat vbé vltod uns todayý vas promeins tho mie of a compounti vbiciihoeciaimed vauid lucroaie Oie volôbt f butter 75 -pet cent He tat- edt uat te convince me ef tho graa value etfis method sud paten t procees lie vould place butter-luts ciunu.add tbnoe-foutbeofta pitaIûmlii te every pound et butter, ibea use a «mli qusu- MtY Ct bis paisat uotunco sudnmakei s lîroduci *iilb ho tormod butter aud .Wiciiho cuzed v4 as btter fisvored Utis e buit erOaMe or dalry butt-r usd0 by W anyue. 1 que stlaned. hlm sowiev*about Oie composItion <of tib butter ho vould inako lu tiis ay, aud ho statut ho dld bol kuav vibat h voualà conu but ho did kuov that the Mount of butter nmade vould ho ineroed 75 par cffensd that tho .prod- ne vould ho far superlor ln gualily ta, that of the butter ho started vlth. Takilu bis statemonis as given vhbh ert tt iro-fourtbs of a plut orMU ula 15added ta evory pcnud et but- ,ter Aud that ithe butterlai ncreasod 75 pet cent, va cau roadlly eurbat hep- POO ns ubie proecs. af maklng butter. ;Conilaretaleat eue-hait plut cf vater, »A, aoedlmg ta Va iguros, ho la tins add ltisfa pouldof ai vaiteaevery posad i fbutter. Tisvould ho a pay- log inveiinuolt If ana could oi tho vaat tdr btter priçea, but« 1 reminded 00 Ae ait aMiel butter lu the Unit.' ed -SAIsusa Imort cantalua vor le pet cet oC wter. a"d theproduci ho maies vlll7 thereo emot ho lega l ut- lier. Ib A ttempt te lucre... ithevoligt et buitier -hy mn wlu ator wftb hitla sm nid en, but lu enops out ovory once la avhili. udor Mime nov bUe. Par- thon vh<uniy ho approacbed by su&b an A agent a bisodid baok luto tio flatter tliorotgbly befere luveatlpg la * smet procees théuse of vhlcl, the agent dims tlab ale ta teacb a one vli u taue te psy for It. soi olmaeS Sise Tb$ Teasa #loo Journal asys ua an M or atImtéd a eow kulled iy a train eni a rald. He presented hie ali«ms teoi e oompsny la s note, lu -vhteci luald.-Tbrtrydollars Viliiho ess.~ntent, ~- aisalu kblt urs but afosm« o cvand by 1na usael thé bout ef my ibord.» Tii daim aet e O ie l ad sered the botter promfîty sud lucleeed à ciiecl fer" $1Mn'O urtote the fermer. 'h lu thé fluet IntaaScostuur ey ouapetion wilhoheroed i bet as* othor uas lt bloo4dt animal of great vaine bas bebldLW«iy on, in, di b* doue $100 et da=Ma »sd% à rtevut for Y- r eneey, sud 1 urould )uumiiy 0* u Ion o iu u*a tepgtaé m.f,àuet insUlieboalgmeat. but pnloso do Dot oeow m approclahleoMMMog trum Onequotatom oaI On laie snoaaoe- onm. , SbHav.n.tho enem" eelIn lias bmoseu.ofetesdlneaoe, alitooob largo feingu0f aund Me Ihumeau"e veaimsai mueepoints. - RIltft coutina, ta mna emvy. the veatiot hu th* CaOMUtrydurlng Octobet hina fta- venaio teas large mie. Fonelgu mat- keis a&M lStOM at tOn rocnt sdv&nas wa" v»., Clioosmàkur L..w. Llgbtry lu tacimau n d amu- on "sy; I bave e». aquines a. ta vier "o nlOguY 80" uheese ounld ho purchase&T.h.ex e» ucotaIthe. urIt. tes seum ea oabout ie sam»ecen aua .go it Ongraerg ud éèh a -,W:17y940otarticle; neuttuiào Il lu me vint. X ami eansd aur appeilisfor cbla e5mu~sor ona leng vile.. 0.0" Séaot nDa4t.-i tee. Ronnet Ilu iextracit ram the fauti utoma0b 0fascmitwvich hale'no'et bal anythina but lis mober'a miliL .Tilo dlflcnlty lu gettina a uitoru home- usd0 o rMuno avemy gats, a«-teeat teint le very daugorous. As s ruile, h 18 muci more mtistacuory te bq sa comecial propanatiso u n iis, extxs -s tes 1 net ta o caMaldred-Rnis New Toriot. Win ns e ui. ckemue. A mousten cheose veahgWStva toýpa Viii probably ho maufacturodt lu o Tori and sent 10 >li t Louis exposi- lias neh i pm. »e Tari leIont --estoo e.., producima One Union:, sait atlcnum comlao- on fiVtug."-ad lie bngestchees #ves mwwe o1.te t to Pm~: 1fflOOK14ANTUÉt. gNX ïmtai- qsv = th.s Ibo e......~ wesitierN. 1the turNo YX 9r14 v I lryoi« M uism" 1v«4. *0*w*»eSvholcénisin yg~g~ho~u t a _Uiifelb-n -at _OII*itubta' no a o t 1 y touche. $o t>be Etbodo IlIand bird uhat tiie current wfll ir; t.viicli0ub whe Maay continue tn comnidahigiier on ta a" yedetoet r y hlig tor .prkeulfor bis productionis th- "fY lUnula foe th"t 'Wstop ailier mI- r or tugbey taSser I the. tand. There ma l4 gas. àrecor , ie bureau a eame fluway roson iven for Ibis dS",wbàte -11cm - acbl4renont. Ft of all, the. founda- 1inorthe costituiitin f ithe Young a"7thin uhat ta bullt4it loch a man=e L RoS. Ilaudke'rla *vollid,510wlb**an bt I hm hO ClIiiid4 ly, tbeyviiil4 abondank t »ljiyor viii.coru, vhieb Do 1 imp su"y râlSSly fne b la reaIy pr0diiced la bis' Section. wM hOwrV5l. reep tbigh f hret t 8eocitl e 50 15bigh snd thei imai apenlog larie nn<u*0. lThe nidfash- dr ay'ud i cimate just about as- lourd "vormi'ftae. «misecauly i*ià sirseabie as agir uinkey -coaSOd "ir. I'«»outward, 11)1 n«tstop goàMThe~fi UO-afY h turs cold earlY lu the fai. anales lub;mcai ncégre an nsui and -hmo Nov. 1 cames aiang it oeu'î and a dellght to thom. Iudeed thon aae l19 tonCcoO tasuit the Blindeo Island f1557boags tuait vIUIigo 0,cr a fonce a taSser. Und-e i.Influence eofureatber tIiskînO. lu batijdi»ga goat fo'l onat ma»thei mercury haver arauttd tii.!' are bu takon bâie li e %m ot oth ie apptitos ef tht r- aCCOUPt tisons010ply ubat the. gSrns kolea nrease mmensoly.- -a - hah Ibe kept la. The. animgasthon- tboy keep brght and lvol5 uhey do lit- -éIvs eiioclall the Young oDe-mmn Uie e01ebut vander- siowly araund the b.-protecSt- freoi doge andi volves îbatrUYardtu flocki sud stand' closeîy fromnt the utaldo. laithe sautivoit tý hugglng oaci other lu lhe sunabino an lanîucii momeImportant tu fenco to. 1that tboy may keep varm. kOOP vormin oui than t la ta feoe tu S Undor thaeseconditions the practIlCai kes e .ga>lu. Boa idouble abject oye eau almort son tiio Young spring mut bc kept lu viov Hl building a gCat foVis iakiug ou volIgt and growing folie. Sncb a fonce MU«i bo dog proof boavier aud iwetw so y tii. iur. and voif proaf. À bogaitilberty rwiçbci The. fiulshiug touches are gîvon ta tho bas Once had the tust*ocf chîciien or iurkeys hy teedlng thom ou chesinuts. laufOr IIlà isa 1r nuisanco, than A turkey Jpreteru a chutant Say urne 2uy voit Or dog aud rhauld bho dis-, ta, a brlgiit green graushopper, ind patched as belug an ouomy taoOthe! tbAt 1l Yinsay flgot dent. Tiiechoit- YOuU1lve Stock se Wall os kitis. '-ý nuis.are sosieS sud craffl Open and One carreepondp«nt the i.bureaur cofr ame -srved at tho midar meal, for tructs a fonne ofton bancO iboa virés, about tir.. vweeks beresknhiug time. viii poste moitvo"nty ftes part, bar- They voÔuld b . ryiepensive for tur- lut uhrseostéyée beivein uble pons. Tho key fond ordinuanly, but lu ibis part of lOWO5wstgWlelaauY 0o0c tneram the lOie country uhey are very pleutlfpk; l roUnd iha boit fout- Vires throo sud a . eweatbior«rMains varm, tirougb quarier luches sp)art sud one-haif mcii ;Navember the turkoys Show Da dispo- addodtu ta very Spia aboyo. It ta nec-ý totn ta Mic or romalf fille. Ou the ossary that .aiiheviraso should ho kopt cuary, do a grost deat of trav- vemy ýIght. This correspondent adO. olug. sud au a consoquonce tboy he- tihe ltr«UUnais thai, many valve.s lcaule Inuocntr adneotvery plump are kii.d bY Ocr"v ormes lu vounds viion' Tbauktvlu g coas around. recolvred white stteniptilg to crawl 1Thls state ef affaire provalied tesstbro-ugii such a tonce. A gond fonce soason, sud for ibat resseau many ma3' ho made e voovil *e tire, foot Rhodeo>ielaqd isoto hld, a great num. ilh dravn oi4 the insee of the pons 1ber of the Bock far thre Cirium and and a eiosely barbed eirand of viro 1New Yer markets. By ubat time the ltre. or four tachieos aove fasteued ta 1v-oath« erocmos cold ouougb ta, put the. outoldeorfthei. pee ta prevelut si- éYéy turuO? lb lb.yard la -the lInk Emals- tronjumpin J. A.trrwighi _-l ,cf condition. 'Noitwita$udlug ibis, foee, If the rale are laid clouseoagl. 1ihe Thanksgilug mriet isth# leaas vol as an ordinal board foeul 1af the tie. tura goals. Mrt. John*"u of the bureau . 1Kllilng ulue tis 'place nuuuy aMys that a rive board panel fente four about a vook shoad OÇ the lidtay. ois foot high la suMleot for gatis. Mo kÜHlng day -tia, tu*#"-a re caled lnto aise aya tutit slss or wor fmams. i. ebaru, vere rovu of boama have are an Incentivo for-goats ta, 011mb sud 1beaum plaeod.. HanglU frtrm sethat. duey viii val t aux the top cf 1bc-$s about thrço-feet apat are pleces sncb fonces as eannyysa on the. graund. Of atout- tvlnstptêrided vii a noces. if tboy arc permnited ta cýlimbunIthelb Atter th* prr ols have been se. roofs of buildings It Moll otho long héted and ,itoir foot placede lunie b0ore thex viii have Oieà completelyl înomeoqu" wck la15madeor ftii. goii- tlilud. h ies by lnsertlug s long. hua hiade thrOUgi the,5rOorcfthe iouthI litiithe Whouli3u th . " areA» p rain. This savets the largo ,artery. HRave yaur oes drap lielr Iambe at. sud the blond la drainodf ram iithe i.helime mant aultable tq your cônven- . bdy.leuce. If pmODporpnvlded nocoaaarY feed sud soelielt. ion esrly- sonu*u ggm 0v Voeu nie ostiler the. botter, tg you Vilii bavre MMts A. ]EL HansI el ved su order mare timo ta cars for tiem dlirlug tie fer caegs roinNov Zealand, vltb the Vinter thaà afier the prbg vorir mois 'raquitsi hat they ho munt by peut. Thei. ut n~if the propug proCrisiona bhave local poSuiniaair«efssd laeceli'. baot been mado thon baveéÎtiendrop, thon, sud elle appekled te the authart- offmring lator vhen veather'bas b.- -tins et Washbington, sud tkroforcamO ettulod sud tbey viii care for onçar rnled tbat egp propenly pscked thomiilvo,. aueta ta efecnsij prévaut daniage ta, tbey ver. Seut If ithéogivot brko ver. mnalable. W. toery uc dut *9i pommultye or«got age.a»Islyt limonai th@mall6a nemallor boyr voit thay are pae»l ie. n nlsn&Auta- At suIlilualsasl e or aOCt liat« Nov Zealand ont ite thte afltercet lu a heer vas aold ta CaUill ti. i.tlOl pet ako th F kniWolgamutb or Ew .lgi. i ,fer place orf opraes coanseflu nlu is$4.100.and the sme p&rty recently Sebatry. sm eeàkSau et V Ih are a P& o Mi$.0 for a hait Interneutlu an- cexwuuy buffl imasexotflpaoued s*ber. Ournt utoSas oployue Aeudt accmome to abelug'.Oareful *I - ml ugM snd n ub01*tii.e u ,«Wi beomasWh befre tb"iae acl a A- aad »Wbte cn Cork, own.d by melon Clsyia & Irsemait. Plainvmlls oms., vas a vlnuer st te 1551 Ne ew n XpauIhOb". lTh. Pte- lune bmmm RelishiePouli7SqulnAI. Wiionteint gmou tao nede net uaè O f411 parts. Tii.ojecilt..fd. 419 uteat ta eu. 5Iota suMiry hem viii ittages or shbuumansd net fat, sa liie gralis euisin aiu the fat and taLrci hey requinsdlu -a ciesp toM. If lthe fat àte& te doue notse- ont la amy w"ai te provitsmotal fer cage, but rauhon retards thon assiste lsylug.-The cies»pan-liens a iset. ssci as 0is eokero bott e orhurl Onau li cioleesl fatl s u su segi. jUcat Ideeng»lve bme sarm 1e, but nevortieleesgiven a profi, tiougb pasl. a et. lieoer Il e1h.à prodcer. -0Oua iéedndaefr s dr lm «M *ift ewiew mai w 1 m mmiv boy 1ubie caml4Spies o break eves ou hie tsi -*«Iioutu.m sudif tiq eau ubov p " io e*Ili moëf, about boonuihagPbII*uCbitu hoge, s tocimas smut 'smer. 4it.pnjge0Paa6 Iinaufub- end, they are ne ige th"n they ver. sa eruo If as, bwi* ' Thos vin vint jgadOpurs hied hogleamn buy, thon at, reemable petoo et reltait. musSons ajin s.11thoy alusys oubd. Infiatedt value prtvail St ouly a fev bbtan«1«.sale.nd tbey bave sne euh- atall feundaulon.- 1 bave sst 9.tlioM«ugied Chester Whltea uthie liaitb»sOnyear..1 iqo a. litter eofelgi On.pige tva oeks aid ftroms a ChuteraWuo me bet teas Detshlreboýan sd expecita have thon oatlug ont ai hie.trangh vièn ubey are hbres ooueksnid. I ai- vaIn ikeep a ttaugh outld te npeu- vier e ige p hsave free acus t. Il au tiireyaumest ai Onin- lelsur. sut net b. orryhng thoeb0h ail off the sour. At Mlx veeoaduiiey vaut about tires palîfule afi goa miii a day. If yen vaut. tie=ntotaugaia pou"d a day stiet wusnin tionualt Onu aPo ead 10 u tihiez, atu t à C lCm onn 01DleP Peunlua bogs lu a mudbes ulply a dovlce tor ilraviug ubat hog donlt psy. lu vonld surely ho apaon selwi- mon fe the ienuasuetint vouit psy for slsci accommodations and. a stili Poarn Peclunen of Oie two legged boa Onat voubd futulsi sncb reaiunt mYi Fas nsd Ranci., Some timo mgo on a large fapm vo saW about twenty .pomk boal lis peu about sity feet equare -ure t he blaCi. al M d vas bell: deep ta ftue pon animais, sud Il urss d colOvtry wvecuio n ltlai imuS Onehaoe iad te est aud sieep. Te laiten nspidly tho ikgmuet ho loetouufentable as wvolias bel"a veli ed- slgla merly thie %mobchucal part et ltheso v wicipropa e i SeS tufoi 44»«. t 5 atii. Afmotl ' .. DY ,U 1w1g -£-ialvsid M. hIem Ir e Mua.a -h -- I oeil tuép. tr~oums te otitI tf but Oie nfsbt sebMed an the vane. Tii. uoom hod tihoretsy gbcorcas Oim oeil uuder greui&. su the four valSa ttulashadm etlo fur dark-rohod lu4qaistons vatchinasame lorturoti vie- îni onen t ac. I m1 upanf a, PIlev viii My back aintthe brumen grille e h hendet thé bol. Tho bars vore as coldO as un lWkinc'o ides Cf juomdtibl--i and- 5 douit tihy pnlated heu pattern ounme as I crauchod tiieme far tva minqies eiuberilug 11k. a imared moukoy. nav. Ing Attainsd fto nicinqbsffestirougi am1 pleemtprecelà, vhlcb hbis b.. sutoatically bofoto -Wsking : "As bertinand iseaàcitizen of lRhode Canin It bho pgltothat I iad put tiee veds laie a lette!' addroused te lho on, persan lauithé varld'vho mustult knovtiont the o ynug vman .in question bas s huaband? 1I mev usyseif upc oeltta doubi liai 1 bad doue lu. - My menory. for mît useMa purpoues. le gone. 1 moot my fietuis sud do moi kuov ibeir nonos;,I tRii vib ihemi auS forget the subjeci viielcelaunder discussioun'.voea vblle 1 au lu tho voty set Ct dscusmlmg I. But viena a sbop-aer@muila tbat pumgatory of mental stress th-opç vilch I nover man quite vin muy vsy Iiita4-ieleven--et sleop-4 -ai Allh ,. ta remeubon auythiug-minute détails <f my bayhood, Oie exact tutu 'of a plusmse or ahanas of an. eyo tisimark. et a -acene, of yautlb, but chledy ny ovu faulis sud errais.Theos.. vietier ,« long &go or aofithe day iuiat doue. coins liny Mrmimd vlth utarthlnï sud- denuces sud ahvaye viii abeoimis se- cnracy, no Mfa aabale ta doter- mine. Bomoluoes 1 ropeat alo" M'y gwan varda or- tbose.of ethere; moue- Umm. I biter vain protesta agalnsthle recurance of sncb ibouabte, but tOn mg la ailwaylite same-1 pusi tinaugIt pqtgaiary lu the Vuong direction suit au eut lt.Onhetorment et W"d asraké.- - T'h. vsy lu vic Mis umary W. came, ta ne stamped t au geulme. Nereevon, 1 bayd a raie for sncb mal- taesu ad I rély upon lu vih aandeOcar- Utt ih lb ad la urne. > 1 arme, smilvelueansd uddled sous etiieu upon nie, vIl a beavy heedot bath robe over tOnu. -Thon I mate s4 Oirs af us cosi lu tie patlr and sud dovu heforo Iltainmeditate upop .,-a sieset affaira urici, illy statut, vas tbur. 1Au ald gentleman nsned Clialtoplbsr Hoaper, Who livU la Isyvihle. an On Naine menaitsprstty llttle owovuvione 1 /baveospeul a seuntu or 'tva. hao *nitte.ite lme forsILoégal Opinionoas the statuse o certain prapetty. H e partlcolsnly demited ta kosur vint vaslt bhomeof et Ilein aomh. siioni dis urtubout a wviii. Hq 010 not ml vby ho vielied Iodle vîtieut a Vii, but I1vOs-g« the opinon t ho bc ait de -vee. Iiqdm&dIWou e",donaidrs seilev e.lam tint Mnb ,vumale llf teon le If ho ininet change M midup"« ibisPoint lés gnuddàuOl., turt Gentudo Bille, onldluhost about-s quarter et A million dollars. tu th.z@ bout c ni' novicdge and ballet. la Ineard iteltue proporty monienéd à a bis houer asklng mY sovice thon. qilgit 1h. a oquaibloe vor lie natter et -sittlua ' "à Ilt glionýâiono110nim«e 01i siuto ald 69 couplîcateti by hi *afacitinatGtruide vas ne onger s miner, 'slh à alegal rasidouce lqUialmo, but vUs serelYmnIUWW ta Robent N. -Bile of 1h4. Me eh" e~ls uséa jyfiungmusa vba aihba . Iltdle -Umm"ey sudhat ot hIt irenu uegleclng tOn sviceof cf moIulpIuel Houpes>,-ue Vas asemrons offense. but hée t t lbselt f ! rainmas by talifuS a pomian on aànrWSMPar. Mrt. ~ aPffl e épléi 5 au e s a resl Ck bala~bi lae y b. thalét b)s itauXdbe Illiwiotier but eve ebaipov It lpa' ,%bymade s greett rlend of melanpd wbea # Cae to thoir Chihiuuit olly of s ageret a.srlge 1us Ibolsicon- Odomt. 1 P-ed te diesad thies. oeil- tsly, goluomuy, 1 doa't iinov vWbilb. l1erbass thé meeting of ibe» storon or Oigerenit Ouisidenations la:nuy bmain msy have btoleishhgtude vîi tte e~u@t1qamt 4tAI my ie, f if:bhur us l iseneoln on.eoe. Tboy vol.e 1marrlas*e. a uates ta £11s1t4av .10. Vlur1%topWFr Roopeef opposition saold net vreck bis hope. Thé cet.- iuony ocurrod tu, New York. viert Gertipdo ipends ber. vintere iii su 1&nt l e duil e trit tint 1 blnk -the vedmg migit bave taken place lu beow u parler sâd ée.bau. en nim. i he, vIser. I vus the 0* accomplime r Il vs oementhe, lster tint 1I had àmy latter flou Mr. Huopor. Ar I s- t i- b*nte anever IL. 1 mid ta myseit: 1 enmot ho carafui. I don't knaw bat 9roqalbout." . I bad> donsuy bout vî t hasd my sbut had beaun s b e upossible, for lieue ivarda badl crep in:, OAi ber busbsnd ln a cisen, of The mus et the suuis vould ldentify -the ulsu, sudm- oopor isd anes beaun lad ta tfut à secret musiage ne lies. ho.ugi baefled y' ai thei.reorces af "Orjur that are kuown te a Nev Tank on ia tint . Hopr nud net die vu. oqt- s vii. Np direct sdvice upen teie hma oud-ave htbnnisf-o e9ecilve -U h ilvidlong onough ta Sund s boit&*1 qîfte ui fio readluogmy laiter Getrudei yac od lln erited. Wist vas ta ho doue? Upon ibis I tri -bed t t hinicebaly. Thone muetibosayay out of lt1 said temy- seiftitat If 1 could bave ton miuutes of1 rosi skee-uay. but Byve-1 couid uink1 rny vay tiraugi Ibis difllcuiiy. Wltii dolberatiou I laid my iieévy besd1 against the. cuahionsd chair sud cloiedi ml ogu deipito tii. force of the aptlngs tint belL uiiou opon-esprlnstint1 pressod luéemuntlo tiat the orbite slans-tbe aid days ai asyville; (Ger-i itiude, seventoon yearu aid. upon a ten- abs field absktu»down ibe masses ot bot haïr dieordered luaithe gaestb. Victure cf youtb; 'tii. rittque 1 ever, mv bot. IEut ibis ias uatifag te do Viti the letto. 1 MuM ltik of tiai Mafledabout bauitpent 100of th aveu- IRg Il bat niet et sarted ou lie vay ta Beoutou- Ouly one Maula sYdayi soir- viii, 1 vroai a tte oGm IMtue anOm and. béau t 1:te Savyil. by a toit dais Oi. If I tata Onhfatt egprmet ai10 o'clok ibis moronug 1 mey ho thora ln lime. lu that cease l'r i Sd ti itercep the latter. ilIlbribea ser- sut. BSafs alal moitieS sudt Olt mv mlnd, and 1 mal ait hbrs la tus is oir sud dreas et ibinga bat smen't lue. AUl that lagood lea dreem. Rt lua &caiort eide dmlàa s milro.d traIs. Thi.englneer inova bus va, and the oonducl.r. for a consldoration VIIIpft sa abent mInded pamenger off ait a. epropon station.If ho iso- pou. te torgot te tender tue mservice ger nuitetrouble? Rather let imbeh cainfrted by Oie tbeugiii bat mmu aneais elbas lest bis nonory. Reoerr Baiten in a terminal, eo thora lu neonisk. lu- Bouton litla elia ta oa- degm OtoteNoh neyermv lb.the ef. Tue roof of tOncabIn lu vh Icroes UO city tours Viib Oie deoo that lu de-ý nceudng open It 1 -Buyend Bouton the tvain maina lku s subainlure boei. Ntght elposlstuad le. nainotiM talls. We aralais ai Porlanid, ltin yei a heInaction viiere -1 ýmut, eligu te One ilitle hieroSd. A mms Viiiàa antera IM44 me to s nile nn thut boImminsu oceau of rai. Hn taiges il:for grated tit I uit bte iWeU oit. .Ptohably, ho bas nover asi-u a insa- vhé 010 not bave ubat maturai oncluion, et loch an, bout uttho Mou ,day thi emuliher had cloared. Thé so né " lglutly, i>uît. b oe oasâ uite a naa. 1zma mm. ye«o sumt noes lko I aft y gvla. a Isr cii tem mboi- tracluabosd vustesie d drepaitet. At formiles fanuier alOna th MaMo procos vs r.eato gosu mi ecrepi dovn a Be~ast arnvtn ata eor lie hast *cru*s lie bar *Niot oi ttioi - 1,eatee sin-t ttr liu laqu lde. -lOige15J cee? Suliet oi Ton mue '* h'en lu a hprn. Gela'upeti.tOn liss 1, suppose. 1 mv M. Heoon Idt wt- te* tey. eali. Sjusi loub;qui» iod.Il ge feUt 1dol d>. Sa uy krlibait cme d«14 u Lcýape suit-i tLà peiiéet hie 01t man. Weitl'o I tght bavesee»et se mcib. Wbal vwita ho debeot N3 miaInOretenitsD t.talai mte O we leu, but nome nùtn~tdbgffl Omu liqdj. 1 vont te Oie teispb ime sud sent ibis muem.ta Genteudir "Natter et IR . M.LE.ederésta os camnig bars su ance." . : . Thohii J ent taO tenbhau* lieume nea od gentleman vwu quits litsa" One doctar aqlvld me mot t tr lateme hlm. 1 vsltod 1111evening, wvil ho vas eansldmrbly lupraved, sud- tie 1 Vent te bis taom. Hia àritvorils lot me mevOn bt ho hsLd mot mooveS y letton, but la tOn muslm K 1b.d but a islognau tram Oertrudb.slang tbaI b ebo d tarted. 1 badlm»« ths moelution t. teltl in. Hoapor ibis. e- trode muet explain ber eva omlug As Ia mmue.1 bat ne troublo, alboglaq I Vontclovn toe nBelfasibhat te me ckenuD m t"dY. Ny sma. fesred the slt of lber. Thebhat. 010 bot hmlug ibe,.sa" I inrnled. hock Ithe ao. Ranis vo standing ounithe tepe. "8h. cçaeo y tlie tége." sait le. *1 meut ta tell y. ivwas Mlkly." "The stage? I gSaped. dams" mit h.. "Don'i y. reMeishe1' tebead viti my lnciiod baud., «"Eu should I nemeube saoytbngi ,Wbere la aber us - h "Gone nP ta rs oanu."lierophîsd isêyon hoard- 1 shtra by'.biialut.On bep0tnS ud ltng ny ovorcoot offM, os lié h. _ 1 ~dld .lirOinOmllmg fia'e t e hutpociet. I1p~ fd lucmuIl vas my latter ta Ciuletopier Rouger. I bad forgoites te maUlitt iAUis montailitwrmet li slfsei omuss thu scurrylu ac &elenatri. tuejin- san summai. ta Gontrud, it 50.5 yioly uuiuecemazy. lie e*fSéion vbihk b.d emuaidt Ontrouble ba&, la' tbo myutery ot divins mmrcty. aente# lé or voult baveoe.e I bp ome 1 nlpged the letter epen. Rt <as* ~- leugiiy eaummUnitiM ,but 1-t. e ot wbere tolooktortibltoqinu,, lta laitdrbbleS trou uy pu.*»iumb il 51000 Most 1pIalsly vniulo t5. "As bon huabsud la as dilumes et W me acuslyla seop Mm . sd i On moment vue qulck sud accutate tiibl Wpgn"M 1W pwut omorgency but tiensww, eue t. t"ulmkh.rI tOOS iiii b let~ lua u tpuogrado vad a mono ta& "Mr s i%&,et wnog u p'recisuiyt»n sosneWq*$ A i. mml itiaVSla 0utruorW» la Onaioe ove I ea& #*uwAý ,. mUotionoas e it soi -Ii rushed mp O theiro ort a sloi> i- Sou. au.esait"Comaoli»P $au knooked eaifHooles "tournEl~g beol tOn aid gentleman liggsm couci. sud prppd op vi Mie urine hai lt deSbam~ it& 'It vas et s, perfect wviltne ,ims fie as ti. etrandu Cf a unbeau. WIth ilscbar in eys lgave blma-eft. tain besbtr. sud I marked a mt epon lS coumionance liai vus - gulte lis custoi»aryempSOuoU. Geritudous sttingupon a aea bebesie eOca. Me bat boss lig ban. Au I ented mli qulekly sud viii lie sprlug at, grues of youib. Theolaitmosaeprsê !dlnilny la theo mecnanOstIi'