itha&t It item ut mn T 1P#Mua cure caturrh ef the peIne Wwille tlm surez sI it euasetarnh or tuheait. Perons baceume rauou'ned se a positive eure for female allimnts slmply ha- causa Utcesaliments are mnoty dos loetctnmnii. Cat.srrm in thc cause of them trouble. Peruna curm the. ca- _________________________tarrh. Tue symptomm disappear. ~s~e Weakness Is"PeIviC vnrlr wthout thie gretest exaution. Catarrh. almosu atways due t pelytvItlar. lit a wrsetha fol" or e aia wOmea le suffer year afterruear vill aa Wvay HaIf Slck AMe Ie Womcen Who disease tst seau be permauetly cureit. RavePd*Catarh.Peruma cure atarmh pemsllyr. It Have Ptite CtalTh, cures otit chroule caea astvei as a sllht - attsek, the unir' dlfferegce h.nlu t a eb Catkh et suyarnsIf alloweait te nthOftintaethst lu t 400111bhotakate vili ffctth Imle beody. effect as dire. vithou«t nerVeoness iî very If yen do not dei,. i opt luit stis- w.tPelVkr.catarrh sud eervuuansam f&ctory resuts' f ron the uap 0of iu, = bnd. - Irite et one te Dr. HR bm igviag a .what la mo iatrcslg a slght as a full atatemut 0f yrur cand sitho vl! sur blfulck, nervoUs vonananuffering ho pleasei tutegira en hlmvalugble ait- Men ti.Mnau iloatunubenreble .ymup. vice gradem. MB et piie ctarcb? 4e does flot Aditresa Dr. Hartmsn, President c NMer herste 111enougla te go te h& b *d Ti.lia n Baaitariont, Colunabuai tveila10fer trous betng able te te bert0h10. South D&ekota is the place to go if you have made up yourimind to stop paying rent and stolt on the highway to inde- Pendence. Faim lands can now be bought at prices that wifI l lpw a go4profit on k le -upr o du-ctsà. Recent extensions of the PNIOSOIWAIKE &ST. PAUL open the way , fields where ispendid opportunitics for success are. offered. South Dakota book, 1903 edition, sent for two cents' ppstage. IF. A.'MILLER, Gmnera Passeoge Agent, CICAGB mes a Year. pw- m 'ELS "tIi. or of c tacking an oi e. "~mtellas become very aixuple, a," m s lusPetr of the. petoce itepartggent te 19 Wathugten Star reorter. "Yen me.,"-l~hoe "Utinueit, "&Il' the.burffiar bal (,to do fa tu peur mutrogyeln la thre ak. Of the. mabt4, icthow smmre Combustible malerlalover Il, net it er- sud get t rthe vay. lu a miiot tte eiPimi<p Oeuccursanadi th*. doors dropa ont as reedly as If it ver, made ot PaOteboti'd. "Thia meOh oft fgenu inte a mae la kuovu te ail thecracksmeu, sud h sldé., moqure tuaSve bhurai 0ftn et buKrgisrlsg a poatedice la tue amusa tovua liaI bas Dot beau accom- Plls" ila tbat mauner. Tueeld oth.ei 0<1 of bonlag leoa st, luniner te - lmrt the explosive is ne longer eaurd Iet. 1 do Dot kueow lIaI. mpractice cas b. topti.d imlass greatarga, t huâm la atcilagtIi. puotei or m oderas -t.. ais.provlde& t. la Imu- pradulM te cqulp ail the pealeces wlt OpUaerm ata.,' mo tat I thlnkr th@ i.W aiplethoita of the burglars wmut ha usai fr salon0tutme corne."I $ioglolimllecinuems ou.. Rl i2W t pol of Belium bhalat1 lflulOrti abenatifui ittie Chinemec hu s a e s mly. Atte,- much trou- bsltvs ampuiuoi for- hm by --the EmIglanCoUMImult Shangiial. The bis me L a .mr*"et tbeuuty. It 10 rM- i tutp'o iottom la pendld MO& ID Ui re lange, and ail lu CSbi A *Me style.'The homse. *bwiihvitravel la piplee te Beiglam, .14 to ha mUt Up the i.Park aI L8eken, visere*lb.klug hlé Macountry heuse, &Qd& bas atitndy .re.te>tkaChinea. pa- go d a u ahin...toer. The, love et OlaLass. tMMngwuasà crase eoftthe Gergxisn pefflli l Unui. W. .111 mée tracmsof it hi tpgeta la Kev Grd* u tu l i et tbe ,eaniy Obppeul o*»r1Rvr ld t lie tin»â.bai l a- adliboyber Chiese IretSo.. tgoâ.sud ber Uitle span- t ' 'Mr 'O1unttnimm otmuerie. 1 r rmcdeed-laco llads of a"ai*i lal$g me0boor laemredi ntellet th maéit ILbora of thé. MoWeey éduet fenal on. M1110100to-day. Tbe Verdict vas f bal the red.haired. Richard Otouqn4el Palu. Park, camne eut by ne msig Second hast Whou hie patretimn al 4.Bpurred .0 keeciy that 'bIlei-ere» j m l u ne s v a u l o b e it. I t w a s d ia n g building litPalos that thélfugtish ai d«Mt appasre&. thiry eblIdren gazed twg.srb* kait tà» strange faces; tbey wUflesiuMMore BWe-struck vien tliey li oard thé Vistor. mpeak. Btsut tîdt va. Wulest whe a fter "Me cOmmouplacequestions as te tthe Méethodae oftii. achoûl, Dick 0OCýonneUI =mde iiumet farnous ti the toilowlig adialagur r '*TheboylhIntbe tbitn $sat bek wles y our name?" *RhdO'Conneii.,, "Ton bave tuied'Ilmtori. Wha: did ire bave ln 1776r, t "The. Révolution.,, "Agsinst wiiom vas it?" "The. Britiash red conte, " 'Whlat did vre do to tbemr "W, liHait 'em." "Di we ever bave any more trouble wtb thewr" "otm, ln 1812; vo Itcked themnsaa&M" "If w. eym' have any more trouble itti teu vwould ve lick tbern?' "Ton bet." At 61* peint one or tht. commuhalon- «0 lait peti.ace and remiarked: EIOW perfectly ridlcuiouî to tecl a ciud a thng like tbatr' Bver omine ticy bave been lni tua country thie members ofthéb commisa- &ibn have vanted te aee a "real dis- triet mebool,l" but at no lime until ta. day have tbey been near enougb to one te get a gocitchance to mtudi St. As soon as the. Englisbmen uirrivei t tey wantei tote tart lu aeklng Questions. Tikey trIait geogrspiiy of thie and eth- er countrite, andit ten tried aritbm2ittc. DIte AluerlcaLnistory tbey probed lit- The numerous queationa, mpoken vlth a dtsinuctly.BngHmii accent. bad n de- rnomUiziug affect en the. children, vbo were, not dolug their best Superin- teulent Nightingale muia be vanteil to gir. the pupilsas chance ta maire the beet possible shewlug, and me accident- ally trled Amrilcau btitory. Tiien lit- tie Richard's voice rang out tond, lu hi. Parlýotle precltons.Msny ot the. visiior. turned reit and tookeit uncom- fortable.--Cbtcago Speclal Dlapateh Cincinnati Enquirer. Iecade Lie .a Miaole FriaropoiutM"a, Nov. 30.-The Butler came atMIcontinuez tu ha lhe talâto et bmtowa. Mr. G. U. Butler, the. fatiier eoftthe littie bol, sals: 4~f« ni myboy bcd diseuse of the. spinal ciiord. and treated fhlm for, twO mouths, during vhlch be got Wormo aillthe. ime. NinaiJy. the. doctor toid.nà me .dId fot; know yul at othe. trouble. The. be oy eu yak, up dur- Ing the. nlgbt sud sel that ha vas dylng. 5e wouid ha nervona afid trern- bling and voulit vant te ru troux the bonne, aayiug hie aav ugiy uhinge wvh bfrightea.d hlm. Afler va had trWa evarythig elgal 1 rosa airer- tiftement of Dodit'. Kiduey Pilla as a cure for Nervous Troubles. 1 pur. chiaud nmre and ildtiemip until ho liait takoen alflogtber eigbt box... viien lh. vs sumit snd veU wvth net aamies mymptouioftthe. id -trou- ble. This vsm re montbm ago, siel i freetmre hat lbe la permanmntly enred. W. ove te Dodd',s Kitner Pilla al] the. credit for hWm ramtoration t, G ras.on Looedon lEstiga London Bridge la the last piace ln the venld viiere one wouii expect te ladt gra,. but-It La there, nerzh lesa. Tie allghl apatre bteta-enlthe çurb a nit s'bere the reconstruction von Ile going on la flJed vltb moil, wbhbhas pro- duceit a crop of gras@. hhough, it muet be admllled, et acanty proportions. The trafile f ibay ever the bridge la oe of thme sources of the seed anppiy. Be, ave Wood.. "They say," remiarked 1faNeighbor, tiiat Mmr. Peckham apeaks four _Jan- "Yen don't tait M-7 exeluirned Mm, tomer. "Andt how miiuny dae ber bus- band upeak*'" 1"Oh." repliait IUri. N%'ighbors, "be oemn' tiear.peak auy, wlen aho la Ira2z or Omo rne orv 0Tecame L cCousrr FIzè.M J C yNR kex asth tbat h. th 100 tmlu th. ity et TOleo.,euuty mad mat &Wd. ne OmiMid a iii Win y . na of 01<3 NDRED DOLLANtS or ai I ud.. overy mle of CeAunARtIR 139 L tbe onul by the ns.eaofRL08'CATASS Cis ilitJ. aNai Sworn lubeforo me s îribebd luuy pr mm, tua miiàday a D beier. . .Ui &£" A. W. O1.EABON iS Netari .Alk N"is cftrniicure la taken lowarfl asc E trmeliW ou tiie bloo it mucon. sur- a so iebm Y. . J. ,iWEi à o..ToiN06(ht MMU7yi ille aC tii. boit. n Anether Airaip Flsmeo. IL.aiit boy etimubeit eut ou a bougi,, t Lui mait, 'Prum tho mb 1 altough. 1 eau ar Quito high, And Rire a bird B1gb."1 uet them kid'm iu thelioapitai nougb. Pi?'. Cure for Consumaptica srouptl 1 a*Jv»my tittle 8-Zosr-old " t.of 4 oup-Mlm LA.Fares, 2 moi"Wa r&9i. Brooklyn, N. T.. Oct z2.1901. ..Do yen beilevg that thé e«t rmail "sur*." anavere t t.m "*li atm.a lee it aendsa egbt e id mla9.ocm INTI lu. Fims I'I IAL -,o. Dun & C' ýiy ltesew er Tradit teUperattere anditholiday ulateil retail trade, mnkiug sa.tlfectury duriug t.he pagt tauyrccent date. Improem emt enkpicuon, la beury i and kkludre itnae m 5 ued duiilbecanse oetlthe miii - nother -eueourngiug teaturs v 'esumption ot verk et tii. Nev S il,.'aitbongb there la muli Smach id hiner7, especiliy lu the. tactile nindtumtries. Tiiosauda of op- es sareii. because of tii.aiinhtdoMu mv et the palier mili.. ln vi«w et aieon ae reituetiona tiiere le y harmouy hetweecumles voebMa inctiiug that laber Immi- qpseclats Uic ueeessity oet arIffg k I1 in At lait poscIhiêe topereecve a» lu- =reeeu t ti deiuand for pie froî4, éaet m uanMtion ef 'uppue. I9 ton- 4anasu. 64e eteuiive redai tien ln .utput and abêêsce otftu«tier price coueoumiua. Dusin".la by zemenus bria ir la i tiiere amy ezpeettou of whiolesme- tivltj &tria" thi e miiuig weekm of tl yesr. tuit tare fi évidence o et mria confidesce vith <1.laffl of tlxn. Mali- en5 of streetorst bapeare aimeiolu tervrd te a rcsoniptIou of building op- arations that ver denioraleilasudanitsl- eltiudbeceiiOt contention. between se ieai. a4vae elruer,. Textile rnauftturing conditions are vitmnt slteretio. (adr -nhr etirn- ulatmi retailita'ad ini woaieus anuitves- teds, but ausjet ihere ieneoimprove- ment la pkeçegonds. E'slinres ths iveek numhered.23P1 lu tUnulitd tates, neainst 213 let year, andt 14 ln C*atada con.pared wllti 16 a year *go.. Don'a review or Chicago j bc~ ruie. îuhlishcd by It. G. a & Co., Rays.: Businama ciumaltea erý- ît'e the nor- m41ad sud ualnly éufirn.d to saisitrait- am but asuanoffset ther,? je. an enlier ton. la Uic mosiel market undi rprove- mant inathe e onsumptiiau ormerchandise. Tic distribution Of seasonntie vare reachai a ery sariiftetory aggregata, Weatiier ceiltloim oitnd ettlimeut of the atreet car airke being favorable factura letail traie has 'hec,, xtelîsire iu bail- day 'good ndanntno'aî.. sd bigb- pticedi articles soit f reelr. Eat-bouud abipmenta ef foodstut'u feKceded the ton- nage of a year ago. aud along with cou- linueit gaine ln railronilf.riirningsthere 11, s smvy traîne lu airrieulturai producta thircighout the tuterior. Grain shipmenîs, incluiting .648,86 heahaels ef corn. aiggrescate 3,216,613 buliahaIu-anJnereuaeet 20oe-_ «Dr over the corre'.ponii wes-k or 1802 Toriga buylng hlinshdown sightiy re- guinlur streagth in wiienand fleur, but the cotrsa grainso are, in slower demunit. Compared it wilit w-e', losiug prices are lower. Iteceiptx of live stock, 401,- 947 heat. ame almoet 3 per cent ever a year ago. 1'acklng throuyiîont the. West 18 close te the volume of n year age, but local etoci.' are expecteit te ahowr some dItc îon c h. forttieemiug rnthiy 9mtl"t. siports troam the rmis ad rang"e indieute satisfaetary couditio, sui the ujuter o,,tlook ln gond for wbeat anmd stock. Bank learagw. $149.674,414, are 5.01 per cent over a year âgo. Chîcago-Caltie, emmod te prime,ý lià-00 te $4.65; aheelt, fair to ehoice, $2.25 te $400; wheat, No. 2 reit, 84e te Bile; &lru, No. 2, 41c te 42c; este. standtardt, 8telo 35c; rye, No. 2, 52e ,'- .3c: boy, timotiY, $8.3Ô te $13»0; lira...;,'6.00te $11.00;. butter, choice, ewiery, 22e te 2-le; eggf.. fnesb, 20e te 25t; potatea. fe te 66c, Iuitunpolls--Cattie. shipptug, $3.00 te 85-20; hots. choice. igbt, $4.00 te *475. sheep. commou te prime. *2.50 te $325; wheat, No. 2, 82e te 8&e; corn, No. 2 white., 42e te 43c; oes. Ne. 2 White, &1,te. 36c. St. Louis--Cattle. $450 te *5.25; tiogs, $4.00 tu *4.40; ehep. $3.00 te *3-85; wheait, No. 2, 86e te 87c; con;u No.,2. IO,to 41c; .dsla, .NO. 2.,30tut 37c; rie, No. 2 47e te 48t. Clunanati.-.Cattle. *4.25 te *4.50; bots. $L.00 te $4.80; aheep, $9-00 tu 15.25: vieatNe. 2, 8àc te 87c; corn, Ne. 2 mirmit, 45e to 46c; euta. No. 2 uftait, 3fc ta 37e; rye. Ne. 2, 58e te 60e. Detroit--Catte. *3.50 te $4.50; hogi $LO0D le $4.35, siieep, $2.50 to $3.25, wheatNÔ. 2, 87e uo 8&e: corn, No. 8 reiiov, 47e te 48e; onts, No. a white, 87c te 3Me; rye, Ne. 2. 56c te 58e. Mlwsnkee-Whemt, Ne. 2 nthera, Ce te 83c; corn, No. 3. 45e te 4(ke; ot,. No. 2 vhite, 37e le 3&e: rye, No. 1, 55e oa 67e.;barler, No. 2, 114ete USe; pork, Mmmý ÇlL2. Boffoklo-.Cttie. choire. atippiag steere, KM3< to $5M2; bugs, fair te prime, $4.00 no 4Ç0; s"p, fair te eheiee, $3.25 te 4.0 anijcommon teobolce, *4.00 te New York-Cattle, *4.00 te $5.30; tes,* $&»9< te $4.75; siieep, $300 te PLIS; vlSpl. Ne. 2 red. 87e te 88c; coru, Me. 2' 4&e te 49c; olita, No. 2 white, ile ýte 42e,, j>tter. ereamer,', IS to'-,le; *à% ventera, 27e te 32c. Toledo-Whe, No. 2 mixeit, 84e te Mr ê«%n 10. .2 mixed. 47e to 48c; oati, le. 2 usixefi, 87cte .8e-; rye, No. 2, 54e 0 è;diëe to, prime, *6.75. Tie sud That. Lawis W. Lyons wun eoivicted nI ree Odeffl,,qgf.the muriter o! District Ubunaey J. Watt Uuriey. iI'Gropher. n tailor. s'as shot anud itei dla New York while on bis wNèy îRue frem a raffle tiyIliarolit Aijîdrson, .1evw "ondt, who nstookl, It toir a Bmperor William's reoson for wvth- draWlug his offer of a cup fordUf trous- v tllii yacht race in 11K).4 is the ,e-'ah- blc wblch anose betretu the Sec York Sdai Alantie Yachlt *Iots. Praak Blegel, former presiditnt f tha. dsfuat 8iegel-$aîuders ., i'c Su o toin- mgason Coinany of Kan,'s 4t3. 3M., Wu neaqiitteit fur the o,,,dltin. ýonu' ehargeoet mmbezzlitug the fonda of thi '4%t2Ii Callumet ani Arizona Minsu as eadeclareit a durudenit of* paale ber. -. This Catis for iOn Of $400000 amtoug Dui- aund copper eeentry 1heu- tWOe' pure oùiansudmmbine amc lUW plumable la beslth. Tiiid-prugaity sud "od £mmfo the hbst eIxIr et ofugeSvity.!, TOutii-CIjaUnum pmrenta -rmat; tii. buat carmifor maci..Slagttii longeât. Flftii-loogbmelp ropmlr mate 4" »tfMigtiiem; toa'inuui eb i esti.W eS sud m el»4 Ut gth-Te bu emahtiewtain l girfredos lanets mameandam 'Mntugbavtth t. e ,fte m ise 0aUodn eand sm e4tsam tstue. »S ndwe ful a n of ej (ftlIs agemnt Y bmOuden TOM&t--De YU g arefreaiigaD Fou tntuet w fbe 4 Bt adlawoudis " atnd, 10 tiea. ovice Qé= 7ii Offlà iruêm siali oe 0DO On if« um e eut ivte y1* hai e hantd U»~ tip U0te , minas. idgeico Vget uuss&t ege. ih un jmp u*the rt G1'eu do ntale tou cjam ofa al wasp gO mie.Do en Ir e u hai b Yoiuesiche? Do e10»ee agarge pour tiight-nj'rencim. Eu P oa Othe glandsCt an l f«Oh rie tev ijfomSeain wbriete tiiroUnei. laal Gihe eth alogade 't vxpresslei Wst igbluiCros omdon, lag upe mornn f htasnestendeytl raeiiFort Aufflatua the. foiiovlug Antha Fo Usvatherf ef Wlcemico County. eaya: complant for came on me v:gadnatly. 1 veak, 'Wa a short of breatu sud vastrouble&ai ti bioating afler and amy mb vere badly uvoiteu. Om doctor toli d me It veulit fluailt tar e Brgbt'mdia. came. I vaa laid up et oee Urne for ]KIdney fPi.mmore tian dire. danm vhen the dlatresmIns achiug acrn mMy Umaopere, ig -Ib' etor mymptornasiaft me.". Fer Maiip ail drugglmi.PrIce W omuts par bo&. U'oter-Mihbura .0 buaal, N. y. Thom e a,'Girls& Miidrcit-..ack Shordle g iroPcmd ta me veak betore tant Amela-Why. ho proposd ait me last weekl Milirsd.'-l', »t at ait marpi al hear IL Whou 1 refumeit hlm ho ibret-9 ouedtu edo onetblag ds e- uW5bms.Gr"s%'m wafl-Pew4are fer Buéeeaiuily us.d by Motiier Or., â«»e la the Cidreanm Haime la Ntew York, cars Constipation, P'evermriea Bad to tmameb.4 rmctlmlag Dîmerdems more amndreulata the Boe and Oestre,' Woms. OveM,OO $0> timoolata. At ai Dr') itm,25c.arl Vr«». Addrem A. e'. O= mLARe,,n-ut lu the Prl,,Te.o New Bosriter-What thie iandiady's lsnghtcr ptaying'l Oit Boarder--A mi xture et air, fIl a lt o1- eut operua»-g' mo-rt et mmic4 hash, Yon knevr. PUTNÂM PADELESS DYRS coton ' more gonds, brigbter colora. vlth lcsm* work tha.n other.Psà Domî't drink vuter viihyour misai 9%;m but take n glansful f£nalt tiug-1.a 1 $Md'm mnmma nd ttheitantlihig suAt-lgiitIt l heip Your comuplexion. The ehief proituets et Porto ice-are coffee. su gar and tobacco. if Yeu den't LknOW vuat Yeu vant,ir Ume Ausin,@Pancakea fer s resu,' geai breaktsat._______F____ - Tunkey protues aa reat qusautity orf 1 rangea. coi' Mr.Anderson, a prominent 60 fMan of Jacksonville, Fila., dauï Reèorder of Deeds, West~ who-,wi lier signature to the foIIowing lette, LtvdiaE. Pbikbat. 's Vgt -frQi &'])X- Mr& PWuUXa:- hie obutbwwtsg a IM tav thUis.trf d agoule m"ad M&cpila m eueil lwhW(ht .la rm k h tb va&4 et Ly" L .pShuugm I~~ mmvt mkpvai W~«iS a dg hae aim ubeewodo*tgdfemrw 1 r en ea4& E. CumIoeIau* I Phu&"da treet Sfe rntdoctoeug ton**btrouble 0*6e bout£ a Obi" E RaI. "mibee; Bears -the of À se-' j ad>v forCoxsallpa- taêchDlarriioen oJs For Oïpl . Itylai