-i M )RE, cchn DelaIvan, Wîk, Pre-sident. J ~ ALEXANDER, Madison, Wis, Sccretarye Tcn ears'ý= WILLIAM R.,,THOM-AS, Enginee, Watertown,, W and J. E..DINSMOP.E, Merchant, rience. FRANK B..FLUCK, Kmetn aE-ice olC~dVc-rs WVELI, Soletor, Diaace, Ohio.. ,Wi S. FRANK E. WIRE, Unitcd States Railway Mail Service, è~Iýcago., moed a great mgay qu.etlssw#y thdr fî*nds and the lnvfstng public, the best. t our agyln thispaper.. iwein~in4o14d tty? M. Frink -. W1ft(ci at.H. Myers,'of FriscD Coo. number of super. holding min- Couatv CoktehknmFris~co. t1 ia iduai »~- becs à&t 14 .5. ~5< ~4n awe havt Whg &bout i P& eut on- M&d and the. veina. whib art i~rOft. wde and carry or. tp pet toupt bahving ty nia*$i aper tn k tbe. Ten Wou b mod ow boimg drives, and Pie base toytiMouataWn raud able ised for tranl - tu ~ee a ofpunping and, jau ý'p jua- undr oÉ mimai É-ty*ÇoOurtram. cars on id iuterpower on the. prap- fer tan iW your mine.? We q0h for ba~é, cuzung e orebU aff Geep tai altd iaong a700 R. aOfOre above us tins fo&'cI.ap Iudn, ai it. a*R-cala b. rit.. he ichessOf r e mranyy lu- tunel tiaeto stke any blind velus, or' ic ce the. surface? Yest. WC bave already mat of ow ud being in (tino% This aimer asuemA £ umlmamotse tc- ttew is k»- ~ "4uwslrr,,. ihpw t MMOI =1~ze tw Breckeridge, Calarado, tweity-threc years ea, ail have been a reaident of ibis pkm . 4ring that periad. J larmstty ived et ilton, 'iscon m", Frisca, Colorado, la tet imies (raniBrecken ed, and 1 8*31 ejI cqoaut.d s su arail P isaud ve mur*- veyud a edy ailipasftho 1ti.county. I1Jiave made sa anriare e*andin of aheii.open~y DE the lKing S4o. xoyua mguu.azu Mdnwi çInn tlw vcs I 15te £i tunnel has eut a blndveinabout twenty icet w1k dm n fot *w au onthe surface. I. tùnnel gain very fast, 4 suIat cuts the. aeveril veina b<toqi Udr bcompiny a.t4 blind veina, (t îusy ett *e. éPÀ bc very ecooodci=y e.*aed, mled aril TIi. ianillackm .t. the. C4aedo &,Seutiers -aud a slCh eaubit made toýthw tunnel a.thatc b. éipe (rni he mululg Crsisloto* die nili. eli of a mie. Te is a a~4 uep ta thus tunnel sud stafilcient power C 1aubc 8gai ( rua àïr or electric drilla asu su' Myiler purpe maç,bquured atauda n.1,r i iap t.mb;e fflthe"eaiafM» » roaa. wR8VYR lareadto ié l.'caiou i-Kinc 5Sauxp .AIL, mn, Wa~ Dih oïq«, m - to me flfaorMmoad drns jêdress ........ . / P.c