CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1903, p. 3

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- r *tf th* eim tud .th a .95 g,' *u5a.te mi hebM t tOiscau mte- tsi mléfi t afosoOkmIth fera fia Degoitet In, tb aupeitlhm a Il 4nien lii. elcite cte e tsIf Whidrte ditti viletellthe «*" ibm tumir n siti- Im eld a"l te han ld as disebTl%* uite mdss»et d ie sb:lenta tielate ene. "febur e orlte attorntiybs rh wcar sie 'e enirt ai thast sitalrentoC don asto <lau.on gr dis neceeri tusa *a et tue mait la .rdes vait o.ur nieau. T'n. gobât ihbary ahRock Isiand tAi t , pée& Il eaet $71.00 POS. ltisauns OfPeoait-Is nv 151. lAi a g0Mtlso hava tot-me a a mcitclub. Mt' rn F111. 'et ilasI t. esatroyed the e 'ltin fwwb pleupst et $Witt tC.Ls te OM 'so .00,melasersuco. Tb* C&ICMPW tiI fr t tChatham u asetrore&l lr Smn Th l- jse mar resuch I*100,00 Sesto- Is.Mara e MQva et1ChIcaloe Ditetta o-a reai ht teve. luNew Pou a, lIaCity and alxs everdy hersai me Vernt W. J. Pratt, a t-ache-,t"-- en i eut e liprin, wyeý. reneal Chic a ttar s $' ite bd trip etf1,11mile. lusaeevre vago. eet t-il I todts n e b.unlrsrogly etChiago w5 bd lat roiht-eta p t Ithe t-lln et die f peciing them th l e d dt ances et a eu'- Wililam N. Mti.? vas le4ed i Crcuit a Vrilonsjuiga lit fie OUit judîirildistrict by a sud .the ciortrt f2.500vet- Monroe C. Cta-v 'r, tic Cty The graJr t Pnr hebs ignoreai isyer osd charge. ageluelthe iot, Foot- trîlun ,pe, Jiu vieiatie coronee jury boIt ter th. isti scbo Treuonh vreck. Iieth mea have beau Bo19ard ot losioti et ache.! Livery ad unaerialiai business là s"d usés Chicago bas liesn tiat up by as tike et iattend It drivers, anti toast-aiProcession$ have te attend s ha doue aay vithountil te Ibe flulY le suit tut- a t as bat connccctd M. Palmet- thé plaip- mes, anda binuand gilaston do for the r te ma»p tiNe t i e Etitusaite sues mrendoeo th fe $hah. Bu- *B 9steluascase catriet up trou'61 A tybas e boast n s voa-Y liia h talo, nd massa dia louea. usuelsot dollarst-.tePremat AntiN gaeamy tréisurrs esud dhe sisti eauiee et an a quai asuet. It 0e se sait bolirat liy th e w etO Jraie oba Pooche et Wanue- st gar.?muer claniailfor ahtiro w »M sa supvor aessemoents, It l01ai ffCe crestai l is 1de gidl- 1190. Whui e elsv oeeldtt ember W&* vas ebave Compensa- 0 eeomt vas fiait. Non.efthedID treasurre naei te bogin P-e - rbile b. v* a ll fice, bt lu theet 'aase is e sdeadi et Mi. Prote t i g -antibis vldow, hsvglai ses taes mmlai dalt$M00fer vokit %%0 Lake Comtey Circut Court 4 eginst Ms. route. Th* Appel- »Mr aoioclaed. The supremea 'bOy hmssustainedth fe lovot- tri- la dis. holing t e oefDce et apie scseiotm vas nt la- ls ov on«, but moat etil- dBés.foriraeCOUS t trers-, *6"mtl a w atts for Ulm r os i WY te S"book "J. C. Umdssy et C7ipicao reacliet usth, trmChiefle daOtLW rmers-1 a& biffa tUSemasd aiee ,boy- seidth hoofetbis vifs unili * Deapité the_ straoneit lie- 'faillismatmuoth,tho fadas le a fayer^ ité vthe di. 1e teloendma ho apguailm ha biti netrou- th gaIt i had te ecOmpail? .Tl,éhoim latre . ixteen miles bebttg and.loo0k fie train fer chi- At the ferme:tY ho tlelrPirca W., a'thar tat h. vas sat. lu hie 'PTh, Lindsay troubles dits bock r, Výbli M.- Llnday a-ef t lier1 90 lims anti vent te MoumDoute. ,liet parentslirve. At fie lad ott-rm =t- t'Court se@vas doaitatsdi- 13, a proviens etdat-ofethde Court,1 er h. vas grantedtheIbecMoty of1 ai 'sud tiare jesou. question aue WOiat L vsnultei by ber tal-q % puerlos bar. Case aiinst lier bus-1 aImifl éim ad esI Oiryasti dhs touttees mes nii wtjt eeea mid ia lhe-ychi béhgre »Choal teachar, Davidi . in B&ein ait'letJouc, wre fluai m eil à511 total etr1$05.ilatde Bi. & Vécut>' Circuit Court. Tbey vare qait-lsd, Albett Weber, Wayne îW»là »eDlullai, John Eal- ,,I Wam* "-5Ot-I' l'rnluSchIllIng, - Wahu, laent-lia-aiJohn &Wg niGentieScihopp, ail et vslveti a jurytriai an&i.pleatoti te he DieMetof th* tout- coats, andi Offl vers noue preseqalea. OalY mua tt asseromtan" a te dis- MM&BOE CAME Or MIIiET. ue 6" et Wgaltby armot-Ssai ti lot-mte5~sYJss ýb,.sl "t f a tabla Invhh e âgheAd 51etftour domi et Cbseet feid. or. fo~ i rÇatisi villau, An ilcion k isDu*ala ru tlad a t-MP WWes bi etste: leur- day" et ced- lIm -er ffdtiOUlll-Sln asa $ieIGO tain sot-voue protreila, x ïO mmra *d trit-satans ter- jýO iprÀiditormfty. Miss le 0* bat ýprostraton aest tirydo j leyit tru reé ores-Of IL sec- a, ~mnsties ate i'eletrie )ise tt%, OtSt.Charles astiQanav, ~p r~lvlega double ilaif- P arlsauttbfat i t an. ti e ta thi et Pa t'i lai Pl ce t là ai ta WeesoftSouth Chic-r -d ni IIIt ieal vot-lers viili re cut 5 to 20 pot- cent Ic r lnteal Stateessteel Compny Jan. 1; k lz tornades are alreaiy claseairai ,200 r Des eut i.R. LDoanellet- & Boa. ('ornlny utf nage haveBlIed suit for ei.llllQdem-1 pIs geait FrankinirUnion, Ne. 4. for 1 image due ils bueilaiîs by theetrîlue et i t-vu teoters. TheaIllieStBale Grange celet la- mee Taleset orDDIOnP sertt-y. Wlli rrnaily vas svardot the Grange banner for lb. groenttincrease un noembeasbp dt-las dis peut jean. Shoiheung dia lent art airaienactini i arlusclimax, a dientt-iaal trompeéeta rhé Criterion Thaser la Chinago kept nu .utîe n'uignorance oet dit-aistn re lna B vni et the building. Wblle sbootiig ablaîte ncsr Vit-glnie leveasuaiAbney ancieieatslI1 ebol Mms (a&rien Mefordt-th e Aironth, anti ber anghît- M3aggie la the shouider. The obat vouas inin l à crtlicondition.- lohn laiiclvus i eltiop ne ua croviled t-oct in ercatiaranti reîievc'l e1laIg raIdi vIrile people Irrkeon ciasd tîril ia ggilt The police aftorard arresteri àevitchmu o aman liarit-leroui Reati- age CIatgig im vith tbe robliety.1 ýý. .ri ofadoministrationi et the leptmaent fhllinois G. A. Rl.lias de- 'Mati ir. boit the annual oncaitipucait et ire Q. A.I aRaisudthe annusl meeting et lie Bons et Vétérans, the wemaa'ilRe- lotf Corpes andthelLdias oethde G. A. R. lé, Sprligfeldi arat May. Waakoen peple vore suo-puiseal 1he allier day te Icara o et Iboraige et Mine Emeline .Carton te E. (oeilShor- man, ses et (on.. .T. Shermane. An- agancementh vée matie by tics brides& radie: et dia mat-risse. vîlihteolu Place wuis Iitheaongvomupwuasen ber va- cation iset nomme>' trou bar dattiesas it-st-iânt ilthe publie llbrary ntahaim- palgu. Thie malter vas kapt s- secret tual theéjoag vouan ulgiri tuiflU ber rentrantt he llirat-yanti abc kept at ber work diere. The big tr*nsten stables setatett a qunarter of a cmile.back trou dihe MIs- sent-I river betwven diaLeuisville sud Nashvilis anti the Big Fouet- racks, l'ut goudi f or eMast Bt, Louis viàtunt bat-ned. T he Bt Louis Or'e depeilmoat moral Ivo -engin e r, liatbetoto their et-rirai tic. building 'wss deemot. Tvivers 'Car lests, et bia hay on tbahecond foo- voie creprsted. lia additioni 200 valuable mets etfliarnesa vere te.trojàd. The lue0 le $a5.Otl, partlly lasureai. The groundiag et an electrln vira lu jouet vas dîrectlir responsible for lire& lu lteuevlle. aIne tmiles sorti, atdah Spencer, six miles east. The grountiet vire vee one vhich cet-ries power troua 3luIetetact edthe pov!r bouses etI La- nient sadSuomit i t fto irctîncl> aeros the vires ef tht- Santa Ferondt, andtihdi heary enrreant lit-thein vea nucomuai- nat a te sstation aht IleDovllo. vhere the dlepatchea"s ofice vas daitroyet. il aise strucluthe MiciglîanCentral vIres sud lu fie same vey set are tte idepot ant Spencer, vblch wune hune t thfi grocad.. Jaclu Shaphet-t, lnovueli e het-mit et Tamwell," wbo tilet a tew dat-s sue, vas oeorut ha Leat meulironsetth Peert la <ia Bttions'Association,.lie vas evet 80 yeare ieut hidîbiliait- hut net beaaet al ce tde élection of utB- chansu asPrésident, fie resuit et an électtion vager. H5 iaCbla vas a mn- seau, wiors e lis alasyed armoatsnd and ofier reimees fthde tilns. Among thé curicelties vere Ive mitton $POU hy Mm. Shapherd trout lb. comblis et hor ewa anti ler hnsbsst'a hoed.Sliop- bord vas ose et theo«enist hunIera, trappers anti écouté. M %.qiepherti con- vive. him. Wbenthe Kingston Blank vas opanet te dio plblîie efiter uoralnt tharo vwue preienletilte dhe patrons a unique dispisy, àant Il1vas i! cxatibY aRve- an. Boume tirs ane Baskc: Coe e al aieti y Mes. Pend et D.Kalýb te alevw ber teatiecorata tic institution. Mn. Pend in fie baket'. taugliteand buli ogranteti bar roquent Botwesu Ivo ais>' a wagon tirDv* up tte .béat;andOU- looedaia lii box.Wliho hebaak.openet rthe. next mot-aisil rueaubed an làdiau tefrt mort-o i~i ht ilta aisullibomne. >On daule raga in qualut sud toit. 1las =aiu, a i let-gast collection et luIdiorelies dil as ean u îadiered lu din ottiremcognution. Tbona voni an Inienm vlgwam, a naue,'a stuffel desr, tomahawks, hou'. anti arrove ari olt- rarticle& la escli corner oethde bl zoogs vu a, china Cloet., la vbicb, d tiouilithé glusnaores, conla boeaee scores of atone axes, tomahavks, pan tisais, pipes ad carémonia] objecte. Attorney Genér-al Hamelin, la an opta ion, given hoaBts's Attorneay Y. L Bnlbe rgen Ceunty, intorprets tIe vSibth c % Iav pasqealby fie Logis letre te mean fihat &ailhe aitreel catr muet ha taliy vestibuiot,, andt dat dii motet-minmuit lha rompietely Inclicee Werk excaveting dia rock on fié vat or power teyelupuent extensioo th, gdraluagé i eanuol ah Lecluport 1mally bégaie liy Contracter Josephi 3 à vue & cO iic*trnatpr Delly viii ve as 5,5 a oes o sameut a as hans colin PROVIeC A 000otro 0? usme Ibn Advere o u6siom e 1i1i * ot iniearmaeMay vet aat.O.d. Thé. iii sDepartment et Agricul- lre lias ouplltilbthéelbevlugint-s a to th.eern cropo et lbtaBsefor 110 ma 4dia sic anti lb.hcndsiltien ot vis- «,« The, or s voted lta mm atit maLle t bsen tt f 2, biet 10 par cent lIt-gar thau thé ten-yer ave:- ge. Thbe averageaFildlt par acre vas birty-Uvo baobabs, saexcellent Field. )u the. saivise conditionso et da s-Iy Wut erthé,a seasen are romsîdersai. White hi$, la tour humesi pet- acre lesi han te IM01yld, il in one heshel pet- acr t-rger than dieton-yen: savt-age. lai sotteea Illinois tefie ielé as thlrty- moves bubaespet- acteeand Iincntali linole thirty-slx bashels, but la dia wuthera division ofthlb, BIde eouta, é- r-Uiv. bushea pet- acre vas reporteai. P c late, miY tulivs farvorable tu the rPeang et the nrop, sgo ât mach er the lota planlti corn, vlinb il vas net spposeai vonlai tîllj mature. vas roim- sratlvel ripe vbiea die bard tfronts eume, di. aveagie qualty et the ct-el bon 85pet- cent ut normal White taere la an unusual smunoe' sot etrn uald mach oe t 1 lun aselight anti choffy, farmets et-e to e ha couiatulated thai ni ui mahan u«favorable panatiniad vroving sesu the result le se gooti 'lere a e iclency et 12, par cent lu thé Minter- vhest oresaas <nilpared vitt bat of the tast crolu. White the tafi- clnerIluanoatehDira mdivision et the bale i. but 4 per cean, la central Illi- nois it la il pet- cent aud, la southeru Illinois 13 pet-, cent. The 'total' orei seit Iis ftîinsbut 1.500.000 acretL T'he De. 1 condition et the ct-up le nia, points baby normal. l i othern Illi- niîs it leu197 pet- cent ut normal, la con- trai Illinois 194 pet- cent, but lalb.thésent et division et the Stata oinly 63 per centi flro. seasen generally bas beau tee tit for the grrv tIrenhot anal the tsvo- blé venther Indeeaiformer$ te continue haIt- plantl mach liter lu the massoc han usuel, se fiaI a great temaloetthé plant bat! nul stroleal vhen dia celainet ma. Thora ha. boas a littie complaint 01 Heles dfy la sousneorthléecentral san mendiera countles. but Dn umrse dia Traek Iteitol Troubles et Jolial May Me Compromise&t Jumtge Haveofethde CeunîtyCourt à Joiet reset tire trucclu eveptien cas pentins before hlm tut-r earlos Jan. 19 This vas la ccot-iace vidi sadcciioc rerichea by the clty auodiies, the eh ject beiag te giva opportuit tut- ane listions- iuokioig to. sa inicahis- sttle ment ot the catira ltlgatien. Thtese gotiatieus are nov, uder ver. Théeril ronds vsantada dey oet@lixt y dafi, b' City Attorney MnKtown voolti net coe sent te dhis. The nases ntte: dieueil vere diose vhich lied boan appoale tram, Police Méagistrale Cameret' court, vwhere tho eeral rilîroadi ha'ý besânedlity$100 oaci for tallur te laica onk. lInler action vili pie ably lie takees lhhde pétition@ tut- vtl ot mandatant pending lu the Cirent .Court The clty sudit-clImat éicti ara vot-lini lu secret on satrmpremb plan. Il le sali that a.agremeoit1 in slglrt vlcl i yl do avat- îli t t 1 grade- nltsanad girea the clty a la Unies depot, INVU1NTEB AN BRLY PLOW. z4dg XunImm seAtyays Boom ][at. .alé Qptllovebas mat etebra ei thé a.mssy-eighdi mnnivesreBy et i bitt invSte th e frlet plowueainlath i- wstaMtibuavesp a fortune expar meti, vwidi M 1.1 ~ £ patent la a ds la tor ulkîi gcow Mn. 0 t l le or ueo ln a no Cor i diough wld .eeWàurÏ Mark, rag vîthoutSglasse Tsars aie o e a -, toElMgin t-ou Ve meut, but la oetu 1 axla. eiPvAMl" eu- parantace. SaIPb Tr. apard Titantsemon Os t otel Aller vrklles Me W111 , Ralpb T. OBlepard., a étatiadent i 0 9rthvsetern Dental Cellege la ChIcsg 0eomtlitted suicide hy gai asplayxlatlee diathe tel Véley. tank etftopdtu leco ,plisebis stuioes, Ihleinsaili, vas i acoLus. Pava tickets were roundi lua ,punkots sherini dt s obâ ti, pied ablé jewelry snd dental intruments. 5he gart was 82 jean oli. Ho calme to C I l c a g e s o u t a y ca t a i e l t - d u l i n m, v I r ho beformsrly vas emplojét Intdo vat ,ceupsuy tactory. lHe vas marrieti. 1a Valisa on a table la dt-ou dthe poi t- onaanota booku ia vblcli Bieparti i wrrtanbis vill. The wvli etalet at1 ladebteinseo* mimountéel te $785, vhcr dviscied paiti eut et bis lite insane [ameurilliaite 82,000. die remualuder hab pai laie v ite. Ir 1VZCTORT voit CANAL DonARIl : illimeile Valley, rahouseau Lue.Ov - gor BeausTest Cme.. I- President Carter et dis Chieras.Dra daile Board lias raelvoti sews ta a boad bu won a vctoit n tiretof 1 9.overilow damai. malita broughh y ftr &-ars a Inshe les valîci. This, Il à dionîlet, viii .ihabllh a prencédent vhi id W ilivrd olfclsa er bhtnd-caiof ti io mandset of olars nov beltiégaant i boardi. "The suit vss hroaghh by Be gd & Crabtee." saai Président Carter, Ig washltridLaFuon Couuty andi tas h, bitant- for titre ve. The plainal t anluetifer O$15,00Q tiamges siloeti a- bave been doua te erepa firongb lb. ri ovetov. MiSteMr tt IN isABBsNCE, Pratsul Crishsit cîse Dit ;s*êaotOSOZOO*U*SB*SS#~: * LSOAFmU ffourtb Qua Oar atudies for etàiepeOla.* but wU hAv nous or diaglorloos perloi thait 1to-doi. Extra ssiicti y tbehltery. David's pai ettiiso eu et pte dodtr the territory et lei partof hose7-O es up o d ttally coterinnt fer ha werld wiU net lt 700 et.madeie 10Abraham Bali gextra holy aoSuBndai vii inatand au nnitedpo excuse, a man ferplayling theO te,,l se: heltipeacetul ail the Week. The sma n daaat.ria isgalficaîit f ally wreng whe le flot trylai to b. as rael.- Jernwalem1 Ny v.Semr .n.. ly la lis business as whOu lis laet and the nentrallae or y. enr Netetbitpr yer.'Double standard& and -wastraaght wîth1 Atter lie biaisntlb. muittuts prilvaeged classe. lu morale mari a ativent ef the at-k ,Way, ha wsnt up lto a moantaitmeckery or moral meanlinesudant um- dedication or a il spart te pray: atiWhes even ~bai et lira. loseiiinarnth ciea h ë w us aro a in.- B-t M tbulllo s a Ine I 5:2 sEcIwT OF BAPPRNEUU Thoralea alaW or eur lite l OIiiortRer. ajr%ýwallé. We tîaced hiev crdeitcewlIt whlch & man spentis a Aboeut haIt et the W a B els i ronhe sheo 0le p&t etfe«ChitwenUW-foat heurs llnclilla ceme. trOu tdi»srtereti 1:71113 eer ut-eue eal la werk sud att.: that ho ylelstg et- .lteu tm n ad toe'pidlivar. It uaroer op er. 0 pose It la rt veetandi tues reet. .tua.XZ g qatermonelis Thsa bgiier the. recoguition et this lair ' bigre monllaof tii. flner becemest thé,aluliti etf'man- srato, sud encouragemel heei.Tli btte da tan tre etertlut5te L 1.Early ilahh tb.ondcTe et tii. mtuat-theb. -betwees ark, se long negie while a mien Warka he gîve eut, hlie nlty -asntd or Baste, teJeru expands.. -Whaa ha reste hc aterem iielth. la olden riglt thinginlua1 It le foly te Suppose that a man cas lme the priait transportini the dt wcaelsliaa1t iibaka-was physicien. as ehositiera et prie drceu nti nefet- bil a deosî. t le vllas priest. The 'rtt alter the. ma a equ5lly a toliy te Imagine that a uma ay fet i.d igheasde the ne aClu verk onhaaLon It 'tut lb. relu- ', paptIs làe t h ~de srk. fils dei 0 'forcement, retreshisent that tien. et gleom. It le ot tamîliarity wil '. ceMs wlth repose. The great thini dflisît to e a ni u us have heen lu 1 vry departuent et lite la te recor- -à. Sait anad bava lu- tram earliest chil i. tht. lau' and. te gelthe riglit digestion .t the same inte, ircu-beletrenk L rprin itse work andi test. plex lire breed8 narvatisor eni, sud miliarity msy bhi *The Wise man tuàdiosthis lau', rider- n-erveare responsible for uany bld 2. et sloa stnig tha orleet(ld; tirat obedi- thinge. David. it was ,a once thereo nmeas àtrlnuflirchuiese et Let our dlvlnlty *choeluhcdentlybu epet l- lita. andi that diwsbedience mons de- train the ulalaterlal aspirant lu à Qed bade Nathi u terloration andilt et ail antsisnl knewledge ot modicine. Etimcate him temple tetihe Gog ýa deatIL 1 la patbelogy as Weil as tbeelogY. Then b' a peareful, n I. la svery uathore a loedltg a titrer. ushen lho la callesapm Il i. agnose aàlDavld's hepe wn 'te flti. lte-hei physicl, tua spirtuel. casaet unlippînesae or lhimorallty hé ceuld say wlth tl ý the mental-the lire et the bedy,.oet will knew whetber te prescrlle pille son. _I neyerv the soul, ot theadit. This lau' et or prlyers. Theadirait secret eof pi-at hjeIn apples qus- nae. hon le . ~~ h~îtIf u erneally tor ai st ctlvlty andi thon repseyies *ui ea lel o o edhg. gisemetlme-ny ry ly lu al htbree domraine. A mau malyoyenbave lsnolive sas takeepelit and day"soarohow. a-, espect. tihe law ig far as It applias If yen have I1h mot lt your fOnt bu i. he tsahouhi » tu bii bedy loue. Thon la 'his an. nei e te get hoalth. Bomtdilaibette >@ toldung ha in ueli-an animal . B ulles will cerne wlth good, trauli a building was le la soullesi sud ho le le bleed. and as pan@ vanleblIaghtse' ient. dyonsty. of a vital part et our-Got given Intelli- wW coe, anti sees tlrough healthi et anir elasti Sgauce that we recegnIza titis law oen oye. the world wlll liome roi wltîrii lved tullillmr :s l he idae ont- lite; that va get a theusanti dawas anti rayeront u'Itbk .Bat, aise, helti et sud kaep the proportion et lite;, a thoussnd twlllghts, uiîr hed. el tirat weo de ne ultivato on.ailde oet Dgaai, b at'Q lite et the expanse or te the nogloet f ORPORAL PUNIBRiIEST. tanne. ant' hie anetheot#-e. to eat-a. n. iLthe llturgy et b t The Mater undesteeti tha lau' anti Frtim the lawîot-s tahaipont t mai Ou as wo la4 tuho respecti thoe au.e. For exauple, lia riglit te bang, shoot, or electrecute celre mercy. nt ha evepreservei s soanti bodty. It lea aR Iminal, bat the lAu as î1tIllmed .rY 4. lit wasthi [9 owharo recerdedt tie o as ove: man la e lot5way et sina spt-laie On sik., ._He muet hava been physlcally gt tute the of nolienyuo b- r'emt or lha ceuldnmothave lafthlie- m"orale.o-rav le omfie androcm w le hlut lmsuch a apendili ftHlir. orlet5wlaa oeadvo eel 1- Thon, hie uas ove: a deep strident. iatter of deveoeta c e ed le Front bis yerth lie Incrosoti la vis- ment .many thise . adh. demt. Havatz loarnati In the lcentonnaotu100boy wlore t out at a'e i htc nintoat or 200 yoari age on bis heart w on haas profouatiui learneti-as s ts- veouldut n w b auprlnclpled A] l.j dent et human nature. Ris toachini ee o t-aeito 'e rellets bis mInd. Where a leroana- ute. If WO they bai net mi Lv etier mad whlch couti have givea mUet bave pealtes- bis mimd te 6li te tira vorîtithe Lord'& prayer and the a . * tiariese.that le the Doubtlese h.e [)h sermon os theamettait? There tg net placre for ecar-liercanadits. My But- te the. irreverot 't tUdtothveOtOttvre iee i ghet tank Wooffi le, 'ttat corporspihe ut luofe lmr ui dos eot lie liste utait det issas bha alaudoeotanti conviais entauted Invle v lm Christ. f the.spiritu sel aid e tf. bie for a n sequatete rir of lt isist-, ant i ebo . D v tu litesvIre elail pt-sane te epoak anti that uoankwhlie ttey ie empelled te hq lutrliedci ahe e& litjustice? Ho liveti evar vithd la ttbardtorthetraImproyenient of 2~tÂAbsî lead la Qed.. Qed wu, bis ita, anti _AmO-icail tcode.h l lu.of light. Ris vas à pertectlî proportion- a Weil *1roundeti lire. It lias lbecotas, ---- ba UUl~SOSSO1lbis motley the uivreal patterawltlch Apods Its O t- hIsIt caugl #fatafnl imitators lu every age si.làzRa U"ITB hngaiOnk,1 Dr even dcitmi. Bat that litrece .... ~p .p.,p p ,:bb Ja mt ud tl olovoti a groat, aprofonht lpria. '1sdyJit1.-Vrybii u a ~WBi1 bu cpleor lw. hé uteihal jus TadY B$UM Br«tbiq lnourBaÏhheba,th the eaudti.flbeti an luteaney luterast country, esieste moe.wli eieriti' The.conepianj eut dl. He bmd liçensut-roaaia by a ept -UIeourts oft laitue, Sud uwhite a hasty corons er-. grsat Irong ani ho lbaihéUlètitheir tireirpairs- uut>pt nec.usity lie mdie primatee 1t t air slck; dhie, lest dia peuple ubeulti teint modete thas the pace et the. aveagie dis peepleDal teon tWr fio heaarti vayi ha 4 retd citizen. lait tirealene reapen wby th.y hie son u& et rien thae--a eumpany ot about 5.(kiomou. uhoalti eDI-enaliltbee mail, nul criait-to hi5diO1Oi ws. liesides wven .antichiltinen. Itla nie couns tofea!lu u amy s"« hlmchooG oe enasyte anderatanti vbat dia exhaue- tn lda a n e uelsslc5 2. 'Ira. te I >u tien et sncb s day muet -eau fer ast dIftea c urts diy ara le bnde itder, Boleuti QO- ua, spcalli wben I akonta rtecurste r ae v .The opportnnit Il e uev tatB. Vosburgh, Baptiet, Douver, Col.. et 'Gibeen. ltb- lie pute biséviiele heart anstel late The Net-vous Age,-Tù-dày the Unit- thee" was Gi 'a biednk t State la ln a net-vouslege.-every- nheck, Tho ra a & The gater liai tiolantlsthet .multi- thlng le doue vîth quichueis and iervelite helped 1Be kme taudeanti taken lbave of is disciples. and t epu smt riy ledîi Bolemon el et- Ifo hiedgene, asie, nto a amountala use somthiîni ton a lit-anr. Thts meateus-ti.b1 as-soltue, hor t comun vdi edbracer. la supplieti by the saloon. lpi. tu Jehovai tu place hie veanleti bondt on the boi le- a daniarous seat-ce et ipply, and del. Il vas ou et Qed anti te puiet Méalitclose Amarnle lu ndanger o e halai evaupofetJerunslom. SM byditheau r thIe -FathoL, Tbq. venq- diegrovdi et thé bracnaihabit Roly ot Reliei tag bai ront udAtihé Wasalene. Je- foteired y b? ie Mlon.-Iev. E. .N. flOuded d. ac t 11LmCri mut have undeated that wme Bpus Wrcet1Mam Christ, bqlt a Ms afe leiaundlbTi vote t l eau 0Christian Uno.-The noal prebîsuent al eut-deq a o' ao, ni ottirflz eu tChristian uimnu *ceraa thre terme alhe mach u'as te ho crowtied lIe li taIt f emberahip lu dia local chut-ch. A thousaird ou-. bt-lfoipne ft tu. Tnt lhe usde anti Tbe. ivangelical Alliance o e miiyl- Polomoîî are Ic the lia teol timé te go spart, teuliealose, vanarcul rpsia neduu hiei te drink lu tho solitude et nature. îatnlarenlatio e selaItermembriore, eupl [Sad lu solitude, In mental reposa, lha tound i siie frelionof iieeirtemgo truTepeplehi CI~ thi onaine alhspoeale ~deneulatin te tie odir. rut com. Bote 1h- untiatstooti anti graspetdtoattircttaI îueoîi > t<paiLt hvtin asla itlite tch 81es1ami1lie laceestulie ho -that le I w t d e l éi e grentty prom eta .a iprit et fe llw@ blp A star led thir la vl Qdh ant ocannet ha. andt he cause ut Christian anlon.-Rev. upon tueîr d ie. a divina mati, 'hoecanniot atteanthoe icpe iy Prli rpeypl kati purposaetfhie lite. E . ________eHy Pr, rohcypl bis lia a trege eesaa tus e et hrtblulaceofet t fà hata tragemesag ths eSursntenceSermens. mon go. Ana l' ho bu, bustliri age! Wo are apt te Work traînse w. yLchilti anti vc *mOé tMnfk-that eut rank or place la lit.e t elulv ttr lu. ia eechi la cettlod by the intenaty anti cesse-. h et l l u lwy los Davit ssid jesuetse att eutativlty. We top thée h aaft ene las ire Thy Kîgi founntitl foaîe ut physîcal lite, we A gootiart-anti makes a short reond. lashlaur Klngd t shunt eut stînts,* andi our spiritual lbe. It les the bonrt that makres liestiva durtdb dreai M.logiInclus rlcbnas etbibod. It le laith vill break tht-ough al fortue _-juju s 0i Imposaible for, us te attalti dis tull Âny bat-nase vilI chat, It you trel uke2A mie muesuraert1he lite for whlch vs vare lulie;du-. th, tmiede ati ve fail te grasp *the nl Eh Pr"isSoe the hlgb calllug et Qed la Religion le geeti as a traite, but pontr so dat a u-D ohmtlitJeans., s- a lb. hecoret-lotal t l Wamlti yen attain a wonl rountati. Wliat that vilInet lie brulsati eau- Bojax-T-e blan useefql bappy lita? Thon note vl net liaeaiied, Toutiix-A iOu- 1 ia leseeu et the Masger. Dally sent A short cut. man saldemnt arves aay- veman diat rthe.quarter dent wlth et o Hebrew pelitiesil iarmios hati axtendeti arsel nti! It was prac- xeâWith the promise m. Over this terrltet'7 epie he eud his Bacc..- il way. It wus a De- for th e religion otfl- et on Of worsh p ther*e great ienues. From the. ýwithin itz gates ta the oragnifirent temple our lrise of Jerusaleu tg David. story lest quarter trotS of Bethlehemr te the *ael. Hie tgsomethlng of aie when the Duset One ot Gode heit-dsn~ David, stranhelr i tfted, inspiration, admonttimgj hi. relgu h. brinS h ,eI ted et Klrffiathi*alll rsslem. He weut at à wrong Wny. Ineteaidet Dsacretidroiet on ltse ets, he placedt It on a inner or the Philistines. stuwbled, Uzzah, Vshk- !rt. Irreverently touchat adih teaches us the pari lbt sacreli things. Basse instructeti ln tho goepel ldhood; we are walking 'T'e danger la that ta- ced laîlifference. od made a coveant wltii the dsrof Davita ta ensbrine the axit. Bat an to heat i hmoff, the d ot pence muet ia@hauit- Dot a martial King. But was flot vain. Nie, tee. the dylng Adontrera Jad- was d,4ply lotereets. la ever prsyed îlncerely and lythlng, bat it came; Kt ým tte r' h ow d ista n t th e la sou. shape, probabli Id have devisedi. t cam9!" r than the apraleing et prouletiDavid--«, per- Y.It waslal Christ King Lîg klugdom, the. promise ment. ifor David. Ilu an i yelaneti. His "setooti âtan made conquat of d nioved Davîid te pel- contession oetasin baenl broken hearts ever sic. acknowledge'" can, we r10, .n David tounti confession l la miner key ta the ioN 1To auea a Qed w. am ne. dwelllag la him as ou lvlng trou hlm the 9W&. Abattons. ad aiany chîltirtabût thé thau ailtetirers trampletid was handsome, ambitions, &bualom. 13e becamese- île father; eforBy eara soken. Theit he madie Up ,throe the '"old ma." lb empleyetsoune equlvalent m ,"t phrae. n. won thé la~ ,Id 6e e u ista capital. ism coultilnet go <sauter t l. th. eke o W.-iisb i rtl~ latào.0 sMm dom .Uoi MM l" &Omo Pm Owutt M Our Ails *1.1. O Job Wlo le royal succrelo esseion cy et AdonrIale comp-elisti itien toflOWMOn. loitué the represontivsoet ail t-id gave soleuan chatg te acceese. ine Pointed ont ringo et da als asti bité ire admuitof iet isroyal tou mate bis nbelce lanlite. ify rame te lelu In a tireso 7'.Ask vhat I 1 il give otis sgneai bt ulaflleai muembrance et hie fadier'. 5olomon te decida. B.lghtiy 'broie '*wistom." n hie rein vasumoe.MO- fin dedination oethde has- «b. It vas h tAut IlVau àthe architectural W4adsr 1As dhe anrtreposadinutfi Ws the aiout et Qed'. Ulmr et wille Ths Chanci et out et mon anal esonm, là jory andtihfe vortýy ObJ.ct rvotion. jean.. yoars pesa by. Davîidanti uong teat., Tha olaitealiple xher hae t-ieauopon ils aite. ave passad drougli m&MY The tnnmetoflime le lraval-Oon n uare tek- este et 3.nusle, "Wher heu nKing oethde Jevil" un trou fleir distat bouse divinre quest. An incleat oteti te Bethlehem as, dis ,Meulait. Tbîthor fisevIe. id flore theit- tatitfe royal at-shIp. lu hlm lb. hopse herlautetIdla t an-oitdfl id Boloucu havo tIclmmI gdm, O Christ, la an Mev'l ,do, anti thy deminion aor ihout ail getihote' ran-Tîje BojbcofetJeans t,2. Pliat a seur-leekins PO>- teint female ovr-ar dieu 1 a. a; elle'@ a spiister. Andi uhat a ouw ft t l talking te lie. le; nsh miato& Sliableam*é&i st-oba, vhy do Yeu sP or bey "CeffeeT' etl-ýýÇaosne keupé n s. lunIng the aupper heur at cl bourding bouse. laraud o et gtables Mr. '2"1 aseod tire lairtady. rpllnd thre tragedian, "l- fatien the audience threvW cIhati urorripe egs& [ct-di, I'ert..t. -R-. Maniai îtrikaes ne perfect gèntiaman. n Chuuppe-uàévtigpet- rekbo'. Ha vas berso« NeW <ltMsus Tiua-DOU»'

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