CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1903, p. 6

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Par PINSMORE,, Merchant, Delavan, Wis., President. J. H. MYERS, Frisco, Col.,ý Mining Enginçer, 'St Vice-Presiclent. S. H. ALEXANDER, Madisqn , Wis, Secretery, Ten Vear-s' Bankiag. Experience. 1RN .FUK imlon a,Ègnc olCo.' 2d Vice-Pi WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Engineer, Watertown, Wis., Treasurer. The aboyé and J. E. DI NSMORE,'Merchant, Delavan, Wis. 'C. A. GURWELL, Solicitor, Defiance, Ohio. R. P. ADAMS, Merchant, Walwvortb, Wis. FRANK E. XIRE, United States Railway Mail Service, Chicago. The offikers and directors of the King Solomon Comupà!y are asked a- bgreat many questions by their friends anid the Investing public, ai ffly. Pe!ow are afew of the most frequent which we will answer to thebest of our abllity hn this paper: , How tii you became interested in gold mining ~Ii prtctla poperty? i. Frank E. Wire, of tertoi, Wi.s.. net jas. H. Myers, of Frisco, Colo- , ho repreeti a nusnber of ruiners holding min- propesty in Sunxit County, Colorado, near Frisco. m e rs a d gat faith linth ~propezýt-ut-not "Y Odcvelop it. Mr. Myers was inithe East M.Wire and.W. R. Tornas, civil en- I *ntetorwn, Wis., were interested, andi a year is ommr mtiea trip te Colorado anti investi- ~is i irs. ne ati h~r i~oery.They ilatogther on their own judgment,, but : atuicegineers inthestate. The repforts of lari titis article.. Messrs. Wire and P'eved<tat tIis prapcrty, when developeti, 'Iof <the riceet ever discoveretiand work- 40os4 <bit the awners would tàke largely stock l0PM ia company was forniet, putting theit cti atern ucapital,'anti beievingthat this m sorte pretable ta thean tian selllng outriÉht qWMessrs. Wire and Thomnas, on îheir return, *Mtothe peeseàt afficers and directe?. of the Cont- nOdibcr of others.' These organized The (3ntTwuMseandi Developmeut Ca., caitilizeti 1~o.4 o stock was givenaway, the, 4rectors uboying tressury stock anti paying cash at lte reas an; ather of thse firat inveaters. Thispan gm iuoey into the treasuzy at once and placed the Sos n a ntifiuMcial basis.. --What do thie balance ofithe directors know of the sty1 MA o(<hem excçpt Fm*nlB. Fluclç of Kim- pe,*-b set 9rep. "0 *0te, and J. .Dins- '" .it.'!pCuy eý wOaa te wcek 9ýMeA loo withtbemà ropsi- WS.. Minýue=r a-tmor Geo, B. w B*éçlrnidgeColoradoiaIorniely ofMiltom,:- WhtohrWalworth Cotanty men bave seen the tSt?, Messrs, T. H. PugIt, Lucins Colburn and R. d"is, aulaf Walwvorth, Wis =.sin.. ,' oyu think tlte-business of gold mining safe? td'tb= qfflauthoritics on nining saya " ýGold g i, iL ly business front wbhth hechanc~es of -e cas e»niniated in advanice." Withoudr ekilled i qlruldy.,equspped maiing engineers, improvedt lsWry for ecd8QucaJY treatifig are and ,saving Large1 tîsf0 values andiimproveti slippg faciities, p"40ubtlessrue. We beilvi this sa thorougbly that rs iovcstlng a part of Our money ani tIis w4y. ,s , lth buèsinssa profitable aone? Undogt4tiy- P.aon cd ordinary intelligence who reatis knjovs i1< le »nely poial.Witflessthe colosslfr tunes of Stratton, Senators Clark snd.-Hearst," Moflit, Marcus Daly and others whose niames are householti Word$. 6. What makes it profitable?1 Because it is the only industry that i. flot effecteti by trusts,> trade combina- tions, business rvly h law of supply and demanti, limited, narkets,_ bard timnes, financial panics, storms, druh, etc. >It is the anc business wher&thie cust.orer s eksteproducer,. where there is no over production or lack of c<msumption, noéItunting for customers, no de- dline in values, no competition in price, and no chance for any conibination to contro I te yalue of production. The work of mining continues day iind iiht regardcass ýùf_ oultgide infinences, anti thé -world la being constantly- enricheti, the mints of.the world-cioinint ail gold bronght ta them 'at $20.67 petý ounce..1 7. Would it psy me ta own onc thousand shates in such a big contpany,- even if thc property turbo aut as rich a. -yau expect? It ccrtainiy woutd. You can buy dt thousanti sl.res of iur stock now for $iôo. At the pre4ent piceof Hotncstake stock your investntent would be *ôroth $63,m0, s ant ayyu exorbitant dividents. The saine, a5oupt luvested li Elkton netted $14,poo and divi- den, in Acacia $ivo6-oop.d dîvidentis, and in jack Pot $1.35,00 anti dividends, anti yct mail of tbis stock wcnt beggiM&,o4liemarket when tise conipanies were-iw the 8. Even if' I have only- a thoaaand'aharesatar I flot * hable ta becante #volvcd andi lote? Most rsinigcoû raie are now'sgo oanixeti that the stock is4son.assess-- able. lte Stock aiof KngSolSon Tunnel andi De- velpmutCoarlesfapes0 lliability, i.fully paiti anti FOREVE tNON..SSSSBLE, anti if you - vest <btis, amosunt you need inee inveat another cent unleus yoU wish tO. 9 . iata hn <a niost.o the golti mines are. worked out? SuptM. Gco. L. Roberts, of the U. S. Mint, In' bis recent' speteh belorte $ankers'. CbeventiO84 sald h "T ., S.lait yeïr prntad -4d »-b oai<b world*à olI supply anti ouly the SCRTCHINGS -oT4 HE SURFACE bave bee broughî tô às." so. - s Coloratio a gooti sMme tonmine in? She laut ycar produceti $28p,ooo of ehc $8o,oooooo praduceti .by te U.,S., almosf-'a rntch as the total production af. 'al the principal golti states.- , 1. Ie Suintait Caunty. your. county, a golti Oro- ducer? Site s creditetiwith $6raa,oo,-and the belt lying betwccn leativille anti Central City, nearly in the center of whîch Summit Coanty Ile locatet, is said ta bave produceti 8o per cent af Colorado's paît goit eut- put. Tho*ma. Tonge, special correspontient adi <h Min- ing journal, Londion, says * "Summit County bas been, andi pre-eminetiy is, the gelti placer distrièt of Colo- ratio." 12. How much property, have, you? ta fuit Iode quartz mining clainis atiti 5*c aès o f valuüable placer gravel. 53. Do you know that your Iode claims contain ore? Ycs, each has been prospecteti and the veins, which arc truc fissures, are, front 3 ta over 5o ft. widc anti carry ore running froni $10 te $Soanti up pcr ton, float having been taken lromn the property assaying $ioo per ton. S14. How "iIl yu work these claims? Ten will be opencd- by aur cross-cut tunnel naw being-tiriven, anti in about î5o ft., froni near the base of Royal Mountain. TýiswilI drain tihe property anti aIso bc used for trans- 'tfting are sel that the great expense, af pumpîng and hoisting are is avoidet. 1 i. Will you have ta pack are on jacks or baul il 10 'te "raia?, On the contrary, the Colorado anti South- -crm R. R., laluiopcraion- zuns jùs<z auder our tunnel sa th at are can bc tumpeti directly front aur tram cars on the R. R. cars anti shippedt thei Leativille sntelters, only 3o miles-away. . 1 6. What will ceai for driving ntachiner cost Nothing,-as vie have splendidwater-pawer on the prop- erty. 17. What about timber for use in yaur mine? We bave tItis right on aur property sufflcient for al purposes. i8. Do )-eu get depth iith- your tunnel? Yes- whcn the tunnel is in 3,000 it. we wili be in about 2.700 ft. front the *surface, cutting the ore bodies deeper than we could-with-ashaft andiusaving 2-,700 fî.-of ore above us in the best position, for cheap-mining, as il al dan bce worked by gravity. The. richness ai are generally in- creases at depth. î g. 1s your tunnel liable te strike any blint veins,or veinasflot showing on the sudface? Yes, we have already cnt oàe-the briast oa i onttusntel being in it now. This vcint matter is te*duy inspr*vIng. 2b. là your placer grounti a valuable asset?, it cer- tein>' l. Tihe: pavel pans focs'gWçtô,_gm p» cubic yard aZnti rairosa oto o 20 Et i-smepacsovr80. lit isuuhtaîed thmatit eao bc wokued by grt#ity,-the aaly cost belag <bat ai pt#ng *:*ter on th. e perty; esti- niateti by enoin"er at betiwéen $XôpdoO andti$î5,d00. 21. I haven't ,AUte mnuy to pay down se I wonder if I lsadn't bettrivait'tilteto-buy? ýYou cwgetthis- stock nowaaoc e pr share andi a discount of 1 par cent for cash. It will psy pou to bcrrow.the more>' for a ishôrt tinte ta, avait yâtrrsell ai tItis affer, or il you dan't want ta do that you eau buy the stock aot monthly pay- mentisud secure it at the present price If taken at once. If you wrait you wiIIl have ta pa>' nûre, or may not bu able ta gel this stock at ýali as it willbu withdrawn frprn the msarket a. soon as high -grade are lastruek, or suffi- cient subscribcdt t install Machiner>' anti put the. tunnel ita psay are. 22. 1 don't think 1 have asked yôu everythini I in- tentiedtit, but wil pve you niy check for a thousanti sharca as a starter to-day anti wili you attiter anything eisc 1 rnay thlnk of? With plegsure. We fée! tfIat tre have a geati thinganti consequently-lic. ta tell you al aboutîil. Bela*W'arthse ipliioàï of tise mining msen of whom we aqôke. ? lire làWhat0c..&,WaJker. -Deputy lu.L I Surveye of Coliora"., hrfssiy à a éfi -t.,Win., Rua. «my$ "I came ta Brcckenridge. Colorado. tenty-threct years ago,. anti have been a resident of tItis place dorig that perioti. 1 formnerly Iivcd at.Millon, Wisconsin. Frisco, Coorado,, h ten mtiles f ram Breckenridge, anti 1 anm welI acquainteti in anti arounti Frisco and have sut- veyed in nearl>' aIl parts oi the county. 1 bave matiea, surface examinstion of the property of the King Sola- mon Tunnel andi DevclopmnntCompany anti an under- ground examinatmen aithse King Salomon Tunnel. ie~ tunnel runs about at rigitt anigles with the veina uPasý Rayal Mourain anti wilt cul the vefils -ô(1the Kilg Salwa- filion Company. At about toe feet from the mouîh, the tunnel ha. cut a blinti vein about twenty. feet wide, <bat tocs flot show ons the surface. The tunnel gains tiepths ver>' fast, anti as it cuts the several veins belonging ta this compan>' anti blinti veins, il nia>' ut, the minerai can be vMc cononiicallv-'cxtracted, millet or 'shippeý. The tunnel is close tom the Colorado & Southern ralradt, anti a switch cati bc madie ta the tunnel se that are can he dumpeti from the mining cars int thé railrotit cars. Tise Denver& Rio Grande raiîrost inaruns within ont- ciglith of a mile, There- is s splendid water power cls ta ibis tunnel .nti-sufficient power canbe got fbîl-o rua air or electric tirills anti for an>' other purpoe that nssy be reqisireti aromint a inte. Thsere i.s aoplent>' of timber on these dlaims for mining .purposs."-GEO. ~ WALKER. UNITED STATES DEPUTY l4 ERAL SURVEYOR., Opinionm n*s rmna Mpins englusor "In regard'te tht location af King Solome os tu I have te aay: I do no.t believe t"t you coutig et a betý <et ocaionsn he woleTenMil Rage ttn ~ Solomon Tunnel. THE TUNN4EL WILL TA? SOMI 0F THE RICHEST ORE BOt>IESEVBR OE when it is, driven 1,000 feet. If yoa want en. ijveshtnýJ that wîhl psy yau a big profit I do not think cuai better la thr-state thaib is district-.andthIe iSao- mon Tutsiel anti Development Company ha.îaone o e h best locations lit the distric.Y-G. W. ADAMS, , E AND E. M. Roport .1 Supsrl.Isdmmt Pfatt of The -Tàbqr MIss hI ave been in ail the snining camps af Colorado and 'P. 1 think I arn acqualnteti witb their lsistory but I do not& believe <bure is a miniqg camp in the state tbat m4li te- turn a profit for the amount of mont>' investeti that the,, Frisco district tt. King Solononmn nislatein :i the best part ai tise district ani IL CUT SOM VERY RICH VEINS which cross its line at rtght su. , ' gîta. Yott can do no btter than inYet yotsr money in tItis district, especiail> in King Solasn ust.,-. W. W.PRATF, UPT. TABOR-MINES ANI»IIUI. - ING GO. -., I 0Smcerning your mujei. Name ........................................... Addresa.................................... S AT ONCE OR, -WRITE- FC. DINSMORE, Prostdent, diavan, Wlsonin. F.C.

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