CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Dec 1903, p. 7

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derS. rliyv Il. fori Grôci ~.. VILIR, iLL. -.%. W. ioaterid to make it profitable toou to buy your ~hi~tasPresta of us. 01» prime you will fiud'- rýht. You wsil! get one chance o .afine Hall Clock writh every dôlla purchase you make with us. Thie C lock wijk be drawn Chrliat. man day. A handsom'oe 50c Card Case wIII be W«h as a souvenir to each of our cus- ners making akiolIar purchase durlng-d a week of Chrstmas. ARBV BROS., ville - - - Illinois. hIings. :tical and Useful Presents Ltadies For Men Kid GIome Laumbe Wooi Uned Kid Gtov Shaing Sets Gko*e Box«, Wrimg Sets miitny Hie nd Hat Bru"he Hat .Md hth. Duthet Faucy Hàaaheb Cupesma Sauc e. t.Etc. thr--th h Children in ProfusiLas-DolIs. Dise, Siedu, Meti Novelie& dM Tmcia en*QSoatb1e £W1. Ve at eshowing »me beautil rtyVille, Mlinois .;MM...... TO OHIC. .............o 9u.*.,. OIL . .... .... M a.m.nU... l . oIuisp . .......... * :148M .4ii4..I:....... §-top. c l.....95a. .~ . la:.a.m NoiM . tfl4.. ........ 6:36 a. M.. ~ lu .....I............. . . .. p. r7rm 0........e 14t . .... Attw at Of... o .. m ..h...OI m ....... . n o, lu .. .. j. 4 ...... A LM 1*.-~.. 005 .......... .... * . .. ........ N ~W Lt AD Lwty LV LIUDEITCar& LUS.. tneam.LL anmd tch 4 nut"s ondAm aantOutl 1 afft e hm.outil atr lthe hour until it:OSp..mes:ap. M. àAlbdi*Me ls lt car on Sunaa. l' he oempan? reevea the tinhtâttevary berero, as ireumbtanm sor conditions May require. voNuvecTIOns ;k At' Bindgett Avenue, lie. Bluff. with uor* (,r 50510 boun Osasen main " ln the Oltl'lago & Nlga&Uke. Eleutrie BUii'nd, At Uain Avenu-. Lake Bluff. uibfat tuls1tn h. lilcago h&iorthwoatcru Bai. vît tu sui from Ci uwo manti lwaukee. A sag-omrvlta Ut Mfg. aMlwmt,*i. & St. Paul lIW% andthetii.Bil. Joliet a Bustera eullway. Tekete< ot., sU ots nu Chicaqo & M!. wbuk.e hEMCtric.R&Ilroad are ou aeietaIr~. B. Liovella Dingf Store, Llbertyvýlfr. T'hotuas Mli.W-ho bu li.ou quit. slck, iele hi, bu ot ag"l. . Mr*. Luia Ayres, oft iavf-nswood, la vslting witb frieudabem.. MiI. Loulou Cter inl one f roui Evaus. ton ta sp.d the. boidays. Rermington Bron.cme ont with afin. new mlk wagon tii. otte day. OW No-rreyourN.wTor resointions. lt'a your annuat "ost. ofr.' peroîd. 'Trlmmedhbats at o*$bircl off ut M"a. Mim- Deborab Cooper, of Laire bluff, , _eBlofrut of tihe weeli with f riends Mkra. Ç. M. Fulier and Freditie Protine spent Sundaywitb ber son E. IW. Fîtller andt family lu Chioago. Meiai (ChristoRhlas.flran.U,tw p ryCîrsna.the. pleaoant gult of Landiord and Miae. Staford' picle fcto luin lomed for Ciark, a fe- day. tuis woek. b ý.théw"m th entrp t«lk oving been Roior business mting of the. M. E. uiipped. L«diea Aid Socety w-ll h. ini the. hurcii Stalîton Pelton aîd tuotiier, of Water- puriors on Tuesday Jlan. 5', at a p. m. ioii.are vimitiug Diuonit Lake aud- Rekular meeting and lection 01 qlturs Libertyvîllo. relatives aud friends. of Court of Honor gaturolny night. A. H. Kraitier. of Iiotiart, Okahoma, Arrangements for bull for ensuing yeur lamie a short vimit 1londay ight. at the muettIl. made nt ýtbls meeting. AIl iîorn, o!flbis 9otirir.n '. t. },membe o present. Averill. Tbumlsay occursud the marriage of Mr. andi Mrm. (eýorgeJamùm)n andeilild- Oco. Thatcher, for nome tini. emptoyeti ren, o! Cherry Vailey, are sp.uding the loy Frank lierriugton and Weil kuown holidays w itb lber fathër, 1. J. Hoyt, aidd about tOwn, 10 MissPOliy 1Letker, fauiiy. - " 1formerly of Dfamond Lakte. A new-igli, douin goid Irai, adornas Tiie pont wekwe hveo le evral the front of Will HaekLley's ding store. orders foranioorpttnsyroiu local people Its îlot 110 ie. ivehler. onty we over.*W-ho are mendlng tbu paper a year to, lookIe.lti. at uptil this issue,, distant relatives or frieude, sud it moites John Btoys.-n rîr. theii $pauidiug a Mont acceptable gift, carrying eacb Xiîrmery. of Siauiding, Iili..nul! 15 pre. w-eka th chronicle of lhonieevents. No îiared tu take orders. He hoboalii Con- nue rends the. couuty weeily witb more a4lderalte of titis g-olnpunya produet, anui intereot thon ite &.awteuv frim t1we uild it giv.-s iiiv-erani .uoîîmaetîion.. home, Satalaiusment ]liis stork to , i, Librtyrile utreannu were favored P.ri(eiu' hlimite Weulnesuny moruning. thi w-o.k'with their usual big Holiday e Tht' ai! t oasn bîîby girl, and froi tbure patroqage, and their custo6ers founde M r. Stîtri proeoededl to E. J..Hener's§ and'them lu eve7 Case prepared ta mettheir miade glad nuit iioîîeliold- withl inother w-nnt. . Eaob ear the. homo merehata girl. are giviria more attention to ilieHoliday i (Get tîo. iot b<twlte Silon lions traite, and their stocka are such osto at- St (lis. 11.2-d tract hnYers froin a large surroundiug t.rritory. Fact in, vou Cari do as weil f.L. flfflitiard, for several yeorme m. righitin Lihertyville an uthe. City no tar 1ployved lunthé e nechnical departient of as, PriCé.ila Ocuernetd, anti thi elotiois,E t e NDEENDNT ofic iRillireeed i tbongh not an Vàrled, are snflilently @0 E. P.Putnm. îf Chicugo.. Mr. Hubhnrdf in 9 large majority of instaure..a experte to10worn t the business in thea City. Cou uat (raY's. Funt me"j in toa-a.c -Fred Parithutrnt eninyed'thtei sport of -vryi11-cn2i4rdSataClu abootiug 2a turiteys with naridle for Win. could put lu Llerve',SataClamg u Speliman. Tuesday. Tii. bids hit e ore nOput i ibertt tban thatokgo N (coime ionsild Mr. Spelîmnti ould not idsrpoelrognsuat hc Capture thêtan, but It did not take long for w-onudmaure lispemansedntdoperatlo l Fred toi do the trii-k. olhiar tpemnt eaio.b lu eveut of ite oiosing down the- reaja. t To oui L-uow-iede there isl' ut ne ftant- tion of tfs fotctil certain ansd betorse(i l'Y lu Libertyvillie deititut ,anud lu this upring our present prospetity stands tao instance kiud nelghbora aope to it tint the. u-.eive a- decideti jar in conseqhenoe. t nefflmities,anin, lu tct tnony luxuries, are This la no idie finlerenre. Ay mmsw-ho, c provided. Alecondition lunatownof liope to tik must admit 14~ whîch tact i- neerly 1 500 population probably doms being evident, we bellevre thei. cnmmnty tm nt exsit Il~inPin. is at favlt in not nt -. ist sit6ow-ig Bi]y une of atome frautetipituree for suflMeeutiniterfflt ta coissidar If#sob l on ot ytînr XIînospre8enta. at Beew-i's poe u ~,rngîiaincno studio. 1Il-id poe n aerog. nsto anta A s;pecîidiepensation o! Pop. Plus XI' n w-ll l nlow- Roman Catiiolie t et mnt Tii. Chicaoo ulromicie receut)y on th*. Fidayison whichi1faittimas publish.d nomi nteresting (lut& relative o anui New-Yeare. Tii. dispensationufor ti.eearl Iat][11r1Y Ot lttie Fort, now- the beghiîiig 0f the. new- vear la recogni. Waukegan, and refreare to Libortyvalla tion of the Ore t New year in the in madinluthe. article tins: "But w-bile pooitificate of the. present pope. - Waukegsu proapered froni the st6rt in I J. S Grdie mae awriteudeiand1885, it, too, ham its tikoublee. At the on Secretary Churchill, of the. Agri. raino h cut n1 t culura Soiey, hiswee, or ustdycitiSena were ambitions of baving it jot the books etc. in tih. latter's charge. mlete lhr o Libu tvle, sd huref Mr. Grtdiey hat inu bla baud bu la WM g5.nedlb ietvle n hr Meoretaty ni tint esaieOgiiaiu was a iong and acrimonious content despit. Citocgii's biine. n earred onhy the. tw-o placeo on the. morioua]Y.- question of couuty scat removal. Tii. UnIgldatui'ew-es appealed ta audtinl 1841 Oit Sabhath thle puigit t tii. M.*E. it pass.j an nct suîauîcting the. queâtiôii îeburt-h n-l b.filiet loy a uoplew of the. tiithepeople of tiie îounty. At the, pnstorRv iIAIto lîno,. o i. elotion tiere were 744 votes anat, of Cincinniati coutereuee. This gentleman w-bl 356-a niajority o! 188-w-,re bast pasoeti his mnlisterial lits, lu the throw-n for Littie.Fort, whii uDame it largeat itiea lu Ohio, lu Cincinnati, Day- retaned lu tact, or !lu Iopular referenre, ton, Clevelanid, Springfild, and Pittabnwg, tilI 155, w-boi the ity o! Wauit an Pa. HIs eai' eloqueut preacher, sud It w- a iou rtoti aînd organized. The wiîî [lie eil. for alilta bear filmn. fiat Coa:rtM s w-o. coutpleted lunI1844 . at a cont 0f14950". Among promotions of itse enployee. announced by thie C. & N. W. itrom4 "ag carpele. Comlpany, ta tonke effiet January 1, atnprop.sed taw-eav carpets. .JouN tint of B. F. Terpiig, at preslent train Kc..oierrAeLbryil 12 disputcburittthefflaego office. Mr.Terp- P.d Griading. ning w-lthèreoftér b. taiimuiter at Mixed gsIs Md corn and cob-Wodies. Tracy, oit ti Minnesota division, Mr. daysad8aturdays. G. H. Scusoe Terpigiig'a wif. lna a iaugliter 'o! John LbrtyvFllte. tofa. o!llockefeller. We hawe*bife aortment of trauiod Tenew eîîgine and tdynamo at th, pAc qinltduan nme il canon, aIl, The pa ýgwat.rcolo«, etc.. anynne cd w-loch lectrk- ligt laint i. iii place, w-hile the W-i tuai, a piesXute preslent, nit large uew- bolier hbit. been ilune for Bweswlh' etilo11. il-id several w-e.k. Tiie companyw-ll about Fltteu Mmd bot lin@ of candies of JIl Ja nuary 1 bave alltîteir ndded equip - kindqat Gray'a 11-2-d - ment in use and tins hiave more,tha qrotcin niiunr n doubWted1thoir, capacity. Furtiior, wlth btre" uonmlf ryut tw-o completes et. 0i malnrvu a.,,..*ta'ahM.H.. bÔilons~ obut dowpa iii tii. futur~ *boiiid ~ *ei~ - i~gltl~t s.Ihtip lahi ba. aaii.s u.~ Th ii. utinluHate, Velvet. sud Triminga VIau" mdo suita sud Ciieviots, Berg-s, vestiug, Brliisutineo, tecy Velvetei, F'lantqetttoe, et. ýPrie.the. low-ot 31is. -. R PtineiJ ALL WILL Be s sLù. Ouppiemented bv Persona] lat5ers business man, oanwpaper ma ôte Darmer were on bond in Reaub'a I Tumeody ntgh.tafi)i.or .gagitt relative te reorganizatlon of tii. Ea Manularturing Company. *'ît's a fro»t" -the. business im ik"and toon bad an that oompaîi cold -ton itas flgin' wîth a lqueose It ili the hsçt Lit4ertyvlle hAF and1 b. nigbtily minsed." Tb 1e tarer thouglit it wae np te ~bogiuee men. if tho4 did cnr, dwcfnt, and went away, aatilied, wl the newspapor mm sogbt teoee what *a& propoierd ii ovétat boom suficlont, attend*na propnelag aoytbing,- and mnuo respousible for eohhing tl for pointers. Tii.y said: 1. 'Wel, we muet concludefroui'this tl Lhbertyville buinmesemen don't ci whetiiê the foctory, whîch lias b( n.Ybdg*100 a day in wageo, ln conced te lie oui chiet Industry and omployî in whioii apent about ail their wuq witb boni1emerthanto, in clo"eddoi pormanently or flot. it ja bard Probable fuether effort wil lie. mu aiong reorganisation linm.'l Askud what it hiait been Ixopeti accomplieb at the meeting. the informa coutinueit: "Why Yau 5eethe, concoM n $ 34,(X of debts. It involce, éoinîervativel $4(Ï,000. igbt now businessaix ehl doue at, a good prolit, which we le, show. We wereMwiiug ta chou, up 1 indebtedem,,and if sulAoeq. t ero Wos'idu~i&bylogai p'eÎeatae op $5000 in stock, reorgffluse and contli tihe business. Now tihe plant wili 1 dismautkd, sold under ttijbanter ut proceeda used to. puy creditors. "Perso ally, 1 wl Malte no fuither att.uipt 1 @aethe industry. It w-ut lie soldv January 19, ani thns w-li l bertyvl loe w-bat bai been it bout support su ontribnted more, thon any other aing ç,"",rn te itm present prooperlty.", Thon tiie newapaper man interviews Home of ii .tlitVhuntg about towl Opinions Nars-ipd. one or two thougit the. reorganizocion moveineunt ail rigbl Oliensdeelareul thefrprospeet of rearai about 20 Cenits on a dolor for crodi extended the. once intdourid tbui on the w-bol. proposition. one sa" "If I oqald have fifty-one ebarwos f th stock and tins bue aboolutely surset 1 squaredemi might cousider it. otiier Wise nt." Two others w-ho wen standing- hy assnted to tusa opinion Ail w-ere indifférent ln their attitude ami w:oufdne eucptions expressied littit cniecinth"' gond fait> of thoos &hiid the. reorgauation plan. Nonf wi&Ito lieta uioted, but the. consensus of opinion w-ould indiente littie tor nc co-oppration con bu expected f roin musiueoZ-men In their promet trame 01 mlnd. looking to reorganization of the. Company. It seemed te thjt newsaîpper mnie b coutl expresis thei. antiment as h.e fouud bt nmong those interviewed lui three wrds. 'lack of confidence.,, U. S. C.surt 5.10..taIelss Mqudaùl ReDore. Wean ithe Unite'd tates district court dlsmWwsd Afty B. Hf. Miier's petition aokiug tgolbu ppomnted receiver ateadolJ..oridiev, affoiatei by -Jmdge Donaaily,- 0f the rouit court,- ou a siiowing tiiot the. ircuit court liat i irtaCqutred juridiction of tii parties oeil the. auhect matter. [r. Miller ives directed, if h.i'eosires to aquire cnstody of any property not [vered by the mortgage securlng the bnd, lu buhati o! creditors lbe repriatente tüaPply- ta the. Lake éounty circuit ,lirt. 1 Ilai a singuini coincideuce that tus jon i.e tiret instance where the. rlghte of a druit court have buen meognimed by the nitted States court, ln tbio district, lu a atter of tua mnature. Attorney »uraad fortii. bond boîtiers ind MaCQUSOP for Receiver, Gridiey sert that witii the. nited 8tats ourtsa doclon uqt te interfae, l. emovtid a conipication which tended Oly te balper a satisfactory settlement tu atters. 1; LIBERTY VILLE CristaP We aie ahowflng a 62arqoeamd bt« asortment. tIbm ever beloreat osz usual rock 'bottom Prime. CeluI*I MNovemles Am0.a4 rMitt Faaoy Tornl# ASatMW**,$n-atr Libertyvllte If y ça -vant a Wktem' k cerlalnly do or wlU-o uperlor liii of aameplee i guartutee perfet fil Libertyville' - - - Trav8.1is KEqpenoive; TaIlk is ch"ap. Stay at frime; lot y«ar vY"e traveliuig for -ydù.. You wiiib. lu oocpuut i>c i* entire oounty anti tbe 0.o*e with, one -of ixw téei)bou Buslinie uRat"s. 010, Der ResJdera m .lt*to cprt&# ïk We wlsh to extend a cordial Greetlné to those wheo have 'UIven us aiteh patronage during the Hfoliday r and we wish g' for you a 'Merr hita and a Happy NwY *.Ik le_

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