M'Imm' I» m Maoà mnhele iflunli #* ofr6 th mllied sBles..pmatiell mdi hie oecotbrQo a dm$> mmt la W&ve'At M» «hsQ, lut W- in Lonon, hamat tm ln#- &le0. ,1 beer Inteate *. W potle% but Maoat te i010* etwen etrichly. But MY proe m*i plana veau ain claugi b t aud vept, whili b aPPouo t lt- vhon I va. a yomsngMLn Iltracti froip uMraSam:gmut, N*Uft 1 *nW tel tbroogh a Po- fellieieg 1 ecuitm ee tie 1 theun eedet. 1I accpe aIL Ome or the O0111.. g me th*e cldr." smith end- h.ret duo?" a»W thlie plVe But r have torgoton vietha my day for an Interview or a de- *Wautigton SW. VuInpto sui floo bd t "" ewct a , 17 promptly. ioleve thuegels- ik ail oIhe ailmylng dia. Iuibaru C&., Buffalo. N T. tb! ail drugglota. rice Co box. Quie KilIliug. do yoi thinlt of the famly ru ip your Stter auethie bla girl. Wi tIem Kentue ky bocàat miesatle. "XÂreît the.- perfect mlie ocame.Pîaepl 0.000 nlut. fr 1î.. a reuarbnbl.o effethé eJohnA.i idCo«.. la Cross., Wls.,uh. 11010eCairot, laehtl&gnut>- CeIo, 0l btttery Lettuce, wreudit Onlons, %e. luecicusa Rdîshes leml i ritilaulFinwer. i1t oder Limade I ,.rler 1tela- 14 t>- thelr wvuneîd u. ~e coPlat hein yen vMl *ed - BUT 16e POSTAGE, pseoil retu e bis notie. mi *eu& thon 20e ln pootage, ier pthieaboveaitPac of het b 0«. Of eminet POOPIe are Io bb. t1o 9phoogrspluto -b «biélahle i.BIé ~Wb"u yeu viub tehee i bo..»oaebrmte, uactr eh&, mer d.tn.«# ncei t i oie, pot t; la the poorP, MW la lise oitpni1rbOjr" iliten mou tibo #rem* te ue o.thelim reIv tr. 'swrint g an foi of 'a ut tisaIt tno ils.ama *ri oflie Nnvir Wit- MsiL agute orou oe lur Do4"tovm,11 J îam id r1 b, Dire OIES au te DlaK4 ~ Sou. A ie~ SOw.lzd A cIo 0»0- P ap Oe" 444« *I16ta andtla MCtnL 0»On.he gueula vho er forle- Ual.ieip a ec vty Ute. wluic bl. thoogitwaa »mrn«U I 0ui mm mtinfm ieveOla Ct..,dm bell 1w* plte te ls.bow .ua. r16 o uen pprovai »i.cooatenmMI f011 W e icbot petlate fi te dlii. reonemet "Boy, vow vowr'à Caet fpinausu . Iemen0.5b" com" mr«e 1 *- mui Bt io-ecmeM.io 14 *11 l bas âhOvS i. blli tâ lis ine5med. ut tlidua* b1 &W thwu en o.et t06u niut,bm isth* rab w. ktorea et 1leirIvu sbot th*. Preeldet SAMy 7 Bituen Do . tumer.o" stherrer aculalnat il nmntu " n mu t e ft sai * tront CoiceMbla «Wt IMP dotes, sui -MoMrumuth"t un mA u latihe gotdgneb lue itteof t t 1h. o.iiq wl à b' ..urlng th.bombe"# O P-, ,br ébe buidinug et âloit-r art lite memgotunfumet *bia- b. thoqfihi et 1h. ai tek»m ben d ome e au« e - ia 1oh.erticalioc oet*0lie.t moc. stl ud 0 a gUolodo Prouldeut, -la. vhez o bauid au ihumloa nnI." %a Bossas. las Dotait leIpo lite loeal a no rlgbt t On the gri 0 ly th 'es or trutc ttaiten la a a"' M"»M ve04 6e Eurl. Tla. attoaatd ttabot 28M~>r. pies e pielo a t a 6e <eunt . eno thbl'O.gut the w. in Pet e tuei là Mou» ini lndln.umains. aItu l linaiporlimpe tiCIltaaet nt emagerxted. ulaco 00*6 modern maciln.ryesteminuer ccv acewn- 0"lau an ch es. tvnty vbee "t - wt» àtho U, The totR[ vaité gv*e dleoftIo 1* b. we.Su umua*- «: 'Chine.. Womaa.'" aaii En. Fluae. Ir le Mmauw uaiy. Who hu1usit 5de IMM.4 toulug ber paper. *"ie .subject la àointetlng, 1I Dorer tIhe t hear- Ing about the poor thngu" "Mecy." thougbt tIse etiero et pulser. 1"1 hope ne»ncmIao stop, 10 I eofflatulato me btoro 1 get lon». Trh4s.eo isew lsoeos plucime seI 1l8'f i sandsé h anottier miufter' Boit te Be Pa-pare& ei "il crtaily niyt.r&Wzltg hart. r.' matiodt hie iteét girl. '"l i bOt gel . an ambrella end have It baemly for li Yeu." "Bat auroit," pno~ued ber tisvoMte booua, "ier,'.né barry." f * "b eant 9.1 vIen 7U pu aul tubbub.--Oh, h'. a subuirhn reMi otato MILut Oimmuum-To. What te yeti knoW ubmet ihlmi A ,ho lim? t $ubube-Hemcut 1 JanItoit Dou viat ho vulPlua p Pecs.. KNOW8 140W. pousr Vas ealol hiau sOve cabe't taes .usderUlPA bey or4dn17g poopte gel ecoli' o tdb «e. a be opd loi. tieunavu suetimos furgtth A !siyalcla squaks et bts oega e 4-1 ha4 d cotSfe. for ýr@eabS MU rmedm 0 tçty w-x -s injria» M, Cl*1o1I1beêepI cf tiheurt nevuy dey. "1'luuly on. dy a araire tS mme t..? attair or- b*rt u04i gbtUtqi.me wWI qaib11D hot aWUoI4ýsaê liane 1Ied b Du bail palpitatlon eoez Ivog OmtseIoI viseû ~lei uIx titn à" proed, [ne ' dithloakitu e d ut mc vo !te Ua it la, tbe pet vbeüld en11su 1105Dm 04111 eu 1:luu t gi91Y Ih e pn~f~e deep béow» clor. - lOU ouehcnnc no et ceate ls nlret n W.» Teao eae. i Mayrua i tmy.' O elt. ie t le a fec tbe the caamn ht<scf. uattisetcuru09 bllu rlte tSttou* Iba"u " Cou t le of Panma.L" lpatlng the Ravi Memegshov@ I douetructlsa Ibh eringli te b Dur tcet oo te i t orIlh ila" tl imbu patm it h 10 tef 8 li hu ma.- ut conm *ola b. vilain et yor play'. Se lu Autiier--He vas.I S Ot hleI"bmeat ptmt oe la MI ifo10b n»apu la « Pbgnime witithe TqoUgs Li(th awpilcet torpDm lt otheij-W vO xOU lu.i bCam*. V ies, lcAt etl.aelw t».mm eam et &bacois mal.vii Id fLiormobaterm il98 V£114. ~iol'u the.Dlmtai explorer, be- au ummtl.oofer tie expédition le VPllo. de- Figlaouwiot. ubofli hovleg liaI t Weli la luforty ium,. ?ew Tlui, Obi% "md BowliangStephienson, meuh.r, èt 16. 0 ello the Britlishparflameut. aMd a famuonbunk*r. rend bâi a .wue dloered te have >embmou$le, . er ltb. lth- »m Ate Uemt., A plot eotfris negro.. .afflodtrou IÇrqt on eolk, Va, for Liberia,ln a vassal ehartereot h 1h American Colonisaton gmlj ce the Society.1 The French befmn propara" o ti. munt. avaeuste Cadis, vhlcb theyleba hal let co. ine 5« ,Iff, fouthof Abdul Hâhm unauAfriaprime, t. iahparadai lth. streets of Philadlpilu.1mi. I oaInet the bout of a prcceeoision fr rio ei ~lio u gnulawho woner.tlebratlng blust.paafr f ,lte-r. = or Uborla. wigel te 10 Th. merchout marine cf th. U~iu of Mrprw> tataOwae olflclaliy reportet a iose .u et oamj, tien that « Great Eritala, vWhleth. ut betw <~tonnage et New Tort Cty oqii fiat derfwlt et Liverpool and London eoiat. td pnt'y i'resldetFranklin Flré undoithe. * baba sury to tihé bouadary Un. belvoon t1h. .oÉo ld erritRy 0 Washingtom n " EtllCol- metthslmbl. nt flS Stallutlcu uoweot hat thora hat bonm à *&tu. teroulting in 284 tenths tai 498ou *0 h.e eipiier uhp, Gr a puAlaliote eet <ow York. mi a amal umb1 iuM.' O*er 6.4W0 voshuon ere emplepel ce th »Wv Cryti plae in Lento.. Vi. 0. rty esA te hold any intorcouroa, or oeange la»b- prluonem wivth CoL. Benjamin P. But- S ler,,the* commandantet Ct logro ce. sa rue, or te- recoguie 4 gagdof etrace Pro- Ml»__ ý hé ay-. edmeous e olnlttee of th RoHeseat Washington split on 1h. quei tien et placlng a heavz tuty on peu,$-. Gé.Joseph B. Jséltect- 010 ed ota succeed Bragg as Confadert. bt Oooniuador. 15.1 M:e~ A gret trmdeu Mousmeeting vau helu fa Ci. h icgo to.expreua yopathy vth tbe 'P~roi #%erul trike ln ew orko, John Went- f t;u te wrthbeing the principal'apoakerz À uppomot attempt by Coufédersto M.cn~aeutz 10 capture th. teemer Moralng rajo the Star et New York wmm preventel hi the Lic1* ceuoistton cf mil drenreisfouet lnpoe- mio fitu paengera., The dge h.surrivoru of teIteamer Virgin- ~ ~lus, who hmll be relemsod froin prince ch ne-in Cuba. rrod et New York on the IetcoaUnited Slutes sloop of war Junita. Pas uns Johni Hopkins,, a wloleaale anc., ef -e. Baltmuore, Md., tlo4 et th. agi ,f 79 ou yruleauvlng PMGOOCOte Semai le noi rte Tebosteamer Virginino, vi.. env S Il.i1 hei en oItber b.t o.ImrpdMuod.là, I.l.bm Cuba, and- whlch'ha.tben au u=Mird N -lh -ote Unted tes.IllSpai, ana amu tir.= ot fCapae urwhillabaimgtovedte0Nw bae. fore- Yok. es"a la Gov. Thomms A. Roniriet If natm people cf ordrethle Bets milita te supprfl uuw wr tnlileg locomotie anginears Who Voie tta end ln- t TwetyYeus 5gB 0~.*1 Juts. Thoma Mor. Cooî.y of Miehi-a ope en gun, th.e oted constitutionasm] e, e ïIn ihelarot in a speech et Ohicago tht 1h. 6"ur ugffnt problem of govrrméat la a mur- Itient et tImu eofProtection vtth àa pulmmi set bmembered interforeece. gywO nIe The Eh.eitve of Egypt offerat te sIl no@t9r conicessioe@ for e seconue od esa f âsil won raies tauds for hiee caugn ag&IM 19. 't1 odt- M. .Laap elau iI ot PrWsdaal cf tbe Sucescanal shoit neyer be taens moat the froIn Prance au leeq au -ho.a e hlmue vvrmn oe, alive. 1 Fro.lMmt W.ih f th. Au.rloea tiea. s teamchlp Uine declarod, Ibat, Irausatli- rm we a tic sten e coit not bérom at a.pWçt met., the Anilela&mUt. taï hm oompany vouit baye tu gooctu t bue- neua uni"n given a goveraeu4t uuboldy. 7011 00 A bilUwnva. l uteetla Congroe tu mru tbe etop lbn consga"*of ile tOil», *8 tom fr@ l e "forcer",oraDete ucogalu.olivuea a memey melal. kyto Feu- w "inu tTm. YeueAil& MW 6011wGrant Mumer Workmun JohnBoirai-, aigu of 1h. Keighteof etLubot vawuan- blunedt utMliwmuhoe, Wls., frous ordulmn a strike cf Nortbere Pulc iulle a -k aiio 01 piey.. or .xpressiuig mn obi"ion pamii Iieoherg- àa ibe. AUl r.preusatlvo f torelgm povea.e Ino. -fOi-et Rie Janeiro, excopt the Amlu l ui à;Gernez%, wère reprtod secretil bahteg th»um, le raaWan in.suent ,1- The *orge steel Compe ratuesi thé wCIo of ls emplores de per out M MU a . l'ennoyuer t rg. nuo bow tg ]m- tuaImb. ondreli tro u m 't cb ainnbegtf atarrh. Th prevu o t cur eecoIdula toe iout esmnb co un rWitus.perna ot ol ua terris. but*bisevte UIlDoy ee amboi .suppgiledt It li utest m @air or cougs.olt *bntotr, a Goermn*r et 0Oan.ai l 0. el .*tW»fet 0f Trmi. H hke* 4m TiceFiipimie. au font et etiiett tlsé, e t. tey ceniSNg tie oipu. cmts. AUor a eilpkoui 0f cupW hata mdli polie -dot hIM d. wo In Manlia, uni a nmber c eut gm esi- cana -appeaeal on the u«rosl~ei .*top Ils vs. eu a fsv dm .be.oto as na-« tire lua lgit *van ed eila tihe mm lion wltb Mmlat& l iltrl Th. lrgealt omselu the ilt ha of the Lutiormatbeci t.Wamreev 1h luterlor atlumla t. out. Thotet the Britillam iru e U»10 tt ro -#doit beekuet fatoO À»Lueat*a Mcbbat. 8mm t1«4 Th* #wueet eleetrklul gizoothé 1. soe ï el.e d mu*u ub..,*mi put~ m.~ auj 50e.