CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Jan 1904, p. 5

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Asa . H:ALEXAND)ER.Madison, Ws.Sceay en er'B WILLIAM PR'THOMA-4, EgecWtrown WikS, llic aWbove S~ J . DIIqSMORE, Mfrhanti Delavan, Wis. R. P, A[>/AMS, Merchant, T ie .ubmuandS <rectors ose King * @iComp rightly. Btiow am 'a frw. of the ni0tfrecmnuw %hcî we wIII a isco, Col, Mining "Eniincer, îst Vice-President. _xperience. FRANK B. FLUCK, Kiminciton, Pa.,Eiagineer Coal Co., ad1 JR WELL,: Solicitor. Defiance, Ohio. rth, Wis. FRANK B. WIRE, Uited States IKàiIway Mail Srvic, C bicIý re askcd a.tgreat mwiy questions by thokr frlends «M tih là S r to the best of our ablllty in this pape. H.,,,- did, you becSne interost ed in gold miing suddiii t, t rpertiSlr tPfY? Mi. Frasnk E. ire, 09 Waterton, W...met Jas l , Maci 0<Frisco, Coo rado, who rcpreinteda nîtibt 01 minera* hlding tMWu ing propcrty in Sumnt County, Colorado, near Frhwoe, These minerahWd retS <tait intatbhkproperty. but sot, enough moey te desolok iMr. Itytra was in tht Hait 'ri 0 onti capss lt t' na coSptny and dev*ktP thee___ sdW. PL Thomas, cl en- «inter, 01 Watertows, Wls., watt .hiterestede ai<d a yesf ago this sununer miade a trip te Cokprdo and Inveafi- gated teaius 0( tIsasmuan ~d their proparty.Tie dii! noS t p m loph t heioW M judginetit,.lut ôobtained thteolaof*MOmie-0<the mouS compeltfl " rdllbe miOing ta instathe. tae The repfts, o these men aps u in t i tid e.Mssrs. Thomai bè irdtiw t ts >rcirty. Wbm eu e4pd, wold m=kte m te r i hest tin dlscover ed and toârka ed. They ii'wi-!that tue owaeslwooii! t*ie Iargely *Ok or tht proprty ii a çouipy was Iorméd, putts4*tbe rprtY agatiteon cessindbelieviag tld i wouid bu more profitable Wut*P'lhiIiselhng oô*Wvg for cash. Mieisns. Wir. ad Tho"up ou thir Itti4 intertsted tepreset offiers opd.dfirectors of ti4ms pany .sad a nutubti of otitat. Tbese organù*d ITb King.SolotioO T'uni suandter*el0ttelCo.,ap and officers buyung trSafstock su-d paying c"at the same puÎce as Wy c diofthetai*stmestors. lIIMplan bronght noney ihttethe trssa*t once aud pisced the Comipany o on à"tils" bq 2. at d* the4$)lbsiiof, <tt dîsedrs kuow of die property? i Sd-PeêVsu .Fuk êCt melton,' es., Who sent&ne, sd J. F ira-s more have vie niit1, f*oion e;to -dure *~ek on aud arundi isandt 0es 1tug . Prosk' xiiw tit -ý ten and ajnd ala o5 3--Wb*t Othér WaliwOtl Coty mnnbave ton the proPeft? meurs. tWVI Pub«Lucius 'Coburu and R P.A ains l ofWa ot iconsain. 4- Do yoii thiuk the bs"iesso! «aid minîng sahé One of thet r t*t«au"hôitiCi on muin g u"': #"Go mism is trWy bsins, fomwhich tia cb*cets Ialure cm bc .d 'u Advooce." Vith oeàç siils andt tor uby e nsu1 engvntees, oproV _________ i.. r e nd *aaul an tmu of0<Strt ton, Sm aton 0Cland l tïi Moffit, bmrus Daly sudothers whot naies axe bonsehold rords. ,6. Wb'at suakes it profitable? Because fsitihe oniy iudustry that y nos elic etd by trusts. tr&;"bina. tinbusies rsray, the law aofsnpplY Iea,'4manid, Àlbatea iarkets, bard limes, LuancW alpi4 stortns, drot, etc. it stheont business wWee tomtSer idda thé prôducer, wherc theial ns1044r pOtbfl nor . n osniptîi.o, n titn# for cusWlU6m ot de dllin su alno cotUptitlon in pjlce, ad ',eaniCt for amy coubisallon to coutfol tht done Tb. ».«k Of nianmg contibues do: sud tgktf~ ci' ouggUie bueqces and dms world is belng t*tly eskbiid, ti *wm oàtht wotidcoiàig m glbrqet te, taieta20eper ouncet 7. Woild i ni ue to own oune diousand sh"_ i 'uha big coeuey, erra if the prOPertY tutus o04 s rjc iyod ep#S? t certaïn1y wot(Ld You cQO y eue lb aamdAoute of ont stock now for $300.- hA& ebaIIt paidë l <*inmtake stock your invest d w p1i ~.ooI>.pad exorbitant.divde dend, iaAcaciao,% Oand divideudi, sud iu j $e Sait dividendu, and yet inosto0 i tis stokWt on tbitttuiikettwheu the eonpales were Io thé & cr I have oniy atihomsni his n4u h'lable te becoine învolved and lose?'U l iinnç,ÀÀtn pasiies are uow so organized t tt the stock isoS<B e sbé.Ie; ,stock of The King S<>osuuaT"iti am4 D- cares no perSosiafl blty, is fullr""atd. an8dFOEVER NîON.ASSESSABLE, and if mi- -veit: this anmnt yonu. neyeer .imvret anotherl dent uniesi you wish to. 9. loutut 3t tist usofo!the godfmiut "e wucdot? Supt teë, E. iobants, of the 1U -Snt -Ne.»w. m*4proptty h MIja? t nli it quarts miog s suM d 520 a*i of ahuabia 4cr, or- grv. 13. 1)9 you kuow that your iode daims contas,'or. ls.1 yes, eachbas been PfOsPected and th rin, hlb ree* true fissures, are f rom 3 to over 50 ft. Wide &MI Camr ore ,uing Irons $16 to $50 and up per ton,. <lest barig '#1<Cam beentaken Îfrom the Property assaYing io, tton. >yma. &go W 4. How w li y ou work these daim s? e u wd dbu t P t " opened by Our croos-cut tunnel now being driveu, sd Ftnaco, col in~ ~ ~ ~ t abu 5 t ethe base o1 Royal ,oin.n intp.ý'wcl*4 This %!Q drain Ità property andalsobe use-, vcyed ilm a portiug ores0 that the. great ae se of puznpUg and srfc hoistingoremos vTuder, î.WUiiyo ae to, pick ore on jacks Or hWn tO!7Qý ep thet Rsuhoad? On thte "uary, the ColordadiSuth- iu t ors R.LIL, iii <nil operation, us jut ainder Ou tunnel Rùy O se that orçeau be dumped direutily <roui Ont tram ýcars on UmC I t h e R . . c a a d .s h p p e d to t h e L e a d v ilI e a m e ft tt , o nly t in a s ' . » 30 iiimu s My.doiêi 1 .& W bat wii coal for driviug mlchinery . cet? er># fait, a Netthigti as WC have splendid water-pawer on the prop-.tbis càuiÀp4i ca e > eý .Wat about timber for Use ini your mine? We The tunel ha*" "k uiglt on our propertY Sufficient for au rprposes. a4as4e i& Do 1 u get depth witlt youir tunnel?, Yes-- ha tIu"ed wtieu the tunnel is in 3,000 fIt we will be in about :2700 The. Zenrss fi. itoni.tht surface, cutting the ore bodies deepe than eigbth of a we could witb a shaft and having 2,0 t. of ofe abore us to tiis tumic in thtbestposition fer cheap ininilg, as it al eaube inn air or worked by gravity. The richness of ore generajly in- may be req ct*àtS a depit.tituber ou t ig. Io yourtunnel liable to strike.any bi >ind reins, s-WA EI reins not showing on the surface?' Ym , w have alidy" RLS eut one;.tIP breast of oui tunnlel being in it now. This vein mhattef is steadiiy improVlflg. OiUP 120. hs your placer grourd a vainable asset? It cet- "In rg tainy is. mfie grrave! pans <romi aoc ta 5C pet euw cyard IXave te si andi rus <rom Io to 2o ft. in depth--sSfliCplaces oyer S. _tèrioeatioî It situated thatit can beworked by grarityi, py-SolomanT cost being that of puttin .g watei on the property; titi OF E 1 2.I haven't ail the montyto Pay dçn o iL 505 "stock now at 2c0e .iliare wld a discount of 10 Per cent Ol'4 for cash, It wil, pay yon tgtborrow thethaosicYl kW a bwlô*ti waut to do tut cmea buy the. stock on asonthlyy-' 0<*ce' ment& and secMro hat hbpreset Prce if tai àt onice. I W ào at ou'41 I-h&e to pay more, or may sot ho able to gthi so at all, asit wiilbe withdfi<tni «flia cisut ghs0 lu to instail miachinery, and put the tunnel baiIa5ae t14 into py Oe. tr ,g. 1 dent think 1 have asked you everything 1in-u. F7te G tmsded te,bûit wilî gve you mmy check for a tbousud the bt mitre as a starter to-day and wlU you answer aytmaln VERY R euge 1 may-thiuk of? With pleasure. We <ccl, t we gies. Yw have a god thing and conseqleffty like t* -tefll yoaailtbIs dhstd aoti.Beiow are the opinions of te ming imeun0ofJ W. PR wbosi we spoke. N C. y FurnishM On Application.u .... ..,. S. IL AIEXJ co=i c ifgy 10O93 .et efl nomto n deS .. . t SBE AT ONCE OR WRITE 'F.C.DI~MRE, rsdlt *4> SAM. 41.ALBX rat' te h OC4 "- sdo ne betf TUPT. T&

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