's a - - lIIlâoIs Au te- "hM.dli. Tou ad lu S*a ou e m bio«" W.aieà md I.Oiti isa.tbe'y vi or amdame hi AVUgt 0TretirlagA.uocatlon,: if aukowIîdse1cmusdodatw >'but Itla Ireosonable tb Mr,. lis7 vi pmmcda uwlt morchuta' doU i es.ulba h, OX koep ýhe ba il a, rolllng ýwe Wini coats. Fir, Cots.. Sheep Uued Coats, J, Shoes, etc. arutlomofgd oeanà,o pouha.> per"» lipmwo it vii h. papAle* hitme quilg Mo W.P. ie" mtomte. - wh - hýtm ag -m«« lfeomupled ofag co m.ý paeoro Madh1r. Lasrs. Asiflt .. . ... . . .. .. amnCM l5 comi muai t lý o efoio @MUw bie. bemtoid i twi *Aoue adop" .by tMA *Iàtl vba h Wn ay-We v euât nat afii bab ttai le«. W me butaa detlveuitâmuarImm"* 4 amilailam* bb ii bu*bigdt the tem»0ga4p4 li ix. tables» akh oosaber wo l comu tefRoibsA =ree- ae, utfrin i d t fhie Dun" "S lormaas..4 fore~ Ai iiefomai.a nambe f ie BlMt* fteyam ààmgo w.u lie wam 80 etua là 0d Thèffe ra.4fltii.artp giei bi erie utlaihrattàiag bis rat lai spmocurill ot emp01,000 o hi.c aMiet age utcrm hi hl é crtofstai rates-tFor te i100l ausl t hlmwhasho as80ysm dl mg8 o d fotl IneaMeiP Usu-d41 «Wlm 'vh. bis vile 3 yeaaof yma.If iineh o bert01cper,000o ti. at. d ti. icment I memlcdum int ertaitbi Srste il psy ho. om s udrth p t wîlb. niai tb. tiow wrat bum rrlsd abo eti.m of à"5 and. Th, for th m eme becaus. e mgountwam ibde w" 35som ofe. Ilnth r, d t erleteat iger te as.d heas be 0 "y, rta oas be0ery000for flhvi carrned aiocs thi e p45 yèdarhs ladme nomebecoa m the ageliit asl vii. lu over 45 yfle of amd no one - eeI ï- meofilyex a .00. Fe N m lin Amar..C..... 1llbBrick CreamChe=a... 1 packag E gg.Oeea a se M"11 wV*... 1 quart b«Mte C t a , 1 lb unco1ored japanT 3 tbiVamhungSo fot ......... Cdulifon ai.. Dust Bacon. Fish Every Frictay. Frnsh Fe N b.rfL. 4I Iileating Stoves prie A AU Prime- oa~I asti" BlocS CAPITAL $50 COUNTY NAT Llbstyvill..IU IALBA ONE DOLLA.R Will opexî a Sa%,ingïi accoitut on which Intereët wflI be paidl at the raté of 3 per cent per dt kL TAYLOR. k I TtoteaT4Yi.iii'S. t19). u 2 f4e 4 ami 6 to ilri,,l*t. liO "Mmel"ik- .rtyilh' lilai le DENTtST. au 1 ta 3 andtia tM>4p. f). àlirt,.vili.. Illitnis, !,A. 1.N[CHOLS, - of ('ligrhî>4o "~ UVFILýI siitU n iiAili ih i dineadu>. f isela mwolfrouas a)- i tu 6:01)j. lu*. Âisr tvc!,Illeiisi. -4t .0. . YOUNG, pposltoL'iausIl 1 tel Bidk. ENI.. M LE 1 0 R.NîYW AT L W V'BK..X TRIUNARY SUIÏEO 1Jh.rtyclll.. Illinols. how unal leow large wwiIl 0« Il cai, M . tud"*'Thb messag APpis te 1h. mu a4*. wpmthuUk& Fr eedr. V. PMn 1Atoxiibfft, if ti.new auscilati starI. ont te a iaa a ut.y fiooaCd W to usouse in tii. tate vitia inaofdl dter. muallMWanlemsas, MAch as A.Op- Prost. I5e4 tii project, tiisy Wi oSr I. misium eari, toeàte mnin lternat m«d atktrt eïubioret. In a converstio smaotha ago .*itiian Lxa'sîw :*pnmentatve ir. lProst wax, enthualma. *ower t4o natter of exlsibits. He ud N K.e 1lin, »doibt but if a good l bonaed firmii bu lsld la Luertyclîle, oui of thé- lie! 'vo niied i t0 attend Wba bbys, wlb agrienîtural exhblitsi. stock, and tise dajry producta, given gromiance it wouid bring thowns" of ilmctatore fromn Chrago if energeticaliy mdverti*xed. Addad te thi;shsonid bu a spo.d prograna superior inlt e very leature. 1 amrnlt i avoy of cnrtailihg exhuhita, aad boost tii.' pesd. prograin. Tihe exblbitua are tihe essential feature, soitthe apeed programi mugt bp Rondl. - l wouM It sat i tvli teksetime to me. .c>sM Apliail ht hf fsap-aperl or o LD. yu;% ,but àasataled, iambli M a lr. 'y. root, und,, Who" itereta -vonIl hAN. gi5,a ti entted tboreliyrcau do it. A.esr VMswet sil Wlii. lu Libertyvilie the. resuit of tihe meeting of tise dlaectora of the. aaw Trot- nahi Association le isell.vsd te bo am out- lipel, y*t dll'tly fllowiag li the Van. keg.a Dilliy ain lanaeaeunt furiseLq .l Iuby mone iof tios. intpresfad says in *'The meeting alsa deecid!te hire At- toiWuys tillkr and turtIufn te act as lb. Mmocatio'is mcounhelte boiaspro- iuliglucourt te gt possesson of dam =ok n!gaiIn o f trl h panporty md tti.old Lais. -(" yAgnlultaral m.- *ei uppar band of the me0rpooaht lii, oh! crovna sud who tl nttl ïhat lie attorn>'genem'sopinions that lboy'arelagmlly lu Ofike.'ie coeuct M4 Wietbar tise aboya la su*ialuhia »iit of anlrtiior l ussrlo*gmW iii doeldop latar, but tii. genoral opinion ompporth ie former t'.sory. The Lake Bluff .i a r he'con- ltmplat a rea"z Lples xlàvwl 4'rah tIkg- Oîtion 'bu, abs hMtasi d hbskimg in thébe» prof be tar .AdShW ralmylot,, cblaofte l ab entas lqiariation, vWho: ba Wu, urud belorete N~tavalCom. atltlo! tlengrn II*wIaos dLm afh lUnis BIuff aua: mioaUiyezremalis be doing wvn, empuqi!q bbe ioray Epnlngs acd the.ChcagpWt& Uyau. k.. a-etrie aailroad âs, the. ja ending Decembor al,.190& iwe,01 619, as compare! wv*ý *U%610 iJar the0 Y~a 1902l.-Tihe e«Ub.g»tdIe boad lntereet vemre*mclcl4nroted tus improvmente end sdàiat theii property, and tiareila ro tàlisof, dividende on tbo ptock. VM stock la bl! by the. boadbold.s% v bo are anxions te iproe thi e «We of abeir lavetmsato, t»' bette-riiag, s. physic coudition of tii. property. Followlng la a cornpattéoa of tiie receptoe, ete., by yesrs: x1 Gros, 01-41-9 1gNet. -earnings. expepesé. earn'ge. Tear 10.09,4 910 18619 Year 1M0). 140,684 59,415 81,169 Yer 1961. 171>171 74015 97,156 Tii. Lbrtyvillls brancb ofensd Pft 1, of lut yar. Tisaaig a Rabu.Caiaem Abudoaat eoft0* A. ]IL Pout.. Aîaerlcapot 70$ of tie.,rand Army In Ohcago onde! liaoftcfle wi ith the. bogluutag of tbe year, and chat veelu t!e forme aabers 'verp, fors*aty receivil Into 0en1*u B. Tboinaa poi, i Memorla Hall, àMieblgaa avenueaUid Randolph atre.t. Tiibeeeiag uuîiîsre se! db> deathe lad to the is lbaadigdo America poit, ad ah. maternent Me seald, viii b3 fnoi t»'other pagaulsationa tismugiiout.tii.country. 1T11%e bluulg ra-ikm of tise Grand Arn>' boyndecramang ever> y aar, c-un for comslao~ ai! q9.-,JamesJ. HUoW, lbst gouiandar "o! Ameriea pos. "Thomas posa s innoically etrong andl t» addlna tolite strengtb, nt vesSa..., v. ' in prolong the. N otice. Ail permons votisgt the 06l bielotica of gSmm ofro!the ;Lake e nft>Agri. culturel Society, laid Dpeeusher 2, 1908,- tu Libetaclla Town Hallamy muie tdgWlspild for mmi eit atthat hi im, tu thir ldetUé,Qr ilieu of dalollolar a. memberebW ticket viii bslevatli. air ni 1904, as <Sale!. B. J. c4sUa,, Pr«. 0. K. bn Sala Ue. 011tUoipssmue....a1» n < i asM I'imStst*"bc ....S8 a ie a Ob Promte fly< .... i I l0 sa« *mm 34taatue ... - 40 le tao 28s VMO0has aFmlac ....40 in 1f10 »O MtO M YM 1114), ...46 aMl1l70 14b tauM 40 a r& gM ....5b00 4 80 $70 *.v@zî, 44tha tue.. o aiso ,a la 51411.n..5W6,11024 lYt= iSto 47yxIe u...4i o 2 1%J8345 8 n 48 sltao49yin ...... ,110 te.*40sa WtoaUSaoi.7r5Jc.. -* ai. Seo MFU W t M F Mpse. .m7itA 4a..04 là ftW 10us ioSymiuc . 89 10 0 f 4@9 Prlm Mte e y" ac - @5170 &do a5le Fram 60 to el ,reIac. 2 1 60 3en 540 liomey ails, islckas.. S. E. Lame, superitendent of the. Emamsa B. poultry farm, ownad by Davild Beillier end! situated, t Gurnas., vas one of the exiibitors at the. poultry show at th. Broadway urmory la Miwaul<ee Jani veel.- In aa interview witil a reporter for.,a M$llv6ukep"per, tMr. lasse muid:,- that fmscler. ba"e glvmattantion to tise meitfic bredlig ofei"aon basu.ai- fiowis. And tlia.resuts.eavebeau more tlsa---atlsactor.y. Tiiey hava li.eai 8tartling. A hea le a btter moaelymaker for lit owe thai, a cow. la elghtaen nsontils My wvlfe made enugh Morley frontm blle whlch were raie.! on four eity Iota to purebafse a fr lamainMiigau. Fancieare e sarniag nov fot to Carry tiserneclntihle matiodn tofar ad In thelr detire tu meure perf.ctiv plumai! birde forget the. more important trait of laying ligs. "Tiie ordlaary baruyard fowi viii la>' about 102 egg a yur. lu somn. of the. agrieulturml collages fovisTare hbasa bred vblcb vîlIl y 240 egp a year. Ton Oatmai sl ompute the. profit. 0f such a fowi. In Australlit they are -o havig -an g.aylng competition under goverumenit Buspica, and! an Ainarimaj tem oi f bIrds, tise prop.rt.y of a Pleirake onlaà, roS eomb Brotn Legiiorne; are 117 exige almea of tih. neaut competîtor i sait months. "Exibition hia'da bave bheu» bld for en hlgb n M a 30eple andl four bosns oid for 8200 ascii tlthitihe lut year. MoMe.ad more peiople aie bsgflnaing to gi attention toehicken r&Wsng." Pays SMand.a.rmossur. --BecansewillamiKepplur of North Oicago, refu.ed to pei tise $400 wbiclà the. jury recenrtly, uad lie uoui Pay tu Mailde Batinger, of Volo. for uânag lan- der about ber, tboe'vomaasbaubai! hlm lodged in amlandle paylngbis board to keep hlm aboie. Tii. law la that visen, a paina refuses tus, puy afine oi thus. natur e iieomplanmacun bave hlm pUt la jail b> payig. the losfrd.and ratllia. abaa bhave hlm, flueeand Dot puy tht ps*slylua eY,U. ssEtiger nsm= â»d . volà t*hai hlm bala TCdÇhbm.128 Vaaahqam vWin get me My timeý a044t ord&y. Hayln&- my ma.a~0. commetiona wlh vout.c*ty log thse Chicago &. Miwaulw Enti b.d. cmra Ieavlug hmevu tvemy oeluaa.fei in Ia n à M 'pwat(to teamtWctueMy banda-MY job of epaning on baoUr cay woik in my lUne that yoasamy au, t-* ai b m i van"la h tee *0a t. Iawnluh etbcta fdtms* cOatattuotamd uecig of t"à&n amoke atmcka. brcçbiw& la say a.or quantity. Gao Engin. regaaring a apemwty. ROBERT S. HALL, Prop. WatchO#O For 1H. F. fliniteg -'propietor ofthte new Coffée.CO., Who Io viuit. ing alilthe. surromad-. ing tawna as well am calling oh Llbetyvi residets, selling tbe v-ery boat TU$s,- Coufee, Sploes and Baking' Pùiýdu and juet a.163 cheaper Try ny "world beater" It, is Mny Spevlmlty Loil e 1 F la a Isme*R.,i h.. roma t. Liii day aor ON*vra prÎvate adna 01 fanniel lnandu For Qbtaag ma4 4ioji pipmas.mi sama ndha vi t I. irncarre1mug.. Peiodic4im, SM Noeh hm ii E. W. Parkhurst,