CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jan 1904, p. 10

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iduey epem o fo--' d%, Itied ud drelativea ansi Ch... Cordaic, d wttli M. and i N a fowdons lustvee. inded aparti or o Mi. Joie d ber dansitr latter part of the. box qehi It*J'tIUy Waaiegan, apeni lat bol lMnDorothu bom by immea Wdidr Md ekast wI&cad, é ber sle(t-n4av et the baie of Mk, 04 a notable ym4g - iie ti.eI." ratw -g Aindqy, OUee gr.s &VA ans vouffil im itflh -, eis bd«aby me scpie 4-» $ý* bm gré OWA!Uy 84,uwae w « - begp lQko*@ menUf M. W. A.tba Dnapimatl 12 ont aie ai siiebt »de khiola uaa#ip toa*Chlag Àssit of Duonse, vwasaviitar ai tr-t0îf4 buuluemeil tab"ay. MAMt vistdb i he i t tise hWe Me Jolbs Ntroimumtanok te tOff 194eg ri nday.- io i 4; ssenda, deliveuesa m- W hoapprkte tle Ife Compaq rxez tab nmCoacater tiw bé*e tI!wryb be su movemàda tleecodSaaihall, . i.M. IKussler la lIbcàdm -Md .I- liA.POU%=î~, ae MiatmUlbuwirLanAnnne wlshag to ueunbooauadoelroî8 a i. (o 10a.a nday moininge. A inslng dm . w0leing ongalmed toe. Tii. omuti metIng vi hoPriiy ev@bMg, Jis. 22. MAuiwlubW"ta Join tlIe ama njD pmie.i Inra eltiler8. E. Kedilr, pre4aior D. ltsniialer, tremerner eii.. Uuib eek ne that books taul A'Porimoner lunlmer Own itou4.. gmis. W, R ;Layha, nf 1001 Agno. Ave., t'oz (gito, a.for eeveral yearg b toltdvii w i neerhosirane.e sud aI tien abaIIIl -cougli, wblch ahé mam, Woul 10e nuin door'for day.. 1 val4 W 4be orb pbveiians witb Uoo*mIIWset. A fiaendl gavee of*,offlv Ch berlain'à oueli, *M . Intractions t. clomel llm *u0~ diseciom "I an si ie to a4 Umtàâ e*9fluaiday 1 conld notice n a~ chage orth. better, andi atille Gras #AUs sig flortwo wvekâ, bavi Tii. Myate W4rore béhed inutfilation. 01 unimm mmtlsdey eveting., Thons va84. o dumrclàsud"yniornwgx beaumePastet SBehtudt.wnsaeboent.: ir. andi )ira. BL P. Scialele vsited "vii nde, ansi relatives in (lie ity 1e papfle ai tiC.Arher ehool eae peogniabg nieely wlth their studies. ii Gaueti le laan e"cllnt teaclier and jf, f.looie n iy entting wood for WillfSRehisdt, of lliier. fhae rentai the P. J. Gilu Pla". IL Bire andhi anly,of Palatine, rialteil' at home Monday. U E> le havriig an addition Ubd waqs tu;(nLake Zurich an bWli,ý eody ion,<brge were PllaUue.4JtomI fonday. vWJrleWlit bereeutly. Va. Kleppue and lainill viiIited ib*WGme Ktiltalle Viow sunday. Air. ansi Mm. Sebrage vi*ted relative aIllais Zltici one day l..t week. Ide lBerghemn aet 4few daya with Me owue at Barringtn font week. Te4erpestere vork et H. .lSteIIhg'e nee boume w.. complta laut Miîday. 1i.tZiienerlln x1 continue tu wo* laur A. Moyer fLt Lon.uing.year. Enit Yai piitubaoed a weil iatchied team of bro"caat a .Beknama e list. lm* illr WvoIm ie a.wonltiug et IllaiaàbLake làe vletlag linie at' J, J.Jegboinand, faioly, ai Honey Laie, viited friende end relative. bore qStan f;4R u ?ibl* Peath. ,Tho iamilly of MIs MIl . iBobbitt, of fhuetou, an.,mi ber'drlng andi 4ee ossrhm to ave lur The. mt !4WfJ'ilmse andi ivery vernedy QSvhfl houeconsomption vau q1oviy but eirely takinx ber flei. -la tbbi' terrib;e lour Dr. Kinga New f>leovry for rongumption turced deepokir bita Joy. Tii. firxt bottle brollghtlirniailte i An id it cau- ttaudume cnîipelcuileilber. [t'. thé rnt çrutfneren thé world for anl thuoat andi lun trouble. Guaffliteesi how 5- -ý1»-Trial bu"tle rm-t.F.A". L birtyvllla; Janes E rltcb le on the aklist. ,). Mr-*iui16p,, nf iplagu. lR .qedig a vek bohre vith-ier parenta, Il«. am ilimu. Bmmlagr. ()Ur pIrbw7 toben, Mi.Ulm uot W84, fil M»nerfl slent week un )Mul.. Heil Vat van suititute in l6br plac., Adolp #îIlth,ý of Long d rve. la boandng vitilithm. Deelcingerixuy for. the, perpaae ai attpnding tise îpublic ,,ext t3nnday oi'eahîig Mr. 1mali. mermon yl h*o n "Thp i. Ibtnitieol Benuctilllcation.- Eî'oryîînp i. itvitusito h. premet. .., ! -A Travelinu ManW* Lîpenlanoe. Mnr. Ahert Ridreia. repmIreoting tho Aig r Prntl o.,Parus, Ill., maya: 91= ndHaeté fnuey and iom~rbonnid du- b. *Inter of]1001 ansi 1002 for' &'x- ote and lagrippe. 1 iomnd Ih ma ezuaflet niedicitu, wbich ftaw * cuis luta ashort Urne." Our fehden art lvhdtea clibu ithe dmuait n»40»d ers li i ew , S. .MJagla and Mm .Wm- t>4aierl' H, Meyer, fo1wilao 1 wbo ams now uallng iends Mid raivff ee SudW. mist Mi eor, 1.;W. Be.; Mi I -lu Rsue, OiW.nie I nS VOil e kLanl, ià.meewo rOub '. Itumlà epltoe ifnd a kt!'ibwere tbere are nu ) douftic u M(sv Oc mmla4 t1, liii au dam li lej MtttiehleieyRêve 4hy tiuttgrest %a(>fi tomhB.(d live, trouibm. TIy ltçway*reieve yoq, but cure, 21e, t' . lovr.,2e, Jber1yille; C n. DI$^mON D LAKE. Mr@. (;. ont 1f., ,evleling in the. rity'. Tse foriierg ame bue> fliliug the fastory ie hon&.. Lena Keiler bag 1retirued ti lier hoine et Long Grovp, Freiie andi Ella Tolvner viKltesi PalatinoSunday. C. l-okemeyer anîd faiîîily eîîtprtained compeny Buuday. Franfik emiori viaiteil at him borwn t Wauconde Suad"~. Ms'. ansi Mia. J. J. Boume, oi Rocifi, v" i~dW. Roue ndlarnàlylest Suuda.y. Thero waà a party for Ray sud I] Andrewa lut Fridnyerenlng. Alrepors a gondi trne. There viii hao oisi te "Doaniion" nt U» .borne 01 DeanAyngleg et Diasiionsi Lie. Jen. 21, for (ho ýpasiton oi the DwaunusiLukechunreli. £vpmt.vbos one andi bave a gond tUrne. Mr.. ansi Mrs. Wnî. Rouge, Mr. andi Mn.. P. Tovuor. Mr. ansi Mes. Gi. W. Miteheil aWNsir. aPM 4 r. R inoman veut ta Libeityville leet Frldey evenlng1 andi onjoyd an nyier ïaupper apeially pre pawos for thern. Woadearfu$ Nerva. la dionlaed by rnay aa n eu n à» însF alhltcutu. wvoudbume iciuamde,00"morert or utS jinte.t Bat ;i;es'. onnemi 10îv it. ycle' .Ar"ee Salve Wtini the pain andi car tii. (ouble. [ lie .bee slveonawarth for pue.tan. 2u1, ai F. . LOjvEL's Libortyvîlo, Q"atTalxa PAEIcY. WAUCONDA. 0. LMmlii., -of Craylake,vaaNon u r wonlateek te) Mir. andsilr. P. Houghton, a oin Mm .ja, race ,ndlJ.M. Fall-r are nunihereil vitb (di e k. Mir. afnsiMma. L. llurdlkk agetSuîilily M4ark Enller, ai Cicago, epéfetuféai îeym of laut vepk in, thix plae. "lî Luey Sowbee retturàlel froi Waukegan tIse tiret aif(ie neetk.. Mfr., and 311ira. M. S. Ford eutertaiuedl relatives ironi Chicego'mSontly. Waucoude Camp M. W. A. iritalled afflxerx Tnday eveniug ni this itrou. *Au nid folko siene ivîlilie given iu Oaklandiballon Fridayevpnlng, Jan. 15.- SMien Buby QônItmÏ%prud, tie, fret af tIse viol frein lur vWt inu SauuiPabots.1 lier. " 1 lltepeet 1ev -days. Rivwas anobli topreaci, Suada: Thé barber vbo bh»s betivorilng for1 J. jiua. le.gotie to inong I^kê to tIeo.,Bates bas rentadl hlm atanoton (M. Juipeon wbn %vil takep oK-m.eUen Marrli 1. Mmi. fleary Golding in reportai very fil. Mm'..L. E. (lolding in .ilasî on tihe Metinlt. SWni. Fulle, of Lihirtyville, made eN uoni visit b'itb îia eau, Miles and family J. C. Pnica vas a Wanlngau ansi Lîbertyville viitor lust Tamday uonS MmIr.H. ie;u isci- W ta<lrayoleke Monday hy the seeious ilineeof ber aiter'., Mna. J. VI. Relly's baby. Mms. H. F. Fu ller am O on, Rarry. bave gone ta New York a0eompanleilby ber fathar, 1Mu: Wetvorth wbere tIay "vii Muiz LôdpIde. W. W., Se, 142 inet4w sioolem,)"lait Fléy vealag. Au byuten aupper -vv an inportani .pumber on-the progrea. ffon.. moleng meems ta tw ondin ai iii. day.' Ou Satuuay elternoon " vasý quite an exeftlng mace ontihe lake.-- B.S.Iammonsi'. boisa won tii race. SAUGATUCK. (en. llrgsien aent lionda.v lu the The icn iQIaîîee lu thi.nlelânityî are Air -aniMii. Lya Cabl s lM siaugbtr, ni ibtgvllls, vleltesi * Byrox Cohlby*i% on SunSaà'. The pupils ni the edlaola" Sierwa Othe., opgeopklo nipelassi il- vatk Ilt We at Pros youflg> lnvitatý gulndei Y wamen, boys Au ry t- "Poil it inflauiu and alO y -eds. sehmm in thor aaut flOn tari Quentin a Çiueve mbont wee AS Quentin, Z4le Quntin, Wnu. QU4t- Jr., Jqbs qusatimi, Vin. foelaenha X Zkhei- ÎLbnua, Iak Tttlstaç Waltar Witt Arthur WiI. AhS te 8tar Anthnlturreand Bluths Weese. EVERETT.ý day, Januaay16.. L8ten fer wtslding blle They viiit sion rving utis atown. .MinIrit Dradley. of Bondant. i elte at Jine. YoWe'mSnndey. ; C. T. lieydeckor, pf Wankeffl, va. a .ver'tt c"on ast1%ff g.ïý JanmsDouehue nUsAnlFaly ai Cbluga, epi t tundabyilutbs oountiy. Be oitViilin, of Vaukegani, visits witis cousinet Wheelervnlleover Sun- day. Thse L. C. l..A. viii botde ar ars ety andi dSuct mLake Forest, l'nday nlgbi January 1A. A large crovil attentid e eard partir et (iMaige ore'e Sunud&W g ib A momi; pliaiett"ln.vaseojoyesi y aIl.-, Mm s.Josephi Sevi apont Tmieudav ln tbe city. MAie$taleCarroll iepeut Sunday...a homo. Mi.Dodo ýTom nvs on thO ick flot, but huauuSeietly m oveusd 30 utura tO wari. nulieèrof 1ber fiendus at ber:home, vill caSunuly "oi.Mi.Aona bu andu M. Jr m Ioabu althm l6t nI e ,anytgbrn "ti et pn ilsurii Ml.. Auna Ferloy ud Wiliam carol coamolesi ho= »liV'ith Iathetgbet bq vire bittai ouf (ean me people, ia (ho' tb"y Sd got tue "bSblms»ADe the. distribution aof(the -prions a ligi lunch wae.merved. kfoled'by mange pusi epneehe. We anai.tegd aour tbisae th, Jennie for thée eiiiyOàeut of the eve»lu. NI. Freumndlth.e blaekaniith las nioovcil li. Zoa Morop attendeS thle teochur'm mteeting ailt, Rýxkkfllr aturslay. i. &j. Iliwennuaa i huie..Jin Chiogo andi Wauuegeu tble veek. A. 0i.-Sebern & VioC., ais receiving a lot <M umber iiîr early pnlng tiada. M. Marie.. I.Brown ai& M. Hollanil eliipposi a -n rloed ni hous Ttweday Ilev. Cantî.it ansidauglitol', »"ai fleumor says Ilumi W. C. (brkevilii corne lueito (bliuer Wutrua -tIs -)gare muIs eop hem.e Min AManda Vooeorwsntto Chiefgo tisi W"d tutaie cm ofaiber ater, Mms ýW. r, 0 érke who là ekc. Aira. Aug. Knlggi ail danybter, Mn.., 8. Vousor vont to'Oileago Met >watt ta viltb il ner' ele iorw viie lk F.lartsilî suceSon (o <i.Niartm*an, of Palatine, wvili hall abarn 40x70 for H.A.Scweneaanëi.y naîýt spelug. W.Oison vIn bas beel, amployed in the. Climer chou... ad butter fatary vill! mave to Capron, DIi., ta taie charge tof a fiv(017 for Chasý. B. fatten. Mr. chariea Tts.lier 1mFa ie ontele Mvs. Theodom eVmnAltine la on ie ibemltillt. ViII Bravepr,wvbebu. heinquite a"c la m ing -p etua#g96tab fa. 2ù Mir., andsMmAira. VI beais mel lolung over t4 a avs* pia baby glél. Maay frani be* atboded (ho amting The Benevolept Malden. 1r14 wlth Aie Fthel .and PlousisJoiln.n Ail omnbeis are mliaW to hapissênt.. Po.Coi, teea* 'i1 t il 8telio# s slb te. anlus ad literm ae*mt higim iveu riday ieulg. 11i *llIbe plmeissita hwa &W4isLbUlctm iseeià @Wb wvont coin. "1Job :foôhwf s i pa Tlu i mEE£ II II I) Vré ear;...;-....i....i.......... .............. . .............. . u.. . ........... ............. .... .. .1 Both papota, opa yegr for .. .................................slp q'rieady ivne o ni UE wIiDPMT. d~Wuawmrlptiont or: renewals If paMd one year inî advanee. Subscibte or renew. to-day anýd 1dou't forget to meuticin that you waat both Maer., for only $1.50, the. price of the INDEPENI)ENT SampIeui of Parm Life nalied oit ApplicatIoîî,. Thibs offer In for a llmitedltime; take advaîîtageof It while YC renée islul My, armaandi about u117"P00800010 vii uI veule'1aiahw almueu" 1101111W i sttin ud2 milf (lomn ob~,n aperty 8 D*rIww aoniing 2 ans8i Il OUS, oeu era oub,,in la sa; MWv oal daSy lu!bull, 4W10bus cana, 2 (ci vilugar. Bauer eni. W.. Boveetn., l'm'np, As 1 bave dacidesi(o quit ianmulng 1 vii mult public auetian un the John »Uibrn 5flzmleasathvsst 44 Haluvlleani W"nl..satai loto, on ?paeday Janawy », 1904, olnÀon aub. iL ieiolovngprotie buUw new idkr, ya hrlig l21 broôu OU omohsei, l OOcbc.2-;u.À hsyneemare aWil vt I1800 Cheatuni iosii MNdu! vilm,0 vok eeu, 12 ym qul6vt Sm0, drlvlng pony ô yrs nid uril7M, 00,upgod vhlteogtu,10(m) bueomin u cl, 30 bu barley, 18 tous waiuiag #moyen, e0" mode, romn planter, 2 bnrmo Mâtliaior, 2g.t"Illever -drap.,- ked cocker, tmn bot bay raie, 8 in tir* trnrk lWagn, lumbr agaon, double -bug ndlitmu, 2 MugLe buggies, mi enpt, bob mae", 2 note doüuble work 8 einqi e larneuse., doubla dd-ve9- entn ck, hug rack, 2 ha eldet, bo iýd fumutueeandl a loiem anifaticles such a*. bols, fîîrks, etc. Rlglar terme. Ma.CoxA DnvnomîR,, troIs. Heving deeided ta' quit fanming 1 'mIl meli et publie auption vitilont meeve on tbe Ohs%Plillilpa faim4 aile. nonili. veet of LiberVtysudnind ue. onth. usai 0i QwisýysIhi, eer Phllps-init =t. property:21ea niais 10 yrs aId vi '12W0,Chetout sachascot8yas nid, colt 7 moou nid ', ;;4;; 8e, Sshota ]holb eàèj es»- w 'ne liet donle dry »wv, 2 îai burse nMerly nMW, qnentitytae b ayl baron a bot $0 igr ae ii 0b an4mi on, buhi *hltauiate, 2 14-lu a t u ploa. (ua MWl. u, I ~tlever :4a namy uIv %usseIsàaIcllvtr, 8 0 eültwaioliletie cutter aitAalnnti nev; age ,Cultiveatar Dov llerlna moyen 5 foot eut, Tigir bey uuie, 2 top b=gi..8 lu tire nev lumaber WIWO: hiélWisie, vii vguo new, bob , ,w-gvet .hox, rmne plmkbayrwkze isy font carrier wa$o t»qh, nwlU aier ternet 84bMwbtwbve, 2nov nl ope, gwe ses dillIwft ai, atacoenk Wu WegrPLET,, Ptioeen. Ms m i aot It alma&nw. Ivi * ePetual. arnisevea To OMToeTOWU Opseal sein - aWlPPt~9TN*,L. rY~. - CONPECTIOI A 5IUKTYILE M1W llght bohn. pair trnu-*, eariow tire wagon vitil 30w lia. cutter, iMcCirnuek inwer, nilk u- un u.w; Necornlol g l tnder uew:m cCo, rxwir etr, Ba , o ulky pl)OW, JoiRI D.w e kin«1pow. julin flei and ~ and i ui>Whblv îhw.w, ôk loand 10 lu plus-. wlking enltlv#tor, ,4.elibvul i cnllevator fne*'; 2 new tiotol Dandy enltvat4irg. 2 or 3l nd uultivatOre, àpulreriser, FuirW Uity seul. ,.-ne.tkon drag, X aoetion go. pipe dingf, 2 autien frm tdrng. lllg (liant ianning Mlii, 14 ale 1 on "laT e buk ruw and I 00 roda lr, 30h't liay 1 eln bo hy forka n tii aikym .i a F, b*w 12 font io lW. 2 F e ut aMW#. 31ueto havy hruî 2 new, Mut lIgt harnous new; Mugie hainhell, bialug hart.., 18 eau coQjingtak 7 caon 1cofflug r ankc etfel, laîwwnteoilngt tnk, 140 banni iupply tanlk lino1 iwtb etnl , 80 m"a moia, calimg tank. 9 galn(aldmn kettie, fbnck 'MW. Iani a aw, piteb kirk.çtic)vplm aiid other à iti'l@n tLi<> flhiiiien uiuntiti Itegular tériiue. WX.BÂzNET, ro.lrp. W. IL INAuctiner.. CUBA 3le H .nieI~ îW lw'dwitlî tue mit k. ' W-. aiv gl»41 tu ihenur J. Toineim ooth Mr. Adaîne wa* -a1yloi.nsalier mondey. W .Khnball, nCli»wago. u.pent ti. boliday i th Cola in,1en&. Mia. JaunaWeleh la eponlinýg tIse waelci Sn Wa keWan %ithb ler amoi, Jouià. ?4r. and IMrm. Jame. .'44,>4. aue pleaffl It rallers in Couli aturdily M A.Kinebernly apo u nday witb ber pareýnts, Mr. amd Mrp. Chue fla)vlju. a« Mbo Mary Mboeinaker iii apending the week wlth li.r manter, Mira. J. Hit4.u. £ Auboit Weleh itîîrno.d tsi Waukegaua linnday îtr epehîdig t,ýto*w# vacation et hOnie. F. WA ÏRBST0-W andi Granite MOIJENII ouiami1 126Omt p t the mUroaf ei amoeuvote, nel re (ndrcebTiu îa foi' (liei sud tvo onier eo4qy lu a ghre lli si bt"l fitme Fvaos nCeu iTe loge wviii hafou, a mi-star>' sfu«tur, nibar of e»lllca,1 tiras nmmd eMeupa home ni Madison V, Louis a"ufeque«Wtô bIta a nuson th» !4 vas thaumaing éve lln bits, put. a Pl"(e Mev ou blm b.sls*e quaml& etbfisse»O

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