CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jan 1904, p. 5

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omple s(tena" i Iemb s4m avle. i- Cfnmd' Wm *«fmrbtl "~ ww. î» bb eM&1 vb& Mds bean s arOt me a limmot a a" Il& m ho mt miayberea"d mamdta le1 te GOmm et the bra If ian » pet ubam i el. 'iii.pitur cimii boy 11e alla la boit, "Mim la ba elov af bld lua meul morer. on Ibis md @Milofet2 bhiE6or2S hIL id. neadlug la mood op asad W»th2 bh 9 « 2 Sbhi10 ine BU plamaI as avuw. 'Tb# o- l Pe, lua. a hevelta avi GO0 oins' idmuae a a flaor -ff thees et adift seuli , «itebreak jais. De ào«me Mvwaise GO oarda. . StIlvi L 1 haro a lsUe boUaitse vesa&Yta 1I coMMgt à% um «mitGoGt m OnGmt tffla ba t.b m. tset F tbit ardualm i a »v«m m iM »MIL n e ulà*tdni e p~. o sb tuga Uot i P a b osa ai il la Thm taiso i ft tbee l.'oa 10 mmm o'muhr@ i drjngtaispuip aoeis 1* te ama mvealan ~tht it =mai hab mlam "ovsburt il a boup mud 89 let vubh be'.leno »8se utltlaam, éamsudI 1tuétan td ter a tO, fr l meatale mi4s sa lb. loit paeflant rUeOy tifar. lue mcl iest o a lu Lt oulibave bsq pro- -th Wewrovng of âIbu>imte h mt bMam0lva."oFi~.--pr Wle imiet hidlspeuMabb Cf« iii or tara ork, induà hau r e made hi rorerwima*e' witb 2 by fa'a eshovir la lb. h eu 'ierollr Sn hO Mado iel baugtb.but neme ot la àa md aIse.nCul bo projectIons 0 adac. «etheOwboeIe wIIb a omaeéýW, aad leclm i» bisla v aeur btadlsatb dii» G.e :ïu 'bre no drum s rr> an alterai. *dues of tbs -boesaandA hlals«s14ibh lb dSmtfl ,t bavre boxes ottI nudo î?eliffCe u aom l t- I - feIn te te"M a te m eomi irtMO 'ibis. em pbteroi*k 1s4 fpraperiy put Isgeta- holnge olbh 'Phee l fme uibrad» Il vtir satrpe. A out cap b. mae on tva -liei aganvbh euit aid bolilq u aU aov- a board oi tolp, ibWs roUer ae aidcarsA for viii lest acror to a wsiter Who deawnalgta Ameloun -AgrI- tit pwullêri Prisea Im oc dii *ïeIi' wm$liesn a eitlioq vile bu ffluavmérite. 'ibm ualululo t lias hmeit a" Z91, mIifl is gironas Gt f or ilampaehlresLobetRlmumm Cherlais. Bhmpibreodorýebavoe e. eelveai bm fiatcaee of Ibm vendu tair prise liaI mai liai b. correet as sification for Iauolu sbmp bY laklug tw lgivc for Bumaihiosoipalle188 Tiierl'Mfur rise 11.1 dqIndes GOe gdlffl aé"efia0f hp tttes foanishbmd histbffltmm ae te nuahera andi- valmés, Mflphlis5,Vatgvolda. Oîtorde. Bouliadavea. Vl)alnes, Maerina mad- IlsInboelibOtmSare lu lb. tret t cau. liampzhq. IMmolos, leetere. Cior- -lots sad Ibm viakly mua inothAmer- Sun Mernetart pissait la thbmedond élmi.. Tbe thhd rip' eauiOts at'Do- set Bgultffo ad l'usi bmep. Angora goals mre giron a clmsiction eqi l gBrapabtas. Llsebure uaid ailb gos smaoreroir. attenu. - Th b. Am *ba ~ropOW 'iasaciation. taroub lis mereturi ootlmwar er- ltu ai huqaualmM4liai.,bu mode ap- pltrulios lae0111sfCoberu or tha de- pmethient: et lv ireue* bfdr a public sale datalu ooaectmu iwItheIbmezhblbtlon of Sbrapmbuineat tho vwarl'fuir. 'ibis association ba a iier nmembbp Ihan sproor lire elork orgenitlan. adIUr. L*verint bas reard enarly 1109oshep lae bsmxlomlarge vol- emm e leoch registers publisbed. 'ibm AmariMna lt'apablioassociatIon hsq mado- liharm1 poroonfor speral Primsfor eshibloa aI Go vorld'afair. Ur. Loreoatg miprommes himamî as con- mient of suu namatti- large mand fine dimpis>'et lBbrapmblee etmI b.univrel exposition of 1gOt.-WaooIMarkols and Aiho b olb.dgrtauenot liretacl orib l Leulmana easo expoaliio von tb m stta o owigtlsad ui ýs maer Irai fMr a réroartler than mai atbmi. Il lae mDr«t et . orouayi>vtl an exhibit. l lam tha, savon monIba' lias ~ChitCbur u shemur elau ai- lbtmeul «fen amaunt af moeey bither- te anequaleaifor lira stock prime. ba lmeed ceutPratieuandmalprili t anda nov cueu forard vilh the omono hlai Ibm ettaebava an cîbibil roei an Ibm variAs fir groundis. The dali bllt.0f GOe vorfl efair pise bu' mareanable allentioui la Iis tact la Gh Ooabavni maunromo: "'ibm t- entdom emiblbt t telimai la GOh» -picteA mair yfor aporation. 'ibm exibit epof ttm ilos." at mmv a gréât ànotesla made alé iad qM eubru* if sugar and-Usp' -UmiB m m * reosreai nt ithe t stores, bmmtu rumius clalmi mia Àpsr'tbB vasteoidsla oa ~f IltOi t ha-us- Sat**r4-*Wroduat t " «Z = hisIeents are mîlxuai, -A lmmmWl 1 m og- and ats. drlimq4» goMIdlsit «0sum ntas t on the mgP- hat- 'Ibsmalesa.a rry li ed omi P ,piclllfor lbrai use, bol Ifawei al elored Ià0f Ion ,deterloriitéàhi mtinegrçoi' teuliui Tho hra,émuS parlles ptllut malasmeaon voninta- alroi' mi food and aveepinas, i» 0f- teirlag t.sSU«Mr foodi. 1f vo aloiretaU 'fod olamo. Ilia bo u tavbue il èIsIppel la borrois and tben mix l vlla thie fw4<or grain ourmilves. oasMMo botorsI bai a alla Ipurebamei ais se the obarrai sI about a ee tpar~ plI.mis pItb nMy'eut ran set~.~ 1 used a plt of moeases tlaa gall ort mu and ottes Ibme dry' rut alerer. 'hem treoadltm,11etuIle ste It up prfslii' tmmlab«%ut is dayrIaam doubffl Ir Il pas ta, i odurue mcaw wmtkeG laigisib» *Wstafhbat "undaciri" *Mfi havbeau rejected. Moaasmelu Iullsit Wvan d4ieaIle and -ooutuiu amal s la"'ier potela as mtga m à tisMMatarmohîdrtes..MiamI vJtb ethel9geaiftzdé t u sa ga. i1tfod ssIia &iiipM a allmire fond et il - ptÉACfrma5. tos lu femdlngdry 1wbol enalthora là mura vaste boe miucb of hie-grain ieod for teedhng boa schaulai ha coarge- 17 gloUaI, for unaround grain i la tllli indîgoaill, roi' Ibm oter ski a aipro- Ioda lb. dletible portion o e o alo la unalai b>' bthe. digestIve juiceaoa animaIs,,and, bavina neoaluirdanua gril wbhy te doIbmhe rlil*g Gem- sommes, 111elal didgoated, but v*auto&- HaIoS requtise a cnid« hineammol an ati. vlobvueieclslrt ony ludt*.lgkht, anA u suai, af ahI, bul el G. .mt elx dom Came tm la w Ib àeba ali lu 1h1 lu GO eam eet long ountinned& maI. ai Md poti b.lance fmes igIl isu . té5 ibl e mii utabisathGo jaeoWt= «-t G ho m iyho emate- riwll bal abytIbmnormaLl..aisi la ibbtéaLdnehu m pariai«Po .- i*taM 4. Mur Notaud rav e ela gen@oalted ont> a magmi'aile-vnc of uaas5 u ba dare thmerm la a rery p« . coaition viien turned ont ta pos*us i jous. T'ibmrulte at about &M Oauayaos for thmsm priad of fuiisg'éev laI ou rkciapaturage tasl WW iedI0ll4 f raU 2.65 ta ".8 a cet 11 sav"lmg of 4 per out et bulle' fat, &Md lita u mentî sable tmeill5 ibmuirI rarried freum 110 ta 4.6 a meu«t. vl antu sa«e aOf3&25 par lVst et bille fat. lu discusehg ta» mis 5-ibm authar d "ctbmlaI GO» t'astauI r ai C anuet ho la- orema t vilb » Rrmsga ormal rtlfl. bult on Ibm othr ha"d, la I I esa h gremallideeassMd bi mntamI p*t Iteif a duop mla autde traM a dtde-lat a utneI ratio.. Ibm tut i.,g G. Usd ateramnod y he bm nerct 4%&» te GOhididduat ra.-'Tbis palet1e mm or mosmgumMaop-t fiame la et pmttet ii portunce la lb. ueo ierd eariimswl. a$ it la- AitWG**movemai hb by émitr ua@," fr mm.. eamusaami tbat a G.» veue.tag etaifat. vboan hnrallly lh saul hot a bem nmale Up te Ibabi nenial quaty aI alL-EeporI Bureau et Animal lndustrr. 19m5 Ou. 1ed u . cwemmy, 'Tusm *jootye oUeais are r m'ila- pge»as15 qui.i m& aid Gb u#&u et bl c as lbingUMolI Ibere(u rai'ise o. an a GMtsaim" GO i'iama plia *MU&d, 'ibomoesla lb. e oa- atmsela An. ta ta. observanceOfi peue'4woge0*tmnpatuaumd ou* lii ftarMosgbeu"memllObvagOf Gmat'poW tbtay mlii contiue 10 bsve diSculliSe.Oga eta GObaboloinl ndeauaeIot tala t We i vlt se la G.he au buses. 'b$ rogutatian or ibm rburn a aas gOtalag eOenêarmd UV y lOpin lb. piPacesunI atonals latGO but auadllOD. 'Tb@ vlua Or.-Ow ely«e,latam wSage et 111e7pftmt da- ger. Il bas beau dmwuaeaaedhy p&%- tuai epeslaet iai tbm germa 01aiea ëm xliminuSluimprevwater are eri- aieAvltieàl rhums. tel> lba I, Itw 4ËUbm dmxaibita ai Gote obla ath l -wb loafla Ibe AgeUl- turai pelac..whiub gr*l b. 5M0 510 *011. aMi t«DO eet Joug amdIo l m belug bul lu tho mot dAmefbla part of the grolais. 'ihe daimri produets viiib ladlmiluyed la lhree mmaastoth plat. glassretrigerutm ai!s mii90ftest long mui 30D b 40 feet -ide. Tha vorklug datai vilI ,bo aioig the vlt ortb Ibbildiùn ier tbeglam reiriger- atem ad wvi oreupi for acue at about' BiDOm quare fetal ni vi i h 811.1 mih li the tatoaft m amoisr> md aspliua. Hrs Ibm a»UllIfron the dAlry erOIsVUIi homades;Pp lta bulle'" ~o t batt 11e yod la G. daim, mai ho eala by * niai, Noieire evala vIl le glaa, A semher et leasing almimWm siread? «ajuiesifor spo. MuaitIlelaex- po= e G t G. ate emibiit -fbotter. amI bueeviih lb. iurgel ýMiimont la hs *metts ero aboyai. square fieletmpaaebava basa applia fol.'a u kul aI GO cmit. auannim-l ýt ta i al mi re mule>'ppaaluu Tbero 1Miiais. ho -vorklug subbIts or maiur'maImiul$BanS faq1for eisn ol Ad esi beimMduailargo ebil bItr Aldchmos. ram for- eigu couutrlme The m oprt iminei « tha claie daai eai& food deparlinont sbove'tbmt iha@ OBI cremmeles af minnueota vhirll bave been inspeed iui a the Ib Oso en craauiie everl7 an>' ,ffl,0 balinda utml i'a-grafeIb >-er'show tiaut- ?5,mqo'o.>peainda m botter gre pmdclce hi thege crmi PiÏOMDO vtt dliqKIy4nto the pWpIc et or hepm ý theatisa'u ImrSot0, t>idng iÏbm e $utaWer sud es*l fon the u mp* p0raimaaterial- W. f-ahapla oWo elienucmi nMt 14J, u a pleurefeathors et tbe »Mno ime. Wla aunnai tbrawiug au et, h ld oh featasiaad puing i» at novplumage bl ào«n as anoiting" As cature pavidem *0 ra rooc'wail 0f Ibm fetiMeMad immOçis mwe ftnd Mi mamo tilngla IboM pultry yîrd.Thé * atiiebs abettele drap out. and n* a'm esmmro ta gov. This pro&Wa oUlwWo 55aboutt Ibm mintias, and as eMotlg dmblltate t owl y ielati q'ggtkt drain en IUm ystein ezgg pro deie eamm Thélbleu. tait begte ta M niai aly moW Whoretuhr.e,. as thmy vil lbm hif0010 t»tvIII finhis he , mtmi bofuse ibItrnSMbe readi for tailug b thm Ion.go np lu prima, &geln; bernes nou mi] tose tht lie- gain te mat mai'1, êtiai-tu US Feur 'vinisi lyerMbut tomaithe Vbne, metlinment tpo4a a triety!. fuot o à mhlga111 aiiur lan thmfood *fyo I11b tea f855 yonr bons malt quirMi ad wMtbP blemt relit a fiv buta " y fl aie*0 itvalue. Pleut, kfflu lv t foathers Conlain aIa nt' git' titUI cuolymatter, bel 1h07 »Mn amaiS feraI unn lre. -loatu meplflon if the hoe ars fel an 0*DY femIt -ma to loos e1e fttbmalhmre polMd Uqare néaring Ibm Millinperlié. Uoêatler lthe featherm &ae throvu 01V ÇSbmthe food@ mould ho jirau sdnioigi*and lime. bouma eunfio*mr mmm, mmeal. pea mmL, aimmgi.thoua 5ol, loin mesqt ail ont boum are »azoUsi, But lide gatal g. nOeesari. à, qiespoonfui of mai- olaur l he Ibtfad e,*"nty boum th-e limes a vmeb vIN 001,1,as foatthers eutaiii uphur &W. Bly tIh;systean et teodng your *AM y u alt lu ten vomba, th avrp lime beng ibree menthb. No kMal feding viii force a& henu tatbrov CO 0 rillaîers aud Put au t11e nov ut ai a eaetheru do nel rame lu a dayr; Ib# muet grov; 1h07 do ua« ail apui' *the mme n ime. Bren if a hb o ubyhiberomiug nul' md lu a day asr t»b YS wiiibave tu val til lite usat Omthere grov. but you eau aelm t r*pth hjudidcin if you have dutSý money ta qMpen dlcuuns thm *lUMet and b"Iing tho mun eg'g#&fetbmr focaim, bée» foode a ietw jurgom voluamua vriters poutta7, boi ln- etMd uPm »r.d à"ý W tatafinsbrm-,o*i5mpom yuur ngt lm gebtug bet- Tiéese. ,w»itbw e ospamI grume or .vegomlae frixthé garim maL e 1.bgt eM pMaeiS tood *er imveted. - h.*chlckoM0'WM iedfuARi Ibm gril 1hey uemd If tlaq bave fiee ar- rosm e telIasso, auiiUM th1e -M soure and trai tb01 tim andl atar tamy. viii gel enougiaOWluateMilta Pmt a -gCo&dbard gepe u. imilmsm theu-gnelsU 1 &M t b. mu- çemmembrane of tbimpIlit bOUI4 retna-Jto the rla I m ..501i ia- toria" tl u Otat ca00a oui' bod 0f -Yarhimu RWanch. Rmiug lualewe, agreal uni vwbe have umd' utmme- - erfletaln g gth-Ir *Mduul turemetu *"ermed, but-at an situant date tWt#_it m iii loeas h upe &ad dg nas thm argnuninimachine vUI.111 a emmon adjilarIth0 bm pffltry fusa, saMsW. e lmm#@qbasbubeen ti oùanfor yeuseta OM eet te «uient ý»Mli«M R lmoad 1 tlimas la lba$%m I Blain a mn i"ee. ,lu Ibm UnbeA IttasIl bas vey eceliy beau takeli n, a«4,tionga'Ibéh uera Of lb. eramlng machine ett bm'lreet Mai be ocMa'ed over a sainevat large ter- rlhlmY,.tbo amttalif ai rmmina ina- rhums. si yl uagute a veey tarae Muaber., 'i e a, epfullry mai la Obta ,ha ueo tIelve. a Partyi in lea to.- aaPartia là Iuob a vlatllns o& avuy large seule. ttUeWia thon- Tbh.nosmi. The m nulcàteinqet baudsmoin f aSU vatqa'iovlslu lie oe et ofulI loy- ami e Golbeautituilalu ature. Tbe>' «*. %aply thm vald uaaitldducklmlu- piovai tii cauurlen ocoreub breoul- ipg. The chit daffernoe -belveen ithe two am.Ib th arger siseenamomre brUl- ,Ual urgliis of tuegmoen As a ta- tekiy>Gmi'u re tuly ibe qnaicof taie vgoeffisin.AmIiiirt ey are the. piiMat'dueea t gmar t tuu"t M!r.a* n drsan I ljS CoiTlbtI. -. ?.C. 39MI»ur Ul vawu. Iack 1mt>ondari aorulug. M IW#eOrt-Léiy caIgo<a. vash lire i he bm ock yard vw» thread- lug lis bine base tata, Ibm fresh. earty LAUWAy'afatiber, Lyman <iottonvoad mikig ont 'lres ots, Iagge a itble vhlle h. etartol bis afior breakufast cub pipe. RIS gaM. dveitrun"tlteli upon Ihbmig 4M bohpper a ft',w Sn- monta, tlion trareiedbock la tbe fora o1 hlm dmughtu' mast apperlnoc trOC the onebhoeo ltb a tub iu ber arims Tha youilg vomn turneai berlisait a -Sr etber i<eh upou a barbîess ehair aadrcamsefbird. ber 10v. fiat abom e am IWWY oi ver 1the short ."gameVru»." Bmw figure, tooke4 Mkl hu 110W bin e uita vahing gomu; ber locha vere bmMPr lalor andi not'toa pleuttul; isbm ba.gathered them 14P bigh audtwistai thea 80o tigtlitbat ID u.'riera ot ber es v ert druvu pvard Me1-m 1e ofa Chimus çLaii, m r falier. lomnlng min elbav on a corner or the happer, 'i vas galataotti ell an'sefurgul lhe widdm peppmr'm'a-camiln up today fer a baast a' vludfatl ISpy applasto, moate ina- pilule, au' 1 gatter ho ai BarrW is'mt.dai ,heli' tIbrsi. Taa sow '"Or'WhOM' lhe gant «mes la at, mia' don't yen mum 'or noue: Y' usuderstanai1" 1I alIlcaria? boy aui ei PY ple ge glbhera. tmclouapplem vaWnt onul thhug yçn an' ber wvu eesttlu about yWeday evenin'." "WnIt," Lyman loked off lantvise acruos Ibmehapper, 'l gat 'or peflnolUp es emI e yoa eer rkinpeu a voliln. 'ihm darnmd coutra r lds v0't nover give yna square ont 'ye tili ttlla'thb peemoberle sent fer. lut yon lin Ment ou bovin' a sepma hore pampkins la -1 wooMldn' k.t b M iepuy." I»ulais voireberna. alldly eep-aeh- fui, "soeelu'boy happy Youw're gaa ta be, you'd bogrutrameau-a' Mier fatasoraeftsUp trams bis Jaunil- log attitude vitbh a jerk. -L*Uisy jane otMoeo&dboy aM90 lioms1 gj~ertelyon tbl'* ddruil Nov. limb e ie-bm liekofi aitbis pointe vlthebmtureflgter.0f bis rlgh band la the upemaipalesai or lthe " tom yen the vhnltosu nuwvbiem yos day, an fllaai' un m.A' nov lsa' Ion et tIbs: Et I dan'l finain aDa. kine at >Barris Ibramlali. Iodai truma sigu blsover ymra, an' cfto la tu Q'Il sos me bockan' Yquil mme me bonnem sain ove' the tenoe ltlathe1bresi qntck aaongb tu juil bis sura croaoed. Nov, mimd vhut lce lid in."'. Louisy shbed ao mmli tareover ber vamk b Iatmorulug that vhs. tIi. fat 11111e Wldav 'p@Ponrae».vîtiba1 baaket seoeust OmI.maaiply Inquiet- thee glancemetutIbm red rima 0f Itbm bP- lev a aldeu'a oe.. *Loaky haro, Loulay CottawSvd," salieh&aai teugth aslbtha etruigma Up la the orobard, lyou aWt'Ibeon &et* la Ihe baby 'céas. FmrpaWwvanta te marry ag'in, ber your "LouI s aalbmr bmmd. - 111 von't rare a apecl If b. mer- ffl o aarrov If ho'd hava the man- nets Ia louve me au' flam DorbInS "Humpb," muid1vdov. *'Whut'a he o yl' up agut Bain?" "olhiw 'partieklser, but b. 'Ioa thewr, enuso0fme a.uiurrlu'Jfr boui a doas.yoarsor en. BHls OCUMÎti Ob lakwla'ia1kor *cliy foi»a tauhgrd et, niummeru atterloi' enn' blzoaWnWarriei, au' ho suIwtva omon 'Iih e eddta cool fer 'em." ",Well, I1say!" Mie. Phohe PepPer bronght lia. exclamation eut with a chop. Thon mii. ateppodlauIbms path muai langbed vith a beartlnoeu that ibreat- muai ta, break ber apran string&. lire Popper wvashjort mind vide, and ber Uile round, dark face exproeeda mix- ture ar good nature, smredmmand oatIcacy. "RomHs, a curions aId plant, yoni' psy la. mud&be, -obut ive liat geIlis ta «y: let un ieuan o'mine over laboes acnmmer boarip belli do lb. cool. lu' or aomese'lmiro lion.m." LouIs hoak ber taéd dissoutingli. 'Y1ou'l lul ïnkdiffoet vben pmv gals- "ne aitl;gaI m ylI," nid the vidav Cbasrtully. "Loak hart. Ioulai, boy 014 air yanl" *"Tbirti.tbree," ralaemeaiLouis>', vilb a migbl blusb: "The. 1mw me! An' yau're scaref te, marry vithant yonr pmw ania iou The biuab widened, laklng la Lau.- "TYon dan'l knov puy," saidsahe dis- "CouIdn't inore than bibI îe, could "Bd6me obib' tangues le vorae thon kltîn'." The widov trudged forvard la esuent Melf coimmnion, w vblebImted until the>' reacbod the Nertherfi Bpy apple troc. Loulsy began leu fI,the basket wltb the larlgbt streckea i nftullo, but eMe. -Peppor plumped bhermeit devu e.intartâbhyI lto the claver. " Sain Dorklqa la gain' on fart>'" ai14 9abe nuditsllvclY. "Hea a aigait nlghmr a a n > 'r a g r $ tJ a 5 u o u r e ." i -b r t s aufi 1.1154jemt etluher tid --Oh, 1 aM-et blnliu." the.latter F ovedcaiel19al, bltlug Jeir l ata iA big apa5a n']e im via aelai rr»d& »Mer OP owI»ullY. e a ( Misa ilium amowat. id a perftt io: 0 > 0 ý e ý - 00-00-»- -*+-+4 row luane bmtv e ituralp finit. a"ii bis tobarro potrh topplig a gag ina tbe fèee iien a, thuddlng etftesoot d meliov emrth drew his attention A brood abouldered fellow wons evlng lbrlakiy aient wlth au ax ou bis about- dier. "iello, VUe' zLmer' he baiied chme- fntly. -Here. yon, Samn Dorkbis" lyma barred bis way wiii heWlgerent elbOvL "This yere Iunem a privaI. one; et lmu want ta know 11, an' you'vegottor ken Ivay train Loulvy o rou want te know it er noUC "I aln*t agoin' ta tot he lune OUf vItb me, Der Loulay nefthe. i va&Wt, alanin' to stop yere. Didn'I knov esilri @pfe hebjlie gain' througb R toa1the Widder Pepper'.." "Widder I'epper'!" balc'd LYman frantitnili'. ,Whut business jan gain' uuywifre ènlgh tie i.Wddr Peppoir lm Coôe, nov, Unee Lime," grinefi su Sam,datoe a lit. Reekon ilMn90o d cihop a uitile $love Wood fer a gond look- tu' widder vithout Yeu fippin up 11ke a akyrcket. l'va knowedthe viidoer a many a yeâr." -1-don't keer a cou-tuked tenit) Rend vhut yonve lknoved," foatE Lymanl. "Te ii.vder ban Kit stove w0011 vitila ont yon imttln' il. You talc. an' lot liaI oridder.alone or yen mmucc off ii>- aMt On' atcb ont fer ni.." "Suàre nov," returned Bain, '"Yu knov l'aný a younger Man 'n Yon. Uucode Lyme; botter.n a. hota. hilgy. Yeu mai tlalk yolee te ooly gpe&wd~ beau in the hil, but viddrela notion- ai a n n1h aout t'otbmr aY e sang ou a 4aWack. An' tIbm cantrys fMeesrme lyhourd mai. Thore'a se, bt-l ut. tbat maye torvauon ment sport m0» viasa,, veIlrecbon My chances in goad e yourn et 1 chenue ta stua o'm rlght begrty. Ta. hlm tenus me 0 trm LoUla, buoc au a'It nCe 18 off tram the. vifdgr." "I kla send enFM ta' o07-1114 r#lls, declared Lyman vrahbfilyl. "-Weil, nov, Ia it iIobor. iU M ho guof pailcyt tale Ibe job," MMi Béa argumentatively. "701 aI sot 1 amunit 0frbeumtis y kav70c L4Mo. Ieamlsbt pite1 me - Fe imigbIf't Nov, J'mtell rocn vhot: The vbààdemla Dùed et $tave vwon& 1 chan go hbmre an&Wu It fer ber an' Mtay ta auu", 'relu l'11 boan yo" 07 az ne louve yon gserut lia.vuas!t bor, au','il go laelfan ta I»nLod à a l. Wielb '11lt ero? ý Lymu nMaudaainitbe ns raim e bis bou viu i tawnw bmbtWilV Mm..Thm eei=h orily ai G bed tncrease Imufoli atiip bie, rival ha" aoçciuaeéd 'biuémi»0 tmtmidty. Wbat vu 1 l u parleons? , ta.a lie aoom itwevallé rmeoig. 'Hnan' oy«er bmgtu"14i mn' ber W lhho la bw misles When mms liabe eFenPpor,- tram ber alao'u'u. mM ' l Coltouvaad cownugu Imma« Sae x-on hie soim o Vu afairéimi 'viltuaW. I'i vd tha t v1#011 mIdi ym et, Sam voiaA l i s rlgibt."*e Io hmomu it ha eoth«M i bukle 'ow mlghly lucky tbU*Wfer 1.01* attqa grain o' g mnplion, M Wml' eawgyeS't , knov ne owsm'na umwe ur oyte tead te ber ovu love afaimo" fact thatthibm sc. iSpprainueoi h Mr. Serimat ustes Mt tah1e, P Wkvok' Baidm ltrli oee, - lfotumi suer lot- to Rs a t uly Pegi un , e idm luti he , nuitWbot by lb. vogtblmme Oe0-P Norton - 1.06 mémautmue vian ho va. prime »w*hilati t be. "Salie 'ibru Im' ç,m MeliurnO tamm Norton worm dWmooareL 'by UI as 1 oriti cailabout hawit.tA.orI 110v ar e u? 1 shaul h.tale 1W oeil today. but prooatdi abl tainorra. No hume: Ioda. I1viii ai ater th@. levee. about 4 or Ilov a. U yau wVa" i9lu laoat the kuaw. I1sah lithono-. plain about ain e ta VaUxhal . a Tb. enstualcommen nthèse a mou tog documenta by omrge NrWa 1 ounosol la na lekm uuing 1th»* ml' tmrprelatlon- afr"chalpe and tamalê r m uco b, Surjet* ait Il c a. Bir W tt' linm Pl ettI IBId thm JOu * 1 The m notez om min ta admit m àr n M re athe bm ords c avq. TbOW en , vyltton oeudioi5y, ia"Mit The"olW nul pafuln la thea. Thé e ont 'm 9akmorm Eut Ibm>'are am vultten tu tii. ordluary style 0f rortuapoudaia.e r mually, d&ptied belveefi Intimais 0n» vondeis if aveua an lunUah l eldtroat Ibis graval. 1 M . N em bi t, W h o bad pahalrd a ic- 1 tare of teIbmisblered man lu vu? P4.laI andfilflet. wnd, on unbWas pin- io it iwvr. is vite ald liaI1the pielure was the bunt tblng eaf ibm Mu that elle bad, ever mou. lits dearosi 1 rieud, tbe, vas deeldedly enhtaisetle. Bath dmclurod, iu shart, that any one 1 wuld kuow at a glanCO liant it vas l- tended for an.nuioun. " -To tell tbm trntb," muid Nembit, 1001- 1lng aomewbat donbtfniyetuthebmpietur, ,l baven't a great deal of confidence lu teltier of, Yeu. Yeatulways pruisee v- terything 1 do. Nov l'an golng dovu te à . thetteo soifIt 1en't fn ai ne persanWho con' ho depended tîpon la 1gIVo me aut absointeli Unpreju4icti DemaclU-OlI, nu; moal vas IbiaMbgitilvoeu ha Dns i f laI bai'. dreg maup. just eh*. lué *51 014 i

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