<e.~ ~. .............i.;Ua.u. ..........................................stNp~m. go a long * l . - t s s e p n . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 . m . ..... .......*aU LIBERTYVILLE, ILLp. :Jewelry Watches Clocks Pianos -MuSical Instruments ,Stationery W. do ail klnds . . of Re palring Libertyvi île Tii.. We. round, and, econoniy Watch R.pAalu .... a spedwty - - -Illinois. Wtt have a ýnumWbr left and are selling theiex right. Come ne ansd »eiour si m) Fur"a.: ck and Water-ProofCoats eeep.-Lined Coats ets,, Sweaters- ïdigan Jackets sy, Astrachan* machnumh- $1i0 red Overcoats, vere $15, uow .... V .0 mi ~'u*"~* .om.m 1 ....,tàve No. .....aui........ a> lu..*...........u,~ Pnom OU IAU o. obs loua rrve Libeffls. OM& ta e. .........i. u .... #m.le-U.....-*M 4 No. ............ 10.t .......,nm. I. iunty hl9taega vbetad tasfe lw 12-S.f rCO ug. C at HMcutu'5. in. Wedonsday. JJo. Jely ftot . methuli)on bi.slut 'h Lnaster h. b aen the.bond, t the.Maesatland torWéiIiï»dî dtrand fam west of Bondout aud munmlg, At belnge«nht la a geasing. .Inhlswn.Don't foigot ts Woodiens ;maquei bigla 1uad ô, lemoind Lai. le 5ado %Wl ah te . Twu ial to»aight yod nu Oyater sapper with Mms.H. Supper aerved sud a royal prood turne ixinutFriday negt. 4orney Milor wl» clone hi* ofiie ln TIns Macarnoni factotl' b aglin runtling fesa blk. lHe wlll lie foand et and employing fin rffular quota of lum& cmPark'Avenue eveainge. h@d@ toflhtbb',# leof gils inl le lnargeinent., franue and mli tinspaekluï depetuot And more ate, lO0. Better ou.. for Mo re mon1W, ey. <reirs avait. Tii. C. & M. EbschricW .i. (o. ha. bbblag" mulecea.' and Ma5hel sscored twentydveau.. l flad betw-ieu basa bai instructIn. to »top IL tO(lenco. and IaiaWwlitorpnext seailn M botter no, before soume of tii. boys It will opien a pélcule park. witlî a theater vlônalyhurt.and atiletie ie. 11. errci prnheed f F > Tiie ne:w engins >nddynamo at the. <md sdnnela, to losno Finit eleetrie ligit plami lae been teateri, Ni M. KerrirIt wîl ballida Jound- te ail zigU&»ad are lu readimea mmi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i Do uti midaa ' ucane 0f emegsslq, -Thn uw nmacblnry àWgJ ac4beualg,01 Chicag, LIin la ot uSed lu thneir%klr rv ice am yet. M9 ber paretea . Lhbertyvilleet flo asd M.sno, of trip Dr M onlghing abouet O1Laie Bluff, auamM verv intereeting ~~~ess ~ ~ ~ ~ l npt i 11lii.luaddr..m îaa4î 8*mdàw eveuiug beforea fui houe., at'tins E. chari. Mev. *atip" ki for tii. joint installation of Whlpple, ofWahan preached a aof Exelaor Camp B. S. of A. powerfal sermnlon u noday nigbt. Acta. Camp: M. 'N. 01 A. are. Ilyou wish a plséire of yourho,.me, g amod, teo Sear Thunday evenung, atoci or any'ovbmid on e ieko 21 at h tii wn hall. andid will attendi ho it. Ba,,vtnc's Imer Davison and bride, of td. pton, li., returned béat week to that A painoramie mtwiutalument reprent- e iter visiting a w.k orimore wlt inlgicenes luthe MM Of Christ will b. Mm 01 George and WM iDavinnu and given An thi. UMMo,churin Frldny nia eh Leithton. evéing, Jan. Is. flis in under the. lol Court of leu Bur Ledge wfll sicPs"f th@ >P*OfthIiLanue sud4ail a box social JanUary '27 in - eiuvlted. Admbmin 25e. Ciudren ryvMOlToI]Hall. ÀAgooxgiamIf)10 ct. garrsiged, IEveryhdy nnvltad. 1.-- At ameetinghbel :y the Ladies Aid 'Society of the. M. *. churci at tii. a meeting of iotockholdere of tteparooageJ"n . tb*"Olwing ofers COUmhy National Be" Ti 'ay wome hosen for thn . imggeai Uni. lretetors ver.re .eled and linsheB. J. TrIpp, Pie.; Nt Cnkins, Vice ýg tiie directeni beli a meeting Pre.; lAre. J. B. .illsuaug, Sec.; Uni. t'<ýeW tih e wofineis SIdII at (eo. Vowlere Tr«.aa.I moasuve Coin. mitte.: Mm . LBrysaï4 , e. Oiibn artenly souferenco at tiei. M. B. Mn'.. Myrtie Brlgas. nà Saturday oeohtng ah 9. Love Ti. slconreatopci rm t at 9:110 Szday, andi ah 10:30 Lurn' ~a re about e~sc a houle for *ing by Dr. Catiy -adthet oly th-Mr potor. who abp bu ceiarçe of "int, lu tii. ev<n&ng pr.shlng by -parismat Lake For W aotsg«man d <iniouo; nilluatrated sl'ton on OrysIai,. 4U rtyvM&l4'4on14.i lacé.- oardaWm by ele". tion sud facilitie. for ftnhaiug oher ornez UMacOtiu bas added ho bis pointe prompt . the.panatelocate hure. brary tii. lAiDinsStnpn'me iand Thes bonne vili probably_4e mut ou- the lte court reporta, nma 1oni ii ldata property.. , ne. Be le alo eqpping: hfi.office -'p.ioatr.q eprt of tiié Nsv Stato Banik uew soctional book COc.iit M of lAke Foreiat, opened théi" about two1 su ad dfflkfor msainsd otiier mot .. ~. âx<i or.st tref i epping vitihiteéluiprove. capltallsta, shows a vetýv good busines m.Miis IAddie Miller -flîhave d".itii tegin with iluaa enialI aA<g.,The4insk lu the. joint aelition rOOuk*Oed caitaîi. 2,0 ltgi* uan ud .Suniitit and .ttoer e MacOnflun, dlse~outerm012,6019; otaat resources, wiii Iides stteudlug ho Mr. on7,ao,total. $5O,Ofteý Tiheaverage tfhsi'st work do work for the dsposAtearem *11,385; demiond deposlita,1 voto ftal dasniaîg. menai1 .Mouday iîight the. village board uet in adlonrued -ao..ou. floets 0f the. emtrieiguÉ eosy are*toe b prement Mdternit.01fa usi contract for llghting theo streeta for enaiug yean viiibe.con- cldered. Tiie board do.m fot'favor the. effeet sud a plan la to bc deviseil vier.. by tins liglita aili buma on ail nlghta, um. it in otiierwise orderuil ly the. llgbtt ommittpe, of wiiieh Chas. Kaiser le cltau>'au. This conunitta. will only order the lghta "off" wheu the nmoon gies saflcieut ligit to warrant tbinn la au doing, the. village tu recel,. proper r.iiate for such nighta. Itnotbour imatter ho cme efor. the. board i kalnngof tae contract between .Adamu Tts sud tas village, for horeing a Weil. Mn. litas' bîd vas acc.pted sosie tume ago but uo oontract hman a yeh been agneti. 1 sut ýprepar.d te taie order. for munery stock, rereentlng 0one of the largeot nurarl ina tIie country. Joas liovez,, Luertyville. At hlm. of going te prose i.iux- PtiD£NT learas thi edîmtora of hie MRatenManafacturing Co. have agrood ou AtLY. Millen for trUafta. sud ho WMlie b elected te eue-h-offie. Tih uaius i§ lie, termrnat.'d nasoou a. poalible. .W. alao have t from reliable aatbority that thrPe varlouni concerne desîre tu purcliase the,. fatory sund equlpment, eitiier of wh'lt iili le of greater Tavs tuh the. village ttaiithe, oldcooinpany. One, a conipauy manuatuing bolleot sud wititci seents quit. likcly vjU ce&,sflly neugotiate the. deal, will ina tiat eveut, enlarge the. plant. 1Isa ample capital and im lu evèry way a ent desinahle Institution, n.whicii viii tumu thounaudi of dollars anuoniy wlll oeetainly prote for LIIi.rhyville a. in'~ty ertlutla.ofwhàt 'for a timn HoiiFoleti vu. ithe vic4M of a nunt regrehable acident Mouulag5-w iereby lie loat tir.. liger. ofhis %Ç bndt. tii., thaubadehaïf hie id*Inpg eilg1 savei, viletas baud ptbpr la badlyi tomaý. R. w;aafeeding a dom sltr.dder rand lu anme ianner lim lira@sacaaghh la the. macinry-J)r. Taylor dro.sed the. ieniher aud 1Mr. Follétt le gettiugi &long as nlcely &necanub. .xyected. M J(ii etylnjg of elai'gd vor doue inu crayon, colon, etc., frout Bv ingpture you1 bave. Alsol ail styles ô[ fra nien for amalaged voti at Alis.%'mPhoto studio. Tii. Americau Wirp Fonce Compauy whieh Mr. A. Cloetet end.avored fte lbat hLuhrtyville a ev gearsa go, sud llnally veut ho Whtlug, Indisna, Ilta 1h.early staitement shows .el. 'f ovwu ,o 8200for 190'I. '~afactery la op aurroandeti vti tac'at iitng thqt ho procure additional land for nécèssary additioons i. Impossible, sud nov tihe management conhemplanns r.- axovlng. ta Mondout. bslog athracted tli.mi by ,«ellnt shipplng faclltle Wb04'w6d.Lib*rtyville wouM have been 101rtaîef tale lndusthj' could have boesct'.d for our city. 1h in enhlmely Intispendet of the. Pagce Woveu Wlne FeMeo Comnpanly, sud a gro wng coucerit. Ot Kcno.h boy iwa. asrloua)ly hurt lut v.s& sud suotiier hod a uarrow spe, wvilla"bobbing." Thi. prati no pcsevbtnlenluLibert~Yvile ibabeen talaosdIn uthe. former eiy. jekipg of, tse xattar a Kanoaha ppir sya. *The ortier bulanagnout for 4b. police te arrat ail boys ioîînd catcbiang rides on ,aholi.." The.order va. gilten 'for tii. parpose 0.1pttecting tihs boys [rom IurTburoday two b"ls narrwly ucpdbeng crushéd un#y tins tannmer. of a. bob .loigh sud ong. thoatwua Quito beksy lmjur.. Thes"prectice ha. grovu s 00'vinhon M*,atwt aliter 1 naIhoiM ,tluati should 4AViMr vlth and It *111: A new htur of affaire developed wh.n after h.aulng argument by attorneys for sud agaluet Beceiver iller. pehition that Receiver Gridlev b. ordered te tua 0,cr te hlm 4 Miller) ,tii. persnal» 'proporty, book accontm, etc. 0f tii. W. T, Batont mnfacturiug Company, Judge Donnelly au ordered, sud Uonday, inng Mr. Gridb.e' vas relievot of hi.. ehsige, exept tie h. till boldo for theo bond holdors ail rond .ataite, buildings, etc. sud wlkh viii Le moid Jsnimary lés te satkafyti ei amof #10,0(g). Mfr. Miler le operatiug the. fscory with afsew mmn, ummpiy completlug unllnishd woik, sud jiWing orders on bandi. H. WHIi opersti int tilway until aach tut. as ciedihors meet (slter sale of the. reul. cnate) sa" elct a truetetu dispose of personal property for their hieeilt, wheu Mir. Miller «41ll um orer tpivi. îluem -to quch.ttruute. 0f thepemonal property tuni.d,pte ta, lioeiever Miller la about 0404< iu machiner, tool. u ad l.hed p'odnu't, 08000ilugood macunt. and 04000 lu doabtinl acounta. Uonvy luh. batik, prohably $1500 i.stil h.ld by Receiver Grldley uitil bille lie eoutracted and a* yuL unpaid are eanceilenE wblie u.wiî tum the bIalauce over to,1Mr. Mniller. AS TO KEICGANIZA Tif)N. It i.gshowun coîaclusively the' fantor?1 eau le madie to, Q", a.u utder Iteeiver Gridley's regiie .&U but a f.'w iîno bilAs bave been paid whwlî i. nontrncted; lie a.ded to steian mueh nauterial a%, lie shlpped luin uisîed produet aud e cuinulated over $80bsd. eodu te etatenuenta of atto1by for tiie bond boîtier. Thiai a gooti shoving and su arguaient in favor of reorganisatioia., 1h seenis too bail that becauce of ex. cesses iu uta iitcipieney the. buauem. uow well entaished, sud îusking touney, muest suifer total suffpengiou. but such seinme ii. euitable, audlu cotnas eneijo Uhbertyvili. willlIow n. uIndu.try which ha. added utaterially to he'r priplerty. $100 a day paid tW îaechsuk's wbo spont he greater part of it lu oua' village le going tu blie,ârloolv niiwkl,nd thatls tth. situation. CLOAKS Now is the 4 mto buyo et Mrs. Ptotlne's MM vd~ wIwýtYis WC.soit Msa= trn C~>ra~g . Jlsa, tnsformerm chia efflt*o. Tfll.Jus *bout double.»tii or 0t ot ob mopsy an ifl forC biglng hoir faery are nov bing eûithkbtd. Mr. l'loft enihi Piano .#*doI Itç xMpiii.it oequipumut or tinsdusi'*to1 toLÂbertyviile. 'Vire, odegfnig through ignition of w aoloinalde ft.Inlduuodby thie paintere ongapd i dSeoraitiug the.interior Of IW«. Quaye'a mevb~uc.on Mlwauke Ap.ue, iircstss<lthe, hotffl witb, dostyetion Wdd@y. Workmau 11mai17 pat oMt tii. Marne sh now, but »6t natif Iloo nl two rom@ wère badiy Prealoent tioodaow, oftie Northîthhore am O>épsay, whase plant le located at notta hote hoyae'uoin Waukegnn to Ulvini6, was luW towu Wedncsday ton- maibg wth loeal people and oficerm of tins vilageroWiri'. o advimibuity cf mnnmng a pipelie front Lake Bluff te franchise tO lay pipe@ akong vijlle streti. . Buw Amuli iujpreud with * Lhhrtypille aad 1ha. prospects of future growtii and oaid lie would bc hure Mon- day uigbt te, confer with the. village boutd, laconversation-viti a reporter for t snEPsxa>E!<'r M. {iodnow ex- phdam usdhwu@ iooklni More for the, hous ligting and fuel contracta titan shneetlitipg, tina while lie would, if dealred, eabait & bid for lightiug streota by gai,, a hi@e ompany did ini Lake Forest, thet would flot effeet hi& dete r- minationu o mn a pipe lune ho Liberty. ville, one'way or the other. Ufon leav- iug hehtook ocçason to âayhlebelleved if a franchise waa oecured hi.%oumpnsy wouWdwftiiout dôuht nakepreparationq te ruathtii pipe lilDe in queston to thle ýjuge Donneliy Oara O rldiey - o Turt over Poeonài Popthy AT BATON FACTOMY. Too busy to en = «e t1 -«et bargains wvo are alwayo affe!i When the tmos leiulmdW ie Clean tip oddig and ends,a&M yc w ili find at . that tiine thlup 710 vaut, aud theytll b. marked4 LIBERTY VILLE :-- ..- ILI Çira '25e Ciludren'.Dul olMta Cbudren'a Ail Wc& Single Mt....................... BOY.' liSe leece Lined littie Bbys' 50e Wodl Mx4 Sw.tem.................. 50e Aul WooiSklng Cp ......... ................1 <dda "ài Endu lu Dollat Waol Un erw............,.... Mb...' Kilt Cotton drat .... ...... .. minse.'75e Outlug Fianunel Nght (om .......... .. .%Oc and 7.5eMm'a snd Boy.' cap.,toel* ............ 1 or. Strlpe4 Fauel tte.;.............., . 2(k- Double Width nmete: .iust recived à blg lot of AilU otarancWp" &-bpi-, 1 %and 1% yard lengtha; lutt tbing »rMnoe kuithw penivê ruga; regniar ptioeflc tg d8&p- ar ad. 1% yard iengt4 Mr-3%ye ...u. ut ,lnwi*w Libertyville - -lu Winter.Se If you vaut a WIntge, Bt cortaly do or wIl-,comi lu -superior lnue of nnplos "d'go 1 guarantèe pefeet fit and ' Libertyville - - n - - TrraveI ii UEpensïve; TaIk is heap. Star t , thome;- lot youi. ' You W b h . I M ti ewtireo: oowzty a»d 1h.lu with oneof OurW Were, Oro '-DARBV BROS-. JEWELEUR c5%t ( ir Lineof !WirjerQoods i Complète Libertyvilte; Illinois j- Imm ti