CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Jan 1904, p. 5

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Ilmha ratis.r bave a fool toL than to make me oa 111011 *1 i sapr.leetion-4tht suýd oftut il eûnasità of matInal aIme- mhlug th coi, sudoccasio- ý)* 9g am belie p cap se. "eb- t tb ob. IsavWO teI I et th garinô uncvfea .but tlvays 1« semaine oait lit fael. lt.-'Ilittle a lvet tut ser gof te herii, ilc«oista ot eàanit'ete«. oewtaiiy ffllulae, altho«* àita*lm on ~spw pp«a1W.e t a~et op- Xee*~. il l wWh- ~0ms(amy par t M00Ie sr mitte b os isteaasthe 0f ~ au& ele t<etnIFor ldoaWesuen. Msi e hsW-aissBIY-U pet t l ~4~o-WU7t4UUOO8part Vee.. strahîIauuare mot a hetveu thoubalai; s»--bvat Os sgo ln0stnel- Conldered- «Mh. thesetva parta couI- se boeMypart or the kernel. hIle.ý SturasyPat-TisPat s ltb. Mrwa n ut thlb. brsul fls grain. sud sla@1tn«iser sut. elheSe o evartIbm ip sud 'kem'el. Petrconvenlrne bi e i l aled vitle aMatch, ai- W irtaoWtpuestmI, la.vOmo thle lv. p*bestvh v. eil lIstaissud hpstarcit.,. tbe part et uni.kerme tovard "Oumdes t lth*om wu ewstv 'vlst -liv. IIruaiU a0" or tva vI oews, e t»at M*hpt --0p lewfr *0e lt t tb'la 0-Ou.W"i suraho0" ha 4et aIlerea gh otaod sept' aadrive. Wbt odasess4 tel" ocichaobu. eto- et avs3 seW at h aea hie, remIt etpbmtlasthé - r ina tia meus land yul ler -rnea auraa*ei4 'vbi, aue 0E drY usa- sosw ud mn ittd byfee.Wth bi, tlcé.. sa siet treem i h.tarm- et vas dulysal We oé~ug hieland. Mal gt lité.10% e ir borns. b-1 us - trmgasled tld b4e:la ndu of dolaIs tb% o sa iment boeleTihe Uorts.grut ad thse machiefeud 1054.1Mha b=Ietle Issu.L -1thu. l «tu0 aM d euM .the feMer. A te*su&gfluettamiild tbirai Iomlim t. eu. adsityý ý penda, sud Ochos telovd theis' ex- ample, Raids ts e dot <h. land- mealiigoMS eundt ft, on tise riItgrsss Ill edOIitherttogue 10, la simp»etrous <h pairie àra WIt" at tatervalesvept oVer the plan. C(remedtn vie bulit. aud bore ilq rnittipliL rou amal hbegin- minas le dg"ryquieki, homene o f Ite iSaRIctg iuto"WrIes hfel. nale. Mgark th. rmait: LaislsvItibt erp MMidundr nuosIge t fecIio a f ev years bm* fer' $4 t.$5Ppet acre. vibli lte judgasut Sditot isuslly te oniy blditerare seity sougbt afier at $15 t $2 pertemanditcatented farmera are reaahlrg out afler adjololug quar- lotsev«lyvhen."-Dsktota lFarmner. A Vainable D"sewýr»y Thte WlmconauagW5icnllnalexpert- met statin mba toverid te valus hie tact that ceea. etoed lu Aun tux pheto or loy température Ostalusaa fat lkmshrukS.ti5D i tte ee curef li Ja er' attimpophele. The lcavey jeItise codtari. 87, Ils applicatielt Isanufttlrs any put ibeir pràdut* tittagitheb.proeou o0ft rpentlhg snd aunlutn s far iulm u Y hri nkqo thssu viei thie arbiMtri alioapiete las ,"o. Ag s rgit oet tie dtecaveny c-Mi slarago pinces areanw conaitaued lu connectlan vtth ceteefaclaales ltait bthe tempertusts-eau ha ealY gavemuef. sud li t lisa. tW cbeae v ili b.aened. 1lJndorgrond lstorage places can ho built et coupautively swall expase taiusd lu a bulletinipet iscucby ts, Ulvrssiiutiéi sfa taton- . Onu lv. oreuise luglini hene' aeovlupot l largLe quaotie, anoith OUa cafl1s0918hsIgIs ary aeas- _Tible emeis»e uutite cfAnoau su1te. are apptt. Great UscRb la 115 Viited l@Utes, for lIt he es thn.pteporad la coave nien t a*bd, treisitpabalh. Géita*e n sd Slescheseff-LiUlbls- <Or $, 04tef-are Imtsted be. tbottgh 1lesereeéBilY t8 itan thors. Tha Asuoreu madie NeOftelia tai le a njtisfctory product 'atI J sutasi u large qusuttles. As4 ta ala1 alees. lite' an. made vitbOltt i7 pretepes 0f otuo«Jenut viseree liera la a conadrable Itailan qiséter thQhogh lilm#itoauaare ntUalikdiFy lte, Itiathesaselves,anud cbete ItJ- l4at qO"are iltsrlted lf greal puas.,L MEy elpmte elea otanpile Ilg Un- jts tihe suM i ugep lieu ve ma"u pile mee 1gb. .The flraqt Leur lu lum.- lig kOp lIeu aon.eiigIt oly. By pli- titg up tpo swaaftier vheY lu Off it a *dl4 short bddod 4ébs, ila.ttaver tout hlock8 bibJ2!pu3 In ail th$* alidaafier hlita0eo -vpil ahL t By go dolaS 1#ffl ùlè tyexltue shêdl Conter 1.Cok o-tie plie for 1theft bloa, tMpr gttttu an"eves tes atU'ê tpIsrty qf ltee irit?f- e ure imtIl it lb b tiee suooho» OVsieh. Il ab" litale ai . laai- tm s thaItb" -MON Io t- Indu Z15004 . lte édMë uUi xyh a nsrétotIO olu he u dl. bI5Oh5.butt if lb.ebldrw deu ~ a imt tot la lae- a. rester etumafit uplu WiSsta n h abindela tebru dWa5'M lsntmd out u the foilvlag me ïïýle-itu bo erlula oud- Uttu tut e ot o lb a mfs- ta tIs .ernumitda grenitraion fr goo tests lavbeau oualdeeed a er sutupnolt .1 otu bf cilrens lextrët grm tepr adthof, <004 suda tmg oc brea ud vagtiuChalse. vains et lm tatrk lli ho snlia u9ce u gieU*u ri rathe th l 6reu Tohe %misas tiie roule Iflgood sad leio1 -The 'vlage Tho by Ur.iatk asé u.easi eaal ra ov1 ataetio iaforto odl bavelit onshwe wbte wtferl anoqd ast oif <0e04 itoad arasîLa ré. ainer of th xetIon. ThSde *In puts alite t lie lch. lnxur 0f IIWWtonuls a use plesutat the "1tlm « h taer.ileha euedn ab4 h. t i sre au tbey go tittaulU thc'uudot at. me I11111sdsovu. te thoirhgpie laThe bsclîooihonoes I ant -oeimo v a rfrun eil gradoa . e*n eaged soiodrud e .tjurate Dot dSe ut ta Imn ae lcuxutry otachooamuais hpilpude 15Sinr pla ich lhldre ouiasréfet pirata subot villdrenoas tveil bo tbud e t tbhs ql to vtotheaMOuutton tuoo r e bacomlng s, ezmeand problen lt . t#ngo by sud ptue rawl iaedt. 1 sri.omrefor mclbwy stla.Whés Dow r ligUa 3ee'eet ut Dur vuoefl achoole have an ave--tuIaine atedantrya if te Iane lidreSuk sahehlag sbaîald &ntu vaute. an wiii5tu ot randurel taull a ua mpovt ra1c. t a sehoo prBlem voud ut onlelalai- biel- o yadte ua itrcéie «'Wlth the puoment condition -f cons- lt rnde te transportatioi or te chu-. uanta cetral. Weiliequipîued echool la praattcaliy Impossible dlfi'tn mot or ths year. Ilood rond@ vanid rsmove a aieu.obtacle te tItis maut Important stop t«ord la ta ImWoveisat aontu oppoumbeIool.Tme boys analgirls of thes fflatry vîit ancaccrd desend spê-ppds hett lhsy w0.71suirsabool ptlWtlam equallises aoft tiîtbrolt- e. mu i aste", tu villMAge i ty." on cftlite taot tlWstgevideuCce of the clirliratioh reacIpd by Routa la the temabue of bar <seat lwhvays, saja lise Piladeip hl* Ltdirer. Ttla esid that 30,00 nibesor afroudvas veto hbuit by the Rlomano, structurea vici t uliaitdecay amathe euvy of- the modern rond buliders. It la a s'a- decliait on thea Amerlcan tnaule.that if th l aidi ates, vbtch. bava 'een or- ganisaitcamutuuitlispfon mèreté an tw ",ntouruiewj thora are Ibausainitsof W"«.e<of ronds tbat-are practlis lnt -ut itesr Condition nov wthai tliey vota lu the aIaiya.In cuasme aates tiera are thlonsaitscof mil" ofiroad- vay aiantalneil 'lu no beltt ashblon thina they velu aielte b Kgottugo he leit enatury ltsvlqe, cOeolence andt plea"ure e clt od s a24admit' ted. .Tt7Iirv sacl cý1ioll la the aiuag'uaid udInvite r@eiit ~th ar .. _- tiost baid ta t. L 14binem wvote dis playoden te Wang et lie Cooavoition bal porrslnt eunumtinl: --Gonon od» are noeeary fer rural umon dehvery." '"Zouqtlovawn .toutt rpr higrfo1tb it- 1StetyD' oi bI; . a., ,*ong duo et thet lu.ilsaur aioet. whlcilrevesi hua'Ier 09f1410 Thoy show t* U hra t *.stats iim, fss<bd8 Tber vaine la* IÏÜMd at OOnL' tii. total u Dow ln lte tlte statue. Thstw more mUlets t.t hape b sig< mle state tq AerinscevW ascieedlu ft D r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l r M u f t . " t 0 t e s t om u e l eouuderalon ias, i nie ctatsu abllty. il Is ie.s ae yfou, te stathaMuoà te lusoe uera are ns&M Otr.mules l. the t-&tre e oid wuldo- eoiaberam a olLtXt strvengw. u "Mule bteesd. ng4fMlealounltae incrasta sd wut.. 1 tule. The mule les a podiv A good team ab", .~bring sau .'s S00. tMules do ot vary ho . e n. vtdely as bares. A grsak»M ntlsgC lp breed-, lus mules lua t t require snch lit- tic eare sud cI<Ulvely samait feed- ln.A mule cà idiontia ua mli- et amount of f.'ln a hanse, sud It dae nsi cet=wb~s ucb differenoe what the fard DL. , -rbe ctimate ý5ivd*ed. pnitttng the ntlier or*maies Lna mîsouri nt 300.- 1.10and ttuett, et $21.000000, la, of course. encou0p4g. b ut i predkIt s sliti <rester iiuc5e vîitu nthe, nazI tew yearm." . Tbere li reauuoêtebelieve Ibat the number or cattis eeemilly heef cet- tie, bas aiga ioc*td ta a remarkable pitant. Tbeas ho 'Iou a vary great Improvemnet a uun ily. Te tsrm- ers are itedia Ltter filock of aUikndu. I lt ui trêmeîy dlfftcult ta, aecure accdat ~mates on Itogs, but lit Ia safe 10 chat ,tIere bau beau a g<tst lu£rd~ liât sOa 5*àm6.. A cross belveeu a B«««fed sud s jersey aigb. pfaduce *p ansimal. but the chancesarc the t.product would ho vety 1111e seéORMt for ather millcing or beetmakin# Oopo0m. Here- fords are <ccd for oWtchih and .er soya are poid for anotbM, dt.tietoa breeds de not fori a uevge«r. FOR TUE. ,lit bas heeu a"mat«. « oitly egbb- @eau utotba a or lmnce U#Mfa began la ravoluttoulze ltse ht g ebv aa l u aur part. orthebisasate 't~ier vest." write. -4tba HaaaI 3el4ivue, Kan., lu lb. Deuver Field àý -t'arm. "'Be- forseIt l ime one Looled! St the Idea of fe"2ag grav it vle. tM»h leuapIge, aifalfa arydnriug taW *inter utuhs. .New tht e i lae'uséd tetisa exclusiou of corn. Onure»"s ed dom n1falfa are tiaig lillers of fromflt qeeata elgisI pigi «saab.uaithîe jot#paters are do- veloplng lute boartien bf»tItan tbey' voaiutd be-hai tbey be'slsed an corn tutste ltaa". 17latftie, v have dlseveeit 0ies bet mare mil sud thus hlpue biter ltait y blen corn la ueed Orr'he OUId avina. Evary farâ out aur i-mtnov Las tronu thli'ty to forty acres ot,îrlfa. au ano lit vs are grovlng aitU sorts of lg cr055. We eau cotie* ith thte corn Wat lit grvtulg anad bgtaulug arue and jlve them s big sintIu ta pare." Tht vains of veê screeulug5 la bm~lùsda"mtood iîy leisng Inuenota of j&t oxperimeut aitgos lhave doua vllb Il. lu te Ibe >i"ueaxla'rimint statiou, wliiîre sasua' eot>kasllte Values vero ssertataued.ilbivas msis il'utîn '~tat ocreenijuga werq> nost valu- a fori'ié flng t 1;4iaaiç , lcbnriey pN4vOi lb. umot t]! tUil' forwvilLers. tns eprimieiit. moîte does flot give eunîtslve ittoof "f 1 , velue of auj ration.. Wlurce onaita pda-etd il i lietisaeitulversitl grain lton lun fatteai- lui seep or lambs. :- - tsluncm top Fsd. TiuMupa, tarratsanad pîtataaa cotain .las laaîu et voiutfe*r. sud, tboigbu -4 *- ra butiky. yet tLe ncttiiw pnot=othe snllp.Biftter takeu -$'u anilsli le suail. 0ouualulngsucb & larill qusàtIty ouit elr.tey are sud Svequai tla esi' - hg. for' gultie, tbaifji ensilage ls 'ohepe.'laaet Wbea î4leed or cooked, tbai e re%é ean lie tt% làsconnectiosa -*b rouad inetalus ê re profit Inta n7Obthe u an sd theY ýeAa &tetsvalu e .gan bi stis81g -igesilu w eplng lte Uffl teir d ly'Thore t la ige Sgsase fo . M, sibl ef N-vs t iqeVuaOiaa hw TW lbut Eouwor t<W$ytàht tý b C. L*010- PI& tut It vas an oxpeimeut s&M '0 u v e te i n i b ëd b re k - M t h ff t a il rig t I. it o g . DM . te. ' raLIW* forhé IL ao wIstb bvaabig." #Kst *, and sud v granted .uw Àeuittsen vmi p Et1he'Tho ruit 'us thRt asud iriubbed onttsomber shotanut Xt McBoév W5à ttdy te startifor bagaousa atovel vIsa hs happeusi t otie ho -Wgos uaëdIl ha o iUWt le 111Db &bout stereit, He 1evltat stop M-100-3er smod' s amiter- ut m la m nsmoviere. but vbetleg Imm* «K lu the begniag or lte sud b e eu '*or vhat uonT'ho bltutir mot rseenier. The oulîr vay vwu t *'quelsi- ~ktairecances, ad h. Otgot ev l 61ÎWte se s tistheCook là nOv p;xmd peper sud poured hallitliscou- pa*tag Up ber *hWt asdwyul b. 8vue tente lute lh. tub. lu ait<a.heU~1t'u.gotsois ce 'ioteevas a pasly but ot upwnut te do the vashiagf r#amate teotiset feeling tttbe trteas o eitiuusd yod tuit wa«,< e Mv'sbt» - to eonte-sud -rnan u fsd,60an& r 'And lisod-e gimgta quit vtth- Ing te bis bst"olIef. haohait bit te. eut au haSts olle»? Thos le suather naiu lte Itad., Ifrs.m Bavlerba.d apauftt0 e »Wvay et mnamgimUajet hIAf an oue onld bave Ouu bhit tbiaga. Tour 01114 hbett5d, autocratie ltse vmnitlu an bout, as he b.d dis, vsye have chfilied the pour girl@ hetrt coverci cht aboutttorrabs sud a sud dri?.. b, er odesperablon. TIetsfop vote eugh for aveu saso t or dwonei. are aine-ot of ten chat dhe' taItleclotb. but tesminutes aflter ber sant oufte jump lotothe river." gtnt cmilite vas hock agale teaMy: ',Tise chantese are tItatl ber mother le "Tan muet bave been puttlug 'set- vety Ill aud miebas been sent for" sald usai la the valet. Everthlng thora mms. Bovacr. . Tite la no spectaien viii b. roila efore Yeu <et thiOugh. about it, sud ucittar beabcste outinti y, strsbut you -hava used Iluât afi of my vaya. You havaeherd iter enougit for forly wvaigsr' slugiugevary cveniug eud spofa "Wolaamu. viiiyen let me-*icue ' .b. ber coUmint a" St sd 04oirite. Will shouteal lu reply as ho heu Dup a pli' you Mo up a voman te vaahr lovasse by une eud "Wheu I doS't "lira. iiovscrt ltoe la sometial knov boy 10 de s a àil mli vaeu O vroug about titis hwoe--aomashlng rail- ea apply le the courts te have a lcaliy vroug. Wb.u s peur. bardwork- guardisu appointefi for me. Of Course lut girl lhaves un ait uofurem'ursn;-Iput tareh lunlte vater. Ton dou't lice aud probabîr carnles a, plece af supposé t1aam tool euough te aprIakIeI clothasîlue vih ber vitIt vhlch te anig ilover thbahok yard, do yout" .1 hersailit i l my duty ais the tespoi- -But yon are vaubtug flanuees vtit blhie eloo0k tuta thlugs.' lte alLer tIluas!" At Ibatiuomenut "lb. poor, hardvork- "0f course 1 aux, sud 1 kuov vitat log girl"' cama dovu vitIt ber buniuu arut about. Do't yon dare te disatt sud said te tir. Bavaer: me0 ugutu or l'Il abuck thet wb»Ie Wmsh- 1"tm casrry. maam, as jYt6 are anc Of lug down teé reliai' tsIr" tise beat n-amen 1 aven vonked for, but At the end of suother half bout Mur. yen kuon o lb la. If moblier <etc Bovuer hbofiflisbefi. le bad't-,bo botter MI come bWck tajoli." qulte anuasd s aialldolug Wbat tirs. Bovier couidn't ri-preca a amIbe a waabervoauau ud vaut at Ila5t set. but ha vas net the man ta takea 5 hrough lte second ltud tien ivtsh' hock @est. cd tli am ounfi lu thae tia"51Put "An 1 salit."ha bs orved, lthora la chen tbraui te vrluget. Ail at pila. sometîniradtleli vwrong bers, sud Il b.csiticod "ehstve bolier, andt foc a US STARTED TO HANG OUT TUE- Cwrnn.1 la my duty to luveatigate. i1i&hallt moment bis heat hast tc"ntcomel. muid up a wasberwoma ." . The Id"i ftlued sertis hIM that it w»s ",Tben there wilb.ho g w-ashlng soimehow eanacted .wltb wsoblng but don.." .- :attet a bit bis tac ise ewn d le gel -,on the contrary, 'thoa 1 b.I is bredth.8gaID. Wht the boýUs a simîl do it myseit."- 'und for, aubho sudO4ui remembori& "-Yau-yoU viii washr as wn s it valt te tbàiw out ,,, iilwamb. Moner tItau jet au frozeu pipes ln hlb ylftat. 1$?. Beet outsider know tbat you bave driven a was n0 lWatway uam HavlIng doue beartbrokefl girl to ber grave 1 vili do thO Wamhnli.h tmoi"te bang out the wasbIug, anld do lt "ILl.1 eau take te clotbiu. iiarohaadod sud vitit bts a day tram the oditre us weit asuflot, shirt sleeves rolied up, be bad buma sund 1 waut ta get aui nsgbt mb t tis bis firet sheatuth boe no te ir. houseworkl '4 , sstarted up.' Ten minutes later Mir. Bowset'ýbsd That ilicet vas the most vondertul cbanged hise lotLeil and vas rendy fur iglit aver seeu plas"ta a cothesllas. business. île ordered tirs. Itowser ta Il vus blue and white, bua snd gray. romain away trc;i the kitcbeu. sud bis Ue and saveril ollier callt, ud'ev- first movs vas te draw one of the latin. ery womaîl ou the block bsd ber beed dry tubs full of bot water and dram ont of a back wtudow tealook at It snd ail the clotlies luto 11. lu a diii way hoie Iter and clap lier bande. Boys yelled haid beard -ot' :wasbiug compoui, anud aud clmbed Up oni lbe fencs, sud dfgs atter ai brief hilnt lie got hlid of e box. liowled 'and cals lied as front a pestU. It vas iabeled *Baking Powder" plain lance. Mr. Boaser bLid,& clotiteupln euough bWI4t itlooced lkes ashiug soda batwec ie tsteerli sud a toweila inai ta hlm, and la It veut ta muke the b'aud for live minutes, and tietahe ciothes waab casier. aPPieusa vas tua muelà for bina. He Iu a dim i way ho had aise heard of selzed tlie basket of clqtbes sud wuikod blug. He iud uo- daubt t;It Ltought Imm îLte kitceon luit au s.m Bower te go la on top of te hakîug powder appeared. and that lb oughtlto be uaed ln iberal- "tiad*ui, perbape you can tell me qusutitea, sud ha veut sbeiid. Wheu vbat titsu meanir' ho hatly dotnded.- flaunels sud'eottausud scas and blu- '*Hurrah for thie 'ed,, white snd Iu,ý sud Iakiitg powder bail becu veil biaer' yolled, throe or tour bols in etirred up together Bir Baveer got ont chorus frou tbq *Ills e. Ite washboard. aud- bis rub-a-dub-dub "lt insae" nid Ma. Bowner au the vas heard la the slttlng rom abova. atrogglid, vti ber emotian..-il measa "*Notblug bard about tbua," hle uusad chat you'v--youlve- sa bc Save a shoot three or fourrube "l'te wtat' sud theu floppad it over luta anotitet "You've made a leugbit5ock of tub to ho rlnstd inter on. '"Auj wom. youeif. 1I lid joeuflot tevasit sud au vho vouid b. ail day dolug chia Ibut jon knew nolblnig about il, but vaut vauid impiy lent haif ber lime ,Jeul ouid"l- ar., "f- wouid persigt. Yeu, maditm, 1 At chat moment Mrs. Bowser iooked peralated, aud 1 vasbec6.'and vo have la en hm. sud aftar one sight ofet he lever lbed suai a wsshing dons Mme elotit1g lu lh. tub site exelaimed: vs vere married, sud-aud-- "Good gracions, but you are goiug te And tMr. Boveer ltted -up the.bon- dyseeirthti)g bluet 1- knew the %ot et daiubp, lotb.s-bitklng poviter eloches wauld b.ospoled Il jau tooed lotitoa-'uiiemotied the Sant. ongi .!th thomn, sud 00w"- thet foot vith a "bail, aud thon et~l~ -And nov. hladain Boveor," ho ln. off upetal v illa the fellap etf * mm ternupled, *'yu retire -sud.veeme vho'badn't bheIn <iraS. s ait s~o to 1a>nios. 1 am dolixic hias inf, sud 1Ises wvita . ouid de tu lt eâisuu amn aoclally rcgotsltferfaail dam- lUne. sud de ho uansd choeet bh au. Whou 1 am throuàh 1,vtI» où ter cud be could t oêP ebis bfu te h :~*~OD oittcsw." oag f lth*thheae 4bê' y vptlà 'bliluS oder ueP 1flu: itesame gjem"eîr q la matryhn it liM t. lIe twr Buet atler 'vbage te kesp Mirnyiqffl 4>0 v4m Ou u 41 vo bail6 iouiwawm 1 vase tu te h* tit, vic. bet-**L t, The. shock rame we " -Wbat w va li tau girl. "Dldut t bebavet au l t*bua ho carrie4 bs e0 ecale pua. TMut pi tlie ilmit..Tire cw " one really aUiywivay rjr utoey. sud Ibai amnd lom ase uis til tuat vbo b. satti dit op eaanis bh Pe btis. *et coure. 1 lIsomesttfatbeop have a buaounhe i tet rffl a 1 5 iw ne a Ibig, atrappiop tW appoeeulffl a roSi dalnty tie pis. tm asu aremud fot a i me. lu tact. tham amont 0m ie paulans appe4lwugIt -"ludeed.,we csaa meula rsply. 'hope troaurapockets o "Riverahee ous butyen a doUito *W pi. reffl'1l t5u héti vithout tu : UBtlIla t liét$ taxe Yenu a uontIpI à tv e*U>Gaoi l Wb*" i. 1 11w leauing - ng havrid > Asmuaes li Tht <9«4 classao* lbi ceil. "w» are pou bor* 1 "Tqe hai Tee hbAdI mWgit knsýv Ils d40 v lteOr*l sa Ahome, y-imo f lug Ati lit a 515« M la ru atunint M elo A *" sn't no, bafore flV4 WIfe-lto, l. van t. 1 married yos heid utY t ay MWini sud 1>14I I couidn't hall I'lw » ose V»es'w ".imprcslouialas wsl ln Iheir vley of. lii "TYes. anseM, It g0 metalisiAsd pbYllit4i ' thev gelt ta lMPM ý Sagie. Baal momo 1 : . 1 q

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