)r I1~sr WeU Kuom umtmNi"Mdp Au , vgjthe $"te V= Mru A U PMeh U La *p kr 3ew. Tint indlteuy cf Frank 0. .owtun fer the Eeptbrin nemineition for Gêvermsret 0f Iowlnois-.-etng wftli aple*Mdtieacoargumua.nu air aides, lie la regartieti liymambiglitu auther- ~yas u Mnea cnte iandstpomacas I*euts et stiengllithal vouldt make in a troui coadhtste betoue lie peo- Vie if pîsed *1 tii. isitiet h. ilote t«eý ,ahaqwgaaa tn4eptamid ia('holsi-; s deep Ihinker, mnt o mn 0fprai-el"leus eh.le poli verse tula 10v. ptibia the conftience muid re- spet o the iblest toviers lu chi- r': » cb l el ikuovu in the blmnîca verld nnd bas 4hacti uîue4îexperi- Iaffbuiness menso e tq tel lie la velilve-eti ls agriculture anti lek rasahîg andi 0ins anti oppurtes one of Îflatit- anti beslt eltitpletistock farm0n thu îlate. loaeleuu Ogle epuinby. Ne la a tavye u Anies smas asti former and li no> 50<5e p iti- clan,.Hla s ee-'r b-luI office lit hls utc; lhas aever betongeti tu ani fac- tion; boa neyer giempte oti tennispa- lote a primai-y er a conîvention. andîl I Pmslnateti aud elect'd gut-ruor be mli le the govei-sor oethîe %mmlt' p#o- pie sud ViliI.trent ami i t-ionstai-t>' end give tu lie smite anliouiê's. ceu- nosuteoi anti buloffl-tike ndirinislrs- Opffl CaMWa5 UBl icsgr4.. - - Frank 0. 1-ovips bagou -hiiapeik- tua ciàm#*!iiM a.-CIieM, -Mostay h eveuing, .Ianutery M. us inehépreseuco et a LAMEgo audience lunte Anti- t ortum. Withi lie mere-ury-nai h.b- loevrmitiandtihie snotv Imultujr au i vll h Iiplases thb. at-srcfthies. Vie bravethle *alors, t vas a bat nIglil fer a polilicel meeting. la spite of Ibi the audience tint grteetid * Colonel Iovten flilothelinmain h1e0. IWslcea>' anti Oxef the plent hl anti about haittof tie gallîeiy. Pi-oh- -- abI>' 4,000 peoreis velu luthe Aqdlt t~- - ortumti e olnei iLevtin ceule os lie stfig lu fi-netuhe0flloeret seel curlats. It vas a tieuenstrmtttno astI- - . -ence, toi). Il cheeradtheti. peakeri gonemvonat> sd gave the cantidte tor llov*a'lt n ovation. TIi. oui>' per- * Op* on the sage were colonel Loy- -'7 dos, K. 74. Lantis, Vlue>' W. 'oter. and J. H. Defrea. Mr. Lintiua cjet theetlit ate otlu'm anti cota: "If h mon lu the Antiltorlui lever bas -maituphislm mmd imI e proposes 1teliead.off lia Lovden eau- h- dOsae>' lisaesding thie isemeur>do>*'s, t" i. uit apeIre i - otion uheve. (Latiabter anti applatise.) *- "Iis uueetAn lisebeen clletlnnthue leetfflt f a canidtehebo suliscribes 10 lie doctrine Ibat iBepfbuciin votera sboniti nais. deegaet itepublcan * enventions. (Applaffse.) "Hle tieesn'h cone ho yoîu nm n an- didate or a57 faction or et auy îpar- t ticular Intst inluthe-party ' lie ina *- matie bis appeal le ie aok nnd file Of RePublcin note-s in, Illinois tnp- plauft) vithOtut regard te prenloos illgumente or paît tîctiensAlaffilia- lions n h *Tha eoPPleofet gb eunI>' havete.. apesuietite liaI apppe3. 4Appause).i L i*t aauutiujlue 8huhlic 'Phi.i O b leaiioilaiu. sm Ulgutte=% bas maode cuin, I Md wmin te oina puer.Yéend~ tuextn Wwcl vie Oeu happen, asti I irw aat te gb ouomeut nIait, for twa sâ litb els. b.dbai ven taken OU. tebaga allietraue i ack YiA -ý "W. a au Oxtno@Wtertunate la iaving viti sfeuit Ateo eidev«er thbet. n uslla adlllgubwhetieeo f dnbvlsi gcole, ita a-Publia: vs>' le lMe public valEur. et thua £Mn aet Pusurs in prosastina lab egabe VeIne> W. toilert et Evant 1 W"51or aV Suis.. Uri. let«er, - lb. prositilloflem et the zcwtian meeting, la one et lia hast isovu. b»L,,ual e mes luCot coluat>c He. ia a nas cf bihlasa nover ans Omeie bolier or an es imokr, ha severiahauatelle a dequ", Intel t la national anti ate affIdI asnd casi lvaya b. mllPdupon te tivour ruaia tf vitIknevs lntegriy ssnabns- Ineise ibilit>' for litais offies. lHe *a a potenifri-en Ot e I lte Piealdmlt NeKtue>' and iorved as sematant Ineosu" rerofthe Reputlies n National caincitte anti, wasxeiainu of due natioel aîtinoi-y COlMItle eofthNe .ational CoMiltte,.ý:.. Atter briefi relewing -theo tnmr- tat eventa ln connertten viti h . i pubican admiistraltoi turing lie1 paItfour yen-s, Mv, Feeter «enîti1 ,-Tis great Meeting toniglit mans9 tuAt lie etliesao f Illinois In Uas inIahflg have aisembiet ta met lier. lias candIdate for theblli officeof tbei. .lier vb. lit sud proper linU te ese-1 pi-st for suach grant honore stall seek1 fer "ecb opportuiti lu neel and 1 khsov the etectrate ofthtei altae, a1 :Mt sigulari>' biosactilunci ciy net-1 urai- mrei- .and ose tîjat iy vlrtue et the at-ls et Provlteuh-o anti hi hie aid et lier gi-cal ouucatlenat làItiIU- floua iis glremd>' bocome the Buptre ilteet tlebleu-I of tbec cotinent. lHe -Ihat venta aspire teaic gonrm&iîp *0111<1lha singularii equIppeti fer »eh "seie; s judasuent liaI abouta »« ol i. aipeti b>'preindie or sahi-fif anti vi siiaitlieW equutî ta mai emesr- »eIclea. No smans boulti ha electeti te ftha govorsdsilp outhie SOleofet11l gile a bo la net iftting candidate fthe l igiet offire lu the UlVe «In aitioiin taeMisîlPultie meeting1 anti diseussiona. tint gi-catoit i.th-lie pros, au cabhaof aignai servicetia*V-4 ins te the peoiple te ii tc ts ling1 tha qualities -antichaiacesof can- didates, ant itle semelimesIl uMAY bave ibu«dse l hiodk% ln permit-1 ling prelutilc-canti narow fines te cieuti anti obscure Il, till ute are nov tiepmdiut ttnv iiicontinue teatbe for Our tliberty upon lb. libet oethle ose paitici of tliat frpeedo.hicb muM aI ai-oiîe nt the botte.a ot lb. fresolt et tiie peopble of a effutlie, tue freedoin cf the prexos_ -Il ta veil tàt ounr rî-einmittitvac lu trit places saolîtpees th-s personsltice vl'-liroproset la fart ber 1leoi1 Auerleanu (-tzenslulP; bieh- #alboivehansl tbolli the minor andt Major t&of e lfo. Anti nov b tec- it taeFmet Mf an>'uowletige sud irsu eonvict"tio laI S ne ecapablte f-lic adidnstrationl of aIlli e fuanofe Ibia hlgh offie. MUr. FranIý O.Lovden la pr-emincuntît' Ittîcc --lnah anoilt' InterviewV vlhbl'lm teuchîlna bis eantildacyt' iduta t Iti h voulut m4opt snob acieupalan as venid brng hlm lu direct contact vîhlithie people andtireur piesentu- -Imm .tuât 1 t-si beIWveli h, onul lie closoit to bi ltactee Ofservice te Vitel lb o boitorabît' ipires. <Ap1 Plonge.) M&V. utilis ouàevdui. "ln My vert' reelît viel te New Yrk Cty I hauàthbbcPl-sunre le nuit su- cther lova artirmrabo>, teavWho- Ur Lovdes vas veli kuovu. 'Ible Mas jeg nov lb. pallier of PtYinOutli Churcli. Brooeklyn., aunt ton yl ili Mcvtint libé ls the 1ev. NovelIl Dviit His.ig temerti ot CîlefigO. I have-scoin- inanication ftram hlm referrina te Ur. Lovtien viielII l have lie pteaî- sure te ent te yen ln particutar. antid 1 iuse have Ilie pleasure et communi- cathug ils contentasl o. Lovdéin fer lte it limte. 1.1 Pluse-. "Dr-. lillis any8: -The ibm>' of Cil- eao anti Illinis ta the sboi-y of self- mate mes vbo have acilenet pace anti houer anti conquereti succesa for thesslves It forlherlng tic Iteresta of tler culy anuit ate.. Round iii round lic cUisbis tie laddtt.of et uccea an asti cti nilie *iftes ilsbandtalea Dcv round bia auget- atî, ant idl ee oi- hianti ebuff of trcUM@aonc b. blds on'untillho rencliesthie top- Mont round. IW'leîeu n pek et MIr. Lowdena coandidiyfoi- the govomnor- lip oethIe Sîte et Illinois, 1 recui hIe tepa it whuch Ibis t'ong min bas riscS tae epint viiere lts en- dtacy beconies naurel Xasti lela What steps are liee? A hb>' vialett hlm fther's taris; a joihwbalul-gieu bis amp on vnter eveuinga ttai-oit hie books; al tud«it of tie locture balleanasti ibiao-utese l ot unnsO s117 of Iowa; CA>'o=Ë "-bht' ui té-e iti 1110reâ geei I ies t-' u h-nt lb. ioj g aa>ptfn ave coine a ste l CI>te"aul= At. Ititu amentawhi. SU d .V tio" ttusgreat plaee. 1 WHII = leaa 701 longer, but wIllturo- tr0uI l .losephili. lie Frs a Mr. vleftes. vWhofoloeetiMr. FOR- tçr m a nOltf ho leautlugattorneys of *6 Co* mcoatirbar, a r.sh4et cf;t IM arn~l l the lyrstty et Ccei- oMaBtl.ent. endi présient,«etbne Ward Rfflbgeàan club. lir. D~nsle heither an oMeie boîtier uer *0gW seekulr. but la Interesteti la *O4 pYovemDeIt tti, etti, tate anti utha Re kfov ]gr. lýovtien as a9 IP n!!itibal1Css ma mul s is ~u %gresesteti becufsratae iflà -i- F«r v"Oàting- 1 , Imwaulm ont;1Qetmachine politlcsm of' [zk coutyfavor hfie Domination, tue- eifai i. lteroc$ knovs i-. Lovdon etsa ln no va>'lb. lasstet a maciine '>u$tkïiga novr lie controlicti ly mut' Micicaor élouent la the Parti. lie laisîbo support of business sues. pro- <eo~u4~,iru-politiciense, briug , stbdiIn fotctmen in ail Walisa et tifé. m . fDefrees oke ns tolows: 6<'M. Ciairmmn. Ladies antiC' cllét- i n~As I vas goinaluose te-ni81 I vwa aiketi If I poulti@al àîfs* 'i'eOs tle humaudience tlitaevenisg. I.. repiaI tu the lnqniiitor, anti I vaut 't. »Yiteion, tînt fi lelaalwnàys C eiq5- afe for me to tesllfy for Ymgntk LOi- tien. lAppgunpe., «I came te Chilcago et about nie seat. tismea , aithougl voe rme- freinopposite direectionsandmut>ver>- soon ater <osuls bem, 1 matielis *equaîntance. lie vas tien i îýlerký lni oeeof thc 5v offices oethélie tî. sunt ihnk I tas deono botter the',i te foitov bi*isceer se elequently Bicîccedtîy Dri-HlaefronIe@hboy- beet intethis ctylthlnlç I cou -de neé botter titan to toiiov t i 0ieVi<t ber.. Soen after thet Utime1 knev lim tiretau a aouua Iavyer struggliug for practîce. but tint sruggte tilt sot test long. Hle sens camete le rerca- sieti as one of lhe briglit yenng mes et tie Bar, mandl vmwon t a tevt'eorg untl lie wvnamkovleigeti amont lbe leaders et tia yoongai- tria anwt'OMi Ver>' shorti>' b. ittraciedt he attenion et men etof aira asti le soos become caileil opoena» lie counssel utvariées Inatîtutlonst, asnd comme-sceil t Me a part ln lhe public iffatrs et the clty. Ast ln the peult to or tvelve yeors thare bas ioeu 1noislare monement wtth h îi the name et Chicageolias beau c onnerteti viere Ilhe nase of Fran'uk 0. Luudes ibanot bnlin lie "u- time Ofetipaîgna bisivoire. bas always lien i-aetisnbeboît et uta Parti. alhieugb I aum Mial Inil- formeot lit ho bas net y« hau thti ditinctionoe fpanticlpatlug lu lbé manipulation ef peliicil conventions. msut"byaias 1% sersis "le mon atter IlS istme conienceti ho ha sougit aus aguida anti direclor .of vtrions large lateremi, antialoitii lecame. as-mas of affaira, lunvw.h emparît>'lbe ausseetia compefency. Tien lie titi vlit lie o!qgl tolehlve dote-nt wat evt7 l ~ jea-oiulé tic litlite,.lh. mai-iet ogon otivosn, and ie ieu e .bas teveteti himmltt more turtielarti te public affaira. anti sot le competltlo.i lnlbheet bulius. Île Is tinlg tic oeething - vluich ail 'mes, vie are fertunute a$s hie was lu amasalug o contpetecay li ttîelr own trugglesabloutiti do, Inteati of tievoting lts fimie to pililug nip more, ia gî-enhils tinie in flic affaire et bis felon medl vthioît profit mud id t- oui &oie of pcuituri reward. (Ap- "Rut Iliet gay' Ibis nmas la n maclinoe candidate. TAat ls one of the mosl amuaig ina lga i t Iis campalgn te me. 1 kuein 1111e about machines my- self. Lke mont oethte ctixensa etClii- caige, 1 gel s>' Information about lieu - trou lie sevappra.asdt Ie>' neer bhanelices able-attlst 1 bave neyer néou au exact tichlitio-te 1011 me viat a machine mas ln. But vo il kno v ery Vel Who tIi.>' earactemtae as mcbiniste. There -laq te nîgt lu guoîber part cf tliii tavu another meetling bisa bélé ln bottit!f of aneli-' or csqditite In Ibis counny tienUee), ast 1 underatasti front the public prose niatitilta under the management eft Io mont omtisent machInIsta trou tie Norh Site (lApp)lause). The eas, tildite linVitose Ateresl Il lielti la ne tvo-spot et a machtist binseif, if i ametail aIl iset ou thie publie nitatomi orf litacosnty for tteslàa or i6 yoars (Laugiter anti applause>. -,Let us sec. White Colonel Lovdeu vai strnggitne tu obtain a imactes as a yonng lavyem tua othier gentjauani, Mur. Detieen, vas leamng 1161V te croae amaschîie lthatoulti coutrel_ a precînel. White Colonel Le*dou' vaoa acuirnsa isuues nt lie Br. asti becomiuig ecegnixeti am ose of thé leatilsa young ilevycri etflthe cty. lie tier masliati Inceaaed until bhoti becomoe ebemosfeta yard. léswon 'acquireut a proitable public office on thie Drainage Boardi., Whie Colonel Lovde wons bocoulua recogulmeti as a man ot affaira the otier mas beesuno tie boas of lvi> or luie-ewarda anti nequlmeti a large anti mportant couaty office-tfroi vîleluhb.tonla satt Int bave amta"set a fortune. (Apptause.) "Anti nov hanîsg a verY Cenoidor- able machine cf jlsý-v, eof vlilclib. knoovathie vorkinga bécauaa. le bout 1h freu t ,ho bottine, ie l e okingte unse liiimacilue ln coijuscliont vAl chirmachine ltoieSte bluagif li boistef&duohe S»tY. Pepah'h«a t'M otit. 1 . "out ce uw sicatuf, gmdmw&sn Enori Asoàgttod cten buas 10tt for D et a a~be qualisetlim vhichgltre -Iviiione gentlwumo. loti moehun Plan».)> Mr. tcw& lr. Pfter, i a burst ef emil--iu vii one Wh fytng te thl vas punctu met irtilth audiduce. Il "Mr. Cli "lu tht. ai ueshave h1 people. van are ontilleti the seYems llirefQR*ý te those peliai adminsalret goyecmasoet "Wliat 1I titrectetison prarticea wb te ny lpari belle-et-.,li bave neui the geliiOt lie nemiflt are «Ilh MY p se condtol lt I a1uper whelI-tué c» tramera et wlit t11*51 for a ferme the liv-ià vffeln s e pavera la àa expeputbne Po ha$ ppolutl gonemumenf tiependent 0 for tIs divi over>' aehocl hati punk la graduai exti chi«,ot oil constlitbos i-bief funeti sevemalbhumn n-pol'- eto vosidt tIs woulti perni tIesO' Misen for thougli1 Vas Jepreti amnucecr te lis everth second cenul 4nd dting empies mii liate deciy, A1 isne.theL madte thls- the poverg cerner*oe grevanp) ululer tiçl sise lias le acordae boa attempt eem tue die tue legilalu cRi-bh and eommlleci. boss forcitf our sate ce thin tii-e been cdan Ibis pi-oeIlg unchectesi. tiI lie chicf MYse>' bu l cause I l corditne t' patronafgee fei- reilonr uippiy st atone et .se If lb.epPeI1 eraIt iw1lI execiti e0 thie sainer opinions Ra là theIi' l go te nîoîke, ah Wzsliii ."*If ele-tu îconteut ni' the eof-tt lice. TheV vin bave iw ohangetiuni goemneisei -- pAllint elq *airge lte éfht»getU 1 -, e 1 "I Ma. lit le mué4 ~dowfor lsezfor 11ie pla 1ce, anti 'of liii. the 0 f appet1alig t thepIroPib chiot axerutive muet lie the.cout et hlnking' moeu.lit i t s e portu ~ Wîev. lieever, appoint- tiiink yon wVil Il ah e e!* hadbeu rade. the tenturescf I~III-ay mani v ttpil4 nt e*ke voultide àoneft upespersiouil es vitli me, tduel A»ynd iiti. jvoticu te me. but upon the. quaity riceome tbe aM t sny 9&asud uantlly et the service rendu"et îesn, andt timer* ativ téte .peope.. 1renlize that wIICp Tii. question la D 'ottwbh. meanrave beeappoisteti by the eief porteti bY tila Or th"t meu, axecutive, 11<7 donet beeme bis. or the coadi4ate bienat servanta. bat are servante of the otite. a qnailtlcatua»l What bas Aese sous as îny main lflempiler Smake himueif tha Iitid Of « the o@mee*haltiidhubof uiy aid et la. entlltio t. îetr sur- fatthMuiy bisa obulgajttns te tihe state, Mt la lita racem eti bis5 «.o npolillealcoiem iWt»onwfl ilaturbý reti eneugli Bs ena aMhdi lm ula bisapao. liaIt partais to parly 14 the10»Trenil se- ;quaifi lm t a 0b"4, ~tiens eoftth. tate th ilepublicanevil. ta of' IIIIOsia. or havae vithout exec-utîve interferene. ýIv un lcen îsin na"rroVlines Otli e rrdi. 1 botere Sn the prlnetpta ehlm a nVte polit tlt In of bemrat rut ihln lh.party. 1 ba-e cierneterie It 907 tqrthr une amitice te h. the potIicaidictaiorl I bave sîroeditroffaiei grupypeily ln Iiinlot-I simply vant ipou your lime. (Great ap- lieha g ovaruor. r. L.wd.ss iP*P@b. "Another prscce, Il lne al d. lias ft@ Vas lien IntrotincMi y grown up, etf Vijci I lsh ta <peak. 1andi liewas geete th VolilUer thua proule e suenîsU. cls .aPPlause listing for 5ev. pussry ls elfect. luave blce ied up- es ~ ~ ~ ~ n antheeeosrti>Io nempo luo testate ta lbe te aut he eOs -011usetias a ampaly frend lnl a pte-coun- biel mut bve bn gaUývestien costest. Tliere Itaune wirraSt ,be candidate. Biss Pe.'fer Ibis untier the. mv. If tbe ou- tred willi appinuse and 1ploya cerna tîe fuilt stariy the state lie heurty apprOva4 of lte pays- hlm. Io conipelbidni te give up lu suimtnte almot: part of bits compensaation lu tiIs uvnY irmoli, Laes ndt Geittê19a.ztrtiOn Oethle emPloye. If the emi ploye but corna wvh li nseif la pretilmiîîery campaltflfor perinittedte lukeep. ta o ennel the ax- ion for goveràOr, party la- sesameut la ettîhil>- esubexzlement of but utie piace. Wbta the the, state's moîie>-, for tlilsmouey sie ti Io know. asti vlat hheY. taken.belougt4 <liber tae Ioindividuel 1 t kiàow. tn te ic n lO f emptoye or te the stati. and no turcd 1candidates vlio preent party cas rtgbtfuily bave any titlo t for nomination. ,1 I h l. eniglit devote mYself toe"if-electoti ouernor of Illinoisq. any ,iptew ant i)toIies whicli I appoitle 0frmine wo liosah tirpetly'or etialt tea rîglit anti proper lindlrctly ceîîpelany snob aseesament. tin of the great efflee et wl l inti a mueeug,-r on the morrow. 1 111111411. "With refèrenéte te the manage'iient abauli say iute net ,nao s of tate Institutions, I desire te expresx Minet any indlvldual. The My iewov. The lav contesuplaies thtt ýbeu 1 shah crittelse are nstthle novernor alieulti appointSe Inels- te any Indilviduelt. or even bers of the. aeverab boards ef manage- y. l'ut are es) serions. as I Ment men remptent antibonst anti kt tici Must lie ebeeketi. 1 tuti yequea te management of mcli dilndty tbonght of any Of Institutions; thât vien ncb boardis ara len ,vhio are my rivais for so tconaituted.ti. lii aouiiliebcietti zion fer gôvernor. Theyeî sol responnalfo fr the management persona[ friends. andi I shah o e bsevorolt sttoInstitutions vîti- Ibis campglgu on i . part ont executive luterference ge long as get tbey will i e mi frientittey manage tiieso Institutions Viacli ieventton in ener. anti eeononiicafly ast i hunyasei ng irst pace. 1 think that tiie business linea. puar consttution meaut Jut "A liractibon ofset lta yeava griru sait viien nieY provfietiap lna hnis 011<10 vhteithegoveoro pf government untier whlch liaSsiiumod.fer peliticai purpoos,4te binig powera siielld 1 be dItaite l thmanagement of. the. aite ié betty ett mes. th judIela i Isitutionsla lmnany Instances vhat tutor body ot men andthti. sbotiuite a»iointmenls shoutd ha »vera la the governor anti matie. viore aupptea aluii hapur. ies& It Vas erii intendeti chaseti. andtaI intefère laotîer re- of those tiree fonction« et 5pects vlit thecondiuet fbthebusiness taioutti e b. aleloy l- of these Instiýtutions. Suei a pi-otiee ia of the ethmi'. Tlii. a_ Violly indefesstlle. Tuer. ùtta ,lo ot powers lx k5o*D to business min bitailtontgiit vhoeua't Abegr. ,lu 811 Agen republica koowV that nul private IndutiT 005i- nt esuprea bocause cfrlthe ductoi along smc i linos Vonitirus 'up- ahijon ethte poe or ethle osthue rocks of bankruptcý Vtla , uhh-t it liF the;. éyta5iit l"t. -- , -ý-.ý,ýý ti frouerao ethie federai Viii Bia 1100a soseaýfltabi., ii tiaI bîibis divisil.o. t1h. "If.eleeteti govornor'I abli, retinS lin ofgoverument the te the olti pathi lu ibis respect. Wbeit sci aldoutiset as a clei4t tese bocards are ippointeti, tbcy Vili >tera, andt ht a repuiUc habeiti trieti icî-ountklie vitbout @ cajun. mb beini vileli expeutive interferenco for the manage- anestty endure. 11ev vutîl ment of the-state Institutions; anti art- mail bultIddlet time ittest, or al.l te office of geveruer leaiament lb,,republie ln Ils InfancY entirely a business office. HIe ba@ but a t lii aIlEurope, thoughlit111h.ttedo which u shave ami boar- ry crowno<I bead conspiroti lng opon tic great questions wiiel itI lui-ev. Il la weli on Int the Vide parties. WIththe lesngie excep- nrty tflils glorous existence. lion of tie possible appointsueut et a g Itls lime monarchies andi Up9tediStateaseucontr, 1 nov rcll d aeuo dynasties have falUen noue. Hie dules are business dues; sud If etecteti governer otflhMoule 1 pusss a ius.s. iii go dlown te Springflielti anti b. lot. censtlution "A s cfnstieutio: depfl . -Asvono.are aVare, aut amendment lirh t t he repubii lias; te the constfttloi VII ha subnitted .prtulcipleof lb. divisioncf ut tie next leetioni nter vhieh a, e- tIpverumont, ils verr novw charter fer tii. clty et Chlcag e. à*hiftCtce, boever. bas maybhafftime 1 Ibelped o tarfias jar ihn eeeula Iliofithea y pover, t10 seeure the reselutIeli rh he hie eecuiveet heby the. general assembly submltting assumed le use the power tue ~poet ameudment teatiie peeple. e te ergs nia. the. letisaltum If tbhut suintmest b. atipteti, as il mS-0 litis ta yl. BP tiie ahulti bc, andi Iaaiëected goveruor, pItioage of bis office, ha 1rMMisete cepemia vwithtihe peopie te&, aeietimes vtib iC- et Chicago i *Dy onaitstlceal psy cate t0 bth branches 0f la securing a charter for 1h15 great cilly sort *lo ha ha btheir chef Vhici VIII ha adequalte aIl@ neetie. A <hoe saalconsttute thein'-Thun inla agrowlug Iendescy Wte a RIf thua priclice eulti have regardtihie strict obIgatlioné et the. 'Chk li the men wio fraifet consUttuton andthtelava. Publit off- unfflution liut a Ilttl Me 5~ cla unet hhembelety st lhe exemple , sÀtss ige, il voulti hava If tîey Votuihave tie citizen risn ictIgIgti ns usurpation. If to bitafulhi tuty ln Ibis respect. Tiie ce bi Peruittedte1 continule moment an officiai exorises duascretien il t. but a ingie'stel, un-os te Vhat lawv a lVi enferce anti 'f scmtive of the. <Ita .11011 viol ho Vîi net, that moment vo tIe: 'tinleseyon tecide ttus ceu se te have a geveru ment et tbe peo- hel a In uterested ln ic- ple, for the people toen apeok lirougli -11h my wish, 1 vîtI use th la,; andi liv alone. In an toin of ot my office ta dotent t'eU goyeroment vhici endures theremuat nation.' And If thut t ue blie onoe or nome thilng whlcb la sheut corne, the very corser absolutely supreme anti wblie muet elf-goverument luIlilinois have utiqueslionlng olleglance. Iu a 7e crunrabieti mb dent. Asnd monai-eu it lnao king or quocu; luaa le et the Reverai States shalh reptîhuie It ta the law. in titis usurpation ot pcv- "T.o tesy obedtence a th lb. win a s et ha long uli illie cluef xonarchîî Mai ha serions:te odent' It of tie nation 9cillassqume. in a republie Meauxarotn. To oller vie- prerogolive. ]l'or it ileIthe lence t0a asovereigu is treason; taet-f tu prectcesof ethfi e opI fer violence te the iaw In a repnblle tr0111 tales. afler « ll, tliut la equatit'a e hineus crime. eblue- oinIons wlîlcli prevaili '-wîy,,pur govorument bad l is erîg- igtt inte ninue ef the lw. Concordi andt ed gotrernor ot Illinlool, 1 VIII Lcxington. anti Bunker HillI te re st ysi vîthth le disclitrge cf fought for Indepeutionce, but ou for lutioml dues Otfan'y Ot- legai riglit. Tiie patriote o e fetr- peewI. vio bave electeti me off dai« s iseted enît' tht untiethfe sedoçl ohier men Whe are liv eor(Great Brtain lbey coulti sot b. dfl Ibe constilutios Vithbtaxeti unIes.tiier vers repr*scnteu int Itiv. tUctienaet cur stote ateBritish parliamant. tA SU k -1e> iIIhn erqte xî1-. sEslfu Fronce. iti hlgh-aouutiàgPh-ho '* upon ber uipg. passeti front the deIrM et revolutlqu lot* mlUto er> ioM The asmple pretest au&naItiithe MO 10 *et là@s monuteti up teli. UlIitIttTt *0 fridtom; tii trinti of Frances gret verdi tiescendeti hute tii. adttll% of as empaer. Fresu 1h.derauof lb. repulic te the pi-osent boum aevent' per- il oericome, every trluniph acbleed everi criais autesafully peased Ubs thê been l hle age eotlaw. To tseblt*i one Illustration: tqdu i "Africin samery for yjuar@ab-.- eo l lIbo gst pi-oblats ot the 4 WSC ootee* wîw he b.conscience of the. aorhtefir'hot th 4«mtting tus national sin. rieTua- fuValWie -comprosute. Lincolnsaw in tt thug & S tiiere matttenvul~uexpe moithéa "M ente, liceenover coulti le c-muif=-tid.-Z«»ae ci prinlbes. ie anoH ct'a b- ouse tie Po tividetiiaminat Iselt causet stand. 'I 1 n4 bleleve niai- tls goveroment cano., t- .b endunre pemmaseall i I lave santif ait mollet. l free.' Asti yot vhen ueà for ils$a0- bremusie lution or tii. probleu i. vas allt. t i@stamml Hie knev onuli taI the. iav MUa« ha cetainths' miniiled. viiotier Il guiranteqt the taitt aw lutogrit>' of lie tederalUinsor stan- .sattlgê ery., I'hliipa deciaredt t thtiiconsti-led*4bisai tution vas a 'Union thidoashl udti II plaNa comýpact vith bell.' But Ltut-otn urged t*10Miii glan f ittdebliconstttion muet ha ahubol del abgoluleli tîphldtiboli wheu Il;matie tisal, idi1o fer treedesu ind4for savery. terie Y'~Sp "Ife atimitteti u in is deitewIlti eoatbea Doquglas, tuat under the conatltutieiNo eMMd the peupleore tho sowhli voe entitieti bl ta tu te a fugitive $lave kv. lu l.rts ini- i-bj* tO5gE aiugorali dress ho ronfesied liaI loiel îha-V00 bat no poulerentier the eonstftuintle de 10- iplcrfte vith vavery liitithe states ail wborc il exIstetiBul aés i.neolu ylt4dý id tuosM eti fuli eleties«e toe1the laInvis tapro- mwgqet to tection orf atiey. ho ylpietd, imstar mte ) obedleuce lu ist;inti noter lie la* t10Mur.ay S c "Tue gi-et rbetllon viasmet âant -È liite conqucreà lut'th. airmies etbe nauditi « lu the tuame oeticlias nelaid devu îà%wLgo lu the fetioiul eonalitntofl.audt WMVi reseri- ite Liscois. bY' ils algeglnc te the lav vhreve- Il led, lu tic prOP- er exerdise et bis par power, teo amati.r ripat.lle etlave tiolighail otheti bad "le Il set tIlDe for n" npied"Ai ev wqo s Ou- loyally antide-cQoete eue coun- tgtqý lry's lavs- vh.,avetho> i hia l*t ?If fatige* electeti governor et 11110016 I pronie-M yen tha trviii permit:ne ceUsi'tlWtO0 of expetileucî or tieM e t'iv-fIeue-. ae tii-at, tro a seoInte ebedisue 1<1 du 4iil* quuitltut"oandfllaa binaI, and _ secondly, frein oafoeemmeslettlb. iv ant ltaeiioe ber et t l. se <ar as lt lea itbtai lis pbve oc lthe xos- u tivo cfthaaie "Whau Isaneuieeti 157esldliacT »,e X altitiat I vj 1 ia net: nsud *00101 tJ hqà haceme the candidata et auy fiemiof W 0 gr ifly tItiliti ba tjmiii I -idtb saite. My priutcipls d go beM ia" Repubticana et lilIno wle vimm the.support: et aven yal E.RpobaISO «U w1tteut referrlie te Pist factimmi tIl- tereace. sile ice ini have nIiteti , b miisections, et lie 'bute sud r. 4 vbere. "Inocepeluie5, MY ti 1 Ihaa- nMt to Us ItrOti lu îeu- iidtisalboat aascorset OfMr. qe yceam.1hope *t ta tttinte i1 av* th-A -s» Conducteti mîmeiLi#s te suertI joUr w ut apprelintos. ant Iftt ju lIve me jeno pug-, support, asti if I sm elocteid gevefuierfU m et illnoi. Ii mis e u tht f Il iwià U' ha my eonstant atm te suecoudeclt té 6i. W affairae o Ithe gret cffice Of genue' bu" 0*1o htat 1mu>'brluSg OUr commissiona l«ýOU biutk a th ofetiefou- ysara wîitolt .. as, possaisOAre Lilaflut t la te ttla Pl a"- 1 regottý ht.I3anO je - ).Itk Q1ev dm . a Viode ai u qiSDUIAutheolte representeti lu dologit. convelulle a uw" bure, te selectits COlliti'b dètio thgij Pl$9 te lb.he g ouetoeuton- <le ceenta hu~ tvote tinsupport et bI ig caltiiC>'fer', govnor. oAs registiere t Ithe. part>'t t pritarlas lait,,t& ant Saturtq«.~ a van s n iucliod. Ulit M The Oeil et the rollioved Mil>? dais. %*0 gales premssl. and ti e ft e162 vw-. os M ii ha inatructeti for )Mo. Lovden. Thé. otalPA ia «S vote et *nie prima-les WaU anumeuseti 10034 qq as 8,26e for mi-. l.edeu asti 1,545fer Peeda Os Goveralol'Yates. 1<111vPM k Congremmsai uIMtt as$empovereti 11ud Ref ete appoint hi. ovu delogates le lie m aw Congmoaleuiîconvention. Ap teeteinlg ovent lathe couves- nu tion vas fie sanaduonusadoption of P«N tbnie.resoutIons on Premldent iRous- S at volt: y1q "Ilsovc, Tnt1h Gle ceunhyÎte-- l iitas te î thhiit tlte u bîlînattey IuMti'uictqi te voe for resolutions lu- slructlng the Illinol.tisdlogitas at large te the national Republcan convention ýjâ aug y te vote for nie resomwu~letorPt-est- mgtn ti tient itosevOl, andti I. er 0Ceuu17 *Mi s4 delegates te the Thtrteesth District mer tedg Cengresalonal cotivention b. a8in. l-Wvile Wo strlcteti te vole for reoolullons lu- Âg aisaal striietn the tiWo isatrict tolegatet te a Ysr, i the. Repûllcau national conveention tle Mdtih«tg V te for the renom titton e ft 1e - or O M -. tient RItowsveIt." loV54 t w AoUela aLes CeUity. - - i-eu47 t Dixon, fil., Jan. 25.-The predlction 'fiM. AM liaI Lee eou1tr voulti go for Lovtien 9a Wer vau made a reeli t Ilth e nI>' ea- Yention heldilua4miertit se 0>04sO "id acr bts noiation "».gPffl 0«go i. mi-nte dle ltu tesuite âeitt*À