CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1904, p. 7

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Ns.14 1 love »i APPU robru5s.V26, Iffl. T~he Coming Wsw.r t. ber limnusee11, sud the r&- n* progressivebarater of ber and ber impertivo MMe 01 a outiet to the se, Rusai-u sg- t. lnked vitin Russian destinY. aggW5oD t ina Rnseialm noces- Sno power on eàrtb catinlutihe ret ber from accompIkilug ber So vet lo ber tiomau, aM n in far spart th>elenets Of ber timt mal t»dogsof varof miltIi. mbiuled vould Uailto vounniber tai part. Armsmalld amaun-tat paint ber buge blk wotld bc md detroied on ber very desola balIpi wa"s beat impotent uokY alabre. ývin 8uimslasforce whic, likt iie, t.movlglowlibut sutfo arI ou tlîeliues oieativsatmSlO, the poweraof lthe uniteil world tm ber back or long doter orin prevet ber f om r.scbiug the b deIbus ratier to svold than to ius a vu wlith "uy of tihe grost OIW lethe mitems o!vIy di. Md aIprelers te seur. ber simds m&ti. ,maii. be bas wrosted lm*" doumnion lie Chimsti Buâtt She git for lien) t. lasI tof chramttsdom tditibut bd btt. snet hotasmuaIremd ot uoldigatiou a brosd bighway en elmuog-50Iid ofColistSltÎ sisuae»dimlbOldkernasis le O pw sbetwmberndtePf5l5 »d U ilunsalat.butapupiIet g to. a nseeh f Muoly. la r A"Oh n o'ersbadova M"i &UirgoM anam Cors, ami like à wousin .mewmaugmet ta suck O Gd0 ci l etrade sud oppoe putoeevltIfvicterile4emuoi 9a moreW Ilion cieok Bomsl w Fut The urope«abone a uta.oin.beyond befr re" TU e8s u"wlUIOJapon la et boux *" in omslsm. W peu se oit Io ard ta decid $$i i ao r 09 itber oomatal f~i.cmbwdr e siforsaaIah Nitwam ie 80 la"Mport vil bdtpsnble ta ber, md @ho mni me'b" xceud for sslig n > le taffitaiT vieitotli.i voul 1 gi. di ot; vialle n tiheOthe ,japim anmot hob i»Mufr #M4 r berIde andi for ber place smon o-Rudsou Maximin thte Mare lr»ptN WOULD MAXE *WJINRSBooVaiRsOit.. er% lesanencouregtig aâ r Wg .inpbmslsiluthn douiB.ra b..Frank >I.owdem lu conlema WOfthae bauae dmily witaned e0umtty o tii. tate viieme pOand more tate offlcolsarechials 6n4 uown ding the . GorDo teli erandm, wvileabauoog 1o&aW dutim for vbieh t teya by the tate. Tiihe ucmbs* e tate service to proisotet m amibtion of Ri-Iaýrd staes, Sovia succemsoolbeas onlY deepe onviction which Col. Lowdenb entertaiiaeo In favor of su absoli a politLeal civil service for tiie eto yeacé bc basW benidentified t nue o! ivil service refoni pecin miati. laut week In Lnnarkb t tlw rinag of nbsohite carnetn beswoti in part: .want W sMay oune tlingto y ga rd to statte employes anti1I v (à7 t Plainly and poitiveli. Il11 éd Eovenor no tte emploie, ik that heo oe, mes an>' poil gance a-bic!> will require hfn on. ent of moncy or one moin as tim frointis duties ta beimi ticlli. More thonu tbt it vi ired o ten ay tâte emplois tii. u evuey penn bo reeives anti nol ai of wbat ht aeawil aver en front hlm tW aid mmyin di ,s political fortunes. A man ' ýr luin ies ofthe intutions lu WI m coetd in a business awy ct monci. île go@% ta worka tin laouranti is.gets paîi tier wm vizowork onnrny hfan ear» miey sud blin Ientitie t Wkeep ai mm. Thon. la jst as mur!> n , a tatée enploye shouid do a Ils work for a fate dmi*s pM e t. that tite- man on the, faru the fartal>' mlould do it. ly as. thé man Who are doitg ne varions lines. a far day-sv r faim day's pay giving value rotl ýtt.>'as tarpayeropr ia contrIb 'ougi on cisumol or anotiier to xpoyersarae ilping tu, psy nc-b0 iployes as us>' nat taeanlingi ey seeei VP. We 1 irsi ot to asmlara ,poeWtedtdosaday'. ýa dmoi 1ags id no I esMg :I t w vsyin notarng foarnoec the mn»sholdng olfice tu do but to rtis srousd ouër the, state doini 'politie' a4 it t.nciled for nome candidate, eut tua.m off the payroil. Now frmm what< bas bm ssid (and every word of It t. amniet)non o ion Who bolir tus oa cornerousd if I arn elecWdgoveror sud elalua that ion expo.ted to get a sot job lu thi.e MPI of 0the.statu- Tiie statu o! f 111111010Is9a bg lustItu. tfon wtbha e timens as etockbold&- and it sbould be rua, on business and not so-caled poitical principles; snd that tusauasthere twill bh o >suit job@ if I am gove0rO Furtiier 1 Want to emlphaaim e i point tItt no state emploie wM i on- ier that Ibleowee me political s- vicus i 1 sbould b electeti governOf ne twill owe hie services t thepeu- pie, the. taxpaers, andilif b gives bisusrvics au ina bould gire them 1 wll never ask whëtlîer he le for Franke Lowden or not anti i will uot penDit .1>7 one else Wcoupe, lini to be for me or any othor mon. 1 rwould like Wo be govemrO f Illinoisl.- 1 menua by titat 1 would likê to be govemro of tus grat state, not its polltics. bouls. 1 will confues to yOU t1 h ave no ambition t bo a 1lititl manager. I woulit ta content witii r bslng goveruor and 1 would uot A-ek te )be the dictator of the PartY. I would- rsedeavor t begovernOr anti goveruor eMli levlng the playîng of polties aloue r durlng my termi of office andi leaving th'. 8statu emploies alone anti seeing tbat eothers left themn aous anti 1 wouid Mt eut lu mc trftin thepeople. Titat t*J the t wa 'Old Undie »ick' Ogîeb, lobu il. polmnr, Sbelby M. Cullom. and emmn of the old days, wlulch nany love tu y ruml, dîd. if îou want a sinceure. if yon want a plac e rateti for youn at the «eunseofo the people, if you wont to g.t s Ometingn for nothing, if you wani a ejob witb pay froîn the tax payer and 1aothing ta, do but work politically for 0 tbe mnu O ceive the. appoint-ent lt ront, I my tu ion frankly dont vote i. fer me for if îou~ do yon wmil ta dis- li appolnted should I b. electeti governor." d -P'rom the Ro<kfod Republie. s lu Samade liumdredn toBae $ P. gt Lýa@t week the Supreme aCourt fiîedTi the dcision of the Circuit Court in them ý gas of Âutoeh vas Midmclag. Suit wasIl à. brongit because 6eidoelair placeti il obutmutons ini the publie ratis anti for ma lIis the. tawn of Antiochl got jutigement et for$&500 aiainit hWa taéfore a -Justice of In the Peac. - Hmr. beginsthe leglU niaze. Sit- s Schlmg appeaw e otiie Circuit Courte hg sitar tint. rt deciion anti tax fineti1 r. tIbeedollars hi tthe jury. lBe iient 1 pposisi ta the iupreme Coutri and d tii s.m as dientisoed for want. of in imrt.dltiou. Bi wrt o! error the case ci tieu wet ta tiheAPpelate Court, wbich Me &Mmed the. decision o the Circuit Court. ad dtidselag carrîetithe. mtter to the .iupteum Court mte r tuis. andi last weck tmat bsneii iiaded down a dticlon ide affrming the orginal jutient oîf tlîe nt. Olruit-tltre dollar fine.' ma The mamefurnllaes a valuable pre. %eh à0dent tu ltuéeanon matters of thei ley .fnd-tiie placlng of obstructions in nu publie mails, anud cotains mony nev id points of Iaw -interest. It will un- u dobtedui become the leuding case over #t tim n dse mmdlative quetions andthet Mg ieord of Its proceodings will hi- t-aluable 'ci io everi laver. Attarueys C. T Ieytiecker andi Clarlee- Whitmey vers for Antioch; Coomi and Orvié vere for idincbag. inl ail proiiabillty ithe fntiant cpi-n amti tnm et. amaont of thie original1 'udgeument agaiàt bau, ln sttitîg up the r.-1 case.elhe o Omny legal tribunm nleoîl à . o km l theendi. ma- t- Kin M. a Ine li. uta met a ieti on Lo mm tal t ot wo uat a t-for. aon Sait pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- ;sumption. «I Lat plenty of pork," was the advice to the :onsumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Sait pork is good if a man can gtomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs Mfost. Scott'sEmuliionisthe mod- ero method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Porkis too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott',, Emulsion is the most reflned of fats, especially prepa>red for casy digestion. Focèdingbim fat in this' wa h i often the only wa the battle, but s ion docs more th There is some- thin the combination of CO uvr il and bypophos- plîitec in Scott's Jimulsion that puts new life înto the weak parts and bas a special action lon the diseased lungs. - -E - A sample will ho >,clt f necupon requtat. se,. nlan uldupiktde à*1 nie hica lt alaiWluanthea aiTaie Wms d ! (us and maie oua mpm sUivi be VOeL YOUOIdgOmmImm to b -vï.telplum WhMai T cas haveàs oenanS leta dosammaaokil&Uifs. Wl "o asimmab*b d cfwlma n Carde i frua7 y diula km w ai s' kw I Il 1,31> .v1 'I C A PJ a K P. 0 1 Eu E I Pli i 1> i il Lt Je JE K W AÙKEGOAN W Doiags ai the Coiaty Seam o( Ineresi t. 0e> Readeren sisi J gs L li-camw ho ii'poiînilcol him -Iêanti ,otlikr-ii-ltaw, Walter Maulei, I Bilai! M i-i-'t va.' Mntay find $liPandeltic0Itei [otici- Shatooteli, anti being nable to. c, liei tva. su-nt ti)jail for six nonths. totwrrantt. iîîr assisut anul battery, i..ssuontout liby tNcidys lîr,îtler-in- t.. <Go- Ment I'uii-ilttaf tteraiioin Charleus Kiagiuburi, iuùs,u> 8. oit a charge of eniuleimieut mi 1.,.c coutiueud foîr fouir tinsis, -iied examntîation oit Iis .' arnS iîire Justice Weissi andtihle woabouti ,r ti. tthe NMarriternifthei un in boind@éo! *;i.100. Ho won J ombîle to furniul bail andowax returnedt ,tIte countr jnil. Jacob Gotuldismith,. of thitisuîth suie tnnantes plans for the imimediate con- ritnution oi a ncw six.stor.N, building in ,h ravinai-ont (Icuese satroot. the. coat o! 'hickis lto he aibout $75,000. The tilduitis tota luiit. uays Mr. Golti- eitfl. forn a liarge gouicral store,' like the air inituieagîî, anti fivo stort.'a iili ýave but oue rîouas ecr, theo- ntir., &rrangentipnt Olîns taing aoung the linos ni a store asî. uggp*uteti. Daîvidl Kenneduy of tItis city, htas a violin :lîlii ii go ioui tîat itiu value la alnîoit aeitiliabeimuiln, whilpe hoi"asexpressei a wulîingueo-toi <dispoise lot it ior tI O ulie ndlis>fripods ii-I lthiat in tiullo- 1 wiil in. luiloi t an uienotiniiusy ligb fgure-. tue vililîtlias é-- in tiie Kennedty fiil.v ionyy ri, lîaviiig ®rigintally blniîgeoi to n. Kennediy'a greatgrett-gNoat grîantiatlîer.lit Lé-are tinate o!fi 140 nud Ii.' voîiîdif-allY til Wauuîkîegan lieokstith inviir upon Présidenit lProst. prnoposition wls-reby he agreétotod tiieticiullotving in retlirD for et tcî,soo! bf is noiupanyu franc-hise n Wauul,.gii Filsi-I'ari- betu'een it. t.racl.e sud iiiit îcf'î.ion encb slde thoeof ironi îotit>Southa city liitA on ever>- street SiO.l.cnd..llynonaîf lt th . ro>f a nev bridge tseros 'tIh ravine atGi-ntistrent and nuantin itliportion. 'rhiirti-fuild a ou igint rond on the west sie. 'lhue 016-r is afilirn il- iund sullmt Congreemuii leonrge F. Fouse lt t eoci introu",aeilln in iitheî Iouse pro.iiling for the ei1é-niitureof i$1,000,M0) for builtiinîg au lîrlxr ofi refusefor laite sînippint ait Wîtunkegau. Titi bill wan acconulillidIiy ni1étition oi the. peopie, of Waiakî.gau aekiîig tlaat thie larboîr é- o-onstru.ted. Tite planîs for a horion of reinage off Wu.ukegan provide foîr a basn wlîtsé- roa lucide ivili bta amile square Waukcgîtn twaspiekeut au a site bcause it i about iiîlitva betwcen Obicagu and Milwtnaee. I t is announýeti that the Lake Carriern s Aeeiition ii lent iIta miii te obtaining thé improvement, wlikb, lu vlew of tie.1*345,000 ait- propriatiosi alrfatiy givon Waukegmu baorb,îr proper, teilIiniprove thie port Tii. plan lm foîr n breakwater tuu 7,00 (m-eonet. tei tlha piece 535siet long on its aend runnihu; soutiiemat. M, .Kautenberg. ait .Md resnfient of Wankegmi, wius struck anti killed by tii. 6:10 C. & N. W. train) Tuesia>' evenit5 at the l3..lvidee t ot tromiug, when lie wiax ein;loy i-i by the Northwentcrut as gntemenit.T'l'hinquent wos holul b3 Coroner Taylorn ut Litron & Conrmd'i unitrtoikiug ois Wetinesdiay ~ie 1nioni. Tite train i.'m rtfer 151, enginu niiittwli- 11), i'oi>Iuictîrl'ari-r, Engineao lî~iuii . .Meiiubrso!ofthe train creu tetIliiul. Mnllrotwiii iitory taing ths most explicit. lie- sawth ie decaae< tte l 5-0lO fi-ct nway anti whistléd i warn liti1r. Kauteuberg wona.thon on th~ i-ast onr'o*0a und track. RB :crosses:]lin front of t .englue and W&. s tria k ly the pilot Itam on thie West sitie iofthe track., fallug li ront o! thi 9gate bouise. The gaies wer. dçwnt Tiertieeetibalves.a vldow, leur son William, (beorge, joopitanPimrederic* and oeue damulor Yetseio.&U of uboc estu J.em md U UUNFe lama> ou* t ii " WC ti Eusses Wrgh CteSand i9 C Y.......e l r delliealla amd it lte Mdwd libbons lot 26 bk llaSouth Wauke- tu q3............................ lm 00i LoteEBaituille ad hus et ai tu y N ellnouel l dlts1sa l it te Sonth >aeasn lit 0................16c 13 Kaser snd Wt tu0vllage cf barilville lot7YKeiser@ snb Liberty- lle Wd.........................1Il00 on P illet aid WCta Kmisna(n Otblot 4 Odar Park lamseci'à&.Rut &uUmtIwo wvil ............... 01 P Drmond tu D D Berotlot t0 ad 12 bit 9 0 Y Wilt ats tu t Libersmile..tS............... ...... au t0 J Boikolman sd vi uo village of Ulîartrvilie otaI Baisers oui> Liet7vills w i.......***........' *00M0c enfle àProitfnUffi ilustoa Ailies Davis lot a bik 1 itoveli'a add Ubet ll wi................. VSte loue Dressea ta Auguste Bregseit iels Isad2 ilse:kIt S8oler lot 16 bik 1 lSnmonda mini to lIckfeeler vf. ............... :............ 00 auWolcb Md WC tu 1Il swarts lot - la village of àxtloeb w d ......... l e, 0 19 labeo~r adviteWC tuIlaffns lii. 0 Tsgmt tand hua le MàiB Ehaimuil 7sft suai iront on North tA by $ roda South front on iril St Waukeaun......... ............ > no aoGaoussi and WC tn Mal, Osnaqh morti 4 anenth làlot 3S l4,nderliau ub WaÜgia Waid........... lm 00 .o Gaussasit amti f u &.y tîagh part lot ablSM8lK>Rass dd Wauke- Man wd.............. .......... x) 00 tose L Farts and vi te (0 A Parti 1.18' Tr. lot &»d nuîrtlaQOds lot a big Il av udtu Wackglmelot 10 'X YB100 fi) bk12 sSundorlas let add to Wauksa lotssete se ik seWasb. bora Parkdliai .................. 10 04 9L £ielandof tOFeaniSotelots O6 leis Ptteran md vi te Win Koni- mma lotina village oi Ai, ýh W d... 1$75 CE 19 rantilu ta LX trslots te and si bitS4 Ilartotte mai Lake Forest vWdil. a( LI RU sud WC ta Jaoob Erb lots 53 and 14 bit 4 BartiettiésiiLake Forest w i.............. .......... Su marei ovasandbus toiW W fovoy lot 16 ik in ooth Wsmkgasw1ld.-mas0 auo Woolrldue and WC tu B W and Carne ormmit lot on cabO Bide' --ud 6ý D 1> oflictIAvis Li bOtty N 1 i w ..................... ........... 00 Smn ailovar to Elizabeth. Bond nortil-weat, corner of lut 8 sec 10 Llhartyviil O e... «................î > P A Mâaun-t and 'WC tu E c Pr!". PM tlot s Tlnoupsons fudd Lake borest wd ............ .......... 1i0 iendora IE Knishti b guardian te BellaO0TeflbsuU lot 4 bilé 1lo It jaill norti uida Vankegail deui d... 371 james Baasandivitue lo oWaienitdl ni6sylwsuIx@uI%9ec34 Warrn tvp v i.......................... 371 >ooOiiovafiT te Jnuo Water 9% @wX &WUl evit sec es Warren top vil....,............. ............ $75 &sme lean bard of COnllsu.imers for Po(i5lMl5SoIlAto FrankGOculd purt macs28 and et Avont tvp de.>!.. 1 Close ]Funiuingg Nomeo te Frank Gouli mmeus abové deed ... 1 Y M 0 A of <IblsauoFrank, Gouiti uanae dea... .............. ..... 1 Çliieso TbooltiSeminlurl tu "Frank Gouli sa deed ............. 1 AmérlailSoudas, &hiool UOubn tu Ir tek Gouli saute deed .... Bise Manuel Trainting Schboi lare, to Franik Goul m liatde ........... J Il $rseli.raipI f tu Tsand Tlous IcOiailegln 1W IDvillage of Goracts w .......... ............-...... 4 lo0 Mait iu clancerr tu Otio H Morgan lotii ig iland Park deed ... 47 J BBroW'nid vfto 8 ussell fart est b)àomie Wauoonds ivi. doed.... aSoo y J Sandmian~sd w! tu Marle sud ()bu Naggsîz senti lis fi lot 6 bik «D*'Bsfflogtoitsv i............ .1211 JiJ Diatiorer te 9 0 sud Allies H LaCbalielle West 40 ft lot 3 bik 5 Wautegau w d................. .. 20 1145k f UWI IIÀVII4G j TN Ci-I~Ull~~ - MURI~AY& LAUMANS RORIDA WAT[R II5~ïR~ïiiriESiili~G ANS Il~ ~ rtrm YeUIL CV n! OMT t~T~ mi LONG LAKE~ To. LOî >aN ille tLk-' i. sntiay. Frank Sinitoi> >»l u tk~Vioshi Tuelhaýy. Mie. Mary WIiihitýit -i-il lier 'lornl ta Thom. l'olepki. M. anti lrs. NPW-re neiî.viiîg t)i Chiannel Laki- tIis tveu-k. Mmr. Kate Vi'aiî,visteil1 at lir brut lier. Wlmter Wlit'mS iiitav. L.ouis Lobtiellisla tilI (fuite tit'k. In.- Rlckey le attenîîiîtgli». Mie. .&ugu>t Hlansenvstoli.îtrtt at Zenda, Wfs haust week. Alfredi Ment ad -t ni l"i$ bIir>tli"- uit lawt, L. Lobof'>ll Tuio"-Y. Bd andtiTitim. Grahatui9alto Martin Stanon ivero- iiaullug shavings ion pixkiug i r m.Lake Villa TuadY. Mr. anti Mit. Niek White mo1vëdeil îî bousebolîl gon.lst%) (rayslaki-ttlit cck. Thé conaiunit y Wtili rry toiloge surin gonod nelgbbors. pluesalvp n-mtaine ailthte-antimoptin andi taaliug îîroîwrtieé if Ath@pine.. There la no sole,,.lul or abrasion off tlu ekîn tiiat pinefflîve vili tit cure. For mmii sud eruantine a iamily salve Ptnosave te thc but salve lu tbe world. Uod b>' WîîL HArLuvyLlritiil Drug Loge Sowed. Leai sud'oil a7m~l. Devoe Remtiy Paitlots twlce 04 long; tani the dealer,ivho Psella it, bain bty theniaker of it, establWahei 1481 yents, guarantees .. D ýIevoe h lur paint. ortul P.i. kDtvor, & C. P. S. Ilovoo nady Pint agent lé F. B. vv.. BlIgla tter Marktet. Btutter on the F ýgin bkard of Trai Monday wa quoted firiai at 261 ceintt Sales of tht eek 427,000 pouindi, Butter imre %w k lasI yar 27 matsfi Ayrs lirVgo akes the hao o ilgro . Thisor bchase a1o e a0ai yr food vit .ed1 h ai n h hairgrows, îhas crain,-er iys H f i. sos aIlin of the haïr, too, and - ways restores colol' to psy baur, silO aiSu.. Ailral i koi t M OlitOlpiy you, yuu alutiu. la e -aidjluoOh 0 >1 >ai LBouma i Mte." axgrst e ale. Adtt i PEOPLES' COLUMN.-- Ad. uu~ldsr tii, k. v« um piiy a - 1 word. emaitttlg* àia. ORlE tarfan of 90 acresa4litIle" F 0 . o mT.-ineo elll un di % L i u -loe s ti 0f It"unui dLuktii. 1henuire o! cas. 'Iucs à for thl 'il "., i21-1-d WANTED-Yoni bon tuoirtae. Wl J. CATICIS.21.-- FALF-t>ta in heKuber eub- anîbaîl.. ma tIIAUTED-M enu in ut unril w ond- Ail VV o JouxIÂLAD.LiuortevllUe. le-t -i 1.ANTE-OlIrl finrg-ouirai bouge vert. v u ir n u t o t sleolie fer la!ormetion. I~0R SAE >a in od Tinoulîr ia. e fsE .Pt so-.p. Mixeti grain nti rmand eob-Weduie- doys anti Saturtinyli. C. l.I S t,, libertyTille. li-tif-t ANNA A MILLR. AdjudicatiOn Notice. P u b li j N oitic e 1 b h rr b y p iv il t h t t ih e mbsrtiier Adnl'ifowtrt'o tioS eptRiq 0i R udoiob h IZ ,tneaIed w4 1 ttelli s C.tir Court of .ke V Divet a tersa irroof t., .b hodn at thc ourt Ineos. ta gukigan ljeo.014ljoiDtV, on iheîarât Monday of Avril nuxi 1514 Vhel and belle ail vorw>nI lia> i..glatnsa<iflft ssld enttle a , o nf - n di r . q t I Or . . i o i r es e f lt t h e âaa" to maid c'ourt for adjudl>mI l'iî. unildADoLpu slTz. Adnttr . Waukegsen. F.b. là, 1M-4. 2-3d Short & YfOung LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. [ 1FCIQ pfuitut iêHUMý Agents for the Alto. Mamafactur- Ing Go.'. estPint.: ouï, Md abs. lutely Pure Leads, Guarante Full Ue Murphy Varaia Couo bet Varishes. A postal communic ation to us Winl receive prompt atention. a-tU4 F. BAIRSTOW ÎANUrACTU11ER 0O and Granite Mo0NUMENTS. cMMMIMBY mat ugot& Mses =F" w0 Mut Cors MuthCorn Md 08M Gruma CichiS Pu&4 Whit. tai Qit. ShaihsiCura. DpCnn.l IIhfor<s comwte lbue of cest -bralad Ckeatm d ultry F"odx Yoi w.111 always fhulour stook, oompleU. and our price. rlght. - Wright Libertyville- rotijors, - - Illinois STOVESNDRANGES Stewarts - Oarlands -! Acorns Steel Ranged . Steel Cooks Cast Ranges OCaët Cooks' 1 I4eaters Buy a stove with a name. It wiiI pay in, the end. COME IN AND GET PRICES. SC HAN CK 85R08., Libertyvltl, Illinois. The- outhwest la t fkdw flectrlc UOLagh teds.ll K ama.. ty iristhe me. short limeof the Chicaigoe, Miliwaukee& St. Paul Raitway Crmis Sts,âd Sleepers.PlimIg Car. Chir Car. Coa". m&. beat of aila Uhoe*,Oherv tionConipsrtmemt SiePer. Orne Missoriel referato The Southwetm Lùed m a guea of smmersunlig4ht-a sure'mu! hurry.utrasie te KansasCity." No extrabmre Tw@ itim in Lass CitY-Union Statiom iad A 4 oWnti e "aton 4sce Wt otetheres ' aes -e d m. Ask tht neareo- it aen o tChlae. Mbu. wue £ St. FatWal.i yfor rate tKLus chiy or to amy pointbe¶roa& d. mtrai srvice vie The Soutweat lmied. .A.MI LLER, By an arrangemlent JUSt PèrfOcted Ie "an a r e1nabled toofr...... The Chicago WeekIy Inter Ocu. AND The Lake County lndepender both i year' for $O The rgular pice for both paper was $250. We this offer to old ubribers ýpaying up a arrearages and one yearla advanee as 'well as to new isiibacilb. 03 f- m 1 el 1 pi 1 M 11

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