liEw TORIL, COfF stl-ITNG tSAS BROKEN OUT. 11 Vfel*5u5 ,s~eAismdng titiller if- *ueWuspoum Md Tuklng Ca. the leur"Onuy uthe Norulli- Fit. - "liyo* Tutlagettlng toi..Ilike a West- 41,Wtàlbg camp," Mugitrate Flatumer »Wthe otutr day, commenting On du. ~ ~inekubIeoutbreak of aiiooting cames. 'tsa magltrte mail, tiis remutrk lu alpeegblugof the. urwilig ieiIrnof the ce- vote1W5'gB cxcmplficl tir the. ninnietuof ý,M*pa fva'ilys. Umaf mOuer ani . tAft lu vhich duerevolver gurem are mi..'g*"the. courts. The. present lau- velvér la luoperative au a chieck. For- îgblg &»ar bandoninu- their kiçes andl fl»OM w aupona or offense Ini faver of fw 88«en.certain "Xun." -Magistrats Pinue etimateu duhat haifoth de 10- cm Italiens lving la the. Eaut on. Hun- irai unt -Fouth. au-set precinet carrY J eaenlvc-m.unih. lga la lavor Of Vallo' r h.1 %ltmagtrate. ta impos a fine f $100 f or yunying conicealeil eapona. WEIWE<M TO70BE GUARDED. ~sh Miiatre iu~ Raete Preveat Mrriau et vnit Pecnmi. iWuai. mdaiters bave deici f0amuke aviCeoa stamd agaiit the. lractice of *il Cisteare.iresectivc f moral fitueta. - Vrtlu miniatenu ure uvereiy criticlucil Ut ii oepruefleenluthel. pgrtica- btM 1% 4l. . Xer . C. ferring and A.he leV d. . J. Muckai- ver. uppointeilas i- enttiseta draft a complet. acf cf éI*b. On.clause viii prorile that the. ec-~et r.uurrimgs vai Ile -'etcil lu edl-oed paesnupou v*hg-%litfe ou di fl ete.btWa.i 18% vué l'ramg" lb loua a 60, Om*ie UstWolr&pa.yontet Firesic »Sj. vit".Wvb" tu-oafeutt daî Seat matu encgainsre co- - lr» aImait asecelthfi ilug - ' i Vbia huàmu e ti.ofathe - R. 'F.iver, foamsr cu her h 4 plMe ha ieunt-apthe édOant '*5 oasit onea.h*arrangemntsolulil 'Il supinue. taormer reailcathu lonIl et oÀdas b Wu We W Mmu*bd.the ua eateunhe ali ifeu alestment is y- toir fe Dbam 0 It l r ySejtet fmrPrecient o fe Boters beu brttthaa. end.nnonucu ht- lclo Hs«lutrgn. Ith atosei am Sahuru etcthe alesil eof- vilci eare mt ex aplotéd ACe tti sxfleng liof ugh er- ai mufut Weai mn tuii amd o xpntl ~~~~u ~ 6 -,éis tmui oussai.ouf latii. ls m raut etta l fis i-c ~flB ssu lutoe neit b ou ofBt-e Wb"an et laiim Me la mallua Legiaiu thure e ~'; tartouaidentil inanchee e- -« liael , vilé la mil «le areuthte baammtrmnuvpuouie Forhetim.peu-f 1"llt Mldet$16.W0,00000at Jolt sa fer ie aul acrno u otsnsn &Utameut ei*alat du. tcriioa tai hto uai buteNewnYrkbut. Sut ahlplo Cain oareW husxptrantseiong elsi viti gietioâurieftu mth - eqecmien vj.itb eatestipthis Zuginouer raKits Pi-lou a-, la a uai-iel nian forgingtobocc J«r.. vas axestilkiihluei it-bdapi ro miod aili u .a ot CAciea ls retpot cio mn vastlu proet Duraford ombthekatio, l chi. Iloisa aidlhgWoabi ont ami tors cetcliin'. Sftheorpoatti. is lapta st o er $100,OriO.û00,b een et1- Inoroain Ba. nryego, Cl l'h r r. as mbil amer plat.. Tt.ilare Coate 4 on au nginimC. . Fronb f 'eîtul un- Wcet lmait gmu aite A e:l be Seof Ca enfo ou a n roteé ou-otDurbnfoli.remrabJiand ' th o-irsru i, ro accand tres.îtt Newbe teexpditionatin. roe- Theuiuu.b-iic stelrouIlpua. t b * a. lu faue t aacn DCigoroCa.,T eAiar expeinucut is .locomotiv-as-,a carsveandut raJti. TColo.. clou. - t.bav Frenolch oaftClvela gn and butiemis tiaeinîSt-. tjsuf 11bum extraetiol tedonlzelesanf ie M. eus Aen , o f G roobly ýgue KtGraka ulievnubervitIoti te hve dveloed i metao u iettei muscoSvite maMd moL, SIX WEËKS OF STRIFE - Cmuestete ePreaui Tme A-mgb. ]Rua Bi' yAuuembdvis IaArmie on thi. Tolu, l'hio aua Ranis Troopm a lu lierad auj N amlea t. rt-Bihmes theorPnt Art-hur and ti Bla*cuimiufse t Torpeéo-Dout Itattia- Cuuru eme The mxti vek eoftthe Orientai van vaa veet Ptfombalrdaient if blaua vili lth. aosidies appearune eofthfe Japanes e Bef under - Admirai Urie t laivostok! un isif uttack on fie Rus- e lan sf reigbold. T'h. »M tsdil net reply- etiier bec-uns.'if "us pref es-ed *ut te reveil the Iceea -1111itt.oret fcousute the c-emi-, or, Au c .AlIifluL»Go. iter report bas If. becautimey ackci atmualfiOoimut oret It iig bocu ent to Port Aitinr. A voman vas kllfl d ti-anaiclasid sveral tasîbces oundeilo. Bereul bontbatdments of Port As-- fisur nd Dei-cuinilnted lu a buffle betv..i thle Boutoln orpedo flotlla und Japance -forpdo -beot detoj'crP encouctered b la the. La* TicObiu @trait. one vesoel mas sauk ont eari aide, und fiere muttbar, becu con- aider" iclmo Mlits. Thia iras foliow-- ai hi à severe boibaunaucoftef i iaiFor.lun-bhit-b fLrcse vms smne ou of iWtfnon-ouzeDlunliehent belng amont tfl i rilmu. St Petersburg proyuptly lenleil tic er- fiat Port Artur hall been abes- doued. Wiicn oo eets tiat saëbu action wvennccmss-ly Include fie deatruqWnlofu et icIuagolunfet adthe. aisiuimmta or removul ilani of the mak coasI dfenoe gpeIn ltfhe forla about thi ty>, Dofteamention tics. ut Delay, andtheduc urecaler et atioiity. oee auties-u Maucinra tate cJap- unes., eue eunaderganaulho-w hmt, ahb.evalie t-i-.- It muet lie eucelcil tint lie Rus- alan, are maklng anaunMlqialgi tee- hie diapla>' ot abilti-andlreseni-ceful. Damulu meeting flic attueks of Admirai Togi. Their omacsar beavi- and the>r do ot retliste upen -the.enemi- lu-i wia ulleent ecnt- o tnmpen hie ar- iot%.-Xi. buffle efthle teeedo bot deatroyers abovoil corage, but trou t.e Rusan and Japaucéeellciai re- porte Ifluolous- liat tihe Rasient OMM eta bolthii-ovu againt au Infusion naumber t Japanexe veag1l'i TheeBlsfinq van dlo.. un ti fbne Mftii.eaues , frested. ter Japouese frp-mobet destroyers cap- turai a Rusalau destroy-er, viiici rock vile beng toveti au-ai. Appuati>' lie gunnam-y oethde Jnp.1 acee la ilalldf 1> more effetive than ft t f te Rumian. Capt. Siokino Amml osous tn bare ftouglit aut iti h -ai amunerills àay nnnerin or conséuqiences, bug co>oug vit sau- perler numieru, Tia aur-bomfbardaient oethle torts iniicil> ci fie hebg gOaser tet bettiesupe carriiedesou , er s-uoura Budai ala en Thureda>- as moeef- factire fisu suci bombai-InentsammuaI Ir- are, Admirai 'rogo having ari-angeil hila cruisers lu sncb a'mnaner thuf duey euid cobserv-e the effect cf mCh ebot ansi agual to the a t ieuhlp to corr c ifRassiala lelouly assenauiiug.ut4 urnilea ou quie Tain umnaklug prcp urattonu foir.a gimt btti.. Jupes lu ia-nt gtroopa ln C(i-M. unitiUllll tain tote ifront vltb the. prospect liai Rite viliicoxnpel Itumua t. seeffl lier position, mliupli- becaune the.umoe.- monte Of the ltteru urmi- are me .1ev. I'uken aitI l mi.the. Pont yack bas bean a period of prepuratton for eou- lut eots vblcii vincrowil et& other. The attitude of China la on et ioubt. Tii. Importâatforepsubaye becs ama.mbllng on tii. mauauu boulex&r, rend-, for an oppotauiiyfor a foru-avé moeenent. Large bon et ChIbîm bandits bure ber* birumMig fileii ua alun rear andl commttilug dpnWàl.aa wblch May ('4mli for mosni aUcail.u Tii. Chinee are méniteoli-bath. tt If usia. a)d may Dfot muciJauger b. beld in restreint. If tb- h.yeold tou booap,.tiere u-old tic ause ute-n »vI of ffl large proportions ae te lar4dqec clore. thasio0ne Europe»n nation. Thisi Pognlbility keepuz Europe on the. qui VIvTe. The llotes-naflonul sitution la btt.. Itutsili a a rioeilâChna fiat uhe vii tic bel re'iponaile If ber troope An. Diot bt-pt n IneebkL 'reglésiut fOeaayél lius luei an exerutire e4W t f1,1,' mlîfari- andlnaval emspIa"aet thec govertment must refrin fImm - tifnu or expr-ession* Wb" 11111111118 110 Irrita. cifier bellipreaf SQJJADRON PIJTTO SE& ont et I1C*-ni ur.. Tt ta reporteil tiit lb. Rumne aViadi- roatok squadron. vhich ba been - k'-t hounil lk the hunbor. hia bleu-m ta w&y out uith dymrait anêdfpanted for an unknou-m ,etetinut timil IfBr olil.y tat. cd thut Admirai Makarne vintii.he U&- san fieet. lft Port Arthur Marri10& 1is la uppoucil huW uagr ttcisptlug f0 join the. lildivostok aquadrun. He sMited Admirai Tcgo'u aMonte Marei là, whc-. hir retoumd to Port Arthur. INere lu un 3umuntn.d prt tmt Vie. Admirai -tttaeh, ntceat~o.ut t Port Ar- thu,, ha.att.mapted miie RUSEIA PIRIES FIRST SHOT. iOummer om thesKordets M»a the Hunor et Openluz Wer. 1Tii. Louoij Telegmpaprinmt* a lutter front au -ccnt 0f the Brut battit cfii. vur. '*The fact in nov geo.ruily ailmitteil,"writes the - mrr.- spoudeot. tiat itusa ufired the. Brut uhot of the vur. A renflr ou fIhe Ioriets hum the. honor. The. wurubip bail u-igi- ed Oucher on fe. &, uith tdisjiatciws for PffltAhiit;Wbeu off tictherunete tue «tfer ikbu" iime mea àmet et. la,- AdmlrOrl ie.There voue fo battu. dtmli. Melxcun.u "T lu-pué,bouts mué or«e toupsée-boat fseu eoaag uS trofuem on teanegaci, A toepmi buat omed du. houm et fia emuitu thée exuaet duc lattav iamoiatmly <em*i fer action0,u4im a eunea gemmertoo& sun and Breijet fié inusei ou lahméiuely théew .i. boa mt ii. Main jeut aMW eue"la ot théX-1 reliaand diar-burgeil torp«So. et b«r, an n hi hckii lemerted biithefie w- miu. uIé.d tileinruma it,, ic ou-elfl Oégcdturneil about satfnnie t fMl sjuad te tue. auch#oe tegte 1.6.f.huaSt esm. laalmmml. the Vaelug andl la fi mm « etthe. ne«Wtralvr ma sying tiilh. Tii. ,*Pauu~ Blet fohioveilviti- eut hA0e sud i-mm e u as.-hiu- m eu-liat .1ia ,lo-.whikb cuie trum mi089n the Ai nu of a sabot tii a Rumoa"sl"g tise afterucof ot ea. %, ost mvib mc> pm.eitiy le t4 e ls t elit et tic adale-cil ii-tueim.Jpanée, nb duuiAu thle olgit mlat.deifer trouva amd se..- teuuiî'tb fi- oui fi fin.tspu" sud hi- doy>lIglt tlIO4 tin etbai pear utm th* tsebailo, .sMé-9-h49l%@joa digue-idVU tLu TEAUc 0or111E FAI"f VWAR Wr -iu.eI- n orth monut or Phantun Prov-ic. China. Leas.d front China l>y Oreat tiin. WtJu-Xear moul. of the aI-. -1brtizeast Kore.. A railvai- lieu Wou 10 have ci tubant f rom WlJu f0 Scoul., po-rt oin notheast coaat of Korea u-ltii A, gond bhus,. Popultlon 20.000, u-th eaxerl-a miieïu sttimeit.le. Telul si- r(Aninok-The nortbvest frotnderbetotu e3anchuria and Korat. lu IMM. Ruas ivrber. uttunila tituber- cuttlng conecuatuikuon the. aoutb aide fmou Koffca. sami!nade thiq a pretext for c- effltion. If vue in the. estuaiT of the. Yale thât the. Jalianeie won a great nuelaivirroci- ever the ('lCiue flet Iu .1""4 isking tour Uhinea./ vurabipu. Viumagati. Fiel Mai-miaI Murqula- Orvetf Jupuenea. aati-iman mnd olile. e.namander-te-eblef ln Cino-apaae "cr-, a acmber of the genro: fnot Impur- tat aise la Japein after Mairquis lie. Yuîaucb4lLeut. (Geu. Barun--Con- manda Piftii division of Japanie. uarmy. Commaded Japae loete"s vl-tihfie ulicu ut Petine, tttO. Taummto, Admirai]htaron--31inigter ef marin..Japan. . Yushimi-Japan.a.batties.ip, 12,500 tumi; uluter aiiip f0 ithe Fuji. Yoiiolams-Cbief port of Milien. Pop- ulatieu, 2W1.00. Toemuke-Very liportant Japanea., wuyal çtatlon. arsenal sud docks. Wa tii. montimportant iqaal center, but Kfte Dow- equlukIL Toagumpo <VoafunpoHliý1AVem ut the Meuh f e i.Talai i*ovccnpled hi- tth. Mad oetii.eChines, forulu the monfli. A protégéetoflà uug Chang. Tu.Yenliu-stme aWonsan. captaïn I&Iv Ubt. Cuptaunlvkor of tii. Muncuriun cou- immsarial, servic, hum en«wory eonm-,Martlawedand ahot for miara upy la thc psy itfiiie Japuuess. Wl..iv .arr.ete on suspicIon docmmfate founi 'in ivkov'a pcmepsloai.ft no doubt of the trnth uLt the charge thut hliedaliong been reveal:ng militari- secrets t> the Jupance.- The. tragic atovi- becsîn. public thronch a siiiple saouceieut in the. nemy oue.n hat I'-k0 bildbhen excluil. cd frein theii. mrve. WAR BWSIN BRIEF. hieporta are that the Rilànshar. croamueilti, alu and are lnva4lDg Korea. Large orilers for ammunition have bées placcil with miltheiGemenan povier faetmrieo4 - Rainrefugefl, suceedlng lu erad- in In iltaiT dimi- efhome. i-cadi Nev Toui mué relate tllix çtories of en-' It la reporteil titt a large force of Itofoelua*usbeau sationeil at the lm- pmAttnt fortified and s trutegicul towu 0f Ilie serbaui. e SBrs f tic Gernian sud Frecnchi lied Cromu moceticu to a.pply contingenta fer amre inthe fild. A doal for 5.000 toma of tiarici- hum [buse ioied et Sus Francisco u-itii agenta nf go uoiiVmernrment for ti. nue it uituantroopu lu the. fieldl. TIrb.Ruaise gorernment t. building moitas trains for usie on the bfpn- 7 UhM a eilecwattufer the.model t thdo. lwmmi he lcBritishi lu Booth Afnicu. Offlalilesiml la give. lun Paria of the. 0" of fit ca.-hamges of vie" arue now «OlWu e ween ParlseLIiDdopamand 'Woatilaon relative te offerinir media- do-I-t"tii. è*fàrac mté u-r. AdvIces trou.lfog-Hau-Cbcug. tfoi- lve mil" cm mrthvcmt t pi ju, mai- the Ru"s lm"*rouatm showmg ne admirable apiin lu muming tfii hte alad hardhi of thé, mai*!h over tii trouez, tracta ofcmut machuuLv. l'are. "OrweglsMeunerus a rriveil ut Shagul t fromt FutArthur and report- ad *,et tii. Jupanema bomiiardintt eau.- 1éd du treateat rtWeflm la, Ou fou-C. The ahivls. vhWcii verBiou ot acc- wutei-. hil 127 io. 9 Tic Koreau n pm.lutnient of trude 1ut Kyoog-liuag. cmthé Tuai.. aIrer, rlu recuivi-il a nota flM e .eoamauding ègénéral ut 1'iuillyeotbk eaylag tual ime. tKros s uaJaîlueé30mpea a acoumldars oM e a abelilgérent a i vii metam- The litaI. DeérfmU eut Washington 8 bo vreireil fou-ual assurance trou 0 eIas-fiat 1li ivstreucit et thut ceeu- gtoy vOilist on tic obs.ervace of *the 1 trkltateuti-alieti-teanilbofl-i aie.dur -hék thé prpeelt van on the part-e Ciii-' 9 lThe Pppror e of Cn uItedete lm l *ci bs oseipeame s etmru te tMA- W*k, ils.puu.e lwft.hé uhinfoff th clii-r. il vus tbouia fi te Queue vaw emudsiatedilise M.uW toantheresthat the 'ac /S wà M id b.," penne.>. Mse m theuarebberéSu"mdnp .1 utteum a r-It forcithe drm"a l the imu to e re t. foi*04isadeflu i lu the tower MpiPait' mimime bog ie On.nOfte>' Puiaigêu«thddnawtitah -iltterniik. 1 idoiméa big lot .a itob'e oawfl t,. Sï t. iien bt vent '*« theifkd#ni bainst. ,Wth augf 0&- -60 v cme» bkte Cblcage, a*thg ê 1 e19 policer. l nuder dus lupyskOalOirv. huaiel fer DOmaha. 'BiduJobs E& jahnson, hlci t tii, car ba; DetectivilQuînn, iîlc me due lime et mi- ulveat, ail Otto Bandés. -bom t"ceai garalli- uppoooilte baveailied. 1 have hlled ave efler mon.: If Peter Niedenuyr'e *tori- lu fa ho bellevuil, i haibi! da man for eseye- Yser of ile . "I haye kUle imivuenty-tiiree mén and voundeil oyventee," ha decIsrstl. .ýl- mocti mc ae ervhug tint, for My- ct-lues lu moe uan o"a paiteutiani-. fewrs autouatimlne a$10.00areuntu- staninlg for me la différent States. 1 viil confamu fies. crime. if the polic vii glvsme aàu-elffen promise ute#ivea part of the revand ta mi-ral mofiicr." BIG PRice FOR MEALTM. Wiitfln i lau Immun.aiBot Tih, Bouem oimittee.ais lufea-tate andl forrigue. <mou., adcajýàI beuril Prof. Willliam H. Buer on the, question of amtufion et tia Panameu esai lrente, hl'htmian CoanalCom- missilon, h. muid, bai! eganicil the mmii- jetas one o e i.gnettuportance. The u-oika cf mnittion vonld b. ciief- 17 lie. comafructlon et u-atcs- 'orks und a enerage c>-tcntfor duo cilles eoflPan- ammandl Colon aildtii.drainage oetdisl- tricts bat veeu do..elftes. If voulil t.- tuain the. 4opertiou of t. Polies.,as the. peupleon use"mh&i4 me idea of .sul priniples. h* MId. tonaehe i ternitowy «heafLH Mis tiiut.i the. eust t 12,00000.The. consolation of the cu%&ai h mid, coulé b. accompliahuil lu ight or aine ryam. Auawering Mr. Hepburn. Prof. Burr mid that uher. mem ore carel.. lu fiole habits on the latbmus the. mUortinl higi. Ho hadDot bsut,heMid. tht a thousané men bat théir livs fer every mule mg fer au won hbas beau done, or b.dlie eyrer heard.-ni agftyel'ah con- .talulug.000 g-m -t-abvv, eattIs. tact tiVt of NoÇ ;hine» W000diadin luhMre IDofths.- Prof. Barrevu.s ubjoeicil f nmy questions. beanfug ÊBIr a u the. umnt ef e'rcavatleo hy the twe Freconm- poules, and mid tber hué excavateil abot 70I~),00Yards. two-tbirda of whieh vus une.ful leavint .000.00Q000 cubin jyardsu ml to b.e cavateil *The. regniakr Roosevelt ticket u-aa ec-et- sd bl a langemeJortty ut the priaurimu J. L. Caldwelil of Wet Virginliemaucil a htatsoosnt wltbdrawiug irom dthe race fer Unitedl Statea Sonutor from tbtu BOte. . Thc Democratie territorial committee ef Oiklahomua elected Anudanko mu the place -ef holding tii. natiomal delegat. conventioni June I. lu a couyeutioklutlng tu-cire houra tihe nmcv-union luise »foity0f-Kauma City nownlat-cé s full ty tkeêt for the spriug electbon. The. Repubicâun tate central ecouut- tee t 8iona Fous, 8. P., selereué max Fealusnothe. 0"'<-4néMay 4 as tII. date for the. StatU toinettio. Repraeetatlve E. J. Burett of Ne- tu"ila olu meblicr.d tu have uclent .nprtt ir. hiu the. liiteil stat.. etralptuo aucece lSeustor DietrIch. The. Bwomington. [l., Bulletin bas I"wubed a boom for AdIiiB. ISteven- mon »Uatht Deicerujt andidatu for lit presldmefflneas dtomprobi» betweecu Parker ua"Heast Tii. Miaotu..- Bpublieuan ovebtbom ut Tueson intriteteil ta délgatep fe the Chtfmgo convtlon 'ter Roosevelt éand adoptuil tmouifr"*tuIogu uguimut Joint sitetbood tg aby for-m. Niebmuhu Democrtsviiili oli tu-o ftttm uouvcntioum. Thifisat, oin leet dierutes t. tii. national -conVQDtion. nil be ut oimiuiiJoe ,1. The. secondl WvW b. luiI Iter ut Lincoin. The. Demrata of tic Fourtb Ohio ditic electéti A. D. 3Mller of Alen aud-B. A. Hoakinu 0f Anglaise au daec- gitea tg flhc St Louis convention. lTh.e *deiogttea.go. unlustrnctOd. The lt.pubican conslotion of tiie Fourtit Coogrengloiiul dsrc luor cleteil E. mi. Iilrkes of St. Joeph meil Biluord g. Snith of Svanouau àdele- gte. to the national eove&tYoD, ln*ttruct- lug«c Rooeelt. The' a tuict rt àqmtitlou idI l*ot cftruJiln it~~~ fni na ucudi mttoituréfi Péf emea Snral's expoen isace feuna 16 lllbt f$1000 asleat, Aftera W aota h. appropleuloet $7300-tu the i. penues tsde. .,à a itu-th 1 lleii Qbtudi ram~slUe vus tuinoil te $15.000 .', Iteims'point .« ode, agmînot IculgatoW certain cm- Pl0çs *a cltîcrs." "niight superinten- éob^" ste.. viiicbh. esalé vas $or thé jion0 0of rumotlng favorites, vas aise- 'fie$fontfe Fs-afia-ouufirmed flnig. Ge, ' WooI'u scnomion" ii-a vote e« 45 tel, 10 Auesoution vus sdopted dIrect- ft lii. licretaiT ot the luterior te le- tfai the 0.ale vheoitu o"nbdin 114 bieen 4ueércctiveasia*'peii. sien ne e t J'une 2?1 lm& loa aflei mentg, au te idimsbditleu or upplirouti for'pemulona. ouf<[If o m eM .s léSi ute a top>'ce a" ouelor., £lab'bîrýwhat umouhf, If Roy. vili sRaidl r ptola.- bu- lucreuc-périinusnsîalh-. l'i& Rees. contitneilthe iim-i-emaon et fLhs posfolIce appropriation bibi. 'Fb. afidb elpel ameuduient adopteilvamthbe inser- tioet nofane'. >uoeuglapiilu the. bibIpro- Vilunhr for @aà appropriation pit0500,00 foi 'unuualbbuinms" le uel rdnul rt ebimss PoeoSlccqa TheiPostilaster GenteraiLà lu uis-d te moepuloole thc regnIatou»a ndir uhici fie alblouts nrt muadlebefure nWslng uni- part cf film i;mou4nt. A sînîllar nqiennWaln çrclnlathei. cpemfillîre oethtita$1.000.- MfI for m.pratlng tuaits lu thinil ani foitii lama poatoilicou. Thé pagi-urph appropriait«ug M.090 pet annuta, for the. beau,. of a potelicé hufli lela-Ne York City, te tue es-cetcd hi- the New. Vrk 9 ',etis alîroad. va asnraud te -afttaII, bail biecn uîcudail As 'au et ta Inîerfere n-luthlies is.-s-tion iien lb. Pofuaustt'e l.ierailnluthe nmelter oftiflu uciattion of a ite. lom.eain luthé e nuteMonilsi of the bil provillué loi- aibuilding fer fte lepartmenf ts, l te. Juntire uni Commnerce mud Labo> vs usnae the.ot- essieu fer adilers. cniiru-lnt eft th eehi- tot tybi, piancithe White 11.e. of- fiee.. Mn. licar lutroilucoi a bibl hi- req estcet ol-gauluéa eiililai b,.uIi. hirhf. Wsul. spi-cai-d hf ousws et the sahfufbon Armyi fer thé. purouea. cf u.cuing.tlemeufont pulie linos Lite ibll mmciiwast lrepare oue tdii. tic lose enator Ilonna. Affar helut lu Meauel84 «tdIauff Hons. adiiooroed ont eni sect te tia mantnie>ocffLi.slt. Ri.predtnttle Cbaus W. Thouipoon ef Aabama. lies- obufiomucfrepet andé qupatiti- -eis tk-n reueas cruin t u4ementa i 34Mn. Baîker (M V.1 ecataîncé luthe f'ngua bleui et -oedi-jïmt PnldgrfiuOswO the, I"btij- nul boitai-cfIrît. lPub- cock is.b. Mn. llephîttni xplamluei thut Mn, Baker olnd nt dellyrrei the. remankuounthc fluas- cf théeus«e. titi uIn enteni-il f ln ute RecolMud er a hia. of poi-nl. Tiie amendient n-ai èfilcpted ufler I.e enoeufs 'fou-el a roll rli. Mls. Buker etuhavuired IoenC- polain liii action, tot it iaker (Conne, i-luw-ilto> secguile hiou.- T'he Seuil e ut tht. grentes- pans-fec the. lai- Tunauy onuthfl tîimiapîlo- arinti.îu bill. Th'le cecI ion i.xeîsulting flue tudiaîî ogeici- farteir frein civil il--viee cvsii.ît it1on aas'îii l'h. m,1esinenduictt, tf Itiliin ti-houls ar ta b lu nkîncite acf tn. biou agetsf 1vos-dy le t 7t yj-cr. ncî-iiniiiig tu Ile licotai.iâinieulent. irii" w-ua dpf. Another amnmciincuît ldepte! nuiiec flic paiment 0of dainmsmath b, "Indien trioies onn -,' te i îtonenr-et be fn-ei- the flcrie of paynsefift made ikctu lu grejuibe u nd.t on pynj'eulaoni-e- <luira.l' y treafieq..The lieuseru'uitiu'-l congitierufleoicffluie postffilce oiriaa tien bill. -Mr. muie t a.)mdemu lînsitiesqei iîicneavoric hure padair mnniineut ftroustong bock le ftheo o- fice- or the Ftriat A"tutl Poaluintt (k.terai jurluuictiou or the frec deliveri- eutf rural dlîreri- servies ubicli %Toti otd -jil Ir-M. 'tons <Tenu.) te tic au effort fi. pînioIu Mr. Briaoofor fer ior- eri-mg fi-ule lu aiotltî'vbures.,f etfi depas-fînuf- An amenîmuent agi-e.i te probiits the Postmantes- feucrai Iront -ooirr-utfeut oif peaflefieateiepilonC cuve- pexliies otîter thnfie Bell couaitun). An- other auietiiiint, probiiîs ithe urtiier rentlug of coceling iaimehimes. '<le .. Ignâtion cf ChlncDicit($blqte À*abo uffee-t ut"i ,i.f nerolution wnapasucé fixiar Mrebu 25 ïftertz-leilltpohMIo ocf- tic pension luIt for lb.heuaonilerutlen cffthil i pid- ing £or- the elec-fon ef -n dufegate fromt the. teiriforj' cf Allwti an"imakîng the ill pririiegeil thercafler. Mtou-mou, church n-nb.. uti poilea:c mtiadivcr. exalaîuol h i- vtmmsinl Butoot hennt. Itountu Oocikin buasca' appintei. memiet orf van u mens eomialttea Ingtead et William. R. Ilearat. (cnlsouei-uappeitufite Inveati- &qÎe eon*dons in 5 wllun Tarritery. peg drastie osflii- isuaste cheek u-~ caleilgiaffina of oMclins - lindréit <bc tocîieVl«Otienseor postal lava iii-Congresumn » aIS.oa- tort rêvealeil lu recport -etfChui-Inan OvPrtreet of commit te. on3 pestoMm. The deslre of thei.llpinno fer un~ Americau neduculionle trikingli- set ouf bhe flcppeal -trou. Moulin te thei moulut bureau for aunédifilmul 160 eitool- fauchera rothlb.Unitedl States. lu Decambber at Ils n-150 ppolniud. - Jamou G. Payne, 1aufditorcfthe Dia- friet Buprentu Court, linoam f,ib reportt on due amenat aml.value et - fi. pile property lu lthe casa et Amirai Devey' usalet due Don. Jean il.Anatnia. ami ether yraois captutredaindué ok lu . "a l, y xi 4.Ml Parti- tu S 8t lha bil s4 . . 't t Eletiutil Zsigealt 'whyi- ou't yi-oups« meu ISeuli om tia a grKamaéiltshm-iojadiiaal. the. por efmm'-'céi iily cabri vét Ulm . u mOtl gof b ai. sale thtnm~Dd*e KîdmneyPilaare the. lace repedy- for gmrvlpggiria.ri. SaliR euxpplstop er ouecomiuation iii-the. folloving'.pulae "MU ilauOtler wus tbirteen i-cro 0 lent hevetuber andI illa nov tu-o itp mince aie -vas'Dnmftaken vif h C" Sphathat veu laut a, weei suit vo~lthen Paisoit, lu -a niofttllé' *oeé bi. us *$opn. At flou flu1e dia uleut ver- littie mnd val veye i-eIiv eyftheii.vitem ofbar "The doctor s gave ue- no encourage matait; tbe.>.&Il »Mitiey coulé mmt iei bet Allerm-,a.dukmg .bof et Pibds O>cl f e«Mcue. v. cnumeil 0 jabout oàdeaLJDu5 u v.mliuv. qjoté 1ier éÏ(uahnauIy- vian ae lu met feqling Wall. Doidu R idnb Pilla a"s eeruainlitfe basa . uedilusfor 1 ittlem boli baed thea micce et Mnr. Smffh. for b'm dolng tht-y mmi- mu-.tei iaglteamincipalin snd k.iueuén weab.etii-. happi- futur. l'or tient.- Hmv #0 sleop. I Ilu net uncontinun to heur people a> "I va. tion flred te ie S"IîttI lu Dot generally knouiliu- gui-ut a k* if la et sncb tîntes îlot tta ri-te sleP. but t o gpta vork delllMrately tfu gel tealupreparation fos- it. in ida. <ssé 'ett f an Il la thé unylIl- Insge sta lie au-utc fmat keeps us awaiiuWe teusanI t urt nd aliéisi v coulé aleep. W. fret. and fuue, sud os-nY', Wbeus nef aeecp. Wc flinli et ail w ve taodeoun bhefol- lovlng dey uni are oppr(*ed weti î fie fbomUgt tiat n-e -annot do If If va doe mot sleQp. tii-st, ve fi->- ue expert,- usent ta se0"I If i ii i 5.01tak.-unu slop, andiWu.nilfails, votri- nuothes- antd peniiups uotiier. lu eaeb expert- meut vo are vstcilngt.asecilf IfWitt von ýT.'hora u"smauy filgs 10 de. sur. aeetof u-ieb migit elp usnfta eca,, but lte vateiiing te maq If tii.> viS w" o.i tepsusns.vne. Wh" e avrue iipt &*ski ft-ou oog fatigue, tMe rult filg te do le ta esi "Méliovin.taeonilvc tiat v. mdo m cale vw"ô're-0vasleop or not. la One 0Imbue ourmolres uitia beutby ludlfferece.about itIl I1vh bcip t*vard glaing fia is bieomein.. diferae fttoe syi- !am n tirue - alisp. uni- tbâàefos,.the uatf!.o- pgpm"r- aiee. Wlicn nî i- llu sa wfell routecil f ili go ta leep; If cannaf bep IL. When Iltlu vel reated;Il, i i sleep bat as aturuhli- sma mi-icug hi-ati,or a oi-yiens-t bet.-L.- lilenMrletbly. Donceita acriap. A imnaliboy vus uidremug the, cdi- c. eVetihig betore the. open frin lisl nurme-Y, mai-s flicNewVia-k Tibune. 1119 mother gave hlm flus iiigiitmblnt and tol hlm,,te bl l tote .tir-e f0 Xbc ieft the rsoom for a minute, but retus-ned qnilky nheu she liens-!the boy ma i- e fathu'r: "Pupa, lu Ibis shIrt donc mien ire brouuV -P..on..6mIo. iii-Food. Fecil n Phyiscuin bock t teecltiianal be gains an experlene f bat hoecau usa la benefit others. for thitiroasn OroPe-Nuts food.laus lu- recouintnd.d -t9 Patients hi- imndrciedsofputi-auf vite bat'. cunci!tiieniseves et stoniacb trou4ble., On.eilector mye-, "Ait liugb fa Phy'scian sd tuylng f ai andI amlat Mi- fe-lov bcbgteaou- joy catiislth Il muet b. ndIntt il i foi-mes-hi- dld notef eni-tfe bout or hc-.îith uniself. In Jmnumt-y, 1i o1i1Y meiied 119 pounda. Attfils lime 1 vas liviug tu the 01,1o, ruawami Dcguntf0think 1 bal aiont mecs uMy iestýdai-m.Ounelu?'about 3 i-crauilo - 1 bai an oppotunlti- te tri- Grape- Nuts fond for - breakfast 1ill iutf no meli tint I ut. tas. teaupaoonful tiie-.Um.é-a day ami have e"guly2- caci Il Il tate epromuttinte, -unid 1 nov veldli it3,&again et SU pomsie, - andi ejoy the beat Of beaidu. "Net ou- lia fe-Nusta made -fil monderful ebangs ia me, but tii-ugi- If 1 bave i.Ipeé My- frLeuds, ral*tivm and patienta. '1h. uttalng if :-« tuis food lasimpli- u-ndmtuL. bI~ave 0ena ptient Whvinu ma te baud on fie C. & O. R. IL, vbol d>S suefllg lu ie h*mcu-ng but foii-m jp. "> upoltuis of rape-,Nusmi -t~ isl veru iadvl U Pt annch t1dWý ui enJoya te bout o etialit et * coula name a gi-eut meuni ' Ifire tuhauni I st111 Prescnie Grave, N'listu MI- prnctice eeri'deyi-,"Nms given hi- PostuunCe., DuttIe Crami, ý Ask uni- phialcé.uabout fie M ma. tfiel prlucipfie. on vieli Gte-Nuji food la mal.Hell tîl i-ou ri sel pionaureperfof.- ett Thon a 10 daim trial provs ia 4 Prtnceili. are careteil oct in the,- rail the guoo f tfi. gralues "i iiit on e rUvdbuc i lé«gi-).