CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Apr 1904, p. 1

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w6' «b .@~ 27 Li 't>VlIIO,,Lake County- USEM T DeVoe mlxed Paint Heoath & MlIllýn Mlxed Paint 'Murphy's V aftiSh h dMnm*t Vavn 191 i Standard Varnleh Cr F lopr Paint a R er.Carrnage Paint ri Llnseed 011 Whbite LOad putty 1 PmNTfRS'SUPPII ES Am the Lmue, lU .~~ww~mPwJwwwwwwww.~- -. -~ - The 2&h Cèntry Cash Store Hu lus SpinOg Iok d.1 Mm9.7dma Yomsahs' mm duilW.Mmd s lemiy for Tm inupctiof *ei hlwmg Urne ~1 I I I ~1 i I I I f. M.geu po adSI.oe . m. De dd o Va h ecdedte chueout uw 0" 0(1 LUMd Mb..s bS Mmd LO&O USwo MW 4Mds. ss? m c» GW lb.. u.y. New is *9 dm i t u me60 d&Pute bay Whs. . W.PARICI1RST CAPITrAL $5O,0OO.OO LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. ONE DOLLAR Wi Il oprin a Savlgsamcuxt on which interest wilI be lpaid at the rate of 8 per cent per annuml. Savingo Departmnt DR .L.TAYLOR aî,rW& avKN TIMiniie TAYLW&5 nouas-? ta 10 a. u. 2 ta 4 aud 6 ta 8 P. n. kasllouce ou Broadwavy, oppoite Park. Lihrtyvilie,Ililinois. Dt E MSM[TK OMVCE uVERu LAKE iÙUXTY RANK. gocam--h ta 12 a. ni. und t it5 p. m. Liberty vile, Ilîlinois. DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. 4 >'rE OFIt, LVL.5 mDUG MRu iE. Libertyviile llinois. DR. PREDERICK H. MARTI to 10- atal , o 8Ilp. tui.,anud '-officDe 'lumie 55. Reeldene'l>hone 178> [ l.ilertvîill, Ilîlinois DR. A. J. NMCliOLS. uit Chicago --DENTAL OFFICE Xocma-Weduesda'ofa aauh tact ifa * 8:00.m E. te 6*0P.iuM. - Lihertyvîlle, Illinis. BÊNI. H. MILLER tTrl')tN Y AT LAW. e. S'TiILC. TELECVêOý-, u. 26. t- Libertyvlhe, lIllnois. ?4% M 1ACGUPFIN *'flOElT ATLA*. DR. O. P. UTHHqD. VEIINARY BUIOSON. A5oeAi? rAvR VETEUINANSUN. Iàbsrylle, Mlinois. Ni»e Toem*PBChoee Nom- bars f uem ty Board. Bonn CLQSx CONTESTO. Nn@ tawnsbipe lu the.countY elected gp.rieriq Tuesdy, th. remainig number havlng boldover memner on tii. board, sud he. elcted other towuahip oUests but not supervisorm. A usuelwhoeam uprvlnrs w.?. fot eected little interet vasm anilet. p«nbape tiie htterent flght ,was in Vernon townshlp. J. A. Mason thie presentmsporwrvimaasopposed by Mr. (leu. Qustn, a prominent and popular republan. It was flot a llght hetween eandldates but betweeu faction and batth ilde pt upthirbest. tir. Quentin zwelyOd 108 sd Mr. Mà Nw thoe n nmre tallu of a conteNt and tliMM S»aredeedely warni in Vernon. Fruk Redm id fov coletor, J. P. Elteethalaforsaeesr, F. ilahen for ecommlsour qof ighwayo and Marlou Knodimg i.,acul trust..iii balane ai the. ticket oeate. Týe reit ilU Llertyville iili b. Sound lu the departoent devoted ta that place.. lu DeuOid I. (Gibbs defeated Atty 2.1., and wiU mmceed W. F. Hogan. But on. ticket was in te»field in WVest Deerfiei and M. Horeuberg..r osnceeeds himasf. Denulman liuutington earried off the plum ln ElA by a majanity of 20 votes on ai the Ccloet conteste vas lu Wamuoda A petition ticket traa ln the fid headed by Johu Golding, presmt supervisor sud waA elected rxceptiug ouly tIr. Goldng isho weA defeated by but tva votes, A. J. Rayuuond r>'eiviug 141 snd Golding 139. M. T. Iamey goos back on the. board from Cuba, there bing Do opposî t ion to bAmin lu@is owu. W. B. C00w in Warren had nu appoi- tion, hsading Utiiuly ticket put up. Thas. B. Oraham- suceado hurueif in Grant, deleting Convers Marble by 83 Waskogan re-elete iretwa asitat auperviom tus year, Samnuel Wooley end David Adains, Jr., both repubicaus. The uuek-up oi the Couty Board of Supervisons neYe yeer viii ho aé uated haewith. sud incîndes the holdaver, re.Lwe an sd newly eleted memnbrs: Boutan, F. B. Wihht.. olover. Newport, G. B. littajheus, holdaver. Antloeh, A. N. Tigess, oldover. GrUt !a. &Orahe, paeloted. Warre, W. F. Clow, re-eieted. Waukgn, .J. K. llower, boiduver. Wakogmai, L Md. Ekatraiud, boidover. Waakegan, David Adams, r.eletod. Waukegnn, Samnuel Adam@, re.eeteed. 81>1.1do, Jas. Anderson, boldover. Lubertymille, W. E. Miller, re.eleted. Frent, H. C. W. Meyer, haldover. Wauconda, A. J. Ray,,uond, uewly Cube, IM T. Lamey, re-elcted. Ele, 1D. Runtungtaui, reelected. Vernon, Gea. Quentin, neiviy elected. W. Deerflid, M. lioreubetger, re-electel. Deerfield, M. Gibba, newly elected. De.rfield. James MçDouald, boldo ver. Alread.y epeculation lain ii.a. ta who wrîlI e ho airman a! the buard next jear sud iLtrwoulul b. but verieet speculedion ta venture a guesl. tOf Course AN. tlfsuy, candidate for tihé, senate will not lelie to holul chairnuaruehilu of tii, hourd. Biglu Butter Market. Buttairun ehe Elgin lBard of Traite &oni at ts irn aet 24Y& cents.. Sles ai Lh. weak 429,000 pounda. Butter sanie week lait year 28%~ cents. Wlacoain lCentral Sold. John D. Rocukefeller ia nid ta have se- curaI contraI ai the» Wisconsin Central rallroMal ter iaus yeara effort. He ha. in prospect impravenicuits wiii e ilI place the rondaianong the ,uast valuable rir>uid propert iflesin the country. A qurvey uof a cnt-off frointi arnlild. Wis, ta Mlwauke>. hums beufu completeit, vhlcb tili niake tiie shortese lSt. Paul- Chicago route, by 2M îtoile.. Publishl the Reporta. Supervisors.îIighway Cominmioners *~U 10W USII and Schjol Treamurers are requireit by N. n~ hw laevta, publieh a, finanial statenient of NO =0 recapti uand expeudil>reo aAseubmittedc ThI F1 STet annual town nmeeting», tîuat text SA K payern ay ia.) -ru juice how their funudf NA~tO~A aieK flu.lg ulsei. The l'unzi-utiEtT i. pre. 4easqv~, hes preiltu, muliiîli11 ucli repoîrts. Su-uitL * them lu. Noticg.i - ~on Aprîl a&ad 15 huneseekeriexeursIon 1,91. ~~$*0 1MB liokun>il b. soid tu mau, ponts lu 4 .~ ~ gj~Mjk, dffereunt dfretIonfltor on fue.pins Ueo - doliareround tri, o. l dfor su1firs aver 0. ________________ à_ 8t. P a recia. opplosmuP. A. 9--LS. 0. P. & T. A. L, L ?aybt. Ph& Robed The. grave.' N" *01111u1C.V. PNU. A tartiing incident le rarrateit by il. . Gaud. uti. John Oliver of Pbilalelp#lia, ani folota:i ,«I tram luan awfui condition. Myi sin Ims.,s ss a tin ha' has in'e h tamaluiost yelaow, eyes sPunlun, tangue Oç9NeA M 0 1OIAUO8. oateit, pain continually ln bock andi s ides, no a petite, grawiug veaker dayj by day. hre-êplijaicians liaitgiveuu nie1 -.Up 1'e 1wag %dvised Cci tise Eletric Bitte-s; -a ny gret joy, thuÇlret bottie tuads a 4.cude4 improveulemt. 1 con- tnuel tholr use for thm-a weaksi, and arn - uovw a eilimn. 1 know tley rabbeb tiiegravleo ai otlnr vctim." Nao e j * ..~ ~.. . - sogd 1.1 to tr% tlui. 01ul7 50 cents Friday, April' 8. 1904.-8 Pages. TRACK. Zion ~ Ta Cit . $477 $405 Delji Zietuon C t - ...$47784f i adeno oiut- ,(1 174 ,1 Newport ... 7,730 Antioch ...... 15,87 Oranit.......... 7,092 Avon...... 111,876 Warren.....11071; W'k'gan clU>.. 106,224 W'k'gan tow>u 16,565 L. F. Cie ..... 66,508 Siels ... ... 9,94 LiertYviie ...16,2613 Fremant ...... ,67 Wauona ...... ,11:, cuba ........... 10,014 Ela.............. 1,021 Vernon ......... W. Deriel .. 11,462 Hligb. P. cit>' <61,20.3 ......... 1.8,490 7,4105 814 14,580) >07 3,255 l'me, 11,186 690 9,844 831 m6,822 19,401 12,319 4,246 57, 786 8,772 17,6469,318i 0.,069 50>4 8,225 458 7,645 4f69 >,4*> 1,5584 10.78(S 21>1 9),420 l871 X,846 2,61 t 38>449 22,T3 11,1121 181 Ta Be One or, J1*1 .t ln United1 @tete%. I.'poverncnte bIAATBIRMI ZASHIVING. Gjaune uf mnuat busby ngagod,c naterial han" d-mma prei&miiiBFy1 preparations perfetsé iokiug ta tii building 01, on 0o!*0 beet nile ram e courses in the Uuit..d BOuatAi> and the9 oeeotion of modemB *talIe. ao& e amphitheatre and ethpr essetiali etrctdis, the whole cot t a>uggregate #150,000P, hy the. eenitly, orgauisedi Uhbertyville Trotting hamm. jitio)n at1 Lherty ville.j N<. F. Chiamberil, cdAVIrag>., a con-à tractoaof i ome note anîd wio bas1 bandi.>d uany larg e gvernunent obs,, particularly lu Cubia, W'on the grourid1 and in charge of the W* under dire.-i tion of F. E. Marsi, #Knident of ti The bine priuts show tiree niagniflecat t barn@ 09 pleaslng arMhitk.vture sud l84x84. In eauh bonu a driveway 141 feet wide separates tii. box eaiol. wblch lin. ether ide. 72 luaiU. Be*ide theSe box stalle 12xl2 are tu line htiitglt. board lenoe whieh wfil inIuae the grounds. A steel am1,hitbeste baving a neating capa£ity ôf 5000 ".d ou conutructed as) ta readily allowv o1 pnI.gMem'.ut, a band- nmre building, will &doru tI». went sud of the grounds. lnterviewed by m aE~i'i'Tmani Mir. Chamberlainl salO --lheleve the traik, <rundls. buildings and general arrsusuiwt witl lm- supenior rta amything in th.e Ountry and 'y. »ean tbem ail. Fuiro e b ave soit particularly adaptuijiemuid can bulid a course whieh will 11» km fa»t you get tiii. Then the rted about Liberty- Marital Troubles of Mr. eud Mm .MBety Bol.. Louai to SUIT 19 THEEATENED. Mir. Harry DoWe, who until recently eonducted thIi.idiug. milk businea, lu LOhetyvill end Who but tva Yeai muneemxnrred the.daugliter of tMr, and Mra. Herman Meyer, then of Prairie View, nOW of Uhertyville, han publlcly an- ,ounced the separation ut hinilansd aife &MO thereby bang. a tale. A few ,uontha ega Mr. and Mmr. Bales aented aoftMr. Rapb Derby hia boume sud Mr. l>arby arraged ta board with theni. .411 »eembed ta go uucely ntil Mir. Bales guqpicioned luis rile bail become nfatuâted with hi@ boarder. Re reon- .rtm t iti lier and mli. handed bIb ber engagement ring, remarking, 'l iaver did lave you sud neyer want ta. Tiat settledi t sud tir. Baelefit ber, golnk tu the. home af hlm parents, trlere hê,be tince llved. ne dlaims ta kuow that tir. Darby luuggod sud kled hlm wlfé on more than one occasion andl thereupon bases hi@ action for suit bc threateui to brlng for alienation of hie vles ;affectioni. 0f course theres@ another @ide to the. @torryand Mir. Darby, who in apromineut sud weil tlougbt of YOung man. le. amphatic in hlm detial ai any wrong intentions. lRe tramapproaclied liy su attoruey repreeutiug tMr. Bales sud declares $2500 tam deUiended oai hlm sud talil that hiA refusai ta pay the ainount would reouit in a suit for damages, H. tam glvsu aweek's tir» in wbîcb ta dei.Ho e mye h.ha@ decided and that unlea tii. suit la brought le viBi fineaction himSeU sud dfel not propose talie "beld up" lu suY sucli maeue n ho elleves Mr. Bales sud bi. aldrimecOnspire ta. I t in mailtMr. Derby trent theb.Bales homeoans day lait veek sud ta MUa. Balesg, motiir ai Harry, express s regret that the mmudoretandbug betweeu the. youug copie should ha attributed ta hlm. Res maltaiuud,o muembers aifis"Bales@tainlY aartkthat hb ad not encauragol the ailvances of tirs. Bales, sud that ber affection vas forcel uponWi. In auJ' @veut lue trîllcontait au 'suit that may bc instltttad N1 Mr. Boles ruake good his ilreat ta sue, a sensu- e tionsé am se il Moult, t M. Danby lea o t iii. Sm0aDerbY ýof a Iar aquaintmice. The lnpendlflg Nuit in a great atirprim t*uail. Erueat Slowe &lad Wlfe Separate, Prom Tacami. Washingtou, cames lu- tformiation thât tMr, sud Mms. runt Bluta, formerly of Diamouid La"e, sud weil knownu in central Lake county, have heconieinvolvedliht matimi&itroubles, 1Mr. Blow% hlaving brouglit suit agaàumia Tacuoma man for aieniatiou af iel.wlle'à affections anud refusîng longer'ta lire wlth her. tirs. Blots tram farmerly MieLau (Joodman. Souuething aver a Year ega the young couple moved from Ansmona, Iowa, ta aahiugtan. $84,000 Deliuquaent. County Treuisurer Price lm iasniabed ,hectung ni> the coulectar's hook and nuw asusefor. are againi etting their Ir The ligureN show that there ha. beae about "d7,81A 6 colje'tel out ai a total dtax in the.conul' YOf about $475,084, tihe ydeliuîue>it tax for the entire eouuty dine heing about f84,286. ýt Following liq showt heb.tai for thRe idifferent tatrus, the amount collectedl su ad the» amount delinquont a. returued 3f hy tacli collectai: trater i. pletifuL. eould riglit no- fi1 ilevery atali if m l a luradla n.asd1 luquiries froin trainsysare ecelved daily1 by ofbScrs ai theo Aacuation, theirr purpase hiug toancasetin when it vilit ho passlible ta aeomniodate hormesa owners sud treasia10,M t-o @end hems.i As ta ime it will t@bo tu complets our buildings and UsckI'aun 't preparel ta mtate. W. w»tt iuld te.trnrk1 imniedutely it jepq lefur teanis ta jet on tii. <round. ptmîtb, ,0 vulI o mo 'ay o~ is.te$t ho an1 till e Larpouer vi Ai t t bernae tecd aLlier builtugsî ting optly thI &amdltote. Pro * I, ' IkttY aill flrpliu sx ot ue p l have ae tiers i noth ne» ave eai are: Pirefthe.......Jois 11. Toe:psa iPreident ................F. E.L Mmlio Vierery.......... .. ..... S. Orie Toreiry....r........... ....A. Wrilit A. (C. FromtF. . aral E. 1'. D>.Wuli W. Y. Hogan J. F. ilork John KTuonîptuan T. W.ltropby. TO INCREASE POWUR PLOT. Subwey et Lekie Blufite b. Fin- i.iRed Jua. 1, and tlwe cars 7 Will SRun Direct to Llb. I I ertyville. WORK ON EXTBNSION. (iround bla. jus> i..,>broken for tihe )nstrue.tion uf an a>uiltiali ta Lbhe Pîwer %tation of the. Clicîiirî and Milwaukee lectrie Railroud Cîunîpunyat lighviiuod whleb vilI mare titan iubletlierapucity ofthe power plant. Many of the» cuetrwua have been let and wore lm ta b. ruslAedta campletion. It in Raid that th. anîî,uut a01iuaey tc beexpended vilI o- le l., a nquuarter ut a inton dollars and1 wheu campleteil the addition, tageeher with tthe preseul plant, wlll giye the iuiiipeuy one ofi thi ergest aud fineat îo" .r stationm in th4 country. [»IEPAWi'i i 0>>ET.XE\.iN The campany i. iilo gettlng its mer 'eady for the sp>-iug % in utde umattel of building its trai f' nortli iri nth, point where thpy .> foncdlet fa]] ,iiîutl of North Chicago. Vu îrk yul ho ruched &.long by the eoîîtrîî.tor sud the, neN lueê wili b. e îl tota Norti Chicago lu a tew miont lis. T'ha ne»' suhwa t ut Lake Bluff %vil] 1, .anpleted by June 1 aoeording taý cor tract, and tiien tii uussâmer cars wi 1w ruin>dir,.etly t>> th.,iîmauin>.nefroiti tih qmiur. In cother ,vîîi,s *buen tbe scube.. sx doue, June 1, persmis deelring ta go t Waukegan froin Lîilîýrtyvhlle viii take caratstation and lgo' to Lake Bluff t>beî It yul bc switc-lîil 4t, the main lune arn sent ounintudirecýti(in. Tii. ain>. lru iteadure tvill lie foliiîîaed fuir patrons t the south. Wheiî this in effective ti valk fram cars> ut Lake Bluff t ti main lin.vill b» avindel. Beat Cauah Nedicine fur Childrai Wlueu Tou buy a iîaugh moduicine fi amaîl chidren yau want au.0 in whîî yon can place fiîn 1A i- t equfideure. ic vaut one that ni,> oniy relieves hi cuyes. Ton tant iithat lu unquestio ehly harnilesm. Y,» 'vaut one diat Cpleapt ta ake. iChaîmberlain's Conp lmuedy muets> al(il itiios conditioni Tbore le uotbing smo ol for the cougi sudl cols incident to cildhood. le eno a certain preventieaud cure t, crtp aud there l i. nubaugr vliatev fromu whooplng conglu Wb$Ù h in 1give Ithbu beau usei iin m"auj pidemi es *hK tuans mmwlth P~ MMaqese.F bý ý. I LA" Di col e a pi Ia re of P( ,of 1l lw 'i. i ii. ue i ro- 't hU Ie m. iah Ou )tr nx. i for SI.50 a Year in Advanc rSoe Prices on Farm Machin ery l4À«nh Double. Shin Plow .............. 16-im hl Sulky Plow............... . '30 12 Dise Pul'erdzer .. .........2 2. 2 Hoq SuokySeeder ........... t r c k o e "J . c C e r n P l a t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ 7-fot e ader ......... ....... H o g V g e 2 6 in ,h g h . p e r r o d . . . . . . . . B" bVi re, per 100lbo ....3.. ...... TOPDu4gy........ ..................... 00 Ctiopy Top Surrey ..........60 04 Libertyville, Illinois 1 lWo7rlarnesses for Spring We have a good mupply on band, or,'I leavllg your order now eau make 1M order for early delivery any kind yo deuire. It's time to prepare for Spring wort Order now. C HA S, KA1S ER Hore Furnishinu Goods ,Libertyv.1lle. Ift Bugers Be iaterested- This Space and Steam-M 1 Telepliane 128 Wankegua WtR'ýî iny ime, niglit or day. Havlug My »hop and OO ls ; gan, Ili., witlî good rýlaliuel wth yanr uty eiiriugtt Mile aukeeeles.tric i uad,cas "6 evet3y twenty minutes, 1I itai a fair position ta aatisf&ctrtlW auy job of r-epairing an boilarscg other work iuniy ufne thst yim M lit ta put into nhy banda.iL 1usm ail ni v wrk ta b>.ie rt cds, suzd' rensunulle. 1 ia shaiao hogied tu uiuhl estinates for the constructif erection of tanks, onoke sotocks, lugs, in atîy ize or quuntity. 111! WATCiI1111 Oas Engin. Repinng ROBERI 8. Huit, Tf mothy. Clover, Millet, Hungarlan, Red TOP, Blue Grass &no ALI. Kin" 01 Fleld & Lawn Grass Seed %Lao meett SUsa*b aPriesby CHARLES STEMPEL AvrS-ulldLs &Ofv. UL Picture Frames Window and Door Scremn Rubber Twire R.ý ing a Specïà Al e.1 t - On ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i AvilUt Mr iclsverondWei~< Notice.G i r81O tieketa trili be soit ta L0a Angles audd "a June se. Fon forgier Inforabation appir xraet l xTb ticket ornle. . &tp. a. .Msroaul. XDdrl F. . Mina. . P.F&T. A. aiKnd Tliere wa. a bi isensation n L-e- B9m ..ajofC..i, t>e.-, ville, ld., vlen 1 . H . B ro wvn of U at W W m i g pce wlio vae XPected ta lie, bail Wn'sdoudnu ad h. sie aved by Ir. Ki 'a Newv Dia G ai. Soad, a r Pipa. covery fur tcousuut n lUs te wit. : D a il ,APi O T endureil insnfferab e açÇonlesfrani astI>- Je Ha APA OR nia, but jour Nw Dimovery " ve _me LN EMN>Lime, IU~ illiniellato relifasd son tliareafter Si eff.eted a cotuplete cur.", imilar curea Stuco, i.A4*1 of conaunptlii, pnmonI oeacitis o u <UM giudiâg- Ivan hoe , - paranumerona. Its L t Werleaa COrs ma '.u etM ixai fqr ail thr tans d le abuh es. mmd -" P i , 50 0 sud 1.00. T hotU .. (G aie , I eaU a *- om.. mer.twil by P, &. LOVUL, 08418sill . amà1&U ut lrr1Il WnoSui , - 4 Sebou* 40 1-L "I -ALý, Ê' «JML«dLý- oq $1.50 a Year in Advanct 1

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