agg e's Heat}[abab.Uilba f.rl sema @"gr lu*.. et ha endti meacb patent. ab* murmurl *ut ber story ln hait-pet- E niant, haIt lrnplorlng tonez. and the eider cIIP'fl II.must be gone mistelle! Say it jla-t t[me. partuer hteraibr to the. cnd. and la est S bld eusenat lant;.and whilst dear, and thone deadful men rW of ut atl oîam esi nbsrçy ,Wers aunimg their racao t taka you au's." I*~amn very. very sorry, Mns. Temple. ami deaiperate men rare iFor a momoentthe yonsg Man lociseand 1 ana surs I mn spenk for the IrM Dis ~srlait coin upcn ther favorite don ant the pladlng uile face,, end ho gsoeriily, but. yon sec. tb. matter baen tiserace for easlth ln the tese thât is lovae cold ament buret hilébhomme publie, snd re cannot recoea lier ilsUne bcbng &]mont t an bonds asunder; and then i fuil!baer Dow, "vn- if we rer. lInclinae] te do go.' disi metse, and ha nyé, riti a colatus hait- Thoim ha toubas thse beIl, and, despite ot tberauares &round the Ex- sobt.îng ttersuca. "[t la ai truc. Ma&- diir décision, tbey ail rise respectfully et %mm lo0ked op,*end rendered gît. Gad forglive tsar' au tié ouusgrIte pulls down ibervoilte taie by groups ofsalien- "Don't say tuytblog that may he oaed bide tbe sbower of tests that are bllnd- ust ý-Wa.biag mes. wlîo. but ose short agansat you." Interposai the otilcer, lu aslasglber, and cach pressea fornvard ta ten *Nwrr encaor affluence, and ta-, ilt> isg. kind voIce. open the dont for bar, sud tbe oider gen- pre K attiah tter Ibas hggara. But tbe rorda bavanoc slgnificanefortlemnan ens ber taolber cab.- u ws as bcbgtelegrsphed tao cv. bssand or rItf, for Messie bas trrs As ho etles dowm te the balane 4%qaa r t e i glohe that tb. grent up bier arma rîth a nid abriek and bas sheet «gain,hb.gasys, wîthout rejoing bel bakit ompoy e "Ken- talleua s.nsceeuos Lh. foeur. li& head. "If t could ibe doue anybor, Itrm&Co." boid aspended pay- "You liait btter lettrea ber to tbe maid, I donc' know that 1 aboutid oject te try hsd u he siru sitee lias only tainted. WVa ca't vrat and comproeA. at case et Temple'a, Tample latnlterc -aiy longer. Corne. air, cerne." but srn afrald, entier the circurnstances. Zwoo crthI n orste et "One nioret-oly osa moment. mir; and in our position, ra comtat go baek." 0ýj petty lttle borne. front a city y lieha os hava a wie youcselt. Only "Certainly net!" say the cîbers, liD a WL Georges friend des ntsotiobe 1lt me kocal dors te giva ber oea bi. breatb. snd vcry cmpatically; and tIhe 0 iwita abade that bai crept orver thîe sud 1 mill corne et once." lait hopde of merey foc pour George Temn- - maEas' face. or taka sote of the The ottirr turnes amyend conghis vie- pie, tram is i employara, ha. diad ost ofag th ie handi. or Lb. working lestly. and murmura. buskily, sometlmng nîtI Lb. settinir sen. -." v e tetres. m s d s bout "Very. pa lful; but d ty, d ty"(T o De ont n ed 1il. sderiog wliat irsdneYn whilst George toiles a lougm look at bis ]éy.-aculttesg wlether bis books mite and kisseia lier for the lan iIm. l'<4 4'. 444' II / In bsxarnined. If ttibs bad becs As ttecrab ruties âamy in [be aarly 1,sdfer one day. then lie right norisn. Maggiele i lowly awakening te AO N U ISISlY Urne tefurthr e r h n- thea airul fart tLb.heswect dresu et - . - - - -' * bt If ths h uid lad them te is ber lite las pased ansi. ad the. tars wae itliethaîr duplicata keys, thes cealtte et tacts stareg ber bardbly bbc %on.t eet îdeed. face. Sisa utters a plaintive t*y, and, "TagrthlHsbn bo bs Vb ammet.athnoîîgbt ot escape rovering lier face. soha out,"*' l a Il a beenpicklng on Iltile Amons agaîn!" hi.i bI m.but lte ba@ uneready teartul dream. or amt i cclly and troll nid titr. Basting. botly. "If I ras &DI ai.befora an! could lha raisedl. a Ies n' iter bis giandtatber and i. fttir ras 1%,pédia recta. may clopes. But -î awaY te ses. I hnb Id doesosuethlng 'a" oboleail la the tbought et CHAI-ER [V. about t." t arihe cannet ]cae. ber; and gn Ttherorang llgbL teals loto Lb. pita- Oîd Mr. Htlng laid dors bis Pa- UV beart. os .Il with a mis",. ffllos gisn, show-per, took off lts spectacle*, carefilly crl s laa gcneral pretenai ot ait- lor mtb a vi'bd, cruel dilsitlntaethe fle bmadpae hs ntpo r e4era le business as George ctera croucblnt fora cf George Temple., a'b.toeliite, aud i>laced thean on eild cfe ý4ea, am ibe la seeon preparcd fer nalta te he aLiba beforaie magistra. dappraluega i elta tI of et Ha la goios orer, for bis preliinary exarnînationc. 4e~ra timtîma along ltter He rabta patieutly eenngh itlIIIbis "wbsit dce edale'late yew'é&adif lu nt sI.aet~ taking ln but Untie case la caUied on. and ha la marchai up yen was me, Lyddy?" b mi. '11.1 bit lis ua ailt. en td i lk spa- anunderground stairmanse te the dock, on dia Hatins bey?- b1d, ' ite the patneua5-am enaTIaproeedings commecé,.thé maie- "'i adesmethlin," mi& 3Mmm Bount- wil 1 a y, "Thie finrlawh te t'.te lookiiig stariily tbreugb is pée- ju. tercibly.111 Pl. li.Tm lif yen plaesi, ai taclealotthédia ioner meanwhila. 8 eaar t leisure." Mr. Mugle a a sorn, and talla bisé 'Amoa la paetty rieur 'a el& a. th, là r.~ Bates; be klnd eneng stoi7 in a lul and busîinamlîkea i- Haaktna bey, aio't hbe' Mr. [tontinari vl ethasa diramt1y." And Ion, avldently te dia gratification cfrUthéake&, ildiy. a posthe lIttie raiglit spcn publie beyend the barriars. "I d' knoorbut rsha le ." sali liat a"d enter the mota- -The priacouar bai for soea ima held Mrs. Huntng. rallstuntiy, "but 1 oag Nangle, Hlbein & Co. the Position et managins lrb In sur ron't jet AmosfIgh." -' chi Mr. ' ei," observe& bouse. t accdatally came te our kuorl- "But yeu're wvllllsg r sbould;'" ot- Théu O're thon- pac.erB édigs th isha rua »vins for beyn ie ~ served Mr. Huntng. dryl3'.f sl sttie tbmsaelvaa i la sd recaliving Inforsatien that Mm raunting leoecd au If abe meuld Du Tubava heini1 lipre. euc manager rai a noterions gsemble, on Peual'.plé,i bava goser thsa turf. and rai bettlu brasvily on a .ay a geod dcal. but weuld Dot. ah»la et rata?. anythlng. forthmeming race, e thomffit It rlt te **Dii i ever tel! y.eabout old Min- 1 " e~ith. ton.tae tra liehaon cur guard. On the day lapn rbidh Jeter Tlskbut'a heun ' republic?"' Mr. Fri -an ihs replies. tu a falter- I regret teiay, a large beanlg man il. Huoting asketi. atter a pause. "No, 1 Fit it 1Ir.Ibave beudm*-. ont fiou suapendcd payum14the ia ae- dent blleva I ever dld. WVel. wben e' t bit thm ,have beau réte- hbd obtainued leave te *u"hlm aMr. Tinkham sgit prettyral 'long9 1 n ite bu»ra as Parbapa k 5lferthé aPrionse asr.have " eusolnq'tefk»uth 1rc e) diarevweadet attendla aàamma ai New- yaasm odefis15ts lr h atta. ausmteev ak, apenda enîat maIb bitbougbt me eugbt te bave a yeuuger ol lie bathe sgokeaman and staked a consldarabla aum et monary. W a n anld so the eld parsen reslgncd. tor 9iM gentraUly. says, raidir, had occasion te go tlirough the books sud "He aettei dowo bera ai a prîvata rbi *nié la e theia ali- tbat dia prisoner bai disceuited bela raisinsg fowvla.One day haecorne te lti avet g ons ou again; prpricg abe.a<cpted end aiiiiai me aenyéBrother Buntlng. I'va Yî -ls bituhava te stop bud-tîh fins et Mangle, Holhain & Ce.. rhJeb lestl5L semethlng fnom that ben raplmb- 'ty go .Sabu Socd. enoung signaturi a af rgary." lie la my bock yard.' mil ttesntt t menais Gore l~a wed il le bai ani ges- and onain itiens te pt te thila ntsees. The pu. - .a ye learut?' ImY[%. D "- d,~ ot c an ts." uer passshli bet handtaccusbis ha- .'Te jet ererytiody. Iscludin' fowe, ha es belamui. back te rUilerai hr, amidaliaes bis bead. "d theoir ows place lu the erder oethLb - ldIl l lée. He Tmeu hamagstrats intlmatea that le Lthe uivr,'ms ha. c 4* 00toea bseaatr.bu la ramandai for a raek. fer dia cempWa--"Mis Mifa hsd McoIn.tetObis stndy su ai ganmaalctic, f et dimitions, nben bo îll be la fer deys bjotre sud rnldetIlle ddu't cd M ogfuuly oemtw.dfor trial, George na". oblat p hâ bg, deuinerlng edttrP a"missteuseeseiprtnte aanawr the diatmof o sic rold. it goi ailtisa feai Bwa lar all, khaile af Ui male ainte. rh e t In fhe e i.. frous tbisahns legssse aeasround te hie 4" uet. thé exetios ru- me fair pelay. luan'rur teriathe wgy cltrodo lmauna almant ip iitillsyouangsmans$ tosy, esfitpay u a o 'ae y tbd« da p*,JO Inoreraon, splins sgnlaie adecidea mtbin hlm- Irstei tbe thder remt. Wily, It mas t Io nets&seif diat dia paioner je a sulky, jj-con- anongi te moka your blond bell! Mr. 110 oae n a-. T'elpart-dtiehai ytung mua anid tilatasagaly 11Ma hlos ent out to the hengard TI e t t na" bout. aà" tha te hisuSaliecfth cvis arWaS gtrouegs-asu ,'Mr tiat twasîlea'as she reire. him > < c.a.Ildmw ai. sa George bilaswos tic turt. ileed tai-only more no. Thc big ronde- a goa,. él ogssthe.bock W* Most l eu biselabla alS ailftr ota aboij a' à,tyrant. "Ilset- Oc »lbsd lurmurs e te n- ami ge bocbte the Utile heure'at nu-l- ie biser ha soyé. à1'11 sec thatthLIe c i ie aumtaucaste- bin, sund th. ioOi rte, <ctielOen sd ~ocs,.boasblé rlgbta.' de tilstatesuent airail broitesla bar maste. lik a 5dorb-i5u"go haeobats [ha bully np ln a @mirnî Se nil bAve et teast oua dai lily. wIit Mi. iarîlng amidbW- liar maibas pernamici b., te go te c<op lu the big henyand an' told bhIep I.buasunthausht.baisud bail~hta d a hai"es, lanlu ita set te let hlm eut Lliibléspirit wi mot kuçmn that aîaaaody a tic bedrnea; aminduireesea bi, ai a Weurekas ILwtinswa e-f -éï beau laid aglnsIt brusha. ontthdi.len. g lîken. ravy iri We ask be hnimsg-t a oai ecs mnsm aîlls i rîdilevlug. staeh auds Me a ai. -l'. bs rIte lookai quea.r. Ftu'ly sea 4puoutide. prpa r Wtoler dora praietly,. ami ails tisanculete mi the liens masc't auy better off ice or ami rbeuever haoas.&Be maite a tend @trousg csptai tes. a*, Te- than hetere. The other rmoiter es t mp l Wuo hm" ibeart thàt tiereSla turnbug, maubes bar dink k. m tsistar ei aimestaeh oe lad mami.'; but b. dees nt drein aita by ber besdda tiiI sha la fau aileal. terfe osm' h l n te mblb diat smething When dia mun a Isbediug a purpit before. R .2c bu neIntuitive feelin goirî ln die litai, bail diuogb tise tain- 'The parson turnaidiaheol bIrd of qs talla ishIecloi amibat f"05 d-glama nindor. gzousems uy geista loneatises, and let 'cm Ight Il est,81 peg f9r Lb. lait tima; bacerors ocma n i aues erimple tel-nmrna'a they ras ln the way et do- lu iafesgaoscmuthing. ha knoos ltte and gaisdoms to breakfast. in' ihan ha medmla." of amdi achepaasaDot ute thc "Wbat la it. Jeu»? Yanlok ai "Bo you'd bava lîttie Âmes fight.t omegt. thoug ouenbai bera e s.AnY more reuli you?" saldMm . unting. .la r tae l mn t dltheIagaits, troubler, da a a siul f Oliter lute tIse ..Oh, aY dear." replies Jante, dia Lat rb at yon mets 7'ln- Y W smW ay,*"Gond at. csbby," nana la Il over Lia nagborboei, ami Mc. Basting smlled. 'Irow lf si rDatou. dnt salauds bolIer and the ray peuple are goin leabamefu- bave -bit gran'pa debils fightilg for 'itaare lerri d the erfullt ftisais &" aiMeugle rie"scslntuuili "What rîlI'hemeaetfuni, I monder." Tise Pasrerocflatteront. -e~s6 of su armechair. ani murmure, Luhtfilli, "'di t uraitura A triklntInstance orthdiapenar et ~bmpu.tiualtht sic bai nattdai s old te pay Lb. dabta, sud mImant has. bterstlsg wrck and study te put flan ne Janei s agfor hlm tiai ah.e te Rie cil the bousle,' lita andi uer teapecaemnt aeveu, loto b s ad headacbe. an hoe rntn't 'Wa @halbave te geL anodhr iger m.a-rticoctcrimnelsala t.relatai by Prof.0 ,te oabr.ut rry ber, andmitinsiim Lat'a certain." noyé Joun esegrti- joseph L4 Conta in bis autoblegrapbI. * egalii. '"Tberem Liat hall agala! I nonia d cur eIMi 82 at tise pelic la '~ hbu blesber, ami buaila by bacr hoee bllIt la thilatime; I tbougbit ae t ocrdl Mso ami tenes ber baud wrldift bis erybody bai bec." Ad Jane fieuncesarson iCtY.e .1L ne fer tes minutes tiers i slence te tha gaLe. Pouail fe.tprints apttreitlU et mem *0 4 ros. bashun ly by die tia. "Mcm.Temple et bore"teks Mn. and &atim"labatibeao fuelslthe tik of the dock, -ami tIsaà i le Gander. loailts bIhook, wrbliehabas sauatemeo et iaprisen jagi, ani i =- n aos nd a ideacuebo e dock bean Itestly studylns. as be watsfor promr i-e *Conte, rie t onereet t gmue.traa. un sommer e i ring. thither. secure theLiaaid oethte courba"tu Inl lftle bird bas maiL pouiped l, andi Y«,ell se la, air, " reples Joane; "but t lm u iemalnasaibl beM d e ict mdia light click, andiesle la DoLtii9 et."l lu ottesecmn n ablmi patins ring ah dia doorbail ".Net up!" @mye the bookmaker, screr- hlm fini more,lu Mugi tebertes. hit rlgit-Ig bis face bte a codrel contention. -Thay afjoyed tiseInestigationllu hou 'L ai u"gt. sud rentiîLre " ise tubes it tearee." taaly,," ha woLe. "ami wretaveay ___ oes repam totie Rhc*"b la a ri unelI,Idr," gays Jase, intellige~nly. Wa aitiral tarct Liat Qog Çeffe Temple. 1 bellver' syu elui, ead i verlntLt hé hbby man rîtI tisai rare crimînala and sema of thea Mé 1 or f the tra, lqulrtngly. and cextreae ilaavor; "and, wian popes uricrers, and ail rorbai togetisar ampi gaum rond ia oor, IIlia hebeet place fer '@nilebc" M'bleu a aà apdsasun tet mont, "Rlgbt yen are" retrnus bic. Gander, Tisa afeest terrckat u Os, U tnote any s o scapte, and coolly; "onîy, yeu nbow om ebody ougt "Teeecoftirwkan l- n*obrdt otan a.,c," ateplite allgatrtsafî t rt nit ILre rondcrfnl; bafoce dmli trybug te speais aughtily and Tansple'u, thats aail. and aulîcu, diey [sema-ducbrtgît. enger. ,*,e bis hmacrt bai mus lne a *,Oh, have yen seau bin, air, or beard cheerful andi happy. What a refran- :e "OMIai bqulce rbst boulte a ythIlug troei about It?" exclt= pour &tory measuce suhrirck ould ha r 'T ~ WORIie CHAMPION GaUqieN B. setnin Vont. mi Tesgin-fros flsMlb Couast!. F'rank [D, Albectia, mIse DOWbat dia Wtinrilon eofhalastlîe champion gunner ftIsa moii. rasbons ApsI le1, IM tKingsten MeHo moitaios is tatier5 ust bud attaudei tisa dititct acisol Qi bisa oa-tentb year, mben lia coen 'ai tae Uuitai States nmry "ai a p- antlce, arbore ha amred tro end one. If yeara. At iî sei t haies ou tte rusner Newmrb. lie ws in bttcdm-cut agagameut at SamlitoiîlniiI"li. :1. a aceceut tmre raamicti-a for mliaiilin- p lia ired aairîmmh intusaeetimuie àoea-imnte sîîîl it- tour secondus, tia lIse tara-et cuarcu timea, Ili satins ail ray numarecords. Thm ~à ;L;chapplnsttp wus'lasetfoura enin la .al-i ttchlestLrecord inlg ho fiuuug et a six-li-cha-un [mae Leimes îta-me uiantea, hittina- [le tara-et aIse mes. Thse Uijtedl Stmtes barnpionshlp is% tati hi n gunser train Wtionass t yousag Artsuckie, nnly 18 yearseto t'. tas troua-tIoteIllinois thse norluls limpengliip._____ ]PRISoN W'OR CAt4iFIR WRIOUT. onde. lanjh se.tasced for FI-e Yeara Sfe, Emhaeluauemt. In Judge ta iirn rY's u-uurt in C'hicage -amuilaB. W'mlghIv.ftrmerbna i-aber omîthel rat Nationral Bu"k f«glismi e d-i (guit te o mliazting $54.2M a ni 'cm-ntie aisitiliin-Halieu i-s 1- i-eh to lire eurmra thie Peit-tiuurY. iysii-ianaslesetiltel tht thile pri»- on ba onmurnphiieu, a0strOss ie cr lanhancy hbai beau made. Be 1185 a ila but hme imy* t 10 [P5emO5DCiug stance tlîe court sers!: 'Tour fumii> us de-anar tea3-eu ban 553- mina cIsc su simouli bave îirei-entil tIse poussihil- - etf[lue yparetf itremis bs inihtlîcy rat lise aste resiofît fir h umband'a rai fitlian'm actions. The ecila-naoe mudeec o havebote'mre Lame cot mter serang you contas-neru t i radiigay bat yon are aa-goeil ultimes, a" wmehbe crle a haiuasmie aa- entab* ysait iidd. XYen are in the Position et trusit- ,oflepr mli. cuba troathea Isue- 'ont- sira yesr posaitî ion i tist of a bra- nr whroi cba train tic ratids. The ana-lac mîmes iDodutY t-tus Div aitel unts ecrpt te let [biens- ume. Tours usitioe la diffarno. Tome (-"» 91altY 0[tie govennniît unif te- dheparttrons mi: only ho let it alose huitte r» P01t oil. rh hurinaa unet siate, blonumaiof al vicielli a.lie roba' tien." )CeIETY WOMA?<- aSzyISu icT lim Hariet SiienIlmt., eck 1leaisi Diseopoitutu[rLascu I)i*sppiiied ir s.loeasfffulr miLS a ýratnut Young 7ioline prhuiien-u, ti- whein le wuise ceuili' engagu'ea a arricul, MIcasIliumbt EuiTaatrt feat a ratai dose o!ri-mm-Islié ciaaiattheseinic soffn Holel uit LAe Sm(ls-i .a iallb isious .vtu'î tosait, ait piesle lthAt ai 1ihysiiaii , taiel.. a . mn W»dater- îined ta dlie. ue loft a ait. lu cela- tes, tise u'îialiiitmofet h t,hIlare tc1i oftret. Miss.Ehierhurt sni stha ulimeutliîc of Mm-s. Emmas Ebetltit mne [Loc Ilanid. Rho as :h, yiarma(mut ga. Prepifflestug rn appaarai-e. suaIt eim'atrand of mitro tr ttc aietnt iandihest tsamntanrilte-' il the iniuty. Tsi-ayc-srs a90 she mar li Rotert Stocieai, rit hIs ntmi s uent te Nîituaft. withIu a nee t tI yousa-btideIt as dese'rted. sud dia lia, minca kiionn by lier maidas Dameu Hen visit tea1La SaBea misecailily hl tet a friand. bat developpmants lîcer bhat shle remt it idtLiehItetion et eut ing ber lite ament atrasa-ara. POir.m-MFORCE 18 I-tiCKt) UIP. O.sac.a.sof0ths eec fu Illinool Tons ueblfor AttamPtai Murder. pentie ('hier jolie HanndulNigl poiframes Johns Mm(lnaenoy mccc accest ei les Oakland iy tIse sîmieiet of'Col C2mty and Laten tea('hart'shen ou t çîbmaa-tcfasu aept te munder. Th"i oegaes sevm-al>ihiibeil Williamn Hau] ten, rsum tley bhuaàremteul. They mlair tisaitae rasisteit errent .Hamilton i ac expetamte lise.'rbare la gr-cuL axcitf muh b ttcnlei evea LIemarieter au tise absenm-eof the [me eee1mi Osklsnd wnthoîît policea Prtecti»N6 BI sidestIse criminal chsame bo&uni arr ua MeIregtin'. tua-eiier seitis th.eimys Oaklandi, huai-ebeen aussiftrn 100 dattisles. The mhele aSSitreqisatà,a] tIse fia-ht beinmia ee sbt the ssloi 1>' thae('iri, I-'deraubiats. thea paplei LIma etty hei,-ibothate qisaly ivîdai the u1nastieii. CLOI.iDBUItST &T GLE-N CARB0O Town o lmFoauiid - Mca.ln ISasa Troinas tMilOi. The nom-st mluudbtrot In thh lter tisat isectioni us apt otar (blir Caches si mijoiutîmir district tIse aernniglt. TI omtir Ion <r ltait et the tomas ras lioi cl sud tIse Voter rcama te mithimiàla tIsas tmo ftet-t of nedhm thirmnas. T' nxllea et tî,.. Illinoise 'nts. rumakniw nasseilomît anuI the nIaht ascanlmen Lien train %vas mtalledand il[liaPfts"ten mare ohieta-al % Pend l meit tîme e-ut' ulghtithetLime reout. Ca-sshcd tt'isn Rese nie- Dowrs, Tlîe toule- ot Iens>' Beaven. hachaI tube liei -s i 'ie milea troanWstirl( In the h'îliomiiebouhemi. 'nsuls i demis hi)y a stoirrs. Ieaver mmmi coul uuier II. and Inblim hthlaglamd uas9s lmoh.ei. lie- la>- heu Ioura hi-turc bei neasu'ul, nd ma han11>' axPi-cid to noter. Kilim e Tenisct hfmlaer- MarianlFarrell. AU nginrer ramas WitimOurnBetes Muter Ire englusa mli ha ln use la Chicago betece long Il Chiai, Mushbau reas get a favorable bild trom sa manufat'- te ce r. The finsure cemmithe. of lia Chicago board ofet eucaies votai te set aside $M0,000 for LIse proposai comimercial higIraeliool. Alexandetr Hearatst ofWlhntte bas flIed a petîhion ls haskl'urpteY. acbedullng debta asaousting te $140,3011 and aonate et only $33. Albert Johnsson, 21 yemrs nou. mas kIl- ad liy the sccdenttni diarliarge et bis stotgun rwhite hbntîns nitIsbIs blrother near, Chicago. J. Stock, s young man. archîlentaiîy sbiot imi l lIe heart at Eureka.,di' ing linestîl'. [ils purents,. lîr. and Mma DidlShocku. ara in Cuhîfonmila. Pire ln file Armour Warehouse Cea.- gwîays plant,. Bibistreet and Elmwnoul mirasse, Chiacago. musaîl Ialong ef $75.000 And teeam many fsmiliaa te bIre for thels liras. At Elodeiadering a savere 5h05h15a tase-'tery Snlekbugaeflipthe nouth part ot Lhe, citi, etruptcd by John Brnmiet. ,ras hIe-a -ma, nljurlng sacrneraI1c-- sries. Cloance C. Rh-,,. 2r! yemres mii. termar ]y' a trusa elrk et1tthe Pulilaas cout- pesy bu ('ticago. is nuniesinictnt cbsrgaul mii comsmritting mas! petlY for- gerte«. The- Jury 1n thc case net Jrs"tVas 1'ileat. on tvil nt Aurcera ctmrged utir mnimnuer. " rapstd a mIlagreeniaut sfiler lwinig omt itri-igttbouts snd ais dlii (I argemi. Jiiîuu' Iieigcrty tas oued the Chi- i-go, Nîlluraukea sud Si. Pauml ltnilmnf tor $50,(M )daniagsufer injuirie.sus- taine emi mli ears ago in a m-ilus-y aici' den-it ut ttocktou. Wit h e imP.zreptlon etfttue nortteru field tbe Reste cf mages ho hi' psu in Illinois for t eurs ra t1i04-115t13 bas bacs imareail ni. Ttc muners aicaht a rai ecties of 3 cantas a ton. Eig-litepu otobîers of tIse Fremont- Viseha Oih sud (bld Milenig Comnpany, [hrecetfnlcm are iobtnisr. tai-e asked tIît a raceivenhle apporteil. Fraudu:, lut icahbulgs areulintrged. Geov. Votes bas aplîclutemi Dr. IL. C. Fsirbnutteet ofEant'S. iui a nlmIre cf tteSStale board cf cemisîhsaloners et Spublieic uacities, te ii tc- va,-u- ini-ms- c-s t>' the failmîre etrlDr. J.E. bieus cf Astin asu oqusility. Arisund (iîmet lstreinxmlieemcit of thiir liants. Thea regervir damslliroke. i'ntmling n a iaagpe or WNh.~ aeh- sihA acre cel..chemi o11ai raili-uî.idm.. and triMaifrmnt suspemdel. Neo Ilich l ood$ wcre ever Iknemsi hbre. Semater Fîirliankof Itis wil de- he [a anÉial ommenceumenît amidrs, nt tuahe l-a-at>ity lîlisibsJune h. Ex- l'rs'idhash Draper bon galle te Albîany te aîasrnfe bis isitia es comaiolier oC educition et Ne- rkn. Jasper (Oglcshy. MS Oet-CIev. Ouïes- by, le fdring a big locomotive oms tns C'i es"agmnd! Aihea Railcao adetweea St. Loui sud ieonmafteas. lia b-iereas lia casu rse tae cpeition of eugine and ai ultimahel>' te au afficilpoaition. wihlm Baisiaritiso, cI Aanaptlen. 6 - rmsol mis wo e babac-n a î,rOtlmbnt isalsnlhmttfrusahie- iftti bittdny, Ià te do il etia- watt uonuerhc-d mitli lt a truffe. Ilis%'tatiefr laan Alranm. Atter c.Iltcsttmsg bis ii mie. ili h-il-'li maet hlm off ssth é.iitansiilnftth$'I5- i }mireoffis relîis es. amindminilt 58 suit fer $2i.tMb) John Tboruilic ofutEast 5h. Louis cijorladtumisuil a ai attuIlt t[h tle broba bis lot sud dien! fronti lîds mii- sosismr. TIere' Imina- u, rlmîlmrciathc $SLb.000 a"taie iiigo iii reativeca hem-e . The Illinoin riv"etm Heuei said a highe.t poit es-et taow n ltielle ursas. lAt ?Mairuete lhee situera treisemIte goi-usnom-k, tfeîr ing the ralar nusualu rmi de-mmthe samtt At [lie- t'dcrcl.itttotaol .akite nanhi- i-Ina tc, aar tod tlicactact ueel an Lseth -e n uhsucO(I. lie-ar>damamitealire Itbeiug t ,,-ienaa luthe fainer a rsd mîî bers orfbiigc.u lieabei-si ladi>' uls (g lTme jury inte1i-acncfHua-hi h[iîlesr c- de,letesii inlathe Aniamriie tui-e lul nb-r> uint 'TuerasaJ,, 3 at. irmtht liIli r'verdict uit net girih>. On themu' iior dam,- le îuk m uamtillaetizS.%»um3 is' clri-ni; Ina e [licth bamti f Loua- Iem. IL Wall l- ait Rsecs la Hauhey pessession.lhe. lia c" Ina tlîe express seessenger et Tuai'eha re but n-ns toîînd wunenute Interlîli I d- a glass ftviht jar. Ttc trial fis bacsi sensnatonalirue and mrer large mrondo dily. llil-vimthemanse btan "hîsasmi»aeun AIllibis spane tinie in eshid3 thîît leteis ln foncetr liii cullier. Mm-. Snob iurtlom-< a bridie ot a tan mouiltle,tillaithi-m-sel1 litlu ItuLiain eai Haauo. ier deah> 4-emuled n s ege romanciîe lu os ilîittis es gir wrît ul-1Et andîlit@eiusai, tffl a tu hC dent. rThc at-y nas hli-lcdnt tIi ie coronrs l nqueiit 'M'ieni W'illam 8 IV Hattoril eticsed bomnetIh-ehiser cri- rn b ki e touri ul8hmia nttciucoeiolis lu a-aes filleul m-ont ssii a patshim tarree t- note osnthmreu. mut Tisae nl lie e sîtii'àiw tlàis 11110 ceMn eIldîts. Aftti- m suoher ahermu> iide te- duirbig luicl i liisumrabhle montecesm- detvar filin iSprisgfiald; litreuo meps sf emtit etorthe initir$ sud ieo' r [e tn. ttheuinert-I fthse surtles. Iitudsm 'i tel, unh ll beau. Iholdîaingeut an--ia as cnt litm hîein distrirtî s'oteu' ta mtitaIàmi nt tbiindeni. Ntionasl! Premidlafmite! cli sailOefitrers o e thMa oc=a-l-atb suppomelil tIse iioitberuin mwa. la tic coutauties. andInldicmtonse rae lb hiera e uh halaea iba te MLIsgladà isia t. TIses Joîsmi, Iitisat, f«Omtirps dent etf United Miss. WeebaaOf et ilîlo eit Loeb the liber lne i' -W 'meeting, ln M~ lu an ae-tWest speech ura bis talle's Ise ts utllmagir'd UbH And ulhbe IicaWh ad.- mars holding QUtI. [mater tob t]i cm gatundthilt tis emInera etIlîlinis ins teo Larfailîn ufer thé agreemnent mallei are IiaDIapei& Uami lSiateai there alMi dla res a mht pts'lio of tfile uta ehu, i-r h ,olo'olaIUlun aLstite. -.BIs spee Ei1WoEtSON ILLtNoïs CRope relatts, poeku Wtb" C@Odttom lad àLa Parurtei t aLe, TicellIsdg erop bulletIn for diae meti et Mmcrci shows Lie ceelInt pe- Il fflooeenrai on tha fi aud idu, wigen miimsa amir ze r wa ceoerued le dia mi' ceaItrsi and inectimea istats.* 'Thse cehi t spuil ras pl aient duato sudiiio50ma. le, te-ala daiscire essucti. Asothiet porli m et alslieenaly old naiIIer obtumnai on n the 2ftb rani 27thl. TIse marmest perlio " mas about tise 224, mise maxima et 75 S degpresmai abeve mar e eridln ho Ie soem aund 64 dagresu saoya lis tIse nortbers ilatrirli. Preclptatioen c'on- sideralhialsura' the exmiaitesav erage and was maIf l itwfisuted ttrea0olmtitdiaTu menthIs. Ii lia e andistrictthe icals- M failiras "noweustva Us.louer it ef tIse n mo(tb. The' floulelugtearenffti twIrnty- CI tcnr-bomia -fs wrata rcoi: Ohualy, te (1.30 icShas: [oDu Is7Si*$bs: >ount th Carmel, 5.40 inthice. lTe erremîsnut of falount CarmeI cepoite the' rtg' tl' tousubour ftulI'tohIavei e, i,'b iest silice 1877; ~' leetôo'i stltton &ad se- et sorneuldanse-rons proportions et theaeami4c et the mondth soi aenra âIndimadtàmm ci- dl suai in tha loosIaidirThe stimii a.ou ic Il 25th woeaf etlmusimUsoercaty. bigl' it w" r4 iestpo>'bsg cosailluilible preprti liuir? a Wlue-îtis. Ttc codition eofimeéat' allern d-ccldeml Impreremeit IneLIe portleru ru siud central datrbat-hthsenetioahla' u*i'-Ijý tormly pcemulisg.,hain he solvt'jeilIdia- trita, mIera adi-erconditilons hisJ5w oh-. tuluad mince saems, tIse plat liat beau r. rairedan sd u-glus- lt iaimo es'rerY ave?- l elae eveloprrent. nlîI. ls a' tlilty di stage and ail reporta indieute' a prenais- Il is n[ nilosb. Tise âpsaaii 1- vrT bock' *Mandssithle sui tauet ton apring pistag. A tafeu tii tiare beeu menu h nIAi 0ati, but the oeantiets liahash gêeraliy meayeui on acrrontbf raies. A i0 considaa-ahle priiîsetio, out[he Obra-cuop 0o in rits âharthers dis4trict lias becs ted or w he lIe itistriOfmucb'>ce- 9a ireins lu tise banals cf fnroîerw Me-ny A romplainte maremdc cc ed'conditio. Li Tisa grain la soft Isd datmp AndiDmoilh Asmttty Le expresmailrelitIve te0LIhe va-- I taille ofet1h..i.ei. Pailes Luimaï.-pl try premnalg. 9t (iIILTT GIL ACQUIT S SRV- Veuima- Dabtcr et Atn Stocke), Re- vmilCiiaesa~sKifleath oier, lý Ates Sierla f e fer o f Revenuir..h mas am-îriitt*det aa iuniet charge, hiesIt .-year'i.l.I m.tsbtev testtiyi mt stFie ih hali in-teut.lly irdesihieoitt l il lle-al liern mîotler. 'TIec bile girl brandly sud plmioî,m ld'!lir. nuie her"lsehlcbelli il tIseiii a*gii, it temieulte ca-Lia-t a cartrhigu' trom thl, barrianduilbu s-at il eit. Mc,. titu-kel sol amrnthédi.lit' Il tie girl sandtuhi li ual tm-meklien. tý ".lpsaau s i a nrblm croiischouian- I ama s,.a- bni4.! "Mktbii blnNmsl. "sheaid goeeoant te ff,* lini. sud, aieha ett bis geinlaeiningit sibet s sis lir.. Brother ni-ut uiesolitshe gen.-and tac i tsler lie-i,îld hchi l off 1tricil motataiel onît thée crtrilit. Nammu cse ila I tIshe rlsi ag 45c>ai(br4u b. gan glUs brctbcr anîl -ta' cIritae's umaPPai, mma I claied ont siI tati dli su a i me mre1 scaei ln te datb. [upS -mmne rsnua la a mhî'n te Iearali the dWisdami te@Il lbe tuer about; ir.' Ptresf. wax in i- i L tastiy scumattiê gli* fat Uilmeaaugli- f tac up lu bl*a avisoui raluinai be-mia spots lien fice Mi? stHfi'an ~NZW 8CALIR Piee n- PWRefam-e. 1 The llliii,,iuiivusisd operutena iss'ec tu..icilel,,- Sete- arenit. ffti.fn umet ins lpringàclml.'t'uxJ'aY uf a most one icd.'iuthiir h s'aicafietathleaagi-a-1 mientn-t md lb«W joiasa seitaconummit-1 i 'c. 'T'he -,il«le fat,'., o l'h-sftri- ro ' Sti-iaiîii '. ir.iff. t lri-k. ir nd 11-1min 1 cli iiic-. 1;1 peut»: ma-t diatrcht.4 hlraviliai W.eaibflPad .Missate 55bi,: soun îI'and ssie, ,,n .527 cent.;: teiirtt îlixiii-r., ,g i opf Aimsi hri-mt. i-n.'luut 'arttîarille. 5-î! -firth isi-trmit. t7[cn t i heands iBelle- iii,'. 52 tet,: sixth ,thtrt.'t. i>mauobe. Odic,. Suiiad's"t mi.t t'eetr,. 45 -ani.; os1l . iruIe. 3Mofuat Vernon. >t vm- ta iimi 'm i eimtu. 4' I-ta:eiga-liîdi- trit. I-iiIttin auf l'.su-mi Cinty. 79 e i-iiunîilirwrrhcTt.îNl,Ot.t lIve. Staup- icin. , i e amiil-uî'iiîuines. 52 PAR"V.LU. RIt NSID 7 1 TRAL. B uu.£ l.sit Centractor Iuasiislsug Moue ent5'Cils.. feDr Stote BxuiiIs Jisla-c-hlrry i teugeismen f'ircuiit gd Court lms Spnoagfiabd. oîircmmlod the in- tet nk fWMIilm Z. Im-rtelîo frsa Dem It triail; Tee case ras onaelunialu Par- Otelle nsale,!for amu rmus dîrertlng the andîsitr ot publîic arm'oii eIoissue itami od>ix e. di a iaTrasaumnan for $28.- [I 000, iiehoecd te hadîme bilafoc mort in le tIse biiiiUlhug ofthue Statlletonuiatory u*bitildilogenahPoutiac. ThaeIlelahjure. le paffed asbill toc' ii efea. tlhe-Goverses- K igsed tise MI], Poail sentul h te aSac- Sretîrry et StimIe, but ifterrssoitli- it»w lktand retond it. KFLD FOR KIILLINO A MAN. r,ý mort cannelrof Bbohnton Mutsm e. ebr cthe Chargentoftus-dort e- Thme cooser' jai liteheboldingau lit, a- guertat rc te roainaetofCbletlanu d» Su-lapp of Bloomeiiigton. rtc dii atter mi seffantng ton a mîneth f mmun Isjucv tre- rw bis stuil, nucornieudeîl thst Bert[ Cau, h- Cclli>'oet('tIrgelie iald Inteisandum mr jurmy. Cesneily nais m-Iîrgnm mitli, puihî- '[r isit Sclilapp off a mibuealkîthea' vu-eus ît alîghtisg upos i hs ieril. 'i- IINAPIi4D mx sC.kafRoit MiUMM. la. - i Boey ef Ton Ol"yaHa won smo b VaS Arma Vhlle Capter Ilé lui Jets Ryus a scîsson grnadea-. wa or- i. cv-seuinS lt. Li-u naretucuui te Wat- mt erloo, hrtsra-ai mtlî tidnattg Acttsur at 31111,.r. egei 10. The beygays Rysu no bii l is tecarry a g rbp.Lt» Lhe station. id ttus cmpelîi ibn Lego alosa-. Rymu cli salill-1 ss eepitned tst"iey'narmes mc He» re mhava a nariative teaçbbd sani spirial lessofle. We jeas'* pUit' ï' îlug abeat revelaties, about th#i Wla1. bed «thesme brecela-e IL. obmug fu cf nr rItsa mring, d about fWal ect upos tlioma w m Isesmcoe&a. eu, arn ber ain may rouie Lu apitaet of m tirs,! reeatios. end ber the asi-" n.0y atliIhaeseti. Wa lesco. tee.% , way et tisa C~mes(vin crucial and cf t "r maîration tlînt nla beha ounsilu IL,.1 celi ais et tIse' datithat lIn rounid one ie et IL. Cacames Pbiligpl-xAny uîlun[loi norLîs of nhat won Use land et Iscael AD&h anc tteliedaîl'tees et the Jordn i yen wil fisil this rîty. Tise "villages' of Cacarea Plillîppi" muta eiitlyiog duso- tec, et tomes--subn'hs me migbt cal1 hein, persa pi. Jeans' Queistlo.-Wh,r aheuld Jau pub Hlm disciple. wvhs people thouglit HLMr ta e haErdeshly It wran sot met' eurienlty Le dismover mli et rue in«sosI of film. For spart trin wurit Mr lihae escribad as Hii mîaceloma kouvriedg. le m'ould bsrdlî lbelpi tie oig rlmt dia crile îlîoubt ot hlim. TIay shea La [lîcir actsandmi mrda (am did the a- î,sitanîs mnswltb urou Rliebd îlkcdi abat they regmrdedMo iîu a ondiet. Tise reuisoo Jeasmi put tlie qscs- om wra ta lenad rp teatthe nteprquai- lasn. "['urt mlîo aayy 7Iiat i ais' e-si ta ipacus mipes Ili. discIples ithe-ftat tlat Ele regarderi hema as iii s qit* tffa.mut rnsmegoremusthe a-au-nil pub- lie andl cupeetemi trimi [lîrna tuiler nwledge. Tis 'he 'fptecilelie.-lu ven", 28 me a-e na l-lking peonftoet heî.e 'e - ert mIai J'c»swmassoutie ena tcAcdl- anY. IlljaIs. ttraykew triithliilatet et[hetr pmpliets. sas te m-orne ho Lb. wrni aalu "Deom the ' inu ofethLb î,.st miii iesîftbi d0 ortheil,. .cd,. As. to ohVln idie DItial. leie ni le LIlIl' iy Ihi-istMmee osel'le- .fore. Siee- ft he paeuple aenhaîeM 'Jeuse o0 lia jereriah orc sucenith[iae .Lber .m-cîîlets rem-ursemt h-'lite. Ali. mppar- enily. lielieçel huas oui'tthiser gvent mnemrfurletSai.AUilif no. [Iran tf (',iiit ieb, wCffl wvse iahâ rnaght bis propliri tie lite aa ap ,nrîcr ho cai-li tlm nIlit. 'îL NoteIlitiihuaiasua-ett n isetlit Lise peple »ein, inbsahavefumiit easy emougb te lcli've in a rt-tim-a tnthe grume- Le the lita on cii-lb. Eveii h.,l s,;i« reaili t. li-ii. ut juil mhie lt.îs ail -on. t. e a in. But soay tomamd t lira lithlt le, iiî builinvothe raselren'- îeîm oif Jeunea romi îlch'flr. lifae e4-naal. Tise I>m-lplca llpi'h,-tin. sPeter. the' ;-iiiilc l isîiil. wi,,,poLe airp sn aiaeir te) 'lu riat'" uquenioci. Pi-rmois te hi t adlic ami iii- roi-y ccvii tet tbe iuhin oi f tIl.e pr-iai îuase Faiilly a Sie,and sî,, chrer rea'elstion or Chrisît. Ili thiit vry msoniihbuamat,ya eeo h t Ju-meisiuci ,fr -iasseniser r- ogn,î;'u oîf lîiuîscbf by Usase"lIabail ii-il cloent tiiFilm. hAnd if Jessi sishad thi't, -aievcurs.' td-e" Muet be ny'rr in. the pétb"alty or Jemm [isu the micople hile'si' nsarbnd IIt eay lhave e mue-a saligtting bl341 amee cr'm mlii t Jk'.wrami -%fie 'liat (hie Mesala'amxi [lc e «oft[he liv'ing Gul." Thor seesis Bhely *lau troms[ha mai lx. milleit Jaussteckt r.- tee-, assuer. Jees »emedt t Iret I ;%samretlîlug tulsan utisa led ont 1"e u.Ug lu Pcer'm min"te-os 8anoiniilt -onîsîcl iî,olu aud, comma 11P.0 the Pliot. AMIl Ubat et ths iMt" -r dsmiplca? Whist liait"doubtiiig Thnise. atteaisy? or wtat ,mid "Jou eh b.tilar? Nih- bar. .iît,arcitlm. Tlîcy iiemta sbâil .-me. luaghe con"îcetion, 0etrthe Mslauc ot Jeaus tolim e]mul [ia' gsnilly oethe people. But It ron netiffl i-iitre ssisgh rira ho enable them tos aIre iBmerda. Ttey Imaîlnet liait the- uane ieur cee- latluci. prohably, thai l'eter lad ceraivaîl. Ch'iîmta s amer t.isPeter. De wme sea mu ie Matttiere Gospel. aceise, te bmîly uhit aIse, tocrIHe aboulit esttPeser fur a mnt mirnîim-Icîouimenitionu %i-iseW.-AiRAin --liahaeli. mîngas- la, charmge a mc eu tbueir àkuessege te lîeIcve% îthn-miiss e-ers! rima. ilngtthe MKiieI i.'WJe*s ur astnali if- le kimownu a ti-heaseuiat on the, Ci1! ' undti mî if sni. i"'lili e set Hirngeif leinare uison it,n aoras- siins N.itlie il. Ch trist tuheitou et teuh? whylieulIa, ditli îe re'train M.t iliciullemandsiIthouane bcm I-e liamal trein prnelsioi- [fis fia, eh@mvarier? Tlion-li Jesatougli thiss lie wan tIse gon otf(uiul, it - aue àteacbisg tsat Ha lieitmi mipou eait occaiosaveu tn i# dieipîca. He rusai [thi. grsut truhh ta corne te, people se a aof-évident'- tact nuther ' [bs ma s tatemeet te ha - queaionued. People oIme lescteiltial. lie mas the Christ hi finirt lenruna-g te' sppre.'iala. [lic gratacas ot His charge-. ter simd mulasio. end tleaove Hlm per- sonallî moulU'te s amach strouger hehli, ipos Lte truta. This truth cou la i tactt be latmest by nrelion trorn Goi.' Tliose wrtc bapreparcil temselreu. Vlnseu3t.--Jeuamwas ho he ri'jected' by &Il mme mare counhaul nortby sud re- spectable in tima commnssty. The ieal. piles mun etsiealia taterehani thiat iisW coti atpact Boe onfirmition eft tioW faith 9Msortsuiqusurtes. elme [bey najabt loue ceoadase mIsas th@. ctical' titis. carnes Ybr,. W.-"penly" meas, p nipe tinraneevdli. making se secret oe t , b huai- miihregard te Hm hîng th.. fMeait. Ris poventy Dni houlat blmr . scar, tisaItlîey mia-ht he able te'a p»1- aine semiettthe ricbes. et Hm gkIer rMb tbay shouli tomlatea Pater rabubet Jeanus, athom ehe ld- ,msit declanail te b. the Son of Cci. je. sIeet oftat ambiorledgmen inIsrahika. rats preposterous. It oeuh ibea hua Utile ea-es Peter unieratooti thea neaumg ot liig own declacstiea, lPater ria ne doubt te conclura Jomes ibat Ha muet- net tîmin et muffterinf. Ha muet ill