SCH1I ARN MURDERERS -; j C A F F OLD, L5SO M RMY 1. css nAli fe, a -e-ChierlaProyer and 'o nn.Lke 11:1-13. Read also Matt. 6:5-15; Matt. 7: 7-12. PâR 08"a M ÎO"In f. - ELXCTEONS1IN SMALL CITIES, CanM eAls and ib- Young Dees- Gle et-Ask, adi hHb TThuneseed o Lcene r C"ibio th chef sa e peadees P ePna l yteorcvrnses, Ivre You; seek, and Ye ishall find.-.Luke ooo o ompbii h a ïoomlst.Za *meer Towns, L priérufdfl Frl pet Gell cnen sfniedthe passage in, ie rn enewsgnrlyte The Chfesocar h nbandits were When we are very yoting we may de- theother dar when th the ettheurwbit esngPeoia a ises e lamihe sanicipal elections in Ili- hanged VFrida sor ný oeat a time, sre the moonl. Later on, whent we are ere aktd ofenry, iehd jpaé64 t he Hot"l. nols Tr«ei .lInBloomington paurty lnthe cauiltyjoli.l. Ty wre taken to still children but old enugh tosethaet fe0 * 4®**'y offiliera of the » .Wheft rgaret Ogg of CMan= a p- lines were dran,ad the Democrats th@ sCaffOld At hall P r intervals bie- oftha foolihaish, we wis for a ostV As suøtnad oficeri, deeM taa gh disnp bWelotingsignitedsoecur"e conteeofgrthe Counceil for the tween 13O eeo c4k i 1lnoon, and by 1 ntesousif Rwe cuilgtt beiofalttleas e bA1ýy niinisers, went to the 8*dli t,i was se ertouslyburned taitshegrst time, la twenty yena. Atton and cokthbikcmn benbu-grwtllodrado ityaro sdYun lae adsërb.a y eleture or ivlseriedooet-dered out of,& aide and carried away some disretion, we begin to see that our ,efr gambling material = ear!ed ]Patrick Curn was fastaly stabbed and and Aed6 atm't, and Peoria de e mrt-s lshah e-o l'Y regiet own A éere. In f'ront ofres øfUe Miehal innerty and Patrick McCor- ed I. Alexio, Catlin and Havana vtd o o e.w eat areadytiwanatf r ue guide to "VU.wermdraya.and the- Buto ad ik were severeilycut la a street lisht for mutipalownership of water or light Neeeyrohefrlwsth . God andof Ilist ous.nceearnbe attier furniturta sali in t i enfillig I Öhleago.pla t -eAoHet several arrests wererront craven-et the li e Was carist sg acadi e Tooswere loaded 8ad takeb to *0 ft .The fireman and thrèeepasseugers were made,nd a warrant wasnswore out, sied, lm nil niuto the muse to rth nga thatthilabllousprayer _boa". The inuis@Wr "8' 9 1QU injared by the der&Umbet'of the loomo.butot sered, oun&layer Crollu. Re. gHomo, and t*s try w'a, spruing as heward If we are to get any vgood out or waging An active warfare not Ti-tile et a Lake SMiorssabetrbantrain neaýr Bute lnother towns: was sitting oIiiu . Hsdestir waste.Adu&ecoet h ryr stas o th olinnce; idsman ab egwish. .FOR LICENSE. morn horrible *au th,, of either of hie "Lord, teach us to pray." WVe feel our "d having Sworn out Irajt Constable John $mon of Chicago fait- AIMA, Kampsville, ""' compain.l!e& irea accompanied utter helpélessness to makle anything reai- eniGaeenkeepmtJekg ed te gert a telepheme connection by drop- Arcoël. Kilbournebina to whimger wool o.r cIoato oly good out of our lives without God's MWe eveng, whens a lodge o le rsplag a nickel in the ot, wet te law, and Aumption City, Lewletonl imtreetthe fastmand i-death struggzles. guidance. We may "want the earth," as lsed. Mst of or à@*wuarrewste ot a -eent judgmnt, Berin, Lexington, marked asef et o r ' my vnot equaled Our forceful expression lhas it, and n are ettlssed the tfing.e th8ga,- Bulding commwotsoner WiHHbamx of Bi-e Mond, Marion, ' lanChicago 0 eceetions -1l1.mly years. longer cry for thre mon;tbut we know oonukfses an theØig fseenChicago hairssUAty aswuera of non-tire- Bryant, Monticello, Van Dine Was t1io I1 a to. be hanged. at last that Our prayers areonottob tatolomed! by M.euoe pofsrcue o auet nls l- Brighton, Monmouth, The possibiity tharth nte' pleas to guided altogether by our wishies, but by y eageialc rbsvotera wth fireprooft material. Brllaets, Mound City, the Governor-Might r 'it in a reprieve. God's wishes for u, if they are to bring aga e ioaton 069lar, Borglaers ranscked the fesidence of Cartervgle, Mortnds, led Sheriff Barrétif,, to y liis execution u od PLIMlaro»ùxgt PAN. A. N Os co,14»Ws aksnbue Carbondfale Murphysbor@ý until after both N on r and .1arx Note. PLM BI TONDT LAN, .. ood Wst ackonboue-Carlainile Newton. had been cet dowesnon 1weee away to Verso 1.-Prayer of a reat kind, un- Seeh .ewe YaumIgnerd-sehiago.ains lud at $1,00. l-Casey, Olmstead, thé juif hospitaL. Hl, , like bMarx, trammeie by conventions, hradt sofar Tonne& X. rbitris Ma iffl jeunssentraendéCitykinPvlmerr!weith,9praCeeraloityialmernditappriestm on 1 goale outraof o Nogleonthatvoghenha mennm accept-t tan --ra in Chisag, The C.arle Wember saillon property Cadevle Pearl Cityetither aide of hluim-Irolpped. ed the teaching of John they felt a jack "Iago is anllut h e nifte'rgtestn armegnlosenyFrueBot-CeoPiano Aside fromt the v'i M splectac-le of luntheir prayers. Joh lhadt teach lihie ste oudr patsinth UiedStte, r' rein. opanywas burned, Cube, Pleasant Plates, Niedemeyer'sfaut mon w the egecution The aboinie diagram shows how the disciples to pray. gJP"h J-. "W*> billélaid out causing a loss of 1,10, withl $7,000 in- Danvers' Plaskt, a eodofsoeta heuulaf Missouri explosion apnd.N.3Wte Vre2.I emseietfoNh ticarriedthroughi. Mr. Bewab, whoi suranéce. Davis. Robinson, acenes. Marx nVaagi *i:iulne said nloth- turrer; 2, Interior of turret; 3, the breee changet whIch the Revisers have Made ln asp dnto h AeianSel Henry Egrgert, dn eccentric botanist. De Moto. galem, log to their attendan e, fier on the of the twelve-lnch turret gun, showing Lue' version of the Lord's Prayer, that EmployyYour Chateriesm p ad na braler of whose wealth ls estimated et $100.000, IElizabeth, Sandoval, death march oraa thezaffold, and they halw the back draft blew the dflash back coisPits filed out Luke's verion front Home News. C*brh M Acwaé,hi blu n ehécity was fournd deui a nhfisEast S. Louis Fairbury Sorento died quickly. to the powder piled up for' the nextr Nftthew's. The Revised Version leaves arragging Preliminaisfor Ianew 'Pr' home.lHe huid shotbhesseit through the Farmingt'on, st. Angnentinsé,Niedemneyer, se w -qwheeled a long charge; 4, the bolet down wNich the Out Of verse 2 the words "our," "whke paper to,,t te#n ubblnvi ne y $000 t i tui foreen. ieldon, St. Marie, the corridoes tried uti ent his hreadfdame swept that ignited the 1,600 pounda art in heaven,' and the whole petition, Y ind ill White John Druno of Chicago, who Geèorgetown, Stockton, against the wrallsé an w mremt Ihi msnef loose of powder in the handling roome (5); h ilb oe si evn oi hw coverabou 0mety ces of gare hisage as 22 yearm, Wasltrying teo Girard, Vandalia, fromt hie shacealo i adhe guards erein the hoist communicating with the ma- erh"Adi es .tewrs"u gon ,fracapsaci tyi30ton2500reget a marrage leensre, his mother tle- Grand Chain, Virginria, fre o odhm n ewatapedsarie, and the cross shows thé point the: dliviers erome il" haveenmted. ton ofstel astng a ont sd gvephoned the county clerk's ottice that Hamburg, Warren, ln hie chair. It waxsil- rminutes after dames reached before they met theTewirsfth Gopl eveny empoyenttoalmst2,00 en.SoBruno Wasl but 19. Hardie, Weldon, the trap fell baifore heart stopped] water by which the magazine was flood- woeidpnetyadec edwa Il in Mprwabut ies alons n d l six inmatesl of thé poorhouse and the Hillabor, West Dundee, batingand he was :l coutlsions for ed and by which the uiptéwans sved from impressed imin most. Later, by a very whehe th nw oncrnisto e ondct isan ayim a Dnnig reto e e-IrringWillitLasfied, that length of time. being completely destroyed; 7, torpedo natural process, mwhat One had wrvittenchsn Pd as a caorprtion or on a partntership ported, RAsthey have@ not been1. inrthe Kyvill, Winslow, OatlY of ManlyCrimes. tube; 8, the magazine. as cari he ove ainto the ritigsof a" dwho Uhan aL MUl -. bais Tebuinsswllbecaialse ontylogenug t-mae hm prop. AGAINST LICENSE. Although the bandhr .rmnfessed to the ier,"t usmat imes maing ther rec' ase#setaknge- et$1000 or mor. erly pubHie charges . Altoona, Medora, commission oftupward oýf a score of mur- DEFICiENCY OF 02,500,000. relit-moe aidpnetthnte ,, Thre Old Equolity cosi mine at Carbon- Armwsmlith, Mouint sterling, dersé, only eight have been resAtenred upon ye rse3dTh techinm the mes* aOClETY OFFICERR AREC C(rOBENdate wras foodied by mollkrat»buowing Benâton, Mniberry Grov, them certainly by the i,>Aice and the Navy Departosent Oblged to Cal' on Inilltha we are to look to God teistierse airound the aft and the banklior the Bmeton, Oakland, State's Attorneyr's offleo, It is bellered, Congre«s for Aid. Ou "d s hy(ale i) n Illi"ee Coumeil, RoyalArcnuns, Hms Saline trer and J00 miners hadla narrow Charleston, Odin, 'hwvr htNeeee n bc n nrae aa xedturet, not rt a c oeu.Ad ElIectian et Rock letand, escape frnt drowning. Chesteriend, Orangeville, volved la other crimes jido that Malirx, curately anticipated ln the faut naval &P- If all our n teriadll a ere rovied Twro hoodred delegaétes attendedi the ln the Carss County Circuit Court nt Chrimnan, Palmyra, possibly, was gauty orf murders other propniations act, have brought the Natvy for all Our ]ives tin advance, so far ne two days sesijon of- the IlHuais grandVriiRme rcecare ihCben, ao thané those unearthed in C hicago. Department face to face with a defiien. erhsucranispriw ol conel fth oylAranmwhihRsalt with lutent to murder his broth-Coa, Paxton, The red careeg of the "auitomatic trio" cy of nearly $2 ,500,00. Ait a result See- lose onteeto the best opýrtunies for was held la "-ok Island. The elec-tiojn Pr, John A. Brocken, a farmer of New Dwight, Pécaéhontasr, bgnwe h ehr eesho-rtr od eetyapae eoealearunint trust God. Thot la one of thé of Offecers risulted asfuodier: tonnosille, was requitted. Edinburg, Rock City, - reasonx whjy ilthises dimenit for the rich K Grand Regent--W. V. Shurtlfi'. Wil- In the Circuit Couret In Cairbondale fforado, Rofthill, to enterrthe Kingdom of Hieavent; they mette. Thomas Valughn, charged with au at- Gibson City, Roseville, don.'t get the proper training in *&king- Grand Vice Regent--J. H. Heald, Onk lemptto Islt Misé; Eva Kayanaugh, Greened, Rsville , 'dal-Y by dlay" for their daily bread. Park- eot ece.Was convicted and give-e envll. Sanford, i-e 4-Sins makle a debt fromma GrndOrto--. .ReHy Cicgoen indeterminate sentence by the jury, Hialgo. City, Beale o, toin 1 --a debt which man could énever Grand apin--. . ila, i The school management committee of Hlview, Vibaol toý pay, but wl ich will be forgiven, the Chic-ago Board of Eduention has HmWresug reitted, for Christo sakle if we confenir C rn ud &L t.Ciagoeomnedtednisl fMcalIHpoe.sWaprella, our sin, andif, on nour part, iwe forgive GrndWadn-rakl>leChi- M. Byrne, mille Chicago La' w scol Kane. Waynesvilleelnsveryew has suinnd ginssu.o end en-Fitktrecher who was accused Of owning Ru Kenney, Wheeler an n wyinuedu tGrand Sentry.-E. A. Itobr. Chicago. interest in la lona. Kimmuandy, White,lé tion" ileh 1 a n mtuintlirg blk te on CMdimn,trand Troustee-. Schultz, The Illinois delegation to the D. A. Ri. Kirkwood, Whitehall bnIe iIish-mltehenhü d Chicago. thirteenth continental congrewssorinn- Knoxvilleimntncu o a g Rem1die. C1ue ,Granet Trusteera-ristian Link. (hi- namoly eliected Mrs Charles il. Deere of MaIrtianville, York- temptation.An James 1:13 is quoted__j eage; Mi. T. Thomas; Rivernide. Moinée asl State regent and indorsed Mrm Mayors were elected la the following in support ftht view. But a careful Dorothy N. ILaw of incoln for vice re- e'tie*- readingi of the pansage in which this nu ANOTHER FARMER& UNION, gent. Thise sdorséement was confirmed Batavia-Frank Hooker, Rep TereO'ccurs séhows that James coutld not ýPs Weeth Organimtid Formed lia Web- Sby the on occasioned In thé San- HK um iieshv en le a ta."Collrittaink he bagbeflCounty• galmon Circuit Court loi Rpringfield wmheu Dixon-Il. F. Edwards, Repii. my brethren, whenr ye fall into manifold faThe faa i anetRce th mis a a Jury rgrned a verietfinieg young GenevaH. B. Farg, Rep. |mates together. Niedermeyer, being the subcommittee of the appropriations curm. tempigtations-; knowing that litenoo of farnea'mi»an Aertr!th folotéingLete OTror g ilyofansilaugh- GLIllepie-H. F.P.Byeroft, citizens. ·ringleader, guided thte.other In a series iteo hefoy n akdta ouat h wp porkeith tene.meGod does r eMeers: Prmédent, Clyde Whbitteun ; ter for killing one Miller, a negro, nieur- GiailW, . Skinner Dent. •Of petty robberie, some of whleh came mitelfuHos ndak d ta o ep epei h es ftyn EereayFlward Tate; trelais Ily three years ago. Overstreet admiitted Hull-W. H. Lease, Rep ' . to light and resulted inWinor tpunishimenttesienouh money be eapprpiate otidns topleadn rtem n"o to i H e estemt Vasha. Eigthrt e mebru s-1 hekmindetpladd el-tfese Te asesshG.W.Lichrnemobin gve t te fraeBeor Vnahesevienveiutitte ppopiaioe eoleinth sns o tstngthirfat cTe.hntermetn s e to State'@srem ewas very weak and it was hManosa-Wm. Hamilton, Antimeanq Dine became a "rough&,trider" aillthree made by thiona session of Congress are andn their loyalty.on takes in additiona allbe This 3the presumed the boy wonuld be acquitted. bMinstadt-F. L. Baltz, Citisens' were wént to frequent'a blW s'club which aTailbueaon July enineri.e- Y etri ditnisour uty o hntemptain fouth lac inWasingon ouny tat Blanche Spitder, 15 years oid, Shelby- Npril-ei M. B"e, Rep. field meetings in a racanti":ool building. The oe auof0steam engineeringureto éyof i'ear itd o keep aayri it ao. the farmere haoerergnanze. They pr, ville, and James . Ryaen, 17 years old, Newminster-Louis Killbrock, CIt. fIt was there that theimlidame proficientqre$6000metebea ofwy uesitcesnthpthf pose to rtegatte the prieof their pro- wosy i aet eiei rii aer-Lte ye. . i itlaotn he acaigtr qmipment $190,000 mosforfo the pur- duty' we may not dodgie lduty toesca ducts te such au extent that thwy con avenue, Chic are arrle tin r PitsiedJeferoyn.rDe, uetPacticonate. *.Omige-chase'orOaedndits transportation, and temption. And aisvwe lare to fearemp- hol tei grinen prdne hout heLouil by aanticlimax who fournd them Mt. CharleeFrank Hunt, Dem. The boldest and bloÎ(MU tof the raids $300,000Dow n sr euimn f arbious ttroéinsl ear.opa t e v D l market onot ust y oig. ould a sleep la the Union station wnithé their Tuseola--James A. Richmond, Demt. and the one for wlhich th'strio were con- predr,wdierthe bureau ofandppbesn fomit sig ende on each othetr's shoulder. They vietd was that at the 8igty-first and r,]acpp eds$0,Wtecreo t he onh cisnofis raerint - Titpemlncna U able to get his priefer his products, the said! they hadt eloped to be married and A SWli LXI ONTBR tate street car bara «ofthe Chicago eanacn t uaesof50,000 o om Terout thew s i the tvie Vson. td- Th;,'lmcr is praaticnd etl -l union will advance iremoney. Another Iwere waitinto0get a license. They hdAGDWIEoEEit iOTE.City Railway SundaF Morning at 3 aeenithe puchacsi eseo rvion. Thee lyi n hfro th hloe" ti e r- ig 6ats u nde diestant iè way the union intends to help the tfare- 0d and @aererai rings to start housekeep- Woman, 09 Yes* Od, Ep es .H.Oes- cokAng. 30. %Without warning lVan hare ofthedeficienies ion e service Te iin n hrmony w.,ith ' tDenral .teach- af oOM I ,m f era la in buying machinery. 1hey will ing with, bandlto See Dying Parent. Dine, Niedemeyer and Iarm entered threiosoritag e teiaprriatoforprimts-songofChstc Evniliws od;lt. ip"-ler- o ou a h o aillplace their orders at the same liane A plan fuirnished by Tiffany & Co burne, killedFrank 1.'Stewbrt lamt bnsint, duc e to inaccurac yof estimathessonarcabstractiu on in n His mind; it hnIits * end secure their Ngoods at a lower price' fNwYr hsbe cepe yte Mr. Clora WInkle, il@Yers old, han ae .Jhsn one ila .bt SceayMoysybcuetesuc n 0ta.Ad etaught lits 94 oardew odrtoohTanrMonu-come t e dethbed f her other aEmsBohdndH eBfl Wlan scaednaval committee last year made a eut of disciples to think o oleatan1as their ene- ue fte e efa ELEPHANT TIES UP RAILWAY, ment Asslociation, anda ausoe co ingfledfreinher lust ndvl,hegaswith $2,27 of the cmnify's money. h dprtmentheetmae ubitd b my le an God's ney homks tts sueqald0o lng about $2,000 will be erectedt oer h h' It iwoudhavebeen "nathe, possibly, nth .uea busariegnern te Tiness ootempwtlien 't e O Trluse LftHi ac Itoarwih h gav o te ore Gveno i Okhansbelhler prisoner for years in their before NiedemeyerReeski andNVan'r In the ure daccu ofteam engieerigthe ta t hpae o o lynwt wicthe Lotrni'h Jack een Lft and lk oe, CTrdi Rhedgrae e rery, S riged. TeinOau- ie near Sundilero, Neb. Mr». MWinkle, Dire could have b, en aryeéted bhatDnot tdefiCe ssacunedte fordby thenfact viprayernue. snti h eto h Au elephant en route to the world's snlenne design was selected rohadoen e awaiting a train nPeoria, sed armreedIttieQnnbotht ngssecndto kthe n eie eso.According to the tbent fair threw itséelf ot of a box car in un ther plans. It wasno t determnined ar $10kbill which she declared lhe had the middle of Nor,,uber and thn fe rnse in the specinec appropriation asked evidence available it was not a part of effort to secure liberty and then stub- whether Tiffany & Co. s"all construct eneeILfo*wnt ersfrus eWal arrested, rconfesed allthe crime"" yte eatet Teca o- h ryrasutrdb eu. We bornély refused to go back fitothe car, lthe monument or whethler tha work &hall font bj ust a c abaneocait. Shere.apedheand his compailonshadcommitted"fe. ampiroun benfrthe rean evebr" be- sor y hom tas de teeisniod yFnBgoelLb cuilng a suspxoenOf busginess on a be done by thlovIwest bidder. rm u ad.hesi,.yar.e olcmnby ltehmotsre put Out On fro con fteicesdhremaso setiig ralroad for five hours, east of Eat St. manyares of fine grain land in thle the traltof the thme ribenr, and finally pow er of the new ahipstin commission. Verses G-3-Becausie of the tieat of is. It ws neresésary toraise the elée- eastern edge of thre Mismissippi bottiloms, HAMLIN BUYS MORE LAND. through information givens the depart- the day traveling would bre easier after phant With' Jack screws before trafilleeighit miles southwvest of Alto Pass are Atre ýu f liosAd ement'hy an Indiana school teoucher they - dsnet. That say ,acont orBte U I couka be.resumed. WhIle on the lway to undler thre e toire fretet ofwater a. irte Attoney en erofWindor. Add to wmlocatd Ina adug-ou" e ar Miller's fr id'saivaath suchn homer. But th ctyth regh taioaustppd ret ofthe overflwing of Clear creek Hlig Na$idsr tt"o n da ingtteprsna oewudAdvertIin in this andthiorofth eepan'sea sun drlg hereen hav rin. hecrek . ttorney Generai H. J. Hamlin has Of the EBrut po.ý of poice who tried .be In his'soundest steep). paprwl increaseà op ».20 Ieephànt jimplud out, but its eut a niewi charnei eighit feet desepin given $11,000 for an 85-acre fferm within to arrest them Detectives Driscoll wasx lired rckso alyo ha u éele, breented the best frait getting places across Jack Pauley's place and a mile of Windsor, thon incrasling his klled and Detective Sheqb*n iwas shot ln-ao r ee b kd a nee ,a d vr sn s afM the way out of the doo. A erowd of coveredt eighty arres of his land. As the real entate holding@ there to 82!5 acres- the hend byt Niedeýmetir. Re-enforce- likely the petitioner of thie paraible miighit toen placed jack screws nder the, bulky- land overflowed is i lower than the creek When Mre. Hamlin fis came to IliHnois mentir were then siiummoned ad scores not even have is grain grounid ilno= body aDi lifted the elephat initothre car. banké, the problemi of drinin it isï a frnom-New York hie settled in Windsor of armed men weore lent from ChIicago mrent. So it woulldta ke momle time b le- didficult one, and taught school, and hie han never lent to the sene. Mentime the three men fore hoecould satisfy his friendj's hulnge. NEW ILLINOIS COAL ROAD. Thtatato ad 0 ce ne.hie love fur the place where hie began hal ft the lingout, e-apttud an enigine H oe ofn oelae etoe Tht tac o an. 00 ar. % le h iltcareer. un the ake Shore Italeadkilled JohnOat a e ihbrtyAtutht hnig he i === Comspay U Organised to BuildFrmtenltin the heart of Cirmincluding Bovet, a brakemann, anudhadl Oedl oesrntfeneighoyaththorfte jAneT ilroad tebe own as the oels, a eMcian CIRUS ACTSAVES HILD. ith . ad, af rlin.éisda oon o- The total ml e ihnthe State of strtched out upon theira attreas b"e'd'OR gytin CalRalradCopay asa may lhe test to the present onesHuaing from enrbina by Knees, Fred Bhoekotfat ronmt l eslfton, urrendemd South Dakota in now, 2,980.45 miles, an laidsaide by side on the floo. The peti been organIzed in Carbondlle iwithé the ie "la Gdeof riunshh, h s n HraLfeBo rmCitr- ta half! a dozen farmiers AwIth shotguns. inreaos. f2.8mlsoe h ertoe a itrigtewoefml following members of the Orat board of bultt eadfont hw ays, Supendinlg himself by his knees fromt AH of tfiem were wounaded. Roeski em- peiu-from fanther to infant, sindit was very dirctos:C. ,,Iat1to,3CareIl. b htte lndomthe gvrne the tOecoingetof a eistern, in Chesterfield, e«paébut was coptured exhausted in pTrhaedStreLouian SandFrkanschas siconveien t.eButwhereevefatriend- Bill Head. Rleth,. Joseph B. Bondy, P. Hutchlinsn, Itiscaedthtnulne of thre Fred Harlan reachedl downe fin the wvat- oniéeto the way staans a» long the roa<1prhsdteLusaa n rasssi aldtobigastsatr n RE. Itefrow, Edward 8. Patten and peet wes ea u wraty e , On r, and, using is cane es ia hook, rescued end je ow s, ervinig a lif!asentence in the road rmWlim uhnnadhi s wr pritne"ontedy"o . 1. uima. Te iewmé will run stfothsppetesimated to he 3-year-old Kenneth Reinke, wholl hadl Tollet penitentiary '1o0ts ate h i.LeHe romth. isisipi.rierthouh he heIl t00,00, will le 1egun Ruialnitmh eeror h hl a a iewt idmyrscnetThé Stats board of assesment for Verse% , 10.Here sie av the ppli- tonaties of Jackson, WIiameisonFrank- t11t1eYkinat 0 n resuitatedl, and Horlan is the hero of and appmroia, madte a confesion to Chier Alabamna han raised thre assessmrents of cation, or moral, of the parabl.W r go and J1efferséon and at Mount Vernon li,1î7NwYr n ,nr nt. .i the village- et Poice O'Neill so after hig arret the railroad properties In that State to be persistent in our prayers and notB siesCa d i wiH connect with bath the Louisville and aà.en n ahagradua f West Point. ln the presee of olmy tneosses. Iul about $1,000,000. ,easdly disheartened. Irf God does n[ot peushille and zouthFriso sys et Fr h hdttetem. ItowrllBALOONKECEPERB IENDICTED wasthis confesésion that resulted in their The work of double-tracking the Waxh.ase tocthtde o a I pastog hesuhr llni ol Fo h hr tm h ureeCut* eoavletion. Ingtonr Southern, and Richmond, Freder- 1wil ot anlswver when we have% proved eMs. ~ set aéside thre vendict of the Circuit Grand jery MakesaCen we nIcksburg and Potomac from Wasington b y our repeated requestsr that we arei de. Court of Madison County andi ordered a Buaounty. A TWO YEAiRS STR E. to Richmond la bing pushed rapidly. tergrmmedsowsoease fo Im EXPEL PAB'IR FROMK CRURCH. new trial In thre case over the rsegrega. There la nothing oaid] here ofGd' -- io o neroan whtechldrn n he Sixty-seven saloonkeepera of Bureau lWhlich a .Inv 1dNe Disorder-A TeNwYr alodcmiso ilnns ogvo fIi eaing piegates to Coference Cent Ont the publie %choots of Alton. Thie fact thaet County were mndited by the grand jury Remaarkable LabeaSIlghit. hsgntdaerfcteocntuton git. And thremawhwslat