CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 May 1904, p. 7

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* lu insilciSe. 404 bIle isisimie flme~ slst-volgis4 bçaoer igis, my esa.-ta a la ovalisa .1mw. aid ~meUg~g, ou a ton e Mr. la teS 4ioet i. slî tw*WIenashait. U a wm esusjssde nt - 0<u isamdoa a l Jp lo av Amashia ués. Of dokiauuidep TOclemus the udm fdca ahd Ucanad Msole' thlcnd cuticle, geide q>- pficatimof aICUTICURA Ointtinnt f0 instntld a&&Y fféce W"iUo5n, " Wdhiam ux0Ian d aooths nid 6mai ffd miid doscs of CUTI- CURA Pilla to cool and dleam ethe blood. à aiagle SET. eostingbal Oat DoIsr, ta eflen aufficient ho cretise Most ¶nts'igdlirngs kIa, aoels Ami Ihod frusison ocemasý.-l. r i, bi- aga, and-i irmtaÜo dt @ iS 0ai e.tir temtutacy to ge.wiscailela6ta11a than ami ahoeud ~lai t 40 lage rs CW»*mo. 4410 &W0 em stil moi 4f am fot ~ui~0< llinu- tise al et '[xas su nM"s O ffdati i iieullbnsa, d» ,oMI*oA"i.m gai foveva comant 1.84loft"s MaaWriv us t oma. itlse om»,*ry tmaI l mane - se at mthe maouPo esuieà nde Newi wOvSeIÉla essa, bythefsem oafeeIrouu un e htsOklahtoama ai <?auss Vacant 184e. ma a- Can oliet e pealiae or heet- ist la MOù*vIgraau. b. sdatr bois tM. &irem reqeclan ie MM axla iia ru*sin 0f goîcre- mMLOO Wb"ib est taM&leS tlssy are mo Iliga tis.ratis ayatise- ponuftho 1 0ai-u Caada sTre le ne elymspet sbotlt mdr eer . rta they Mrs ea>he asetticd *0 a at t sEau taeeh: cOwta» vsyAandrlof or ern- inMt tsDminion. rslseTha lae qop.- ptin buttétisalImiantsaaie eIbm meet arbe attana ote bia fo ta ae s«t»yoisd piine lar- laion e l. Doiniao itui inoma- IeauIt e bYAim an faermeilm te utlnate-a.stelgpantc ae t the m pariraI l seer banbe for gbt tacfi onenbiof tespririelng. lain oftns m incui thaPtull s I nfo -e iug fier s-char tiît Aens Ernesllue-Ye. Plale; a ramcrtu loiarobuttonsr ton. abecdin 1i g us onena o. u eo.. a -ad f Mci cf vomen'a dally uce la due la '5' kidney trouble. Sici kiduejre cause tock-9 "ce@. 'langiSr, blissi1 iseadaches, dsziluoma - Imsolansa udooumry troublas, To cure , ourilt yeu muat cura li te kitineys. SProOl Sp thse axperi- *eaoes for thers vio bava ienn eured. mms.william sW. la-vprofaetMonal f lare, e &Dsues s-seét, Paterson, N. J. soNq: 1 hava not ouly sean muci suit- ferig aiman sicathsa fi-umkitiucy troubla, but i laveasuffereti my"el. At eMUe n I ioagIsi 1 ceuisi net live. MY Wek achat!, there ver. troquent hs.4ssbmsudanti dlay ,pell.and tihe kduaj aaMetionas ecse tilorieresi. - )assKlduey Pilla hslpesi me from the final, anSdaeOu relUsl e e enlrêhy ef*th i taresatng ansi patetul iymp- A FRICE TRIAL aof hua grealiS- ns> asediclne wvilhi unesiMr&. Broui vili liaualisieut pli-ation te 5ny Part Of lia Uniteti StaSes. AdJies FIscer-liilbusn Coe. hiuulsiole N. Y. Fer sale hy aih drugîcîs; pris-e 50 cents mien box. A Itass,.abie ieqiemi OuI l.ady-Si-g pi -dciii tonlnteri'spt- Ing, buti dcosi uspeai aÈ au aruage Sm- ides Engilai? Treusser wtsihî bali Isoree-I do, Ols iLady-Tien vonit yruaplamas do Eoeeomy la Threeshiva. Tise tact tisat liese lasore granpot mIn e bm vstick tan tisene Ibasli Se, l. auelbiusg tint merilatise en- ast atteuion cf tise up-teost. farusr. la it Dotpossible te gave tis anatage lof graba sud lime wvis-iattenu thle MO5 Oft Q-styhs mas-lsses-y? This lat aOesthluq that mshoulsi s-cimensb Uhs carefui canslieraktloofutes- eu- rtner. lu lina vili tle hugit a emil et- tenidon te lie adi. cf Nichmeha & ShberdM Campéafsy. Battie Crecs, Mis-b., fonuti lu saustiler éelrmrnc.t lt ooid aenissthat tise lime lias constvisse thia gril ebhannel et vast- areeuheli ar-rnshouis te ellmlnated. Geid or tSe Vaica.. l la midaltiis ttc goisi ceniatued la the. modals.,vesisela, s-laina and ti 15r objecta presenvesi lu tte Vatican vouols1 make more gol money than tise vhols ef tisa prescat Buropean circulation, 084 Ms-omsUadsad)osis-s hvas-utlfat ai .J.CHENET 5ad».. IsIeioaM Nowir mor pilla are tisa heî PE 7I ,y of tahe igaurd o«U" e n arld un Oui# m m errss a e im I the c ts et&iamd. A'dee yu isoem à lds izaed lea bu big senb qle isnflus oatîsed eas tese miseliry lu lduceil to repsatthe «p«l- Li aient. sn= Tise lta psubridgs la tise sorisiap Ili aOns lt procasaof comstucticas acromafot tbe St. Lawases river about «ainmiles oo Wsat et Q"ueaCanada- by tdon rails CýA&rS LA the , "M"3114 uHept V. lostlmý,à, 6m ?w lajmipt esastimd ont as Ibe -11" IMIFwtth Cub » ba scs- là 111,0 "Il. stuoigla la thse ase bsoe-u**,Oq e aspravialsastsgceol thei matt* M<P rmvo a" ud isafoe oIt wu ~ Ibisi-tisc.sitaim Ibm Rp- "Id ubltoie tise lidatitive. lu aitlleun.Uitai lStas te Ceu" w~~U~Eai> énsaa oft il" fr1.Thse Hsu$us lise omue dineuSthe ex- 5Oaw It lvus jabtea"udPeu" !êp V aI* Pansas via stise me Mdn i $o lat lagla~Tliora ni cOea,,,; Ilm au ratilit beu vliewm am iau.t, dhace vfrllmIl vu niera >u ldm il gavne ri"e ta Tiraient atel sMd 45151. on tis, Part ofthlie Do cea Who dueiara tise Prosldst hma exensisi bls aulisanlty la tise racer- afi ;teropublie cf Panms TM Bénamte iafl théIbmChinas. com- mercIaltruàty, bfi»tesuset of ch lthe UnitedI latea moeueud tatapen poste la NUmchxlm.Cangisa aime undertook li-r Ila for lis. gevenameni of tise pan- asiegâalsue à s ubject vilcislad te mauy dlRerees betweea Heameaui TIser. as nsonked conseuvations througbut thesesmsion in tie latter of mapiy flia. Tiisynvers iandiad quici- iy Mud Vits tisaé ouomy vieSotteà madm shlisectiods ef Corrure*spier te a prisldaatlal canspolgu. AU laS, tise nny appremrlated for govesinsn t osesj ansouftted 10 neaniy $700.000.00.Thb revenus et lb. geverament are estinsât- ae et $704.000.000. Appropriations Are $791.5714,609., Chainuan Hcrnenwsy cf tise Houa. tausultsseon appropriations onuliseciaos- Ing dla inaa asteusant mfovia thse saoou MtbsSrmat i. Sp <affvecâ nt t" Bealsm&Munt te "à 1,574.moui. Tis1 àunssu nlantas$W»,l.90 ppropri- i ate! for deficieu-es ansi $5(0,BOO,00ub- 1 MilIeu smde, tise estimatea of permuaneat apprspritiiom for application out ef aur- plan.0 avauestthelb. iukiag fond. Thé abli. tm cf apparent appropriation Wa terefoee.$W85,272,786.06. lTse estImaI- adi revenue for the acul reer 1905 la $704.472,00072,an excaaa 0,cr xpeudi- tarcs of $6.l09.27t*6L li 1a fortier sstimated tisaI tise aualt growitis ot revenue sud tli snuai expen- i itutres et tba gusiemauent, wich aver- age ô per cent lent tisaistise estimâtes, s'in fas-tisen inrease Ibis surplus le ai leust $1N00.000. Tiha expenditure par eapîta lu tteCUnitedStalites la ahessu ta i. $7.97,. te oeat of suy efthe i-est lovrera by a wide mas-gin. Tise appropri- ations i haetiagagregate ibis aeim nare i more tisai $20.000000 leua than tant sen- sion. t Estluatos Uer. Cet. Ileessiaof!thesariena gorerumeat de- ssrtmcuta gentitnluestimâtes eft teix isada, and tien e etirnate exceedei tis taimated irevenuea hi shoot $42.OWZMO. Tise figurea wîtllahovwvisat Congrass sd is the vay of e'itting dova the estîasatea t as prasentesi. No generai Manuaretscrs-y- lg provisions for unispubie builduigs t raa aiioved le pants. Os-dlaarly au oms- c nibus fbill la put tiroagi vils-b providest oer peaiesan sd eues' govaa'msat 1 buildings lu toi-us aIl avertise coutry t aiticis have eongrcssonal tîluence siwuigitecet visai they soir. Thse w.&- 1 usnity refumesi likevia.1te cuonaurn iver sud ibarfor bIvilcwiehba&jor ila obJect nev vos-k sud the axpend1fre of u lage marnaetfMoincy. Tiseravs agitation for a mnipeu- Ion bill for van veteru raneialythtie ependure of a bsute suas.COangres., ovever. nef aaed te coessIsist Lt tis- sesion, andsitise ncsrt appnacista ra-t oguitlon et tise a0»fart of aerviSes aaho- I ta muffclent for a penionu@ inalasilo,- 2 gu au appropriation eof 8 ,.000 for lb. C ayunut of pensions te meanvise cames isier tise provisions of tise general an- s ane of tise Becs-cary cf lia luterior. ishici mile age a as cisence ef pisysiesi dis" ability te perfoer manual lator. Tbis res pension ci-der van pros-ocatire eo' Demetes-nis auilta. but lie itepsittîcane ucr-uols-il showuclg le tise dlacouslitas-s f) heir enemies Usai a like srecognition fi âge disailhity uand a 115.e ruer acre made Iii tte Ses--stai-y cf tise teries- ader the admainistrautiou of Gr-ovr Clave- Tic postl af-uds oscoupiedthe tieîtes- Io ef Congres. 5andthe Os-c-tm-etre- »it, visict seeniesi te iniplicsite i-cpi-ceeu' làires in pernicieux activity ou beaaitof hes- dstraict lpostmeasqtem ause!as mv. $ ka invrestigation ordecied iy lise lioune te cures! atari member of lie suspicion di of Ipreper cosîdiet, si A rosoîion laîroduceed by Repreaeuta- til Ie Mas-tin cf Soutis Dakota nasiiteu lha 4J in entuer for the Investigation olthtie ak- M saisi heef truat by thse Departmeuii cf 1 3mimass-cnsd Lahsisi. Iu tise Ileuse impeachsment pince-ad- Sr ng agalust Federai Jude Bvayce et at eo asilics'udistrict cf iilorida vase e . v n' huit tise matter finalhy veut bas-k ta v muimitippe îud vil] ha taken air agalu et te eo ccxl sess.ion. The Honse pasise! a bill adnsllliug $4 tkiaboma ans Inldien tcrrilo-yas oeawv kae ansiAiline ansiNaew Mexico as M anther. butl ihe.Sentie teck neactionu ia heretter. Au tfi- ns;Ithe laborr ed ls conscru- tise elgisl-Iour bill vas aluanied bthé hofr tautua te itué Depa-tment of Comee 84 ad t.lier for an lssiestigation saitl lie Ni ti-iujnus-sieu titi inis-odueasi y Ileprdr lui statuve Groas-enor van put aventtte exi session, 14 mtis nigis e!fItemi Bannet goutte rntien wv raht, te a seat lu tise United Biais.t F asoe la stili onde- Iuvemtigation. ta Tie report etftihe naval baai vles i-s a preference le Lake Bluff, Iii, « OS asite for the gqeat lakea naval tr~alalag oei 3tien vas tslonutoiand tisera was 73 tsmittstes inlutUs.naval appropriatonP« Il an ameadment providing for a board asies-I a site- The amenasent cas-i-te& Its il an appropriation etr82$=000 te te achèteolansdnad teit il hv on t0£ su4in tise statien for tho iralaing etof to Prrali Ageuti,,A tuai resu ifr. 4do .,ileei fs-ouiImportant tamsuerciai centers,, a-hle Peesulmg dliaurteuee due e»t utiiwasonatîe ventber. Wernatlouai Mercantile #saze tte baute traugli Cdèendsitions, witi aC- Ouaidersubîy astiofetit li s,l lu tic Souh ansi M retai-desi violente lor 1Ist, saies.andi rut- bers, vise*pAU exhraorsiinary dernand la kieqiwjïtries îsorklug evertime 510.1 isminsailarepes'tad lu iii West l0 peqares. dry geoda liard vae, t-anmiSa eirr try ltiu t.* te St leuis mhowiu x ea . cePtiOU l -ia bs-cause et rushor, dora Lftr uioMlen wcek." [1" tan Peratuna, vU etrcaîns-ng mprnug bush nasa, la Xhigmer-s-lants tae lose oui ieavy-wo*goosi.. vili tis esiao tisai lise asWcarrie-sios-en wli ho un. Wile ojymuce orîsi are Breevai baeW«vafi, lietiorspolitta sîtraos- diaarymIseffl iiusrcng NIay If aesou bis weatbw 'pevuaill.Eunoeusm de. manti la sapaues for igricittrirul lu plernente, -tUgucrq culdenclng 11111, alan» aovS tUmofusture- Labotroubles are r.tstdlws blisic,-cInlusAlahamar Iova, Calonde mfid pici-aof Pennayji ventsanLad '0410- Tili ontnibutson- certainiy te -a sititatcon vieS vili, bowvvr, belu eRîi-csausnc relies-éd by the agreemont trfIlle thiou ansi mine workera, vilci i-ci" - effective in Colorado laies1. h lt wvi l gs-cpa- Illa UD omssaa f hi 'id conditions foi twu e s. la et ici- sections ore or los inout, la-hîs- expenlenced,.as- lisougis lfl*thssîî in UOt.genera'ou eipectsi d mcîil tdIsnteriahiy. Ths 1s empisasi by tics-applarent villlng sesa et nsîl"g Org.iýicc,cîîocs te médit> teol- isqtkSSuiS iu iiccccr-e silu ré- stris-ted ossiptat su cd soPes-idemîce of buRlnesa ieattice- liiil, -sWekli-Reviesa Thclaicîîîr .situsation, msbile pr~ntinîg a asllatics- y s-otts-ui vii bait ot a yul ntgcî c- sud s'ntlrciv de- %olsi et euspieltîiîîii-ilirîriiug pro-spl adJiJstînenlt tici-rucîihntcrruption if factivit-. Witt tics- Itier onganixa tien ot boUs eapuc5' ,sandi w-cge-caru- ers pqe<liug jifercai -sý may te solelsc wîthoat intssfèerri c o gs-inai huai- D". Apide tica. hIc hotu-e tise scuti- hersam cf traI l uict iraruciis-arels-s- casstInueq lupoiiicii iie esi]ci- cnga hn bi'*dufis are stîin -oiaicle- nus,. but on Ibe bon- d tus, cdi ne .pefm nus lu u.slitictofot stIer cern, nodîllea oui la th-eîlsîîscîd for manu0- faciresiprodWtci. lIcIter ireçlhr lieeilfflrnaterlly In srin.lug na glàyilsg <-tuege Ibrougs- iont tte w ekac*.ie moat nota bic ites-t seing las-gps- uýas mIn tic promi- sent netali lunes ani alaples. Transac. lioua lIit wuiImhi.appri-tniat1i faim proportion, sé lebsi4lug lsilking bsat lu dry goods. suite, ahff5i-ids-stli. <;,qin shipiiieuts4, .IX.S878 hsheis. i-e 69.04 ps- c ccat.45sirthoeeorftte saise as-ek ist yquir. Ttcesiholeuiha iriscetf heur oaa tuas-e! donsus chs-st- ly- btusmilîs-ri s egs abledt temcain- tic tlulr quscctioÜ fer cehiert cii cîg oe nesutsIs-led piss-tim10. 'lîcceits ur se asok, 2'c.2iladconmpares-%%sitli 6.335)saisisveksc et 1yer i luga csd 13 stiIsusgisIa',s tuid hîîsîsy beees de--uicid 5 onta. tut c ite(, seep show ccc ,asga Falini-es r-cctii-leCiicgcti mict cumhser 11. gaMaM 1tei;e ms weé iiffrl .a jurasge ad le. ho .a- ri- jL- id- Ut .lt m- at le m- :le es A. rl- n- i], )y le In r- 3r )r la 9- 'y e- le h El- )t n 1- I- d a 1. Ciscso- a îecammen su ri-use. 1.00 te $-5-Ic Semi slippiiig gr-cdes, L00 te $4.80;) 1ceeP. tais'te i-liire, $2.75 i$5.00; vhs-uc Ne, ttd, $1.(K ot cir .Gm, No. 2, 4 40c t 7'; oesta,îuiiîri ge le 40r-; ý t- N& .t, 0oc teo 1.icay, netis, $&c uc -; prairie. $46.011 ta n0210: bistr. 1botee ereamery, 22c te WC: egas, frscc. lac tae16c; pcitst es. .06 te $ 1. 1 1 Indiaànieoi, iaileaipplug. $3 iîm ta e25i; iogs. , c-aIlil, $45141mc ft 55 ep, conntIIIc.cciiPile. $2..-A) t,,14 .4); vhast, NO. L2 i 1 )()te $L0'2; cIi, Ni,,2 qhe, 47C - tî4I; c calaNo. 2o li. ,4(ke o42c. St Louisicafla, $4.50 hn $5.7a;3. iga, .00 te $4.ii Sisa8hep, $11.111) tcah 51 hau-t No. '-,cct10$1.01-. -rui. Nc 2, 6ct 144c;.-,ctc-.No, 2, 40e to 4, ci1 s. 2,67 Ot i,>i.-. Clucinuari c rus, q'$4.00 hc (o t00. 14.00 s $5.00; mbeep. $*2 ccl ho 440; visait. S' 2, 1.05 te $1.0(icor-a. e. 2 mixci. :51, Se b2r; oati. ,t.cc2 siredl 40c i( 41t ; risNo, 2, -.4e-to 7'hs-. Dctot-aii-,$80» le $4.K,; hicuga .00 te $4.1), 'hnp..$2.50 tci$7,.00: seaât, Ne. 2. $1 0t h 1.02; s-uns Ni. 3 ev, fi i t 3- ; esA4No. '3 sucie, 41c 4ke; rye, Ntc 2, 704!. iîtc. Mlcasukeý-%%t seat Ne. 2 no-si ir-si S ho 9h1i-; tcccnic.Noi .8,fis- nu 352c; las, No. 2 iîc ti te. 42e te 4gr; rye.N a 1, te te 73c; licîî-ey, No. 2, 6&3- iii 65e; Buffaio-CaMttieý. ce"o iinIg utses-a, Mine $5111):1. -,fair te prie-.$4.001 $5.00; ahi-pictain te chois-e. $t.5te1 15. isuaha. es o sp taeeoice, $ 3te1 roleste-w Ii-ci tNe, 2 mircil, hillc te .01; carst, c2 izd. 152C-tii 53e; s,% No. 2 ini'iic. 43e te 45c; i-se, Ns,. 2, W te 71c; clii er seos, prime,$# . Newe Vorkitt#, $3.50 t $5.25. W, S5405 îcc $5.00; mlseep, $2 <c) te LZ-, whiea. Ntc. 2 s-ed. $1.02 ta s$5 04; ,ru No. 2, 5ri, ii.5Ic;esta, Ne. 2,uslite. ete 463, ciicir.crcamery, 21c tila 21,- es. aestenc. hic tei Ise.c Sisiarsî fi-oas thea irsa. Roy-isuîiii agueri 18. etHensic-Pc>-, T.. isu tîcîli.Kngilng, gei 20."ft Reno,. 'F'. icire khllesi by tisc cciii tuai diss-sarg i g iss lie iceü--"isn(Jcfhe BrisaSilusilily es tisoa l ricuniaga oetjatthwipc nîss Oig aid prOies-la a.tolloisa;Tie gle tates. 20, G0 reat isii,j li tsa mt sioImooda? TImb Ir utisacofla mIbut libtly ~algbooks, Ibm ntDinsofet OI. absean n lnedWambfato oas.! tua., the home atoie, beig gnouPe idvlase you Dot te Say one word te lier 00 thul wiS nyou lEftilike readlng 00130e about ber nevtsiler made alt, gays particulamortyon may at a glancenethse Washington Post. lit cama bomne al your treasure3 that appenl ta that not long tefere Clistamoa andi§lbe de- nsOretarY Interet? It la Dlot a test. cided late ear It on a Shopping expedi- plan. But lhe PosabiltiesaOf arrange- tton tbe very ccxl day. A dozen thIgs menit are esidîssa, and vaa&Il taire our happenesi to delay liesr whlle aite vas favorite plane. t Wonder If Iliere la Sauy dressing, andi ln thc ends ae vas fors-ad book lover who ean refrain frorn put- la rush ent liurrlcdly te keep an sp- tlcg lu one row bita moat attractlive polntment At tthesieultsi. bverybedy tlndihsgs'-tlie gay. gllded lcathrr sor- turnesi te stare at her as abe passei. es iai make a litle contrtof nebîli- This fittering rec-ognitilon of thse inart ttIcs? Ir tere la any reasier ut, i-an eut of her ien- thre-e uarters icngth refrain f-am this larmîcaes pageaners. cai uns gratitylug lu the extreme. bl muaât e lise owncr of an unuiualy Bbc trlpped siongux t s atIafiesi wlis logis-aind. or ege lacs-k te mou] of lîcrueif andi lier taller. hut mo<lestly oarer-C-t. Nichcolas. tient on lokleg perfectly uns-oua loua etfithe attenioln ase visatairactling. l'Il eik t Know ."Blie came le a "rütstug whêe te Batatrillls, Oblo. Unir 2-There la a pavement was flot aiq dean as it usuai- Civ-il Wor veteran lu Ibis place Who ly la. Tise Street was17tli Street. andi 0laq îery positive ln lbis Wsy, andi 'inee erowded. Sibc dropped ber baud toi lie makea a satement everyone kuovl ek i e ra kr.Ten oi he means l and tisaI It la trise. Hî ice u irti kr.Teni e nome lIolMr. N. J. Stephena and lie lias ment tie sbsent-mludeii lady ith -usa wnltteis for publication the followlng cI'! of horror was llying down a aide letier: Street. Plie basicorne out te abopl Ina I have been a sufferser wiii Kidney lieu - val ansi a plald ahIk Battis-ot. Duaea ice tise CliiU War. Sorne- Tlie akîricf lier ccv suit vas lunlier tImes isy bock would baril me so liat ward-obe 51 borne. 1 euuil net dreaU myaelf for weeks. 1 teck a few boxes ef Dodd's Kidcey dipsecer ands Beecher. Pilla andi have round igreat relief. Ttsey Tte receci dealli of tte Englet liav-e(loue me a greal séia of goosi. philosopher, Herbert Spencer. ris-alla -My general bouillt la mus-h better thc only slait tce eser ruadie to Anserira. ailice ualng Dosda Kldssey Pilla. [c ariilbrief joumcey lu 11,42. Os)tiss os-ca- esommens itlitaremedy te bcte cest asoen a Ianqust vas gis esiln Ne-w York tlilcg for the Kidnevs Unit la on ttce I hàSonnir. Hlenry Wiird Beeclier market. 1 have taien a heap o! midi- etnc for my laisk andsikduseys, ands1 vas oeeof tise aftcr-dineii- speakers. ruINxg1KNOW IVHAT HFLP'S ME. "Iarn asiei. SaisI i- r.Beç4-ler, Iam 6(3 years olsi aund sastrougîs ou Mrcocsile spencer wt thi-io tise Civil War as a "cdier" e.r. I1sirn't. Mr. Stepîsensi KNOWS tht Lioid "A ise wt lias a balsi leaded ds- Kldusey Pilla telpes i hm. Tlicy wlil con %,Lî, iisig cveryllilng lic(tops, or a cure ancague of liaskushe. golîl spix-tudeId Ilawyer îlot a fast oee Ccýnag. Ilookisg aet Mr.Itrîsînus. but a long, Gerge-Etel, dear, l'rn geing Usjeau, laîsi one- iloosuli t %Ir. Es-arts) Interview your fallier S-niglit. -suiisýt afforsi lutati itpecserlams Ethoil-AIl rlght. George. Ani Irf fi-entSlippisîpit. anythIng happeca lFil corne te t e s- Itla te te boreri iii isîiîl iut vset pitai twiee a day until yen are abile te a man la drivlcg si th-rns of fracstious te eut ogain. bornes thal are Inst ail lie vuii mnage lise tri Tvency-flv Ladiesa. aeytev, lie la flot liisu iel s- of usîns TIse Défiance a act Co. iîll gîve te dis-issiqusîetions wlllî Isu ife- lî 25 laies a round trIp ticket te tte lit, s step. vli la unelrtâklug to briiig St. Louis Exposition. ta ils-c ladies u" I' lî-adinesis- natttnnsý lu paleshof tIse feiiowing Blates: tîmi- It hlîsi tucenaidsi ha1 Mi,. Inr-- cols., lova. Nebraska, Kansas andîi ?lSa- lad no sense of humeor, but lie joleds Sousri, vIse ulli acndiln the Isrgest tearlily le ttc merrîseent visicliMr. cumter of trade usrks eut frontsils ien-.feeslie-ns speech provokesi. cent. iti-unce package cf Detnse TIhe vel arnesi reputation sud le- cod wisîci laundry stars-t. Tis crea.iîug popalarity cf tise Lewin' ~Single menansfront rour ose-ihome. îînywviire Ilinîe,r straîglit 5cs- egar, la due tn the In tise above ninei Staîtes. These uîaî,tairieul Iigiî, quality andul appreciatien traîle iiiîrks misaI te risisîl si bandsi"r ii suioker. Lewin' Factory, Peoria, rescPI s'il ly 1the Del:ims-sStars-h Co., lîsj. Onsalia. Net., isefere Sept. I.1, ]04. R rf .*Ld. Octolusr ansi Nos-citer viii te thé test l'su5oeisu5 s Luea.b«È.ii mouiltîs10ilait tise exposition. Rc- - ______ menduîiertat l)ctilaes-e 19ttc cnly Stares pull up 16 oz. (a fuili pounsil te the- panage. Yoîs gel cmee tiird mors stars-h for ttcRanme rcoiey thasi of n! utli-lsied, andîsi ance neyer sticks te thielion. Tte tickets to ttc expo- sition viii te sent by neglateresi mail Sept. 5. Starci for mile by ail sisal. Wby Hé Dropped. Tisere vas uee amusieg Incidenit re- pontei by a meniber of ttcettluscbeard s-essspeey, sya ttc New Yorn Commer- s-l Advertise-. iVin,.ra lIraI iloa-vercil ami Iiaimaîs. cahicti Pat. Oas utslenthe ascee loft. He yelhed lire, thenihé cps-ccd a nlcdow ansi wuent tos-en the ails-ytandi ever etand, eus au es-tris- aIra. He beisi atiare bunt a msontent, swing ti@ uegs a t.ait, lookesi dowms ci uuîg tî legs agaîn. t-hten clomed i bs cyc issd sroppei. He gwas pli-bcd up oqurpiaesly deat!, bust f rs-os-ensiedcni-ousncas ai the boa- Spilai aussinsusanfew dusys îsoui cen a cruts-tes. "%Wty dil yen drop. lPait? some one nskes i tuhui: 'viiu slsould base waSte for a lire c-I.* Indisuis-. Dov.w: s-hi, (1 uistoc, afraid tIhe-vos-e id tirs-ai, sor." A Lessea tOut of Schooi. Plais osaissiercul. common acuseei-cls- live e-a ve Dîo suons-useful purpose lican le i-cug diwva-misretensions ansi 8i11Y ti'udee-cîls 1otter members of the fanily. Ttc New York Press sys tIb i asi ticorne tasîomsatle iln a certain actuel to dls-erslfy Dames. %labs-tlicis tecoose isaytellc. ?May Maymc, and soon Jecahe caught the in. tetien. Ste write a latter te tir eider laioth or, Bans, andsi ag5eSilIl 'Jeuklýi." SBans sietc-ecl the aigna Of lis limes, ansi ibis vis ila reply: '*Déni-Sluter Jesallca: Tour letter re- eiras!.Aunt harles andi Incle Ucor- gics-a aetifo- Bomîculea, ycalerday, Maimica ansi papis-a are veil, "I bossght a ucw terme e !stcday. Bbc lea a tauty: lier Damne la Maudîca. Your affets-tonate brother. Samîca.-' BOAIIED IN COFFEE Until Tee iuf lae Bad 0e.. 'WteunItdsnck coffee t often lied alci heasiachea, nens-cuanesa anti bih- lousuess mus-hofethuelime, but about tue years ago t vent t0 riait a frisil anti ge iili te habit cf drning Postum. 'I bas-e neyer touces!ed offee sînce, andthe "Decesit ban boc Ibît I tas-c tisén enrtirely coi-ad cf ail my oiomneli 1 anti ners-ous troubles. "Mr metiar vas Joat tliaaute vîy.C WVe ail drink Posturn nov andi have neyer bâtsi any oSier coffeglu tise ions- for Iwo ye*s ansi ve are ail veil. t "A neighbor of mine a gril coffe. sininker vom Iroubieti viii peina In lien aide for yeans and vas an luvîlsi. se vias netahi. 1u de ber vork andi c epusiti e ven fSnd sloties or do auy- ttlng ai ail vbere %ie vousi lave t10 I bond fcrvar't. If ah. tIed 10 do a e liIlé tard vers alie vuls itess-ch linsumtel heo voulsi have b lie doue for tie i-est cf the day. "I persuatiatibof at hast to stop dilking cotfes andti ry Poatuns Foodi Cotfee, anti aie dld se andtihsebasl rîseti Postum aver aines; the reauli las been tbai sire eau nov dû ber vonk, con ait for a vboia day ansi menti ansi -au mev on lha machinue andtihae moene feais the leasi bit cf paie un ber aide; ln tact &ho basaSot voli and sihsie eotfes vas lie cause oethIe viole trouble. "*1 coulsi aie tell you about »erni otser naighbora vie have beau eured by qoittling cfftee anti uuing Pos«ton la ls place." Naome Sliven SpPostuin 'On., BatIle Oreoi, Micis, Loo a k eb P e rs pk. Lottis-fuoM =4 1e oot, 'ba Doaé te Wdh"tU.. A pi»SR TOI* el 5;- &f w $-Ar M"As f e e hvr*6 L**a ..lne n ef u ed a 'O u a p e l a lCO R, t h -A« 'n t laI tetis ues tone asy ni 1 th . usas- e a c u h u s e s i l =a , Pesuim 'Parn uaa eni se to 4V mata dînasse anS yet unahie se UMi s-us-e, Drs. Huriman, the reaaoi diallaI ou female catarrhelimasa annunsceil lus vihingn ptee treanmetit of as a!amn.ê application te hlm dnag ltse mionths. iitiont sbarg. Adieu s'es-nisMedicieiC o..tjoumisa Q IM 01w mu nIulESSU BaMY LOU à1 file Ltter o Mins Moekbey, *.4 *5W. ?.-là Whoue plur la piotaiaboya " - proves byomd qisiO. f tRt thosasis of Cua Ofhis- ESOC f1000of the ovules Mai W",b mf uuaily culai by lb.e mo aIeu au Lydia E. Ptukh 's Vogetubrit*.snsZ Ices 0 e@engd su Seue frcetod me nomethlng vraisradieailv wrong with me. 1 has lvera mhootiag paine .si, s~a.*.s through the pelvic organu, crampe snd 8,P "?s' aiLh5 . fl extreme Irritation .oompeUed me t Ko RA,~ ~ S?~ .eek mediodal es Tedoetor maid se that 1 bad ovasian troubla »Iud cra- .ds-. . d - tion, and a&,imd ail operatlon.1 etonl 'bete d m suid decided ac r ; L=oCde.a tableCoômpouni.Ian. teud et Wh..,.u. Msy a twsoseoreandthatal ACENTS t I dune worm tre», a" dmy by day I feU *lth. a..5 lem. pain and lacrewmed appstits. Thse 1 L a *SBlfmSS~ ilrauo. n nm u Us . comllhlaa hed, an eluhe Mielowoe W»[asOum es @ treug I fh 8U~ "My hmmhloo Yasmat tauTIC E 1 L lmu for thea grOme goed you bave dons b- POss Plh..COZ%' Bo inorl mm .M àm&mm Ne. . . .le- U T, MYIÎ= St, Milwaukee, a 'U sggadaassm haet ab» i INi v* Save Your Thresb The avel-age old-etylc amalicylinsier As the modern seif-binder Io bhreaber waatca en<mgb grain andi of the olsi reapero!oryeas tinte to pay your threah bill. ta the *i Cyiiisdsr and MM501 Wby flot save the grain ordlnarily the G»n ahcad of the ornai! cy put into the atraw atack? Wby net olsi style threaher. aave the time whicb lhe ordinary The old-style threalser wvus If& threahing outfit waates for you. cylieder andi lamited oaparatiagi This can be doue by ernpioying the 'tyban atoosi for yeara vitbos RED RIVER SPICIAL improvemsent. It has the 811 Cylkuior. vith lots of The RED MIER 8ftCMIýJ1 ocrave andi open grate servic. crowning Improeeant nlM Il h, te Ma oludIbmOua tht machlncry. It h& te NuM~ n Ou, ta t It la bulit for moders, au ioes mont of the acparating right at vork; to tbresb vol!;l t aulS th cylinder. to bave tins. and grain aMdut Besidea theâe, it bas »Il tihe separat- th threaherman andf = 1or. ing capmnity 01 other machines. it. Thera ar eailaa wbr. l It rune rlght along, savinx your our new book 4% trmoiis !k grain and saving tinse, regardIcss of thoin a"dit la boa. co n d t i o n & .E n s p l a y U t a e M R There ha& ome imiprovements in it la tise ~pmachisuma brcabing machinery tic &m an sln PM 1=4%. ha,lm evel7tblng cime. grain a"i tisal tuP"y70«.lhq NUOHOLS & SHEPARD 00.9 ufiliers of Thrumhmrlt mcd, Enginos. *attt. poek1 le YIOM iSfta&O i. w 'y-I

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