WILL-Kt4OWN DOCTOR CHARGED WIT14 COUNTERFEITING. aIa lissoas Te-Dottar G.nId 'ltcea an" Sparieun Niekeis Wail luais. captat, Thiomasa . tori-n.utfe VUihsd States secret a"cuîe, arre Dr. lIUm T. Aubin, of ftarine,. Vi as. un 4L ciliarge ut couaiterieiting. Thae police q tbey bud iu fhe dotra pusses duS tonalderabeloaibcorin aud alsu a1 glat tor mskiaig $10gold pieces Dr t h Abin s-as taken te Mittwauee. For &bSout six yeara he bas. witl lis w te, Imits M. Aubin. been prsctlciag tedi' CI" lu a 1cine. Durng the ]ettfour c' eeks mauy baid coins have been passieti tu Racine and the police lasse be-ca ssorl- bB on the case, but inof antit a fear da>'a fgo verteuy ofthtii.cons flacei tii fth -. Autbin bouse. Meri'Isuts wnfin shoiuthie Aubins trsded fouod they huit conamier' ubIM of the queer ucoin. any balsck' to wre asefoand lithle tare b0xen oun otet car". One mrifir Caplaîn l'or' ter arrivleil in fie ity ait sent b flue Aubin hume, and aft.ir galise stadmissiuo Io theelbonse s-eutt f0alrtolo i et-e A blet Wsallint ork and tiacre fuuand i li trjing tu deatroy several ofthIleu'în visictahe lhadtalready madet. .Aftî r a Uht tAubin wvs.captared and l 1uusî.d lin- 'à., erra, t TRIVINO FOR PENNANMS du&a"oinof Clubs in thie Thret t'rlnct- pal Leagtst. The clubs lanfisc Nafuonai Lcigue are etapdiua thon: W. uWL Cincnati ..22 10 l'itlsh.ucg . .14 15 Chicago . ..19 10 Brooklyn .. .13 17 New York ...18 10 BItaoi.. ...fn10 E BL Luis ...1 1 hlalhie - à i 323 Foltos-lug la the standing of theeclubs lise Auelean Leagnea W.L ýW.L ÎUWe .....20 9 Chicago ...17 15 New York .. .16 12 St. Louis. - -13 (9eveland .. .15 12 Detroit .11 18 c lialphis. I16 13 Wasbingto. .. (;20 St»aegla tle American Asociatio asfoliowss W. L. W. Il.. It. PeUt. 18 Il Loisriiie .-.17 15 U'MilvUko. .171Il Minneapoulis. 11 17 40$tmbsa .115 Il Toledo ...... '11 tmdiana"oiis.15 13 Kansas Cilty. t 17 'WATER AT FINE SHIPPINO STAGEL EMallessa1oderNearI7 Elbig luches 1 RuliOttiman Normai et Duluths. S Aeesrdlsg teUnitedi Statea Engineer IV@8099 et Dulthfl, the water ot Lake teoo a t au excellent stage fur ObipPigt, belug nov neeueansd onc hlai bm*a iglsor than the normal. This uogIi llow bots te tond to their maxi' uMMeapally, but unfortunatei3' îuîc- tkeafy nous are morlug ou acrount of ___ maasaaand piot@' trike. Puflahasent for lot. Lowise ider àj*u ArsiF. Mlufyre. presadeoth ie dWtftet Merchauta' Brukorage aud ('om- 1118111slort Company, on ut tise 8i. Louis FL.'. s-ffl-quck" concerne brougt lîto L »89aence by thse dos-ufaîl of E.J. uJOMadJn tise ails luîefrod'a .4guFof ian JubumaJ Rysu s-faisu îod jflla lbe Unitedi States Diafriet Co'urt alsas setence te totht peiteîula..ry i eigtun en uths. TwestyTwo Hous-osl'e. Llghlting cainsei grat damage at the obek faim of DuntbsteFiletcher & Cole- mas. ncer Elgin, 111. Oni- of fhe largeat baonon lihe ptace,. contamnfia tseaty- fou, blooded borsea. many or tieiu i-u poSted from France, s-as barnedto fithe Igouri~, aud only taro outhfe anitais ieau aved. Kifld by Mysuterioua Wunia. George I. Taylor aras idiotfnita luiaîst biabtutly ktlled t hl@a store. the Aori- ea-weolen mille, in Canton. Ohio. fie b"al tturued for an ovrcrnsf sud sas *ffol ai the duor Iy someone in the -tah be. Before hi- dieti le delared nalu «did ItL WomenasKilied by Tbssas bIrs. William C. (.otîall, siete offlu t' piien oRlr theNet York and l'art Ché r jùlayCompany,. s'as Pmnu- b1j fatsliy injareol by a atone tîrwa by uof at sgang ut Est Bde rouuhs la Nev Tork City s ile she s'as riding tu an automobile wlfh lier lauaud. Fir-cmelona 0350,000 Pat. Tise Stnny Brook pat nior the Uriiîed Unaxoard andi Peier Comopany af i %ip- pana. four mles tromi Mouristo,,i N. T., vas practicatly destroyeti by fire. The budilins ud machilnery are snu.l to tamie om t$3W0000. The plant lînît anaîuf et ily tlous ut finihed protlcef daily. Hardware Etabliahmet u tas. Iléo five-tory buildin.îg nr thétn' baugis- Thompsou Htardwrarecotiuiatu3' nt Yeungstown, Oiîoousa barud thne estimeti Ions bInîg $lOuJ,000. Bulinker Plant Kiis tfiuuseur. Bunker tPlant. of Ga_ ii. iii,dîhu bimlof aller taa ir lia hi. fai ul.in- tuding lis lite usrni-iue molle> f0 go te bisgereditors. Warshhp Makes F.sst SR. Thse batUieuLip Kcnii'ly. uauer Itesr Admirai Esai. matie a crul hîccralîng sua from Hnug KongtoluNew Turin go- ta 12.,«09miles n fft3 tIre. daya. Wusld-11e A .aai. lan i. Dad. Tise body of let> UEllitI, s ho aras aiv«ettiseveral outil augo i taXia- bWton. D. C.. on u saparmaot belaig a htafl. s-il pcubatbty î.uudtcouu de- dgsa ou Prt.ldeni Iî.ct îf. oaa ind la Minneapolis li.nguung trun sarige. I)e.Sroy e.sy Toarn. According to a du-auule frnu m e Sali et Bitlis, Aalatac 'rarley. goecfta vil- bue. bhave been detrtayet l'yArnaescîs Sauargots anincedxrint ot S"ssa je.i tisa600 Armenian fsmilesa tare At"ie refuge ai MusI. a toto in Bllîs. RUisse te Ot lad las Si-o.L The Carlisle Indien selO. Incaleulnt Osllide. Pa.,snIl l e reînsrcul fil ena, 3gu.t&&Aenfa orthelt Ieparuutueni of tise - s~ehave recommeudeti Helena au tbe wQw% aultalle ite A Proposition lias lias sbuntte t filotcal mni shuo Ine tises theproet up and tiihaiiitlop- tlian mtise lanti reiarcd. t WOU.lgnown Eduwatos NWeigea. *u ev IIj.bît Frankinu FisktD. D_ l4 . taeiy tht-i.ne yeara prin- e i et taoMUnversity Aradi- lat e111i. h u ruigss.d it ~. ~ t5~,.lla, me his oue Russia là p jarBLfl5 for a two year MARCH OF EVENTS IN THE FAR ite vltb Jaihsie~d If neceBUfiy e n EAST DURING SEVFN DAY& 11H17 Cfet 50.00 men wlll be sent to the Futr East tia overnwe China, te gourd railway communications. relicre l'ort Ar- Rua.Ie )i*or"n.atd by the Yaiu tlîur, a.,d drve the Japanese armlies ilto Bttit. se te Il.o Sv. Stopped Ru... the «es. The wu r temper of fhe RuFslan Tur.ed .ii ht Ju.. Wh emipire hua beca thorgly aroîîaeîîhy .i.g ard n d i ute a,,W.tii,. ccsint revrtieesinlp incliurin. H.-ailest th Settrc It.p.1-tia Miiary umen are no iiîtder i lial civilisas fil demniiling revcoge for the defentit on Seven dnys havei. aen nto ltte lod and sen. The r la for "mnore clni ige Ini flice r.itit e irosl)t'fa uf(ff te Imiopli. 'timore troopa " Plans are e' i.tsrtain thne fartî At . v Ck imu hurried at file fVar Iepartmpnt in r." loua fihe Iftiiginiîs v% ro on thle riKt.Peerbuirg foirthe mobilisationi of et erýN othere. Iiuorrlîiti z il 1-yneflic 1 Ofhieal reports.reeeive(l t St. Peters- liîitrouia lattie îîî the batni, of ile alti. horg adoil flint ficîle tiiis at 160 4;Ci irai 4u ripa t ki ni. fo1«irielitre i.up-men.i l lied or vtin(IPîl c. inaa uftec th t tioed fo lbe lying ini ter.-i';Il I io- a trong .aiallcccforce tienr liloulînu. 1h4g. anîd conqidpîr.îîg nii ii 'liîlBLrigadier Gcnerai Nadein wonion@ou f Iutreretrejint. 1,11, it 010 ni r gotiptlthe flic tînin.« wwuîîicd. sta ff miadie ,ha.ît o i întid ce lIl A t 'in tIR oÊlIialty dc.ied ftint a iostf nturîi il.'ti Uu itI i lie.ai îînc'e roîi y wu@ rcpîîlped inrifnof vloîid falliai k nt tilt la Nlikleiî.Fao ttlg gan1i pricd for fi ft eel but nr eyon il tolinrîn.&! lie f Si.ir"iah fiarefrequent in the o iîit f loteipaî. butt filefr an- geferi ii*iii ti rt i iI II i t 'l Ii gh "'y'îilte .roui rs defeatcd fouiëd ,.Ily ecn iîirpct.d>' Ii 'iiff I 'uinîni n1 il iait riolnnîircriîig force. oma sotîrepqemetllmiiirtn i f Lri'i' 1 M-t Uîropesnen fiticm ilie ethnt bodies r iS lpnu-" 'tr iii-. il, far iirlh fnitti'xplain for nt eioping lKuirtiaft lia N tîkîIli. I kai i roiy nît Liao3asng bus belc rlof'- Il ilotiw r flz<hit î Iu' W1 o, .i isu trriiîl ouf. If la tniuifed filoi net er fledl afaril, If. n <iiig: Ill:T ii il, i-t crial in formiation at band î tiac3 laite îlot iii i. n i,.îf; r i ir t* ý 1,ii tii.,iti oi n t put loto iPa, t.i beelitil'ie lIi tiiiil ti r rit' l'ai ' k t O ui 1 tinli i tets' îayî. 'lice xpe:t'lno uIt lfftîeci ci'sof liiiiiii4' a hut if the Jups gaîeeeIn liarroonuld TIIE JAPANESE BAT TLEiHIPa HATSUSE. cheng anud tiiit ilner, - ii.tt' i'iclilno mu ithe î. Ciii uiliailin '.ill t1-e force rneur II tide.,. Iftit ip'-sti î Ilrt lis is ont%,ii htrîiiîioaioui Okosa, tise fuît tiat tFil alziiise s'ettlY sur afn.ilrc id îv ihgeat ulanagu' aic lO taum ler itle I toa n.thle ll tti ii't5'i iig t iwe er ea'eiilui.rlie forruc av itl tii l k(iîu 'i .t.u u ,îîu u.hîcr rîtîuti. e sabere a div e hale o alil fu h mtîe wtetlfuu.o.ni .tuua'u' suuu. 'ne expeo-iudt but, Ji) tfli lai'nîif;it.lut tr cinly 1l II.glimg nut inkoî,lutlitt"ery .illnîtî'.remu omt mîssaI luicacia.1îitlr un. mle of flue saurlettculit nud fi- pretient Japaiueae poitlioni4i i" (tu be coutesteol. Thare flanottIlttt'l ii outraofuthtc seek to iîanke inîlur,,Ieau lie the lttlmae ofaca. thIle .tt11itier' lu thir ils uhurl', n camu l ut t Ia erldcst t lit tbtut tu'i e'o w jIl unî bc. eftsliy ahi-t eu. If the 'r.laiy.itiiu- hans lideeol set fl. liileftî'îîlltc a Runsin ud%«aîaluugc. i îaayto'îi" Japanese nggrctniluiui iiîioi nuufla. Il the unean îtmtt tiiir ls ia itity 4lueuilii fo worry their euiniy cu i tr lirat s. Furtaerinore. lii,' dliv ia I AiltNt tan oppirurfniuty fotîîli rc.is4li i a. eîIur'uii'uto tt, ilu lti: ta 1i- l uig couîlig acrsoruo liri-ha iflicthai fer i' Iowe.'er. t hie talI:n lai. alinii ci n 3laatchurla îî iiuuluîatbtLil-%i; lit-fî meudouaiy atigiiteiitu'ii. Oas sIEAL SIioiaaEL. lot Arthurar il iii tzind, iii iu110 O ciaut41s .rioi.iarcut rguirclos Mous effortf lii.'u nnalle m tihto i ammuuî.'mm .113 ahi.' it' ia'he i-tlceichi sîîî.îtî or redur'.-1Itui ibonaglu luenl 'fîsun s. ue Tho misto r liai'evte' d flictir ii" it o made lu Toki l hit Ilit end-1.1'Iftheluîo'iiinhg 'lie- lialtti fcc fl lic O the 'nu iast siel swoulfi cee Ifhnt tI f îîaind riuur il, .iiiic.iiaaul ly ri1 eli-diii butlic Iu posscession utfte i' hkuflua fîrc", feeling ah St.h'clecsluig. If al., lis ne fIlet a.'iouî . 'atal lo.ýti aer .If twl-Ii.'u'umiriellitii jps' lcîtpnlintat ' Oui u ie Port rthurctlia-a) il ah cmInu nthc 1fluth 0,1. s-ar has ut urtnýi,î thlac Tipanes"ý. 'File uîotigîiiuuu'uiit mîth l I Rui-Ati'N tliough to n ff(c'i lantiher ml ii nm utl i gt tti mît of ilue ('1 erescn ru. Thme nultai. inthue tthiur h.. luitlc Rfus- tuSltroluauthtuîcîuaa-c rckiiig err Sian% aveutiagulut t u'n u'lIliilied fJI)i1cililiruirfitiî3 lii -aa tid îutierot'c asii i- a îuuii i ilif t.'o.u' tef0tluiir uurail lii ito îînîîîîU o Iflagnl iutl U ne os-n stlliiiuiII3'. îîbjec'f aîaulaunbedl3is i. o lre. c iiitlt' 'i'ee slaaue renoili h tiisete tInt adohulua ui S'cOf tin Sit '. igofn IlueJaipaîlsu' nt i. tutatett'eii , f a gîuuuannlcc f t 'liu,'rc uteiiit lu>' i1 i.' ctiath tisint ni- tim i . nsug -c'y (0.10 andl ueiSlmnithule.taî'int' hurt cfforftluiimaraoc tteagtationofuteUic Aflrdeurlacli' re s tîni n utuîlî a 1uuifidtangesor thfle ; llout' oImnl tlii-ugli file lllîslait, glurrtiîti .Il Uni'JJ <i nta. te foreigiano rcully lhti te un'îî tiIti sui ]elle mn u mnntat IitI 11f itîtnd ftireli'ilag eiauhs 1,0)O0lJ.p Khlted. su-go gîis t. îilist,.î îîulei-, luit îtnu TIi' ttsiuaauGov,'ranîc-uu t-cnci a' îai iiatteri.rî 't e t i t I i i ' f r f i tuiillluiîi"ut li imthe i) ur- .u liii il i i cuitfiuui îm tiî'iau'nr.iali'l Inteul ruade agreutll-,o ui ife 'c 'Oftîhmi'>Ue s rcas ut1iurtic fcouu Punrt Artiluuur, ne- or (it1c:i.îtt i 'l'Iltluill tt' R h Itii ing ! îlathe cMenu t I,the paîcrnle @Iu i nIlifi'u'f n-tI-'it'In'ithe l'auiufuc Wo Ia ftlac Ictti uof tmore liuiif. liCIli lleut or 'miul lui'ai tu.,unîou irfi, îtuîîîIci. "uiThe i 1uaa istm ocre 116 nt Puratrulant 'ur ti u rdo(lo iet aif kil or 'cinl'. trai1t MIicitîîîIlî'Iî atiutil el.tua f aimit- Th iti' înîuocîîîelatou.ccith Iltt ya l"tui. fanrf0efihe unîîu. o iere tIen. ciîmmhîintitanifha trte bh ringiot' in wtar hutroitaf lin ujf,., ii t'hflc uoit'intraii th' stocotelo tuace. communiat ions beang arniIe ti'ti lti-.tiutnpnsu' Ncthlîîg bus msintntinedl ly îsirefcsia teleicaula> bO bili lui-amu itfite nrlun inlr tiin. 'rIe Japanere liarred tuic route be- Gbk, sahirI lujîttîtI5,eustf ifthe tmoutlu tratle ftrin andl <Icuerai St.uearel'oe ot tIlle yglfi. nnutils unisaposed tl ieforce. thereupon the Ruaians aftacked touting In thc dIricin of ltsleteng. nti routedthetntJatusneae. Afler flhe en- atuît mlds'u i t -ieni Ni-clitistu gagement Gieuci-al Stoesac's force, te- end .Iaoyang. en) the lhue (if thc rn, gefiler ws-hI fie trainrturocol le Port rond.Arh. <lin. isuiokia w lien -at uois tout-tan 'Wer News ln Bref. liais o t'ii-ut)an'cf îaîu froopi Tuokio stes tmat tle Ont! ossettte bled ilci- i- e apocilt atout toen î> tînt .ap a. ese let aie tle lisuse anti eiglt mles ort ofthe Toalino. cllthpy ieratoîu e îuIýrIgtttegRe-i. The ae pauept arn! alim e fout dir es- '1'icy 'a'c ittn'lict eu'urutng10 ua-Ilunteul et 180,00 fi, 2t5,t,(I<10 nueli sînuma repoirts, by 'r rIlreglintitia oftu aisat 100,(4)00 tugala. ('îtýi'ai'ks uusiere i' frte nul ll-ktiteen Nes-claana reprU that s Jspaess tithie. 'lii. 5100 mt trot aea'li'ias faome uf 20,000 Omet 32000 Ituaaau, A huttIe i.îhîuh e tuutulu.'se i-ifereti eant utfIenglitiasngc'heng sand reteiateol. henvy miS. btît ut dite.. tiot sppeor lu) AdmiraI Hoauyms comînandina fth have been mtuiî taudrýt ian an afir third sqoadrou. reportas elnutiug of oufiatisa sîgiif3 Ilng liffle. froopa, at a new uaamcd plaire, prola' 'hPliaenuufr thtuooga'aalittke igit Iiy Takuslan. ua flhe pogitionoif Itle Jap'tnese. but The Jspenesc simy stcuucing aganusu nft nît hclr pli'liii- heltîîaans huve Mukten s-as deteateti Iy a force uor(Ce*. etacustoti Nec"waag, anti pi-cotn- ,acke lna abattIs lasting ail day and atuly holt s IUne taons fthe raltrosti ex- dricen bach upou Fcughuangcbeng. The teudîng (rom fllcbcng ai t-esotithbJapansucleee orcedte hoabandon foui týo ukdn e th noth.1%eJapnmepoitIous. end reporfsi et. Petersburg <aiMuitin a Ue nrts. heJaplb se gale *the .lmsWvashtaef. The gnu smevwbere 1tete caitof Ibat RiD& Ra.lsaaMu nr lme C altkse FAILIF40 TO BREAK VEADLOCK. REPUBLICANS QUIT. Springfield conventiou Tahe. ,-Dey Recees.--Ealote Takçn Nutitier 58- Detegateà Loave.,Sueme g"Home,. Sprlntgeld eerrespondenoe: Unabi. f0 anuthfe duadloclt on the guberD&torlal nomination theIlîlinois fite-1 publîcan Stafie conception adJoarued u'- tiI May 81, atter a trstggte of eIbft days.. The conveation su#Peuded' OP-1 erafins leuring Gov. Tatou lu tise lead1 witta 483votes. col. FrsakCi. Lôvten 1 secondti vtb 392, Chaesa B. D*en ttird wltlî 3M. H. J. Hamlin fuurth viit 113. Vîepaslsu Werner fifflu wltb5n. Law-1 reuce Y. Shermano s.xlh vlfh 4G and1 Job H . Pleuc.e ereuthf with 29. 1 Ail the candidafesa ngreed to the eleven-2 day recesa sud A li"ii.er lot OftRoutle tinan fhe weary drlcgatezasai fey *warm-2 ed ouf of the hall could not b. foniad2 ln Paradlae tgeîf. The baud playeti "Home, Sweet Home." bot nobody sang. ro r feu dsys ut ahoutiag had lbit tIe croieti losuse auad exhasted. The Ililinois Republieun Sltee oîttiro-2 fbon lun8Springield bas prte.ufed asac- tecle unparulteied lanioltcal hiwtiry. For seren days fine 1500 delegates îom_ posîns fliat convelntion cest ballot liter ballot lu the vaini endearor to ailect a candidate for (laternar. Oiayiy uamor changez vert recucîled as ta the stliti ofuth flprincipal candidates, atd w In file eieren'day recis aa i., aken 8aiîiir- ei-tir the deadinel. Oama s, farfrovile-, log broken as t tine wluco fle tretbli lot u a tf. Wednosday'sSssos WIedneday'a sesionamade the Rlîuit, firait Plate couettion mat une mor cc oid. Weary Anti dirýgruatle o ner fte dciuIîiock un thte utcîttra îîun lion, the delegatet. Andil liri>' iaîai'rcé vilarrd f0the t'i.te arsennalit il oork In resituirluhe Iiiaiig tîh4 factionm niilsiuadic othm'a'a i iati mc îisbie ifiTio huu" rare vsisilao siga of ylelding ... aîriyrainiOutl thenc early rol iluit li iii turcil l.ta. Atf 12.30 sootle rectaos falcin thea Iie- e&afes î'ont'cniîng igouîl nt 3 'r "' 4u the ctleriuoliî Tiieti'lirnnl3' Ollliiîaiî.4 the tiret fukeo ielcîa sntit ii X afes Isau llthe ltt.Lcat eodanod Loisdcn tirîl. <"lîirman (t-'tnniiflcalted thé oeCi cf5 tlon fa order nt If:f5 anad 10-f no lime lu ocilerîti a sîînîiuri-n1l cati. ien . Van liesse coîtlilnutcd thehball.ond ne the coinifhex rtoIid,.(ed t tas siitwn that île Shernlit eg.lIitrmNI,- D)oUOngili sic i.lititersansd 'Item rer trere afickigto10 it-oen. ta tt'lti m ther îvient ililcsiiui t nigll Tlae finirty- înlnth ballot ,iddut 11:35.<'iire wllIn lie iast balt ftakor Tueaîay ilît fhe îhirty oinfh roil cail hioed f151 ytes tot se-ten vrIttte,,osîlco gnîîted tires fieucen gui nit i e. tzauîliii lîtt one, %arncr iorf u)le. Sliurnîun remainieii th, salle atîloieue onuu fe Ir The eal] nf hic ciii fîr ftue forýt'.l ballot begrana e s l lu te rRsolt vOas Dificiaiuy inouîîr'il TIieforiiefi balltI Lu lî itiiiri icaoIc- .Rlieune.sf t'ond îi Ifio 1- lt tune. o 1110 1'sarnerf gaitierifoutr nul il e ou Shoridas retaiuaed lus tfoui "Ireîs Thc forty-flirt ballot r .o astkcit l l I e coiu'tlnfi 1 cti f feol s eicmn l I t o'cio3 Fise aohd l iati s if frauiilia 1lIaIti and sîixdti o otreIl iolis thfiéfctul cat ,,mte i'în ui orre raiohdouf et 9ý25 . o ici Vi dacrdao iatçh; am:ithlie nominationiffr toserlo,iurAs appacenftl as much ut. îuîc air se if oRsa ihen the roll raili' m, taFridia.. uiiring. 1 'rre e-tilia re luchl 'rhaiaîtayv And fir ro-I taita filc.llt fî tioi oft'flue sqesaflons l'uh- t' îes unîf nas ihiat Tit,i-t olie vrote. holareen ti fri And finish; L.uui ueogailaeut qsee.I .iî' toet lt. i îîîiîî gourout osne. %'itiee fwo, lietuiiu fiad flu'eanme, ndolf'îerre addedti ' Douini' iii le taa uîlts tlcrcct'as no mnatiril cuhanîge iliilite vote forr nîyi candidate U1Iteî mno quît o iîuîii 1 soles -f IIi, te lue t, a% '1uelaY mOliein tile Wilu-l uglîît litr re enPîedItehe< fluerut i n ilun.i theuit lou ois "rcs 1 pthe iii'lt,liurthg Il .tcuîuuuî'h Rhc . te p,- t e.~'it - thee riIlnîsi-k Ttec rita ditinuuîiuuu ui. nî t tite 11a'ua-u poiun ii i. thlef i t iti'op thet It id orfil'iuit ii unno n î.u'tc nl ti.cf nîîî reIlu tu ituer i'iit.Ma ut'Ituf t1l ir;'il! hallo c c iicd lui ec. t ()th-n. a aisf -c t iilt c."kihuiti fo lone- theur t.i andufîf lcilteslfor un.Iîitl v lui ot.'c tucî,iooa1. Le-iltloîir ftn.ndo tii re. TIe intllnae rit andi enIhsriss"iSheof of Illce uî iîliîtu te delegate ain- d iil ,Io tohe candidîater.soand 0 er cryonle Io iili tai1 A0ltil u0if witii ilt_ I o ugintling to malle the situe- flotifi Thuuc.'îere s ece dleet'tea lntle cull-t hîtiluli who larc at the hcud of fit, uuuufîcfriaf ntifs .ri'h liter- chantatr.e ucrsfarnrm Aandi score. nf Mia lu1i t 'iz o' fficiai or c lerai 1*1' flou', o l. ' re .acle ntthoume leaa de- Arf kmt( r tubre 'lntule fule Iaiinfr taî. tj , , %îîîn. *e.tlti t .,as itmronis t he cta i t"m f Ilnirecm'u'tia uttul 3 u'lI'l, . Onth fl ttbal.lot.the htîuetu. l.îa au ice lIYi. r ut-cuit 1e5fln ii-t- lt e utîît nîlte I fl hi i te r'i'tiittiar.ot plii meurci theutt ii.hie ut a iu ilg ai a su- iîtini t utemper ofthUe convention ,,razsJc,,n uiilti'Il a prorto1ii 10 tr OP flic fuht ra iglaf for aItuli'me ii hLe u'tiihi t-t or fite tAeet -1s'a, ,ué te roilu .. tu ia h iiil tret tandtifa- doa tacdUl i uuutcl 1tI ti'e titmultof flie remi'.ua u conilig ieiut iif ThentuSIC Piad ttP. EIe-l'Iitf~rai1d 1 nau in auer epa)' jour ititta fie' tti eu 701 ca o'lh kilas. site--NViaf are thcy Worthn? ttc M ull. l'u vîllîng Wtale theto at face oatiPe. And a Fhy,1e55an. 'Ihasetutlime to figlt a laCt." sit tle EatluiiluunantWho bld beIlcui l "Bunir"e uîletc ieFe.lio ."il A.. Apoloant. "Aln. gond wuaraaig, Chesterficld,- Sainul flicM .). ..Itos- ane youofIls lnt sri-me f081Y,- joîncti the po- ,Ite t.'Icî'telu 1. -that ltnt feeling ne- n nilub!wcilts .ooriing." 'Dontluse poor soa<p," estiHungry las-lIns frontU ithee Of nesspuper filet came o-th a baud-ot ..Som@ fok@ va$e c! lot uv word&," glroviid Wiiy1Walker. "lu dat »an- tï.e.rd i leve e W e ord poo'" 1. .507 8M 3m6 121 4 2. .504 890 8su 117 8. .«9 396 80 Il1i 4. .400 401 au0 112 a Il- 401 408 30 111 & 6. '.4"8 404 B88 112 & 7 «4A" 407 877 110 U 8. .4Ss m m88 112 e 0. .494 405 M8 111 3 10 AU8 407 870 114 8 11ý.489 401 $76 118 8 12. .48M 404 M8O 117 t 14. .482 420 881 1101 9 if.. .49 4m5 881 Il1ià BÂTURDAY. 10..472 428 881 110 9 17,.485 40M 879 109 I 18. .483 412 879 118 3 19. .491 405 870 119 8 20. .486 897 W88 109 5 21. .486 409 881 108 * 22. .486 400 M8 110 4 23. .483 893 869 148 8 24.-480 398 875 1M5 à 1 MONDÂY. 25.489 407 381 111 I 26?. 483 402 SM5 111 I 2 -s.482 407 US8 110 I 28..482 4(0 808 110 4 20.,.481 404 382 115 I TUESDÂY. 30..437 432 882 111 4 31. .431 473 383 107 8 Ku. .421) 473 883 100 8 3..428 467 8M7 111 8 34. .431 466 M8 111 8 35. .483 409 391 1009 36. .42 390 3te8 111 8 37- 487 31)5 445 1009 38..490 393 441 113 i WEDNESfJAY. 319-483 396 442 112 f 40 ý 482 896 4"0 Ili 41. .4S4 M9 433 111 4 42. .4M2 400 433 111 4 4311479 896 415 11lie 44. .478 4(r.1 _4361 113 a 4r, 4810 403 435 111 3 46. .482 404 433 112 3 47-.482 403 432 111 I TEURSDAY. 48-4 486 87 432 112 4 49). .487 '190 391 111 3 f0.4S16 399l 431 113 4 51. .483 893 429 112 t 52 . 483 393 429 111 5 53.483 39M 4W0 110 5 54.481 8W2 429 Il1i5 fiZ5. . 483W39 430 110 5 .W. . 4,R2 Bal 42f) 110 i 57. .483 803 SM8 109 I FRIDAY. 5S, 4RS39li2 3M5 113 i 89 50 21 a9 51 28 89 51 21 40 51 22 3856 22 "4 51 2r a2 W 22 83 4922 a4 4922 82 50 22 .U 40 28 87 5i 22 27 6 22 87 2 25 3n 2 30 40 2 81 41 2 81 i1 2- 32 Il9 2 82 37 2 81 19 2 si 37 2 81 f8 2 33 hi 2 31 30 42 82 4o.. 82 no.. 83 52 .. 83 53.. 82 sa. 8 2 .. 83 54 83 54 43 81 53 46 29 -(,.ng-.muan W. A Rodeabera r.- celîed 6 vîltea ?Speaker Joseph Cannon relied oane l'hWIiter Reevea re'ueirsd 2 vitres juiot nineteen yesrs agu the great john A. lugan senaturiai deadlock s'as br.u'.a anti argang siniilsr actaon. but 1,201 of fI, 1.502 votera on tue tor s-old have aune ofthtei.Plan sud ouiy 1801 *uP[; ,rt- ed f. Thiursdav fliioughont ws-naenutîca-day nf futile skirrishing lunlhich tînres mes- sions tiere beiti aud fen ballots taken, eu,ulng s Ith te gorernorablp figiat un- chauged. Shermau'a delegates warea s'aultrîei fcum the Deneea columu ou the latallof. WIfi th teexceptinofuthel o tldrawof'a nthe Sherman vot'a trmm tloneen on the fluat ballet, flere vrai litîle change i n nuto the ten ballotil, n ut o the candudate* gaînîng or losing more thoan fitteenl vote* turing thie day. The conrention ridjoimed tilt Frldny a. uth Yatc.sluI the teti. f.osdeu second dmt Deocen flirt. Scýrnc oafereuces ter. hlItheesn ouglat o 1h refereoce ta an exteotietir casý. BofihTtes nat ifuAden leaders scierIe.] Ihat if 1thientiluilcoufinuet ,atil Satuurha y s rece's o'nuud Le titken Saufiday sfhectaoonuniol the folloiilng Tu'asday. ('ongrcauiun Fualler offereul s ccsolufuou, iing lIme day caliig for the pnur ornaîtin of candîidates for muoor offices anti a ccecs. f0 Le fottllM bY the nuomiation ifîr i'ovrrnr. Tînismes- nlutuman as i'tfed by an oterr'lelm- mtg vtt Ts-o Meu Ta-ed tsi Wolveal. Siltting ail niglitfIn a.ine, ired, hua- gry aficiailîncit lîeucnbed froua the cuiti. wllh a tIl ut t, I os uniher lhcm. la he expunience or acli befeli Farank andtiRobert Aodergoof ut 'ti- sau, WsX'l. lu tue n oocfs souaf ut Sid- nas-. iMîcla 'l'ey ticre emgaige Inl ioollng over landu. Tlaelr camp %v'as a sauait tent. fn the nmidle of the affc'roouîfhacy heard a anuer of votvcs hoo'lIng lu fIe distance. but pald no attention to flîem. keeplng on olfiththeir .voru SInortty after 6 o'ciock, as If s-as gowling darkuîud as taey tometmakt- Ing thelr ssi.3' otard flueir camp. af- mont n dozeu uff the mra oua animais made ai t aau aon lthent Except ftuneflic auil axesus tîst y landi lookers tlImenuelreounemîarmed, anti they Iiastly songht refulge Iîn a tree, op ollîrlutIno;<u'libeîlhanely lu the îîick utfume.'Plies' sumposed the wolvee w-outdil tuake uiffsIurftly. bot tinaly it nton'. fuir I lîu'y i.oPfoP tue vigil ti i nlttlontg. ionionillv gis- lng tventul lii nîllIîoî hoanud nai"Iîug despenale effurîs lu)i ueîn'lî tIohe b- slcged fnen. Afti;luethle %volves liie off. Iluni-teir flic A mdcisuns w.ilI carry gimna. ulcalule tue utîrounrun- Iec of utitggîing t tieiît trotaghithe t au-us nd i fa ttli 'O 1011 aataimiin e- u'eîîfon for the lt.f poil utofwolrrs fhuat puis lu naI pui'ance. Thieand Thtel A wtil-isîualîu.'ed brick biouse tIlt ouilla ,t une blilt ut grante. Tue atverage prlî'e of narcuuturat landtin lulmshla Io$14 nucere. Ali books arc tuoîîîîd 10 be sutd-but tfeic.ulndlttg doen't alwas-e sel 'cru. 'Tue avrange Jatinese soltier la not mure Ihan 5 fretf4 ines Inigli. C'olombtin lias reduced lier sftandinsg army trom 11.00t0 to 300men. 1Faîrntalandi lîu F.glund manges ha prîce troua $0fo $120 per are. The Ipeopleiie ltt rnnely tt'aoi. finding ift vamaer to fie tirly. The merclantile hictof ut apan roulks séentîlIn thae a'oritïn asili)plmg. TInline r osses ho theUitedi States Iiét 3-car aggrcgated $1,5.000.000. S1117 live lier cent ufthîe plg trou furnaces înorfh of Ksentucky are IdIe. it la ouiy neceszary tu oit ll cork for live minutes fu make Il lit any bottle. lt a salasbeati bpeutcoifofand t-be &Mmi plare tu nacool, molat spot 4 ha Sd poll b u.s A#y: fer tht ou fil xcseme mugmodtiis, h enl hmtatsol peromis.go tb athéeforbos:or"ain th mcontteder8 adeq p' er abodo the an wti hfath YuntMau talairede and bis ie.SIIphomd isetheemonbt subiesgtvo par. on owbsn lIfh Stlbaeliebe. . the poteamisaoh biaysOounbegt at onu wthoexcustrm- from tis maba olltie. Rim in l:. .ulad r boudntt lt es ap I bis attu il priseytoi &Kle frobe. i re aner adrisementf hiedla cned ad noruit] hoPeds tb se fr t flee lb. mo at nmOI sfqdaufî W.Moti .mnts as I ot thàbe PiLlE i b.m balnug«t.sud o*or th econse md got mm ofthe &fdat. rolIef. nnd tI bv tros furtl r ouey. sa fe boxet s. v oe aefO-rbe trn te mewlti îî1y Kldnevs awfie. andave commas1eod te Poidle 1 iî PIa to ther c wlo havge tre tlem and geteryn wio ned ati iefaspn 1chae.I hi uthey nrp sy5.-atstrm ealy nîtheaIl tha 1 avesle ovr theIn" "Imav emnenalifo odl' Kitî's illa d leanomfi tlîatenion of ail w l sufer with KIdocy trotiblés. Tîlere le aonnethini î.ertieilnriy en. JOYDbe ie soUt goiîig fo ai i'Ti he very word Pli' N i lî)rliagi.pleutilt îîn tlclputlonis uofaI good ileii. 'Ile'lielcJa ur gotog ouf toth lt.ood*aundt fields or down ly souii brook or lake wlvth lumli(l t o li ertidon flae giilas an îd »îdev leh*lIe..bas a fIsocitar fascinea- flan. Thse frcah air anti exerispeion- trbute f0 gise a linrty appeite f0 apî ajat .ery'falig t luncteon setaîs fer btter thnn the Ouest cour-se (limiîer tbe"- s French chef oser aer,'cd. woodeis Ofabes 1oîpplatit l)re..det WWnn,5std parier boics lvrterarys. When th. "goodtl îIlîgs to et" are fort-ad Ulpon Ille grorînu. .Plc-.NiWrc ocreer complete vîtbut the aandwleli«. swc<t wite bretat <utilnn generotln layer of rueuttl'- tvoeen. Lltbhy's cntîiied meuti, are laIent for pic-nios nitouiin<. Thîe cana aire no enally opeiied nilt the contents go tfreab and palotabl hie at no pl-ic-tlu Isa etecesti witont lÂbhys "ttî lIa voe* Foo4 lafoductl. W o.à Emou li. Kn..b «Mer. Ilt£ qeed tttie Jfîîinay un , a jbc k l e . w h a s . in t e cm a s is s a o f d ! a e qeo.i"Mny*usmawitb dizzy-paaf e' in" mfoisIsgaz 7*ou." tapiir'd ne nIl --sa. ross WIOMen oe . dUe WetIui ictei.stn dîfectlt a tL l e tl >ragSmr N . t'I %r tL 's"ns oft ut i tel peasan for oca ra anllî m ipim. le a ilwi t lth er utia.'t i.' irm.e î.f tilth 1îrueali nifîrita l,artta. 503 I i..' m. i'lm. mateur ,ti <nI in ut deft"tru iInî'cuIatit ig. aiid lii, n uni rel. "lti. m The ifaoi' nlfoîf il liipenantf r na i 3 ii"c ndrlli " n ci ri A ruuîîileîntt1, * îiuv no îî v ba t it' ino f l.îrîl Zîifitîaiîi'a filr f . it r 11111 i.tgi 1%înatlra a tî to iîi i,îiilýioiii f uA î l rt, a'l tili- i ýr ti I's' c ri fit long a inikî'. s gie w ;ia tiat îtg.er ti w'i io i l 'il t illIg ti. fine butan 'stircil lia f i lrq rl'nl au. i t eîf ;tha t- nd w' lilîaîîlo'ng i uîo uic asb-ic-rfliîii0îraf. "'P r lit'il i dry l't.' lay iimis i ii c îî i loo Ifl iili it , Tlhe t*fsi on lîýr!i lctir.îig i f (h(-e ho' - Inga ci'înnakagae a io m1aest.,ait lîcc s iz -lIny irongp ."t 'tt. uM lwîtys f fr, 541.... loi J. ata Mii il.Iierailtla bis l (cn ag t lle tini tnC îl i ti iith tlîi , ieiii ii îrhr leîig ylinle 'in Luit, ieîur.î aid ht mie ofStheal'oiel ih rapî sm111.0anethinrot îpli hea i u Iig l Iniftoîan 13 fntl tiît duc lioll to .niii A fer lorabu nilbra fî't113Fit C.,Ii n t nin io. doirfe ingit t rp i aniteflid an1wid îluat f di fl -I'Crainite aitdo1flînus dîcli1f fo orp Kînt' s artIhaf fbeli ing of mgIwel Rod Iiat lei' onlalidt tîS 0 Mlle boufa li00f nl a a nnn g 0icrefl.fit Ic iao l lîtîdîl alis age iadoerut'ing lu iagrîeut îri e tI gî'î~ni l îi înd o d iîng 'lie lî i ii Tîcri)t' i tli iîlt 1 I ra i'- N ut,1, f li iot il tîf lc aiiolllo tli îo'ifor Specil dîspallieste t the ii l.Internationalî Metcat- file Agenf'y descrîbe a general trade rot IvlItis seek At promnînent Western and SoufihwctMT centers. The situtIailoni tsuOteOv5tIty lu eotrast titis conitions durlig tbe prevlouts moolli antd ha ife bausln more sgeasonable weaflîer andtiui- craiidorders for apulungstock. Jolabing cent ers report a "'Aertai additionî to tie volumne of "reato('klifg bustIness." w'ltb a tendenîr umng inany nreeauts lu itiplilcte orders prerlously gven for sprlî.g goonds. >i7 goode avhat Ieen partlcularly active. w'llh a healthy deiianud for botta sPrlng andi faîl stock. Cothlng lUnes lare alto shotia cspcealty llîrotghoilt te pSouthwuecl. Boots and Mines.lare Act- ive, wlfh more Inqulr>' for tise btter qualifIes. hIcary wciglit gondis haire beeu con- sîiiil li such qtîa.tltlea ns fto ra-dtlc eupiiii' of <arrîidorer stock to tise toweat rolume luî >rars 'lThis bas iiî'eil dealers lit ai, esiieilatly Nitrons poininall izidlîîîîdrea"tinalelgoonds, ri'il'l ilî'tli'(îhîlîîg 1roitlY ,1 andi eo8'vitilt.3 i ig lu tllie geleralaiy miallierlcraitflr. A if lîîuMg l in npis'.enielit lias tien iiotcuiairti3 .Ifl IN liiiititfl iviiolctiîr Iîle piî'Ncîit riîil of iifîmlrs taili hebuffi-i ,'ilttl, iinîke x-1 Illein,'inr h "'id1 ,Al),i r ii'fri les. l'copile geueüraity adMOll ilitiis loli r luit lni t.ir n n l i recuriliag gonns Ilicv roui y ui-tc tcii ie uiiil'l)y i ut' u îîd 1 t Io lns'r r iiiiri'il '-uiîil. The rrup çrilatnîlloashti Icir reatty iwliellyiî'ti.- 'armer wetiier, w'bl.'h hliciloaili-il w lîculit nsectl4)118 n tcrc a i.md.îrIng dill great tiain- agi-, qltllt,îgl) lut eiiTrail setrlou dainage ftithe11h' cfhînî'kdumisg tfhe rêent ot'l Ofiti p, a fauir roîp cati he eooîntpllt(in .if noîrmnal aontioliii5 ri' rtilI. Mt lgma iti« 'i rrll a. In ivafril two or Ilir- oct-km Inter Ihînli uhuat. filtlliàiii a It 1. îaiie tîat Ill.. ient go% î'nilietit l nj.mi rt %iiM ii.arl.i'a gril- îraliy Itlrnitiiluit,i ig tr inili l'y tuae Ingt <icuresa I'.'liti't' w'liINl MLliaig Up parfiitlari. t%%clu ina amP i cr.tioit. $cellng Iiiii' 1itia(l i R <'r I ir jl.3 itirct lia«swle-au nî'f nid l'y tinaivoralili r.cuiîiacm. wui lu tfac i'mî liftaiîk Inthat 0.s t i, o 1s - Iîti.tîi* th eau FtIscs. iliigine hi-il lîlu I it. smi tîîa e.ls et îrt5 of Ciaro iai.,for tît ercak iî i I 'htà Itrntraief .il tici lui f lakei>'oinliiî'i r--lmrii. hue riînuîil tIt i iiut sigttl. il e t«i l, l ii nii ia. ti tîn i i nomaltl tilifle i.! sî'l Y1- 'olo lbh standing Oint fdrnia.' uck i lllia n'id verse eff-t-ifîîîo n eceepta if lihm ier, collaiandi ore, <h Ifors ardniltg f fienl ntafi r.m-î'înetlelie Icstît-siggri-9:l14- Itn ti> innaîifthi ait.[iiikilit' ni ' iian cm iii.' a iiolîn il, i îlirîînîld tfi,.i t"uMlo'int;lbh' etilae iî't,'tîîI'd u.tlt-iitoii if bitilrai.'oirk %,m'îî t I rî.i î .lîîîîntir întenî.nr 'fni olîfa fmlnîîîlnu t ilui-i's i l il. ni ling lu fle icr.h In csmpltIfng s-1',11f,9, ctpit iiipitti1tiiihua'Il ttciltt tiiagmictiialuicoindition,,.itji" liîitly thlrîgbiliot liliîîoia. andtii iititgia ,li"a oh Ilih iils nitid 'uitir3' t tt'i.o tif lin i'lt ,i-iirnitîtii i'.t -îîîaî anti rî'îIu-Ii 'i i tî l e ililiti il fin. iinn' l ,1h ilot' liii- atiîitpfî'îl i,;iil Thoails 'l.' l I l it tîng t' n i m'tîit ,,i ss ili . tî;,til i and'ît tt i lit iilting îîl l î.î'ine's flrtiw.iln .n tI ti rririo in'hint 'lils, Ni'nitiiiilc tort'. G rîai liiit- 1e2,742.:1, lasil.ml 1,11e tua'esuangggtii- ' icînfly elîll'ls 341i fiin 't m fliîî a a"nr igîi I iîilligt iil the' -ouirs.-grains salniaiedlllli d i'- mu n. Th(- miiirkot forn cmi l .ieta t panîl flitn]iaiig i ar' îîtîrîîtt. Nti lianîlt.t i i iirlt9igt.i s cr l'isliyi sixlitei jiiî'îîîf.ili i uit' tii al3' ilîi liai tii.i"l. il 'i i1ts i f Ile 'lltitk %em 231'-,7>4 1lii il. i u.nmI ii .li:;iîî.îI ille pîntiiio us Nek alii 27.223 hcI i aii ni3'iîliti" I'îlîiu'. 'ulît t ],i li. . ii tarlî-t îiuulbert %fîtlits fîtîn 't' tiirt tiuis t3Iile .uiieiitsi' luilndtlirf.% eiglit i y'nr lninIna 1[urne, los ilitliiiini.'gradie$, Il, $4(17: s -p, f ir I ituve, *2ý75 il, wicat.No. ciiid,$1,013fI $1.06J; ý,., N. '2 l 7e ota10r; taiiard, 411 in 4'2, ý,. 'n. i- . 6o ii77c:; fiay, thnoty, ".)ilil, 1-0; pairie.$600 ta $IL0 lottr co rreauacry. flic ta 18c t et. fre'.iî tt liiIn 15c;Iotatoese $1.(<aint,$1.15. St liua'4tiIl.$4. 0 $ 13.iioM $4AM hi) ui$4A151:.1iaep, 5.00 1 $StiO %%r,îNo. 2. f1 (1;In$L.OS;.cura. No. 2, 41eIiat ounis, Nou'Z, 40c to 41,; rye Ni) '2. '(10 70c. l'iocinoati-a-fiile. $4.ff0 tI e:.00-