k ~îY -- stnptdeebne, sud died Nareh 0 28, I . InL the arma cf bis devoted attendant. The newyaof ie death was recelved T1~~ ~~FA ~witb unîversal regret, and wrsa THE AR*-4AGL w. eterans were net aâhama'! ut the ~'Y 3 *~ L .A2OTXZqtrs that roiled down the'lr brooz2d cheeks as tbey taiked togeLlier ut tii r old comradc. IN the soimmler Min., the soidier bird wasa î hel The taxidermist exerted is ltmost of 18GItihe cal front rankas wch hbea egiment and 1 skiliiIn preserving the majestic î,oise came tor troupe lie bore bis Part ln the terrble Sc'g, of the bead and graceful clîrve oftheii Ps mrve the of Vicksburg. neck go famiii5r tu those Who knr'w n.None re Old Aibe, wit i ev ecWs () Id Abe In fle. and lbec ao oow lis r eti~~~soided more no lght wc ght irbîbone l 'cn iliin the War Museumi lathe cail- pramptly t h a n tbrougb aI! tear, tfuds oi t t Madisoni, an ubjict uf unfaiilnj- thectyiye froa nbut. thaugh tesIies Dtn -r Iiterest tlu thç tourist.-The Four- \Vi cnsin. ed for food, twa Ut'! I Track New0 TIlb e cumpany Aibe sent builgry o h h egi' which formed a:___________________ The Grand Army Button. E.au Claire ec- have beard, wrItes Geoîrge P. came the prou'! S ofu Chicago, that Our Locd ý pssessar ot a iprayer hblies Ins4~l..ed un a di'se beautiful "aglie. tisco wo montbs oail lbhe ize ot a digme, but ou tisat Grand They neiv lin, "01'! Ab. ,b ,ons)r Army isuttun la recorded tise Ineffacr" Of te l"iiiînt, ani whcn thsiie and!living risaracters of the hfi- Jline'!tire Eigiti, wi,c,,nain întantry à~ tory of Grant and! Sherman and Lin- at Madi son tbey to)k the bird wlto coin, of Sheridan and Thîiniam and Item Lugan and Cuter and! Mcado; ofutFar- Ife at onc,- ecame a universeil pe, ragot and! Porter; the history ofthb" and! ga acil for the Elghtb the namte <ampaignofu the army of the Potunia", ut The Eagi Regimeot tIhe Cumberland! an'! ut the s. es When ltse galant band left Camn ofthtie march la lb,' s'a. tif Shihh, ot Raudail for 9 tiisat of war In Oc> Vicksurg; ot Fort Hienr> anid Donald- br bIOdAb, arruimpanie'! tbem, soir; ot Atainta,;.cflise MWiii.rne"s, bn er ,r n h otelewof Vinheter; ot Fshers Hill an! and eerysihet1 re nlt e otlieasm, edar Creek. ot seigi s atid! attii's geti"!illi lise gticlsaton w.iaemand skIrmish fine',; rit lays5ot (laniger recomiing ithlciou,îsstiowland niglits ut salsing " iof aa-y beolgdtirmar.i is by day an'! by night, It s'as uflen delctare'! tiat men car-~ udadaauiaiiiet thr rm-trli ui tise national rmlien Ing ut lusers and inaidenti: ot fa".' Of vIrti>rY i"iîlinil 'f%(r vaffer detea wiistbsad oiissulrs vhlrh prît 'r 'uin lras î'i t rite.wiso utadsifwv,;fpry They lia!iît iii tieî fra rs and bicasîngs trom fireside and tiv fir. ie aYSaltr treaý amip ascendîîîg on Iigis as a div ie Ive sCrmp, t' i yenaed naya s tie u'. râ;utfagi)ns'andit deSatis iniprillîit gf camp tus' n isour10ibmAtlia.tîtoa nd in bulIdtaI. if cri at raltaltis aund ut FriAh,rii n, ihisîîarxi A.ht lrt ,~heroic aoldiirs. utf s aiýr un sea an'! ln calme'!d oti. soan er atiter chas el ad ftepolaito fArh dany g sut teciarh !ii) tîtachrmd 'iiens outa pri.r itflml racir atnd wiping dang'r a'! vî'nîd t bea a carme! 'foi-nr trîîm theintional î'sruteiieoi, len'. elý n,ý,adsru i . h iman s ias "ry fut.y ti îr5and A WiSberdal- 1,n tofa eîîni'itcountry and ut th, ts i'act i, - l1 ti gr.n otissu'.'.OLU ABE, p'-rîîetuîty out he Ilvi,,n sith lis cruent torI ndh aîlîi , cirage. un*il TRI E5v Ahi KAiLE. !' -ian'! unsîl -aiuaîie an'! eternai tbey ie ,arnîî ha n .the" ~~~ ~______-,-stgs--tipri1-e gift tram lhe Onhe ilda ir'. tment s'ould sumetimnestol L't IJr5 t Dispense.r if gsi'! things tn On b."t'lu ifOc. tr. R2. stcati h a csbiittfr ir t îi îi' r. ri te tattii'ut of "hîlili, r-'gimint iThe iriîant I! (ry ati Iiirr.l"n 'i bis recoîrd shall neser fade awtit. vau greatie siar'i' tfr ariser ha'! fCr'ek, La ,Aijgnst 1S64, sa.,i fitshall grua bclghter and brîghter as bs-irtthir m-rtSt.-rci ic ri.'.' t I -tînig treininatli n luo oocl"hi) r' n"ij the sears go ib>. srattering siaks uit Ouate lrate 9,-'eal. a il gis"n orerq tac>' career. Ie had' ben lu the , nsîiratian amang tise geniratians as GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD. Bi'and Little Round Top From Emmittsburih Road. Sial 01i Abe must Se shot Or a U prIs'ancr ai ari> cut. capeg Se noui'! saîher raptera tuaIt bird than a viuî. brtgade. A cniuuisis tire waa d rerte'! lus rdii bi, an'! s minule balI eut tlis critug tisaIconfina'! lim'ha hie pcrcb.Ie suare'! tac swa>'ani dIsapliesced inhoeia heasens, but aftt t a fca moments bis friands sere great- t>' relleve'! ta sce hlm retunilng tu lbis &ccualomeil place.le n-aa regardel 'wthac Ban'! tret'! b>'tise opposin-, forces, anud Il la relate'! ibat In uni engagementn h"ýn aur ien egan ho loge grmitn' tise eagie. seeîng the dan- gars.ih a nlgisi>'efforIt ruiethue restritltinc cur'!, an'! flng- dîrertl> Int the C uîeueratc limes fiappe'! hua wing'in flue face outhlicenemand at ultera'! iii'. îurrnlig creanis CE 1 h">' bruke In c'nuaîsionand'!fie'!. nheu aur conquing fhem returne'! ln Iriun la Ig friands. OLD ABE J I TESGRAND ABUY PARADE. Iae cane la on record shere s Cou- faderaI. soldiar '!serted 10 the Union ranks, gtYtig au bita reaon tisat is could net figlil agalnslt thé Amer'can -ug l eO I i thick ut the fght lu ta-ml> iv'se sc a the"v ceaie andî gl' An'! sisîn urne 1 battieu an'! as' n-any>Li III.II ., [)ILt shahli e nu miren-len ail thinsc S iad Oatvai lu.st une dcii ut Lis îîuYai t ran'-tury sili bace pais,.eul ara>'. isciati s ten ahi ttte -ounil, ut arth hais %%'ienu the term out ýi noiîî,nt bail luiOitstiliCil. titritthe heillofutbeas e' i expice' sud lise etgie cointii>s.a s 'diliring niniitimmemuu'tiam utAm. 1nîustered au'. b'th eailialUîraiu>' ican patriritiani, aud the unî.ing raruýeeas tu watl aiîîd le dune iiS t fine uttise hmerientnsoidier! tiese oldlar bird. Afttr uiaesndicu à san Il sas vuhe'! tii licseit hiu Father cf Memnochal Day. 1 ihe State ut TXhelscamustntTesree grayr5 ce'! aeheramas nuore'! epîentna.halia'! axcît .ofuthIe grcat sac for thc Union menl g-eaI curiîa'ully an'! interant, but hisis lugher lu annual uobservance ut Me- iorn) t or e.mî ibis ha'! g-oils shile mtialIDay feir bear In min'! tisa Imi bis rountr) s ceci. e. s.'as a t riýtisa day itialt as a part ufthIe natIonal F umîsiai march. lie s'as renelcet i lite la tise resull cif the Inspiration ot 3 Madison b>' Guiernor Lewilusils ai Ihe greateet ut aIl s'linti'.ecsîidiers 1 prpriae cýrcmoIieson SI)tmb s.'iotfoîugit ftlie flag. GeneraI John 26, 1864, an'! glusaa ri'ia aI isaAlexanderr Logan, utihlnuis. Few, raîuloi. isatthme ittthbtsIln'eed. ut thuya, flt a"sunlato'! wth 1 rom ta eutlbsdcath lue Ithe urganleatîma of ui'! suldlers re- waa lu conitiI deman'! at aldiars' aiemiscr Ibis.But su ho is e tact Sreunluns an'! puthî dcniuntraions. where le n-as ais sys the centre ai Sorrow for tht Thlnnîng Rank&. attraction. Ho attende'! lie Sanilar>' We bunor tishesu au'!an respect the Fair lutChîicaguo ic e inter af '14, T'nion an'! are file'! aiithsurroir a- an'! later tise Soidiers' Hume Fair ai escli >'ac passes sud rCd'!ces lie Miwaukee, s.here tise sale of bis ph.' itumbars ufthtscse nIto isale'! fr li- turcs.s, kechutfiis lite. quills, etc.. erty an'! union.The services oliserv. nette'! lange nuui,îofut mney for lie cd generalis tirîuglioet tise United! caliet' relief tend. States sow ot consplcuously Ilint Be orrupieut a promînent position patchullan b flot '!csd an'! lIaI the In AgrîcuturalHllati 5tise Phîladel nasageneratlan. born i ame the s-ar, plia Cenlennial. sisere lue waa cou- le ailtfutandolapprerlatire ofthlie ar- slanti>' aerroaded ailli cruids of s - cuaipliihmcnta ufthle ansta la itpans- mirera Duri gthe nInter ut 18787a Ingan-a>'. ho spent lau dellghttuI months :n _________________ Boston In tise luleceal ofthIe Oh'! SouthtChurcis Ol'! Abe s'as a magnfrcenl bic'! Ilis wlngs meastîre'! six etanamilsiait trom i Ip tadils; bis plumiage n-as a beatitul churslate ailli s golden lus- Ire, bis tait n-hite with black spots, an'! Iis ea'! an'! neri a pore shit-. P. T. Barnumi affere'! 120,000 for hlm, lut lhc proposition n-as naserp cerionsi>' ronnîdere'! Intellgent. affectlonale an'! devotet lu bis friands. Dur teathere'! lera n-as Iu qulrk te rosent an losul. an'! noc - /"Io~-2 ties tranger s ho d red la trîie s'lth bIs dîgnitt>' The king of bisrds rame tram a long f'". Ive'! race. EagIes hava beau knosan 10 lîve 100 ycars, an'! Ol'! AIe mîglil sti11l be sith us lad lil nul beau fora ~ tire at thc capitol, ucar hfia Cage. Tise blrd's cries brauglil belp, an'! le nas- f takel ta a place of safety. bat Il n-sa Itoo le. The emoke whldh he lnhalcd aKfecte Ni a tnNaand M hittent to a SUNDAY SCHOO[ LESSON FOR tMAY Z9. I Th. I',e.î e. \ttt 203.1730. .. Moreover, the abandonnaent o e iOiPasaseor s u, uim eticrus.-I Colin Oid nnreasoning Ittoieranca la dite ln il m -.. s tbus mpranei 4 , .i nou saslmeastirela th eed oute- ral mît frtiont lii.' i ssi heme et this ligin. Go'!. Jeas. ,the Christan point tn thse le Of i 'irîst tiist Uie tu- spirit, figure tesa In tc alistract state- dent ahoul'! di) a g<'..! deai oft rcful nientsof thse creeds. but as men acek, ceading in the floic r spite gel iu tu lis-e figure ieureasitigiy as Ilîs1 Z.- Iei l oi it*îire ofiliisdoiogsansd tari ln Uie des'eiepment ef a filuer typ hiih aes licnourrei lits great trial. CHRISTIAN CBEAi.l, TER. of manhood- It isaà distini'tty rut tisir lnsh lu en- av R-... . **wrie. Il ln nt no mucli an Intelirtual as courage a tragiienti.ry, endii tn sa Tlhe. eariY bomne fif iin ias a gnr- a pracial motive whirh onderlîca the nlu>cali a dîio wtu tiy ttisse Bulit'n. den, an Eden litlai-s a beautito! prcom ithat fornaiof religion wîîîlundnte" tttis.i.ttie'..uiMtiek place, ballied xwita tsi igiîl an'! the j ntimateîy prevail sshii'h bcst serves 11:1-52; ,111ha .e 3Join 11;47 l,, dewuy treahusafetinii culjiga creatlon. tic end ut heiping men lui meet tiie 18.14.* Ex E 1- 14, ";iIlelursa 8 en'! lienven was refliît ilîthie purlyOf demands oftlire wiîhtte ]argent mena- D 1P. C 5r7i earli. tre ot alrong, reslais aWIf-possessiIn.Noe%. It ln getsersllY bliue, ual tisaI rin cb'Ibat il may better serve lisat sopreme s Thse Plssuer,-As u*î s>i Iilsecfront ripai themne Ot Caliti. les, Or 1the lODg end religion la everywbere emergtng thse eaiaunt iiin a'is12 2, thc meuth of Solomon. la theeei.iircb. Tihe tei trrom the nsrrow precincla ofthIle s lwi,ythe himaleths acret dciin' speaka ut the. cbîrch eas a garden, a crc'!,ta renesa ber youth lu tise clear 'tr'in ig î sm etetctiaîil Iletoirr eat. Thoe l'esr tat cram- épice gardien rather tili a 5flower gIr open ir o! trutit and tact ln whlcb eîemarated this sriidcctui deiieeraîte. den. God meniss hit, ike ca gardien,.,mIl be crame lu Uic fuiitîess ut theit and siîha.gh nutl ic'o n the tiret day Of the cisurcl shotil.!hi'a i lice of heautY , in l od. Uhc mailh Ena.ui 12:3-4,î tis al'ssorer security and! truItiiil,-S..- Whoui the 1 wa.s inetteet a Newa Year's ceichratisu. Christian,.in bis cuîr .produres tri WANTS NO CUT iIATES. Duciig lieserraday. uftlUic.reeît th bis lite spiritual fit (God l ie ai! Op, Dr. 8Bruce Brownl. people tere ta cit eiilearencai îreaul ta please'!. Go'! gueri, lue clîtrch i wih tate-ritIng witJe lie railirada la a retinui theni of lthe haste sndsi treIa- a vigilance sborpasaii.c ihut otan Orlin 'i tiing for a community. Peuple Res C ta aompaied ttîeîcieiiicPrnnce. tai vtneysrd owner '-qthte mounlaîna can thereby gel ta bilr destInations M e theti t'asov.r festval iesn.RI- caiied encircle Jersaalem. nsi,î;od surroun'!, eus copetuse. llalc-cutIng 1ludesc- tfeagt oftiîlearened hi-eat! bIs people. Milbla'i îhey, ln 510cm tienn soit msadi stitageous. ePop0 n ancetfbho Sccîtîre passasges noIîed an'! Inicalai. ln iiilibîtie anLd lu ara iarttinr ta bewanre of cheap vîîîîbi 'a,!eutile C('ia!",,or Patiaier." WViut dl'! ha mnua by that? This, evi- bladow. Goda eye h.. on bis hoiy achools. l,.Iufe'rttiag la religion in dculytisai as tie destroying angel fiesa- 78clînrul thle Iondl e hecp Il, I esen ure(ilgastrOusIf every ebrcarI-d nier tii"e i oriss tlahe arsrelimea wililsasteer it ever>' iu.îiiont; lest 5fl>' ouldi'ldtiscongli tickets satlli stOP' 1 %Ihch nec.' oarke'! wîththic biood ot Uic bort it, 1 sili keep kit iglit an'! dey." over prîilieges thuse who desire tu get l'assurnoer lanil, e-a tisa, lilua!ou Christ la The north i wlnîl ithte text in a lu heaven as cbeapiy as possible i cuîIeîtepuet t ta thosla who tlle gymbilof Ibat whii I-hl urts lise non'!, svould lie gratileiL ButtheUic mishief '.bi l'C lin 1er it la tlie Isripturea Ila in. inil109ig ofthlie natter In t(bat no choisis as yet laiî iticstla Uiil ot Go'!, Christ niflesa d'cerslty. i l 'ur lmateIlb It ' lina rumpii'ted. IIOttes arecrut gave Iii. lite as a cssantfer maukiud. linscod cpi ilunlesntbeîle mtade s siificictih aîonscm,'nlfer ail aicas rld. risil ., nplesan buore tise grestlibridge ta built. thin Sofetaii tise oidi, amidiCd la wetler 5 Whsen tIiu ',rybast. roM It bas came ta piasathat rotes bave erdalnad tuat ail s.lia s, nimny accept the n irîit al po! us ic v,ëtire pierce' ieen rot luy mil chcbes. A tliel thé sacrifice tlis made for themaciras. lu L>'lils alarpocssud i rît.'ct ourseciee lagirai scalpera ticket cao LIe ubtain- mas doag lb' sînner figîrsitîiey arries' sith hec mats utf's"1.ntit'!fur. 1l la cd tu,'day b>' an>' man withhot 507sout the al Jas.ah rite anti prinkles tise nortit wlnd tisat drves ti he ep change of conscience, cliaracter or con- bialod epic lus bouse door. An'! Ced and!ralilIe from li' fciila tipaces dort. îî sac siii mast loik aroond a " e"ithîe sarifise made by Christsas of siseller snd pu 'i. Itla tselit l1e whiie ha wiliifind àaome-tiig b tiptigt iics ets a r nortl wid, ientIiýt bingslesand ailsitsle achuh tht 'cpiofer t!ltise cantlitilous upon salinlie gen- snorrclssnd.asot,,t blegs Ire enh ai- lsî lcoil Ia ii fe uti stenmelnitiae h>'Christ waa ini- aiisv clse nalgil.nilay B'!&lhta taie bienm tirougl' Joat as hlie l. tIî edta iceameopeceire an blhatOe Ilkesience upon natuire. aod atten Tisetirnt g-eaI cleut nrale as i ,tuiviîusl aiea. caisses sofferlng la fil: caan'! deaUi matie shen Uie atlsari ofuthéise Veres 1-3 Titi' Paasovcr ites re- lu iirds ain'!beasal suNOgarsin LI ca rîccivsas aubstittetifor persobal lîtircîl huai liii'pericipattrs siienl'! otaa floarlis under te ii,iïl ut a uorth aIleglaaca toiChrist Thse uext camesoetli hatiiills or etisnpsnics, and that wlnd. helnis ieu Iole ilalla cieliliaaeboliîl aiuld est the feast tri- Ail tis meas îtitten thse tais- h'! bln th itouthertairiglileous- rate!>' Sa it s'ai n"esary Ilat Uic Aal bebssbaicutnd ortiette use 'Oit tiholuaie siaittilie omcrureil for fliait ehiscris t u cer adi ersil>' and!'nels T'11pncxtl dtwas made saien Ji,tiul Ille uiscusle-sfer tic occasion. possilrogbpersesilii 'îuh I>oli e Idiv'ine nîdinanires n ccc change'! ta For thilisJ"11.1 proidicl. Uiheîîirhs nld o o otlir> r aunî ieulsethie peuple.h' ie21. Tlîis îIiislosure mcol have noms. or unboly huu.but, isatcs ci lc1i1tmade .illithe purpase otrse.uing ltilo the cisurcc is o lJir.si sed! duesMOR-M<NIS.M lisSCORED. !- ltliecr ti.si-lues ta seuiccheuir henrts nul Iîrar. I lna s ilie tir joy vtitt Or RI F. Crd.,kaC. F5*st. 1nu. ioPsec t i.'ektue>'wera Secing ut suI atlime Ou' ltieouer sttd IMormonisla as nmenace; irst, ltalte jIll sthiey [iîglît nie greater effort.s le prilta i istscian Il. i oiuiie a-'iîi, th1le publl <l sool sc tl'_ig. Tlhoe)ut wid lma sIý.Inl o IlplisAYýt!n;tIlý l, l te Sttrsl'hoIl '- -" ic h.Yail _em to a ive rel 1 iîg sol prusperils XIli n t i aa's ' rîteleni ut the VI udStates rioeCl ei iusit ill cf ii 'tîîy u' stytiese nosali andii i t,e l'e~ i I Uihefatt hit lise toncliing, or- ,taigthr ka e Il r!ivers i11- ', t eulj-li u o tiIi. 't iii anil! fra ild'a ut itefthe t.'.'.ttit ii..'lhutilcsnucP eo is,'iîcs' wnlter disîppetirs tr 'u inc!le i.;tIe monli ci-r 'b Ic re a riei île te titese 1 thîtt i lt t11, ictl vouieil lletat cati irrscei 5ca ga riý i,i nd'iýlilqlsiu, lii cee Intiltutioaint! lirai idMe'!n tIs 'a s, avii tIi i u ec rplo"xcl gre'en; lii'iom an'!d i' "svaer the cuabIng art tisaI tuehe nîe talthe e.'-.28 i. Jbtsauiclit l(John tcees oft ln,' larda a:A i treiisafow oii-pigitbcslaî d i'trever 13 22 311i 'ie uus."liec huaI diied ers sprc'g tp e,'crys i "ce. ainditti' ai_ rorlîitîitu lu tise State at Uiait b>'an Ilitbanu llshiîIueuothe s ii hetaiter lm fille! s ihacl icrtuiuse and Uthe' îrdîîtaîî 'e in lier u'onsttatlon; 5150 Itat tkn e siilctn li h rio su.uncs of tilts i lie counstithution aiîîuîd pras'ide fisr tise 5 i t1 . 5 l uii lv'tli c s li. IIV haiý erptheI)Piovr pnyig fee uhlo shoo myten an t lu>' b Jestis hIialitgJuile-ai) oh r pie. c ot W-'lie etice iseliueseracnlug f'îe iotli, a'hîiui as ten a'! isI I lrcîtîl dîîîîe'! lu bruttlîi îbut as shaving ShaI Gîed ss iltuesite ci r'i its '1hi1 oîî a , uitfrt.iîet pUots] il uhal iop lie l,.seaessfuthteîi'et. 'or au 1ail gracions ' ,lttî,onres e-, th s,'jj, rihu eli h siclîid dsmiri-ttcri-tue Stte tOrientt t c'ticin.o f 5Rsnint ith a WIt n ,, Uiii o, I opaet GeaI îg'rlritoruniiitcntu'îc Isl it lis fuincrlons. manutvlit ilI Limana, t mltiaisai o- Esiç-r3 l)ititîI'-i'- ls0110Ils.otirci e 4i l Âs alii te pru>cienitihti dc(Iri.c l.'cel 5 atlintg st buu.se as harl>'ta ise hspirit t f Clu i iie Peui1o 11i)- p li't lIig h tîîli i, lie a State iva as tiil. *' u ut î1P rtuut u ut-- liO' afI e'uut5.tuil' itl iiii'5olut eltli la îs r, Itii' mormn lpeusîle chamige'!l usilIliiti-r'îî'il .of. irîtsmetre qul.-kî-îi ahi utedormant*-st front ti uucr g. i 1tlihtis'lc ofetrire or uhs7t l'.îlulîi.îsî iscp nd'! liithe :f iihpeaoî-. .oy. iau! ix >'iars nalirî'suîîîîeîlthue aid prar iu",ei,I I mtiluit i L f isichu-1i îîî's.but holt Tl,,, î c urrclitù'dsy rtii'.a letire utf'au gsuilY tii' (-uiet menace ta0 i,-uese su i,-uîewnci-e ttîr nil tivi> grtoli'uis lltui' i '5 Ofthtie Sailut h !i tise haîie I Bt tirlî-hicîet vilatiioof 'c ii effe%1.1 iist i piliîui a in of at(ois ut. Itlîe rcoîpaltu liecen thii'Stîtu'an'! thcei,;alotiitlei. auil ofu. Ihlse 'Ii"rî-'it 40(1'3 iPstessioripan aioniiiil aîltit i n ,-t 5a oust dan.- gu-t plie .irtl suîaltinlot the lthe rit unît il, s. 'I. - It ins fruit. X l igirusli menrace ta thle gar ertnt emî. v - I 1 r1,Itl he îI k s i i iiil suffer for il î'c i l s, utî th'- it haviî lie tieis tUIc siuîh a.l 'i lîlusshue îici Ci!th at thle m ormton e Ir,!,liniiouia I ch>' lîssi git rcn It ii a t.Go'! cpe-us thi egsut ta iuliste t'lhoi-ta te. nuîlt ly i hid ott 1-l t'i. -tn Bt ai l et. ut riturch ta lac tri itîti: lopra'! ailnts. 1 1(Illiitiges tiliti-he uCsiti utoralli'i-r. îîîîîr i ii. euîuandI tîîruiel tîueît1 à noble iinlu.' i oen'! samaruioci, tille buît i solkigtua rtro thie eIl , suiucuu 1lypes af Chirîaî n cisaracler. 'lIi-,rviatliiilit tie Suite as lu tise luira and 'll oihit a'llIe' t1iq w ni iai of ritIare pluist-i In the liouse orit héi ii nctlt irtu it ...uZ.Jt'suuî heuhu te salli uihrase Lord ttgistt tI ui,leh. i l is triali1 h iîb,'fuurc lthe îrlesîs unt' ri W'hat are sliii' ofthlie ,w-el auit File hcet e (an .<eon. l'uîtt' Ilispires v!nh "h oulul f iii tframon riuceta 1 otraiVeris 211,27-Reesui the tnlk JsIt thec ructu t egardon otf Goti? 'Ilueo A ce il grieftiecîs l,)tiuiorum i lu.1 I ILIIitheIi.' . n t ut.iSuiria nt the answer la.,(Christian oharacher ilu' tise. Cluri'l s lm iorruptile cash, viite. Ah i ceeuJuh h y l21tX lsua Christan grt, 'Nîiî uriIa bau'p andtint alahan'!or- fu ift-uc ur plmia. om .lrt WOVe ntttIlîuli'esawet maI Ofa!de g-a.n."f-ue.\i'-sTstitient -in tise [IlV. vont aftecltinllîavenli niîdeý,iiucsi. Nlsigshs tsItls it it al ii'euvsei 'leîr troc '!e'otiîîuî i ,God an'! ta tan l o lgl ota als Lbeaart ii cii il-uthceî ca crliaI!. Tuenîîus'a onc ufthUicv of-s theicgardcn. l'ai hciles tsalluiac ur u iht uithe ,i lunit ol r testament, etfs.'ici Ion-crs of Jîlsussuuid nel tieir af-I' llPso cnaiaemr ah lu, s. uti- e! it Ifeis. 8 nuîlit . It lm fection on lbiniio aboya. lntefl (hlas agreement wiih tîuaa la save hlm Gentlieesqasiii'! uaianllv sbeuîi'! Alititanutci nta es'ta lhe rongeai- ihuougi lie lcsth of ('lriat, flosatramn Chr;i .lllitres. Thislsaonc md lutlati us11- 1l', c eTh e 'ii' eaoieg ut aur lurlq ot the hearculugraces thuaI aigîl la 'The isî'urt outhie preacntlIs lteue ittîrni , l Itîle n-itii Ilt triak ut adora ee Cc>'l "stlan. tGod ai loe if ite fttie.ii'fruit utttî th ii'outil I11 l,i't genIte anmd liiii: ile sauti, Jeans Chis 't A rtut ala thi liuîusge of con-lcîîîk il vnnewWthIilii îi.tl li Is 1l's lu rs K -h niltgî 111 îît uu aloî ii t sets a a isible -i 11'hpi n-ics ie e II0 11ililons Iniferrcht> 1 ,u' t vie il to ni attent t t. il ia tâi-n tolion-. Gai r'.'icteitiste proud, but1 Si-lnue h siiiîpiy tes'ý.xceh Itto ,,r-1 ' tsto ,- h iuu'iîî fl,cu- larîuuuîu giveth genelt1itise humble. tlicIluit'hîîîgî'ît iiciffYri-n t' 't4îulliin. h'utor Brotheci> i1i-o'la a spice of Goda b li itteSlii'uu.ti i'ileuiit Il nl sl'a llt t gardon; a fruit ut Goda spiri; hesv- Thcelîliuri's cr.uîîk etlsstaocrook. 11 l 'ilnîîit u" aii ci fîci. s en' supe rnie t sm ut true 'iu'pes dmiras lit ii Uî cîlair'! l....uiIl elv I.'Iitif lcu ektth, lasvi ti If sac lov ctii,' irctlscen wc ian- wt us h 'lLehDritl e Itulit hace ai-i-t beller i-t'.'ci h i i"iiiathieculoiuililia tua" sac have 1)i>t'i.ii roaidea.rb ta lite deys dîiîi I t ii iat'lecope -'t Il . iiltI ii.ias dJs nsi ah If sac hale ,î r lrtier sacabîde iti 'n'e nîtlcai l ii 'tlîîsh'Gu'! sluc l rliîgfîs.ttin'ieXl nu'in desth. t haedIlt t'uti cri'iii ellii il. tiiil ' sn cc citciitgt l>caotIon la iC'hrist an'!a sdeap hrlov .leuîuu esan>5dieatiaithutiis r iI r1 efoti i.' ite Kucsv omîre toc hîs ing il'iilais aliole frut ofot n . laIlie Is ssllliiiîg ta hs.10a30iii î.îî' tiito l", uisherod it III u God'!'.gardienl îlien the aauth w mu orSu ie i lisn tabotea 1ii i- 'tî -t nii >toit lu,- ua oîret divine rtutior ili .W'len (ftrlitîiui olepeclltih iou sI lt- ii11 ltî uc c quut u'n tt are lruiy dci Ic.!lue ail tisat I l iit as a Ih etof tireIli liii','!cscrt i '-.îithe l ,iii' ti .uit -i liii uI.'tut ti i.'l pure, noubli', a-1 holliai' a a uine evl- Tise c1' 1,4 a utmuanvI s eps bis 1it. ii 'au 5 li i lcul ,iaa"lt dence tisaItis,,, oull isan'! la blîlîr ann hîeurt auli lla It tise n-anti i J--'u Is,,u Iiiuctilî ain.luit tng. Peopl e ws. li ali la'!grcatituide are .- 1h 'A iii le- tc ltluon i'-- Liee Pt hrist lessoutiser rch apt th o dus. îlesuîlu gruailng. ut j", i- he icu ofte' iti, luf spice orthtie gariten,te <huiccis I It luluoiucîîîg butter tIonatis- shonhd hi' tise high aim of ail ta Iviaro ,vauless c uîc ha-ter tînt, au r ai'!l'rattaiete of Chislt, s.a!Il. lnbis footsteps. anti scîreus. li TItîîu cls an,-lu' Ni v, grloti) bis image. If sac are ty vcrei ...uit...îî11,s Mîur uo "iii au'! guuiiuîchy Chriallike lise s'on'! îuî tii.9 ragll tuaraice btai clîu 1 hat'lui' I"ilul'tir 1 h.,u i îtîîîu,.tI n-lu ho ciliCe'! Iliatht ve haie been ule teli 0rI l iéta P . 1:1 4.e a Iii--i sill I s and ii!have learne'!frtanbina 1-.Oh tic secret utrl>' yliving. "Tue fruitl Mani. Mian ls itinlll> a religlous i hl r i-i 1 l liollI> liaii ot te spirit .s lave, jo>'. poace. long bielg le le soîîîetiiîîea ril a --.. Ili , suffcliig, g-dut:p'ecs. meekuegs uthu'îî hig iltit lun ,ntsliuig animal. Ptr. hi u,.ý, 'a h , s i il 'i.ît uit t i l,, pcne-- Il-i 1-resalatro!pi 'HItlh pe îî.ueut- areig -11et- t 1 t To-Day'a Tbougw WHYNOT Hsnpl.y Vour Hiome News- paper to TAL<K... fOlR YOIJ? sudn U 1**a Mm k. Ouli fl à* Ua »tuMik &bout "m "b.iu#beb ... i *ie l u t u g god lkefo ougAli J"t imis0%c, ont M« S Dyspepsia Digests what Yom uý TbIs prepantion'contUalnaal *et ilgetants a«,d dtlgest al tmu talla to cure. h alloua yon t6 uêm tomcbsca tae IL.By I114u»n lhouands of dyspeptice have ài cured aiter everything ela ali là unequalled for all stonahtoi. t .amt bol@ lut de - .jiadoLby ILE. a. Duv #4 Sold by P. B. Love!!, lbetmgvl% I BUSINES = idrîingi in this ï erý= wilcrease yubuiness Bihll eads, Letter lleads, Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, Invitation Sale Bis, Posters, AND ALL SORT* Olr Job Work... CAU .AT .. *THIS OFFICES worlt s"dgel t ~ourptj» tox. g085< eIs.wb