CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jun 1904, p. 6

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!Ma g gire's ea r t CHAPTHR XXfiterest, colle! biher and thither every 7w lbth firet tiras aine. Magglp had fleur of the dey. waz et great impor ai~ t Cheugmoor, titera was a Uitti, tance sad l ber giory. kvsezc..dingly bord for May, and Tbey hall a lent walk this hot autumo lioa estarad her boul very deeplY. day la the. old woods no dear te hein 5sIald tried to titinsk it ail over. s-d bath. and et down on tiie fera& by the ,me «t Its meaning lu hi. own mtiîid,' Urtile brooklet, ith ii plaahini; Munie. a" hai tnuriy ailid. und tlked of jie future. Us ualked np and don the terraci'., "Ilandal." aie. anys, acimeuhût fer,- IM t CJIng et nigbt. trylng to aolye the. oua,, -if there vaiu a secret in My lie- 48mma o Maya atfrange bebuavior. And ifIr 1sas flt what you thitîk me, would ,o» moring hahadl bean o u th .e tddie )ou love tmetn ?-- .abut b. hall t., ire it up asa5Pr'b 'l ehouidloe pou alsvays, deac. sud timt wOznan'a lIncotiistaticy, thal he utîder every reumsaaice lu lit.- ..g..ld nt selv. IBut nos for tae inter- "-But, Reodal." ahle perista, 'azppo.- .9t« with hi uni le in the lbrary. Ing hat 1 hud beeu mari-ld hefors, fthet "w'elad, shat ia it7"aked Mrpoun %%etc my fttluai oveand second hue- teeganOUX4. "Nothing ,rron. 1 Ihopel" band, -iold you lov, me titeoF 'That in a you iiay li.. sir; I am For the. aswer te thia h. folds her Au yrub ande. The tfcti-t,,. ocle, wth- to bix heurt, and saay, pasioueteiY. "MY .,Mt ay.beating about t li hn, It ar n ludifing-my7Iole, 1 would marry yon! 1 401% am wat peur Iûi tion te get mouid give mlit@1 for yon, and wonid "Ilitario .cotnt it l aveu loti I souli nt case «Sta". tay, nel go fat. Radal: Firgt for lits iCnecf. if anylblng camne betwaen e Wil mho lu the lady?" naie p m - n darling Maggle!" D&al aitoe]irmly et i. ourle.,es e ha nd the golden hour lips by, and ah. 4uptseed "A great favorite of aurs,Unu doeu not tll hlm t the peut,0o111 dt.lliea .d-laDunnotub." -i1h bim, end poura ot lier heart te What! Misa Dunr'ounh' Why, vhthlm-tii. haughty aomaul titis tlona ,4e9on know of mise Onucombe, ir, aitle, or m-uns. thla pruud. heautiful Md he-damere yn propose snch a tliiug reture. vho lu rimieziion ouelaer fatle «J have known ber for a !cur, ir, DI bauscansed saensmation, net lu the boire bar so dearly t-bt if I do nt vwed egorrdanbtlnM Ch- '6w. 1 sitail neyer marry st il. A te o nehbohodue, bu ht ladMiasCol- -V"a hmise . I nither knom- nor are, but Ernuet.'ahoeloldehrhat »Mha.t 4" la a lady, a morthi bride, ln MY En tea irsudandtiu er b. bau soeandi qphlom for a king; and au ta hr fanîiY if poir lame Ernest docaaDoCtm-iu thé ,Mdknomanthing aboumther nw." ht" attIa, bo, et least, coma. off credtably 4»oi wanmoment bth h epl t effet tlong fight aith bh ivrcan hat. r4mr àCh.omceat heth, ad b. ast0star-put b. comas dowu next motnlng amont .'Waythe udl at hietehe.ttnd e e ida- irazlned, sud whiapers to hi& mother tae Blew date You talk mach sentiment& t uteenn iatb a ea aie -me air? 1 &hal artiily refuse mY cou- sud. ah binruad upalu hled soob -Out. I tionght pou -ara about te pue- ad lmcm t or, May. Wlst i. tu becoi. nftto th. @hop ihem e Cy wm-e. hylns 01w ai-anwcrmc -bu," rinkt-U for the. weddiug. nAndh. poor »Wall ." aaîdd Rendu!, coolly, u. elm a 0Ch b atealoa $Wu«ba h tilv. 'i suppose My cousin 'el VO MaTTnom@ dsy, mheu sihe talla ln But weddlag -m-ellearaem-atbug Ca ring, &»To an 1 have doua,, end vou are tsbed and two loIng beartl te h. JOinad lu Ul gve ber toelth ma of ber choîre." ona. and se ail muet Uc ioy. and marri- "go ryenmeen te ay. Randal. titat ient, and gi-et cont-ent. Mma.Dom-- -ffl.aald May havent been courtinx for loa! . b ber glory, choelflg weddtg tiausr.1mnnt nd Maggae la anl arlow m-ith 'OatalDot; me have nave doue aues ntiipation. and neitas dimasa -Ik e01 ourtig;m- avue beau brother t-at darkbhairad Maggia m-iI Ulv. and1 Mdi£liter, and rare for eaeh othar as, dia Mm. George Temple- 61111trmand sister uiglt. but notlng .4wrebe I 1assura yo. oncle" < HAPTER XXVI. «WOU,m-il," sald the. aId man, after The meddlug dsy drem- nea..sied San Éâa .d thoughtful ailence; "I m-hI thare m-se a giet fear snd drend et tha 4» NOa,, sud afler that I -aIlglve pou youung bridesÎlesrt Every day ae hall 4 Proviabonal seer; outcours. ve mut, declaed ahle would tel! lmteal, msud c- fVOLrou0"o salles, m-it. teolMr. <'bol' euy evaning ht rame ssa,tb. ank ,e1WY and buom-moreshot Mis. Duo- oýufulfilled. Se eah. put it off frontfiCime *611lbai. Wht put the ides lotoyour 10elImeunutkl it ws.tou Late, for tai 116M& adaif' oauali, presetiy; "ber set. leavlug tom-o. and Randal mas nt 1 u e 5uwogee" fila@. ber saffaahefre Ch.e ave et h. ',sir flt alogether; partly 70u- asdding dey. Tu latid me you mlght as, ber Mrs. fihaeisnbappy o-tsghl: tngtl of on -- 'aJritof yon m-re ts-ety years Youug- erthing but te pr-ect-forgettol even -M 'oth secret tat bas to h. told. hom- "Neph.m-, yen hava me her., and 1 h.; tiinklug of ucllber past liaiflt going te deup a rharM- uor future, but only watching h. slnk- 'ru- girl!" And bera Uic old msu amniled. ig son. and catcbiug the rad lbgt as M i he sali. "Mlud, Raudal. I hbe.not it flasites beck from lbhevesteru m-lu- «Ul es yet; sud not a word oft tisti.l dows-, dimly seeu îhroagb te vifta of " A 11111cit. 500J,"fura.. *Oert2allY flt, unarla," sid he Younlg There are giant wadows talliug -u ausd Yoeum-il give me a. ansar sround ber, a cool breca la mast begin- elaiht, afte diuner'i" niug ta svhieper tlirougb lb. leoves of tarbaPà; do't build on It." replîed th.eci. aan h. sa-nde listeuing te '-».nl ne, and se Ch. inter-view- eoded. h. murmor. aithout a tlîuogbtt 0fany- Tbege ma. uo oeed for a forme]laInter- tint la the s-nrld bol thaIt ita seeeedý -V!1111 Mpy; Mr. Ropaonu caught a rgl pipenent. sud tant jit Dnw h. iO r t~ f h. bIte etepe chas-Ilunhe serp bappy. kea-l malk, and strolled su-r te ber. Su alîarbed leashe tlitaPle.dos fnt aMawumalking up and duive quirb- heur footliteps rupidly spproas-liing her. 1~, Ihough it m-a s a otrY afternoon. and and %tarte ileutllvase ahand touches -10y pale sud heautufîl ah.le looked.lber, sol arinku esvey. hlf frgbtencd. r .uah0t h old man. Mr. IIoytou @top It is uuip a trniy lîtIe boy. w-tIi hi. it. seat u ber rapid mal. sud drew fle amoutb tiNtetnded ioita agrillofusolise- 1 . UtLebanddtinder hbeseatm, andt egau te tieu. efti obar. Hnes-as 8a long hliegettitig The lsd glves bler aeR eP fp oilpaer, rJauuCEIte h. aubJect, sud abe dii lt ontiîg tu a bfigire doding hehiad tité V"P hm on it; but s-heu ha bâtd tlId trecs; snd presutly e tettered, hgar- 6.atry o Randala hoptes, îhen blecite îloloking man roPidlv crouuee lb, petit "0 Inerested and auger. betore ber, und Muggie. gettîug alarntd. 'Doear unile," elles"îi, "if Randai hantent hume. lave. Miss Duncombe, lh. ailI navet ha l le durk nyy hoabesucteber 11141M une.. hab marries lier. and, lu- rone tuall off bier thloga, sud rend the u..d-4ndeed, it vilI be for i good. lllterlous, dirtY Pie'e0f iper. Sb. Me ila Tory beautiful. sait I do not vo-n eîllias it cruteli p ln ber hend, and 4« et Rond&] aerîug for ber, aileinlase ar e aucen nuften ber but eh.e ha. te éaht aud faaclneting, sud seacutn-tjrloy mn tae ute. und then ah. catchas Omah&"itht of the srting. lier face turne a '0 AàMnd p uhold lîke pOuir cousin lu ghintly shîte. the taites up lb, uote. 4»M jbor, tiien, Map?" andtlie lookedti iî eR hudiler, snd holti. Il lu bar s44siihCit mb ber Paras, duintp blugere mith ineffable diaguat and "Deir oncle," eabs replIeti. ralurulu wor. *0 lok bravelp, -1s-ould bave bima du 011i1 a t'islUnes. tînt anch as malle artblng hat ha thînk. ie for i.hpiaîit- ,iiiieii aS tht. liard sud cruel as .96@a. and h. lovea ber, oh, no deurii " lits grave. Anil rie mets ber teelh Clrt- 86 lit m-sa ail ettled. sud afler dinner î3. auoillier laie la asuritid au marble. 'Ur- ROYa5to gave a quellfiad conaent, Sblme cel up îrr.untly. stanîds up proud- .ead her. s-sa a 111e @ccule, for IBanduil]y, aud Iliruavabac, the eautîlul bend. W-Uasquit. afferîad hy bis unlea kino]i "Neer' aml- maya,fiercely- 'uever! ,- ansd tCh.oltiImant, now- hat h W55 Cive op IL'ual iy lv .9eer oou- iaS uMa May m-sa lîenrts-bl. sud ort deull" And che teactsup Ihe lttia 41aWy fre., scanu littIpleaaiedi ut thaelbeet of piper ini a tury ur passion. -taira thingubhtdtakalelrs ii-i isnnelîtabsei se golden houra bagon for Muggl.- taîspu utfietluviiîIaga ieîîd apaîn d liai.Downing. s-ho hud beau t0 pay a stainpsli" rlina aa intîudrgnlir o-ar '-bug-Promled viil lu aulne lti frianile. îî. duc:"lii ifate, a ouiig11, n,îr vWas sfartled s-heu elia cama boneia lu,113lov aaka aas wal nauni)l-su, Isel -ber &Il, treuge luesay, opro li .îeuiCrapltîlI tn - a oth. mataih raatlp. pru, i--verfi. r' htit irh rn "He ahalbatheIîspik outhbecutr-. - bi gvitlacfil ililg iflietringha 411kesid te Mr. tuPton und mey .,le, îul.Itl, ini iiiiioi i lndit. il iy i ui' bas seauaoity l.ono ud aI iieaita, le.a ririin iilier i ,t-lut are illad litsbas bean u ntiiehart rlan,, lie -puîiittar. bas chosan Mise I îuiun he u lit nI t.~- C u it irinli ilatîo 9 adm["rabis tuteif I uusake ni ah. oleýt.ýri liqihtllt 'ahâ goo" blood lu ber relus.1 i t tirg dri'1ly - tt'linglir l-uttta lt, and Mr.,RoItoun srote lu Nirs.hulmun d edu ta, iuti t ilut- odia soidIe ah il ut - alY. and ber letter in rePlY aseume-tlber n iujsbruin, o li hbasu'laver iBnl 1-ifaoyýlen iutiil lii h uis. naîoîurîîîîîrs ua nfaItlp tsaul ttorp s l. afliit tli. for tht- day tii liasunIMr. lons lttes froua ble lie a dyIu; taxug lit 11 toil iiiii- i o~-uire' I ,hi nl iiO gie.."I congratulete po."asie vsrotei besafe îîîout il i. bai k iO .upon Jour tacllity for tuaLiug balses ait, i lelte- Mrende. ltbough I do ont s-onderat iet 1Iltha tanrthtaIyvliiti lhtîr.etry hall ".d thon. as aite got îîîîo the ]ler. ohe 1-11,'ti tIIthi ole unu nil e aved au 411erlred lotonthitieremtî,erly emullo lasslunniilalpniigltIt -uallief-l!q u 'agi aduce., asutrt.lîîvng nusl -rtlîp. %tan stii ot ila-io ratb ti ,&Kt @pose louientdp f th.a liaie Mat asîîî191 lanl-Pu P tlekp is-t h.iehas .etillI ouied in Mm. miiltnaey ariltîliib-na uisti-i Lat 'lsas- te deolh f G, T. au -If'if tr ,Al iiun l atulne"'""h. gosioced," she had vs-t-ltelî l*yutsll tutr h'iitIil u'I bava %--hoImn alb ilI trPîtl 'flthit'itiiauer1ii, e nî-A hy I ;~-~ - "a. le vU* Kasi~a laie Ch. eagebagg ~ i,,i~sa a liCti. am-kwasdly, ami aune. - -fiee.. sua. us ta. poattes stars. .a- ru». a Ile m-7ateatillChansd Black jen callum Kter hlmm uceingis s h rugei tlles- aneake round eby-u,s sud jumping aoier a gata, lia. dom-nunu- der h. badge, satking m-th convulsive y sobblug. H. mould not ho a had-looklug monuc oenigpicpesI u a -tbisa ly hat ha la so e rribly tim and ecus niih nteadwt 1. gaont, sd ba s orutia oul, of a bro nC . m ord w ud a urdy b ui Il heart la bisl -su a fc& h olswud suel rn t "Why, ht m-s a amadman." Ma, 1had pesteone mithanuotter sund axaI aid. miCh a ahudiier, "WIie cran ieho bHl mho .th. Princecof Pence Tite doing br, and frots-bat asyluintbas' lut are aaved la teIp save the leat. he escapcd, I monder?" ,.--------- - .-I do't tbiuk I ses- hlm yeny plinly, TIuE BROTHERIIOOD Oie IA.N. -desr; but ought nul sch peuple t10lha "SALT WITH 8'sLTýNESS IN 1." or à Mrrn i artieau, 1 epC front roemlng about?"' Dy Rs..Ja.é. 1MaCLagsu. No gi-Caler reeessty existeIanluout "Oh. yea, desir; if haeocre lu an ax ' Have sit In votîrneli-ez and have coiniiirelul lire to-day ltaIthlbnaces- 1 lm, haeavould novet b.e ulowed out perence u miCh enoîlîrr.-- city ta-aerestored litu us te Chtols ugain. W. had eaIpoiretloav u Intae Thene remarkblle srrds of te tii t litnslast for mtan au man. W@ 7village hema,s-ho reslly t imes aaemed t sugesaand collected] as pou and I. amidIGreat Ilebras- 'Trîîiîr-are routnd fet 'alit go l.urk 10 a reklesa ioltinn et otiterima. s-ould tel tha trengest h. close Of te îiiiilu clapter or of mi. We'adte 1netretur t u 1h. pta- sud muet rdiclouu tories, claimlng à Marks gospel. jIa:Il coiithmnetioti of ait meii, With rquaan for Iis sif.." As lanaveu knosar, the ptrai-nI dl- the. bglieut t eandards of rît-bt and "To ha sure," eau Mlbaggt-e; 'hitnuos. visIon of Scrlptiîre moit chuplrs atd 55 raiig. se ilutaIrecogntizao, uf eae- uf course.. And mbt become ut hlm, setses la eoriilitiriliIu il; modert.ufitiklnaiilp as iii iit os-stand te 1thîs mni sho rbimad nuother ma's Huago de SantoCt'i, i lilea îbrîî'ath llglîcitiof Ouîr rai-e,.\Ni) leology la s-wifs? Wbera la ha nos-?" 1 "Oh. tbep got it lakan 10a h. roumiy eentîiry sud Mot-le(iii Satluti Iti the ait di'iucflnig tas syîuîîîuly. ge Utrly azylum. and lthere bé la nom-," lttfelttit ure r- u-ulta;credlîed fJ tIsle te iba spriltifftft'cCtrifit and 1 Mr, Ropalon contes home, dritc, gIii Wltli vidlug lfu i It1Pters tîand lii ilsilltas t-liatetrcint- avliab t 0 is park sud moode again. Mat s 'rues, Wfdfii tlîî- 11lile-asraîîîiiî dr-uIst-lire oili-rsnl Irolleilioor or > i.Cie.lase 11k a danghtet nos- hat h. lugt he divisinof Ilj,-- b tin ilibIe !!lan ia".i iri-at aim are the' taî'tuoffsan iolt msn kissbler sud pets lher, and Cllé chapltersa,îsde 1îy tIi' lioinitiliuaillti niiieîîui a dissîp ne lm thecon- 1Msy,. hs-oe hesit isainkiuig terrlbly as Cardiînal. sud Itt i trli tittllmutId si'tii'it dilaîlty of nmari la man, siel a, i spou reea..,'fot 0 'oile, uter.te lea. e.-m rarlil ID lir he saii , u-uclî lay roeuaIs Uismure and (Ta h.ornli stdiarrangement by tir-iaAtliotighIthe 1oure ail.,'Ili unr futidariiiu'ilu uian mork IIîis dome. lu , t ti(liiit ii iis- i mii andtîuul il îs, BOTH SIDES 0F TH-E FENCE. tabou,' lb ba lit-ui -i'if luîvuialaulc t ,iaj'loteiillI atir uIat li atIl le ailtasho cîts IIll f if i an iiitniseri Tht-nro amal ui)une Rom Pso Cus IeSsBal-t 0e W'blleCtie a' ttillii,i n l a ttiiruiljlia) i slu'for Ji'nilit iui b nnîîov-ud, ami iiiot oar fancesnm-afor tb. prt-it- u it ltit t- .-,il t i. i vaeutsilirluistinara A fo t-fot oard tan e b a certain raiigeli)Pnt of tii' nji '.:s i lii.ut-s tf l tu li' trin,i- l iii ti asii une i nut uti i e ur, suburban 10-w-o dlsdes a tardon, -tuera tie Bible' a aP, mi -Irîi- kblu; It'u- lui-il it-taiiiîluil sai' ici' I,.tel- a lady cf quiet Ita«cultivtee om-- gtoitplib' tge--ri lii--.sigie iIuittli -vIîu n ta Illi a luit, t t,î IucîitIi und era, front a vacant lot. m-er. boys of trtîîbiu I ltî1iig11:0i wh lutil!ît-'llu ii illeîuthî uîalîi iliricalîail gUng. teCaiestetulay baeud -hoon- These trnttits rlullîruý ' i e r-t l 1oýIv i-ilIl thl inil Wo't'i-u loliob tt tl y ,usa-îl glng ltu ,t mutos a d w o lieîr j ust rtla ti iS -t-o i i ai u l i-dgtilt-'ilii! gi, t- luc îîu îgt lu sRiti]natal, lng bail. ,t lis ta îî-,îîl uîîît!o,4 -s tutt 'i s ii iu t-it hiuitl - r l'lie taik "At fitet." @h aayâ, "I liiouglat 1 Wa d't and-d, aîîul l Ioriooiuasl , ti lli iuiîiite.iîa tit trJman- muntCtititer gIvetip my ganden or titmui lo Ito a snlei or rit u-u u i tii I ihit tIo .11,1 'Itr man tae polIce Ctom rntitaunout. The rat-k.Let Su rîptut. ltu-i-- iiiitiid îlu Pr îuî,uîu îî st l'. eC alon. onendurable. and h. uaa sanrtiiett ioiiiinouii S ita,- yIuit- hals--a. im-ays dyig over te fente, seatrh fttIet- truillioliiforiini ii-C't-UIC(H C>tlltiCTI UNION. s-iCh iaîf a dozatl boys luIn mi Pur-' thînt- Ilte In ylt lu-- l )ri ti'-triuli.o ieo .4.Wts suit cf lit. arong 017 parifiles antd lie- 1pet l@ asonuierfi! i luillît laurut Iii-i i hueraI nies. wreaklng béuoce t avery slap. judlguîalof oîîu tt, il'i i t u itn,îîîîlia lîsei iuu "Tell:Cc expel tant seemeti mac. llButac are autiî-iuaitiîig, The ihap- it lîuili -'m ndtît g!jiZ-,-ie-I i slalî Thors a"e titey enu 1ctr frettaSi, Ma!:rk ohIivl oues tsi - aift-Irt Itit- poas play. They vers rougit boysa. tst los , udorsca S h tt- ir he 'huur ' -1j- haii thartartet-lzas of tem, net bai one. The more I aw In the r-onuhîm-t mîmuloitltit tf Ibisei flictatnd IIhon a I to(ugitthCie measer and m-eker it ap' sa "tlis soneu li r t-aiit- thep'o~îîîrh îuaîuuius' peare te rmua10ate police m-Ith coin- "sai vItb salînei-if."t An ua tuai stil l lIt-sI t. si ii plaints of my neigibt" cblldrati. Ba baera. thry as rt-r ii qilifp lhmaîn- eI tt-ilui îî, col,,.u sien, aithougit nos- hey avare tock- salvas furît- ltlîîîuîîl iit-sl-ttyacn- tiiliutii lh les. of my rît-bla. liey mnt no berna; mon ut -el1u i t îi-I --p-'ri lut uponbc but once lat me rail in tlb.'cep' at-gi l s-eni lurseaîi ut-wl u utîluits tent,. sud al h. t-eanttul lmplebnes. atd avital ize trrmu)e ir aurli uilîtir Ct itît u sttIce. ofth liaIalt-s-ltd hutan boy aoul he and for ie saliml. tait-ml 'rluahr 'ot-k »- i; lte itiInlec rousei. lBo I decîdedte tamanage thitngi asnIer ou1ndi iltii leam hi;111t11-î love.-i dam- myseif, and 1 havaenucecedeti. «self in fita (rltut i oitiutisIotit't- s-sili tt--td (l"si "'bt l. t-ilIl ncce~I bvatat hlia In lue ait-ils of tilt'great-sI 5V.1. ntai i, tul lut- ai) or rafornaci tbem-hose of tant v iviînng- Aitiarit-u I it--itpt-rji i -t'nui ILziti mt nu'i au nne needat reformngn-anud I havant mai.- euae-ors.' anti-id îîrî'îu nît '~î i-'tt.tiiuucqo pta tentail considerute anudt-antIs and t otujult-IhIling-OS ci iii u--.otimuulalutit i dlilii' trtiifilen hîu'retils'f ge. h lte and poilluittI lowasbould I?7 But "a n g ma)uMluu Iuils frontutIi-catIi.l ui-opuuî tit it lun of tteri anud ve- 1 bave cIvilîze tirChar dealngs s-it me idvi nnîîzuîcltittolugousi. and mina m-thtem, sud Ct bu sela a- t-iiît'bîîîî-îîîu'rs asil i hae egscoucrr- "*If I amt lu t-lugrien.I toas bnci cltahuotut- t uIaIl tu stiiits tutuiabtut h. bail myselt avhen lit creetoves' tomt- as-1 Iluth' salui Ita bu-înt- anti aud I1iturry about i, 100; t-be gansIgooleoe%(,a ielate n muaI nol b. dalnad. tIInvite thora eht'. li iîur stis,1.ns te coma for t mheti In abenctor failIruish tî-tttutpa I i i iui ta see s-ber. il bas eoui-, but only ouae eli ati ealt-t-ru-s s tut llul-uflineas iii or Cmo taI stint,.and lia plaa. ho n i l-re. 'fêiia "J tretui net Ca lep un h. flioser bada: -prolaloîtng flta .pit-ituuI iad tutlrlal ia my loersar myfu, s tel grmetCetasti f t hi-t- olui Sut-lu a 1liirch la Io-ent t-tréun.s Uîrgat -ilI ethutunit-aîros.If -t111hava la tteh@alsluie griraî l:ni,ieit etftruuclples "h ava bold tanmthtitI lnos- itiat-outin litl ut-tli-aq semtima ta rancit tI a lbed must CholîtButuO îtu' nil i(ut.uuibgesitale atm teppeti on. W'bll lhay do il as dabi- istly -uîp t ii i tutut-lu tattm l - catlty as possible, nettle crocha ilt îlîî oa i tn NC plants? I bave pnoIml.ed hîcut littlot- îtol'lie tî-rfiu-rrneliIe t-m-lt- %lse ltelt does damage I l -a nuIlm'aitll tîm' irttrs thol fiue hidI avIlI net complaîn. becuséne ltaIi-i a ,t~r.vtrlialiîîîîîîuî rgerii suui rîtidufil ofi mater of chance anud nubodys tfanlli.sîlul hîli îîm'anudî- he l'aumistiOr 'l-Conilma.I tep te watcb thlait ne shuffmîtt iIit'înt tf gant-tah prîn garnteovar ltaes-aIl. uni appînni s ailhaslus iitîtIut aliii tire lîria and gooti it, Once tcy eacrepled i nytas- 'Iiltt"o ti htc tltny lu regard le a dîspliti-tIfout.i eI( otishlc. Titey alasayis@Peauk t me polîtll; or. C'LUBS MJNI ETuIeý HO.MEF. If not, vit niaImpoîle huCart, ami ai- at-v.JAME9 MALAO','3au er, W. a. ueaj. Ibougit aumellmes In Ibeir Cut-rueca ga tPlantrrî uhJI, Te ltl t1 flai.Iti tliai,todagl thep %poil hîngaselil fitle Dot oftnrtOfIl Tp_____itoayl Wbi'en I overerd a nas-tomerthteat- nud it uildingîtr ilthle sailuts flî blu finî lrhum" A4. rhulîd rltifoly ralueti er day réeat-wlh rude aeonlýuopt 10SInosI biol> failli.*'i lit e hotntte lu; e 'Ucaomnati nat door,' laetans cr,t. 1- eIuo-a i.p-îultlC -uu ltlltlllnoi t-ctai Immnedletellp th f I iemhuluer eat-inu it )urIite or Isuts it-tutfuît- tt angry cbamplonubtp. bul ooct-tIY as hougtUtasd nterprr-hig Ili, cluasiu-ns 89 ittia Chit st-ut- ng attaccpti fui-admontion. FirtlIp, tie transfilgura-lulîîuuelf. 1bhuve - S .Ie ain t a wm nu; s ce m l " lotn of C h ri st, iit i Il l h 'u'ît - r se ta nosua n i-b titila Bt-os-n. ites ail rîtlit!' apokesan for rirbrî, as srestCi) lunIll tIbru lu ,I-r 'The noias-ea, of course., îiey're huilîta Cbernuaclesanaîd tCr maln In fadts for liie-Itulît- as nolay as ever; but I meannabenity ecsatlia bilas, tot-gettili th.e'sot-Id ]y u- guîîof Cthit-Ilan luitît-.and extabetance and got-mints' I. Itut- i sery ixIos-,Ibl 14 oninîil; bariirler a « i s anuit eIl-gerdenlut- bas tendidti û Clunemilu> licaordi. '-le avut nultupat-etrîîi hle »se iiet-es se mut-h. l'va. c homban' t-uisn aba 0sa; -- Titutka lue teo Coul tbaCt-' ho I Settlemnts nut buolnd IL"-Youtho5CojItîimîuî u, te liieaviolprudianu'.of 111h i-h lu mj ad aIrîcCI;nsti- ________________'faIrt-a uiont- thoisands, aîîogeq'Iuîî't- nltal Itursls. - - B. 5 LM- CHILIS MINERAL WEALTH. îoaî'îy, luiti î,euseon sud aîtpr(î-rîuîrd I banc tlthIn lutret iîurub acilîdreu's Gt etifaoc. ot fThialSouthi Aiei' Ct; iii tlîdui tuail wa-a ol,, e iulice il i-hfor 8ull itual ir' s loîituit alouae. can Cuutry., Ibeu. Sc-ondî;, noticehiaIit e uu. 'rteliaPublic au htool-s-' hte lut-sm, 'Ilic taîtuos coialiti ofr l tota anduîof failbui ldt-caislInt- pt-ray lu; h, 'lucre "I,- autliviuutltein u.3s lui ici-i-p 'i o-iiihavbean snnnI t-Id oet14)K)-,colbir alutstltes.Ili lte atilipIras i-tfIt- h liMusiicale. "[lie -tubi1'h Io te dveop OXt,)tons anud employ soîute I...ul laor h. castinug out of tae esIl spt-irit-erm apîrîl. If tae hanse tIs, vas.ltut-aest. rrs. Ti.nol oîly aulilillea t( bil'a lb. lad sait tIvously tiatnienteri. îPeter The bomet'cuado thile tnittk us lb, ii-cils, ouI aise couais ntirnt;ahi tite erdI atn h rnfgrto h'uc r odhnel Ilut-oleant amers ouihihut-Itit' bord.t-on ail tire ima; har-caother atoRties heaven seitflitI îokttsanu ter-nal ers Tie (aa lawha li týran-a wre iookInîg ltauael'. anadnet 10 pamailse. lalm iirebonte hit danger? art a, T f gio s a-al trtîcu'll .jiitryt -Ibar masuter. Botartriraanra bld- les. I aniaet-,If te motIuirs et Amer- liiitgnlae liord unhity.'l'le u-uuîufunry ng Christ froin t lUe.Wîo needed Icia do flot quiut tua-lt -hot. at-ct-ast- mimtut-nsearar Id ceaIlbitet ili m. T'rnuly. ae reamu Ctiremhile ou n lngclub husiînes, the honte is doometi. tuttat iulerl idul~ a f -turt-u e lb. -upale lpernaun te apeallea It mu> yttblca itomaeetaAmeirIe. t-lut.rt-laetfaoda. CIi ui t lrumtbai la-uen llpuîing afs te "-ho ahoulti Tiere at-e millions of uthariegsaboines, his tutCt- li1) ntrate mast-. 'lliie- o-irui e ti.tttc"Jeu taldltirsbt-faaru oh .ltteun nitutr-ial î'afl-d aliclul, a ftunud liiisbtrte 9-t 'lebn" ea aut-: 'If nny club aliber C Im leqaon uie an uta-t a conglotote, tInlieds ati-rIit- tn f otias'tei ra. ita came abal oclu]Ife îslet m-btenfoIboe. icm fî'otn a ti-m-Incites le 12rfer -tuthi l- la et or uIt. cuti servant ot aIt-" motbemIesu Es-et-y aerotid women nos- îuî'sa. Atont l,445),cX mat-i- t-tus, Of FoutCly, sae bave John's rompialut le a tlu omn. Home auffersasa 7N4potîndulactr t-are unnttllty pro- hat sortiaeone m-ns "casting out devils aomenas clubs t-rom-. One wmoan tellé 1iîu-l,t'aimatedîItbewoirlth InOtiil )bThy Dmansd foibosetit net iCh- me site behongs tC iannaeean clubs. CC lu InEuimOîta About tour-liftlhs utailtlh In.bu" Oh, tiarm-aont- sud rtchr-dnes es - afui 10 conlemplata Home la my tltae exiertet IIIgeai 0 glîituuiand ort tisasprit us ht bas ahom-n IlfInît clu tb.bHome la a abados- of my henv- 1tire continuent, <t-met îrtIaiu tibia. tklal te at-ca lne-Éni a Cia ha round en. PraCo e as ou vIli. vittever t-test- 1Ilu; one-hird snd Geri-rîtan;u ltîle aven hIîliis enhghtened yean of gi-Oea. et- or batse militates agenuet the home 1lr'. A eargs amuout oft ittitNhtji i- 1904. Icorttie wonu cof Jeans: 'Ha a or the demi .Jpasiexaltai h. il- th 19it ir ýd 1- ýe d h m/U %ziLiLas us' Tigte. tuiCanu armored crsiera tae Rouaa5 romovol aad Rsulr. of the Viadivostok aquadron.lbav-e bean Ccap- lured by Ch. Jnpauese ieat under Ad- mirai Knntimuruaflter a running ilghh of tm-o day. ilaitheKorean atit,, tnc- cording tu a cablagrant front Tokio vin tae 'ologne G'azcette. The tre. Rusanatcruisers were te- ported Iu a terrifie boîtle off TauIs l- aud, tuit rescapa mb h. euter sea bavilug been eut of. At-rtding to dia- Patchea front Nagasakli te itssiatue rerre puraued norlli iy four Japanutée coaiser, frout Adtmirai Togo'@ ileet, aud a Cbey were approuiiuog lts lstraits leludlnutig1 h. open tuen CUre. otitea-Japnneliewersblpsanppeutredl fron t Ch.norlli, hue praeveuittag Clud ecape. Buainanpower on tii. s lniiithe foi Enst la picticrllIy dastroyrd, Il tCili,. e port la true. ,l'leietoasiti, ICnk and Gronuovol or. lrutt-lus ansoactiertila- ae- Alildotîbt se Co taestlkin;OtChe transports littriasd Sali O y lhe Itusatatu. uIlagbeo'n ramoyeti. Tilts. hundrd'sl aîiilii'îty-saccuarvivora 01 fii tachi orrvedliut iuOJI aud 15'3 eut-sivors of te Suio have arrived et Kokura. Italils of the destlruction at h. traialmIrtu sud theittibet-ofLI te casuaities lire ut ubtalna bIs' it wa-oruntoresl ut St- Ptersbiur'g Tlat-Irday fChut Ceuv'tal Stnckt'lbC'g bad mrisîtiti1 i Ldilaitn mtie dg-fea t ut Vatar.iurni yli1' litile_ ai "ilifaanigun. N- f utMin- NoCe. 'rIte- mie 1Mgreuhummîlea ItI, er uou the Irtanis SImule Agriciltitral ('ollege. A tri-ut-tIr.llleti nSit asnorltrain n te Soutli-ti ltilwnp near llarrods- hmtg a> -llung 1t.0 nuru aud tunriiî ix. ttaadiug malter for île blitutibook. 11111 luminisiriptu luin rti-ul letiara, nîsp lue sclutfrr'a .iougli thea nualîn, acaurd- lagt- u an o,'slit-isued b; Postntuelar A louiimatit conmernurag lbe dath of JoihunQuuc; Mare, lha irai Conladenoîs soldiar lilhad ho alutai run- duict, buts beau un'abhed et Fairfax Cout Houe, Va. Inth. recefit hatbfsip Crgel pratthe th. Oregon s-as first, Wiaconsits sCond sud Iewa Chiaiseeosdiig C aeM-odbcid ausoucemntoinbuWasa ton. ' Thé Pm aaatle xpeewtudtgo tethé Orqpme. uite lt'ltmut lud lii ti hus, sîm'ill -'to Id i ut t t'ii'it IY- lu qcI iirIs or îl tii--tutding butihei'Umsetut anlîlm Ilu Potii 'i'h-m111011 lit' ret--rds a, mmi Uîî~lîml tl itit. erUlUt-ttuiuatfor Ii'iui-Ylu-rtilil19ltiltt ilaioîid pro- tii-mlnîît'unitmî. Nons a. ofttn Iituumlî't iln uutbit-,huu iatitSi toreîtt- te mctvaitithtîr Il is a7fi-r mît- ltts, talles mi leiiituisa. t-ilotu rt-mIuit-tu bttih In is titîîe'aa lt: ljUPsoftr a lit- hitliii ni-l-tuIiithe habI l t tulil'th it- atilna-t-iptluîîî frnst andt s Z feit-lticîketsfuot-saile 1u puesona as-ito eul et te exercutita mausioti, 'isi UmOeM ba b aconUes. aogalerai as 10u b. a 'nuisance andt u crier bhsieheUo houai lutatini a- atep ta he *bumaa norlttut l'ont Atthur, sileln progreuand ltthtipotisoin 'muc dniihiti-rt-d iin for ist-i-ibî as. L Oau'atuheiItustuti aida liium. Ihlizin lui "ileIa-adp eluas iiutitr hat h. lît-hil lot-wautsofta deuîttrste e < ut Juuli.lîstit lFtrns' Chararcur, and t; Kiu't- I l'un utkiltus , ,Ilit ut . 1,.i-i i utthut'li-ls ui tutdu-r report Inui t i-e it t illi ltiuluhts tut-cde- txu 9;' iir lstI n i wh n aso terinfnlto fon e itt' iuuu il) iiat P tl' iIit ii>au- tsli gi aitu aci op ra joi 1iidii 11,to t e utle tliati tI tnau utriglitt tiliug. mui,! titit or N îtoumt-îîu tdate tài, ut) une Ili Il Iv l Iu t-su h-l but utta- -Sar.' dis s-bru tt% 0 Jailli lira is (ls, ntt utatel ne li îîîî-îî i .î- , lit- u ît uu i,- li a-bu; junoiuli-i lub) Itel Ilit-cii--a th be tu thlîut iutftht- lit-t t u i t -l Rucuilts st- ru- ru-tl u ttCt-viIg r no,- - mtili ' it' iue iu.î- ,iiil sil maulu A ,hrt-t-u t-o -uisIii al o l acte -tI u oumt-i Ii li.. utiiolt S.iua te ,litht ftJili.; ut2 ilei' 'tiu~u tie f lta h i' I~a t heii 2î ii tî'ti ijudiaticu, Itii emil i-ttf tht-tai 'oýs, suho ah-tgi-S Ptes 2 t--î t 'r- rod ud sut ii umlls cutiit ut tiua I - -ittu 1h .-lur 7M, Pitlrr fette-ultî, tunmmi.11..ilit-r -illt-tiisu7tut tut rs'd o tul hit-blitsa utut- le iii-thit-. Of rît. n '. -lu '. G4. 7, l 7 l. Lbdluluuîu. Ian uile.saîtttif t>iîdiideti ili -it i. .',NI e F, T ' it The ltli %uar a--rt' et-uiiis-i. hi ItUe 1 11 1lil -ý - Rtucellutumtsi -Ciae otas ut1iit i.juitue -r,11 It 7 7hu, j,- u7tt 13 tai jlu îa' imli ttt-re tii' 'lîu. u btI u- tk, 'hi miles nuiti lu otuf lii- i-t-tut-tt it'.-ekir mt-it , -h 1,.7 ,~- 7, uoiab, lhîtit - l-ft l 's-tut- rsIl-ritoIhe Village tf luuîîuu it- tii -l-l-utIl l.u h i e ! .., IpIIt1 onutn I oe t e a sa e It-'lu lé-': iut.u, 17 V, --i-tr - ';2 dowsa îtiit li-l vitah 1e alinouti, gi.'ttlu '- ite ul 1;7 b t E u!'L initoe tilit' su-a l t- i ilu-a seoit h frbl'i- ile.Afler a dti a telit Iu utuepnmyii vaut-ti ihtlt'I'ttmitlesaâmet 14ua t i s'b tut A i.îuig l'itel. 1- t) slt I uîîtciu blu-bcdtht.hlet tf te Iit îtu . Iiin atiil lii '-n iiii feour lmileasuuîîitb tt l'anftgua it l, m u i. il,- A~ linellsaILL. b. tstcfthIirlt-t dIIýIls gglit. atitlliuatug ie JuaWltie ~-uaIt-l tt*~ -ii, u iI~u i shnudriiuandtak1lhîg auie Ptsoiucu- 1iu iih l1, i ..ini i-- liii *ilbaililil- .i"-.l I-- iIl rougîtiitcountryi, tahere sntillerY mas seraiefflectivie. The ilussian Ilînel ex- t- goitt ui iii -i îs - ItiiinI tut et-n tUe villagtes Oftl'an11t chatn, Cuar the reili-oui. andttil'fn 'h i~ --i ' i O at l a l'Uendi i.unca ua.t Slut ank --l tt t- lits ii.ih i, li -i lu-ia it-at- - a s îr ui-bd fnt hisati a trî11ui ti uti t' 1 iIuii1 I ii- t l.i shotrIdbianse troun the 'asfiîîîgau l'a i 'iil'h h I, i ', tli-ii attiller; li-t-n ttii lt l'p lu> ts'hu h e l- tlie I u u l'r t,- ii l"; i lt , lutus .u ltea.îu t-t-i, Si, his u1 iiliu it- l, uie la 'lpe h.1, 1-u I i tilt- asari'bus> sllih tht- otii-r sintg- Slail, CI.-u 't'uii i il- uui 'il .,i elCioni,' s hIller îîîu slu-iie the iii ii h-lt li l-h hi,- l-a lua lu ata il u'l aoîtIdlus- delivarai. and s'ilomt r1as I o tua lts- uiit-t-luIsu itlt lii A i tt- liite iIt'i Illi -stm t-lait 0 te ,'uusuuimr Iathut ai-iabl. 'tt lý . l.. " I t - i ti.i mnsi' I l t "l" id Cia t a hathe i; wast l d t. a hv n : lu ?: lireinu i 1.,;~::, .1, ý, 1 ,:; i, IhitI quarter li't- ilIum heJap elSt c he Itl-.lsh iat.. um uuî-r counter-andttiitl tu 1suieteen.rtt itim tUt 1. i- agaltitirle raslIt-td. Tha Juaeas "ust' uih le theII rmii ihuhit il" iituii-til îi i ltiv n : liiit uust'nu- Ili .an l~ ii,t ii it luttuu u ef r In t ritl-E tiarg t. il, unh,, h al.- i- i lunt-, PREDICTS A WORLD WAR. tilt ,- - .î<~a i RaYe . rutnFiranc e snd TMu- htt ulnhiîmi-Iiii i aiis WilitAilla ki ;nglM letui]u..:ledl, 'Inte t'lt-t-I in ,'mîInl hi ut-k lrh, ' il l'att Nut -I s ilth t ut ltaI lhiitis ira .luit' ami tuu vi til 'et i- t -ut Itu it III lI 1 Il '-tm t it s a- ilhu ni'ihim ti îe r' lmnIaIIi.u t ut li, iiiut suit out 1,I-h ltrilî Ce l t - 1 ,-rî u ttuuIi mI,,.III 1,I, r--il - t- m s i , da tti-y ment Iufil-i -tiIi.-t--.-ri uîml **ilil uuuîglî." ."mbay e iut Niiuu Iut II resi-intibuliy il aa suinhu l Iur O -ts, ,uînuîu-îî mtgrilu; utal tatt and !althougb theua luia of pimsl ofns -iiln irýi; fIiý thons lmu et-ry rtunv aluuahme u-Il 1-us Ilu vlIiIlt stiti(luisiiatptit t 'l 'h-me tien.tae . nan utIy b; t. eapidiîtura i, I1il i ' Ii - t ~iuitullttlm i 15l In of blondoniumd ition. hi,'i s s-lI ldi--t-t-,-,'I Ii lle cai nehiutt, If the Iaraftu pi-otleinte tstul tai blar iuhutheliiivymi ,lmt-imuit a uiltuillg tielpute un lIme sc fth or ite dotuomiua- tin i, luit,,v ie i tîo i -suit niI lionor thelb. asui l ui oot arcuîstamii l ,,. ttI ttt-iare I su t1ie fortan, i tub r-tut ta tb. iden 'utheo . nthea u Iuut m-i u lii, taiti s tte,thm tit i , I li 1,:;Itu-tu t-omitse ut long ;i-Ors IxulhIiiili,se -inan tfli' 'htimuh n lmii mi I, g t-tl brt-ugt-l hile il i-uiisto,i ofstu f 11-coul i l t til II tj, ai neotllpoaesr. For' unt îuri-s pant Eîtne lm k:it h Imltli l ItII umr vî,-it nMi land halutin t-leu I vimh nmims- lut iitiutsh iituu lu tt. inlit-'i 1- w'ur, touast tut tt uumbu re ilutugeteti b> i iilýstue!î"imti S-ii îaî'îIII IIs herie If. m1lt tl im. blite, um" i îmîuî-ît snîî bIl ratuiraih tbe gainumuofu t Imîmnrcb mu- ii hi te -It l'-tu i e lutud Co an a-itthuee t-uttaît empire luio a seunes im nm saiî nuit of lls powner.t-Shamoi lnui leroi, lent tla ha mptuhumît on littloud fut "qiorPlie lit-lut, air aund for duil> irî-u, mr bas nthe , iuhi-. uir lu ti t-Ils itl rei lne irsoute of tlima pi-et- asich wun aun Iiii iiimnii I tu-1it, i l ..i tilt- a lier siatonlea? simil ilt i tiii g u' ti uuiuuiu ,uId n,'ail te tli-a pos-rs twhiCh atunii t h. andl o hurdlultimuitIith nutîmmu hum of logther aliter Jmuparîms s t-tory tutur China tilum iuutu'îus,tvre î1isiuhhî y stnilpel %as n tai thart ElahusI'a lulumt a-iller ili juumjI ll.î- îuî t-umîîî ' hînu- mîtbis min>, rnur. anti Il asarcuosu,î lonti-at ut i.t-n i-ittu I-n thiln IIYil utj lud- idie, unr avIlIlte; uî(il îefuir lueir muî iu t IL11,11 - mIo ît-m i îjutt, Il isu- nluspirit the: ectiicIlantI l s î Ii îi-t ttl-t hl mii tt or (ierariisu , Itumasm ansd Pianite a ieuh toi)ilIut i) litilit- lutii l tui Ol (.d Itl venritue- gainal riheua mn uuaenun Sue, t-i l'Ilt- TIi,tffiut-igrt-rli, andi bkngand-wllhîlb itue uit O l umi uiti-lesR u--ltiaiiu iiitI- titi- tIllet t- hi't a. of i lin he oasrid as 1h ils tentai-les, lmt-lnoluut-fit- tII hutt-a fuir ttiuut lutin 'NI; ilrearnts ut Cernua ut-s t-ng cleanr- liait- 'liIi hm'i uilt-îe iuuleullt 't- bfare nie the nar andthe limesututt->of th'. a-uitomutIhe rdtten 'itesut-rtfut our titrer great uiliiisa-Csermany, Francs îiîaiii itIttouit tud litissatu-ver Englun. nti si t ranbu ripprtiooniauit oftheImaPossasuione of the lirai iteasfinlus mrenit of thisi, iglI In lt mi t- it i-Iuiht-taun 5tnctttu tms-t-tl.'li-uattlimiiient Cexput-isstes rgt-it i Ftor'se-verni monts, Prof. WiIcY, 'henilt Ci teAgrirlttut'ab DePnt' ment, bas been cenduetinut expeibentIl ho daiermîue an-but efft'et pr-atervaCivez ased lu foots and ibevesrat-eahavetapota lb. butin uplans, oUi of the Ivelve mOIt ung men'otltOCii te "d rut- equti' ton" shom- 111 effet-ta froin entini thlb druga uted as Ireservneasoue or bm-o of tthietiaror itheipvert-e of a tesldo-n, Ibut the idetuily o e mn- her, ofthCie "poison a1ain larouceal- Pd. The tenulis ufthIbe experiment. show noseaof te ireservativeu fare daadiy, samîsItgte-ifluîniiîuîtloîu of thse di- gestIve ot-t-su. This experinaent tonde ho explen a-m- tslb. pola o ynterle foloiho-nt ltee atnIe-of cann4eal@gonda. bIsut. uofthe". txperimenle m-Ib h. mituepoubilielu a ebhort lImp, tut pend- higt-heb.pulivtulou tby Sc-retany W'leoiProf.t tIli'; whilhut dîgisatbuhe îujsu Al lth' fond iasu brepti t-cuI n tIt i tuet ibhi Izigandi hy>gletle tauon. AI it-st ictîsuatua-t putliut) Chut'fussi asl ittunt tae ail ita bn-o-lua h-lu ubsit asa tolirpd.'l'ite effet-t outt u ttitthe ut iff f ts' aq utu anhua. toitîaclua tinlIy hegzaîuI l eel ut thei lutst ot fui, i-t ti Iuo uitîtisxl "1

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