~I* A 'a io asTRIRD IN flakta-NiEra Day Liul 'W ut.ahioddutl. ite tour Stahe la - wesern wiist ble. Kana Ne Ma>altahea oDakiom iavei t a msete i t urs-iai uiaothier h&~ mtbande a l te h" ehat lthe ismlui uualli attenat &thinle harest mal ha avldeti la lb. about la hain BCd at bO. lu Bosh or Nebraskalias ara0 alebuxILaina Lalaol, Nil. -il Oakc*$ lavarana parla of lie lit e lateiabons g eisaltila ilarga -4 es my san* Tiie 8.11 la fn- ,a1 mdfat h- avrTdrlnlaMdeuean ~aswhamt gmra Whs-e-weeà" .Muet fetv u ttiatloanheure teeanier 4eaalagoaithe ieat, i. n mbeti iy 6s Mata bteu la Kangem. tatimOaià ass t lebave eiau iuuaw ed he i »grtomu sianteCh atveal bande vitI Cie -4 a aguada lte thepointas ieitct fina -* th lire agrn Statua. .T e liras- 1w liant s-lB'nexf receve attentin. 'Sua dÉ. et aborer bing Crcihi helami laNebr aka"@&nahl oftplan apctl« ot USêIOMOiiirit ila plan. ehs t eama ube1.the.Tbre Piinel- _Y. clb ar titiNational Lag00 nOs- W L W. U 168Tult. ousc . 2288 10 21 Kantoa C.t- ..24884 bai s-u:'ve fW. Ua.e 36*1 evlani ....la29s-a .mt4 2Ise an it eaC ai .3u'.5 .mita. -vautgta e'obo a te mle ut lb. maetic s-h» jrie s-ame Por. Eib ~14s 14,Mm da. Wis a a4ne7ar-ma s-uinlesa 0s4dA" -at*lad W&s-c iie 0 l5 a ath* ab - t~ie emnpllne ratemepeplie 4t~Wael 04lie mulng -e orat atiAcdentn im ca aenttmanc ie. gîtintipim dotptbml1thi$aiau. lmcra uimci pal a'n the paeuge«rh,1 amila ie &Wit n..Daielmmtrpity a Boblar Atm rive.As-ai no fat ms e iebis-lthe me lawit a af.1m exloalon avatefor Ma-or à ttilanl ta. o, ivIg em Bhat liai ip«m an Suountiicrntanteff.. ne linulmaY.Dio-etiee. RC namie Rus 1 âmdl4, aynUe w an eted tyanli gï, ametlbtheomint elnonape on Gar.in. B@dand lonefa m aMrînattnh UegendSclounttun. OabmtpLiley. et Os-cùgtubora, K., ilat nal ilale csethiearemipslice a Wmuer bâagti 17.lanal athlS' s- inoidluate remon.s wha ssai i Mtg lira etsIMM et a A. insu bles-iti alarted inl a jcs-- -ary tore naintel lta alire s-iich de ebçyI the mata part ut stamua. Cal. 1» e lesalî te ta hle montdetructive &re la thi ltMrY oinîathern Calior- da e lmlareacbitu 80,0 sli hlit- Igentmaa Usa sinter ViaCher. At lutenuitt noa-ahanaragetiID zk#R. Mont. Fritai. Tic montin aiacoverla nis-hiCe..thougi in te _M»lezatbc os-melCed as aut s aittel!. inaint -lilieveal tri lterentms-mîîl ma tliengtMmnteaig. mal resot f» ep &"mariflf rit A-M.m saigial taui eluon P. lBen- M116 *09 10., i« Rama i.Cty. iminli MU.ffl 30PMary Doei&»d lien a$bot la ssy Roosevet mil 'FabtuuiwAme choses if aikao: ALL (JIT AND DRIED. 140 0111r Comitea Cae Scier, the Republlcas Ceavumon Ruiaitreil a Roll Cal, but NeMI', natta, Wm. Unums - - ainhomii et talacit, Beatar -Donliv« endt -Lsser Llubtae UrtOtteches- PactyîtaCanviala, fteut hiCa telian. te BRaginet Ouae. Chicage erraspondeeee: Nomination ai Titiadore Roosevelt fat Presiten B enatat Chtarles W. F îrbankotpa 'niana foc Vice Preai-. dent appolulment ei comrnttem Cae Botlfy bot of theu nomination, mut! the. eléetion at Georg B. Cortetîou ne ebakwannetf be Republican National Cornutlte. on Titrsday brougitl tean clame th. proceetilagaoet te tirtmenth RePaittictn national convention. The atiJoujrnent of th. convntiola tiitei. -the- beiattats tt-ie.snUuta IltIcal campalga of 190L. Tiheat ara- tanla ltheIi.Repeitmai parti s.et. numbercMa meng tCoieelecleti t0 spreïti Itaitical itiota arnng lb. del- fltim anite 1oarke a o~tnat meipalgn titunder la larreeciuata was laufchial tu h nomilnation aspeches bei are tb. cooventiosi. WIth et-ez.' eont.ted detaUl adjuzt- ed h. S.pbuicqa ceonventIon, mter sclattvadaim otai aue éum aona. bit uethlOg ta da,eçcept te go hrougit Ramerait et 14ev York forrresmtentit and.Obarlia Wdw bt Nmia etalà lu dlana far Vice irsaltie-Titiplatý . form.b.d bea titptidthCe contesta for Individuel amala b.d beeu aotltid Cie olber candidates for Vice Preai- dent b.d benu -t*drt"'-uanal pit- lng remaineti ixcepita mate i aou- laallng apoteeha" ant ecbaice tic MMr ItI .or ldnol% , tb. -nuty out- apokea competitar of Senatot Fair-1 ban"m sho a d ani' chane af vie. tr,.sVas wIhbdrasn t rom te fight ah bis a roqiunt. Thte ater mner cdiaEfolios-ad mlt, ad no h. asituation gaadual sele tie lef ta te point s-ber. ouynaminatIng speechies se lefI ta occupi' the attention oi the delegetea. Former Gavernor Blaci ai New- Tork madteh speech nomnatIng Tte- adore Roosevelt fat Prealdet tift te -United tiSllom. Bies-uafolIos-ad la aeondtaa aicbem lii enatar Abert 3. Bes-u ,lge Indiana, George A. Knigt'd iforW.Marri BIIIIs-el Hais-ant 0fGiOrga, b aB.lttas af ilnesola adti Barry &SCpniiilaa ai MaiTiauthe Ctalatter a hlek«rof fl. c0oria péoapta. Uuder the u'14a4roul cal wsarequirai whlch sboad, thCi nominatian ta ha itlirman!oia, afler vhItcith inadmiadmirera ai lb. Prcildant gaveftoi ventItateIi un pos-er. Ev.. before the word "Racuver" s-4a ullereti liiGaveimnarBlac, Cie deltgates s-... on hir feet. braclng thitmaitrie for a demnuaratian. Tii. Nes- Tortallegation wsuth. cent.. Oi thei noua. andvue e veri devie tnown la ,xcttment invItors ta keep nP tCh b.ring orgies.WiCli -the op- P.aane of te ittge Cr-ao aiolita OEXATOI FARBANKS. l'refidaut ter, s-eut up tram lb. main floor a voclmirar titat perbapes-mmo neyer equaleti in a political gatberiug. New YTork led lb. demontratlon. The eventj-eigiit delegates trams ltoevelt'anative tta tartedth ie burraiig, but a00n tligi were mer. apecta ln thte panorama af fluttering lgaMand clamortng clans. L.aplng ta, titir chaire lFti-Toniiers ent ap a mlgbty about and diung titeir mlli Ciage la lbe breeze. Il wj tii, signal for n outburpt. Tii. band had b.. ton ta pay nt te outait. tut ils straluas-e.-.drus-ned - out. Murn lungs compltely aquelciied oi lnUo meula. ai bgma&- silma.ed- s-te- bave brob« eno la the.posat Clla.- veuwsaama aaaq uepw 1of C former Benalof Tboata :ter etf Mou. Wlten lb. raIl omît et the, talma foi the. vie.eaideattaini ,'oatléa a sr bagu Alabama, pame etibr elgitite snageot -n tem, mon-'t0 loand an- 0f aloi bollîver. arnItia 'itiris-litti oe q> plauma, boak hei.plalforité, to noiate CitarliWa.n Falnbanlta.Thei.oa, theelpàtormïnnrn f gl. aalmse- end ln vlum, teat olwlilcltfollos-et Frank I. B laci'snawing Ofi Ronaet, Tii. rail cai for the «vice pçeaietlal siomination wu% dlpenwct Wiit. anti raîrbake axmmmdielte unnng mat hi acclamin'on. AGI 0F POLITICAI. PARTIES. D.nacuatic Party nm sa 17M8 Fitty y.arm age thlu QmuMnhe ti.R, pubiema parti wsa.bora. Authotrittea differ u. ta the exact dtet.a" lPlace Of tic birtii, do,11,lemabecaae teCion taiof aati-lavçry $apie *-op progr.malIde- prudeutly in variomm paru thetiroua- tre at th, mame ime. Tiie lemoccattc parly. wit morne changea ta the name. date trom 1-92 Then t s-au known as te Repubci party,anad oppometi the Federallmasunder thc eat! af Hamilton. lau118 litmumum- cd te Rame *qemortie.ualtubinin. b) . wiilciiit ii. .1111deignatat i laice pltfarma aff'rcmman7 ln Ncew Taxi Tie lart, divitiedinta1=2.'andtheiaOP- popnet a (n. Jackson graduall tarin- under -the.nain, et National Rnepableani 1Tiie'parti' in pawer ult.ately dropti.d thCii..d onRepilbieau, anti became ainply the Dimocmatie Party, a nain, s-ui t bas evr a ce. retniied. Wlicn thc slaveryIlue tel,C ac Party ini'i8'tlm *tlt% t"I la 1854. lie anme Republcan W s-me lected t la said, inthei hope Uit Il vouIt! appeai ta the anti-clavaiytumera- bers of the. aid D.pioeratl-Republéau amd Naliopal itepubl"cn Parti-a Tiie Whig@ dit! nt.appear in auna- tioaleletion until 18M6.Tii. Part s crumiietiandi disperacd ity its defet in 1=5. end a a. uceedeti bLUi.Amer, ican, or Kn-Nothina. Party. ,Thte Ah- ol"ti laaanti Free-àoll.r9. under v i-rt oua naminci.oriçatiat! naminated enu- didatia for Presldent hets-can 18M anti 185«, sheu tiie new RIepublicau Parti enteredthetifieldth -liJoli. C. Freinant au ICm "standanrd beacer." ince 185 ten or ifteen nes- partis have art.... liveti a shile andti <lcî. Non, of thcm cave te Praibitlonlat parti bas survlved mare than tiire. pres- idential eleellona. lu 11160 .lbt par- ti"i atrove for te prealdenci. Six of them talledte ta -Saàasingle electorai vote. Iadeed. ine Lncoln'm sendnt electIon lthe People'@. letter mos-n n the Papuliat Party,.làtahie auiy -thur parti" wblcbuhn mceedèt inluciooina »Fr el.ctars. DENIEO THERI WA8 A GOD Rtenierei lieut sad Délebt' Thi, case, ai St Jola»Rentre.Whvi I la clalined, s-q medce«lensd dumb sh-liobîproleute lehaoicaboold acaia mu lagnaetlc antil lie "receveti meace aigu frn m ec a s-woulesti bhlm ta itdileve Chut tea sna Cati lu hbeco" la ali e rumtiug no amml &Mount of-lu- lcreetaimaeg Chu Pahou airCbiesgo. .. Tei*pyilciens mai ltatIlItla due ta itiaterlè, s-hile Mnai O tlu laictenU thini Chat Ilt sna direct lutignat front God. -, Thie atari ai thc casa le thalt Reafro andi t-e cocupaplonas-aore pimylua carda lu hlma-raou s-len Uihe-convrtation- tout a., religionsttuun. Rentra satid te bIs comntjaiema:"I s-u als aei aChilt, 'but baeve meq reidhag the s-aria oaIn- germaIt and stualingtar1ieoipby. se Chat ml liellef ho@ bien miai. Let Goal prove Hl pas-atItf eHa any. Let Hlm tle as-ai my maght mi speechati, mi bearing anal heu 1 is-Ill er.." Aiment itefore hh iicpoken tevarda liq. tell Ca theulicamenccoua. Pbymi- elans s-eu aummoneti anti at furt it ws-a tonghî Chat ho wsn hamiuig. lbut an tCier ex.ahinâtion tiiey decided Chat lie waa tentpormrSly dea t! ndntýb. Repart aiflthe affeir reaceltev. Mr. lecai, ai Moodî'w chuebh. sho évent et onc.Catec eeuteSmaanti liftec a long conversatioui had heen canciti on hi pend! aenalpapar thec min!ater hecame couvineed titt le condilltinai Rlentra ws thé. direct, raai a àmiracle. IRen- tre s-a canverCed enmuaidti Cat be voul mtnalyfor th. mlnistuir amdihecamo au et-angemet haplua that ibitulicocit mnd hearing s-aald ha ruatareal Ce hlm epan iiet.atlng op Cthe s-an af tliéminlutri. Rentre aiese the hame ai hlm parenits et Shrerepot-t, La.. end intentia ta 'luegia et ou..Ma lvpbit aufor au- tening teCi tiiitry. - Proe er.mmniNe,. The. peopleo ai -tarlnd ibav-e eceut- Iy teieatid a compulsari voting propo- a. M. Bgsytett, ai Ritbh III. Mo.. bin bien elecleti citi superinCeodent ai melînais for Las-Ian, O. T. Idis* Mande Fealî, of Denrer, Cala.. ha.l ulgueil a cntrsct as Ilitila oan s-iCi alir HenryIrlving for nait umamon. typtoa Liii, to ilî aode ai Cie lbst tknasn ls-blaI. nenc*ts ou t es Ciy. s-lire it hal tîret for- near>' bai a century. die:; cudteni tui hmea, TheS'ulynîuiet!lbady aofte vie. tlans nf Cie Iraquois aire lu Clcgo ws-a burieti ai Montrose cemetery itîti ta Inscriptilon an thia caseTlPlée nknos-n. Dec. 30, 1900."l1 Colonel <Chariot P. litt. 01ains-l- field.,lit.. s-» Tinradai'appointed chfit of the lire stock departmeu afithe Wortti' a Vir. CaemcesalP. 1D. Caburo, et Kansa, roulotta. Tbe National Ammuclatian ai Vehemai af titi Meams-an s-h itotilia esnite tannfls si agt i t Loua. DIS.. an lSept 15. anti an tie ospoaltIola graunds st MtI. Louis, an Set 16,190N. The Pope iaat-dmeiltii.dtrulmction of the vlasiausl a et heVaticis heaume the Wsen, llnalcair la wathla.n. e contilireIt becab ti I. diguiytu Coapee- utate an ithe produce af the mpome $or.gt- denié. î Vretienlek Nelso. 70 îit-aar Ila veiîitby iatiit- living nr Nt. Clau4, Xiiiui.,utatbedti hlm -e ta déimth, imet aime tn taie hott, anti bama andti leu hatigpd Illuîmet lg te rcalte ofaithelat- ter iUltdng, utabng hImai 'a h tci-at. Thei c-ua. tor tue trigéliy la net . Pt heidi. tee spit anm, Ilin icanoghtit nlit. Lana. gnsi Vincent ereia, smat IiR.C. RéKera. àa mner ai th5 ta obumu a. tional remmailtas, te eu e aiou m.Dhu Mf01S b tle of Tqqis I b 1PPSWe to te eRuelsi slai prt Ati , ï'b" ttbîy roSniidbttbotafur fqeiL.'$Me% the place RbOWud fait tD* ehipa ibon lailte barbr mit >ottu bé,maÉwq.ire or denâW'oI& A ccord- inglthé iiuaca¶-te admtiri detet- UIU*'U' Aký*a mn for t Andi eti dit 3bw-ç or emape. EIris Ifo iii 1 tlgblija hWprobabli would lnJurb'tii 44pam" miig. Tog<r ptrol, wblcitdoie't Uwinte bave jet qfamtyortheii.Rumalaun1nae. à" Mm i~tpe lit reporte t Cat on Tues- dey ladt a ilarge part of the. ttiaclan ileçt bati toved InCa te Otber eltrgeOc of port> Aftiur. Togo nt t um guétiiiiii tiietaet olewould b. attetaptei afte? lgittal. Tiien the Japenencit- mander moveti more qulCkLy tiAtaheii ][taisa, I)arknems tell, bat betore tthe Itumlaahaedai-WW uder'wui7tii0 -Ja-p"e"tftpdo 'aiU haderuslsd In. munit *it ?.reaîet. anti disailth ie Titi permiet was one of te Ouest RnMal..n mderm warmhlP6, bavlng A dimplmement of 12.0-é4 lana, a apeetiOf 18 kuo anud an armament 0f..four 10 nch, ileven 6 Inch. and i pxtPen a neb guna The Sec atopol bas a ton- nage of 10,060 ton%, a mieidt i17.3 kntota. andi a battery of tour 12 nch and twelv .98.Inlch rifima UP te date Togo basmlet ot .baffle. ilp. tiie Hatause. anti one crulmeÈr the youitn.. Tao ffget tiiefe loamea ob ia lietd tbe followlng Injuries opent lte ahisani: Two da," &fier lbe War ~beffan- b toped o 'hosto ev@ee4plu" jur*'eti l.battleilps Caatevillh and Rtrsan sudte ruler Pallada. The folio"ngdey te RunSian teet swent ouit toabttle, but-s-a. cam eledto are- Amitoti an Novk. The mare daY the gunboat Korlets inti titirulmerargwere destroyeti at Cbienipo by Admirai Urlu, one af Togos rhiot leutenants. ýOn.Alvil 12 Togo .owetifte waerm antslde Port Arthtur s-lu minet anti on te 131h lie left an uprahecleti ct-iser mc a bell la tiras-the liclana ot Tue Ruslana tellloIto te trat anti came otbut wat-he lfull Jmp- anc.. aquadran compelled i tein la e- trcaltti> truci lhe ilédeti mines. Thte battleablp Petmrtolrtt -ai' unk it-Ui early aIl on boardi andtheii 1'abietim eet-et>'Injureti. Bat-h luI My Tag uceedeti la hie tit-i Haoon aettempt . lin. mit-ebaxil miipa adon s-Iit slouee sumuni lu lte Otrancetethelb ambor, preventinig tbe amiPspafrom wSitlu ftram caMlng Ont.. Asmo as mc heeobatacica veto placeti, 'te eecntiandt hirti .lpan«eiarmiez ruaietatipon helr tratsport#andati er. Ianateti one ah Pistevoa aitv, Port Artuixr, andte tberaCatah Takuahan. Laier tbe Rassisaemanagedt lhos- out te obstacles, bal Item ir et bat! bita acuntralle etah Ce crilicit mmmnt -ban te tranmportes-et-e On te %ca. Future bitori' îeeOrding Ibee ex- pli s-Ileuroîl lte Japaueue ameCoa Togoasna ilgite h bieat on Japc short ilst aifgt-ict naval citptstlns. 'iti tho heglning aiftes-ar obcrvers madete o nltate of belIevliîg Ihat Togo ws a Japattute admIraI. He Ia net. He la a militani' genlus aoflte sot s-iihit-butelo'rn l te tnnal@ ai ani' on caunat-y blazes amuasu titi Pagea af IimIt>'. Japon bas on!>' oui The map showsm sbat t.e Itusatlîn knowaorCithe panmos aillon on aut. The Japnée OoUlpoS arme s-tUiliAa tes- tales of Kalelao. Behindt ten sm>i.sherc ,or aChat limaen n ay vitlcitapparyecomtîof tbm fat-cea s-icit (;eu;' NoaleU unded ti t ru- sban, Uniedti sli a part aiflte force. s-bl eh at. Oki laittittialloce Port Actitun.Mai o ltcf 0kitm iaimuet mtut hea tslngla tité environs of Portl Arthtu.. <titors-Iab. go-Sant tconît ernerge tram'- Chat place anal relta Nanaban bll. Tieftit hat the av-orts af Cie bât- i oi Tellamu ws-eamgnedIV hjOtu doua îlot Intlcfate liat tit U giermitati Wtlîdasn hie «fart ls objectiva -Part Arthtur t-.l mtelkely méena tial Cthe Japenuestaff vanta ta Muië moetis@bebattis cf Telissn. Notimu Iptita firet nanan i hefour Jnparmoe genecala, Otn bafugSeCond, Anti Rue ts-i hrd. Allers te», titel:» orale are thoe s-. 9*14 rmbeaii.ta- *Mga rte S M Ogemi ecaulit la 1»" i a vola Ibt C>In fim bu For wMetjqu lte jApiiuê,. prUulon tbat Kurobi Iltitd#t wA aro tid 1*lianofh .Tt*rafore tIo:S rprobabIte litai: ha never'at oui tint *etualaçl u R. OlmteutaO. we 'Numba a"m i ktwég4 t wl~ a Lieut (4u.a.Skhar l "Patch cen- 'Orme the. beléfl thav Cbe,4g7t. et swol battie of the 0la#6aM.40balsce Oa.Lu mttls'lat'tOi art» cund the armai.. of 0ïeita.KuUÏÎÏÎ mati Otu la Inulnt. The tItre. tarte..probabiY agtate M00 ,peu Adti a outpoats are la1-b u i aime theii Une. The' lapAntes evidatir Cred te dOW: -Kwtopatkln ne-ftrinut as powabie, holding eut si, an lbcentive a giwet thet iadvance ni.Ohu'smdmins amniî. Meantirne 01w u-oagaairp t >li te attward ta Johi Ru-miS toward 1*0 Chapen paca. Kiuoki at thte ma1"atint movlng a utrog force iiithe. riait Saa routard Haleitng. Tiie Main lapa.... advame t nu "long the. main Puis-Wang Chfina liao- Yang rond. avoidini Ctie Mao-Tien Peau lis a dat nr ta tii. nomtthwar& .%%ad- vce Lauilpont lbeng attended by Co01natnt .klmniiinIF Nothli li nown. of tae exact point Onts-bih Karopatltla main force ladonc.ntrmted. thongh St 1a belleviti that a large part of th.eLima- Yang force bausheen movedtIL aPeint b.twaeen Kin-Ohm. and Ta-TeitaO-Ko Accordinata a àdiapatnit tramTm-1'cia- > ian a laretomfarc htpuab it ulthwmid, front that place agminat oku. WituI Icu lopathin la thug extendlag blimi. the. Japate, wlth grust mobulili,»M ta ha ý_uriat ticat'm.for elrpa o.tll«_ th t heiiilamfnC B.fank mnd rear. Viceroy AleaJeff'C meamma. with 'lIe tbrief diapateit tram Rear Admirai Wltii- ai t. ,aval cogmmander. et Port Arthtur, tItrasa tIle addltionat lgitan lte mea talu. sli t e mne eretn. a athe. gen- eral public. 1%e kmtomaaith ree veamalaof the. Port Arthur fleet la admnitt abu a mevere blos-, empeciltl If ot Perchasb- ed by greiter lama ta the Jupanete thin ireportuil by Vice Adniral Tao. Tb@. ateagerueca af thereports la greettyi Ys- tiiyiug the anithot-ltii'm s-lia cîuttne ta belièe e hat her. han been a laer iglit s-iIch hemnulo yet heen rep.icCed. Thece la a belief tlîaf Ie Villiiuogtot aquadman puCta eas aturîlîi' adI lllite- ly ta b, next Seard afinlutCe Korean atraita.- At-eoril'tt lateoet atiace, Kuropat- km I. et Ta-Trie-Rua, pere4ouclYinl commauti. TSiepremence oa istemiliteri Attache. am ni appicorcespondenta. Ile alan coumîderet'i mgnîicaut. Tiie ouI- paite are llu oucit 11 Along Che lIi. W Neismtu BniIc. It Ià eparted hah Balsart! F. Milait. te correspondeat of, ;he LondaunMora- Ing Post s-iCi the Jepa-en tal, s-as klieti at Wmfanatien. 1 l. 3. Mitillon. Cie AmmocaltPeam camnipaudent s-li tii. eRuamimo boa- quartersarca-Liaoîant, lu. Manchuria. died eSnai t rain enterie dymeaei. ' Couaet Tolsto, In e ten-column article ilt te Landau Tlmes. scores the Ituaian goterament for hriWgng On Che s-ar andi thaccera e Ci.ein,a s--wet uler, s-ho la being ticeilveti nonstanîy. LaCer detalta af thie neaa battle off Part Arthur shas- tiat the Japaneme tan- pedociboatadeied tiie lioadaldea ai thi Itumalan fieet snlliug baîli p lattie bàttleaipoi anti launcbiltei eînhapedaei s-lUi deadlî effect., A dispateliftonm Toila salm itlalmte- portedti Ciel notbec Rumia bttleiltip ba baen diacat-ereti trantiet off TIger lIon,. Vlaeprentemite Me a s-reeked while eturna gta Port AtIlumatter Uic ecent nat-al engagememt- itoath Ce Rilogiau anti near Tatibekiole rePOt-tealIluet-.]Petersburg, but confirmation calinot ha obtaineal. tJen.- Otua tanrces are sanitu la e s-iî- tiras-Inartrmthe POmiOtiohiey have itelti. bat mltâry expents thînkthis mai con- coal àanmavemeti)n anotian directian. Titi et. PiteMrýS Ng RayaiVten»'a céint gattention Ca h. tatemtnt CisI poan aaume de sopbabn s-mauan e i -C niesta the tillqg aifiUnWaali ontieu et VadMagos-. denlars lism o.athlg muet h'daui, uieltkula teprevia th s-ar degenrating lut* he mienlisa italir s-ithle Japanîmi practlces lidli. Admit-ml Ohtomki anti 750 RnailAa alticera iiam@ie. lire reparteal drevueti lii lie dimsinklicf heRumaunbattleshlp off Port Achhurlulisthfaigt s-li tte jepanio AdmiraI TeZireporta iat tic ituuianu. s-eu pre «a fgfor adacalifor libert h '-hubis torpid bain&s-cnt lu tint!torp@do@d gl ant*auione liattlesblp ant iaiaiîs notiierad a cruimst-.. >-Th.e gnaeliiê liaIbattIsta4h 'esmîcru s-ar la abaut ta ha901toaie' ebrdiag lati terePOrta ft lie front. Ore»nraisOtaand »Xuroil Arec adr.' tag vili hý180,000 mn b- batu' f«ajn- Oth tsamd Ruraathimisfato e ct - lut t. farctselle beterse the ralinyse- lit.~~~~~~~ lepco'Uiiltatr n i nitahetf dead, bmlodzi& laltirea n lajmmdlu ii thisé"«.tiat, S* PDp ealt M8 bioies bave hean rueoveritend ltuit 93 peraiatbaoluteiî hmuasnta 1h&ve bau aboard the veamel are atUl anme- cnuwtal f ebrpglug théi tai ..outit;g or tte dister naeh la 01, T1 e lii.. a jutaianuutalea 171'.mué e tii hraSi ef fnltî 11160 sha enabort-teti o ç1>5* çuni'of aiLt.Marki.Çitorb. but 230 -Oimapo l ititit Ipj44t. Tarpat tii. cmunIt, a a aiu !qry'Ixade #y a CarpteaofIm10 îatroineau nalr i the dl- retian aiflte limiîula. ln ChecoOuâ aI..h tIinquiri inuelivainnble Informa- tien s-ma cutnreti tram mîtrvvoras-hit-h vilS ieinom Ilu te Investigation hi the I)Wltict Attorniey tCa lir he'ré.ponalbl tiC 'for Cthe aatr -Athaougb eéxai nation of thte ii.illhi Caramara(OGor. mtan ndtBerry cand Inspiechar Albertéoc resguite lit ttie diacaverrin thetIimker1 lui shidi Ch.efire atarled of a aumber of bamrea thiebht non"taliteal tecne and l ubrienting ail; Tii, Investigation îîrmoeutd i lthe coroner 1meefta Io ia t e ler Chat the. Blocuin ha.Imben nothitlugbitter thon a daalitrop lot beK-c. The ateaimbant1 camipauy adiaitteil thet mince 180 ot a -single nes- litepremervermbat enutu- ehamitifotareCii Scuin.(Gon. Dtmmont heati of tie United tatesdm.tesabout iu- spection ser-vic, for te beor iNew- Yorkt, ammerta that theicr1e aofCthe averaga gond Ile irmerver le six Yinn. Pt-ami. dent Barnahi s-n accumeet a] ait il andl ef tying ta deceve ithe oronerms Ijnn su ta Ch. lire premrÏerm by hie tes- timoui on Che lirait day ofithiitquet. Capt John A. Peaue. mupervlluaceptalin '0f the compauy. s-l ia thCIe- bontatatt Commission, bîîîntly adutitted tChat 1C Va. Impossible ta pue-lina. a lîroper aire home, for 16 cent. a font. Thot swau the prire af te carton Ore home tient wonmnlusne ouith UiclocPu. AIl .lutni s-nt ta show ciemrty fChnt noue ofthe- afflcer. or- membera of teécres- or thcie nig-,4md matie the icat effort ta enave llvem au the day aofiithiletr. St womm mioru a1ma tient Uic tulu mentsr of tiihe " to tiras-n.Michael Mi-Gent, teutew-ardt. lied puto n e u fthCie worolhuimmlit- premereca. I)enkhnnîl Join Coakic' ey tiiedtinta h. s-urketi au tie Sloum tfoîr $6.25 a s-eut. Cookîci' neyer xas- a lire dritllan ti. boat anti never -w oltoi y mleur a ,thi nifleeraswheC Ca 'do iý cams- of tire.. Thia mar exploiîte hli. ttemi' Ca lut oCt te blaze by emptyla: baga ut char- coel on if. Pecthanti O'Neilt]lihaitnever workediton a batC befoce hi' p--t on te lo-i. -Hic noual lin. s-a'iCnivinac. truekina oar montmtenthixia." He cas- a lite-bontt 61101 s-îth Peopîle andl jumpe.d toto if, mithougli the Otan it charge wacned hintChat the, hoat lied ail itf-ou!lîlold. 1ihen O'Netill jumped inl lie capaizeul the biimt.'Chres- mîlth Cl.people ihua taie ater andti lîu s-macsaore wlthonttCr3 îng Ca tcmviani'- body. He explainedtieCht Cher, ver., otiiera ing Chat ana lihe wonaflt mn exptert simmer. Tisa ero a îî ever sec. a aire driil on Cie boat. 'If Choe had bien on.eI1s-îulti bmve been inuiW' It woma aiiwn Ctietauraivittime s-ut mîglît otiicwiacihave ecî-apcti are drawu Ca the bottum b he iswsortiem lite prî-acrveru. Afler alUilm ao ne umit cUPPOme tient the (leurrai Sium swcn a grat"uaqt freait amour Uie crait of New York bat- bar. on the contrat-r. Cher, I. everi ceanao ta billevtient ahie ws- areer tait mnt ofihem. That luas-haC lends smach ,*a drccdful i sguiliccce ta hem fat@. Prui- ,dent Ronsevelt han recogaleedth ee mfima- img oti t by orting Chat hi.reafter au amm andi a navat oacer @halllie. atdeal t. te inapction bard naexpert. iý- MN'V TEAERS MUET. Nata«.i!Amaaclutian Opres m Vir Tha.-d Cn.ma tmetét. Ln. 'TAI,fatyti.d &anal conventionofa- the, Naioa dicatîonal Associatin tarmn!iy cîinvened Tuecac et taie wocîd'a fair grondin l St. Loiués-lien te lirt of te gi-nemI sgexekînt wam cmli- eît ta onîler in l"extlvat Hall. Liti-r Che mi-cittnof ithe.differeut edtinattaalde- parhua-fltis-eWgonvenetilli varîiius hlit tlîcougtîoutxirounds, the w-hle concti- tuting thle geucral convention aiflice as- sociationt. Au the, mcjortty ai the educittora taîleti ta regîcter upon arrivaI. but s-eut direct-' ly tram th, Craina ta their varlonas ltop- ping places. it ta tnt definitely kaown lins large s-mante atteutiauce, but it ia knowu Ctienmany thuicaudu aipersans caine ta St. Louis otoheliexpress Purmas. at attendunth Clionvention. Festival1Hallhemas a eatlnj Capaccti af ahout .500, but bat th all bien ceveraltime. au large it vaua nt bave accommodatel thc cros-d. Educatari 'ram everi portion a h utdSae and alunifrém abroat! coattutei Chie, veut Chrana tient endeavoiedta iut en-- Crancc ta the hall. ad the musical Pro- grain tuat s-cm rtcuged sniprelimluari ta' tiie convention w-u on btinueti for saine aime miter Cthe hour oet la arder ta pemit Ciie tieegatea la arrange Cliemmeivea coi- fortelily- o nid aodrb The convetiont -aclet aodrb precident JohnW . Conk. ws-lei.preel- dent of thie Notthemu Illinoics fate Nor- mai School. DeKalb, 111. He introdurei the airut speaker. W. T. Carclugtoi, sle- ertîtteadeat of Public instruction of Mia- souci,s-ho veteotedtihCe educatora ta St. Lais. andti ate expoiti. A sec- oand atidressai welcome ws-a madie bî C. M. Woodward, prealîlent et Ch. St. Louic Bard or Bd ucaion. .The. next cpeaker s-as F. LonusSoltian. Plnperiuteutieut ai publCIc nstructioni a1 Si. LouIs. White Mr. Boîdmu ws-neaI- ina bMayor Rotin WellsuRa t adeatt L. 1IL promncla entere t he bail. Mayor iWel s-wau introticeti next anti seicometi the educatmu. Thte Icmpeo ai AnsaCin lman expert entbroidere-. Tiie King ni Denma-khbmas collec- lion ix o icda' oUa s-artl r751000-. M. Sienkiewicz. Muet tfumena t fPOIIt aultata, la eujliaa hlm thîrd honeymoan troter activit ai n - s-amen. appaîsi Itulilit-irilait miltlia.W14oe ' ale bouanesllath1e" esse district report haavy lan1.dulv"Iïmthi ta'Cluj6ï anti itou lunhaut dinitài.Aù la liaI eenter tramnt ttbutat7 u 811a9bit fait intatiot truite anald MOtihlitaio course, by dialurbA» lu eOtt~acontenu viteri johiteta gIt noulnea a decreame comparent s-Iibl yearm ot'ders. - Thé volume airibusiness u inte NOlaî and Nortâwtsin lamaterliaiasw tue* et 1Wh&0.But. es elawlre te "s proacli of a PreMituCial eleclion. vWtb lte feeling taI gemiet trade' M& elacteneb ave bain effective in~c tlctlngoperatlane la varloue Inide trIe..WSit ltee ramlli opeffu te lasa about te ct-opa. distributioni et reclian!lmc ha. bein expeilti a"i sentiment materiallyilmproved. Cl. tections are atili. slow, and inlu l n.lghboritoud ai Baltimore*ttey aub< aL illlng off toc the s-tek., In -Paa- - aYlvauia1the sme teittenci item bisa St LoUis terrltory. sitasmop weli. s-lUi activa dry-gSotir trati.mu and b« ordere for faIS telireMes. .Boots andi ,A#éO&tW iUmiW àle' elm i-th blieu quatleé .0 a eiIgsail. A litge a- nema bau bien donc' ln bta. capisandi -Millîtacridut-in te wer-k- TIie lebor situation laeilecidetiui bei, fer. Tie tie-np on lbhest-cnt lakea. wie baite been *9 long a dimaitroue bintiraunce, la et an end, anti tram nos- an te Indumtries ticet cuffereti mont train lie bioctade are lltely ta b. un- tuali active. Tiiere la airu-ady a t-et ruait ai s-amiet the docta. a»4 s-ii, Itniaî nat b. posaible Ca mai» goodtheClSommes cuaCtaiti.lthe nct r.- suit oif te atrite rney average a smmli or falitag off li h' total volumne et itusiness doue titan ws-mmfraItfeariL Tite striktu machinias ti re etill out et Chicago. but lthe lix-tout la te mita Indtia Iovar. Revival oaI nv-entaient bnîtng aI boudu ban bien tithe ttace ai prinek pal xignlglcmne. ln New- York. luveat-' are i lu lpata aithe country have ment ordera for itigt-cîmaa ecurittei. anti lit, tieanti bas been aullcettly itroadtia justiti the beiet Chah s-ICi te relegs mte cJnay dtiient! fan" nexl s-eek a great eiI f urlus cia cp. IaI s-IlS ha permanenCii inveatei. ThIM week's demanti for bouda lu New- York btas been cili for t.e 4 par cent M.- mues melllag &roundi par. IL G. Don' & 0&'s C1i ft.s-skly ravaes-o ai eai traie am": Tite meamon la nos-Sain vSdecc sbcn t-ad, currecte te expicte te tamove More abs-hi' fer a btlef ertad. Fachary repaire bave le b. atteadtiea.entaulana eisiottd vacalionsammoug s-acteraandtitere are labar dispute* whleu require, ,prompt treltmeat. but theitelanatit. - ug toýa dicale tttgn..- nl vili enteropen te iast i aiCote, Is-ar lu cuy s-ai uertoymIy Inpedul. Thte week'u t!evelopmetm have hein Important lu steel prodont ami job- bing sales. buyiua lu bath Ciet. branches exbîblig vider 'activity 1basat upon confidence la the outîcait anti proapedls fam lucrencet! ectvy. 1Crop couditionsa appezir ho be uioxt on- couctilu. IHarveutliig I. repitiui ex- Iendlng s-lith aahlmtactory remuitu. gond price. are rendili obtaineti. satît ere' ,bacshies-abeau-Sec tors-uculînaoai hau anti provisians. Grain aiîpinata. 2.35,95!9 Itusbete. compareti s-Ih 2413»U>42bumbelu thé previnu s et anti 4.M4,.4-I bumteliae y'iat mgo. Tii.absecebetiderneuiihta bien notabti apparent but neverthoi-î Ian iprices iliaed i tti. change, tb&1- cloalugu nampame iti -lia ws-eutau 1 s-ing a gain lanviteat ai 1 cent a 1bumitel anti a fracîlonal decline ilu aat4 s-bhile comrns-as steadi'. Provimias moiti ireely for bath tiomestic e-andtari. 1elga cau.arnptlon. - andi prlca agate cloieti ilgiter, ln port 5 Me abIarrela t-rlb. 40e anditlu lard 2ô %c. Lis-e utoctc 1receptt, 271.727 heat!. campa-et slite 27515 iead te prevlotia s-et amiC 1321.M90 betda yenr ega. Failames ceportinluChticaigo districit number 16. aganant 261 lent s-ek miii .28 e içar &go. Chicaga-.-Cattle.- cotame a oPri4t Fl3f 0ta 86.40; Itagu, abippinagradCI 8-4.00ta 85.0; aie.P, tairteta clolcei, ta 85.00; ws-uaL Na. 2 ced, Me tola90 coma.No. 2. 5&eta 54.; oai, Na. eZ miî 4. ha 44e; ty', Na. 42,.64e ta (let; "i Cithiy$8».5te11.0; prairie, $600 811.50; butter, choieée enen. lIQ'J 18e; aura. frai. 12 Ca 14c; OMta now, 81.20ta 81.30. St .QLuie-CCtie, $&50 t t80lo q -84.00tCal».40; alieP, 4a.00ca, s-her.l, Ne. 2. #1.0tita81.00; rm f 411. ta 47e; oanleNa. 2i 40e ta 41e,1 ti Na. 2,66e ta, 68le.- Cuhiluatl-.Catle. $4.00 tla 8R. hugla, $4.0te $5.57; mliiep, 82-0hl, $4.35: liteat No. 2. 81.08 taý8. cama, Na. '2auicti, 47e Ca 48c; anis. 2 mixeti. 40C tu 41ë; cye. No. Z Tic Detrîit-Cattle. $3.50 tae 6, hlcg $4.0i>ta 8ý 4.W0; cleep, 82.50 'ta fl~ s-ieat, No. 2. 01.00 ta 81.0; com. J yillow. 48e 10 411c; amI, No. 3 wiiui,. hte 3.iji ZN tW 7.ta-ne3. Mls-uke-Wli.at. No. 2 nontua M5. hoe96&, cornei Noa. 3.4%'.te " acCu, Sa. 2 swhite, Uc te 42c; rie-,Y M16 taeOctbncI,>. Ne. 2. Me5-td or, n" 812-M