d*u eagoti ,may tit»e, but 1I 41WiAJOtan amort te Sel tatht Ona -,ýWharts dt.siri" lnterrupttd the. *dm srasly. '-Da rois béott tour M*r"lu eepýing Jury lti T êllQ..1We llIve 104, tetatIL t Irwa1 iva1irs ttusti h.t ,t', t180 1 . tjtelagbtMeat va1in ' 'oe lteit tao9ui."-Chlcago Tribune. *W-JU tet i ceryrînass ttIl . Lit t ayne>uu itram fiet1 *cda'.dei Pilla7 ev01101,13 DIIete o ImpoaatIse ue i W 4 la s> ise. Al tier The$.B tSU ahhe 10 tibcunaattMri- LSi'oe.Mu r.soranll ctrt by1h At Diauelîaît PolîtM 11à Mgl tat1 e-u are cliagedvit ula askite g avîsmaé= sgfintht Pvl sei se. Ds"@ drujourhui thauethieon!dst lis srttj oDansa ro o nd'a nas ll 1wY Tsutyiwse. At e."- l.. Ze "glytna, bu il tl caretvbî thIboh jerteL" oie Slow- Thos. weeu &o nt Itowaiuws i taie.»Wevrd for V eu ftts rraiut auai tb.e orlby U, catauAv.wleîmataeimvss. oUtiO. ma ts soi hm MLs.=W-ya 4 IT, ai-a X. aI. »nla ofl.0 mm,. assarh are 10 tabtu atteraia aclls dkFy a,1ssutt,'lond sansal mtant uiarisa Ow stas.19,Pria-e ie bus " atl. t"aby a&l 1MUit.Teitimeniîaîtaop. Hans aniltj i'lls are Ie bout. .«Art ia lon." qatdos.thtsentimental am r tthe Art Miaaeomai. 'Yfe.* rajoiîl liar irtist frienl, "anl 1 vish lt. i couM îWlie. truîlafulî aniai De TouraFet Ache end Daim? a pevdî r fua- tht- frt it maha is tât or uli ttteafeel Itear Curf5t isi55, lDsse- Som tS. Iclsa. lt ad v es ltiFoet. At auI cllnints.3uîi i aei. tnlm asmuit menat iE Adarta sap .Olustieal u. Ro. x. y. Atbout thsemise ar IR. When lotislifes inyteria-. Yeuadeivte. 'ht clîact-i are >otjii l iw,-er 'Ihst tilee îîîli iouts >ou lhave ciratii Art tise big Qont- o ee lu uuotber. Thetmuibler ( o istofactton ai the 19M c rop oiilipeal froîn Mangoum. Oceenc'o.. t>kjoiaumst. np to tIse firt af ise riear %vas 14(811 nitthettti!fat ht» eason wlllisatubly rmeh 14,110. lit took 1)cura ta boul tes, bales ta . 1AGOnd Cth lumua -Vol boîte te' tiié thal jaou venu al rav jonuitf t young Sbnrtatp. ll.ugitr-4 dset-ese vhî. He$ te but ctch on.tht jora i bail tent 1110jer M. Lot%-lM Iissie inder."o lUrailht ic fiar. mots ltIsesdealer somst mone t itaun otlier 5cfig-asre.but tis aigller Pr" etenmiiiel this facto t 1stelaiher guatLewis' . ac a=. Pcosi, W. nue Piaos Cr for Ceusumption 'l 9meireae ta alyu oer courh medicne. -Xms. SELH Bordeu. 442 P etreti Wash- imgtm . 1.C, bMe> 25, 1001. 'nt number of caîtosapiaile lauase tht lieUnitedStBltes incremslest yer hoas ILSO.000 lss 20.000.00. evina prscipalî tas na-w fatras ntssthe cotton beu. _______ mi oenemu, weul law usa pSte.&W d m-cu aut ot,<f ulqt@o, Ky",tl be*ue wu =ifd eof utrus us of Lydia EPIukh.'sVeg& a"jayeti ofthetai .4lisatitonh thakîwauidalvul&&0 ta. meartati asoMdptia at lnsai ut- imomof be omb " ancogeatd u mna- @agotsnés antiI mtit p uylt ito *'mou édo for Me' Vtt ont udI tbimuh bctts nn tit or b ÎW4 r iehaata U tud OUani ilexprfss teslvea ai ehi stias viLla Ils - uMIlte mI&e."M5t atslotI1 aIl of this vealth. Thirty rearseâga he vislteal Enrope and al niil au n glish lady. wmbue s ou. Variey, lba.s oared hi#i aptivily. 8oaîîe i . o , viile visiting ln Moracco. Taigier bu cuptivuteai iersla- gean' sristot-rati and Artistictotacte that hie <tatermine.] on living there andl h.e acqluireai a haudm;omLýe aele four uiltis king., Hia home va tht social cmuter ai Taugier and] tlîsre diliiomatâanmd for- tigu rmideits orten ggthereai te enjoy himsunaptuons haeîitility. Hia abdauc- tion created. a profound sensation. siNK ANo-HER SHIiR a*,v FluC.1£5port Atbmrle a nbi Admirai Togo reporte an engagement lit Pgrt Arthur lit 1'buradar lu which à battleship ai the Pereaviet type vai .aab eand a hettiembp oitht Seviastopol type-aud a firit c&"t cruioer of the Dlaa type vert dauagtd. The Japan"ee feet oras practicaliy andumageai. Adanirmi Togo endi na details. but It ia reporttd thut thtel'art Arthur fleet came out ai tht babeor on ThurCsfy and engageai the Japsacce Orel. Ruxtaitabas ha ceven battieshipi et lBoit AtIhuy -aliethettecirametuof thtj Petrovpavlovsk. Tvo of the mven-the Czarevitela sud rtue Retvizan-.wëite tar- péuioeal îarlng Togoe irt attack, on tht night orF ets. S. Anotiier. tht 'ohelda, vas torpedoed tilt day afier the Petra- pavlovak wus souk. This let Rusiea four effe-tive lattis-hîp», the Pereaviet. tht Stv&etopoi, tue 1Poitava andi tht Os- labi. Tihe perýxiet aînd the Osilabia are cluter wcips. hotia bejuar iuit fareiathe ane plans. Tiîcy 1otiî iiffer notabir framn the tbelirx, nsasl ittoy lit assuinea that the hattles.iip SUnI: hy Ikdmirad Togo'@ ilpettut T;îusday wus tither the Peresviet or the Osliabia. Tht in- jured blattieaiip mut cier have heen tht P'oltava- or the itevaîtopol. These baattieeiipc farmeda aotlîtr ty pe la tht Rugitian uavy. and.. wItiheiatPetropav- lavxk. ivere hut frian the same designo. Uales tht cruiser Palada huml bees repaire], the croiaser Diana muthaive been -th. ane reierr- e t i Adamia Togom uapîtteb. Tht Diil'anal Pallida wers the aniy cruatru ai that type ai P'art Arthaur. Tht Diana vt afrs tictes cruiter vith e ilplacenent aif6&») ton. Bth tht Peresviet andl the Oeîsa» hie vert built in 1W&8 Bach had a dis- pacemient oi 12.M74 tans. Each vaos 434 teet long andi each. carritai thirty-tva 001î tiers tan en. Tht Rucclan army Io reporteal lu fuil retreat frrom Kaichou (Kai-pin&). The tvae Jupunese armie nder Oku and Kuroki havt forniedajsonaction ut Ka!- chou and are advuncing northwurd. Thuî retreat markm tht collapse et Kurapat- kl' effort ta haper thte eeaif Port Arthur anal ta prevent Ok u aid Kuraki frin nasting theiraies. Kuropatkin tvsc force.] ta hurry saut! ta save Stackeiber'ashttertdal rmy frean annihilation iter ils defeat et Va- iungov. Nov Kuropatkin's position la ahnaot as desperate a4 ias Stuckelbtrgî a Wek aguti c an oniy cave his arny i., retraat whlch 'aili bc aimnest as deona aliuing as a digieat. Spaika tram the wireek Manuel Quntana liaslbteu tectea i'resldent ai Argentine ltepublic ad lilgueraa Alcarta vice president. George W. Jalînson. trabumaster al tht Toedo division ai tiha Lake Shor Rond, ille.] by a train âatr l'or Biattit M. Johnsau. knovn on thetamtge am Maie Jensen, iltda svoluntary* Peti, tlon lunlsnkruptcy in Boston. Lîlaltis II1I.r2à. amliett, $177. stute senîtor Hogg. aiof 011.,la ilu ai ceîpt ot yard f rominMarioal, Kau.. thl hic yard, lMiss, MuIrgare-t Martin, bhl :iie eriei tiere' hi taking trychuine ard Dundoneid l5 te bc dîsmîsseal si genieri canamanding ohcer ai tht militi et Maontreai for tatementc that maintie ai te Cabinet Interfcreai vitis bis vonk Kognro Kanokogi, director ai tht coin munication départmient for Ftraôsa, an -Meatomno Imnla inopecteai the--eriotý ofices ai the Washington 1'atofct De partaeutta mecure ileaus oiAmericul Mathile. Tht Northernt Pacifie Rtllraed hi bmugit suit for $20.000 ugast houai _j .pstof Ptr Poweru" for dama#uesoli te mavstenosuealby tht lattiora pro 4ffltiofi tht, remmte WitI tht relese.of' paerio laiCumes, latmiiteron it-f ilierien lisTir a- leametii c hart s ed n and i tt litaitàt . n e Aul along bath garverismeula have prttl rejectea ltiesugagaetion thut ,tb# guerautte limunultî, hich Dot an]>' Raieuli but lMtoo gaurverunsent Put f.rvssrd. Mat latta, fo>epeelg tht awk- wàrd position the MuSaen ooti.be plat- soi lu If punlehahéintwa-rt uitaudeal. l Neatatiios differ.i e>trtardluutliy Iromti tst vlaiah tsbaully fallow usa ydsas a&t ai brigandage. RUiesuli lm now a psiosasineant goverjlnaut pDciiliholding visat la tht prement.hlal-sit condlitiona oi Morocco asausis toa aiolute boverelant>' ove, tht auneronpravinces by thie var- Iibt hilistist. Thor* la lttie doubt thut tht Suitan. viitt an eoay rootsitce. ii break hit pramiei andlrévolte thétsente ni gov? ernaostip grasatetataRainuli mudl replace the ralaber vlth anothpr goveruor. Shouiti thé isillomen duclIde tisat Ralmali basaliaeu' li'trettedl tise>' viii r-smt tise ailîint- oent a anew governar csul. tida-al h lhe trenendouas restige ai the exploait glven hum, itaisuli . vitia the alasperaaiian of a aloomedi man, vii liolul tht provinces at tht Point ai the aille. Shîsula tht TesTatrnm tens.tht desuana of Great Brilaiu anal tht Unitetd States thé action vii b. sa effront tu tht pavera and thetroulcal a obvions. -Mr. Perdicaris Io au Ameri-as hy blrtb. haviua ha-en harai lpTrenton2, N. J., or Greek ancestry. Ilis futher vas vtaithyhavtn -ntîaiitl i baarge for- tune lu gaz stock, mindi th son inherites! DAVI 0P DERYN. Baadr Gves Appalting LsIMeà Fatal-. tiesAu Ove, th Cestri. Deafat redped a blrvet anal mani per. sona vers malsutalor custaineai painfal inJurlit un e resaItofai inainerableacci-g dents tlrolghout tht UnitedaL tatem San-i dai. -'lauSicaaiorsftht appslIing fatal!-1 lies dhat are recorde.]îpeeta antabs bljeenslng pleessre teekers vers aunideol> trafoorme<l into rapiai death convejenes. Tht trolley car vas &a0lt su active deth-detling agent anal tise eleosents pluangeal nay otheri ta their deatIs by tht capsizig ai rov laats ami Yacht$ on Ilas.] jbilez analoff the At- - isantlc oaslt. vbere t!ousnds bout an a dalla outiagr ick theiir livea la a similer vsî ect iguaday. Mt. anal Mma.George E. Disa La Grange. I)ý. w ere Instantly billdanal tier automobile la whicb tht>' hal bien riang reduceal ta a mass of liristeal Iran anal splnteed wooal vbtn a speeding titetric car au tise Aurara. Elgin andl Chîcago tRilra!mnanthen dovu. Bar- trivasaldea ta thse accident by tht expiation of thteamsoint tank ai tht vrecked automobile. Fiant-a tuvelopesi the badies as they urere hunie' thratigh dhe tir and, tht ciothing vos burneal irons Five Persans vert drovutai on tht bar off9 47th street, Brooki>n. b> the over- turning ai the sloop yacht Eldet. Katis Ad a a eavy stosan dat avept over Ntv York. Eight otheri visa vert on the yacht vert rescutal. Durlng the aime tormu laJamaica bal 8va mon vert drvaleut. lun II Nev Tank ont bouse vas de- malithal, vhie tira vtreunrootté. lue vrecbeal building vas, à thret-etanj brick. mori 1~plttd. leveuttégiYoutag meo «teuglathests ail laken sciage vitiuin. A moment aile, deyau etoral the Iilgltning itrnek thse building. A. gale vbleh follaved Ilt tht tructurte aaise Of vrelbsge. Ont joath vas canglsa bttveen henvy Imbe .anal bedlycraSh- tal. Tht athers, althaugis mué briulea eal ndetvert uat erlousir huit CALL CONVENTION TO ORIR au-Stuator Jame, K. joses vils Opa Great st Lois Gatirisis Former enatar Jamtes K. Jeante iii ucaR thet D. Lauecoreniist od eThe dut>' andi houar 'couest ta u h b- maan ai tht national Democratie commis- tee. Il vii] probabiy ho his lest eppear- snoa th ie poiticai staet for a long tise. Troubles lu bis l% State in imiclabe vas opposeal b> Gov. Jeuf Davis said r ex-Goy. J. P. Clarke - J. Ir.JONESa. placé hlm 1lu e 1itate of eclipse, mnth ta tht regret of 1bit circié oi irienais bath la sud out ai eCangrese.Let tel! Clarke mectedeal Joues lu tht limate. Tht latter ls nov 'practiclng lirw lu Wahington. D. C. 1Hlm home tov le.Wsalilngton, Arb. a Joues vastde manager ai balla the 1 Bryau campaluule and wvastht-leader a h is partyinlutde fleate. Bl e bsoa- ttirettitGointe.isa -carnbock lai tft. le tht leader. Joues wue a privete I soldltn lu tht ouioaltiuciandi ater "h 1- var liveal on a plantation outil 18-Î& 1 wlhen ho begen tht practice oi 1ev. - Ht vusa a candidate for mtusber af thse luth. mie niasane! commis, anal hal among support, eveu amang Republcens. bat Ifallei ta net tht pppoIntmdt i0 RAN AWAY TO GET MARR IED. A A"tisupasMe eCourt juiiceaupie t- Sin Ytente b>' Tablas aViSe,. It Justice Bravwn ofSde Unitted Blatte a aupranat Court. wba vas marrItalet Crossvicke. N. J.. Bturday tu Mms Jo- a seplalue Buntlng Tylor. describas hiseveal- y ding au a "ruausrn>match." Wlt thde t- assitanct ai Bishap Bcuborosgb of thse as episcpel diocese oi Nev Jtrseythe' s6 Plane ai tht couple vers bept a prafaunal Y secret, analmountil after Mr. andl M!r r, Brown retnrntd ta Trenton totot@eli" train for A&tantie City aid enjoue ius- peet tdat the "littit natter o ai msut" vhieh broughs t JsticetBrovn u sbis i wetidinge Justice Bravas La ont ar the jd eppoinitets M thet@ae reqidentHartil son. hnvhsg taken ies pu« on tde Bn- ,j prime Court bh indIMRe inHtla8. ears ad atratve l omaraivb@ ,a onus atId e m oal a in elvtarefasly rtblons.ta Aaiod fisar à"ulea àcousi er Justice Bruwo&M lutei. te :1 IRL FIXES NOOIL % Thea Leeda wevue tho luoder jaucf tas'. w neaum lu Yltms. s' tering Duuassiansmeigra. ventiti on *t the charge ofitetu itfthe 14-rest-ald 10 éppater ai Johan Wlio.àé white man. . tvo veekâl eg. andti aoe- dret jaung %à women uaseti Dunu, iaebanata lud h la publie square- et Sudoral Mims, hi snuob. k.Tht nomtevaupitl&« about tht ne- sýrW gropeckby to de ieWIlmngirl, vhs ai poitively Identilté lina as ber au"- s asut .Tht migra onistisu piactalupu e. tise back- ofhorst and al s ignai trou lu thse leader etitde moblb.h littie Wilson girl ladi tht horsteisunt guer him. as Over 8.000asroue, vbt andi blel 5 itnumeti*ise Membars oailb, Id 1Mobtetiisitb#to= iUg et egie i a HOW CoNVENtIONS NOMINATLf E.eb Grat National Party Aeenbllg Nakee Ils ove Rules. Each albai à cnetinmh lUt ovu rules t aSp*çeedure. Practicaliy nte convention extrelses no contrai over the aucreedlug as.. Tet precedent gay-, eau,. every conventionita a, large tîtent.1 Ont eustor.. dgalfd iy long usage, was1 iollowed for ysa In the gatheriasgmeof. bath partis-th ea cgnition of thé right1 of the majarlty e delegats iroa 1 otite ta contre*thtvote 0f the choie9 delegation. This le bnovn au the "unit1 rule." .- 'Tht Republican convention oai 187t abundoased the practice by permttlug ae miuarity of the delegates f romn ont State ta vote *ganat the candidate preferred by the majorlty. ?Txe convention aof1180 farmally àdapttd a vvtle that If there vert. any exception taken ta the an- nauncenent ai the vote of uny $tate tht roil of delegates i ttlitâStte sbanld be celle(] and the resuit thaus obtulned choulai be.recordgtL Thîis mile was un.- surr-ctcsily oppeM by the New York delegates ivho iavared Gen. Grant. and desire.] that the anti-Grant delegates fromNiew York c uldnldtot b.e llowed ta vote their sentiments. Tht Tammany offluents ai Citvel and iD the New, York 4iegatlon ta tht Dem- orratijeconvention et 1884 tried ta se- cure the adoption,,ao a voie which vouid permit them ta Cote au individuel% in- item.] ai in a unit, but fuileai. andi tht unit naît itil prevelige in the Democratic convention. Tht Democrats have another roit. dat- lng frin 1882 whleh hes withstoad the attncks ofi Us appwptefor seventy-tva years. It provideaJbat the vote af tva- thkrda ai the deisgumn shail bç Dicta- sery ta nominate. la tht Repubilean convention a majority Mee&ita The op- ponenta ai tht nominatianiof aierlin Van Buren lnsleîed a tht adoption ai tht "tvab-thlrds rate" iu 1844, andl ai- -thausb Van Buren bai a majority on the f1rut ballot, he conli no obtein the necessary tvo-thirde. Jame K. Palk, tht iret 'darkbhorst," vwu ipruns an the convention lu accritise. ith a pro- arranged pieu, andi vas »moineted a au eampede. Tuesday aiter ths ifrpt 'Moudey ln November twe1 fiieai 'éj lidate for tht etctsop or eppointment of preeidiatili elecetara by act af Coanu l fl4, andl tht 1ev took tifect'ottlat tint lu 1848. Prier ta thet tlmu tach Stats ixed Itee owudate tfor t*aeelortion af tiectors.Thetframer,«1 the constitution dld fnt contenspicte tht telection ai presldentlal tlectors by popilar voie. In thte arly part ai tht liest renina, mn States chose electora by tht Legieia- turts. South Curlina continued that practice anti! 1860. Aflar 91l, te- bet bt-vettr alvice la ta keep cool. Citer the lecture ptse fntor action. Perélceris la fret, ,.ý It su going ta be e gres unner for dhe lemonade man at Oister Ray. Kuropatisin nigltUs. iW retreet if bo lied a good recipe tnoralelng no. Trivoetailu Moocce iaulal b. cap- paratlvel>' at*euntil etla neeslisont mort mont>'. if ptatots go nué bitter vt eau rpsrlialiî imagine tht feelinags ofde peo- pie ci Port Arthur. Davit may nfot have feunal hlm trip ebroad entirsly enjoyabla, but son, ai tht people et home allé. W1bat gondal u teatulaot inspection dhat rtqutres. a coroneVe jury ta tait vb«er or net t 5iutpecte? * Whtu Peti Morton la plaetInl charge «i the Navy Departt«tathe prairie oheaner bita t iuettyibaulai becone Il d"ge keep on tht. vai Goa. Rut- patku osa>' have ta ptronise tht lait anIS 4=enê éepertmqet te get traek of Petaspe aSther d ty te cel ont tde RioescowAsaltu vlêh -&at tde jep- aus e iseceedeal lu etllusup tde fateum" ta Part Artilut, Gamkbg bas bm q qloed lu Chii- eniha.bo t Maor 9-ii tt dinh ai tuela*atingab il rr,*%ê b. Rpsablicau couvention, for itasadbié,pt "Oentuina ogtheit cnt Ioulai suppose tha tse Ruweana vaulé buistona mach et les* htwtWjed le ta10 A he dmout vbere t Tga coulésgset etGut "Per&lcarle alie or Ra"eit l iMd" ep- ..p tulhave d<louedebusiness.Thers la ostu oe temporlalng vld hOutlaws pro- vipeti yen bave tdeopover tu blama demn *lé vith a ihort turc. ý Womeu art &Idint lauhdeea.fa Port Arthsur. »obtlmi Abq-etick-tdaim heads caiseonsî>'averthde bresarb a" ti lAthé JapansCe Moatoeléd lngai -'at*JIm@'Who tet tantugettia *"à. os a W *"O àFIM »Unit« es, tsaus ile I1bthrtatie*& ,fot ea ta lettre> fan>' building. ai the 0t. LAnla werd'a fair Friay. eausnaed the hate of Hoo-Hoo, rtasderinig tht building aniý &il conatents a'total lots. Bo qulckly dildthe duaes %prend] atiter thetlire steat-. ailtî Oitriteacoupiants oi thteJbuilding& Oive lun nuber, ail on the- second liner, huai diflcu!ty teculina with,,itir livea. beiag rosupelLe.] ta climi, doimu a tret te the gruau.]>. Tise lAnsou tht building asal conteute ix ectimateai ut $30.00. an whlch there le ait lauran«-e nf $20.000. lu addition there isa Auais i of$8.000 te tht uiaion akinit Campe ur. whirh l'ada eeri'mu ,onc.Xiaalu thet litng. Xoha;hkuaimu Poitie-iy iii to tht o--gin ofria tr.wih iii atpsve<l1» have .tureul mn an electile ligît irie. Thtesartn iraxunimered b> thtecen- tilire d&partument sad by elgtiateu-. gin. coonitu and] timo lalder tniacki 0f the eity dep.erîmenut. aeu lY Hiale'a fOre filiaters. Quick iruas vere meale by aIl i s o ptaî es. but tht r3pid apread af 7thet Daines reaidertal their attempte ta extinguisi thetlire aseelete. andalal effort@ vert directe] tovurti maving tht Texas. German., a-taon anal Mines and Metuihurgy buildings, ail nifvisic vert tiavatticai vth destruction ou acant ai tht fying shingies. Ail veresaavtd vlithoiat loue or diamage, Thse hanse of Hoo-Hao wos ont of thé firet buildingsn finiaheai for dt exposition. It van eraereihy tht lanharmen af thse Unsitedl Ststes, but anditathe central af tht local board ai tht order a oa30-11oa. lit voa divideai loto miny rocias. on- etructel af different kMndesoaifine andl tpensive luniber. Aside frant due, thee vert specimens ai rare woods wblcb vert vained ihlhy. It uin nat beta de- eldeal jet vhetlser ta rebuiid or ont Thers veret tiirty black cnte lu tht buidingt tti i o-thsirs _#d thlise airt, belièvel ta have peribtai. Oniy ten minutes before the alaru fr'ont the houge of Ena-Hoa tht verld'î fair dirs depuriment liedal ssertdal a till slara iram thteIlyterious Aeit conces- sIon on tht Pike, vistre lire huai etarttdl -in tht elephunt baun.Tht los vc Inslgnificeut. oiy a amaIl amoant ai bey burmnu. but there wos a wild atamsde ai tiephants sud carnte. ,tht frigbtened trumpetîng ai tli. former avakenlng Pea- pie lu ail parts ai tht. graaînds. At- taches aidhe compan! succeedeai in quiet. lng thteuîianals beuore an> escapeailirams tht building. MOnrToN TO RULE NAVY. Ost-ýe man Appolutté te Sucesi - Wms. IL. oud>.- Pie-sident Itoocevelt Priais>'made the flin g avIna nnokancement regarding, dianges lu the cabinet: William H. Moody ai Museuchmtte. ta be Attorney Gnri Paul Morton ai Illinois. ta he Secretary of tht Novi. Victor H. Mý%eteaif ni, California, te be Secretary ai Commerce said Labor. .Tht reaignution of itecretary -Corteiron andi Atttmney Generai Kasox have beau recrelved und! accepte.. pool Marton is 47 years aid, aud e san ai the lots J. Sterling Morton. vha vus Secrettary oi Agriculture alarma Presîdeut Cieveland'a second «administra- tion, Be li second vice preaidant of tht Âtch(son. Topekga andi Sauta Ft Rail. road. Mr. Marlon in a native ai De- trait. Mi". He entereai tht rairad service ut tht age of 16 as a cierk. Mt. Morton iwas forustrly a Denocrat. but bicame s convert ta ltse poiicî ai Prend- dent IRoosevelt Victor B. Metculi ai Califoria la et present a Canaresenntram tht Oaks- land *district. Be vas born et Utien, N. Y., ln 1853 anal la a Tale gradue. anal a iavyer. Be bus made"hle horne lu California since 1870. William B. Paoody. tht nev Attorney Generai. wmn bora et HaveffllII, Mass. in i18.3 Ht graduatetrairnHarvard University, atudita l livsud vas ad- mitteal ra the bar. Ht vas District At- tortue>'. for tattern.Maeeuclauttm . befifrt lae wrah elrtttd ta the Fifty-fonrts Oon- grec. He vus terv ing lus fourti tern tthen he was appointtai tira Yeare s9a ta succeed Jahn D. Long ai the sâetBte as Serretar of tise Navy. Tira trains ai live cars each compme its Pisilmun'Conpany'm exhibit at et. TIse sloekhoideri ai tht MidiîgaCen- ti aite lnt.rast la boarc d idite tare- irantise ta thirtetu. Tht nenbendîipMa-of aitht Brother. bond ni Locomotive Eunlne tateti ta foot up 46.000 nembere lu gend stiand- iug. Stockhoilers ai tht Wbetlua andl Lake Erie Rtuiraud have ratIO taitde pur- tiîgst ai the Pittaburg, Liabon anal W esemn Rairanai. It hais ben ananeald at the Cana- diu an Picîwiilli llal300 miles ai raté iran, Toronto, nord, ta paraliel tht Grand Tmank Ues. Tht Botheru Ralivar bas Isnea lle. 00.00or ai atotalathorxedIslune ai $16,000,000 f-ear 5 pet- cent. colatrai tînet bossas, aine Apa-il 1. 1900. - pirectors, in the New - ort Centrai Ralirons! have (compItteti tht inlue!re' ri.ugments for issuing $W0.000000 4 pue cent »30-rt-a-debenturs bondi. Auother mch calton anal iarming coun- t>. bas heen opeaetet KansiCty b>' lte building fithue Midlaal Valley iroan Illtforui, Ark., ta Mamkegee, 1. T. Jualge Amas 'N. ThaYst, lu the Unitea UttlesCircuit Cout inluet.Louis, band- est dowis a decisian grantiug InJuctiouà sgi-inst the suit ai non-transferahît ttik- ets hy ticket brakeai tugagetainlubusiness Lu et. Looils. gtnckholdesm e deeSt. Louis, e Franacsoanti Texas bave votadltavrt abi> an te propostion te increse tde apital stock iron $1200.000 ta $3.000- Wu0, tas']have adopteda trisoîntion eau- thiiring the purchase ai tht Redl Rivr. teanal Soatheru. Biatkvtl. Enté suai Texas, sudl the Okahoma Cily ant Tise heaqurteai Oi Franb Wade. traveling pattenger agent ai the Word- ersi division ai the Cincnati, Banillon anal Daylon, bave beaturemovté iront 8pinngfl-d. ii..,ta Indiaenapolis. 11 Tht Aiton hue decideai te extenal the station teicgapla block signala, rscntly ustubllthtd on tht Illinois tine, ta damel cf Missouri, anditde vork airucettng .elnapiîore pensasudt makln# other llantes mil conSeneee udiatij. TheaIlinos Centrai, LonU16711Isant 1qailelt. anal Louisvilet.Hetudeasen aa" Bt. Lattis have taterati ite A tu 0e- %beu thvlae rIejet < sev- t lslu' mIiswusuet te l'or... Mim Mary Sow 2 prlng Garden R . l sllesssn ln; -etslattm vety bii--p-be eits I eu patteent te nsy experience vlth ti excllnt moei1 Ihmd been trautîleal vldh staauach troÙble andl poor digestIon fos' mme jears. taind thongh I trie.] IMen> nmedies anal dietîng. nothing outRe lte reatore ny health until 1 useal Peitea.la ibret usonthe 1 had enlirely rrie imy beaith anal stugtin.-- A nov irlth prteêr vue put et Wvet on au Englisis train. Thsebeati portier, 25 "ape olletolti Wortla, tiltecteai the St nev man ta Imitathum cleati>y, anal la thertis>' Iem bis duties. 1 nB Whaen tht orait train caeto bthe* Po italiani th hemal porter imbauteal, "Ftr- nq rylluli; change for Hartlepoai, to*tan ce anti Middtsaboraisg; cbsagfotanSpen- . yajuta, Caxhot andi Tri"ulo; keepn jour mals gotug northYhl Eeim«eff itait tten hlm anti shooft- tt té lua abouder valetle ea:*'rMbMU; Change t B alai,, Umpéam, Tee- C tailomasI.Diderbeu: change for Cas. C eomb, Mogarins. IPindhin. Caldisemai "oe our sete tehere 700 aM." ta Thestlion-uter celleé bin ad eaét anti iha*sé binatde rlght neme an t tht Ure-table.'- e Baraq reinovet lis cap anti tla po- e ltely, "Th1mb yole, sot. 1 got halé a:)t tisa.ussuc 1 et . oltiu't catchthte taise- iran tht bleati evtny 24 M hante 500 grainsoai1 Imue, po=oot W enongb te acuse ditth Webkeued iiacys bave tdis W veste lu te lbbioal, sisal jin are.moon ai - iLck.Te pet vtti, cm etht kîdue>. >vit It oan Rui-- Il ney Pilla, tht greit.ri kitiner apecifit. & bers. j-1. B Bavitah aof1lu Caro, Bt., .1 Dubn.N.O.. iys-,*I vas i ekant el hetifat fwoven nine momthu, tai thteI. doCtBr Who atten*dtime alé duniuetI i subus)ts aa operstlau for gravel 1 t, Wealdéàt*sCe W. eil. -I1voulé net cou- a Cet ta bat antino econtinoedte ta ai te. , y beek -vas ta veak I coald -01 ama stand or velb, and Il>aches cou, itanl7.Thtfri da efaiibega ant la a short tint I vas op anal arouna tht "mesas ever, ires irani A FREE TRIAL af thits great bld- a nBey medicint vhich cureai lra. 1Bavief vliiiho naliltéto au>' part oaitde Unit- té Blmmet. Addrets Foster-lburns C.,. 3uffala, N. Y. Salai by ail deaiers; prIee 50 cent. pr box. A soiton I Hav-es--Tatting advertis'ti ta ml) gouda it tuss an cent. 1 dan't i"0 hov a a Seltent Cbrîstian taspdoi dhat. M: ladies a round tMP 0910 t Louis Expotien, 10 a" sa tech ai tihe Saloima Ul moie, love. Iestaoka. KautuN Dumber oftade marks steM1 cent il-uncpackageet lid va tes' aitiq S'tut meàià tam jour n«-'oqi4 sn Abs alove, man0 tuete - rnti h wqAbl mimm N* lb. «e >Isa autha t lm S tarda Pm ut la C& the pgekage. TU à* tamtb otai ttM.sfw ether bitné, nMd ' a tise ires. Tb* 'I sItion vii lm seMtbg r#lo lit wta baus nover execen imalW thiC tAlla, and hm .b. W-, Jobklnse-Whet' bleatth tit i lm? 01t iJiien--Went to Ah. h an operatIon.-Cleveleati lai Thtemouthero hait eai 0kW undien Tesrlitary embrede Ah ricbhet C tton-preéeing lI solth. Oklahsomaa peoIhisa eules lun100 and pbeut th* 1W&K lpdt#n - TSrtnM exnee. il la e «Wte i in 100, aun aa mewmttîw inrlng tht, peut yter. 'Tb' the xomitag Ientwviii la crem e __ __ A OGweea eopi x« et m out thté di tv.aty-ftvgS go"- AtSte t-h g oe. aa bw.-Pebsn I U aeincou. yKaumai, fermera u WllI aW IL large aceage aornMac=rn orbeat this opring. Lait year e nun I ber expetImeutéed nd the reault vas A i, gatltuory that not a buiti aisssof i tht eersai wlU ho shipped. but viliiho. la as WsroUg PiaOe. "D pisyenv.gas bei.?" asWethe men ýw$ththt talarged ai1euashen- tersé the detal perior. - 'N,ý" repileal the dentimi. "jon have t'a pay extra for la. Thim s n'It e herber Be0-mie.Budéingtw a in uliî hr. is't Metla She-Tea. 1 vonder 'if &ht lnhert ber ibyneas irons ber mother? Ht*-No; isueà htr father. 1Ibiagne. UI i Ho naedtal ahbosa tet Pcker plaier. ek iTe <S Il lacidm e10wam wook .nervouaneesl s der uemm7 vonen. luis condition i. lut nerve centera Tht nerve e0ti tht reservair for nerve vitaliti. ceuters becoint bloadlets for aieq propernutrition. durlng tht varmse . By meran eusn>-oi Invasidie-pt a dirct sqt oi venk neivrous -hsen tsi b q ovtretai; net of P asa.Feronta aibi root et Pttrule hicoïtai digestiou, P sot, estion tg incrtased bittaI ft, e narvet vo. e savitait> hlc eacltty vwnsi recent latter ia TAam write: , tOe tWtU servons forte t '%L lat iront luth ofi tet sélwq mont). agove ad kh Ont reasan vhy Pauuaae 1*1 r11neft ast lu tasenW tcm na -nateat)C et*W reua lu perfectiy hrw;îi. 084ed auj ltgth of ti. bw luta adrimahabit. Peauna tIti duce tnpory result& lit m nent Ili Iti efset Il bas ne b.d effecI PoUs* -antigradual!y elmînates* tUtu renovlnt tht cau»e af etarrb ère a. multitude ai homes wvhpe At this eson ofithe jeti p ecullariy Hable ta luftnuasmal stoinach and hovels. Itl luth .-l lu leruov XXPMBTION D UILDING AND COLSEUII At Or. LOUIS. Tht mati« g aaelty oftht lit. Lau. Clienin fe<'ýhtDemocratlc lNa- tional Cmevtoau ba beau lied et 1980, vhieb iudse delegates, alte>' notes. ttusmtttahiCs of the pris. luvtea gume, omieluairtise convt50Oi a"s tht e maI public. vho viilb admîtteal b> tictet., The e ba or wviii b. toairre gM thtia- tht daflate. Lu aumber M,0 viii h. itaté dlrtly lu front ai the pletiontu. Behipé then viii h. tht 960 aletrea. Thse more prominent guette tué tht pny leders viii bave seats on tht plttara. wters shirt viii h. places foeý4B Tht bota viii seat M2. Tht gênerai tickets ai edml»iieln viii be far tht balcony 4" é tht gali.. . Eacis member ef tise National Comnutttea viliihave et biseisposai one box andl tos generti îdnlaelon tickets. tucIs dltgte viii have is ovu lkobf iadmuission andt Iret gentnai ticket* lu addition. Esch alternat wiii have onet tiket. Provtion viii ha mae for 352 vorklng novepipe men. 350 adalItbanai newspaper tutu. ti tr im