CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Jul 1904, p. 1

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are made doubly o hy thé une of inexpenulve, and addo greatly to the ap- pearance of your home. 'One coat will poitlvely prevent cistoruwalier becom-c ing color jula 1jh case on ail houa.e the finI lfive pars alter ahlngling. We have Creosote i ail colon. 8.. mamples- 1 have jîust received a large quantity. LOVELL'S DRKUG ST-OR-r Libert ville, II. us, SA" d h hand wivth stylo go. wearlag quality. This, ta. gothur, ith theocholceteath and superior vorkmaaaipo place Mayer shoes in tha front tank of sho. pofethon.. boutan"tho bot. In»W om bavlaug Mayor shous and Io*k for the trade..mak on tOO. f ER lWuEU i& W ,E,.W. PARIIILRST lOtli Century Cash Steve Libertgville, Illinois J. L. TmAtia . Gr. er Cashiar Libertyville, Illinois ACcouiiits of firms and indivi duals -are aolic- lted aid %%ýiii be re- <eived i îp<iî-ithe moi-ilt faîvornhle termm con- e* iuteft witlî coRsgerva- tive Iauktîg. disbonor in true eeoîoy. Do not hositate to - lay aside a reas- onable portion of your weekly income. If you demire, we will belp you save It. Uncle Sain'a Approval'of our butdneus methodia ls neceiuary. We mneet ail the requirements of the national baîîking ILAKIE COITY NATIOA B. DR. FRftMaRIl KMARTI - Ïuik-h tb 1 tit. la., 1 tti3' P.iiW., am il 0> M P. li. Ofic hon. 55. temidëniet.l'itne11 DR. J. L. TAYLOR. OFFICE <VEB TiltI k &TAYLOR'»I. lxu:7 e 10 a. in, 2 ta 4 and 6 to 8P. M. Iteideure" on Broiadway, oppo)site Park. Libertyville, lntio. -DR. A. J. NICHOLS. of Cicago DiENTAL OFFICE.' BUTLER DicKOVERIiMTli t Dvli' TORE nouaa:-Wendays of each week froîn te 8-.0 a . o6-OP. M. Lihertyville, Illinois. DENTIlH.MaiLLE A'TW'R.W.Y AT LAW. REATH BLOCK. TELEplioNýE No.2. Libertyvlie, Illinois. DR.E.E FLSMITH., DENTIST. OFFIC'E OVE LAKE COUXTY flÂN. soch-8 ta 12 a. mu. and 1 ta 5 p. m. I)AILY. Libertyville, Illinois. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OFFICE OYIgR LuVELL'5 natTa ITOmE *ovue-froi 1ta 3 and 6 to 8 p. m, Libertyville, Illnois. PAUJL MAC GUFFIN., ATTORNE.Y AT LAW. Lîbertyville, Illinois. DR. 0, P. BDIrrPIELD. VETERINARY SURGEON. ÂMKSTAT<T STATE VBTERINAhIÂN. Li1I.JtviIISIIllinois. Vo e cotreted I 10000Dozen ad wiil py cah or tmaM ja bul '11bit m mor to olu b00u*aie. D ne CON FIPENC» IVAN J JILX». fireiî of D)OOlittle fi Wbite, proprietore ol th. (xray#Wao Opera oume and whcj nonduet;the, bowling aihu>' la bomeinetto0 their fino n, blokla that village, wam swlndled ontof $,00nOe.nt &4 a pin the fret of "ui weelc, and wbil. tihe Olîleago police have the mia wtt. turneil the. triek, DoaGlittie in mius bis moue>'. The traametlon b>' whieh the muan, 'hi.eane la Whail, Kot ibid ol loîit'smoné.>'wao titisat (,mym- lakp when the- Clikcgo) inau ane- werssl an advertimemeut <of a tarin for maie. It enderi at tht. Firet Natio)nal Biauk la dhieffla wiin Ioolittît. gave W@'$1,000Ot 1ê.,hauged- inte> huis -of amauller denomination. ThitinoneSy was in lie used la hettlng (in a borne race wlîlch Wheil repn'sent441 wax ta lie rua at Hfawthorne_ -it wat. a *flxt.d rure," aud tiie aan froul , t3irlake 'sîtot Froim a description lurnished b>' D>.îilîttit. wbea lie went to the plice- witlîhbis troubles. lht.tive Delioche ret-ognised Whall, wio Ihallit-fore been arresed for similaroffenwell, and the mnan waj. arrested. Tiiesuday loolittle appeared béfuro the Cook coutnty grand jury and was positive li bie identificationî of Wheil, who 'W.a nit-td for larcen>'. Doolittie told thie story of tilt transac- tion tu the. grand jury. It appears tisat a f.'w îlaym ago Mr. EDooJîttie put an adlvertisenent ini a Chicago papier offeriust for sale a faim hoe owam near »Grayolake, and thé, nmut day Wheil, wîth two triends, went ta tii villela a big red, automobile and eailed on Doolittie in reepoame ta tii ad& 'He sait! ha waated just such a am as Doolittie'. and would invustigate the. proposition. Before leaviag Wheil iieidentally explained that Mr. (;oritgfn, the. fanions gambler and book.macer wae hlma ni. and tlîat hbc ould througli hlm put Duolittie 'in a way toaitae snme ensy mont.> and would duo e.. ,The. esEt day ýDiiilittie recelved a telograin m*WheU smaying titat ha would lie ont ta <irnyslake on the day following. lie returnied iahisantouî.bila aleconpazsled b>' thise friande, wlîo were latrodaced as Chiengo aldermnan. ..Wel.l 'un have tu do businmms," said Wheil, taking ont hie packetleeîk anîd Yhandlng Doolittle $50 ta hind tihe sale. "Uateeuixpleame<iwith what i told fail about your place, nnd hlie aid 'Gio attenad and boy it.' He'l lie outhimet-Itin, a &,'w tîsyn witb tihe mont-y.". Tii'ONSt UItETIIINIi. Jut beftire leaving Jttr Chitag> lailp calhod Doolîttle neide end whimtîerédtlxt huni t tat there wtt. a "mure tlîiiîg" coînîg off tii.'next day at the Hlawthtorne truck. Iloolîttit' Lit, lie- ilad $1.000> ili the haîtk et Crayslake whi<-h wam Pî-auiîîg ou)i>'3 fier cent.nud if lie rtonld îîake *.40)lite wtt willing ta btt, butt it ut-t'a 'sure tilîig:ý' UHPdisew tbe moDe>'frotu the. baik tIi.'next moruing and uvent to Chic-ago, meeting WIttil ltt the railway depot. Tht.> druive t> tihe Furet Nïatinl Bank, at Wheil'm suggesw tion ta get tire mont.y changer injta bill@ of #100 denonsination. There wam an automobile lu front of the bLank, and Whell said it halonged ta hl ncle. "ir.Corrigea lo making a liaadhook la tii. bank uow," ho sald. " er the, moue>' aud lIl get tiie tickret. for the. race. lt'e klud of poor te pull down $15,0W0 but w. uist do it." Doolittie gave hlm ntht. mont.>'and thon walted in vain fur lais returu. Becomiag suspiet-lq lie welit ta the- police, with tht. remuIt note.. Curacd of Chronlo Dnarrh«ea After Ton Vears Sufforins. 'Il wlith ta se>' a fan'wtsrdo lu praise of Cliarnbrlaln's Colle, choiera and] Iliarniioea Renia.]>,' gays l Mrm. Mattip Burgé, 0f Martineiville, Va. 'Il mufft.rtd front ehronie diarrhoea orten yearx and during that time trit.d varions niedicinem withotst obtaihing an>' permanent relief. Lautsturamer ont. of iii>.clildreisn ait takea wlth .'ioli'ra uorîus aund i procured a bottIt. of thm renied.]>'. ly> two domeo were retiaire.] ta give ber eutire relief. I titen decided to try the usedieine aiyelf, un] i.] iot lume aill if ont. tittie Itatore i1n'as well and 1I lav-e nevet mince beau trouble.] with titat Cowplalut. 0110 caniiot May' to mch lu favor 0f that woud.rful medicine." Thtis remedy la for sale b>' F. Bl. LOYELL, LIbertyville. Notice. Môrmewkeri;eouurîon lustets nsait. every lot and Srd TuesdmY 0f eah iaonth to MitcellhI.South Dakota for $19.79. round trip tend for il daym. Almo maur other volute la Dakota and Minnesotsasud Iowa for ne ta"e plus twolanlt. For furibor Informa- Lion appiy at 40. X. & lit. P. Uoket utile. tt F. J. ALLU.m Nf. A "nt. Wot are. agenits for tîtfaunoum lutile livîr CpIleret'tly diseoveretlLt>'tht. vem-raulîe IDb. Dada of .Cîicugo. Persîtts nlîh ave' 1imse. hae hi wlltv iitbir. Tht.> cur coietîîti'n. ldby WIIt. HÀtz- ~ufTi5etyviIe rugstcîré -and] su lnols Friday.,JuIy 8. 1904.-8 Pages. -_PLAN I~ VMEN. Chiceago 1MIII tios I wm. J _»iP .ATiN" .i luair>' inspec4'"wa itt a put-. rîiik sîipply W loikit was dec.Iara.] not ti thlig Chieigi, Iilk 1)eolerImms letter te. llealtb Cpoumimailît attacked ltht. preseiteRtem pies for the.'tr~'~t.m e@AYR ili part:- ~'TIlilt'aith dopartinent i-i rm it l-s tii iuure iluo Satumilay tit ail. The artand made a *Tl.fllttes -îrulgin- spetors iroto tht. country "1ho. I- puirpos f_ üoD1îiwforring vitit and ulieu the. adviming 'ull isminp about io- rec4uits rtlîat w.'andthti,,publie îi.t'- luring, 1140.witl-ue nt. -l>'dair>'y u o't,, oui>' 4we exîe-î-t four insp eettrs Io) it'Irt uun - more tItan fotit--four of tI'- 4,049)4> Itfir>'v .-4it-lletve in trylng a tyteni wi.h bas 'ie aIuntuil.]velin - lutlier -ities. W. îtî i mlf iîîîuhavet lb. ify nl iii '- tlUnit au>- onte wii sei-îi, milk into (hi uagi nu ili stetXire îî lîirjIige andrîd suie k.. niual affldavitti that the. sasitary -o -nlitiuiue ipres<-rihed biy -tht. it> bave b l ui- u ,îplit.d e This lplan ie!iineos'porated iiini npn)lxoetd 1amendiment ta thtcmilk which gprovides titat lu applyiug fosr uermiiit tI dairyman faruîeh informuationi regardiag the. lotatioii (AIthe.furni. tIi" nutiber, healtli and fe.-] tf thiecowm..the.- drainage, light an.]ve-ntilation of th-" stiable., asethl otf haudllng the fro-slî product anti the lit.ulth of tiisen>pl<yi-e4. SUIT CS $2890000 Mie Pasm 58,000 udgmhent Saturday- 0*4 mimons Case Dude. CON IT BA PT S-atiirtla>'moruitg c»é o rs .] liti-etrt liy a.]i..oter f'4i44>4> an.]dtissu ende.] the faîLuip Condit-ItuttI>'sit viieh ifor y'-s arcLii -'nfitioglt i tiheLake t'iissty and] ligla-r tourte. The ocumis i.atti'vid lutimoreattîlition tIsait uiy tof a liket- uiru e brotîglit iiititisvotlifit3'. 14< ii- uiveral yt.armîilgit uliîd' uvb'ntîte duro'i it fret ctik Pu'ukegaiît)ltt mr. il'eti']l>a ileel wihti nrt-ni '--hîe manguati'-îi Oujuiit wln'heu-i--tie lhttes-vas'ta st.llluit l>itly nbn-fat-tut su th it f 'tukt-gtié un.] lin. Cusuiit t'îîîu'dhie comisu- sion, ibut Iia'i' t-ui -itapa>' iti, laiiuitg he- diii n t îîak e Uio. d- Ctîndit tton rtutglîu ý,uit lu cojurt tiirecovrdatiîîesu-,i. Tht. aste wîi dt'.-ldeoil litls fnvtii-iti.] averdlit-t tif trials, et.. iidtinlrt ho l,' tsse Sent ti thte.8tiirenie Court utit tise resaIt tiîat Csintit got a fiot <julîuo-iet tf *-04 lia.]> tecinred lîhi uîîîlthen t>ikethi.- i-se te> the. iigitest (-.Ilt t lu thue ]an. fîor a deisin, but ieiili-yuly thouglîtlietter of it and Satuî-lniiyinstris4tedulis attorneys ta puy tliejiîlgiient of $8,4). To a reportai Mn. lî:îly confide.] that incluiuagtii.judgintiui tlte"aorebad cot h"82,00l0ý-or i otlicr-vorus$20,4M( ia cuurtcomtis, lawyu-r.i fee.5etc., >' tht. extendt.d litigatiîmi 4,idt hai h.en fîrct.d into'baakruîî,t,-y and] whsi'n lu law>-ere aie pal.] littie wil routaini 'f tute *8,00<> ho receive. Nar.moly Escape Drownlng. Twenty.fusur ytiung 0filiago pleiistire scekers, tutu af tht-su ut' îîîîen 'i th îliiffl lu theur ans nt du i ut vts id îen sinkingiotthe. pitasuit- luatpinwiiel lu tht. ver>' tnter*of Pi'ttuukis' lakte ni-ar -Fox Lake tailly Sattinda>', Tiie Piiihevlte'wiiut i decityt.] iltl, singla deeked-craf t fou/rty let lu lt-igclt, an.] i. tai.] tu) lave-luen caudoiuiu. Indignatut urviviiru dthle sinking mii tlrteps ta pi-eh-r utiî ngsainmt Audersont, osvitir of tI buat. Siuging seutimint.îl -iftige in .Ilotîtstie tht. nierry part>'ctait-du for tue pli-anmt ride aci'te ua bi-. tîiidenly thti' sisg- ing au.] ilanit>' wi-týu- ahe.] h.- n'îrd tîtat tIte boat Iaîl P;,1urung a laak anîl n'as Ml; rapil>. VTe one manu wiît attd anecaptaili, i'îgiiu-i'n d crotn', irst «an' the. nater putrtig thnouglî tht. rctteu Plu.ul.s <of tii,' luttaîn. Het tien ou full sî to try an-] malins hore,huaL thes presure ofn'ate,- uîuiî'kl.t enlargeil the- leali an.] tii .11-8uliof n'ater lut out the boîite'r il-. VThe boat sail ovitiin a feu' înitu-uu uitthe. discover>' of tht. Iiak. Tht-re w-as tfrantle e'rinulle in tht. watt.r aistIi,-botsutettled. The- tno on'ouu.usLtâ-i lI'ii- tuIilîgit aiitsvt theiîe, whitelle'i'îlyni uîg men suuiisttmitero sustiuine.] tlîu'iiioitlitut t. Tîte tlli:îv-ru- n'as made l'y a mowiimier thut tIi" wtîîden ctiveisiig <f tîtu- ,evk n'uîsos»> n lerlît. t-t.t ut'lié1tii,. -'rhôiu, -lut cuîuld flot cn'illi wi-n-ulule.] testht. sus- ii'rged raft nse tIt- w n'sîot rowst enuoughfor ail. Foir ten itutes tht. part>' nait..]and IfilI>' the Fux Lake le odnrangoacetd. The exhausta.] = ne~~e Il hanie.] abitia.] ud IbWo ABIG !AIR. * Old Aeaoci*tloou1, Bpusroà toe limosut by !TI& .ofAnother PRINTING,-PREiV mUà. LIST. le I)ireettirs of the 'Laks Cacnt>411r- y uoitural Societ>' are bus>' arrangiag for lthe. animtal fdiîr 'laichioccurre tiis year leAugust .3f and] 31 and $eptenih a n sd 2, *a&d tihe effoîrt ta nuove the. fair grouada * ad hlîtîlfubture, faire on Oie aew groande of the,. .ilx'rtyyvlla Trotting asmaciation dtunmblutd witi tise agiltation fou, a gleate»r fair lins given au imupetufe, tatihe lend- rganisatioin ait.] uîited amonag ddimreea a dî'tprmiîîatiîn ta) get out of »the. old rat. Tht. resait will lie tiiet tie fuit wlll ee'Iipse those o(f prevltdi. yea"rlt and iflviiem the, eveat le of hietor>' Ileul Raid titis end]bas bmmeencom- piiehed-andlt~ldogàvalnpoe aliiliv to eg i afair that »hall um.4j %with appraval amil afford trotet 'la entertainusent for' the thousaInde wlîo wili. attend, tht-n n'll future effort.: ta4 tuoe atolarergroÙidanai. ondit, tIhe eve Èt ou a radifcal>' different and .lntr<sae Meet n'ith support au.] auiong fariner.@ wbi are uowoppomed ta the. kiff. àlPrimariiy it le .effalti@iiat tua Secm- plieh thie purpose the. pielalulusand jawards lie lnreaeed uid the. *epeed prugram rendered Ioartlculorly attrqctive. The races thif, ypar Win, bl.eatthe ver> 9hbotad aàthe daten on Wh" e ifair le to <ca! vere choséea with au Ides tu getting lu ta the. circuIt dovuers viiand it cauveniout ta vient Lake eount>'and tus a large 1field 0f hors..le assure.. The partes% hung ap ame lawgr thait beretofore and ila me of the.t.festet classesan high as $0la inoSer..]. The premîim liet ha. heen revis..]wlth considerabis cuansd the atma>., of exhibitar@ aad othersitmted auud.who lu mia>' instancesbave been wont to, criticise ia tht. pa.t because of Wak of interefît la a proîser risarrasigeaseat of the. premium fliot-la mas>' his.the. awardm have Iseen larease] and soîne of tihe olimiste !tenue have heen reniove.. The InFlEiDNrJob deNrtmnat le engage.] gotting out the pieins lisite au.] la another Wuek file>' v -hl lidya for di etribution. r K1 1 098 NOTr ETE%. The suit etarted tii determnint. validît>' of ii' claini of theaeating ollicers ta eliuuctent dot-s îlot doer preparatione for the fair aud it le expecte.] a decision will lie giýut.iîh> Judge Dtmnaelly monewieh wiliattie once and for ail] tit mueh întted questitmn. It will lie reintuauiere1 t>lat attorneys. for itither mdt. ll.d with 1.lXle judg. unieff. of their case au.]that Jha j Nijd lie woulhi render hie dtmciL4on with- 1 out isearng furtlîcr arguint. Sitkunes - o the. attorney' ftr the. officarir in power dl.yed iuttere for smeUtie aîîd the iief wast not lu tii. Judge's hade a. , as îînticîîîateîl it wotîlidLh, whlcb ,aî,-tîuutt for the. delif>' in bis annouare- uî[11.1tt of a decimion. fftîwever OCi cou- lido'ît arm tht. directars th.> will lie ectimtaiued iii tiîir cisateutions tlîat tht.> Lare going ahseaei and ail prelîminar>' ianW t. tisfo he air ais n'euunder MINING Rtefusai 10 Audit Accoanta the Latent Charge. COMMITI!BE TURNE» DOWN. tu. Waukt.gau & Wnshiagtoiî Miniîîg liii. Smltiag Coipîamy have heen eîîîleavoring to otiuiatihe ompaay'e liaute, of heretar>' R. If. trîpe deitome.] an.] tîeir fallurs ta do no t'xtlaine théir staterut-mt ta stou'kholderts dlut titi-> cannot uithaout titise records ru-tuilran acie'trtt tf thelr tixpendtus utth tueaunes, andtires urtiier hindere.] frot-uniî-niyiig ami thti' fisifrty's devolop- suevnt. Last Firiilay R.L B. Stripe la n-.'lîttns.'tatht. retileet rit a nuniber ai stiiekioldars cîsuclite.] o tara over ail of tîte original btooks, pâpere, billis, voîuchIers and] cheeksin lit possessioni ta ut .-iinittee of tîchobîere, Mn. Win. Wautlel au.] CharIes 'Wiytt., for the piulsos of couupariag tihe aecatnt an.] stnaigiteiugout tht. trouble betwt-c'n tht. muxackboldt.resud directarl. Htîn'ever, wht.u the propositian n'as pre@eutîedtAû tht, tireclxire tht.>'are sait] ta have. ifKë at-d t ustertain It.- i-iutrttary $htripe', lu a conimuication save, "I have ntsw don. ail I poeihîy -an tus hunttt tht. tockhîîîderm, aud it im ý-ivltltt tht. suit mgainfit nie le Lrought ILSia eit d Itti< Luu-v,'r up tht- n'roikg <loin>, uof tIe iti-toLre. Whyudi.] . A. taught, A. E. Stripe au.] Itai Petse refuse to audîîit arudi 'upauie thîir boos ut ihi Intieia.WerLeai Wd f it lwulîlreveai lad4-t ley are trylng tu caver ni), or ln t bes-ati.' tbey wnt ta gain tUnis ta have tht. proîierty foreclost.d, under tht. $10,000 trust de..] lie> have pIs... again" l t lu-fayot <of Stophea B. 81.50 a,'Vear là 7Advaî WiiI bave a coRdpletnew 1Une of Fwnitai JtEwy '3.. New styles Best Interlor Varnl»s s n te lbIlr Pattoèn'e *SuniwfPâ-lât F re IandU, drtaklng Lisbertyv.iIle - - II on I .~ Clean:BJe a~o -J rInu~ 8tQns~ u ~eît i C T i.t. ' -4 at. 1 cilh best twini PL;Ymt .36 1 lll , i Sumimer Hors e GÔÔ W. rweed thiiWeek our annua, sAbipement of Summer, Hors. Ii'rnlahing Goodo, (aasd tIey are the g andoomest we have ever had) cou- slstlng of Fly Nets, Horse Cpversq, Lap -Dusi, -and a new lino of Mesb- Nets. l00 1"h rm oudlaher fy MW0. .......... 'Oc.t t............ 75_-.... ... .... ... thu c-à-eobÏÏ ago neTem Net p pa ... 3 c HA-S.- KA E Horse Furnlshinu Goode Libertyville,Mi X Deaer laX Lumber of af lKinds Dewuos Mrd. of CooL.Dow&u Wwaowu, mmdInk" F"d Orola. S..S ew;;P> Dr" aTU ALMHAe LAND CRMNT. Lime Dom ecuoom g rlnn- Com mnd Cob or Mzed Libertyvllo ilnois liffl'g Laxative flone>' and Tai, la the original laxative teit eu -tre. It là the bemt laxatve eugh myrup made. Bee'@ Laxative luiuy and Tar coutaina the antlseptie, he.î!ing. so.îthingad eti-eagthlnig properties 0f the. native 1plat., combined with other ingrediente ln a laxative myrup made fronpure etralaed boney. Curs al coughma sd stîsngtba weak lums. Bld hi, Witt.HÀt> uwtyvâb D..,su"% d at= ,villle. Lake Ca first MANU7AOTuNSRg*I' Ccmetery -Work of f i Description Correspondence SouIc No PItY s.eWr. - tînuonsi>" n'ýritez f. 2 aL. %dat. 2,l bt Cam

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