CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Jul 1904, p. 1

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ÂiIN, LY XI -Nol 41. Libeërtyville,. Lake Courity. Minois, Fridayo July 15. 1904-S Pages. $10a, Year n AcIva ilustrated. Postal Cards Appropriate for, gueste and LiboityviIIe visitoro. A nice present for out-of-town friends. We have thern la variety. Pure Drogs and Medicines LO0VE LL' S OR U GSTORE Libertyville. Ill. Randinlahad vth style oms .weai1l.g quallty. This, te.. getha wlt thUe choic.tlesoS and miperlor workmanship,' places Mayer shm ala the front tank of shoe perfection Derand the best. Inslat on havlag Mayer shou ad look for the trada-inark on the sol#. E. W. PARIIIIIRST 2th Century Cash Storel Libertyjvilte, 'Illinois --i M~ . GàAtIYNIt Cabhier, LietvLJe'lfni Accoîîîîts of firms and inidividîi.al4 are Molle- ited and aili be re- cet vel ap)011the inogt favora.ble terme c.on- sistent *!th Conserve. tive bankiîug. IE RFIS NOon dîshonoriri true h eeco12my. Do dr m lay amide areas. & onable portion t of your weekly Income. If-' you desire, we wili help Co you save it. Uncle Sarn'o co approval of our buminema ,, rnethodm le neceisary. W. P meet ail the requiremeuta-su ail of the national banking PC loi Iawm h. cou LAb E COIJNTY 'av NATIONAL Bas*k o l'Io 'la DR. FREDERICK EL MARTIN i1<i li: <m-- to 10 a. ni., 1 to l p.j),ini.and à Ofic Ph,,u .55. R.idéffwc l'onc 173 nia LFaertyvillp, illitioim the> DR. J. L TAYLOR,. ig OFFICE OVEJI TUIifig. & TAYI.on'g. foll 11107111:-7 to ,10 a. fi;. 2 to. 4 and 63 to ofN Hm. .fV Rpmilence on Bro)aiwtîy, ,lppoite Park. ft the> foui DR. A. 1. NICHOLS. i of Chicago, ave DENTAL OFFICE ane DVLtH ULOCEOVER suivi S hAVIS' STOiEto u sOffu:-WedueudaYo of eaeh week from nq Lbertyville, Illinis. Wii BENI. HL MILLER, ae ATTORNEY AT LAW. the DEAO LOK. TELEPIIONE No. 26. yoë LubertyviUle, Illinois. me *DR. L 1SMITH i>ENTIST. OFICE OVEIt LANE OiMtTi BANKt. otas--S to 12 a. n. and 1 to l .m. I>AILY. Libertyville, Illinois. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. OFFICE OVER hI.01,128 5DRL'O STORE. sui:am-from 1 ta 3 and 6 ta 8 p. ni. Lubertyville, fIllinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AT'IORNEY AT LAW. l.lbertyville,hIllinos. PIHONE 33. DR. 0. F, BUTERFIELD, VETERINARY SUEGEÙ<'.- ASISTANT STATE VETEIRhEÂRrAN. Liberft'vlle, Ilinous. WC hm econtmwte smd wlin tcaor trm.JI0 Two "ie oCounty Boy* Head »espssato'chicago Gang. RELU BY POLICE. Trunman B. .Wilkinson afid Chas. F? Pionien, the. former lying at the point of deatii tu a Chicago hospital and the latter field by the poIim. of that city, and both of Lake county, hy tIî,ir own confession P4~ a gang of Clicîîgo to)ughm wliich rivaled the fanious <arr, barn trio. Wsilianm Arwïn br'n, ,ar in jr rn. waw akw aarfflted. The new hand anriouneinîg tli..u.inpv,.s as the t'original arîtor,,atj< triol' met their Waterloo Wedh,e'sday of litot week men.ftary oi kwal No. 17 of the Wolod Workers'I. uion ut bis .,wa doe. 79;:, North 42ud aveline, C:hicago. lun the fusillade Wilkinson W&Lsmhot and dcsp..r. tely wounded. fis i"n.litjionnmi aile .tne.%lsery fo)r iis <ouii.nions t., mtandon hum after tllk-iig imrevoliver ant hum tel pri-leut idenitification good their ew&pels, Wilkiiiuurcviv(4d lu th <eIdwl.'U.r.' h.'lîi falien. iin'l.' hi,, way to a mtreet <-air an i.,ti,idiy «tiruek (ut for a pim.. ( if ,,iei<int Tiie co.ndu,'tor wIo .)tl litaritii.' %ititm, ls-<'anu, sijiiî,sand.]otifl.'< iati..n, Whio arresatî'.l Wilkinison aîi> Jragged binn about f roui one station t., another in a joling patrol wagon bef<re t>py k:arned thèv w<'re handirg a dying man. At huit *tIl. îrs- er trengtli and nerve left juin and 1 lal lait vol- l'n uht lad. tboys," he grasped. baring iosclusgammwnts aud exp<us- nqtlic gaping a ound lainii,,breast. ' ni sii<.t to l<iei-e. 1,44 lue fileienl ac,' Thea the weak. wretclied )rLsoner wiîo hadl rennained sulent for iun, conce-rning lit§ mortel wound,made foul limant of hi,. career of crime and àe identity aend hiding place of hi,, impanlonx.' A iiasty raid followed li a Ton alt 54 Wellsastreet, whcre Ionien and Arwln were ,nu ried ild aptured belore tiiey could r=ingi.l gay an arsenal iih which they lad urroauded themmeive,. Later they toid I. Charles, lionien iis the sonl of Jclme1,i [<mnien and t1e fainfy liv,,,,riear Tiîiri ake ou the rond ieadiug te, Orayalake rm Drne-,e*m. J>laieu was liorn in Laite ouuty and ived fur mont <if bis life at igesl Corniers, juet iwemt of Gaoges Laitei hbere fls famiiy remided until iatoiy. Wilinson wss a painter and worked & Grayoiaite and Foi Laite, for a tinnie, er goiag to Waukegan and working1 ta a farta lieur tli lanchiard i<Ine ort, tof tliat .-ity hl at Gravslake1 ? iived nt Eniorv Adonis and «<iet1 lonieu. The. two sepribed te, likre thm, nme kind of spoîrts and 'oftcutlmes got1 iti triviali nix-nps). Al ter buth weint to Vaukega they :wem, conpanionil and it now telieved that they plannedl their lues tlî<i-. Tii,,faut tinie 1Wilkiinsou seu s"eu thé>rcwas about Jaaury- Wilkitns9u and lnien corîfessed to iny crimes and ini th im it was iiîî,-indedi se r,.bhery of liconra', jesveiry sitore ut ïaukegami and iiidinger's n<îrtli ide "ory in tiiat <ity. Amî,ng crihmes guriag lu their vonfession are thc lo1wigig:t Holding ni, a salojon a hl,î<-k north1 North avenu. and two. <>ioks west r Wells street, whcre tbhe lartend.r at >nd alone, and $16.44) wam mseurwd. 3 Saloou four bio,-kti west of the <coin avenue carbartim, robiied onj .l niglit of .une 80. ' Bartendpr and )r e-iîstoniîerm f,îrccd t.> gir.. up $32-t -ici. ni, a Nir. Crawfîird, 40>41 itk<. vena..; took iivainailes f rn h ion fn lStreet at the point of a revolver, nd niaii..d tint iîroved utclesu jtii..u.6thtie a.ldritss given at the t iquest of the. victim. leld up a iarte<der and eiglit men isa saloion at, 508 Litîcoin avelne. 7iîkinsaon knoclred dowu an aid 'mni y Io, tuated theit,.0 Hld up a sai.îon in North' P<ark C venfle tw., week agi), taking $< frî,nît le iarteuder andi thin'..enstoiers. Plouieu alsu cîînfemffdlaving r<îbbeila oenane i ewelry store at Waukegatn. nring îcwciry yvalued it $3,(i n-iîi,'l mays ins urriî'd nur Waukegu.n.-He ther c,înfemsed ta laving lîîId uni, dinger'.. gri<.îry for *104.60.t A liAi>PAlIR.t Pionii.u tleerted the arîrry at Fort t ongs, Ltai. fi ve yeain ago anîd %vas ot in niakiiig us escape. HP. inuoat. l wai. tu California, married tlue yoîtig RI iman lic induceed to nurse hum t ,to ,altb and lias ever mince Iived a life of jt ime. Hi denitresis wife i. living at hbiad l'a' .. ~,ikinsoa..1femmed iîavi,<g sliît tw.î en and fîroken jail il. Indianai,,n il Idition depreilationsi in the.' wî"t ril about Ciii<-gî. Bort, a l<rotiîer <if liailes l'lî,ticîli ves n Waakegaii anin . a trîistoedîmîîloye tl D,,a'mi ,îili. I,ih ioîîuiar «iti. ail ieider irotlîer's <rinîi. fuil.,onuliai, Lbt ..ruthling fonee. lit an interview l ije kd: "Chiarles-«viNsalwaym a a'aywnril Ir y. Ile cou>ntdevcr get alî.ng«iii. au y t bu.. rest oîf the. fatnily, and rait aNay- mu home rat titieariy age. W'c ia%-e ltri..d to bîelpihlm tîut lie woild E *md hiem mqney lu ail sorts of (issa- 04 ion a.noua as bie reeîved iL anddai au aiways in sains kind of trouble. blas4 beau given lots af good advîce b would beed noue and is ntîw siniplyr ping a%,lbe bms sawn. Pl bief oif Police Grady, of Waukegan, al et to Chicago to mse .tiei.'rs.ner,.a ysays the ent ire gang ils i'înîesd ofa ik, coliuty boys and lm a d.'sîierate di i. William Arwin t,îildthe.' dueflihe sa Waucoada bojy. , >bs. bandits do nat seen to reahize tiihe *ruiiity of their offense and lirag ab»w it ai varions crits.-- bey admit ,veriything, gf< tlîairbi ntatJonand edaita tbey have f40,00 $die a'*ay. h lcac pVolle arm inclined tu> p. ay»,rel teliing the .teuth WAUMlKGAIN 'BIG TIME. REPtiBLICÀN COUNTY CONVIENTI(QN. liasinesS Ment@s Qrand Mid. ICommnittee Meetas aturday to Omunèr 1lcni. Iset Date.. F oitALL 111E COÙ>NIY. N..xt Tnesday is to l.. i ig holiday in Waukegflantd a' tq atoia, tomýv, oiffice», bankii, etc.ilM... ou tiîat day fto îîiiotvof erapkoyé.cs ril irpritjr.. attending the. asî.. r.î.pi.'nie lit iletric i'ark. A W s[iciatflt,n >is. ,xtendffl1to t:ititeh's i* fLak.e couldy vt,. attiend as. of eitizens of ti b tt sent and on,. of the very hier time,'. osèille le asured. Excursionm i.i al]railrondra, .'(ie.tric funes and eto-r, 1,,itît Ii.'s bav. l>e(*fl arranged aid lj, nitr,, t... se.rf-4d Foîr aniaseinentts v r!I 1-ii" cv.l' on civalle kind of attlýi, ar .tv.o ha... hand,, wilfunislk n.,.. r t n,, ayitu ie.'îîirg and an oreti..- tim w ill h.. t tIi, big iiaing pa'ililî, ji,.f th.,. tilt»,. One o <f the spoe.iai f.,rra,, ejî th te l'k"witb Its attrur i.,. vhii viil i lïi îîioe rjsblome,,- i ,jraks, <'ai.' rail.,, «d.'sho sa,' <j,~ l....Al ablj ftun,,q vol.<Jfln td lring tii. < rI fu notice. th-, Cj .&U.. J .Â. Auet. NEW PRIMAIIY PLAN. !TIi.' vitliran .'ounty central ecin. nijttve a-wlj i neet Saturduîysit the, eouftt lioInM. in Waakegan te, ix date. for hoiiirg ii. cnîn g onveýntion an.) ahio tiro,. of holding prinarwe. thraughoat th-- >oninty tludr the 'n..w plan. Th" iii.<titag iili is' an importantonue aim] rueriUerm o<f the Laite. eouanty repubaic,,lin memmare invite]to b..prewent. MIIîri.r ' amuses no litti,"his,'ussior, -anlIdate,,for tie' vai4mm tsotiLces. Ln,1.r ti,.propoes' newî î,rjar-y est'bril earîdiat...,wiII 1,e voteil for ,t tlhe primarifem andid dcl,.gatî.ffl froînt the vsvrimirîetî,wn..instrated lt,, ctL't their voîte in thie' ctnventLaný for thi. eanljîlate,, for thë .rëmspi'.'tiv. o.ffices I.',iviig theIi.iiglieut rîviter of votes at the. priiiary. The question arise,,au t., liow dek'gatî's t., Uc vted for at the> pimarie are t., is. sleeted. Possihly the various randljlat,.s wiii b.. ali<îwed t>, ,,.'eit ,delgates whicl, will lie axrî'.abUle teail. It ud 41w) euKgestëd tîtat tiie'txwn co0mmittees néene the ilplegnte... It will make little differèei i an<y <vent as at thje priniaripmeti' vot<'r, wii decigde for which e<andi<late,, tl.eir d.'i<'gat.'r. are to v<tp ani! what tartieuiar individuals remord the. <.XîN'ssedl wiil of ta mDajority 1<. of littie HOLD-UP AT -WARRENTON .sa s Havoc by Laghtning AttonpW dSuid& atHigbwoad Hold-Up NeaDemand Cash. Walter, the>,Iýl son oif Otto Burantît, whocoudnr-tm ti- >.rly store»at ~Vr.îùnnorth-.eamt otf iavvle aahiorrified la passiig t1w bluîk door of hi,. father's «tore Sat.îr>fuly evenîirg te. s*-- a nian standing acarIi,, îîtlîer with a revolver î.ointed lit lier l<ead In aý threater.iti iaànio fr.-~. llîralîîdt Wam in the 5t<,n'alo,> t-.,ta', trarg'rs wlorn the .lad saw.ý Tiie littie f.-Itow @@i4mi'd witlî ail bis, iniglît and Mrat.,>wiere, is tatii.'r Wtl>. at %<<rkt in tie'* va rd. Tii.. atli,.ýr iet n. tir.>, iîn iurryr>g , tii th ' tînýbt «vien )wi arrived the un -.Lail tak--i w airing anîd skipicd. lIn telling .of ti.. iriî-iîent t,> il .qn r-ter' Mrm. iîiraîidt .-aîj>j "I %vias a>,ne ri i.'wstorWe «i ii a ai or mari arî-l arw nawilr.,ligbât 10 o[tite aorth. ai cakes. Tiwr,' «vs another ý-ritmrîîe ln tiie' stor'reat: lwfi,'tiîe. Bltîl nieni îvalki-d ourt jr.anijiute andid r a fia' eonilauied i)y <i.îma1. iach taller. TIi, short iua?. Uotigiar -igar@,and i >ttrted b , i a k e <c h a n g e ' a n d> 1 a e .' a 1 I lo o k e d 4 1 n i > i u x . t e ý - - a n n t i m l I iooked inletii. ,.-o<f a revolver li by the. taillirnitil. P-41( d "worîanîI r arit y.,ur ioiey. 1 n'ai, of <ot-.. ,iii ecared hit i,-frir.' lia.] a chian,', tir I, tiu,'b, 'IValter rav tti. year.olîl sont. li-i thro.ugh tikv l.""r andl5îR s w ;lnt w aýailtt. He yelh,'I to ii i, fatiier tliat a r,..,,. ut,,, liootitig iie andr two f.'llowas nt 11o tmein rukilîjiing. W.. trled to ctritther bat <'oui] îtît. "The tallimriax «sabout twi'nty-fiv. years aid and six ffalt in heiglit. He. bore .mnalli.x nia-ks, ti] " We sl tley wen!r Cbleago mo..i. TIi-y got nu ia hiif.,yfoîr bliey iver.' nhas-I tioo »ort. .- 1lia'l about $1 t>)liathi-ilrawer." Ligh2tning SftUi. - l>uriug tI,. îi.,ri,.l torna naI i tiarli-r îlowcr Monî, - iing Iigltiiiigstii eI ire biarn tînMr. l-rvdîhAIlUre.'lit'a ilît i , the village ,of I -n-elrand)it liiîiiîi( to tire gro.îrtar. Mir. AlU)n-dt ««ili afslietance of ri' of hie@ ii>-igiri- <acceediiiria iw i ig what'.-iihivl.ynnvesr' mnd tools werf! iii t1ibara. .Th.eloft ia,) jult bceri ilhle.Ii % li ay whicili <of -ouir.., hurne,]. >Iliel hii i gw .as iîsît n-d. Two barils lor-rd ou theIi,'frii of àacolib'it'liley it Xptak-ileil,$ ~a îîx.ilit of ligîituing et i. lraig on M<,i],at 'v lifte- bon. On,'w',,c a. hi ig.strîitt <i-. îvil, hbeoth.'r w-as iii iiler ,liuîei'asi,,. I t lvas pl-rs.iiile t . 't fritelîî>i-,<it l'lit ail toliaand] f i in a tire' loft -c l<'strîye'i. M r. 'taialiy carriei) iiisq1,, vi..-' il the Ela <aîriilÈtîytloagl fot suili-it t<i îver lue l,,ea. At Loon I.ak- tii'lari. i' loini'<of E-sli Iros. & ltllnl+m. hiuilt, wa,, strnck and lrrî-l-Thelon, s is ,tiiiieLti'd ait $80.000. In tiie fait of if 11(2 tire ronsle whuii tiie.oe lai'detroyed tii,,n-ck aeplaced, was îuiriiei. Tlée eîgine frin ia iassing train wts anicoupleil andîl asicî .p to tire i..h.bu-'whiere lit îull'd .aa-ijy a lng mtr-iig oii fri-'ghit cars tiîat ît.ira anger <if leirig liiited. Aýtemnpts Suicide. lIrivon tii il>'ei.ration thraîugl, î-.în- atnit dririkliig, Luke. Flanltýy anitaigi refla nuender triî'îl thriee tri kill i iim.If Priday iiiciraing lit LireVillage' if [lgliwood. He is îîow in. thii li wanty l eing iooked alter he'ane it Is çv"tdet h as -the,,delirium. treninea tstt'jumping iront dm, top 01 a box iu hi@ wrist wtb a piece of glass. and thirdly l.y trying te, bang bilniself with au eleetri,' wire-tieee were the wass Flarity tricil ta end hie lite lu hua depreselon. vas SP4 .Tué. hUiarl-ji ardlnr, oailiseli, will inot iie lirose,-,it,,l oh eliarge o.f (lasta Hoît, tii,,, aims that lie intealtionalty siiot lier iii 4h,. ee asmîioted in this colnmn lat weck and< wh,, aiiordinghy iiad bum arrekqted. -& -."e B14iheving that jt waq a casel of "Pite wrk, tliat tue rman wnas leeping lu S;tate', A tto)rnc-y IannKaturday after- noon witlidrea' the dconplaint against (larjner. If.' r.-.iveil information that tlîe iijiry t.,tii.' a',,nar.ealted- fron a lIr ecra,-ker tiirown )iy-a - . im'tat Giar'dneir iin <'nier t.i have doue. the Mhootnîg worildlia t,. bac) to shoot arorind a ei'w.r. TVint (lardner la reîîortei t. have shliot a .1.îg l.iongiug t theti,. eighbor with a'h.inti Miss Hoît wa.i stopping iii said t have ii-te ifeieling ofi sjite 'which rcr.,lte in tiie swearing onit of the warrant.1 Birtb Rate la Laite Couaty. Coiity Cl('i-iHende..blias jîst coma- llîteil lii,.s eviad <uartely rciort to thie stati' of birtbs c,iirring in Laite Conity d.irriîîg the itit tbree mnhthe, and! theii tgîh' lii>wn are very lutereet- April and June are the bigg,,st nant4, of tie q<)njrter, with 71) and 109 birtbs Tii.' figures iu detUil) are. Male Feiiale Total April .l4i 43 71) Maiy 82 .4) 62 Jlî.e 1i7 4'2 .10 135 115 250 TI,îî it wiii I' e 'n that the Iirtb rat,' <f iaile mab. v,' tlat of fnale,. îîy a vil-y sNwaîl mîî>îiîlsr. Atiiongli, iegrîs aiae i)uite nuntli'ous iri Lakie <'i.uity, aiLui 'peciaily in Wan- kî'gan, hirtlîsaailg then are very er,îall ini tîîiaer, one occurrlng lu April and ta'o ln NMry., A ntvel lact lo that five pairs .of twinîs wen, bora dnring.tbe qiuaetel', ta-,,ini April, «ne in May, and two lu Jutie. Section Haod Kli"d Uiroasr Tatylor is holding an iltqu,.st littM téi iiNliEP'ENIENT g(W o rt, ies< .()Vol*ttie n>îî,,%iul -a [lienauiaiilI Aa,)ersiii hwli va. strurk liîy a famt St. ,l'nul tralin l;tWaiswortîi Thursday andi instantly killed. Tire man liai] Icît tire gang aut< gonie for a drink of water. Hi. wat> utirning, walakiîig along tire trac'k wien' run duwn bly ttie train. - Ie ls a striit'rjr, L.ake i>orntvy. Our Coilector. DEN.'T à, nnkiug hie arînîîal <'al pon mulismrilo'rm.l We appreiiate prompit .a'ttleitit (if suiiscriîitiîu aiîouî,tiianil tiî'liii ilintenrtion Utheti.'iitter tlîat al i,,.viiinîaybhpnparpd. (inrcoilector i.. nuit giing to fi.. able to t',tI on ail af îînr mulstýil<ers and tlîrîe wlî.,ah.' does. notmm e'will pheffldëhniltîby lpost4-o3.e iani'y ,,ider. For th.e Jouistruui Xtîoéltion li. Louis Mn.. sAsom uiketa igond enll Déeemabey is ueas i Fi tbomaalqmu l u a on tfeath'S Fron7t W Next week for s'pecial bargaln 10 Furniture. Pric. on big tag. R"dt it froi the out8lde, then corne In and bu y. W. M. H-EAT F uriture and Undertaking Libertyville - - Iln ~Cao017 B. PR 1 McCormiÇk Mowers MoCormlck IIay Rakes McCormlck Binders Clean $Weep fAY L.oaders Stock Watering Tanks, MIlk CoOllng Tanks Bai- B.aring Grind Stones SickIe Grinders MiIk Wagons Plymouth Binder, Ti(,in. 1Icdaim that PLYLOUTH TWINE lt best twine on the market. PLYMOUTH: TWINE le stronge, ~any other tWine LOn. the market-, MOUTIl TWINE runs longer tuthe than any other twlne. B.ý sure ar P4YMOUTH, - Libertyvllle, Illinois rsumm erIkirse 0a We reoeived this week our aiuaul mhiPement of, Summer Hors. Furnlahlng Goode, (and they are the bandsomeat we have ever had) con, Bistinff of FIy Nets' Horse Covers, Lap Duisi and a new Une 'of Mesh-Nets' Io 1"lah roadither fly et.... 75 - 50 » 'i Tu eebrated WacSerTu.mNet.P«r pak ... CHAS. KAIýS El Horpe Wrnlshing Goods Lîbertyvilie, ff - : m l LIBERTYVILLE VS. IVANIIOE Sunday, July I7th At Libertyvilie Tih a-Uit îî,dout, t b le ii.. ninte'r esting gaine ofthte year, and yoa ehoa)d ùot fail ta attend. GR iffRiL'8PIq, SATURDAY, JuIy le. I Music byr Pr«., lI orchetre PLAN T* - All Gooci Time- First National, B3ank -f - F ,mow.-LOOK

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