PEND LibedyvliIte,,Lake, ppropriate for gçiusta - udLibortyville viitors. A nie. promeut; f» friends. We bave them lu varlety. 'usre Drugs and Medicine-s OVfLL-S URLJG STOREf W. have bought 20 dozen Men's Soft ShitU at a bargain, and offer tbem at 'greatly reduced jprices. Men'a Soft Bosorn Shirts, worth $1.00 7 for---------------------------------'75à Men's Moft Hosom Shirts, 'worth 75é for-------------------------------..... 5 C Cal before th asortment is broken. EPW ^ H___ S Schanck Block Libertoville Ilinois -.LKEGL~TV NATIONAL BANK' CAPITAL .- -*50,000.00> SURPLU3 AND PROFIT$ 5,000-00 0EPOSITS - - 330,000.00 P P.DYNOO. #gmenvG. A. WRIGHT, V. PnIMIoÉrcr C.F. WRIGHT. camitm Dit. dCaLm. NI.sii. ii JfOHN Goi.îiî'; Ai-i.. <i. hl.IIWEIiNIAN 1'-. P. hhs'smt.vîî D. P DBRIcC. IL MARTIN gouil8 to 1), 1 to ia P. iM., .and ', àto8 P. M. ~OMéie 'Phono 55. "eidence 'Phone 178 Lihertyville, liliuols DR. J. L TAYLOR, OVFWE OVER vIaGeR à A;TAiLO'S. imum:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 andi 6 to S p. m. Reidence on Broadway, opposite Park. * Libertyville,Ilios DR. A, .NcIO of! Chilago DENTAL OFFICE A,ýlVr LxftBeECOVER sgi~flY5 ToBRE utm:-Wednedays of emch week froin r: 8:00a. m. to6:OP. ni. Lubertyville. Illinois. ATT$VIORN~EY AT LAW. , E l LOCK. TEL.EFDONIt O. fa. Libsrtyvil$e, Illinois. &, mi ta 12 a. ni. and i 1 to 5 p n ,ý»Çp-rom 1 to .1 and G to 8 le. M. Llbertxville, Ilinois. -ATTORNEY AT LA W. -Lie otils 83 ià. O. W qUP LD. A:. Vii.i- iFirst Nâtionail Baýnk. J. I. TAYIAR Pres. Ps.ssu< I~itoiioc Vi.'.' I'res. If. (i. hhîuii'tc'mn Canuler Libe rtyvillei IiiIois A-econute of firnis and individuals are se dic ited and will be re- celved upon the most favorable ternis con- sistent with conserva- tive banking. Proctor Block 1 0000 Dozen uid vil puy C" hor trade.just A* u.bkt Mot.thu= od..n LIIdrat LàA Maluf. ~tiairday nlgbt nt about Il o'clock Frank KE Perin, a traveling 'tales- mnan for Carson Pii e Sott & Co., e.- sidlng ut 4111 Southport avenue, gogerci Park, ýwas dravu under the'Isof e coulis bound freight at Laàki.Bluff whlch ho wasattcmpt.lng to board, recclvàg Innries fron which hes died t I atcAfiter's botraîtal ln Wauke- gara Monday affernootr. l'emn l"Ie'Left Chicago with a frm.'.î.l 10 attend a l.aity at Lake Bluff tirat nght. H.. wu@ detaiiedt to long anîd tréil e rti. oti iouridpasmneîi.r, wlhi-l leavesr Lake Bluff ut 1:391 p. ai. ht.-lîg ery anxions tu. get hone, hm' mwes.i. with tais friend, to try to catch thi.' freiglit. Wheni tire' freight enfile1 aioiig lais friend sucrairedi luracatchiug it andiw.-nt on tg)0 Chlao. lrrnlow, river, jumiiedti tne of tire initdile cars ai wu» dragged inter, iîuvidg bis l.'ft fot ut. uoff, Lhe other leg ciinashti, fi iî.-ud(cUL and Internai injuries vwer, Coroner Taylor field an inqu.-st Mon- i]ay .'vening tfii.'111-t- dýiii-t biingsas ilwovt- statui. Vgean BlaeâsmitlsDead. Fr.iiny at at Rosecrai.,* Il., o.-..rred tii. d-athi of ageti Ciaunicy Nellité, an olti soulier anud the pionéer biackmatith of Lanke C'îuûty, ln wbose modeat country1 mhop many (Aidl ime expert tredesmen have learned. theiriralling. lieImbs e..aqeîtc a comuty eharacter ail through biesflte andi will lie miS e tlrough widempread regiono. a Mr. Nelii was a vetirea. of the war of f Lt.' Rebelioa. Bora la -New York State,C be lipant niomt of bicsinatlîrer ye4rr, ln Illinois anti- settleti aftor the war in Itomxcrail. Hie enintet inh January, 1865, froiDr Riiay, Ill., was nînctereti in at Camp Fry, Chicago, Feliruary 1, 18U5. Bis vwasCOmpsny B. 158 Regfiniernt, lihino Volontaier lu fantry, la wbh h as au prlvate. The troope vere assigne! l tih. protection of tire lvihle andi Nacaivihie Railiati andt 1 provoiritgoard f duty arounti Memphis, Tenu. He vas h.snorably diim-'harged ut Springfie.ld, III., at thicldose of the watt, Septéibei F211, 1i4i TIj>Ia Forbt. Ground inleaready broken at, Fort Shieridan for Lwéo atw barrnckIs, andi other lig improvtmento are untier way. The plae-aill W. madie a regimeatal puit for infantry. New barrackcare in procecs o! con- #;tîction for two troopir o! cavalry, and for two batteries@ of fild artillery., The. oiri barreclis viii lie uisai foith.' acoin. mo.ýlatfoiof infalîtry forces. Ail of-the' property vest of the (iiîverniîîentnresrvatio)n, filiedta'Up witb st.îre.. ant illuc of résidence lias beena parchamet by tii.' ov'rn tient. The post wyll li exteadeti andi a new parade grouiii laid out. Tie aew buildings wil but couîstructei in tii.' saine style am tii. onffl ntw staning.1 IalnLssLeg. .Aiit IVre .lfci.w g Sinday Sain Baum.iîi'., un Italian 24) years olti, e-îihs. y Lt.' Northwegtern, ut Lake. Iliiff wae Ra dowîî hy a frehglt ant iei rhtkle ut off a'bove theklo. le val croccing the trukasrieur tihe. depot andi di.! not hearthb. train. 8ausone wau taken to McAiater bospital, Waukega.n antilàe rtill living. An aiaputattaàn vas perfortui.d Mondny. De-fi,î By Dmownh4i. Ste'ppiug it,,a big hiol.. and! an- able to swini. Albert Sid!.'hfonL bis lite -in fistalif.' Ray îîear Fox Lake iiunday afterîîoon at 4 oclock. iitfel anti a friand went lato- the.'bay oit the north chlore. Tihe.bottoin of the .' hme a grai un]altoe to dee.p tinter, andthte insu had beien there civerni titibec and tlsougit tisey ka..w ail about it. But dredglsag hadl been dofle unkiiowa t thein andthfe exc.avation lett a deep bol... into wbich Bld!.'! vent as lie.' aiketioontî aLo the water. Hie companion vas ilot very near falm ant idt not notice anytbia Wn wrong iatil tceveri nijautes hat .lapsed aftsr the young man hati saak. Then iL vas Ltoo aLte 10 cave binm. The body vam vecovereti as soon es others were suminoneti. Sititel was 18h or 20 yearr of âge. lie vas a Sw..!., anti vas tiiployet ieas aifer iii Lie Moneral Spriugs bute] at Pistai..'.'Bay for about two veeke. Hieaimpityeri speak hiigbly O! hlm. John J. Morlan., ageti twenty-seven, ut Plensnt Prairie as drownectijle 4 bthiig in a pon near Rumaseil., P. muck, a alor working for Mr. ,o iglnt Park, comnilîtei eby jumping aolie h4ake-Monday. àaisxty years of âge. * Pliraure rIIIIIA aci Bw .Tii. gasolihe aunch o! Jutige C. H. Dt.nrielly - of.Woodstock vas burned -Tnia&v inLake (leneva, vilhi a lo!o $0f0.The tire hcgan îi t teignition 01 ýgosiniipik- lh Wilihim Ijline was flling a tank. He vas buait...!bntiy. , suas Auto Ovuér. Tlie firmt cuit o be fll.ti n Lakecoupt>' ta recovur.danuagem s e a reenît o! a boni. becomiag sared tiau an htiluohie tlho laintif in Charles E. Churpilil, 6f -LI. urich, anti héenues ElÈpier Robert son o! Cblcago, vbo basa oifinimer home kt Lake-'Zurich. for $10,000 on tie ~Ie 9" O(fud tha hui oise becanie ýrgbisaod st Eoborion's ene, ces is, Friday. JuIy 22. 1904.-8 Pages. 20,000 People At*.ad end! Rvent la Big Soetao. MANY PIROIÉ COUNTRtY. Waukesran's 1big nlcniî' Tiî.-day CASES' ARE AL APPEALED. Blectric Rond Not- Satisfle.! wlths Verdlçts. ACTION A BURPIRE. brultto th t clty tbousiiis ofIs'opié, Thtn e iistteilite yii.' (hdiii, froin adjohnin'gtowns and thi- c.innty. tdei tsiit- yte(iiad lit vasa a-grand - suceflse ikWfur aisl Milwaulo- Eie.-trlî' road ver.'dec'ided la atteadance le cafrsu oelI . Tii.'lbordées Judw tig- iizicourt fmst .riiny. Cisarie. began tuoarrive oady la Lhe' îay andi a lulkh.'v ,à w..- adeti daiagesnf $1,4(m cotne ltreniseof, peopw..wa, t> I)qand ;;,,jul n Ofun !;u()0'-for landi ilw inixail 'ii.y. i l ât 'tiaýli iitah avani $.00 osfiumatet thiat 20000 pe.nvl'- v'i' n, uMr. IBallard $2,.mf i.> amages aîîîl H the. grounis du ring tue day. - for his pnoiii-rty. aintotal (if! Inh0.l ,For attractions ve, bM alfl ie, sid.'the caas-s tr,il Jiiceiiinsly invoivîng Kbowsi, liant, o! rmui,, the.' laiis'. i.'n.' ;roperty i.! Dr. h lins. (ialiiwiy, Mms. rackm, <oh rat'kseteuWhîat ithe- Winnkpe- Elils, liriîuxiand 1 . 'i. lfoyt gan hînines aiea isad nôt tîîoîîgîît if hl'v.'rduits erre eid-red ai;s n.,e h .fi. va>' o! diverision foi tie gr.'iit .-r..wds NiE'E E iat the tinia. van not vorth msceisif. 'iiiiiiicihlly it Tuae axti.în o! tIi(' iiiiipany ina ahîeal. mtaxithave exfecppd the. xlcs-lliatg.îe-o! ing ail of tii.- apiemii. a surprise, am .tt even tii.' ronnloterps, abs stails, w'ioti at *ught the first awaî'ih wouhd ie anti ail piviligem seueietI .. îiiiiig aq i-s 't)r>', aithougli i ifînl bet'y li iut business tbey coul!tae-ae. . tiiiîat,-d Mr. hBalard anti 'tr. Blluiy., EF'ery business pIm nletii. îîity wa iiati hi-n aliow..d more dtamntht' cinfy closet, as v-re ail factorias nii siipev'im 'I iaY -withiut ilii apîs-al. li aagreit day for'Waukegîîî nuaj ual A disiater"«tedattojr)îev in spe'akimig doul' illýt ylhe nm nual .'r.'it. Tfip! o! the' niatter saii: " e sîl.thli eletric .riîatic Wereabe tài'..r.' for tbi. ,oîîîin tievedthiat Iîy ah)Iieaingaiii.f crovd» i wth , ittie i -lue nci.-. ,thi' ..asi-stbey (,oulh gi-t befor ' tii.' cor patrons anti aaioyilng featuîs- s",.,lii clat i.hiey allëge i.. tiiheis'r'aîî in Proceede o! the affsjr an ttir.'» lividei aini>unte ahowe.l fi'the twe jurie l beteenLb. fiem nsdi 'lut 1)or1Fothuer iWord^s, thînt u'hie it me.'iis 1 la.' Improvenient assoiation o!fIi -i e irdi-tm in. the flrot'four cases ilii,. 1 sU'.taidi le Ot uniikehy the appeliate -A Unique 8<ct*L atberîng. eourt by comparimon uiay concludte i Tii.' Cthoiic congrè»Lion at Wan. F hast tîvo verdict@ were too bigk" 1on couda îil bol.! a mont uuhi1ac socia tht' other banti attorneys o esn anti ..ntrtaininienton Lbohîin-ii griuîide Buhkiey anti Ballardi do not fear an in that village Saturdic4evenigig.jill'23. ýaipeal andi believio their eientsi wil la no Chiragotalent le ta partîipate in thée WaY siffi'i' bv tiie mation a!i.'arrylag th, prograin. Tiiere vil! beuinciiig. irqe,'ae p plng pong, enicire, etc. A coulis, (NSTRPTI,'î<N l'o I'R<'Eret. museum l another filature. lier,' is one' Tic c.îipauy ileilare their Intention o! of the provisions: provhding a suffiient bond, anti going A COOK o! Jusntiee vil ho h.idiflhh'fug abeat i wtb construction of lie ex- tic evening before whlci ai one tension pending decimsion oh the higier viohating any rude..0o!thi s ocial gathier. court, liL is assrteti work vihi be la no Ing wiii ho arreignet. ft fA ituhartiai wa.v tdelayed i n 01lsequelelo!fLthe jury htida verdict 'of!"gulty' the'aPpeah. cuipit vihilieaessssda fa.' hici ' ais' agents fîîr tliefainouLqhittie iver faiiîî topayie iii hol~sri-A Inlaa pulis rec.-tI l lisioity the vencraiie heatet roinOmuntiil is offense l .'xliîted l)r. Dixte tif Chicago. percoas ho bave orbe ie prul-,il. aisd Iade's piiiswil haverio other. They" .1e o'iiproîii- sto hl, argehi cure consàtipation. $olihY Wtt.,. ACS- att-endtbhy relidtientf * ceitral au.h LEY Libertyville Drug Store antilat western Lake county. OÀ&àJ saur rRULI E6 INQ TE NEW 'REPUDUCAN PRIMARY SSM Purffuant to the aithorit yantidirn.îion o!th e fad igrtSiilOitted Illy areglar Reîiblit'alà coniemltion re'i.r.ei-tting tiie ll.publicafl legai vkter,; ofLk ouatyIlilinois, fieldiMard 21.; Resoleed, that tihe' apinatirnîs of l.b-I)liîîîï andidatées for counity %ue hallheie ade i ionatntions mshahlc..cni. ntI,.foll<iw- AIl majinarIe I.iiil be n-eýafl n d P mi.v.'ry 1pr.seinct or V*>I isrWOf- tii. Jonnt l>ytCoiity IÂhtil <iiiinitw.. for the saine date', aud the. hourii Ileef hh l e thnlaso ci,.'*t. *1 .iriI*t. til toll ie y tii.' .i>nt.v Çomnittec. Ail votîng chall belîy ballot. :and t1i.'hniijîts t.. f1 inse ae aco at pre.-lnctA, or dicîiri.ts. mliahl lie unifor,., and simah iit*Iii, inimi dition to tii. niames el delegateis, wlien deleateaL. ar îî11,1. tjiinarnes of ail candiatee for the ieveral-bffime. anini!lavoting e-Ilvoter $hall indicato hliq choil.'bY makinig a crossl opposite thé nain-, ,f tii,-.%andi(Iltp' of! is eiî,îie, andi the candidate having tiie- ighest nuniber ofi vot.-si n ny îi'iit.Or %votina, district. oalig bave tiie d.legataon tlierefr.îîî vote for lîja. as iistrurt.'.1 for huit il, tihe Count; Convention. And, lie il furtiî.r .B 116 that the C(oufty Central Uoîîîîîîitbe firthwith Ishalh makeA-1u1. rulen and shmiaih he neeemiary to .'arry into pff.sýt the uhit Of tlîim heclution. The Republiean liînty Çenitrai (oîîîtedl .o,îii'.do berebY 'imakp, estabih and l l-lare t he followitig -us RILE I. Ail Republicanm prirnarieâ, or eauii,.s. fo't'si r -ti.,n o! elegates ti Rspubicau Counèty <livîeutlionit Ïberi ftîr.niplhah i..' cai-iedby tîmIN Repblian oun~Ceîtrl Cmniitt.' îîeu-i. and î'very voting prmelt in sad. Lake county, to,,.' ëhmld-'on tii.' (ian, day, iad tiie' loirs tiieref tu b. betwem twQ 'cluk P. ia. and! iglit o'ClocL P. ni., andi tiihple IMtheriof shtait Ile opon for &It !eaet three boips, antI ea!e County Committeeméan @hiall se.' ti t tbat snb pnlmary im fhly ativertiseti. IIULEIl All votingat sucrýi iriiiaroso r cai aî, hll. y unif'îrîn hîsot, wilîih of te eera peit. afsnd riviii1s h dnlb. iîeîb ul Township Cmît eP k.ri h le deliii-i . ote, a Sat lossa h ie rnti-l t,"onladi tin t iirnms n0mî"4tln4 re l' inae atl tbea ven î o h e i8.'tse to 8ie 'n eue la" itevr" l ii nle 1 blî, ro1 n th - -Juif l -oOfthe thine th Ue iscLrf,,11,'iofieani.2s i'b1 lt numbe o! vtes fr t, thofi e n î i r hhbc'th l i atlo n o ltIAE Ili. Such ballote ha .'havte prnatel t.hi a....,ffîaditiballt tiýnni a hv dltiinie o tune s of r..t a nd .!tidaoîts fo ît-twveml oîîri.4 îte rwie baventio nitiais o Liw rmarde j a . it -Ih. , ieiiv. rc hiden ti re tt e odcand h o et - alt,' cnet,, n. hah lefront one oft1w jutîma..iciioffitie brao ao ndsarked vt i hi feniatsb aigaer Imt Buch.balot @bal isiltaia the nami-,.o! lut ione.met of! .le.gate ilus eci proteiînct, vbo shahlb.'p si,'teti b>'the Cnity ,,iiiiîîitteeanitii.'a'i pi'.'in-t f or bois precinet, andîl sparse shah t.' hîit canat muflit lt aaesofothl.r delegates i a>' b.' writtcn la and voteti for by the v,ît.r i.>' e'aslig îriî,tîs naines anti substitiitiiîg ivitten names f iiri'ior. au L.,VI. Each candidate shiail re*hter Ii, im it, 'as sîjîhi candidate iifliiii fereny !tinsCouuty Coinaaittee'ini.'îianly upndwiaIiriuig hi, canditliit'y, ant a' 10 sait Becr.'ary a fe.. o! ity dilars m lto tiheip di! ray nu,. elpeaew o! prlatiug andî.ltrtibuting sui- l îhts. -- RULE VIi1. The ehli for Lii'C'îunty tCoavenitiomn mihai le i, tiirty 'ldacs iitie phieted t ent onît'i fl eab vek for ta'wo i ssi-'wi-ikm. thit-Nî't pulo- licatlion t10tb.' hurt>' .aym bpfore tihe'Coni on d'a iky 'lP'."cî'.pt whem, msjss-i.ii eetionsanti distni't .-.iiventioa talls enr.''ioi'er notice ai'cessary. RULE VIII. Tiedtge of the sevecal primariemsbsah îîîake iii. ,'re.lpttiai'. a<'.'orliri, tW the recuIt 'o!fLb.'baliî c«t netscil i ah...f'rthiwitii certi!y tsuh recit <o tie Bcreta>' o!Lii. C Ont'Cmuittme. and;ti hah pr.eal poil boo>ks .tout boaltsntlferii adjouraxacat o! the Count.y Cconas.njiuîn to -vhk.-h dlu.. - RULE IX. Tii. Count>' Corliîittie iail met to pxpecate -tu-se nuesm on inil o! the Ciairia anti Seretary ithereof. RULE X. l4huernlw Ihahio! course Ib sblett scb change. -antimodiitioa asni.>milut trom an>' prieary élection law !ereeliter passe.! i>'tLe Illino'.' r i $1.50-a Year ln Advance. ~LOOK IN~ leath's Front W Next week for ipecial ýbargainfi in lFurnitîîre. Price on big tag. -Read it from the ouîit'lke, thpn eo"llwg-m and buy. wu Ma. HEAT .H Furniture and Unciertaklng Libertyville -- - Illinois - wý Buildling Mate The building seas<)n la bore, and we are prepared tb furniali yon with everything necessary in this l1"s Let us figure with you If you are goingr to build. It wiH cerWanlyý pay you to do se. Feed Departmei Our Feed Department la ôomplote In every detail, and your inspection of olîr lino is desired. OÙr now Foed Mill i. runnlng every dayaud vill grtud ainy Aud'aU - do e*od r EMMONS.MERCER LUMBERCO LIbertyvIlle.>Ill, Summr torse .We received this week our annual shipement of Suxnmer. Hors. Furnishing 6-ooda, (and theyr are the bandsomest we have ever. had> con- sistîng of Fly Nets, Hors. Covers. Lap_ Pusters' and lune of Mesh Nets, 1lOlashround letetly net. ......... 90 , m ...i.. ....... .. 60 50 ...... The. qelebrated Wagner - Team Net.w paiper... Horse Furnishing Goocis Libertyville, - - IlnI TELEPHONE si lhm ek iuh.I)llw4 edon the ii .(<1.'GRIANI). iir.c.'.dines of tiie Lake Ciiunty Bo.ardotf, Suiîwrvisor's June nie.tii g. fyo il 14) kiîow julit wbat tbhe Sup.' @osoaremE Camp meeting Open@. On.' o! the hargeet Ucam metings i-verF helithis ii eonL>th, f frty-lhfth annuail oif the.'tliree Chîie'ago .istrie-fs ounprisiug S T the. Rock river touifer,'nce of ti. Metbo- S T îhimtLEpiccopai tiurehb b.gai Wedaetsday j J on the' groundeo at I)fflplainWo and lastsi until Âug. 1. The aiudif-oritiit hmbac seating capacit>' oh 5,009), auiniiadii- Lhoui there is a large teîlt that wil motii Musict ,000 more Tie8wc.hie4ianl Nrwegian Mtbotimi;i iililiolîl tleir sî'rvii.-snt tih. ialn.. tiuue. Thurgday wîas t'a.'iie day, Fritia> aiissi.iiary day. suîl a lra ti't!isPLAN- otthe Epwuirthi l'etuivi ih .repeivees.- fc.ciah attentionu. - ice. -. Good <Jomeaclg Me-2aMntiuntilfanh imefserotatitite 5<xl oe I la mia« Day JRI)AY, NIO ily 28j 1004 by -Pr«f.'moï orchestra, rO M! mJlý ýlý-Lt i 7i-l i2iiýý C. F. Win-af'r - m .7"7m ,