FICR? UNION or TMAÇHEIlS. Sluoq0eTeaebeau A,* nhermlood ta Fi% ' ok8e f i sirias. Differoucea beta-eeu thi einl- l eacli- <-t-sdni te dretot tf te varilonsadis- tricra -in stalinie l'oîînly tppear 10 hbenams mole hostile evety tillae te-y meel 1 cu1sider 1the question outlie. asacMtaie l'ue4 îy the Teanluer' Association reeeut- ly. 901ti des refuse 10 gIve limsud nmach sphctulaîitiî i5 indîthi lu sn lue-o re te mater a-i t'fPu.l. Thee loaiiers orgsitised recouîiy ondîes' te noeiofitheboSaliine toosty EdlcitlutusiAssociation snl ixeil s selosie u pt-louti'telulog. This dii flot luitn iti' aptîrovai of th isetont and testotiseil ais organisationu 0bt- Is gsilsl ushat Ihey terasnite tech- et-O' init." n1triteuseain lte aipropriai- lIr ite nisaie ôuitàhe lxesbnt urgauisaz- ii,î t gaut.i'lig lielîl o feu' ulti go te îirti, to"t pltedthe lite îlotiig res,- lnii um "its, VelTtuins w regard te cale orlu-it-oihycl y iilt. t t-alier A ss un Us' nttiorizi -i attl itjil aounttioiof ut i- n Iiorlyjiîtuldoit a-e diêregari thue "me5 ho tit:i' lulfylcît il't-acherta; bc il siso "-itewivei. rltuat ne m-uninend 10 the btoards ofti lhccî'lrs t i(eter teemoiilOY' lutnt ori t'.:in'lier»m'sunil surittino slite loachîruti orgnisation recedeit fronts ls su iou it smkinsg aseaulaiefor thse districts*. lie l furtitet "iel'tvêid.TuaI a-e- concele ih, IlIe bIèchera '.ltjahhi' t'uuitty te rigll lit orgaitmlse sstix a wale ni prics 5fot teise-ive, gre'ltil at'otdiug 10 iheir uotl n ut- ai lthy." Douaces Churoit MomuieraWh. Voie ('n. Jaunis llooirshIit-. a-plin luascaîiaoi offlrqi40 * 'ilemididle %Weh o1 godr.ceaid li roent oni Slerlfl.i has jîit t crillie c s tade g o l* u lpmtsagi" ilus heIm it y>. niiiiwon5 t' oest reintitrable eerihtdla lultti Sîste Tise meetingaa-et- e hl l(I-mCu-I t-ah l'art, adthelite tenauce waleas lulgit as10.(99) opunue nîght Ho ltter- ly d,etsuiucIthu ie cuuotulmeniert-ali, alleuîîI.ddiine services andi iben vîtoî for lixuetissoTtut- e nuuite ilecl rou. sare iime.-ly rteiosible fer te drink esh. sudtiltsid itht iiu'j a-re mnilir ta tiglit lu tIýls. tace nh,-re trust in llka-i îe sitWt mtilstall iliglitIagailit e gaaIfnnlhi. lieuasete ('ttt-utiaui net-e t-t'tii5luie fouthie .. luuuus. lie bit toly iWtlonutst-l luicahlniera ut(ifte 'ity Ci'utncil fan ulteixip~tiflg l t-lulil lmeet- ings in te pari-. y ot-criug te seuls uckp n ay. VTe lantioitemeetinge wati ieMttu Ai.liser oveninc tut. iia-Iî'ltinte s po utfuI pt-ouiiioltihit nwaforsned. Thrit îeipraîi, peole at-rt» o' la-gin' ringtIl tuiiuoaisgti furiti- u'tet-ioi n i nhring. RblBtR WRECCi<A BANK. Cao on Mt-h itmoglynirbu ou titi let aI t M Ioline. 'iistvo emi,'otu'red huelt- un- 10,! titut at Molin tue 1I2tu'iskTisîr.iay tiut-tiaug, blaiv t-,ipte %ati thlua uit-hg nfIl iilrouglyerilu aud, lîhoîîgil oluluîioîîug i uu5usu. uenollabei te builing sod miuuîîred lroken lieces of n-iutianti pIns- îur lu ailt diretioius. Thie- Iaul buihdilng ln tuneti hy he EssI Niuline Building Compituany. oiii n u it-liip Mi tchelh, the uesuity Rocsk Inishstilanker. sinutei- dent. tattI luijaiî iti ivuelIlîlThVie iftrili' xos i. wax t t-aslte 't'ul t of aplpi- lusg Ina. tit-is itrîighycerti i lon ra uiint waasItuur nt-, th lie t-tst-l. o thuelieut- iom outhlie tmore. VTe i t-.uks nre 'are- ful> oupeil suita fîîcî- nas aptiel aIt te latîtti. Titis rtune n-as t-lied off und fi'tisedtI lie explosion,. ahit'hlot-e otu t-be envy doore anti avnicei ule ,'ntire plat-t. -Vthe- iutuleiof n teoffice iaun- tenrssbe A iouuni ofsoit s-top. a îlot fnimhrgîyuoern andola stualiibolîle ot lyiul-uisutie sciI aee dinceitereti iteti liie batik. . - HOhisil-. hIES AT SIOIIT 0F AUTO. Lob keConuIte Nsilent Sues Oa-uot- oi Machainas lit-V'utk ior Aunit aas dîirvlug hia hîtý- at'i,- tht- vihlage nlieu n aushuti camup iîhîttit lise e-nimlilm-sai-gitteild. ut il. Im haisui (usu'euintiar machines bui- titre te dislit- thounisirit iîe ot Il. hiso- ter. whnit t ti-oigui!direetly uppocte tebot-i'the unuinal frareil Hlu hintu tht' ir onttAropuiruîel -verndu. Tbe firtu nulit w ' util1in Lake i'o:uly t re- -ver ilauago" osnî'noi t f a itorme do- iug injury hi>-rnîîiniîg n-os n-beuust-at-c ntan su uiontuhiîe bons be'u fil lu tin 'r- -ul t'Couîrt nt W'nîkegsit. Tii. plainîiff in Chatles E. C'hurct'hilluof iiLe Zut-ltht, sud luisei1Ehniut-it,.u or-tt tChu-agis svi, [lis sa tuuiiutitosîtut niLaske Zurich. for S tuttit il îuumi,'groitnultaot his huot-se is'rittt' InitiuidliI tuiie .tu usit t. railtu a t>tud ti rt-w 5'itii ntu l s IttIle itutaitil 'ucitvri injuit-e.. V'EI>S F NCBE 0F LO>NGh AIO. Rock FaitaeauonCoural Bride Tlhty« aive Tantra Estk. Thitl-five jean aego, in luie 515h tet (Cnîtenticuul. W. Brot-cn- Brownuo Rock Folanhd ituil In,'Seraht Milher. late tof C'hicagot.a-et-e lover%. A lot-r' spnî sepat-ste(t ien, and 1Mr. Bruwnomarre suotter n-tissuoni las choit-e. and teut-ci s large suad proapernua tanily. Tlue gît-i lilenil' uarieti onil tne-d a fanil>', Mt-.. Mlllet-itshuol Ileil nme ime ugo., andîl ira. Iltua-f passel swany aev- et-si saura ago. The loyera ni lhirly-five yeorp ego met ashioth ime age lu Chui- cago by oecident, sud te rcognitionowaa mutueol, ant ilove ut aimoal la-o score yeat-sago waas lndleti nea-. Satutilay the happy bt age groom lad te girl ni hieis out 10tc eastar at Mot-ison, lInte Preshylereu t'iurcith ie 11ev. J. G. Jeffrieil performing te creenons. KILLED BT FALLING HAT FORE. Claascy D Grave',man0gb Caaty Feam or, SIeis Fatal Accidenat. ('lanes Ie Grave, a pronet 0gl Counîs farmer waliskilledl its s eavy bey toit. a-shi f Sl% fronta hay inna, stikin lilas on hîs bend. One ni the hunes pentraloil bis lpîl. Mr. De Grave a-as -14 jens nid, ont leaves auentille valuttlai 1$30000. E.NGINEXIL CRUSIIEI>BT RoLLERt. Miau I. PrisastiInto lisit Asjhîlt ý nsudevoey Buued, - Iroa-uu ftonta teain toler 10 te bol saphal nid suit user. ai Dearisoru and Ta-enîheti trttla.Chicago, Pied-- La- throp *as ,evetelY uruati iy thét rasi pavement ant i bs 'iÊhtlolg crushol. La- titrop la an ougineer omployel ity au asphait pavînir compsns. Wlile filins setlqelsm rt. te 5Insck saef~im i the strentsnI te jeu .t"Vt nllnrtrousbis sen. i Witfla mOUI DrdaM M"ilihain %ies or0f àeuli. a-bn nualtseil s asiiAtrole. in dead. Tise C alumel jiteaterp t-hîiCîicagu hais bein s syndicale. .At Pocnla M. la-gtet Heultit'k. ageil 81. acumbeti lu the itet. At SterlinugJ. J. Sîsyder ni Morrisusu wusa lt-onnda-hile iatbilng lu a Pontd. Ties eizing of a brolen eleclric ligitI sic,' ne'try i-iaItue lite ut J. Rohan ut As the tesuil nr i pîylu; aith mîltes Fred Silvem'm. C'hiiago, 1 moullus nid, a-as iurel 10 deaul. A crua-ded union meeting close1 te usnusi conventhonorI llinos Cittaus Ludeavorera lu Springfield. Mro. (Gabriel Durbin ni MorrimonClle. agel 36, a-ason rtcoma a-hua piekinît hiackboties aud idel la a fea bouts, At Sîrestor Chiot of police Car-rol rrestel Mrs. Oscar Hall.cliArfel wllli deariusg lior3-Wvelaol baby daugbler lii C'hicago. AI Belvidert 0. C. Sreeter. soni resiieut. agel 7à3, haugeil himseli in isl barni. IHe a-as espondool lier te dealli ut hlsa-ie. Coni. Titeooe Ea-eit,,Assistant sîlin' lant general Iin Oov. Tanner'* almiola- trâ protratel hy lise ieat st Camp Iincolu. F. W. Mikof ninuuca las lendete Ilis tesignaîlon as tmustes o! the cenai' bosîital fur te 'inane aI Jacksonvillle onu accout t personal buiness. Ueorge E. Doying. propulalor ufthie Daiiy Illinois Courier, onue nifteoidentl Aud Sat uoa-o uaapapera lu centralt 1luinols. lied lu Jacksonvile tecentiy. t Tise Iseget cargo ni rosi ever btuughl intito Wuuuegâarbe-ro- aas dliverel hy huie aleauer Haroi B. Yye. a-ibh broîîgitl 4,000tous 'of biturinnus rosi trtint Ohiotipors. Misa (Irace Rucla-onu aiFairbiit-j sot' li-ia -tieudp t hA'noqusurloîtsite n-sa uuîsrrieîb Jîly 5,5a-hile villlog in Roa'- bue, lui Hiarry 0. $îiylet-.a 1roninent 1 t-hli or ett-ols. II.t At lilmriiog George Santond droppeti1 dendi fus te efferls or thelitent. lie 'l a-tua senti ta have marrieti a nurse. Nisa t MagieKailitton. nho ametdet i hm dur lug the nar in te Piihppines. lu a itoul-aitilcohliinbetweecu IIinia ('cuIrai Railroal suiturisu trainîs aItIan-9 tiipi t sreel. C'iciago. ise Persoasuersa bligbtiy ljured, n-hile maus ohlers nene Irulseil sud siaken up b> the stock.1 Atter sàlioneymon ofnia wn-col sa man aise nover sais util tise day ite miusr.hi'st t ('ihpie Creel. Colo.. ai San Fl-'n'isnn stnug uomisn is In Chii- cagut mourmsug tihe tf $3, .dis ut ber huabanil. lsIn iup o n ae( lhtieoisuNort- a-i.alet-uItaîirnail îîameiîusrtr IainuRouett Ely,.11lum Aid, lo.t insfotuuingand so tei fietaione ortihue eoauchîe-, antain-j iug injîuriesa ahtinduli lts> irlii, slielteve aii cause isieatit. Zsîn ('iltayi»trouig.i ai ,l iiowOt'a ni te (bit-ilii.('utloil'iiot-i-is. cone troun fuit aud intar litalendi te sonnai sont- mer utuotinx klnonOas te feasî t fith tabernacle«. hans ste acu-otoudalOdin l ucula in tise Parks. wihlertM. BlInanu. esiher ofthlIe lot-I ii.and Luimier Co'noy. ras or rn-teit isul itîdtamute grand jury omut' charge utfi týle=aiouueut. Ofict'rs ni tiut' -auunti ay uj ltI loatiî's pecuatinus are npproxlmatej $10.000. Ta-uî aeiremmeul ynîmtg tiovea ou- leeotlte office of (Otto ti ttîbiutg. ('hi- cage,.tund look dteutisl insîrunsenta s'ai- oeil t $400. Titi thîhveii situieilun- motisi bulness. At te ie outhte t-nb bery te strOatta aere i-niieul. Mysterysiaurrounel igte dena-itkt ofn Franukila1Ï' i. 17 crs OHt, st-Mililtei larl. toar Stigfeu Thet-boty n-o nt uised i il i ls uomîsssionn lt e wasen lu it-c..Bruiteit on te lenad body lodacolo litaI Hall a-as sîrsidli Lylir deudiniuhis botl aau Alchii no. Toipeka sudl Sautas Fe Rilha s seep' li car te body uit Mari-na Iiendetan. 3:j jean oh. n'as totiOsi h> lus brother, John lHenulet-sutu. n-lt-tuli.-traiu arrived in C'itlcgefo ttnt t'oloradoîuSprings, Cul,,. Mi."a Bertie (.race iHardie, duliaer ur a proninenl Chicago phiyician sud heal nurnaItte Atîroa -iII lunaîitai, wonveantrrid ln Jolie17 lu 1>r t.JaiseqMeiWMD.,naisl. ,iue of tite leading piajirians uf Akitrursu. beY te- turnedtatoAunera ut] oîîrhîstedluntem respecire prniesahotut. dinying intia' thons uni inonda liutitey uboi been iat-- Rbei, Murdncl & C.. jôbitets oud nmanufacturerat utgrocerieis. re preparinuf to utove theirmantasttiig lepartmenîs f tops Chicago 1liesamond. lad. Tise put-pose ni thistIouvt-eIa saidta 0bu'1ta e' duîce estlge rates anti otitate thue itanîtihlîg utfreigloui aensuutf te cosgealeti conttilon urronttliug tae pres- ent lorsîloutut t leit- anttuuusctriug de- For Ilinie houts lgoar S. Eiut ni Cnntpany C, FirI nuginseut. loy lu tise Itoaptal et Camp ILin'oln lu su tîncon- anloua condition au a reaul ni Injuie@ aifferci hncwn-le u -strownnup ithUt air lu a bîsulet by ,aonte memabeof ish company. Ellinît tel snd sîrnel luie spine. Pamaala iiofthsé Inaet-extremni- lies ut bis boly fnlossid aud le la in a serions condition. Gov. Yalca lias attununceti te appoint- msentt niWill Rose. uophtesvut secroars ni Sîste Roste, lu te 1luono utatiel- onut Stale ptinter expert. Rtose sue-goda il. W. Joues ut Iîsuvs. Whio ha. been îtomoted tu prnter expert. illowlug te resigoation ni Chtarles P.IBurtoînu niAtt- rot-s- George Tiptouu or Girard lins heesi pluhnedta thlie pare matie vacaunt hy te promotion ni Rose. Offcres ni the Seventit regimeul. liii- nisNational Onard. made chatges of iutuman tuealment ounte part ni the Springfield police ut a miliiamon a-ho a-as proatralel hy the et. Josephi Kier of Comtpany L, Sevenlis ragiment. it la glisgel. a-as kiclel isY s policeman, sud teo lakeululiàte pulmol wag0n ta the police stationu a-It hiea iendu. Thte po- lice decan lihaItchemon alita-intoxi- catedt anti fortis tesson tisey ocled eIbein nus until an officer arrivait fromn Cump Lincolu 10 talle charge0fttae min. Tise Indtîn a-ho del auddeniy et tise olcagô nul Northwtaestern RIlroaldi- pot lu Chicagtolias issen IetIfiaI as Bernard Bnalnail, 40 searst-ndd ila home wasa luthe Indien reset-vallon seat- tValentine, Nei. Ho wnas In thei shoa 1 business sud on bisW a nn 0haehonte - airtnuitlisd,&- -! A hîgi bel on nue of hier ahdes In hlievel lu bave cautltise lests ni jNons Cronin. for fiae jeans employaI at 1the,Noalihors Pacifie Holel, Chicago. Titi ea-na bodiya-as touaI BttheUta ta r orsates taraia'svaibg la.te itel, à aud the mctcbinug of te iglih e llna a 1-la.l.-lis tsbsb,-nsd hgpe lae to ber desîtu,- MOTRgICEFINII LOAST tSiNt. nyaI.ocated on Purin Es piain ilsap- pestilnceor iYear Avo. A rilneway ohild'a litilotjry itmre ttaon t year wu, cicare ie it t Sli'rng sud a ,roken-bestted muotero ni liah. a-use t4-yenr-old ns 'loft htotte n înt suid a tait &goa-sa gladileneti ,y t1ti'ri'tuiu or the trodigal. lui tti'.t oriit 1.1491M tlit 'minile nr ta-omlssiltg boys t, Hl andh h'orreat Fuoltînus5er, hi¶twrtie'. -i rail aWsy iront tbeit' botute.l'lçlturè e t tl wee -topubiil.eîi sînad thte varions police depem'tmtenta î,f the country %*eto akeil 10 investigale ant i on binte seprel. I)etective eo -r,' trî'd. lait no elen' could hlas ecorei. Thébegriet-sîrick- en mothea' spectntîearly ai ber fortune n tbe seaa'citsttdmsite became bruIes Ionn lubealtb. Fîtcregi. agoil21, anti SarI, lbig 14-year-olti slepbrotitct. ivent awny logetber sud a-cetnt lieartl fronti tutil a fea- dsys ago, a-heu tbey we located n aàftrnisneerSterling. The baya say lbey ball îieidpledtta 0rrluru uthl they utado oîîouglîi mnuy to boy a forai. Théeioder boy aoit d tnt go bocki tu bier entu'oatiee anti sgt-trIto'remalu witb bier. MUBDERKII BICFI ES lPOLICE. Fran" Piaee laye Wlfo. Thon Barri- cades Seif lu Bonne Frank Plit-ce sitot andl killils ia-le aI their home luntCanto,and then bell tbe entite Canton poltice force aI, boy. Tise sierif'a force 'usit ummoietifront Lewiatoan. but liith' nietime 'Unde- tiler Meuler.,auiWhuldbeeti aummoned hy Plit-ce. visitetilthe hou"a.nsda-bile lite ta-O aere diacutiuig arrant'finta lut- tho honiutfPierre'. a-ife, lteéofit. crts ruehedin usanti aller o draiersle struiggle, overpowereitilie suuityer. They wqre tnt-ed to,*hioroftortu Misntefore hoe rtsuld be re*oot, tlý ithe bouse. Atter iaootng is a-ife tbree ltte. lon-ebar- ricaded himeif linte uitper portiont of bis homneaud titroug thlie chuseti ittters announced ie hwaouhldlill th ise l-ttîlfler lu s&t tont ou hie@îîrcîîtie. ilix otîler pagsed lu sud ont or lthe lînuse lat a-ill but hoe would nt permit lber flear the death chamber. lie -oquesteil iis rotb' et-lu-lat, Ubarlpti Me('aoliu. tei coinstet te bouse teto alk ctirdinir lte taposi- lieu ut bis effectui, anîd Fred NMeutler. su untiertaler. te ctre for hiia ife's te-- mîaius. Botit nt it-st îleu'lhnei.but Mess- ler fiutaily stisenteil. wliit ret-tled lui itce'a capture. CRUEL TO THE. INSANEZ. liv. W. A. REsus' Startla g IHmiasres i BmrtaltynaIlin aAayil!m. l>lncloaàuree of cruehlyun lthe port ni attendants at the Elin insane xeylumn andt ni a "gsiig" syntent ielty barsit emoyés are ailtu to tnt'Oti ltee mits ni tiseir violence f rom the iioctors and tîip,'ritentleut are made by 11ev. Wl- lt A. Evanîs of i'laîulleld, a-ho for lit-e tîtoutha in1(2was an uitaineouthltui- elittîtion. The sjiilavila rereutly filet by tc ýElgin Tradles('nneil sand lte1 statementa ni John J. Sullivan, a-ho te- itigueil as "nurse," because lie could flot .,tatîi the "scee nif brntality" bave led lté clergyman lu break lte silence ni ta-o >cars sud ta adi lus leatiuhouy. At pt-s ent Mr. Evaus ila S i a elt rttry- iug lu rebulld. gcars ou bis bodiy are si- lent aîtues"s te, moule ni bis stot-lit. A tiîck bondie of tnte.%n rillen lit Greek- vhritaclera n lint tley a-utld bccou- aiidî,reîi tbe uurposelena peîicilinugs pfa a-anderiug iutellect.,îtnd aoulu tbu4 os- rape confiscatin, up.siport te disclosurea, POMEaS PL'RSUE IIOBBERS. Banîdilis Wsock Building in Effor-tte, Loot Bank. The illate llnk ni Est Molishueas <-otered eî-riy t-hot, tet da y irohbei'5, a-bn blew liten lthe vautîllaitiescaped. 'The entire frit-onitise buildîing a-as wrecked ty lte explosion.' Il la nul kna-fihow match iineywasobtalued hy thé robbier. Tbe watchituau al-tise Maleéable Itouait-la kbeard lte cuncus- aluni and saw ta-o mon tish teia sbuggy uindldrive a-ay. Hatlu ntîorkIntet four uhtîtît a-re Iteard oaI of Ina-n. Searehi- lng paritie t'a nateti at-lt-r Inn tltinet 1ilewgt, the irstaIedhig le Waterîua-u. lt esc-tndtie10Bnmba-. The iauk builil- itîýr la onned lty thée lIasMohiîîeBuid- Sing C'ompaîts. ttf ahich Phil Mitchiell, the 1 eitîiy lItck Islaund bank onuer. la prea- idenl. sud Benjaminî MitrÉell casiir. 'rTheterrifie explioinlutaas thte reailt o touo matcs nit-rogicerin bluinel>uîlied lu lthe itVtong place. Oioms tO STnLouis, TO tiURDit.- Péin an maAccouplilho Pmrposo-'aic- til,.as aloonkeeper. 'Marin Emil Ser-e-nof 1'eLin a-eut ta . Luis fuir lte cure..',putiiose of .iitutrtering Citatinrles îteti, keeper ot s .saluait. suid aitbhii elle liotir,àtter hie >ut-rivallitaîl accontpieilbilgput-pose. Sot-ven iwlked lotoallnuetli's salont 1tîîietil aîîallaitany front the bar sud lireel lhree abuta loto Bnuetti's bodiy. The . ltter feu tdeuili. At lthe Fout- Courts iSorven gloateti over tuis ciet-an sd told tbe officers lie a-ouid bave killoil setet-ai etmarc pet-antis lu St. Louis and Est St. qLattis iflite it o t iteen taken. lie said Bounelti n-as a iîteuulser of S gang organ- 1 1ed la gise îpoison te Amerliaîwo-meu for lte purpo.'c uftrobbiug ltent. Hoet-e- fei-red treueutly 10eAa womnt5connected a-Ith the Frencht uvilage aetlite fait, and samidlieho aas îîuly tevengeti. BUSINESS MEN HAVE OUTItO. Ali Stores and Factories lu Waukegau Ciosed for ihe ltvuien. Tite business min ut Waukegan gave aIe Elecîrie Park tuxeit fit-st annueal mer- chanla' pienie. Il a-as a public holiday, - itb all stores andl facturiez closeil, sud f =r[eyeril ceased. Ton tboîîsand Ioieîtroed Ziectrir Park.,ittndreds >comilng fraimKenosha. Evanaîn and rother oearby annme front Chi- ccagu. At lbe.park thon a-are aIl Mlund ni! sportsansd amusements from mornîng nutil nlght aud pleasul a-oaîisem ,aodeil lu theuems. Thora a-as. a plîs -ltb numorous solail shows. drill by Bat_ tory C. iVrestiing by Armeulans. sud ! iseaal, Kenoaba detealiug' Waukegan, ,7 tao3. - lulieble rUculo- podc of lise dynamo. T tain are au certain temulla as te drugs reatiy a-awelgb t euorgy on delicatei anent word. "Asa bis heattoan e la,' UNCONQUEBLE 321,N. dem eaeci 1 orRoy.C. 0 Wriht. IL as a isard acient] Stand faet lu tise filîi,. quit Yen to t utao' Ike me, be otrong.--l. Cor., XvL. 1. hI. g t plfsee Ilellte aplrt-.L wo- n îttisat moas taed.NoManliseaun hlma uneouquerablo. Titis tîuality w ra-O ath n ca, byman naes.t-cisas it-nt' alouanesa but lInn chat-y actr uiiDames.tiuti aflrtuel-stamps lUcli for 111I ebarcte, Laegrty nd mucit a product Mlsubootila a goi natta'otutL . cherisises as ho as 0 lli tebegtuntIlil Iî,timatie 'na enaan teai.h He la na- t-erealiug man. Jeans de t u it i'h lighteo tacatili b l f tise son Of main, VLEO O anul taeapostie exhortîtius 10 bîsiaveVAU 0F OR iI1t men._nt 11e ierona, genluses. là Tise a-rlt's faim argee--ust itr me. IlreMOU pendons lu aise ane lise greatesttIig titis aide ni O55l, architiectai sud fse sieîd manhondth ie finettt tiuaiy ibis lemaudlng ont atte aide goditOO& . ng lu ail citizenst1 ",youtaise fiue tortussluntise ItisiýIndorsement. ls dg gross segion, I belleve'." ssiI tan En- tendlon la Ils tigot- glusit lady ta- a Kentuckian. "*Yen' cela ail previoos 'Wc .atant, but axe mise -<inethislg bol- lug mure gt-ond ani tex tier. titan bot-s."- atl buildings thonany îhatlF' "Mo." ho relihic. have precedeti IL Wben a great mon s'us aosîctiaus l The Amnetican am a-balonue tilg bhot a ttributed dlsplay la becbg MaluIacress,,ha ansueroîl: "To «tise position. Those a- simple admoultionu ut n't>rallier t10Le-faction lu boasaini 'a mni.' When 1I atiiedta lu ouîut<> dcalms we have t fcitool ite u asîi me.'fli. bec aOman.'a-ctid bas yet kboni teud a-bonI let for coihege ise sal. boaating. 'Good-isy, Jim, ho a usait. and' a-bu IL la flot alays h oitt honte for ny lite a-utk be sanit cial etlmsle2 'nof, O *M'ell. JInt. b. aua,',uiandl aheu dying mt aeiipo lie gave mie hîs feeble isond ant i h large ceunt-y. pnlît 'iFarea-eli. Jins; ho a as.' and lu117 anti bouistiess lin t li;~ ta folina- that brut- inljunctionu0! maudni traititc tny gond faîber. lu ai pinces suit cir- rndnt- fot cuntaaces, I bave altshnod tu aitishe Amrilcan isatiug nuotacatis God bha gtvej1 me.' Amerieanuachievetn ,Ise tîntes catilfor lien-men wa--o reanît ni th*grent are maufuti. lopentissite. capable-~ opport-nulty. The % 'shont Gel sud mon cuýn Irust ln tise quîteo large mitnlî CGt-kta fight, ou' 10worl. or t10 honuanus Impulses, a sa and onou liite mtorutg breasor tise antiiealiug te gros cnl contes. I have olut-hocm"tndiiA big fairt Uerelc l0 young mounte religious ftumnu,, et ise suves mou tau tise oIt ioatwinlu "A religion tisaI terprises sud stloi wistui wasaislu sait a-ator, koep Ils sisahe 'large haeopes ut lu ail cimata-onul 'enrt- th ie end Tise Immense sonta nf tise ct-is," aud I1isere comme-ail le lu ptepatlug ibia ta al readora. IL itasa nvigorousna. n- l$20,OOOM Oatarîhes 17 ring ta ILt blinIaoul uppeai ta the a-sîeus a crîtîcîsi strousg und pmctlcal. WI ito teehoau ia DescrlblngIlIfe's billie, tise scrtp- sncb au outisy? las tnt-os atimoniliun lu iPal ou ttii. "Titore la murs dl a-hole St-mot o! Goti. titat je ntay ho smng peuple lu CL abIe t10 altand lunltae evilhday, eausi., nurîî's fait ni 18t havlng doue ail. t0a tai." Bol, nitet isenofil tissu an lu sut - isave "doue ail,"ortri-ed tu. boa-tise dozon or more etton w a-e ta 10 all." Many at-e turing tise patlift) expendod ln doing taeit-a-ut-. AÀtuotiporbs oi t»~e worîu i v houeeborae uoeded a shoe racedta10finaucîil, uccesa. ties iop lest ILb houid te closei ere aiîî do a-eh If tise ho arveti; and, liegolt tere lu tiioo, ta meet te unîtn but tae bot-se droplsad dead aI lise auy rolurti for thl rmlthy dont-. TbWpoprab5li pplie4 t1. Front a trit-lilbua irony a-bn tet themaels-es as titat wotld's a aàare woan treatoti bis bot-se. One mns value ni sncb a t:. iraks bis business go. bot a-tecka lunltse materlal t-ett *bis body; another elnisbab4gh op ln Ielecuai, moral as bis proession, but etroys lis min.,huasa-bîcus la Impari nuother expends bis teonscleitco. naine ut-a-uonss mon li anti chat-acter. Tbey have a-ounllnît gond ilerived tiront game, buttemslves st-e donnct- cept sncb as crauLe qoered. Some hat fair tut a brîie lt-ili relut-nis.a-ha ltghî or for mast a uitIle joutuey loto tis aaililty ta get tise ssotld. ~ ~-source ni aupply, A fea- jears t conlièi. Mr u e oney la but tIl rlly, or nt ses. antrs is jouIs antd wealtb andiganmet that gou back tuaIebid làhonte a il"'very lnadoqateiy. generute-asisatied tao bis hathIer or ail ultiser tokeli l ta ea usort lhsf hi.motiser anti truc rirbuesaet net 1 rstel's. Ttey hasse Listaet surit a shott aifeti motive. a-while. Enil malies easy couquest ni Mon requit-e a su tisent. Wltbprincely equipmeut -aud isneiolneaa wilc unjal opporttîea, .and ail iteavei liscougis lie oppor anti estb ou tiseir sile, they baveo aorid's tait-sopplie iuiel bt-srilonuldtast tbemaehves on set befute theunv deteal. cranywihn Got sud tise thîes rati loulytnt cretllny eausîcb nu young mon w'un ls'uîendureiartsibp r ctuup as gond soilers-a-be'senurk a-ll nott atisge ats break liset. 'usbuse ttIals a-lhl nIt t5t lands at-s galisred ltent, anti abouis h e tilicaunot le- tiuayt hi test. Silace Cahivarty'ts'agedy noueIti>ar10lte may' question pt-osviencenrmut-mur afwdy pn at msiottune. nor mits ery, nor tet aI n isinîts ai trials. Yen. Itrtslpla teUhtc alS1 otînswi exce glory-kuliuisntol carne y te atroko aludy. Ho lexest nith ls non. thie prophets ometgel td.Hela froint1tesvllli'riiess. aud tise teleent- and.agreemntsau etororftIhe racel esoeudel fronthtie wth syuspatby foi 1crossi. unlise representi 3 tutinod la gond religion, chat-acter alîloes anti lulbe ls ChIistlle. niî-n'mglbj la godihhusa. andtiestî a 1tise dîspîs: faitis la the vietos'y. Se sees lis eoxpa "-Wbual message wlI yen senl te sentiments anti la family b" waa îked ni s gond nsan dylng lunastt-ange hied. "MjI lite la approclaton of lis nty messagie," 'ut-sa is repîy. île tsiindmnukinti. Lite lmu suffci'ed mens huseitrlala. ithter lia- nemi astd bt-nadei jappontenîssnudtia !loug, n'sstnlit- Ioma-itea put ief natsanadi aas ina- Seing cut off ln a rvîa i unîtesIn fat- coutry, uut isa aas. lu tise end.ti, wo nvesl evety loch snd liber, a mnm-iigis a-iat men bas-eai - harttat. ocotttîoeti. Tise îniglty conragedta 1 hope Lord grant us sas 10 ho anti li t-olattiîes ln tise ftttre ut t.outnlour litesnMay he outtmalis- oOt- sensea anti aso fylng sud gutululient monumtent aud floctlIon lise a-ond message-tise tienthaucs a-lInons utftpreaîî out betOre mallulooti unuconqtl'rihk. ghory urthlie onivar ly alîtis tise fIii STRIKE C.ALLED ALL EVIL. irent. Ry mer., Vlh. Lea10cR. Prom soune ecii * (oti bas a big job ou bis balnda;stIl loIk upon deacii à bis bundreofnimlfitons ut meut and grant pastures.a S»onl. Be tuns tise machiner>- of iseausitli lsolldlnge te auivarue lu tut-Iout1tise beat tf aeantiImaginte IL men ant i onin. Il itadn't t-u long, Jerlssahi'm. beinret-eewaas il stilo, Adamt stck. Gui did neuhiug tasti. To Shr i rAdam G(oti soi: 'Oqine. lot us i'eaînn 'A clouîdy religion t togeliser. This ltis'firat Inotnce ut A soot trelgionil arteltrabion. age. Ever ince tisen oseti bave alrucl Love's. la alwas agasat lise test manhool andti 'nnan- neyer on sale. bond. Tise Ievih is a bati saking tiele- Seht.cottcelt lis: Tise ldeas a-e enter- i In ln titeir physîcal 1 Ir a-e sa-ailla. Ai- ie resuit of mental c teel @calet. Tise< n manti iinkelisln , la o met-e pions nlIng 10 undersasd ific tact. A.' noble i et-y an)ystrnl func- t loena. ungry impulsa netêo aorld ni con- 'ors vltality snd Ilopon lime.- Mani la ni liste ttooghta ho of the fondtat hoe ?istealtes. of. wiUiam W. Wison rat St Louis, itai- td beatIful lu 110 weuic efforts, la nw 1eon sud appeai- for patronage andi t-at elaim 10 our t-l la. In sus It ex- Worid's faits. cover- id containing moto ny ni tisose a-ilci mbitin for site sud goatified lu tIIs ex- who, taite ny Satie- ig ntay reannably e largest fairt-hie ru. Titis la ntI hie aa vain or soperdl- ouccess leboast ni ogres. Wo have 4 Jiiteti ln reonrres lia oppottulties, de- of vîilnaud ex- ifor Il* deveiopmeutt. * I l te groa-tfi of nent. a-bit-bhslte a10055 ni Anterican worid's progreas t-e- la mos'ed by goner- akenig gret hopea est doods. ofro. isy Ils Immense > ndertale great en- iniatea lthem aith rocsa u is te fture. or ntonoy expenleti sgreat tait, about es tbe public andi sm ni oxtravag4Jsce. itiequate returit for a keti. differeure ni opinion hcbego a-bter the 803 a-as more of a jut-y t u ntCity. 0f 7eworld's taira helti ty yeara Is different 1net nehas been a Tise St. Louis fait ýmanagers are able [îg expensea wlthonl te mney tuvesteti. sineapoinut ni vien- a fallu-e But lte fair doos not couait atturs, bî u tis te lu- tand spiritual atîmu- ted isy IL' In selliait imagine lte lano mauy enterprIse ax- se measured by mna- erelis tbey isil te ses a' ealth requi-es s te rcpreacploblvd of ltimes' reprenentelt ý.Bock ni ail money ms nofa-ealth la lbe tbis purpose sud ex- supply ni enetgy sud la 1brougist 1e lbem uttunities a great ose. ll7ere tbey have wlth a reallty anti io amount nf readlng hly tise acînal reaulta nf mou. Tise proi-' sud sciences lit ail i together anti matie Ir lnqoht-y. Tbrongha S t tise aorld's fait na direct kuoa-iedge eonld nt obhera-lae ilt tbrougis jeata o! is of tise differeuces miong meu sud secs- mo lu nove hie iteart ar ahi bis ieilow men. atives oniasu uation- ec varions contribu- ay of isuman progrecs 'essînofivrsetl ssoveti luangreatot ec brotiserisonti oiai see u lugrstol- flit- relations. Tieseult f a solfiait sudnr- In10 a compreiseusîvo trutis. Witeun e see ittained wa-sare en- efor greal possibhi- ;.Percelvhog tisrougis olntlIatlug hsy ur t-e- iers ofi-tisewor:dï ens, a-e Imaginîe lite *rae a-heu tison finai- RIess ot ble des'ehon- lesateil rnsultoii ste uding lerracos. ira- sparkling cascades. îa@ andi aavIng toll- tha glory noflise New- lair 8ermons- on brlutga itomin. nover iproves a-ils aou lthe market. but -e roes morbue tta ~FJrrL ~ -G Omnri sud Alai. 1 Kinga 16C323 .mmo7Veraca 80-33. Golden Teet.-Riglteouina exalteth a nation; but 'in i. a reproac te toln p.opi.-t'rov. 14:34. The history of not-thern Ilael ilaa kaléidoscope. One royal famiiy after su- other followed cah Other in swift and tragiç succession. witereas Judsb wan ruted throughout iti whole ittrY froul lhe disruption tulthe eaptlvity by the hnse, of Davidi. lîrel and the represen- tatives of no ions than ight familles on thotitrone. Conpirti"y and atotansiaion sera frequeut incidents. ieroboo.m was aneceedeti by bis son Nadab. Titen Baasha usurped the titrone aud won fol- lowed by bis son. Elah. Hes won mur- iered by Zimri, who was king for a weck only when ho perlahed. lInlte civil war which followed Omri, commander of the le itrmy, won the throne ftrain Tibul, the 0 chiien of the people. d He avas king for twelve jeani. One nf P bis lirat; acta after hoe bail gained undWa puted power wan the establlgnment of a nets capital. Tirgat, the Old capital, baid been bumneildown hy Zimri. Omri shoW- ail saacity in bisi choice of a seoit of govuernimeut. It was the bill nf Siiemer, bxutmiles a-ent nf Tirnab. To-day are build eities where theY are mont accessi- ble. Our primbary idols commerce, bol witb the auciouta it a-as defense. Thea bill of Shemer, moute four hondreil feet higb. a-as conîrally locatoil, surrounded by fertile country,.anu bundantiy 509- plieil witb a;pringas. Its cont woni $4.000 lu Our mouey, but a dollar theu bouglit uîany limes what it does unir. Afier iil former oivner the to-n a-as cailed Sam&-- rid'7 In a Inter'ligeit ascalleil Sebaale.ý Omri a-as a man uf torceful characté*. as; a-emight reailyîinfer ttom is iesels- tit-e of thte royal power. So distinct'veil a as te not-thern kingiont idetiiled wlth, Omri by the Assyriana t-bat they termad, it "the bouse nf Omri." Ho snbdued Moab andl éxacted a large trihuto (2 KIsnge 3:4).- The possessiotin ofstrength uuly makies deeperthte regret tbat he did nt oise it rîghfly. The, perversion of gileai giflai lthe -reck of a ten talent maninlaalays, especlally melaucholr. of ail thp ings of Iaae probalY Allah is thte mont notottous. Thtis tactý tises in part tri>u bis Prominenco lu tbé stolies cunceruins Elijali. Hoea-as a man sîililar lu character te bis father. lun. decil. Ahbmeaus ."tatitor's brother." H. contlnued the poll of ailianc* wltb l'boenicla. Flromt a business Point Of vie* Ibis ancient *"reciprocity" a-a. Tallable. larael a-as agricultural and Phocilis woas commercial. But teiglouslY. it aa dinotrons. Baalism a-ltb al i s Bsn- suItles mtade inroadgIt thte kingdom. SEmpecialiy awas Ibis thé ruse &fier Allah'& matriage te Jezebel, daugbter of lEt-hhaal tbe Zidonînn king. This king sq meutiolied by a Greel ssrlter. Ho wuS s prient0Bt o D.ilwbo onsassiuated bis na-n brother and uaîîrped the throue. And Jezebel wos like ber railher, vigorona, cruel andi fanalical. Sile awonlte pet- roues. ut Banilsm. Coder ber influence Allah built a temple for Biaalun gmarla itaeîf. So widespresdawasnlte defettion te lte base Pboenieiau. cuit that Rush once declarel that ha awas the onira-or- shiper of Jehovait a bt nf the Pro- phets. left lu the land (Il Kinga 19-10). Marriage a-ith Jezabel w-as accouted the chief of Âbab's miotakes. 1 oa L.eoms. The Pérl of au Mvil Precedent.-CO- ceruiug botit Omri sud Allah, llàai. that tbey folluoe lu the wsY of Joe.. 'bamn, the soun o Nebat a-ho made làrnaI te sin. if a stream fiudsas chanuol di- rec-t luin.s path it wlll 0ioytbroitgb 1t. Jerobotam dug thé chenuean sd bie eue- t-essors -foudt!lt teIbe ior0ftenait ra"Int- suce and took it. Men st-e 111. abeep, tbey mima-w their leader. Thte Auger of God.-Of both Omrii sud ,Abab WIt'lasaidt! tat tboe' provoked the Lord'to "auget." It la posil e 10iy suri mpbaais updu te mercy' of God< that a-e forget bistse.rues. lu nue te- action ogaluat Jonthan Md*atd's de- scription of alunera lu 'the baude et an augry God wae hava swuug over te oui opposite extreme. Anger as moral Iniadg-1 nation, la the aigu or hlgh ebaracter. Il a man ducs fnot expletience, physîcai te- pulsion ln the présence of rarrion it in hecause bis olfactory nerves are dead. Ifle ho es flot expérience moral rePUl- sten.naget,.lunte présence nf baseneas und ctueity it ja hecause hoe bas no moral apprecrationg. God ia ont Fathet. but- rit ldues' fot siguify easy golug lndli- fereuce. Thora are tathets a-ho looki ou a-itb imperturbable gond ntature Whlle rildren ina. itontr and virtue. But true fa thora love titeir chililten enougli te ho atigry a-heu tliey do a-toug. Thte Doa-uward Tendencies ni Sin- Oi Iand Allah, WO are toid. eÏceedl4 ail their predeceesots lu.a-lcltedueaa. Omri did worse than Jeroboam. sud Allab did wotse thtan Omti la titi firt-a nords niflte book ot Pouson . WMlelb, ataudetit, sittetb'" mark the progresa nf a meu lit evil. itla D ite sllding do-n bill, 'te tsther ynu go, thc fanter. "Sin la gratvitation," sai Victor Hugo. And gravitatiou menus accelerateil motion, if you feU aixteen ft t e first second, yen fali thirty-ta-o feet tbe udt. The Importance ni Marrlagc.-John Flake tlgittly decl ares a man's ma rriage about the mont important ovent lu bis life. Thse rinlathat sa-ie ceao makle or mat bier buahand. The tule la ot ah- solute for nme infamous mou have noble a-ives. Aud thse termagaut hoensarried could nfot destroy lteipoa-er of John WVesley. Indeed it la probabiy luteh dincoifort hie expemieucod et home that a ov on~l nemeasître bisea-ideaud faîtlevaugellatie Journeys. It a-as Lady Macbetbha-ho pushet e hbumiland! lutocrme. Andit Ila-asJezeel a-linmade lthe rclgn ot Allahs intantous. The tact points tise moral for ail Young peole, ntarry "oniy in tise Lord" (1 Cor. 7:39). Friendiys ngo tien. "My heart la st111 untenauteti," sîgis- ed lise elender soimmler girl. "'Wty dou't 500 write 0n yeut card 'Flot te bt'" Ilsaketi ber plump cousn- ln. a-ho ansatt-ellrltg a broati atudie LMafive Rêddis. Cur SGe bma th G.mtyMov.sth goo ab a r -M laId by P' . L ave. Lbu J- Bill tMead.% Letter tleads, :I Business carïï Circulars Programmes, Invitation Sale B1uis, posters, AND ALL SOR7 OP Jo0b Work., .TILS 01 wow m.fB~ WHY N-, nomae New>s TALIi *08 YOj* Ta a aessa ii PU a Mi »J~labl 1. SI OMA» ai