"WNUp. 50 rem s 0f eps.wu -.r- Widtelt ouse hy seeet adbrslty lsdOb*IU-- 2e ie appeered et thse Presi- ~~éfouthe peupose ot warann aGIipoid #Auger to bis 111w.site la theeeoce by Johne Wllkis., ise sh srviCe, a"siRude tiie statssuesm: lI àa*ecm*s ta *. Presidet tisAthin la ansger MU 1.hae ed a visio. inWh"C eppssrçd ta sens, "d dret.dlne tise Prcsldent 1 dldnt Oluts i *e and jet n*is a is tglebu le Aiste Pussldent. but 1thuais, bo la gansla bs sabot. Tisexangel tati- bdthiat inltohsebicwn up. I tels- @Iwot ue Pfesdeuta s ear ago Aat If wpout te laae S e wquid me Slfl, up uet asyoew. Thes pirit han ap- re te me 5<51. more ans"y tian erer &":aaâbu vesasesime Aat 1 muat P reldunt isno bis danger.", #e«a deciarm s ie was tise motiser reouleàn ckiliransd lad a photo- b* et bar tansly with ber. OIRf'V1t4ckOR PElV<A6<T8. aitua et CRU" je the Vou Pinct- mi 1009- s. %0 es. cnitise irationaLeagne nopw 14 th". di1ok .02 24 St. Lanis. 2re he tak. beles shows bow ittess alluthie ÀmericuLeegue: -W.11. . W u .-88Phggew"ImA. 483 = ~~~in lis*Amauia so MMlaaeist 464 cf.8 ESA , jr., el ofet 4Ier4l.u Jat *II' bat trwl.,yes'e rp eet- ~ I.tissa ,=fer sevrrareus aithes w-Setouticok lanse Oregeof Isysuand oals golu tise tIon hallthtie CaNa aeipgeI-ri of fnt -e--mliiso!flise 4mwtreos & l, a ypila a edrtm« p bot and is sinl;ëbob* mit3viii ekgOiser swtu -. ,ob &Mf* II1O ilADE Ili ie e«ïod ve. ondai'. roblesi ver- #dP- t Trbty,,plecopat ClercS, lu Oàa bkk-eclng ta prayer. "'M m e; T in0O Butais. - Ie pe"ofet ret Britaa are tee bR tace w-tiibaid tises. viA neocseney la ielee u aLmm"& It b"elea à acou- dllesoretstagnation. KU"sibr coitasigs esfold. W. IL 1toektou e niJamues <llff ere kMMs by the coUlps eto a' scafid tia UMestancremets r -cAbilene, Tez. Tvo selwerv enu enerily burt. flassfutby Fait. Ceusoalo. Dueiseus of Marlboroughi.- - éoecy Mise Vsudesbilt ,was tîreva -- ras a borse i lueîmsPerS. R«alnt, -5* onsderalbir b-iiesud a aken. Mumnta Sust fedicatese. Agranite diaftltlmlsty-suven teet ligh, - éfcta by Mu.. Whlitum P. Mack, et CWtm Oheia io, sa amenereoflien son, -*AiUn IL Mme. tue Baumoy lite-uav- '10 crev u&M the ciev ofthtIelbarg W&- féai! dedicatesi t Chathiam, Mess. Crsi isby drisnk, Giclensa Mle, agesi MM an sd kilteti Muu Matidiseca Mou- &W . inIluCrevqau ndhed*bu i~b-out lus brains. Mele isat a wie* leur etilireu iu Itar, butlied liesu *11thAie vomis fer six ycars. t»vuse»oa gea Wall Fleisiei tactskiti o! coacrets was plaerds mosueri-nlg-tleie -îpetton of sea'Wall. The waller,- «rpauitune of $1.19l8,31K. It U5 tlong. ixteen uret ligi, siX- aIvet-afort -o jl- W" ~ va c. t"e4 2 ài< population of ý» plage bàs.tu*0 rrlcted and mes. *oiqee and I lii tire isonueslà tenta la lth. Woods Oiîe msi« distant. ¶ti* 10wn tzelf, wbkbt la plteate propet aM o*ned -by *0- "ephUIsLeit uCbleege. Jtait armed mamp. 'Gusardi, vitis ridles essd revol- pers, PIý pasejb 4strel Ba dotisset aerr7 îintié of wpoa s.TIYe ce minegassiCoke wyreS..wiere tise M«a aqw IvWli tete w er. tormer élul- pie"&dla 0U ouaded by eàiigi stoctk- asie, &R e*t w ielh andi outalde et sisci ieByirarSmed mesn, wth ]A- stucioi 4 bot If provoeaýtion la gîe. preo'h~d an d nul. iX0 peronle llves wAhn tis town tu:- lAIuni.. a Iscsho ~pert -T t Ie - L Plauslile excuse for hie pn<senee. FIsose iso eam unabie te ssessure OP titis lAisserequirements -are eecorte Mtet q tise rlctnlty eftise* s ettiemesit sud are mpreasesi itisthse prudence 3tf Dot etnrnlng. ThLa peèaliar sud daugerous cou&A- tinoot faira %is prectpltated. by thse oaAn f thse minera ansi joseph lai- ~r.t tiesoie owner ef the mines. coke sork.s ad town, ta agree on tise ques- Ilo iof wases. Lelter subimttesi a leisdule of vages. wilci tise men r.- tusesi te consider. Tis@ me. claimesi thît thse scale vas beiow tisat pâld by mine owners la otisen sections ofthtie tAte, and i is acceptance wouis morne à reducUion by competitive employers bf isisor, who would be placed et a dix- advanlage in thse market. Wisereuison Leiter isegan to apply tise test power tisat Uiea h bis banda. A* mid, Leter an-m e tis ova. freT inchs of land, lasShW' »»,'e P"n >15- chase ealWttir..eveu chures am$ USie Inltutions iavlng to be astis-- ,fd u-th les" _naed-f 4 "..;tIn et tise conditions upon wisicisau ens- ploye la eliowed to cent a boume i. tisat hoe shai. uposi tventy-four isQurs' Bt- time racate theý premises atrter bas mare Sas bée, droppiesi gfA'mthe roll oeil- Cmorodngly vien l&'4m. swoit RossAlamuai maS. ample AU4nls for tsesinlsing of thes teaeitr UlUbé CdussuasxIir der e th i.ee~1W-l Drilub isag* uis the eG-8sa 'oliow- in£* tise testat agrSeesset tisat meb osaidr<s nený* t. Sueis 5 la . 45<15- t is lved bthe 81111mb gfeen- mont. Ieliisuzy -te.o ltanng ast- lnftlca the orecnmesit Sen ltruc ,is~to Sir Cb*is esIZrdIugie. tWtt vetiSnllyagalurt thse sitkitnt 09 tise Knig# Commnsder by tise Éssai ladtrstok aquadron. Tise Drlttais not #ucesat mnhtion tAi *Mount of Indemnity Russàla mua, Js.y tise dunec of tise *bAs ansd rit- .1l41à aubJ5ts listaing oiam ba- tise vessai, but -ailtiat bla oUgIIla tise qetaisieisent.,ofthe11 pl#de cf, tndemnityimuid an spology. A Àsainte of tise Brittais Bag issuet-also ie con-. cedeti sud tise future protection cffinsu- Irai sisipping aasuM&d Tise attitude ef tise Iritas goveun- ment ta tise ceagit of lisorough cnsisi. eratIon gir.. le th. repsorta fnm ar Caude MacDonald. 'British minuster at To"l. and thse eamination of i. teusstlonai 1ev aUtiSosIties by legal ezpel:tm. 1The disatchea frosinrClaunde con- lrma tise reports tiat tise Kisigist Comi- mander haît néecontralsand of wsr on board for Japan. Thse gove'rumet anld PKEUIak BAL COUL on5 eteliks tI.a s"sito <et outBorne - loft "Nrutnal; s"me w-or.evlted.AuM oris sg ne ts lpamê4iitlise ruad leaAn th ie Wodsa teair tise aIrAibs, rue fel vîtis wagon eontabnlsigboussbefi <otAs. TA. me- joitty et te atW"= e ent luto cama et Canoi Turbr, sarCScatietb« IselaeyLetter ileitise towm rAwt asrmed guindsaniidseait u At- ducementa for tion-union mess tu enter the, plae te verS. "Ne treepcss " ~ met-e isssngareuni sud teleyiscne vas- lnalalled on trees for ltse <neater eets- ve»»$"eur cfles.prite Pellen., bisas Uretiese sInikera et Camp Turuer an. not luaedir, Tuer bave Ahrowa out àplekets t. ltucept the entry of non- Whoe. iscasenages! lu tisslu- dustil war, làa a-caof slucssg Por- antemesitema determutmios. A-t Was lewls oengLneereith. <seat w-let eouer Anlum1,*- areautof ifeat enaons re. aby 15tte mIlUt«rr Anotiser resait of the Ocr- au" *w-astisa ile atier, vise vent te is assisance InAh.Gei, test M*by mtalion&. ROBIENT E PAtTISOI D'EAD. lan er O rsseof Pesnrsrlva.ie lta e"ctsate pâummm.t Robsert E. Pattlses. former Governes or Penslaie.ont costhe logdlssg Demx- erets la lIe Unitel Bltate sd men- tlcei ton th. preoidencr lu mer.tissu one caspalgu.as volt as'& iseiten in tise Mehisodit ElcePaO&I Csel, tUi Mess- day mos.ng et i s.=*eaourPhilads- ipisa. Pneumnsie. risicisdeveioped Irds ansi w-afoltoemib, heurt complicaton was tbècaeuse -où destis. Bise.m 110 vises le van defestei for a tuidterm, as Governeor fPemnstrslbyMs-. Péâ- uy-packsr, Ah.eIepablieca anitt,MUr, Pattson iasist bee..la ed hesilth. H.ý wasneàcenèber cf the commîsteon reielullces iltAise neceet Demoèrade conventione et IR. Louis. a"i lis leallis tallid aGes- tue strata. As politielan, lcvyeandssii bu Seaass M. patltapis vasequaiett suaras sud .was esteessusi l'ili by ail parties bheansetfhieInlu tagultr. Ho w-c 0. o tAheamon CeOMI& de-cieronVic rs PnesldossthcesaBryon ticket lua1011. Robant Emory l'attise. w-as borai ai Queuttce Soumerset County, Mairîmi". lu -18511 is famîly remieesite Phsliedl pIla we w-b 6 vsliurs od. aud.bo greduaeti <nmtisa Cetrah 33gb scisoo le Ah et eil lta 1870. Ur. Patison 'isas baons. atswa« tuduct tan180, ansi vas cdnsitted tAuthAbin te1M7. llm 87 sudt ln 1180h. s elected CompAs-iter oethlie clty ef Pilelpisl Hos home Densuteciaiddat ern Governen cf thie ttet, and vas ,«ted te Abat one lu 1883, Aller thse expiration of lis Oit ter ed fittesPartir raillvsy eesmigpc.K W-es suaIs lcted Gcvewar etdisy, ranisla 1191. sud vmwon s. et as &a PreeleutlelPoesbllty. i. Pallia.. v Cedudt. tes-Govennor for Athe Ablul tgm la M, b. ut w-as deolel teL tsi 0«eet eas Ah. W« th<ei e se s" bo- - ~ews. Aces-dIng tu rensca figures tisen, ana lu tise. United Stutes 0,180.000 persan@ 10 veata li or more vise calnnat ueed. or white. ou Alita numbur 3., 00 are whitea*asd ZpaltK)0 ssrcom . Tishe-a lenity of tise Wite illiteustea aire forelgIt bora but Noir Yock State ane bus 47.- Ne 'busecsoetagiculture, mode tise gaine lu lte lest tirade tist 'fusdit groi- lits dld. ,Tisera wè-Fc oýer 3,700,000 acres Iim orércia fruits reportai lsy tise sut ci-ns ansd'at prisent there inust he? over 4.000.0acres desolt 10ta tat pisupose. Jus vaise tihe fruit <rots now,.auska lgîlli. lu tise yest. betore tise ceauas tihe valude of tise cern cuop vwas $M MBW; h21l ar $A84,215.fi48lcettocu, liectig - aotteu cccii oit, 0070,MS.7-A0: sîleat. p69.94,- 320; est,. 217.t1114; ptaus $1- 203.14; vegetabies. $1 3871.842», fruit. Wl2.S0,71LTise riple As tise mont vide- iy distributed fruiit grown lu tus couitri. utid Io rondi ln csecy tte. uoctb cuti aIl1 tbe Brillish sutsorîllea, Il las ammert- t c. ,44, unite on tise point Abat tiser. ras A speclil report o!flb.e ensu hure.t (fojustifiation.foc tise sjnkiag cf the- shows tisat 1.711,178 cihidrcu inAht I'esý . It la feit lu govreamne dc-Unileul States cc couspeiledta te o-Sf0 ýdee«tt iI ie Eniglt Commander lu- I liu' llTin. Thei tortu more tisais -tidesit overgladows the Red SBoa sele- per cent of tise toal unIuser e ouiokes wuea. stiicspractcehî bhave uensad- 1snd tise bora ootuîssbeu tise girls aimisa juaedýbutwhih bve alld t ne. 1tiscata eue. lime figutreasuheimg 1.,104,411 il* teqiuet isoi n -vute îgtaeite sel-boys gir48.7lsrs. Tat lise Amies lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tn tieqeto tts ii tni-1-unationaIl not matie litsestirelig e rai commerce. tera la abois-n b, the total. 2040M.1 Tisatishe Britlish gorernnuent re- 233. allis la oiy e-hlith ie popa, garda tise Elaiing 0f lise uAist Cous- Iistleus.êf 10 7C55'i et age anti aveuani mander asa s rc orli c nternational about Avo-âltis ottise cutis-Opopulatli ~ls~w-s mssfrss.&,y Penser-Ba1 1 1: Abs 'iieproportion of stauken. hid, l tourw IiPrmie R esei sinsoat 3 per cent ceeu tise tomei taurInthseflouse et Cammeus; An-.jttimlies. 0venls5gqmeloua asu teest:ruc- tion, Of tisesteamuer ansi tishemimne oftj1Th~ eset place leas-bieh a mans w-oui thse 'Imam.randi otier roq lq, Ah. h. Iikety te go is seeriset ef aistory ai isCeUisaii e Ispeilte itaa po. Uic br ocf Ais. etetniesi fine-slai Ultton te make a bisef «tatuent ne. sràtem tale ise- Unitedi Btstes voulsilys #U*4G thtie laeca amon. As letiste te tise repors-fthtie Bureau ofthtlisCee- cakinge uth fleugt Comnuder, isaL j 1teltisere la vier. lie veutti nas " bAs 1 regrettmi tisat information sc mteuccliug sud coasisebeuclre, diseus- w-laid reamiid me confifusésititis se- :ion ofthsubject. Tise cessas repos omttblý éeureum jir jweur are ot en- abIS oifigures. Tiscjar aded tI e r O larrno . - M. Batterf j îilsto-y ot tise progréeset luduatry ans of euf:ierut 1amne esiidteetj ou inveto athe untcti taies. âke of ts.bu I ns trid ber t ajtlîiabtieoltmu on Il.fine-a'nraï syxteiu fer qusailaus ut a bremis 0f loterimat'i îutarQ- Iî)meou-1.toi iow - lségnaiaus lev" 1I,, 1early>mc, es -1 iventer r. ta10appi; The tesio lntbeiiÙO-Bi lS e- prms it thlie elu<-trie teiegnnui 4Tios eirauslu ise uaa 1 a c-Itae t mc osisessln et tise,-siiusis signnip, lAzebu wasaiiIad1 ndne be iee l-1jbut lisat il vas sorut tuli1850 thel 9sucm, laxet Tbaday ans arupture is not .eestni Sysrn wax feundth-Tie metiso. le- 'tu re ke or BROUGHT TO RT 'A BUSE iAN YOLI'\TEIACRUISER. probable.. Count Benckendcuff. Aise ai fina sit iras enude, aud tram tisaI lâuleu ambassdor ta Guea-.Bsitalts.tinté ii tiAsimproeesst afterlImprere- Informai Laid Laasdcvae lIaI if, Rue- menl bac bêein etoptei. ouctil nov Itlai - st Issi cmmitesie wrangais ra pr.cîîcaîîY imPoioable -for confusion ta suý a cit scia. luth grsel itens.sctieg ths sinais sent* le resd tir rîlilite moke full repam- tuons to lb. sen oxem. le ny jrpart oetAhe- tou. bot beOOre amYaction rOulIht .lova, anti uctil aven tise uMotezeltesi taseu ls tIe Kuiglit Commander case 6sud Iuuzeneed peuson ecivegrsthse tise"a useugorlaluat muet lare Aise eiarm succegafullr. 411 le bas te do, la opportuset r eeelrlng the report et to1mlil a lever an.an automtistsmacine lis cO%ùssReieretlise Viedirc dos e-s th.sest. -tieougik*s oms.sstitn aequsire. Lord Lussioua vs -Dot thle It- tueCe-au Breu «4»etp dkqpeessite prees tise metter ndsuty asst Inereatisg rmailng for suassress-I ai prembel te wrtail erseanable lersoons. . 1 iM .Dcmatlrie c"f vri-ouess-lt» bava . h.Houle of Commous Premier a «MA: tdealtetodo eGlI vonusW'e Invasion laItus esii d Ath. arit stageoft ethtie balnse w-spN<- tor tiseressen.e théif Ual Us aCIcieta bai paoaed, coi tto Aat 54 W tett f 6 Gireus thdAie ausain roltaun leer o w - WIOesaevW9 ids~ etxate lwoi ie o Atsiraweune.buado dorutS lee.Ataàt<ldvtea tb» BmeaISver lIat j» t»* àplaffq qf t *ieO4 gat la ecarda w *1eceali Isue heis 8a", eofl as rac<limu& e.Thltoisitq4l0 1*a oiA bt tis te ritiener QSt -va> sipe.ff onlusm* ubea it 1, »ti fl1A ~ ~ PO t-ts]u ie<fa If tise>' tu* tact S1 er et 0 thmé ai. w-er* t AidUerun ect o.,m Ati . - flope IgSparnulugagatfl Oeénpl«tibs. àsl le uss erne lgtat tais, suris40"1... mmiiipfuret at ftva mSéi m vos- do mal boernout, 155 o uerai eeuuliant 5 lies lpes. Atbîbeugeiolsi adipate are se~Aismil CaL. W. P. Dockrar dGlus!AiLavuouw% t# p esai .1-tiSe réu m es Ras. mIlIe ga t B~ Beor.tue<IlvRâIdomstîr or #usesàeal mrice, aguinet Wsr le rasàa Japtalu et tiS, Mes-misnt s2 pu cent in maag*astlpW_ sd laie Mert»seMdansi ue thAer., é Se w -as eep-cnira ansi otuIy 1pt e tades-i.andi tta Of tise9021110&t Detet., w-iS lIe emomrce. Thé ppsmteIvomn e m-1 blockailssinsirca <if ettue Attatir. 4 eprise qssty 8 peurcmt t A. A-orer las ilis 19ratiremnet lai wreazfu---: seventala esaia. and f«ee longa tIns. las la spîle of the cOustantlr lncseaks bseu esolte ta w-aISor ta iSep himmeif Immigration, the propos-iceof faegi la sur il, born etu therca sessa- aI renportia esbiualmaiet ïlin.Ji lSm 2. enent kWhlclMe, BMoUlI. Meue.,0routh* enection b,-w-es-id of b.nê i*ïwwg gopi. fuesai ohinetla 1ton Steaicess, unieson- tie outurla #gitie. otutisI Mnu- teas for lise Merder isud robissr efthAe teetW»>raeas aagaillsca Meal Ieati e sci museS Wsi. .&é ssaaaaaUsééa h mui le.a- von .Plebve. Russan Mintoet 0 -the leter,»r, was aaaaalated nit 10 o'clèck Tisnray xornlng wblle'dr. Ing totise Waraiw'.st4tion ta riiIt thse Dmperor at tiie Peterhsof palace. A bouji we 1 ~Oundier thse liniteen cerclage, c ' siey $ataterias It M. von Piehe was terrily sangled/ Thse asuasslnwax erreate& The cogcineoesiflied anid thse wildiy sirày* only tise-fronit wieseof- thse carrnage resiniIntact. Imame- dlatëly tisere .enued a se... of tise wiidet confusioa,. Police and ge- derines iurrled up frots eveuy die- tion qund veat crwda gatisered slocut the~ spot wisere thse mangied body Of thse XInister iay ln lits bload. For 160 >adsthe rùùdway Wa-a trèwss wltl tlie wreckage oi thse carriage and pleres of thse ced lining cf thse Minis- ters otilis overcoat. A test yards f(rota M. vons Pieisve's tbody iny thse bsody of tlse (coabman (iun *rded by police tise body rehnsnned In thse strgit untlilthée arrivai of the. officai corresponding to au Amerienu coroner. ci en ln thse case ofthtie mont posterfusi Iinister of thse empire thse lait requirlng tisat tus t ormaaity bai to be oberred beore thse body could be reinoed. Âtter tis geWfcuits vlewpti tise body It. wa piaeed An a cnirr1nge. c<vered by a- robe ,and sta drIveis slowiy ta a littie cisupel. adjoin- issg thse raiiradi station and tii.. tu Pleisves snegtiltecnt towsi resLdence, adjoinlxsg thse Miniatry.of tise Ateaio* .The. prefeet et police iinte iemu perorof the. tramal Anmdi-ei SpO lis -occurrence. Tise Emperor, wso vsu at tise villat Alexandrie. -et Peterhsof, 'st«s greatiy affectei by thse neya, cons- tug, as it did. iter thse bas i i>g trot. thse seat of war. vitis testsof Ini-, tersgatlosssi complcationasu&d thse sAai. incident upoc tihe bouriy expec- tation Of an erent soclcose to tise fatis- erus beqJ1t. SReemtitassasaluatlans andA attempts at assts5inattoii of OcielAs An Russie lidiG tise followiug: 19. Bfgoiepof. MIlustec of Educa- tion,.Poe. 27. 1901. M. siplagulne. lfinister ofthetise t. rlor, Aprli 15, 1902. - Prince Obolenski, ,<overaor ef Kistkof simde.Ang. 190m. ý'GeniiuftL obrkf. Govesnor et Fia lam& 1.Ibo* 10 ViatuhepisafCoutantliatvitcis-Ton ie.. Minter of Ais.eintterir, .uly 0tkis a l-thede éMms. ayrult'sefuse- euso.a Soit brick. at lOoislaese0btshow &U pisgtt 411 I. nesdslus ef.T. Barnuma as s piée aga"si À ecOeir festur.e of Mm., Maybrick's [atout rela* Io thet abibas seua l- Use*"b*Wsg.fre sand oonstructively ft ise isaMybrlek p<Obabiy notlceg 1t lu5I Insatialo w- dense __ ufor trou»ltbu sAigmAlle l ne éther wsy At aIamI veslss'tp mors. lly ils ete on o. l 4su& and eh. B"lek - Et le 1- ,an :k. hl bi a Tise 'cePO o eesus n tbUit r '1. l itol C er#elWVî et iliakauetÀ ii rin alst $*t . - t. am*unnaedAncAbr pa@mpr w e ot tbut-the ibaslet lolgesi aboya à1 b in th is esoti, fuqu wblikle At lthe rnci et te UlatnJdéliat sud Sauteranati, about twq saliessonàâ et Uatteon, tbe"aindta puulesitia m ï- ton«r air eo4 d, n wen thse train alinS soi op thmy jumpmd oit, UrIcg a retloy lot shots et tise trais os ey isAM lale I The Dtiuuen Soi sal la one cf h. bout eqclppedtrI. Abat rus aout t ofClAma orer thse Minute Central.ls l.arlng tins. la gS 10P. ns. At 10 Çqe ioc Aréeai- e1 Hamvy, vIser. tie tour roisiscu boss- estth lie eau aieeiîec. Vlîb àbatriiet tbey pniesi open h.eu dootof tise car, sud on enteulssg tisey founsi tuae ceductor. bririensan anid porter lu tise asmking ou- pertinent. Four revover* seuwshovced bt tise, fac etothlIetrabuimen. end viIe one - oblic ustoasi guunct o#e A beest othera vent thrusg tseet outAu3g. tie pasai enges out et bed.Iiere vers a foy Tioladufot TII ln tisl car Due or tise vassegers at- temptea ta bide hicsnouey sud volep bues, tram tis, colli and aa mst as Brod et bite. Alter aWh ie jissacgeus lit tishe es- car, fiveeto! irsons er. vous- eu. l4 eurtec s-used andilissai up lu thés le, tise rubbersm quktly sarceet ieir :bethes fot plusiden.,Boit cases. leleecope ansi travebusg bops ers ippod open wkth a Suife snd tise contentaedunsped on tise Boor. Watehes wecs taken trocs teatu, diamu.d sada aud coller buttons tuom asiits. and tise poekets of trausers aiso yi.lded treasure. . Afler rotbsfig tihe occuspants of tiseuer ceisheue muuonasloft ta guid tisen w-hAletva alliera isent ta tise sieexer abouti. Tisere %vtee etween tweive ad Bitten persona lui tiis coac-h,cund ailt'vire trustai lu a meusuer imîlar te tise pet- sengerln tise otier cc. 1Tise.vis hSsio ne ta b.d wveupli eut or tiseir herthil tif y 7vesslmred ta reusoutrate. Two me. ls tis secrvers atcîsck os-cc thme baudi wiil tiseliîatciset w-luth lied been ueed b tise nolstet uer tise Other cer. At the ciglit of blood atreaus- lut rg thsu ie sounsis one Waon ieteîs. Watcmes, diammadoanmd mouey were taken fs-cmait thee msnsessgaln tise sec- ond cas-, sud irsraveluZ isagwec silasises vitis a knife lunmte ceairis fer isoty. On. et th. victima lu tis coach s .Sipern- tendent cf TeiegsmusisGroas'of h. lui- noie Central rond. ww-b a u* eeed0of waId.. Gamont ield, $M00la moue sud ail of bicsunuai passes os-eu diffe-emit -linosenvierai of tise women pamecgeus Wc thielurings atripped i t otises-bauds EesdAth Aut OlckSs Frocq the time h. bandits isoarfieithse trainountil llsey leapeti off net more tissu elgimi or ton minute.s 'lulrrenesi. Il la tisosgist et leaet eue of the robsers w-as a formser nislcoasi man, leaihave ksowc lbe mehsocf stopping a train by paliais thé emergoey clu coud. Wiseu tiseérd w-as puileal o'tselimnif at ie. s-car coaihsuanti t off w-heu tlw. train bia alackeuti ufficienti;. Ti"e Pulmcai car cendurter mn ahadi snd toldth ie engineer cftue hld-up.ibis bolssg tise ral intimatlinirbâtia tht the. pasengera lu tihe sirepersa ad 1e. rois- bed. Tise traine vs. u ossreomlles fs-ens Matteson andi a quiek ruwas matie t0 tisat point. Mu. <iross notifiai Kankakes anti Chi-agoof tise roisbecy liji vice andi tise trai puoceedeml. '*I certainiy wasa a bod joi," aatld Vice President Ileaisen. -l duu't kuow 1ev mucis tue tabiers gel, but se tise Dia- mns Speci lleaiwsys 'veil loctiet. tise total will uechis itise tiosasuis." WILL ÎLIMINATE MEAT. cuslcum o Retaurant Steeeri Mn e Lonuger Zior et a PMoLe la Cbiego tise mecl famine la raply isecomAlsg s fact. Pcae«le*ilsal tii. us- euve stock lnta tistorebousea le *cld ta lare beau erisausted. andi the ratait mer- Setis are avfissadilblltr la ecunlns. ut-1 ýicient mont te acrensmodate Obstomers. 1Ilsstrnt kêeeera s-areoin« trouble gttieg trai ment supplies for patrons igiso usiel nt s regetainln diet Sonma msarkets bâtd steaks but un-resala, otiers ladt bref but no pork. lu s few cases tise butabere bai mueat etne Slud. Boni. or thse bout Suas. restaurants tlaOi- cegttehealea te elîmînate mueat entirely tront bille cf traeluncase tise maricet iso., 11gb.,, Th me econditioins prevailins.tueur of tise large cilil nth. isdis West. Pccns Cincinnati cames the report Abat Aiderioin lef st sea&ceAt e aen tise bilest pricesi restaurauta are onabis, te serra lt. et. LUis. Kanses City, Te- pesa, Bprlsfed sud Bt. Peul are ansong h. citieze visicis4a7 are begzlug ta expenieuce tueefBnal Symptoma of tans- tas. lu thieserenter., as vett as l.nsmany chaeri lthîeRBi, lnclnding 1Boston, prie.. lave adranres sereral ceuts a1 èpehs tram the Wiws. Willam Listînser. sged 25 yeara, vasi dov u tatise loocil taura iley,t transes City, lio., bas uait.p Aise min-1 Inmmsaalea etfguadit ed ecttesrisen. troa W Tte $65 peumntis. 0L.0 eJas eItiése selctfotnd of IKan-1 mmsb. bettié, £agealA704- li wig4 ofockt. i biodlea iel-noasiyul seuti 0f B t. Jcseph. Mo., cominlttad suicide at lies- boos.by taising a slle 5cM. Sbs wa* es ipôsdeet aees-ithIiblth. .Wlllsrnpolsa, coloreti, *55s uiested. tu lilts8, Kse4 ;ou sa requlttien tres ae4clored WvesaU kt Lexlsst0*, .KY0 gryran yecatea à Adetectle took lt baeS ta LéÏiegtmeI1L , 'e4m etim et ai Mn. sUd' ua às #IMdsfail "a viter «"M sBfilipi eek te wflS. *e#vhr-tu thie #Ilfferevt oâidl aut grest, bt ttalebetA*f' ltyi* 70" ote.e*tb thsevery w go0 hlDuce of a fsAAh tu tiig,Âdeeld esi etion libas,0 ro u thelii nsssessent 'cfstoces. tl iii 01tldse tu any ."eltLa- la binulazsp prospecta. l'he beius good argnsn »-«t gusndes Conln 1 mposd Wlitost. la tiese pis vet 99. tishe UtisWstô sesruaI ubang i lseree iciswgl redue. tk ise Ai Hcr-aestlgl ta nprotreslu eatif'r 4U oftisbe Ieadlngrsftsser whsét Statue 9"s tise résulta are isetien tissu gam- in5 tisctgist tley would lie lwo OOMS sigo, It la seglsnlng ta b.e ll.«veê. hisetgis, tisatishe total yield Witt leste e umali exportable msurplus. andl tisa thse puice of wisest iSid flouc duucngthse Maxt; twcel usonilia wili 10 bigit. Tise eecmittie isusshiiare uDow At, thsetop prices for, Ibis sscsersnt. list- Ing ispen beiped isy a ver sasvare ls prodssced W4 opposite elfes-t ou stockm. Tise returnp on wisîat iii tAle outiswest. baeve. stlsulatcd business lunlisat psart- ef tise country. - Ceiiectlons lu tis e t Louis diatrict bave fur exceeded tAce. cf lest yens-. zxITAéSrOt eymatonk Wdi<iaiesAt lIbas onbeen shoorsi et K e asliti la apparent. tilla week ln report, cf a' slack. conditli of trstde ln mnat 1hues.' Chilcago retllers are saidi te le more pesi;imlstilc Man tbey ougli tu 1 ln l viev, of actuel es-euts. The paiklmg- bouse stiile casa a sisadomu ov-r tratie tiser.. ven vils adrance orsiers for clotbiug. meida furuuhiiis. sisces, cuti weariîsg cîparei quitîseaimstr. . Iudtcaîii lisdtlctes sosîsli swfe ment Insdr ;I $ a d Mlli oies. t'joli%)#s stithirdiartisu t-iluil last yeur. Tise usot gratitying traite %ta tis-ueuti or ssii as-e tisose trous Pttàbuuck. Tii la <lue te 'tise improvement lissA bas corne about lu lise trou and steel traide. lThe touse lu tis basic inie ln certatiy, mucis beller ilenmit las isecîslis a Year. andi c sharp revis-el ln f 1ut lmotlsrob- able after election. IL.. G iits &Ce'». Ch waa seckly resles of UChicago trade esays: Tise week cioes« a usontls msaaly unel of lise duil- est la busitsese vicic. sud feu- Im- portant bronches havie iost actvtt o excetdlug or etlul t tut cf as rsu ago. Atot-ka ot generai mercbssdls' Ltrossgiout lise interissr expesieueed à satistcccory reducttosi and tue is eur.w sPed tuprored os-ters in tise selflion 0f fulli unes by,couutry reetiers. La- col Conditios.tisowever, ver. not cois- ducîrle te better tisou a Murmsel con- siflption lisn c-suis due immlily te tise aceljmluint flaimor.troubles. cour- tailei production andî conutiueuit di.- mîntsbed i psrtniss m wpser of mmsuy. wsge-esruersA u voitsmtary idlvee»s. Tîe sltmmsrlon snsy uie aslow lis rigii- ln*~ ltaeif. Yetil-t gnr(; iât latik- lt1g wiili pIseîeit lise outi-ok f'Ia lsriaislet- lispect. txriulural i relrts 'ceneei tsimceatol liiî-eetliîg AlueIfar andi tise gcswliig croisa iicmieolls montm apily mssturtig. AcIldp trous tise Interrutsliosndîme 10 atrikes flise nmîi;ta-uritmg iiiures show lin mesleil chmange. ciCîlpt f50me effort tu ceisonsitpronifily h i su-v de- mande ivolvtmg lamceise-d output. Tht. applies uiostly in tise i miefltutsreot fata ssseiine..ry. es-teri- cpplitmmws., turnitucei- misml mlii sors,. New h isit- lug plaise ire umore lîmmriî.tisan file a yer lige sîsd resîýuire ess):msder- ablie quatîlles of isssterfl, 1110elàno- vidlng mucis -sock for pc<sdssircrms. "Grain slslpmmua, 3J47.3&' bIse. -are 10.7 puereemi over Musse ai year ago. A'oceigu Imisnigenissiedi isrrow cand tise licreaisd xebipîunuti are due tes growlng tlornestle requileisents. stocke of Boeucrieismg cegardeu Ilis low coûil. t ien. ('omparsse([ witis test wet-kg co%- lug, prîces uilviceml lu stiet 'lý teilla a susisel, lu omts 21A'4 i-pisand Iftuîmtosnt %4 cent. Itecelpta ts flise stock. M5,t. 270> liesmu. ire isnceiY anc-blfiit 'IsettL of maie week last yemsj. seëep svaIlu", %vealeued 150 cents, but i-Ioicme -eusP lIelds eedy andti leavylisogs mmiviced.- 211 centes ii hm;mdredweight.- Chlcao-istie.coluiiomîte pî-i $3.(X) le 1U00; tîSss, siilplin'z gra $4.00 to-f3.115; clicep. talc tg c-boire. *jý te $4.00; is-Ieat, No. 2 cii, 102e t-I cern, No. 2, 5(kctlu51c; unis. cîau4 Mei te 87v-. iye. Ne. 2. À-00 eTc tlnsotlmr, $8.30 te $14.OU; ipraiie. fPS 81150: botter. cisouis e reamssiry. 1<1 1-4p, ergs. f rusb, 14c e 1 uIc;. oua 50t te iMri. Kt. i.--C $e 4m50te <il-O $4»00 te$5.40; ciseeil. 88-W 0te <" visent. Xe, 2. 89e te Slie; corn.:Nu. 50c te elc; ont%, Nu. '2. 851e b No. 2,.CôtOle 418r.- Ilu(nnsti-iCettk,. $4qXte <te liogs, $4.00 tq $5.4l0; mhéIi eî;,*21 $181;viet,:. 2 nev. 4&« etel9 o-u. u 2 usixtil Sc e.T.c ats. 2 mîxcO. tàikc Io 40t,;ryc. N.2. '&4c Detrolt--CtteiA, el-rioto #'5.5; bS $4.00 ta <1.10; s-iie. $2.6i)la tu %iiseal. No. 2, 08c' t Ite '; oct en. 5211r. tus 1Me; nets. Ne. 3 Witec. t. 43v-; ryi-. N-. 1, TAc le 72r. -- Muvnle-Wlseat., Ne. Aïcs-i Me. e 't$1.01. co-n. No. S. 51ë, (Io1 nets. No. 2 vblte,41c te 42e;: rye, lNe 74- tle 75; bgstis. -No.:2.-OlkI-tis1 ponli, sapas. 41$ UT. et i (li rit * tam t' Ti n u A ai T t fi ds