rfl~wbo ; arn ow mliii lai i met ve t.vm ptu ;bsod.l; I oandlatq fot i- rlit CM*r, . is deolean i l tiboepitidi êy Convention. 49-f-d X. w MwO ldMÀN ia eadidate for re-mominaý- s moomdtetm, to the oMeu of i-rk, sabWtc to tue decluon of bule"ancouty Convention. JO 0 OM GWAY 40414d 5c. Fundshed by bcounty iTitis a Trait Co. s o Titie. Tt* Guaranteod ismpis Bld5. Waukegan, Ilu. LotieJ. GauSe. ~ balven SevÉr t............. , M- --- gag.,.0- .... 1 0 o, lii ce lmn les tusses à, n mess mii n Inn lus n ns n mile b. ...............iaou ILw la Sot tu lié,n ....... ..e............mes ....e.......... mme f>ine n'W a W .. ....... .. . . ... .......alo dus. -faiiolm e O4re ii Point . ~ m llems a" W*v'Omni le peqt "Ie Wmy#lI. W. ed" Me PiUmmt s blb h uma et'oIL nB.*t,0f Ubwivwe, le *N. WmUgq o wie.oe roimi vam ans vb* vpala amaMW mmweuso of ,U* Memg e eus W* a"e mb"10i abh &0 ms to mmet 0f bmo01 nt mustng 0f ie 00 psgI. fhe, N.CAm,i*31me*te 10 pemam 04, S c. b. us"oni OIel.01Whelir t... a U10Me, ost tlhU tvtlie. mteea e0Mula ebat. mmve umexca00e Weou SUl bemibi 1Mai WUib fUs»MrObeplesC117p m fi.% par ere. TOdmp et»i la wntbM i.. par, q» mobéi ma vc ociuasa. .ltimg Wood s a m atie os4 mue t mi, ohot ,bmrailkm"e for M acre. bob t*ibm ( il.. plepel ilb.UnPMbey letptoé tam centmrpl t W»' b. mlt& baethl. e ier il1m, rm mmi lb. ptaslpCtbdsu mm of Ijiee Cip, belmg Irnwelpege e thie laocb. gndu a CmpoltibpoUs. Tb"y Uic oÔ" 4.00&«M Ct lami abott tweOCiy bere ths p ptsre brgo e b.0fso teere a"ibouss,. Befome pmmg-p.fm cberlmoCip I1 muet sot tprifet b."CoI!70u be the tbu s m en ica Obstobes, (tb. Mebisbebisa the lau.) a 810.000 81gb Sehooelbualiiag a MuOlm Weie hry $Md C ne coflerwetm lb. lIberel muStti.Im asmeeveral maniu- rtewwt.imgPlants emagtme moli ImporiCa àfmear e eioj>ee'gnefactory emplôp- ài blOMt.y&MilUle eiee beriee Clip Cli aMW$ma" uulmlmo, B limiIvothe aondrp loi tme, %matrmi la tpesiel. it.im.Wa.-0" 0.1 espre oreiees *a cur rousd ib, ICIdmE vib h ie tere VOL a"n Ibet tb.7 m«0 >agelp Wmae'ai l iefpln bu, . flarmers Stout ame oecgh te menu gter. eltami for tme mares or tor protme ewommer.. e formr getng Dow M4 Omo$, p»r PMOIla.ai lb. Iter getttîsa OMM mer mini er saet s ecet ,"»e1evee alem eff Uns ibmer. wibi tue ne e«Mbasefaur nere"et. PWselbei. au"ile boing oppo b.re foI mm ore favSrmiposima à@ »mou mi, Cem ., e I baverpet b se fa. ai!t1peter b. tbcem or norIbeeSlnol m i M1 *Mpermai $1bat fea ela ai thevlyvM re netsoiet t mn ol ieUlUa tau C anmt Mu=cm li, b.l tae '«»M «f mIele»e" leervaa 16tWrr ftsl W met Vmi t, Unl&e ~'W lov i e =otim 3our.future tote ihimJg.esayet. Bbàbl doma»0 . bcueer mm i hM 7» bmeg. wxlovaleta aumilm tarama ais to tlls1 Mm Ta& Js. lSt..rstlmned fiom Dos-. lira.Wlutmvg.y spet Saturday and i MII39U E" BvlMoa bai bom risiing.E lu aufrego fora lkw day.. U[ Lr. Svenga ODm nlrtld eompauy frmm WaUooïa "tly. W. Patte»aucuof iclago, epeut a cuple of dé," CIst waaents iwesk. lir,,mmd lirs. Wlon, o( Zenda, Wlm.,d vlpl tsda H. Eaesy'â a couple of day. à dm"ce ai given aI Vat Woodm lait I gatomuay îvenlng-, alân oue at Hotelr Richardson.1.1 Mine Frances Chapman'returned Mon-1 dayfrom a visit wl"ihfri-euds t Benton Tii. Warren Cemetery Society met viti Mi-. W; P. Clov lbit Wedneky, bt 70 peopl.vrew9 est h I dneay, Ag. 17. I Au ice, ere&MmimcllWlUrlv &t t h DIaMiOMi - .- on Fridey evomln Âug. 10, p=ose for th. Imtor 0f t. DWuiod Lakmeh nréi. Everyons eordlmlly invted to attend. 4i'.2.p ROM )LAU.~ A. M. Whte bau moved baril: t Round I Mpm.James splroly Io vuditing with fri-emde lu Obleago. Ka$e Wbltm'snov boums la rapidI l ue,î~completlon. Mie m aeh, ci Mlwaukee, lu vlmtingr villa ber daughter, Mmts Luby lir. aMm i aekmoi, aiEvanitom,0 M a t Tiaeday vwitblMr. and d Mu. E. J.P Thore wai a ver.y ' teattmndancs ai Aunmu .Br». dan d aul rert 6. gond tlime. lit.and lits. jas. Splr an d A. M. White ateed Frank Selubsvt's blrtit di.y puaV t ILaeg LaSnnda Ti@ibobail iaminbetweeu Rouind Laite mei BoUlaIeSt0911= resulted lm a vwbmr for the bMmjl a e o 14 teS. lie m*t alteastn tr.. of hsgi. ae is pténg aiGordon Fnw atrlklmg ouIntilt.bn mms. Oe Oison uWho d its Ob vontfe o 1011h sticedeii lu swfont mvmi. The. Roun Laie t IonmUgo 10 WeicOnda Suadm vbeg em~Vielàlelooked Bigla ImteNMaket.. Butter on »%. Elghn amai aiofTrade Mdonda> vwu Brui ail? ces&, .imo i lte we0k 79Ô,000 poundu. Btter ame v"k lait year 19 oent&. fie.Laxative. Rouey aMd Teule dlf- foent fri-oa il otbeh onievpL the ptrptmerj -1-f.Po n wt.gi #eWaby lbe Woôdinen Camp exulmIiiV"eif atimudmi. A ver> enjoyahis time Io repotud Ti.coe s~Aiomlo omet viii, Mii. lov lait Wednesdmy. 'A vmy large' attentante , ave- uity inieliidlng vistor,. belng pruent. Ulm jntbla, Hari-i-e ili sutertsin lb. viii b. mm Orpbuiage meeting mand mny "11,09natu jonate jelllea or fruit for the Cahe Bluffopphanmge vil! hindI> re.pond. FORT HiLL Farmere are tbremh ng grain in tille neighboi-lood.r 1,. .ies Beme ,Wer, of Plana, ipent a vok it iMr"it. C. B. Com.be.. -41 ~L, hpmrii -.mmd familV were <tiard sunday. itr.,anti li". Lévi Wail, of waukegen, vere rotent vietare la this !Ielnlty. Mu. Hmmmond, of Waiiondm. le painting th. ev wbaof i dibe Br.. lit. lsd lis. Henry Roiton, of Aittoc,, poat Sund"y at 4. Benvellm. Little Owen iPaddock leIn-overfag mieS>' fi-oui lbu rt, eauaed b>' tii.falllng oe abay4orkin the barn. Mr. and Mi-.. C. B. Combe entertatnstiE the. pait véet C.C Culver and inmte. Misi Edua,-,ot Lime, Oblo, 1aîid XMi Anna buater, of Wautegnn.t Fa>' Hamilton vahome Sanday. 1 AÀon> C. C. Eduardo ipoat Sundaym1 mm .Hemle,' of lthe ity, Au at Itlini for 1 the sammer. I Jaeob Ernst .Je vistlng bis motherk vbo luvSula Kenomba. lire. Bowere mmd innull>', of Chicago, am at Rollias fot the suinler. Rev. ste p boniMmd vif, are Camping on tih aut of Round Lakes, gliing the Grmylaite cadotte or aummd ouitng. T co tartlinga.9 nblneoiethlaia preventlve o f leha b d6ovrsi vili intotro ilb . ra4wnaystèm,0 or deqmodoe' luarlalprécède Mule an md ioàmoetbiug. he 1und hht it pevmlthat -o S Iivhleb Inaheei mnileik lîl. At lt.eb"t tbongbiai oif ndàtnntùoittaise'Electrie BItteent fibelng a grat toitam ierve lviistrengtbea thse nerves and: build uytsu.""- t 0 leo a a 5ny10e. S m . 0o gaatmdu P. I. «LOiVLLib.rlvlle2Gmymim lglvay Notice. Publié e Isllg of contrant.c vN"l àM iedbtPP"gii b. reeivaci by lii. ddecoimite. aI Prairl e e, Lake. onnaty, illinox 1 Bali-d Ay ut 20, 1"04 ai 2 otoi P.~~~ ~~ ni o6uinmislbridge on the DiamantiLate md, norlb a PrairIe Visv flI, m"d hI he eauxmeili b. let b>' cotreet b> pblie .ettlng 'W the Yoetrgubl l4e 6 aph'au holol on a"Y ae.Ti poo ýto ty nir 110ny e tduoreomre Mo o¶b> an al&mek of La be ad U09. SBad by GRANGE HAL Jatte Feemand àitinil>' vlsltedfri-tnd. I lilburm lmut iunda>f. lits. Cbpe. Wllur, of Waukegaa, lM vlmitng fisuinal-titis vicinit>. .Chan. D. Ch"ai melfandily vere Chii- eago vl&itoti on.i day lait venir. Mmi..ý J. Feexer fi entertaJnhng ber eouuin, Mie Viola à oet f faraboo, Rot' Studer lided l .mWiortùne taý break Ii. eolar bane, ii a foU fionlt bi whoSl.î Thrmelgbi .progremsing nicelv thie fine westber. 1OmIs are golng froni ten to forty bushels per tierp. Miii ethel alnlmiugiîof Michigan, Who I uilWtàiw ig ln. Inlap'Aî nov emllng on frspi. a: -aymlako.. Mnr 0. B. Wbltinore entertaiiied amiv of ber negbbous and fiends lait Tues- day, aueton Ientbeipg Mm s. F.Clow, li.. R...;g Mm D. 1unlap andi Mi-. C. D. Wilbur. - ý.uotl0N SALÉ. Theo nndovslgaed will eeli att public auction on Saturde,>, Ang:, 27 At 2 o'eloek p. m.ut.aii, place -in liettlelti. Tii. following ebatties to.vit: Organ, lied louage, kftchen table. extensin table, 4 beditede;, rocking chairs, lopuge, kilben cuphoard, . vamhln mebfie.. barrai chtri, oi itovu, :à bouter, oookhng store, air t4gili beter, ba»ginglmu 4 vai). mat ectairs, 4 npblstreden Ire ape, wne bo'vi. and pîteber.,single bugy buggy pois, huchet .ptay pump, wht.ebarrow, bay kalise 2 lawn moyens, log ebain, a lot of kladling .iqood, irahkeo. îoes, forts and olber artiles. C. J. C. ADàus, Pri-p. fflMucstlom Notice. r ofCourt ofLe1!D! a tom.l uo! hobolomeen M end, 0;meaemoil4fîduaee Wmnk.smlm. Na »M urt, ler In.1. 46-3-d PAUJLriImaupUfl Alloua. Âdaimlctor's B"10 f ia Mula Oe gettahul poefS opie. Tuse nov dlbeveV le pot op ta a eollap. mIM9te, lui ianome, no ItuMy bemo pllsd vier oat neeeitop. lb. mi ou.tanti.y mmd eure& %Iod ay eWu.L, RÂoeLSY UbortyvllisDiug Storemuid at GRÀiL.4sm PRAWIVuc. G eo),?c. I*mou n u LbstyvillIN, M. *nouned, E xelienit cigars bore are ailway *8found O bllglng tj, ali-Omorge wii alway, try C uqto)rre ante to îatiîfy. L ibhrtyviIele Aadér etnnd,. wifhont a par, A Pieini, fragrant rie<igar. moDe> <on <Igam-LaI*n i ean Rave sou 0 rderm ho fills, in any <iuafltýt, trxo N otm ioç,lMeorge' ,inlon the. beet depend, T o bsi#§ Libertyville (igar Favt4ory or- deri tond. X DeUu 1,k X Lumber of affl Kiods 1 l MMlgt 0.1 Cool Dom Vif»dow NWMoldiga. Pend. Oxala TUMW A POrT LAM, COUNT. Unem Seuoe sait' Com mad Cob orMixed Grma" E. BMRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Cernetery Work of Every Correspondeinie Soliclted- 1 26 Geàesce St. WAIJKEGAN,ý Il i By mutuai consent thie nderaigned' have dis- Av.d portnershp-the nainse to bho contlnue4 yMlr. Young, Who, wlU ty Sl bis o! the. firn ato whom mutetand- ig debta arepayable. DxWAyxNMYOUNG. A. R. SHrORT. cupar ott T-Kfwe, Lbms ......... . m w Smoom se. Pot* Bhietlri &sa( Ane eMM OîlO lacis.70# mC b... ......- -1Sho eny t.l o e as ti 6 Cml fft».bg,000b.- ....... .......-1 G4» WOw' Mmtimi ulie ff .1a l , vd.. s.ý...................A L Fuel Blt ac% Cott» iHom., q**d dvaluee,àpdo .............. llmtns &anÀ Cifidreni' Rbed BMuk nom,. a bamgaI at pirm............ Lmdles'GacmeVoots,*îdedd010e PCbildren'a 1su0.......... .î .. ... Whfte OsIInIold DimungCombe 12c fiaek llubber Combe3$OCmmd. .... Tangle fnot StIeky F17 Pagor, double shoota 2 -8 for............... FruitJarltubbsm., pedoosu e Vri ota ie0 aol.... ..... I E. E H1worth., ULbertyvi -' Materl on la le. rurnigh y-D ary lu ti you If y It wli cpi part Oîîr Food I).partment linc lu every detail, and your lisop of Our lino in deéired. (h Food MIII ln running every du wiIl ernd any and aIl kinds fEMMONS-MERKCER LUMI 10 Libertyvilie, 111- and " uù with la lino. lau m~-ei q Il q I ou are "Ment pection lay,andj ZR CO. -~ - -- -, , .r..u Où* .,1jaranteç Asit l Impossible to guarante. that a cer- tal Flour*will make good bread lu thebandaý of every housewife, uince ail good bmker'a, know that. good yegat - is neceomay; thar, the temperatare of the dough -mua»t be unlform, anud.th.t it muet ho kneeded to suitdifféent kindà of flour; therefore, there ien u use, of our trylng, to explain or guazantee the. making of àood bread We guarantee our -Pat- ent Flour to be made. of * No- l'and No. 2 Northern §pring What. We aloo guarantee that our Flour contalos lat. No Alurn to whiten it. 2d. No Corn Flour to cheapen and- whlten IL. Bd. That it la NOT adulterated wlth Barytes. On the author1ty of the Illinois Pure-Focid' commisulon-theipubliec consume annually 88,-. 000, 000 poundu of grouind Barytes. Âcôrding to the. American Miller, baryttâ la a minorai produet very Injurious.to t. liii. mau aytem. (JConalderable barytea-la fonnd loq sooie of thei. caomu.'ndes o!f fou.r. Not a particle ln found In our four. 7 Wefrehthua span.. Oui- next i-ititi., iili explain tIi. priiere of Bulding Trhe bullçllng Seasoi 4Lre Prepared to fi k everything nees Let us figure. with k going to bulld.1 I pay you todo mo. Feed-,Dei @11