Lumg da irotidluit retramid au Ii hréel t chtuma 1Fait,4X. y. mber wet trame t".PlaM las' -piffla Manodai; uhsyos tisbker t. suxertelnmg two il ftls>tt, Mse WlntManIdi r, ori Wa.keg*a-1 iumbei, an tii. rbd W ra Md ,kafom atw e eiooi t ne WM i»mSbnSeit. o&, a fariner kwMitent ani UtlIM ftSis IOM ne. owp ier a*t, ev. lAmen Gegooti B«g, W., le vt.tlng wlh0, ai= t ithe petai ot aur chanci, ett.Wa tegi't the ur ehcb clgulàsver: t htpme"dntiquiet toreti. ocbool pimet etWaa. aday ai lent vesk vs. bistitbut ltm.wba, ta à@-- 1co n'ers of bmw u n ow .ftuthii.e eplo 01 A. Beuh, pmoprietorof he Hrde apd lir..Beni Bra'.dhea teter- 1, r ~I~ son froin Iceelanti avér (Jtu I làr ntiMe. gJKng Malies. John Carlean etertaineti ah oi Chi-»ga friende s unîday ae lay. e Mttie Sfeiahock, of Chie4go, le W brcousin, flii.. .Welie ithe it ee. hr lHapkce returneti Mondai fron i weeke viit t the.home oi his jmarer, Mis. Gertrude Ilapke, L John Roder anti brotwerAbert ne of Chicago, epont Suntai at tihe au thir parnte, Wm. Knlgg and Mr. ant i Mm. E. 0. Pane are enter- "i o oumsine imite lana, tir, sud mma ewcomb, frel aecut 'Rd ~ agsifamly r@tÙindta thein %hoi@ M =l>eFiameunday eveaing alter a vmh tW lth thelr parents, Ut. antiM re. bat miw f'reor, Wln., spent ont, tis of bsat week .vieting JîiII..Lueofla itemedeerger. Prank shatdie and 'wife, af Everly,- lw are vlstttag the latter'. ifer, Vme iving Paynie &Ion -calling on nimeous emis ienebr.. m .C. El Mertbur returue t i er h... t-WauIec tondal ter neyerai de" *s e'.I t the. bain. aber daughter Mi" W. L litai. Se wuasaipanià~ ,Iïy Maser Dan»ýd lR"c., levn y ps1imlaTabetatntiîr. aie m. dsseit at augffrand u re Momoe andlnd4anton Id fas WAUCONDA. Iue 1e.Ttti., a1 Uarrtngton. WRAslier 1 1th rodaulri iUael.. a ir 'lgtm ai W w* mo1 n g.J na n LH e aodto k e-m 0" e be- isat0teWk.I MX& lofrm'yeadiantlaof Wakg st, t. . ssuald syJ.Bn ds VI ý Mi.L agaaIiurtia TemCa lés. 8W ataWmc- t iéribotbeiiak te aa Ow ti, cf lin mm. evuliga p'ov1- MimoMf osg t o aiX-, ~et le ti lier r, lêad. trau e , 'a> 4o,'ld snt01C.goet n fm ';. non Ai A aushe attn ithe. .. . chncW iab. ula7mueiigaiVlaTPeii e w th lt st .1. M.Pale .etatiis e bonerof er and ilaShter sut mli ar: md Tar la dit- Ne~ Mollaed we.i itihinfla w.nt te lay~ fer ar hôboestç tarta t'o ant Mi ily, oai Paltie,' ta tbir mmumr otittageet ,S laem satgtdant- mli dt. rine tatiuteaian M"r. Wm. lammeer, oai Tra.' «- vitirM, Manx.,tIra. mt =i repr ummgad &me emastida vstgi1. tAe Aug. 1t, t thie O.k Park scen andidate for Site.« *deaflie r BW9 at verera mMand"> sbaheg Scnetitova Thnm'dey z mati tuison hies S.. the rossait isei saneegt bai veti st bis lia.. tiat rtr.seuea1;;ti birttttu ust ie humne hum e aun..0 su - Imenjayale le the namneamanen4dleavei FLP. R Wfi i#mpreturnesttrom hSe, UMaeppulWMd atli vsited -li trainq go-a W. W. tak sd iaily ab ntufl 'lagirtis. - - Joha Vttr etitideti aa mp meetng set Napeffl ftqsd&i. P.LJoresosouenterf*lnetl inentie froa ecus, Wks. Sundwp Drn. C. JQhmeeal>r. iasujuet rturmet train a tve o aek<entai. . .P. R£stau at and tilfi viiteti ia-, tUv. la Cliteeg ora' gavea»ai. M 40,0aia'.. o! flasPia ites.vett withibstWiaraiAt Vetider r.oet*y - The Mv, tes.Deakinger attentiet e Wanim's Sotlet Anatvemrànythe lare John lld rststi M1liehbr -à& teaded ztA >mla ! lf itbrother is (1l. oa lPtt*Y. . P.«etsstandt ii tentietah«int Au m i is çr maclai viii li gyàtt home of itM. MduA P. .wiltalim Boum" Lant La 1-o CIIOqi s ths ltst psc. le hem, vinitig f.teddsthilé Jacki PoUtititook a ttip4o )lAêiàoillt. Koentnu!y, tant FErday an ti rtti MSady. Mrs. William Scbler la ntstaaine Mmr' Tlcott annd @inter, utf. Wauigg, tht. wmk.- q Mirai> Meure, of hegtba.tha week bilding9:a enail bora du iie old m. andi Mia. lrîa Pqow taok trip tu 11,envtew $mdo ta vriait wth relatives Iuier.. lje dan . at Htrtél Park last lSattîr- day nigt wa a sueç. . Sl4;y-ght tickets were oti. Chas. Aibreclt madie a buines trip tu Waukegan Tueoglay. Alfredt Maether arcompanlet i hm. Mr. andi Mi,. Enilolîr and'i ciltiren, of Jefforeon Park, spent Sunday witb tiseir eany relatives hem. Mr. antiMrm. Tom Wilson Mntictildresi, of Paltns, viitd-a4 Fred -", roéteoî' Ka±urtiay anti Sunday. _ The Chicago te lephoneCo. banit it gang ofi men out Tuesday tu Nave andi paint the ple. that ane on Mlwauikee Ave. Wallace Fowler ane John Hertel, of Chicago, are ejtoppug at the Vernon Tite bide vere ail rejecteti Monday lii flie Sup)erviienre on tIhe stee bridge, thatii te to tae tb. place aithe ahi tino over tihe creek. Mr: ant i r. Eno, Gleaxon toak a trip tu Waîîkegan lant $aturday to virAt with their daugliter, Mm. Ilavison andi famlty there.' Mm. Schimidt, and Mm. Eiuntler anti tahtr ai Chica ., vsiteti with the =aier parents tr, 'antiUmr. Chan. Johnson, Saturday andi Sunday. tvr.j Henry Meyer an4 tiaugh Evelyn, apent a week at ber monter'» homne 1» Libertm'vlle sant int vielfail wlth ber brotijer a fauiiy in Halfli)ay. Mnm. Pegelow Ie puttinîr lu a cement iewalk, tbe firt ln town anti wt hope othere wili follow herexamtpie for a gooti walk in the eheapeet in the end. H. H. Pegiow ie doing the work., Whie hreaking a colt fet week Wetinesey Wit Wells was thrown ont of is eart and John Eedohr inet with a more serions fait. Thi. lie brake anti the harne tm eane unmnanagable. White hauîing gravel lat tiaturdey lit. (ieneon anti Paul Pegelow hati a narraw eqepe from dteath. The haank eaine down on theni but they eecaped wth llght brules eabout tihe boiyni lacs. Anton Enandaon Asiseteant emblier ai thie London (luaranfee lInerance Ca% andi M, Knuntison ai the KWmideon Mlffa o rs tglfirui ai Chicaga, shcampated J".U. lhtae#r hanme lut Elundsky. A Llhertyviile lierty W~ali.i.the otli.r day and w"nd Mr. Aesit $(IbroKbir an a ofr a»$40 or bis faut patilg mer. buttbe â«W wm thruu ntte sMd why et*, fur au ex, rt horuenien 11Un Mr, nean,Cf Pa atine claseshien - tii. 01:U4 acr i aie oquty to-day. Mr"'Ilam. iLletvliie, han berini charge now sud itwll devela e l for tihe Lahe$ caunty fir. , 1Wedneeday M'Urnlng et 10 n, ni. at the. hoime ar1 itui. Jan» ,fironton, Wo w>1e nltn 'là -rings by iev.Taluna Thebrd w« teefuyattireti la fient ,pooed sk tbatiste ad carrieti oropg 14a.sma. Tie.bride _watt bornanad brônghftlup la Bal l>a ,and th ii. l'an .18 due af Waukegosts yaung bueiness, Mmu. Ater a short wetig trip LI wiii make their Waukega. Th là.muiindignation hecaie ai d.peecaia party o!f ntividuals ln aur eommînnty tf qietionableelsaratter. The nien (i tie- tawn, out ai respet ta their wIl, sittiars tud danglitere eh<înit se. ti it tisi.coihtiona penses ta exist. Thers1la àway, ani pm'halle the guilty ones wili bcwieetuta parL er.they êpre foredti t, and in a matnen they mwlii not like. Tl#t- imgmace has g-ne Ianenougb. fin dimveftby the. usuerabi. r. les!ga) Pensons W'ho bave. t10011 *O i iligeaano thsnî They e oi>Uptini. 9M y W;kLEL" XUT Lle-trllle ýiiuig Md et Wedding heu. wiliring in aur Uniet village ère ver*v long. Miess Mande Raagemr Was n Oa outh Haven, Miel., Sanntay. The new Catho parmoingewili lbe complote<J Ina absort Ure. M lu Mary Rangbt was a Sprlag GOrOvo viitur a few dnelen" wrek., ,A few aif he o tlapeuplé attendedtheii Waadusan icnlc at Dianond Laire. Manday. - Jus. Va t andti llnily attendedtheii weddngofthelrcouiln, Mie. Yapng la [Àberty,>lltfaut Wednwoday. àIr. ud ire. C. O.Ifusaon anti tianghter Mrks .vl:Fatet K. Josidyn ut Marengo SaturVuiy, Suntay undi Mantay. 1MWse Annia Roostear meturned Manai à ileit in £Wu nMoaia.y evenlng. UZer granmqt] acompanliber honte. Th Deetiipenty. tisanir. Tii.. a ni" crattech, l ul- MW@sé r vwated rlion lsù# luieaO&t vesk.- .peu am hlie .eamruùdaN-d vrk au lirKno' n ra »m ., f Mi"tit. wMurer le enterteiitg train tlom te tlty. eqlarpo Mdantilier improventtmait.. Igi.flociu*Toxers, f Mihburti, ii enterWi ii.Warren emtery Apsoca- Te Warren CseeAsecatian ,lll 11110 immedianti relief and 8ermans WlÀk c T l.îbertyvlle Ding s-ur aaiL et M1 TP0* UuaMT Mrs J. &h'l>arns lm e .etlonslitI iti lumbago.- . - Mies Voa G"T%-. oai Wneontia, vfltedi Ther. wa à"Bottle" peute ln Ç.. litmpe'.wodeSuntiay. 'Mr. anti Mrps. ilehii, ai Chbengo. aro vlsting et, Molîenhauer'a. lira. j. 80" 4s.lats andi son Jul.., ai. Mis. Me,,*iofai HlhIui, Park, vistedýt i Ionàe a lent dayss le1 Ti ers no allgare s undai;eoine1 of aur sparts weîît ta Claega ta sesýa. J. N. Mmmer an(] fansly visiteti wth Mir. anti Mm'. T. Wlso et Park Ridige "'rdey. IlBottier amio "TM'tiy ou want ta beut blootieardtiîg storite about tihe greet Bautii-west. WM in.Tidnotos'k andi Chaé. Ilerifam tock a plisure t rip to lwneota wbsre they are ,viuitinxg wti irlends, anti relatives. e Tih e tls)iglstg anti Ladies ai tiie fled ue Cana iga(-(ravs, Lati< No, tM met Thauday svenlng aund decidedtu f Uw rotbherhaod of American ,~Ashort tme alo 1wa teuwitb aI violent att ck aifîiarhaea anti belleve I wouid beve dled iIlitaiFnot gotten re- l".," S aJohn J. lPatton, P.leadlg citiLas:of Patta)is, Ala. "A frienti n.. commendeti Clin,îisriin, Colle, Choiera ,and Diarrhofea ltemety. I1liaugit aW tweaty-five cent l,<ttle annd alter takln th= ldo%.. ttwaA fentiroly oen i. eonstietê ~pJestî'.ndy là Uhe worli for~~W ha'a MFor spale ,by Min Mary toW*bewthe ft «of Ruth FrancesMarley leq vlsiting witls lber aumt, Fe.Ireti Mau. haa Çr laa .pentilng a wépikin th i. lttG<râce Coolley.. SGriffith, & Ca. aecntetnpiating the enetio4I ui a large coal shedi. Miss Tpuele(ldumody, ofi Ch'cgi «poudilng a iew weh et M.Ya'. Miii. R. T. Lapiniand. Miss Eleit- Lunhumn are. vieittig witl, relatives at of Déerffllt, epent ltmini w vftie l.r Mr. -anti trs. Mark Corcaran havo ,ieturmetirm their weddlng tri p taSt. PMdtit tiarekeeplng hou. atLtlherty- ville. Evertt people wi.s!h "MmrkekF anti he bride ail kîiedaofifIappineése. Everett waxt qeeI .reprellenteti at DiAmnn Lake iDn Moutiay. *Frank Retimonti payeti bell with tiie Liberty- ville tesaliand ti MisJoets e oien'on a .11kr unîlîretiîc ln the young Inadie' race. Mr. .lee lhilpm, a plofleer eitizon af Lanatîl,,lit, wiîoil# nearly teeventy. seven yeare ofage, n abig tillée. ha. nasaol iFauytiyutl'rernt.aledicineso, sys: 'Lasat winter 1iFusod a fiee etin- plie batfi f i art' IMai-y suntBre- boauntifra liait cali anti fouati that It wtiemenetitsecaug ltnniedleiy. - 1 thon haugltu e ttlétiei tii.edi- sIecti me vr, 4uliy. 1 consmitr Rartm' Honps. anti Harehetundti l> ~4cure.for Mb cqghor coîdt Abt 1 baeever neet I." (Ou peule are Urge ta try Harts'4 e ni o.lan fur canguie tat!,,antithat tnbboa C olWln. il taui .iL Qriipe 25, 5c.ed411.4;.k Baltiby Mir, ant il. Zuldori ai. snterfalmiing filts rosi tihe ciiy. Mr. anti Mr. FMre iablie Sindyed vrith lin. ulriî.h anti fansiiy. John Lang. of CObleago, epent Sttnday anti Monday witli Mes bay. -Ots Murray anti 'W*,et aiJolmaaug, qwent Fritiay with bi# motion. Oea. ticlritie a"d wiiée. ofClslt.a, wer. recent vietons et the flarni. Quito a nuinlier froin hei. ttendedtheit balilgame at Wsnoaaunday. . Lutte ilixon, di Waconda, waa. Fila Creek caller Batiay eveninx. John St-gem anti Milse Youiig epet ane evening lamt week -vrttbienti, hère.. Mn@..Lacs-ny ani iseCeia'tictahon, of Chicago, visitei Uuhafriends Tuitea Mies Enima Welcbloft bei. Saturtlay f« an.ex tneîlevigl;it wlthfiletai, m Mise Estel a , Uree ei~nll, lUtinait, Lisraisyua a .i r DciUlgeà spent Tirti e>itW l MisseRniia andI -r ttaen itiCimis Wm. Kirinoibse ateofathe.bridge gangwoking nW ltl rpt was takion suttinuillThret~'~g Wtbcrampe ane.akindiaalruqlbeas wane su severe tijat bhelbed toi have the membere aif the erpw walt, apoabnanti Mm. Gliorti nas l; hIdef-&W aanlted.lie- af Clsamblerin's Colle.Choiera anti Dirnboea lienetiy titat bc thought woulti ,hep hlm ont saweordtngly,.. evenel that the feltî'was able ta ha airaunti tbe. next'tiay. Thq Incident speaka tîuit. ofkat Mr.a . IVt.remdî nvetMa Késiayonr ZZ7DT1AN -VERI two lady aero)naîtts of world-wide, repîitutioiî One ofthe finýt MERRY-GO-ROUNDS iewrmnim to secitre fi; tobe on thè grouilds thui year. .SPLENDID ANDVUNIJSIAL SPECIAL. EXIIIBITS Speed Program W.duesday, Au 9.31 2:24 Tnot ................~li.> 3:001 Trot .......... .............:140 2:2) Pluy......, ....................... ......1>w Tiirwdy, Sept. 1 .:..T..t... ......>...... ..........*0.( e Mixo.tlTrot an m a.' ,ty. 2:44> T r4ttpriç and 2:.41 i ass*rm......1>1 Frlday, Sept. 2 2:35 I'ao................. ..................... 43m.00 ............................... 1....... 4M).()( 2:49) Trot........................................00.00 $2,80 inPurses $00 for Base Bail, Monefj Prizes for An- mael Babi, show REMEM&ER THEt DATE--Atuust 30.3 1; -September 1.2 1!Tme . Great Lake' County Fair!! Mis. Marlon Knttdier han le-en AI ii cia Lt-lia Weiisar in spo>inliag a wt.t-laIl cikago.. John C. Sslsnîe-ti-r alletiou i fr'etimhemrt- Mau rAisitati lcmvisiti m"latlvs- m nt Fart 1Hill.u tit>jrgc Sturi'n liaq ntnriitl fen him nosthiratrtp. tir. Fsgtîi fclsi-i. lxi't tact Wi-a-k n'iti t)lprt tiuiom. Miss> Coarici, tof lPalatine, <li-t a lt-w tiaymie ltiti raci- Selroeder. Mi.. carolai wiil tpnn-lithe weslspol ',i flua dis4trit ttiw, tiiiig'. 4 A. GI. Mattier anti Chas.. Allîbs4t i--éÎ Wanktegan icliir rl it-Slay. . Ma-assis. llralsm andsiVeaiilaar art- imit ing ut lise kiiuî, e-w Isoiie-. Musa. Iapli of thievilltîg-i. n 1wi apc 'M' fen' d»yn la Mii watiks-. titis wa'--.L ilant-ne. hiler it'imtahisl-t kiw4.- rmy ieveiely witlî pis-trn kmiiiatSatiirduty. Miss Jenn'ie Kactiler i. spinlinkasîwcm witis lie gramct-notier et Napervilie. J, . 1.ittzentiialer ln attipnding titix -John i ,mdiarms,*vio lias iwarkiag e hlie heitiirnwi ta uiit boise li t ravm- Mfr. andilMie. J. S r.lyattorald the tunmter"s-ulyiv-mismat lùî'iiia Park. Cta eatstîi i Prof es natedigth Lethiilt C,înv.-Itiumt att NStisr'.iiie fui, vreek. Mir. anti Mms. Amants-rtsinat-t Mre. Battnt'r amduifanr t-iitltirri tilwtiukf, e lest wsaok. Mr. anti Mn, J. A. Masan entfr-aliied Mr. austiMm.. 1'a'odiand, of Clii-agu, a laday. tbii. eek. 'Ir. anti Mm. Mat Uisétosrsack are opfertaiuing their broflue-inlant rous Ilonglait Park, (Jisiego. Tfic Mis" .Flrananti Telecia Frey, ofic North liorthileli, vititet i wtb Mr. antia lir S. E. Enetiler flueweek. Mn. anti tire. eo. .4inanm - apni Satuiiely mand . uintai nitt ir. Jaselila.Autin at Dawnes r'. Ina. Mr. fflen, tEr., wbo ha. bten viniflnge litel4titghter at the. illae4pInni, n.tuirns-ti tai lithin at Day IVa, Miali. ret-tly. Mis.lJohn Becise andt tv dairghtems, ai Wilnut, lova, are epeixntilag aàion dais witil I.tir, mnti t re FIt- lane- berger. b aI.nd IMm.. Chat., Herschhorger, Mathenatand Mary flerechbenger ant i Fred and Enneaa itroakinan .took lanti- rie excursion ta thie Belle Suptiay. SBunday"i seIsool vili lic helti in tihe Wootiuan* Hall at 10> a. in. Y. P. A.i ab 7 p. ni. Preaehlhg eervlpes at 7:45' t p. m.lveryane eortWiialnvîteti. u tirs. 4uAnt Piepeor let 'Wetin-astimcy nlgJt for a fiu-w eekeq' glit. witlî lis-r parenite -la Gonmny. RHer hiielinti cwmpWee-fern»u as ChiSega- litss Jeniie Kaedler- enteitaine ie tr ,'.angfientie ata vry pleamant paryti isturd evpi g 'i c mlb naton aiuere veeOlive antiIra i znthalriImise ernsg Hàttije Beclifie, Cr lC qr a aua8alteilàr stali, Lloiyd andi lennb. litetplsala'r PAM tlvmf. àAU. atid wnlt..r Lji.Ad mimiitrator'. Baie, of iMeut Coamimiaouers' Blde of lit. R.gte. ;Ili . en noent keuf ithe loke ounty tirvIrna. et an order anti ld= eet lte lsaUR ueXR apptee arul.,. iy Mn.. . c (aty Welor 51L""is. t tliînl. mati tin!tey referdlgWLU"r oMiii c-t'.a oa on -~t.he lieltioe ni tsi. hildelati.,dli caa1, rJance . il-easat bc. cte tirwâgatr A, % il!ti - t «.7Q' ~ Ama tii.Odtosi tttansd. eangèe w.-siti. usI-eg'4(eenl w'tl n't eijit4" . Men ti recllssnetid ietti = theis.psibî'itti id lwSifld. e&LttlfrAeuat Toris . D Mney ontn oisansrdge... l"n,,î rie jif aa osi ounti tourt a'lt-o B P-.ageu il cassitiUmiea lerlenusi visa t 5,lt dci rit AUtiA. 1). m:IW. 1 bll. On tuei proeci nlisapelranti biave -ta. lnsett- -talai tici 01 le'ttmuas-rsr lt be.we.a 11< = bCis OclUstac,5atie'U iuUa-kiru s I t0as sa'o5î lait lige <orebuops cd 4 racuros, ai bridges,na llieshirts ..c .itivcklit ti-, aft.ýniinaof msaii e. en t i:ivoring miy lettit gto teun, ctatscfori., Crsli5,"eaIo., nt ltest sdoarraiofite <>Oit undss peî-anltfflth ie luesto f .t ai tsi.. iiem .ia..ti,,u. lui tim iti ai esilit tu, tUner. 'f Coiiincuic taitsae- usart . lt Ieaeoshe t e il, Il-,.,- Wliil J MS. Orcdiey perfietly lno,. [lut À patfOfth-, West lslotf theOt. Sallea o -0i th lsetîe ofairandsi .,i n-sioeý . surt-r iof tletu n iuuii.r Utiime. (I>llai lwiiiebhdne ceintetc,aitz«%"it, rondilce »m .l 1, s Ê*rfi.tie 41Jal. Iaisleenattern u tutatny pt-moi. ,ot etitrviy t iuttuints.rekLevvalmas ttieTt io.aflsdalout udescss d ele eOut ~il ulc i uldussn. *e>t-l ticenbed Ucat tairt .ndt u iis-c. )OULsn,81tls iIùll@we. lu-wtt-'- il a ttciecanel-eev andi acter tOi'un" iJ"10Btt ith" Nfih.,,t Cairner cf -ieUâtiole eiets-sluJi, .v anatsitill. hnut 1sa t iiiff1.4oal uli>ekk UUialir fi». (à) ,everibelli out Ouir tsis ,ir iaW i.e.cîiof aith"' ",,eî il .5Illi rl. oth.srwme,kiiole es-at ,itaatwat lanîtesituo iiît t tu . a"s l.'i's1wn as Mltllieex Simd ilng tie resOrtiWe elicMale ttes,or pç,-vioii,icerwr orss ofatiti tut Of andy).iev»e.d fflvig a cl unmit ih i l-air ouitbyiriii.'s5 i>i'krig tu rit(i mfoan Sp Lise tilijst wC ibave bten sverr ncsly- t n ti Ild. imitefi Ki.tctibtf 7. 1541. anti nroutis tienew,. iÜeiu Dniglit.s andSunis.stu pernsuî. - l ti,,si y 'ifL tue I 1sita-l ". Ofc siiyk laboan d ake cueO the i,,rias. iintuiler 'if ssIil Litlit, <Jit&&siand iilruintlsUaknj wu ave adproteet thse peoiie-.Morley ftui. arIl tsny-ioar (w) l arfflà M"sst miitn ospnaîo.»Y econcsar 5.1tie antd iaIl ' gd w. av husi, eimslcet ce 1.10io c e. OtiSti i at,1u aitltuat iv, 4.f 4 uteol~ ~ ~ L ard.wt Psn tunnAs s Oir tr iid e tia "a Suitme ,ietî-lto u> 50.5.1. o!tii imet iut iso Snc eeuaatOnt Roa; thmei on..Ilimlise b ansi tou.10) rcqo.'lao o gtnt' of bridge coipanits fort -is tlsyd alis: wlenever cr0518 ive un mui neitat c bridge ... ta aie ula or a1 eûoaIt sto ta e lt tiiOt Clii certamInly do c Kreat declso tat t the tttpanîy .lic tliey Iersn ngte h o) ,,a mwa titcj set paidfu iad n ciaundp it ?,nnmoa bumuem -leene ue SeuLs uthet ver Weili adtier. is notisinu -eliedy or gelos-t Rteakcied* aimat IL.' Am ta 'itstructiona tiste clark ta keep1 nattOru quiet-lu tiettainij anrei th ie1 nidt tiiet ai proposais fur bhWs arepubiiiesiê in tme tapos 6antidsliiayelepulieînplane. ior tismauitlent te eue a cote. ni to d wahlthtie enectios llsc On 2MiWlkeie.AN tg Of te cmmite lice.n ererne to wla iticerngentlaemen tenu mati, chbat w.e iw- Ove=&aa Oie Tç