ter* Have si< em e ie, m oeu. ffarles Ftmout dwl e ii..t- os diy, et tii. famll home. 101 Asituau49 biouevard. Clalcago. Ra explsdetithei reao 't ieiapllcatlou et uslAdIes, fol. -,lu - vn alaea ur 890lal it ai,' e. ritumoaa hàs otu in ew York cOly, 193 li 84, but, vas rerat maleh- s«MAtIaRSchiter. Ha rai tr5iuid Ab a engfluserunuder th* diMeti»On f ?re 9 &llIesud is bilnume a bus A. Wia& mu alna thue. At tbOutbref iet h ClivllWar h. entai-ad t i veluet ei vine es. caplalu e e csilny iunies (tis- Bankals, istrabaIlle'baînat t t 1 BàWt Bu, t.21, 1801. lat 180 ha orai, piadIe a major ln theii. TNroirevTa*~ ca-vary, heing iever.bî rondefl et Tren- tan.N. C. June 15 or thé MM egar an4 lyiug lnA amlitary heeptel for mens lunîl. H resiguelIe commssininl Juti., 1813. houace(pt tLie uetenant colo- hlyet ut li.Treuty-ittNewv o* cmv- alrg. whiih liec -nrnded during te vinler campaîgus lu West virinla sud & lî hé lnnlui villes. At Ams Uy AP Va., on Juls 18, 18114.h. again ramsue- verely wounded.White' comvedaa he ceutaindet th, remuonttcamp or cavaIs>'l nl Pleaunt 'Vlley Md. At l. ýcMOfe o * the, var, as é. brevet brigadier g.ueral. Mr. k'tutiona cmmanded a brigadie on - the. paiue sud in the Rocks Mountains, qntil mnîlered out ut servie ln 18W.0 Tii. aime sear he wram sarrlcd tu Au- gua if. I ies, rit, survies. hn. andi miea 10ltcgu. Thes have nonehildrea.d ('00. Ftlainbont, fuuudeil the Ftzisiln.nj * (ojnel t'uompany ut nhleh h. "a preident ntt h tutu. ( hic deti. The j uompaiîy huilt oteo!1th.e munt impur-1 taut pili.' works lu Chicago--tbueFuller- ton avnt. conduIt. tiieWahngtonî ilreeu itînsiel, s,îbMtrtnu frtoi ti bridge# en-seing it»river,; the- Van hîfeîîa stropt tunnel: the tour-mile uintake cr11, &Dit t sefflt-vdnoft te Northîwedt lait- tunnel. -Ci cagoeae Orored te Gîte Ionas te Kep lier trotsAlaisouse. In ibe l'r4bate Counirt o oes county u ordpr bas bsen léswed iireet-tng John Il.-NMel)ousid eof('hiragu ta pas 010 s tr%4uh tovard lie support oft us aged motiu-r. lire. Elixabeth hhietuusýod, sud Miii Florcuce luu'i ut Chibcgo sad toarte Itreieeaotf(Charleston are or- -1ilelliipot $5 s monlh-eat-b. Ile tuiti lait itateil armgrandliildreu et Unr. >tronaid. Tl' ut-it ras roagtt lu the. 0am u the people by Stale's Attomnes i.'Ôlr ruinprevent liro. bIeLouaId trom be-oiug s pulie citarge. 8h. la 83 icatrsid snd ler son hlaU. iglt seanx mtgo Thiîtas lflntld. a prueperous formier ut lumboldt,. iled. leoing proi- ct ouriîh wa%> hielt la, de'rlses lu lis Lon ail ivu grsi.irhilrt-nreierviug a lire iiuer,- .,r blis vite. Part of tbe- pnut.erty iluat 184 -Wsint street.Clhi- ,sgoatmd i o--ipiedhy te son, vie. il ,vassrchrge-I. ntnrtgaged the piitperty and then céoed ,tpsying ithe monlhly tnome to hi% moter llehunsld le as expert arco,,inaiit suit ..e:ersiyears mue rai eoanptruler utthîIe cdry utSprngllrld. FMOUNRD hiAD 2IN LAT CAR. Clyde Stanley, of Newtons. Tiiengi te - Ha, e zu nMsrîered. The. itel,.. body of Cydle Stanley. sged 1l. i. tNewttn, i-sfia uuilaha fiat rar u Fingham. pnîiued Jdown hy a pile -t ridge iroi. i-bIh vhich the csm wu vsn ,sie-. 'npieer. s aunuber ot Ct, soutI bruinseon i,. persofut andil illa b elievei tha: lie ires ninrilereil. $taley ras a ffliilon for a Chicago portrait - ompiiy. ut wiib bi» brotiervis cdis- lnriét nmiiAger. -u la connertiou vîit bis tlesibt a iaI pecailt irruitmotauiCwaa ltntuhl 'un, afler thi..tuneral. Hi.talla- ir ;eir-ge W. Stanley,.lnl obing orer lhbith irecord lathie tarnuis iBible tonnd lmtuieiliateiy tollowiug the cuIrs ufthle bith uorCle êan adiihon la the bond- n rina ort itiadecesmeil@%aîtanuounelng hi -tiltt. rT@yeur 10I -was vrs plaiu, biB Ilie ututhanetd day o! tbe mnlb vere illiegileie. WltenuIltrova îerd ihere lv hi. fion '.Ir.Staney 1% unahie to aiîy. but tat lt wi r -itu by hlm ho la positve. STATU CROP REPORT. ConditionisGenilPr s, but Rt is Needeti fer Cora." Thte Ilinoi crop bulein for the veek %aate;. tt-attered showersmostîs u it gbi îîrtporliinle.rfeu ln wmea~locilities. but thte gete nsiudlion ls draittht luid the iteed oîf ronu a frît un mut sections, l'h. avertige- ieipralure rai belon ,the ses- soun'saverge, lie charateristle being risitzlitis audotrmiisus ydays. Coru bas reueietî the oage of developnenl s-heur tu gui-utcroplu s ssured irtit mca- istîie seulliher, btt t hecrop la begin- ning înasuffer fon utitune. l'iraâhtng tr unaisthasprucedei vith i 111e interrup- tuon. In the northernuactonthe yielti l4egno, u.t n t he rentrt snd soutlteru district* ticeutput l a blte average. Witet thracinlabg sniarly niahal, with the vied bor average. The. qushty gepenaiis ranges tram tain ta gond. A tainrIay rp o! excellent qualits bas been *"rerd. A large patato crop ut Sood qiality la idcated." CALL SPECIAL ELUCTIONS. floveruaraYets Providas fer_ Flllng at JuillVacamd"ei (,av. Tsxeu ham caled a apetIal el1...1 tioula lie heid lu tue mxtectu Judîlral1 iretit for the eetion ot s mudi,1tauce- rW real orge W. Brou-. nhaiu e- sigzned. The. election nIl ehai Nov,. 8. on the esma day a speclal eletion nil lie beid in De Wltvtt rouats tu Dsme a u-cesson ta Couaty Juda. Lotit. Rer- rtck t Clînton, Who bas rasligued. WAR EI-PRi5iONBRB TO MEUT. ShvW r Aauvensaty ef Aisceatle. ta. Dr. J. Ltllcear fth ,lol Associatlitor -Prlmoniers et War. has1 seutDot- a nolise that tâte iaulal renlon1 lu lIces u. This athe illver aubîver-l ot th soint il . b.iepI. r-12 Marrisa De s a ariby' lisht- ob4g anti Iit4itsklltlt Aube. . W. IL Walteueofut tIle fYen, carrier et a raulralui;oule,. hot bxeaarmted am Banatta veli-kuov tonifient et Umailaaw, rai Iinstaahilg killed lie si* e'our psarca. IWalter Jackson, 14 yesmet&d,167 Gai- lau avenuei, (blcsgo, rasnbItWvîit 5abrick mnd lied su boum liter., laJea. Men0of Neonst lIed t the sue et 104 y...a.s bad »dsaItohbacco oahe h won12 yeors nid. Aurust Brunie,. 6 lO srl01, vas droruel lua àClq bitle haIta mla ortl et 1>0s or i OSadepot. 1î4z::are4,702 layrsesilaChicago. TIhe menasse la liaIs aumber florus the lait trelve menthe rai 3M0 Charles i'og«l a fermer, wraInlstant- Il iilisd st'Wliel station white cro4ssug s r4ualod traci eau brhayrg- Albert Pbeulu rasnftaUy &sot b5 George Smith utt Taylonvillla luan, ai- torcatlou oves Smtits molhes. The ronI chuts of tue Terminal aso- liou. lcatad uar the gieat lt. Louis relay station, voesdémaged $W0,000 by are. Jerry Kennedy of Aiumbtion vas itruci hy anIllainoiCentral train mund killed. Ho rai 40 Fabre of as. and a farmner. Tharsuon Burpeli. river reporter fuor tie Dlly Telegran utr('airu. ram droru- ed liIIr.weemfoiewville camping nirh frieuds. Frank E. Wiliasa died t Bpriugfld. aged 510' yesrs. He ras electeilcils treasurer lu 18M9and lun1891wax eiectau cty lerk. A report cuo«f rom t'hitlpher thnt tour men s-en.-kllbW andl sereuteen iri- tuuly ltjnreil by tue explosion ot gam lu tae mineiÊbere.- (lerri, <erald and (icrailite arethie usines îhsthbave beau tueheu tmthe trip- lets hum un June 30 lu Mrn.dliMr. William W. WIlstof utAustin. Chbarges that the guveramaul han heu detrautdi'd y tue seceptare o a ptlyu loadei cars of irewoutI as full cnarsar ltelig luvsilgnied et Fort Sheridan. Mrs. Robert Grisyutf Flore rerelvetb inlunles trous vîich tenIl l de it the ditching of i peial Sauta Fe trai uar Scranton, Kan. Eieven otiers rere hurt. Pwrc,#e-trte c tri> ight sears ago In tievoumbire. Eiglantil.Wiliam _Maton and Mars l-Ieig uer, uarried lu Sterlng the. otiier day. .Bth are 70-k year oh age. Mianurir Rubena. 220 yesrs aid. utf(Chi- cagoe il ov the ynuigegt t eiet pet uffiler In ithe ars. ha haring been op- poinad a chIe! yeoman un hourd te I iscwtk. James Walker tf Aurara sona did ed tulie te hsnduiumuu.tman At lite Mas- ter Rilîras Blicinitita National As- a.a-ualîun'a convention lu hudianapolie. The question i-a s ettled by rote. 'lh. State hourd out itesîit t an estab- Itiheil s laiorelory lu Sprngfield for lu- restlgatiu3g rater suuiliee. leretotore ut les beau necasry lu have the tares ibaions mado la Chicago. JoephiitPoundi. an expert ishernu nsrrovly esexaeddrovuîng et Sterling by We4ag pulieil teuRock river h-s Io -tttns où one00fine. Thete ih veigiied fitty amd evaty pouado, rospectively. Goy. Tatea bas r.iuatated John Haluer as treasurer of lbthaioe for fteailid- cil culîdren t Lincolnaltrer hiei renovai br the truitIes 'on account 0ftian-An among tuenselvas ugirding teIaudling pf fuoads. A souti-boual iil..go and Northt- western treigt trin lite .traci et Wuodstoci becanse ut a detev.tive avltcb and an late tie i-fler tover. tatallY injurlngthie torer man,. Èâtrick Glea- son. Tic train ron, wrecked. The. Unirad Min. Worký.rs ut hlinoip aue conue n clacireluu théii? neerteîl by the. hers etf4Wiliam loan agalasi a Rpringield rosinluiuig iompauy. loaui vons ilîleilwhit.alounein te Peit. niiich in lu direct violation of thi. ille las. Blernard Sullivan. AI Werlie andi James Runsseli, 'titee Chicago hoyï, ander If*) years of âge, are iD lai t nKsnkakee for stenting a hora. antd buggy belontiag tu A. Olsen. à taur endl tecd nerniiant nt 5W<J 37tu treet. Chicago. Tii. animal iras takeut tram the corner ut 3 àth sîreet aud Waluath avenue. Tite boya rare ar- resataIMiateno. Mayor C'ronois ut Joliet andthle con- milîse racentîs appointail y hins sppesr- ad hefors lie engineerngugommtte. of tue. afiat isîtrict board lu Chicago andi asied Iuformation In regard lu tire cen- atrutlou ofthle proposaI pwrr plant. Tue people o! JolieIt eir tint the retale- Ingwo rinlInet b itrous enougiho nîsie Impossible a break and a floud. The plans Verte eplaluc.lanutassurauce giv- au thel the construction vonld bha trong enougi te future aafeîs lu tiie Peuple lu th. bottouf lands. Asthie resaut ut a terrifice ep!ceiou due te soute ununoru casme, lMme.C. L. Hwnserles et hem home lu Urbaus. Iter boy bumneil sudlaceratsd lu a trighh!ub manner. lMms.Howser von preparlaut breakfast over a steel ringe lu h kîlci- en. wbea I exploded. sud th, tat th *ho esraped d.ath la cuusldered aimnt a miracle, Th@ cause of the exploson la a mieters. Pensons vitovete li;et on the @rueermy at they Anmeina utas- tmiable odor of guponder. lhe Hênsar family hlIctes liceexplosive Vas plqced in'thie tove hs an enemy. .1 gIit o! lie met desperate crminels lu tue countr JoliI ntGenevs came near securlin tIs"rtfreedulu tIe othier algit. Bsy meu o ar or plee of tiead o_ i=rog avldn a n hw ail boascus n b asin une oetsite consm on lbe second io lor rut ln tvo. Woib os te looend hors muet have beau go- Ina on for sevesel dais. Wlteu tue di- cers rauonmae thcjoli lgaeirasw doobled, anid dorie thui s close ratai bai beeD kept on ail lie pri"onar.as raI . as ou tue outille ut the Jail'ta hI. hope liait te accomplces nho are supposai te haoaalstiug tue mun umas ha capturait saeventl Of lie men bievcrecorda as joli breker. OblatIlathie gang lmm Robet Bacona, niie indîictient for robblug the. 10 IMpaOVx CHICAGO. CityWinIHave Moss., Whlba n dabr htrween Chicago sud Philadelplà 0*tue score of popuation eeaad A tmbsier cf Y"eAao y th Illîndig mtropolis fegg far s*bond. tueonsJiliaSsIB im slvlsoruhis Mre favorable ta fie Quaker (bits. MiI.le la lia m«Whr of publie lproverns snd municocndtons. lu tues. te spaectsàlieo i tu e ha tillI4 mlii., eclîpsel bg PbulsdlPhla. for tkè lattas Ciy la luleg p0.80»,O00of bongo, lie prgceais t b*, usndfor public htter- menti. Chetge hu a mie &Il ber per- manlent lnvaat- forthe lait hait etury-eut aof tue cntrent tas isvy, and tulsseemeatibrgl tor the Poot condition or barastrta@and deseleuat pe- liclng. Tb wy cilt oes, bor4e, turonah tue ratillatleftheicpeudqgcontltu- tîcuail amesimtAt tue Novamber aIs%- tien te ha relevaI train tue prenat cou- etîettlnslrestrctons, and therahs ha ahI, te tse bar credît judlciouals in In- proving barsmuicilepal condition& - ha aeedmsent la oxpected ta von to the advantae f Chicago l In eer vaym &les. sud Icideutally 10 the witole State. TWO QUARBO Smo? AT ZIEGLlR.- Scond 1BaIlea rth Sriera Cncesaff ln CrnOdil rias. Fusillade- The siecond battis of hulîla haetu mine gourdsansd triieri ah Zegler n. sulteti la 3uani .Iohantoa brios vouadel li the neci sud vrist by bncksbot, etd 0}asrd Dîxon recivint a fer ih110t Ihn tile. AnubIluinoa Central traina crtying twnuy-aîz ulurriantinitereai guerdà i-as ired on b15 timlers concealed la à .-orfled. l'h. tusillade vrast kelit op for ive minutes snd ballets and bucimbot tirly rained on the rabeosa. uLerMi Slein ,irov, ta thfteur eeoetthe trouble, An examination aiorcd the rosIs te have been trampl.d dlown t tro placs. indicating' that tiare Ucere tva quadis lu tiie ttacilng parts. Tie mnen wno are cinupei nesr Chitahpet »toutlr maloutin teI it won -ucits utthelr men titat dd thIe hooing. WMALTHT PFARUER KILLIED. Ni'es0. csasoPFlle tranc Carniage sad Sstalus listaIlUjoria.. Neli 0. Ceis., tue velthleit min la Kendall counts, vafisceldentY ibllad liy hiug troru.tran hie cerrine wvisa returnilag tajils homo. tir.smlles soutu of Yoiville. He vms aiens and rai degecaditgs aUgt bilîl and tue wagon tougue svidently broie and threrim tu the truand. Wben round W' a nlgber, lite vas extiwit. lMr. Canmnesri$lie laigat land orner lu the couti. is %eaItit wai cllmated up tôemailîlion <olars He vwa3 a native of Norvas. Qaujrame te tua coutry in 184. Rist wifs and one daugiter dieti uuny sears aga.,l'vo tosnd- tiree daughters sur- Vi-Iehi. BENTEN CKD FOR bIEE B.,i Daudit. ef Cisieuge l duai (isIl et Murdeuing John ane. David Kelly. meniter of the gitoriauls «boy bau«'t quartet. ram round glts uî ofmpllcltg ln tua mander of John ,Lana, oauge cirpentet ut the Ilinois 1theater, hy a jury lu Judgs Chytraus'. court ta Chicago. andmieb.vas sentenrel ta lite bspnisnment la lis peaiteurimus, James and William Porrnby and Pater ImIter flt-sdy have beausa steneel 1 lite Imprisomment tor tuais part luntu klULng or Laue. tics haviug ploaflsde gW ty. iThe *norhiirstthi-o" et bndt- joseph Dotanaki, PrankCegpkand Praik Krmwezyàtk--entcred the. M»te prisos ah Jeliet w hbegln their lite terme. MAX THOUGUT DECAD lOUND, Charles lises7, ýRiag sfor Menthe, le Ciarles Heurs, s roiI-te-do tfermer liv- inog near Peotria, rboville mentally de- riinged loft h.hmeuteb>Marri uf thlî t car/Ual i-ho vss hhhItt jrbis uafamuiljt ta havi beau drovuedI luthtei.river, bai us rtten bisi, ite, bie letter heing mailed lu Kevane, saylag hie vonl rome homne soun. lins. Henry sud a sua, aided by the police. locîted the man, nu vwas womkiug for the treel car moapaay un- der the nane ut Charles Hamann. He vas appareotly ovrjoyed to see thea. but coulil glue nu reamon for hu#daitm- peanance. STEAL LIVERYXAN'B TEAN. Ner adn Men la Villes aiUneand-a Woasian wth Peons., William Stoeccel., liveryman at Nsw liadeu. la ths vicit if a dayllgbt lh.ft A man giug hie nuine as Fred Easton hîreil one ut hiq hesh pau t bhunes ritu a bougyfon a-drive lu à nelgiborlng brun, claimingthiat hi- oul raturu the. acut dey. Atter wiaîing four daja Stoeciel notifiei tuee in f fttirocur- rencre. He lu tumu notîfieil the police in i-aloum towna, but titus lacno trace uf the ma or property bai been round. ThLe tranger ras sccompaiuled hy s vomn sud a pouille dng. A ang. revard la oiered for the capture et the, man. ]MATH IN CAR CRABh. TralitsMestet atPull Sped lu Wînue- ba.e-MXobor.uau jkiUi. Tu-o trolley cars on the Rocktord snd Freeport Intamurban lime collîded, head un, at full aitecil.Inth. vllasge of Win- neaso, klUhng Homer Pansons, motor- man ur oae car. C'harles Corrigan, tus ulier molornan, ivas hart lintemnasly. Justice (loodwlu of Freepont, a posea- ger, wai injured aeserely, ail a dosait otber passaugera vers cut sud hnulsted. The cars non teb.scoped for hat in disancue. Tiie accident happened turouglu a matai.e lu orders by Cusiductor J. Wocer VInsita hbree Bae. At Sterling John Gosmel and bis rite have broien tua record for lis ipeedy marrlage oenhat ageti couples. John 'i.<y.r lis bride vasnlins. MI- Iou A. Choulard,' agel AD. of Chlcage. l'he. nddlag tllurd au scqnaltauce et1 in.es, mys.Gol'&cIhometela t Cw "MOI, lTe l gg ~ i,- volug Chii- ca'grati$, u4try-that ceater- lon a luthe, est 1 kiîtg plants ttie stock yaid»-ha* cui t hth the union mern sud tlt8 qqckers i t vtîst sain. A or the trike. Irb t ri!t.er4have bat, parti Week, Sàig'tl il' A-;Iec. Maklng a total uoflOM.01 til lltîsacrificed. Wbat the lusses ot it îîackers have been lmt prob104intlt.Ztl. lit:îl they have hoen imnse 15Uit t' ut no eatu- mates bave beee« furi:,Ili.l ly tIbia la posItiop 10 tati. lTe effect on Ore l.toilve stock market bas bqe gr, tDIurlug thte firat wveds of09 trtte 'te recelpts were no amail 5tt li--t y Ihecaineu or the smiller OB l ltiti of the packers. inbo bâd bou]t thlt e motit und the bmest conslafliultt. ,vcere practicali- ly out of the wpagiel. 't. tige straggle' dragged alona, hit thelay began to Sather laru Lri'Ige. enough ta ran thcir plante, on :, ousiderable saae. A rnariied i o,ruvengentt ias noted early lu ",g.tý Tlhe parkeflWliýt' t t tva v«lt hanve galuod tli tue iimiotr of mren ego- ployed. lu téa n. r oanimal» slauglitered. aud liit *T- lpients te outolde çlîlee. Fron. Uot irstt thie em- ployer@ fourni thi e -t l diflIcltY lni e- curlng men teatrouStîtir unit slaughter- log departmwgits. t-" kill vas e- qulred ta ill ad ctit niup atha cattle and $ho*. andi 11w paeiers cen- tered thelr energies o', efforts te bring thie departmn uNp t-, normal. Tva eoka âge they Ucrv fairly sueemful aud novtey deehit tey bave no mnore to mi. The utot akilied htititers Vwere re- quired Inluthe ratlie ltnuittering de- partugent. AntbGhr fat ed-the rat- ployer@ to -geo 0w ihtl iis part of their planhts. EaeIl of t! he bg Chicago bouses lias branche-4 't' wemtern citles Tiiege distant plants. not fso aertoualy affected l bythe striLk-. ocreabhle te handie cattie eïgough to kî.ep the coin- panle* ranning wlt'îit lhe' neceslty or puttlug excessive prumure on thte Chicago establlubelit-. Fort Worth, Texas. %va% epeclully melied on by two of thié conipanfles. The plantla l tt city klii jracilcally no animal« but ettti... Thcy vere and are noie ronioverUtnt. îiîtîthey utake op any deiciency arisltts front theî short oitpqt of te Chititigo plants. The volwae at outieut. the perciers say. l1%îlot vbelly de-hîcîdent on the nîltîtiter of men go the- pay rali. Lait Year titeri' ere nianY orkers ln tic einlloy of the compaties Who put Li littie more than hait tne eacb veek. .Novalil the îemployes workfultune. The owuers of the pt.i sasy tint the seaialnumhcrof thours' ira wvek of the peient fore 15 net mucb les@ than tUeanimlier ot hours of vork a week of the former larger crews. Consumera of nicat have fi4t the ef- fects of the strike luit he advanced prie.« charged. The deniers have rais- ed tier figures ln accordance wlth tie ersellty of thet patrons. the packers declare. The martetmn. however. say they have been forred te pay more .for.' thelr gootis. l'he big parking companles, their manatgers malîttaîn. have net materlal- ly ralseti prîces mince the heglnnlug of the strike. Ait, advaace vas made when thie struggle vas a few timys aid. Tis. It l a aertel. bis fnt Iheen cou- Unued. The synîptthetlc itrîke of the. teainstera eut the. big coinpaule oif frointhti Chit-ago trade andi threw It tu the lndepeiideul concerna. The pack-' ei-a quonî& lges tO prove thut theste .amutler ompauiii'4 ave taken etivaut tkfte ut their ineéeasîd trade siud bave charged Éréatly a ugînentei priceq-. Wblle there lînu heen mranch coin- plaint front the live stock proîlucers, the, tatlatig lIndate thut they have suffered i lttie ilit e sfock yrnLi tmar- ket. rira lhtve reniitlied tîtly eleady. altliougit there ver, sorte days enly ln thé strngie wheîî large re- ceiptit eaued distîbtroUs %lumps. Tige losas of the fartiterlias been chiefly att honte. I- elia-s i.'..uobiged te boni back andi teed îattic. hopa andi sheep alrùagy fattened f or the, market. NEW YORKCS GIANT SUBWAY. Great Cellebmation WUIl Mark, las For vi i euîluz ai M th. . Prepaxations are nitrupder way iu Ncew York City far tige Prper cebra- tion of tihe formuai olteinofutlhe gitînt subiray. lwbicit ijinactatentlu 4epteniher. la a il ti" ihstîri (of te orlil neyeritaie *iiciî .tliijeutltiiplana for publieln- pr.ireuieit twiten i ti[,lrtakeu au haîve heen detiitely . irojp4tel r almo«t cuniîilel lit circuler Newv Yrik. lu eleren greit îriers for te tu-iventent oif tratHie aud Irat offîlt.tthe vagit suit rf $il13,tNgi,015) i.'to le sjient for te n'- stations utfté sut -nnt&tope. Titese titi- ores ilo fot rtig te rouit utthe pars sud te great itta o ther fiutures tat .illie.n.,.tisqry Ittits lte systems are tg be re.ady for operattion. Thetirait ottti--e'great systems tw li eompleted i thlie rtid transit sabway frongglthe Battîry t) KMurs bridge aud Brttnx Park. wiich vi. carrieti oitby Conlraclîr Johntt M.Mcl)onld and whilc foutr eara ,ut.t'-cDn i Itsnt- cottigliliiei l i, t itîl becît reiged hy the leadln utt etiitt.-r-.for firtîy eurs, and non lhtautai te d .. lt tentachbtiogithie neariy 2til)iiit ltîellerx t lite i- sud ort fnaitatit. for bont tuer t-ti commenîce a os-irt tir direillung. !nidis outlyittt districts of the mammigotitcity. Magnitude ofthe i.GaraCrop. !rtuerinaguitutbe ,fte ropsefeldsaoft he Wdia Rw»m uccoamfbe t Z igowtutdlns thé lf et tuat Saila balli paawated bils ctive articlps*Aa ta poll*ae for the, lait two leaus.the deti of M. WaldeckRousseau leavc a Sp la the. manrs of French itatesoa which I wilhi Dot ha fesy tg. IIIHe passed BWia t bis enammer home at Gar- ball. cunr l'ris, étier a louga Ulup Of a usase ef the etomach which baflbithe amiii Of tii, hast phyutciaaa. Pierre Marie ÉErneste Waldeek-Eous. issau was hora at Nantes. France. Dec. 2Z 130, and wU a son of Reno Waldeck- Rtousseau, At that time a prOmIneut usa- Weror0fes .Aaemtly. Waldeck-Rousseau atpadled law etI.Laare. whereiia prie- ticed for som. Urne before settllttg t Renneas. There he made hie itan- tranci. m politie., being elected Depnty lu 184-9. He thon became prominent la the. ranks of the Republican union. whieh wasa vei7 couspptCuuin upeungt the vis for innovation andth ie pressai rappbll. canisu. and Wui consi.lered oor 0fhe most promneut orators ot theAsÂaembly. Hie heut wo.Va as for the retorin of the. judlclary. 1 Ha vas etted on Ans. 21. 1831. and on NOv. 14 of the @mrnaeux, ai- lhough only 35 yearit old. éras admittei lnto Gambett'. Cabinet as MlnlstW1 e the. Interior. The. ahort-iPved MInistr7 of Gambetta dld fnt offer a fittiug chance te, W&WmeciEaneeau te prove ii aity at tust tlrni. Tie esignallon et lia gov- ernmeut tlok place Jsu. 20. 18n2- av- lut beauofferel the Ume Poutfolia la Jules Gn.vy's Cabinet ha held the -a fron Peb. 21. 1883,.1hti.hereslgaOmo et Gr.ryi Cabinet La FébrorXt 1885, lu 1880 lie vas auectsd Seaiter, il- thaugi Le i-au nat prement ai thelis e- lion. lu18M11Waldck-Rousseau twam enter- ail aI tie bar or, aris, and sInce tiat time pleïdsd sons of the Mtau important Cases orthle tinte. On Juai 22, 2809 Waldeck-Rousseau rai callel upOn tO forau bis orn Mînimîri. and miter ha-rIng been eacrestuith ln office ftuover lins. jean, i. meskdign Ju.1902. During aIl nus"aOftisciet hia gi-at._utatesmanl ras altackel hi un- ucrupulous alauderan. anolilus ras loft undone ta blacica bis rapetation, but hoe irnrged eaieas trom th-ai an sd future historiant viii undoubtedls Put hlm, dovn as tue greatest French utatee'ý Danu ofbis tinte. DAVIS HEARS OF HONOR. Demoerattc Nouba.. ter Vfre-ret- d eut lie Nelifeul Heuisy QassaaiDavis rai fonialli »olaIWelusmaday liat hs la e iamu- an- et l a Dmocntlc parti, for Vice Eprosident of the. United LSttes. Ms. Davis accepteil tus nomination ln A speech revieiugthiapolitical ultutien. ocholug tue sentiments of Judga Parker OR tue money qusetion aud axpr*Weug tié déterminatin te haeencserb aiie h campaigu. tepreseatative Johna i-F WlbiamsoftMisissppi, clrman of the uotification cominitee of lie Et. Louis couyeutlon, delivetuel tua notification ad- Thé etremonies wrea eld.on tue la*u of tue Whtite Sulphur Springs (W. Va.) Hotel. nhich affords a naturel amPipihe' &ter, the gu'ound mloinlup freai tie speake t sad ounElMIaie, and lineiu oh.ltered by bute, spieeAint oais. Rundreds ut enthuasa*tle Démocrati assembled tram, the Virgiuieasand border- iug LStes, and mans- came trous a dis- tance. Sturdy mountaineenu amniveil ou iommebaek, <la tont and lu wagons, vîtu tueir familles,.l'h. ceremoulca vers maniai vitu the utmomh sumplcuty. Tii. farmous Stouenîli Brigade baud of > ftaunton, Va., organizeilby Gem. Jack- son, pbayod stlt'ring airs. A pretty-Incident occuri-ed ait ho-con- clusion o! lie rierunonies, rien a dole- aation et acrenteen vomen tram Atlanta, Gla.. beuiled biy Ms.' W. L. Peel, aIl aring the. Georgia fIat. ilagcame for- wrd te congratulisthte candidats. Thee s mis-roren tendon.l Jadgs Par- lir a raception In Allanta laut Juna. MOVEMENT FOR StX-YEAR TERM. National BusinesS Le&"gai Ssg.ba ChasmgeiluP.esîdmatl Offie. A movemnt starteil by the National Buiness League toentmend tic conatilu- lion of the. Unitedl Ststes ta leonutie pnoaldeutlal terni tu six Yeatn d 10 mi. lie Preidetit lueligîble te mee- tion ha* rseeived indorseïmentftnoms praminent uBten and orinlsstom titroagboat 1he country. Boiem$le' pross"oadaring the campai"u avertour jeare is anereilb, lie league te ha ton, traquant Opponint re-ebectîon. tue leaste "Thi0 Pi-aillent during lis fire tts-. naturalîs anulotîs lu sareel iasif, ls kîpt bumy ronsîderîni lit, demandaeto politiciesm and planning for a second tesm; aieauwhile important lagslation for tue genernI good vaîts," Busnai en. boardsu of traie amI eom-mîlelorganisatons ln sIl parts et tue coantry Indorse th. moveasul. wlliam J. Brî-o said: *"I an. lu tivos ef uikag tic Preasidat laelîgIble te n.- tmelban, bavlng adrocatel Ihat la Con- yr a ean *go. sud baylna tivomel met affrs nligon, iorevem, lu regard te the l.ugtlî of lthé,irn--a four-seat, tai-m le long enough for a gouil Preeldeat and toe long for a baditbu.." spais e n i h VIe. BgusmeilSaga look a *bole diy's vaca- tles tramus lhemia ta celebtate tue tigS'ty-W" ianulversary oftbelii.uth. Tba Choie Lent ba s ecceedeti La a- ,aàglag vtI tise LeShorLion. tom rougli alleephas car service balveen Detroit and St. Lois. - lm Latsltmsp.- vise rae %bot at Nor- folk. Nél.sivil a tteuptina te avaeu enreet fer t4rls taibonetet a R lel Matues»a RivaM Dos of Wellesley. * W ra is lzoua of ttii. tèl am as nuit cohlflen i Westbouo. 1Mie., ta T lhe Leeisvlle aud NévlIum rport tee Elijah Dlacouraged.-1 Khiga 19:1-. Golden Teit-In my distreai 1 cr1,4 auto thé. Lord. and Ha. hearil me.- Peum 12:1. Elijai iad mst lhad a aplondld suc- case., Hi* rayer to Goti for Mnaliehd beauansrered. His prayer fo>r ira troa heavea nion hi. sacrifice ha«. alo be snsrered. lThepeople md aekowida. el God lu W tii. true "o, and et Ejijabi'. veau of cominaid hd put the. prophoti et Bai 10 deatit. Even the, ilug cauld ' net proteet thèse. falon prophets, fer titi t"e a bnellsýImi as the roseal mer snd his word lar; h. was the uatioa'a liront Mon. Butbhat et *Il, wit lihe lied accola plishal hati beau donc in thé »«ansd b' tha atroeot ftii.Lord. Tlia famine. the lire open tuesacrifice, the. change of hear Inlieprolethe consequenit eue- cuilca0f1lb.t aiseprupheta. 'aad the :ou71:sot ras-aIltii,..had beau brauglit about by EMijaii acting ai Q s' ami-ant sud mesonger, sud therefore net- las wlth the. power of Gud at bis huai. AMd Elijah ied thmoughout recoanhaed- tiat the won hle vas doing vas Uoeil vork la two aage. It s'as von QGed vluhed tionerind t Itvai-on iI't (lGoti j Rimsil!wax doiug. uslng hlm au a tool. When ail wps due, wiat happçnad? LllJaii reeiveti a message that te uuceu. whose propiieta lie had kilîcd. uteant ta take, reveuge uion i m; and lh. foot fright and rueaaa.L lie expeeted, rtramber. 'ifElljaih Iad gîven the natter ny considération lie- fureitand, hiemutthave iun utht the wick.d qiteen wouid tis l ta ties ve- statice on hlm for lte d.ath of the. propheti ot hier god, fil. But ile ha '*as accompishing the. von that (led hod.givea iim taeida bis viole rnind vau cenlered on lthe 1work and thonahtse o danger ver. casily brutiheti solde- It ë»a onis afler thé confiiet vas ovar. ln the. reaction wi-un (oiiured lhe narve atralu te vhicli ha d been înbjccted. ftuthe ppophet began to regIC po.aîbilitles 'ia ta ctut the. cent of bis vîctory. Tiien ho bas» ute b. reak; snd vhan Jez.hel'i mesigreachad im bu haa no50condi- ticn te vin axother vîctors hy plaeing biaisait trusttally in God'a car@ and aeii. Ias tres.i nstructions. Note. Verse 1.-"Âhab tbld Jesel41sîlthat iElijah iiad doue. .lTh.é lied kins .vl- dentbs bal mot axperleued s chauffe et heait ou acmant e 0f li ulubussacti- fice, and the no leua plrsuioc main. It ho hied, hé, rould have restralaaed hlm *Ife. but 11hl evident titt h, rai alloir- red to do mmtisaiii. pleaied. sent a mesenger ta~lj~ tlIahme lien Intention te kiIhlWoold thst not cive hlm an opportinnlts te escape as he lied dons bafore? .0frvhat nue oul thé. meuas. e lPenhapi Jézabel vwu a eaagtihat @he acted on thaeSbut III- eoumldered thought that cime ta her mlud; but there rnis hava beeu more method la ber matines. hI lato bq. re rnerbeud tuat the people had shared la aIti. îgiu ot*he iffl and uii e ta obhlh kt is Dot est# aval af.ine theusta'go. If Jasmbol va« sittaaogh te recocclae titis, Mas lit at have banni Co Pthat ah. vlshsd hy bar maeà "te suee ,EI&la aa? aVerses a. 4.-Whttee,.er tjîoubt Ehlj&h "vreut for bis lits." He bi beaiu6 llvlug lu lie oorthwird, That thereore, t vould ha the direction l la hcit purau vouli naitarall ook for hlm. He, bon.ga ever, vent soutivard. Evidmatis havai 'Atrl, Otlilt he stopped iitrwbaeeIl Judia. KKing Jebioapiat. Who attrvid I hebd close and triaudbs ratlatins *"11h" Aiah, roubd captue aId rdtff li. i.S Thoe-, sestobe n. om, for don*a tuit it rai ElljaWs duts ta eits ladý face Je«iW'es nrali, sud that Qed wou havb protectit inal. lThe question »Vt hlm trîce at Horsb W' (loI ni tended te conver tua liought that a v a. absaut troa bits laIdet Ishor nIl. ont permisaion. If. lIstead or mulAI aras, the prophet lied isyad at bis pe andi nalted for God'à ordere ho mlgbt have been-e.ahbed to brins &bout asomers effectiveand basting retomm. Bat lau us ian eit rai bis duls ta trust ed and Thli seek Hia guidance, lustead of rumningige hâte a huuted lbare, fo Verne 5.-Tired out by physîcal effort bll and atîhi more tired ont b hi&i spirituel thée naheit the las dornand slopt" th ii. ieep510 of exhaustion. -Vers. 5-&-To, bring hlm luto a udr- mal condition h. needed fond ai roasa l ibeep. Whare ram food ta bhalhed la the f demerti Appareulîshhalhedgivea no thugiit to tuat matIes. If he lad stas- ed theMe h nould have beau no m ar- hop@ thoa lhe expected. But God tnk cas of hlm and by thé. band of an asel o set fond hatore fhlm. IZhjai ras IPA mcii a atupot. that lh. hsdhote etaien car@ of lu the déert 11k. i iick cild. It vas aa not euougb to place food et band: ho muettlha troused and enrouraged ta est. Am te the juruieseD casually mention- e4 lu verse 7 very llkeb> RblJah liad dreamed offi. or had ItLla mlud. T'h. sugel mpoke t10fhlm et a Journey tat: Ebijtl vus te fte .Thiat joumnesramute Mount Hr-eb. the range of Mountins tia vhlch Mouant Binai ram une pemi. Il wam a Jurne7 of about 200 miles. Of i-bat Cther torty-day faste dues the Bible tell us? (Ex. 42,2;let 0 18: Malt. 4:1-4.l 41,8 et Whoue ad ailwniered about In lthe samuie désert tuat Eiisiti croaseil, and for boy long a> tloue? (Nom. 14:34; Dent, Do sou recsiff ans utiier cases o! great- disceurag.ment ot Biblical cliaracters? (ope Nun. 11:10-15; Jouai 4: Jr, 20:7- Ror ta Rasohi a Diýcinion. I9 Indécision mitas tu tihebond y«Ou AD VER A g»d lm dm «Y &W. MW )WO it. Wb= &W 40çý« -motb ta# 1 ;:ý; ;W OMM id . y. aL"1a& 1Iubeto L.tter1 CL~ 4140 AL.L 80M O P job WC 0ML AT