Offl LAT Y&AR'1S 47raTFîPTYPER CENT. I* New Ton rina st iý Igm cet Oser *00 - Car BO-a afOMorthéapple Crop .id.4 In ýrkby lutg" denier MgUti *aat *A umlekanylld wW lb. abot 50 Pr Immlmnto t bislaut yTsa"ni14 Par Omai.,. tbeIi.-aerage for tii lat tan, - .k. noma deniera esimts the ant- Bt U,.lO barreWs.NeV Yok h. amoag thelargest *pple pro, '~ ula tbe East. It la oodutfftul ,tu" iMbe 17 par cent lazger thon tint Im ahe t $*%W7.f buit crop caOI- dltlnala Europ te i.maou sanrepoted a md tii. demond pusaubuy in be h SFi VNO 01PENNAXIO. Tii. rîlueo the.Nad" aiLe«m »wnO cesa" the*: EuV Yor .. .88832 St . Louis. 62, 63 Chicao a 7 46Boston ... 4379 Pfhux.. g4Broklyn.... .42 77 4JIe table blaw show how mattert abm ithe AmericonLeou.: W. L. W. L. 5MW o.....73 44 CloelauOd . 452 Douas.4'43t.Lomisla.4867 .46 DL 30w'ssiu8to.. mg ommahin athe Amerleois Âoctane US fim follows.- s. Pau.14oalusineapaL.. $70S »Clwaiee . 5j meontianll. @274 iuubua .. M 59 Kaas {lty..5078 Tb tlWbg le 0* é tamning eu eh" i*Wstffl Lague: ~.~14&SELouOlr.... .1753 a~*imwhed lia ^ueumt au Wam ~ ~Wbaii trIa ieogog 100woridh pgmmm* bais -.a rsobhn vtitd tht Lee W«i me t ft l pestIba rned.b« isverer, tntb. thle âge et v'in trcetmu,4 ta - vrpe ont a setion WWodald.smauliniutonn uLong bIsad& St il rgtnstsd lu a bsle eOO *,$4bon-llmueslcau *pred taPili. ~~"~OWI t .dmes wen aider cou- r zla le.Wasxsioit $0.00 * < *8foact on Tuesday Suav a spubli- '*M lptirallhy etatuae t 82,00.This Igu boi as been exceedua -isal»'oac" lu t.e S1oillumber electionsand aa regardeai by tbm VicIons as su angury t suucen ~rISutgit tetic lton. GOorem.îCr.p Report. -thgovernaiet veekly crop report effs corn bas made (air progreas, but Mmiofuthtie es-up inlaIe lu uaturlng. »Ailiuterfere sîitl sprnt barvsrt und incisteot in teliotieru part o! tie ghetat teffion. Baya lu Fatal Fîst Ylght. Blght-Ye-r-r-îaiAbramuson, aue oftie --01b.cilîdren e!Lf nIsAbramuon, a 'in- TYorkt tIllr, usas killeai hi a slar smi«i blov struet lu a igt lu a.pulie illebol Tie fatal blonr was tiruct b>' lU'iear-01ld willie Katz. Moayre fsau Piehvceucotpas; A sieeîi ldiptîcifrom t, 1.Peteru- bW ao at b>' a danlngly eoaeelred eau, Ou lie part of is frieudu Ilauauneff, «em murdeter oi M. van Plebvi. sucre.d-i -e illa ca-alpiborfront prison. Two DM. tu Venaiala' ighLt Allen Brunaiel. for ta-ont>' yeamea - ORtice Of te: in àn!,acrrny Po Wramker lu a tit betwnetu4leta la Wiilh ue ortheb, lllgrenta n-axsfial. a" tfour Verewue. 'Plsboe Pt luaItreet Cars. * Street car toîrpion, . 0er wbt,-b 'Iun-sos- pasaugelrs Oaa>- iilvernsr-set i1 fWet réAciteai hi tepioeelbore ir-neni- staliegi on lb. Charlero sii,,o, thii' àMttsiutg -1taisy Coasny. TIse ,r «w. fint erer naca. Idmîls I Ruas mb e vIt Ss.h eite persan% vere klle) on the ,n, lieud ni P raj I liitd e t ltlîtalt maltolsu. A&u-zit vas lifrtî .1ruI. a *miln cron- n-liehbaA jupt lef thie î',snt, éai the lranu-eontinentaI express insh,-l âbl p. vsaghîaihMrin Oetsa persans wVee irleal 10 deîth 104 &djur train lie sereatb fluoarta ts.. balncnt by the falof a treolis eiest.,t id tbh natchou DÉo! Scars. Itoehucli& ce. ta Cweicso.lua na etmpt ta 0flop .dsSriie tatur eauductou jguntli. ý*#4 #di s'eood tictlm 444 à !-fain-l WilNtb~ t t1ioboqILa aabw tw deM*oilep. Po rie G oaa PI gailia r J& laPar1Inlb.evemt 9 athe pkoftn gom.ruatt.tePr~tOi01Mu Usm«vetim.iiy faintei ai Intsufeor Limhe 1 i lterity et the Ottausi , 1 q&M Thi. "P= a. ai tt lcnnait - abere the Nuropeas. owm WM lbmnk tthaïe ott-tefet;d pied te maont"lathe r tçOt ue in the mear sit UV Expimte o apmu% Esais On the. arrivai oet th. Oregoe 0xP15f ou theomeon Shoot Une at Kemnieréf. Wya., et 2 oeclackWud>egd7mwe tou meno stppeout tram i . aldo* t of àbuilding nlur'i theet &B ad'>*s WM eai the. daor oftithe express car 'uns openeai hy the. memosuger tVao o the-i bield ihm nit, wblt twao tiiers staod off 1the. station agent. A package coutabiU- lng Sm0 ta psyr off the. enployos of the Kenimerer Coal Comnpany wasu taud! sd and wasi given ta the. rohiieh.aile kdiuappestred. -8I*riff Jamesanud DePIFt Jan«e t Evaetou Veut te the mscoro the. rol>bevy an a apel train andi start- 04 lu PUV*Wut of thi. raMiers. Th. bn dits are belleveai te h.o mpb>yes ofrii ettal eepany who mev eoflthearrivi 01 the ackage, ai hoeymý'k*ë-uo earch- Obr othet Piudé.A packagte cO>taiiit 813»» 0for tiie Cumberlandi Coat Co-- PODP wau flot dlaturbel. MAY RAYÉ T0 UMECORN. ig1ab Prics et W1mat Win MIneraets h Gar.usilers fuoni tlas, Iowa. MIS. and aigKusfheld a queeIn uKan- ett CIty.HEL . S.Ken edy of Chicago, «-feet"ry t theNational rta et 391«% a mont thon IWho attendl- ed th meetng. 16 cari' miletbavre nô> disticet orgaa#lzataom4' sald Mr. Ken- senti, Viienhé. was &it& he ipeilrpetof the. meeting -We. bka"coame té t2lt *Per the. businesi atuation andl the crait tadilaus.Corn ta sn iib price an ad bai buttefuan se lo. tint tiec=meof ibiS ereat bave made uathing uon t l N"e. 'howevoe. wu beliets, at th# bl* grkes.01t Visai wifl brla abount a great-, -t 0eauptionof earfl. eapeclally amag fWlmla bachma m tensteIe. Op tt VOUM wC99k01 hln la rTdleu >Cteek, 0*..Ob Versonts Ves uiite deatii ud. tour t.rribiy lnjurel bys Stedm andcil exploion. 1!ht dsuitop: Mrà,. H.n l n d itwe ebuldrev, and tbrt.u Unournmua. lis bou"et ne ihg auu h m 'oua itre laimeandsithe btsan hut St Ore ta the. rit oc au fl iraVoser illa bouse. Th» Bknouflc dta thbtA5p, VihYs ri f111a aiL . Befre .the. occpents o! the. boune reaâ»sd tboir lange, s. ismlle .tpleslo oecurred. llut blaia ail wa trou. ail overthle hom ua, mitiiteseape wui cut T'iebadin ere rorovencaialter the On wVuasubdud. & ulm biSusVldetitem blew don-n Bar- num &a~@cytaent luIowa à Cty'. loia. 1184e@muragt f.m gsoUlampeni.ake llte hevy damge. No qu.eVwi se- r i miJrsé. Antlcipating the. tu . tii Mosgemt hod refus1d te admit hbusuinle A alanpeai.or! polmala wu aateai 4ithÉeiely recuirai front the rgThe, Iou la $8.010. * Au"s Dacorte ainw l frirut llcbsfer, a prouslnogit bines ma* o0f Daytou. 0h10. hasnblinnarrestea an the. charge tuat h. bad ried tu in- duce t. tlamly physian te kilI Scant- et 1 -u br edcie. ie phici en. u. .A. Keller. ny.lie Vas ofeéreai $300 ta gte the poison. 71i .steasblP Abakan, wiilclri nv.d nt N1ew Tokrft enlly wihh a cargo et segar, made nesrly 130.0f0rtthelb . en of!,butrnag. by béIagd.liraitla a ztorm et Cernnt. Tii. rhi la suzar ad& 04 te htitéeale0ftihecameo hy $01 Il Vaslhe mnt valitable àsu> losaterer ernlt front, Hawaii. lumen Dmtirdy Luntir Plamat. %. planot of tthe Mitchell & Rowland Lénuber Coumpany watt destroyed by Stre lu Tuledo. Theto ion isentuatai nt 8150m00.wltii insurance of 8118.0M0 t BarUts ran, a lawoire Ignted «mW- tduet lu the. yard. The. steamer V.tOua. on-neal by Gllnhriat & Co. ort Clerrisa4. wu biiiud. Jupeme(>" ashRsemue&. À japognette upply uimier. salai tu bave bmd $5,00K on board for the. IsOinea. 4111, wus stoppel by a cbeloo oOrlaI. aid o torpedo e aft [rm iDelay resba'd loto port lu the ig. ang d raerneai the. cii. Itouia iesOeng..sand Pa. pers lsteided for Port Arthur ore ne. port.d ta bare linon captureai. Ptmo&e ta G0.46vies&t ïairbeak.nanedaliter the.lloaz seocter, bas beome the i. elrpos of Alaska. A gmt utompede han follewod me".froid strike. flie..Tvelre steamer more gcld stes liere. Twire Sieamer loeds havese ft llwoou ruabig tise rIa- ter supplies. a Tu. e ie Ar.e wu.d. , Harrey Ilavermt. aire I M2.ud 4Cl*yde aA." 8 . wrr.dronnel i« 4lthe xanal bosie la Atron u. ie -aerli a wsresrued by l"Me* gmrtgiei4. n-bo bas s4vée inie livre ieso . beni.lutdwi attf, KraoweghâtifdwuIkdieiIun bis fur au b"%îr. %en e Sii u ceaineI. lîîjore lu 14,. Lutn, wbu'u a. wrid' fair f W*atsi»b train $tuca i o wublag trolley, The e<-an t,îpe d i rai-k lu fr-jut 'of the traiw field fer llmslueaass. uor- .f itic Watîrtosfis. Ma".. %.otgp itsi. .n.q lb-W L. abs grand j')M"I. j ijl,.i l f11j# te-b4ars# otferzlUUU tIrUM) il), ri.t.itnti»n. h uelsil li;n-mn. Lialer. Wr-kly lra,- r.rsawa nai..,rtau lu- creri î',lAuîu ,f bi4es. lii u try buyeri waut,.. Ifriali u e idl ans daispgý tur. o» bme- tl î would iil, qA»qte63 Moail thIeU es4iBnau thair' renew the bain# lOfIou.ti pe, ii tonast uevlon* batUm làb quedtuitig4I a rewv bas. tii. gtbtinibeau for ten dey& ,grnent&ty fepiOtS Are C«» at the conIktcln lie h iie detailà mUntlie filled t la yet Impossibei. t deti- Ii-idual exploite 0f olpa- 10eots. Irlgdeuat dvion, rwas on siicb a bi#amie ldienîcut. thé Couma oTtibu"l batis fl$i"w s ea dàmnu tu. Tvantysscud lbanvolacer la- New Tatk !isV Stque Fs3 MUa te * WuscaW".UatrbéIe uals Mes nho base ibeau seqnwal"="m te lttoner irlyt ais iirlsg.ttig divores ors rejoela *9 lbDowe-NOVw Tor te t-ktiW ~h -eSt ie amifo te aller das ond cepieoff lielucouaei e thomamb etvaeasee, living wti .d bahsiipd&, AxceMln$ t. the neV statuts &"i. oy iinotsas.- an.ed *as iot anexhuand arc ta cea-- daus oaly se long ai te Voman-sIsail neansta anuarîi.. Mataipirsaons. bt a. tew o!thbena lb th eatrmcail lrofesulafl uli beAb1e te viil 3New Tork frt.A first ,tInte lin years, except on Sondai, bsting remaned Qoth le ste rater thnme thle roQUireai paymeul, 1> -de- fouit ofrn-blcii leeoulad havabeeMutM te jail. Forebeai PlacegiAggint 1114Do« A Ad.. James Walcii ol'Indianapolis. chas-g id-it the rohberyo!etres S-t Fenil.- ton anai couresaing te the imrglret tête Leavtt tore at SkUasvi.. e, plan. cd ta the. Anderm. an d, alecse iiow ho opeaed the Leavit lef. Me Sadd liaI b. placeal hi o dferlei Itnty get&" lth steel door. liaI abovo lic camtikedoii. and tien. crefully tueulu« te toh ar lie loct, be coulai tell byinldiieton jusI niien -the Inuer parts a! the lack net.ýý ielfinig. tle lcle'- iavlug n ietn- cul effcc. AIM.200JM 5 SUNIST SCNOOE. touen m »a"- e<t "Ies The. report ecmpfled y W. Smi rot oet st. LouIng lfs, etetary for the worws Porti Sunady mebool conréta l",n.shows a*nord:@ ttalIt 0ff0.0 Protestant .Bàbàth7sebcl,4143«1 teiors. sud :M2ff2.l sebolars. 1The Polteai tates leada vit 18817Sunia si-hoola. 341J0 haces anai 11,1. 591 anrolled cbolao. Bnugload 1 Wales cause aext vt a totailmumbit- ahI» o 11111. mrn-tbaishit tel iaum- ber. wile Orreoci.t.ean-es on the BAL1 bias on»' four ue11nls. seveteach.ra andi 180 çcholars. - lEt TE.LECiP1E FOR HAIRYARD. NeatlyFn-le as "r»oasLIeS Ob- aestz ,y* Th Ti.Harvardi aiervstoeyla té add tl- ils .qulpmant wlsat lea cenaidoroa tbe largeit emeclut eloacope lu t.e*nof Id tke lve-foet aperture relceting las- as large as lie Liet eervatory te- scope, vilcihmauanaperture of lblnty- six inc$â.. _ clIGE? HumT 114702NORADO. Stet. W. ouulA W.IcksSanrsi liedn. Elght persons n-cv ljured hy a tor- nade sud igbWag lu t.e sootheam part of a.Croue. Wla. Big lu oue boum nee.lmiruelb, a shook t ilghtains. vIlle lu anoter rosideunco lylag débris strick aud Injurea ta. Ail VIll n.- coter. Several residessees SIAnothili- lnue re iiadly damateà iy the. wims. H.ayràlamin. u-blctaieured. asuai masner weionla on ralltirwds Durlng oa iaier n-iehb EpeoWiU- nom a"aithe Emproes Sguoihoria gare et -the. Knlsebat. Ahana. Prusela. teth l.Iodlng officaIsM ciieof -E *rein. lbe Emperr annoaeidte bu. trostai of Crawn-Prince Vrederlck WiI- hini 'o th Djcieus ee4itll.sster o! gîie rosIgS: (irnu Date o! Mecklss- burg-&-lawn. Faustasa Dila FVhs. Oter fity aivelaers lu a tenesmet la Attornsey tret. 3New Tort. earl lail n-amen andte iUm.dre. e.mummed lu hy ira, al 3 oeekt l alter morung, n-tb prola-iclly &l ain so f «cape cul off. eud'lain thepanletht eed fM'ourte lsot their litevm«Uielee snuîVoa aei soute fatLdir, by Jumping tront eccond on ibrd tcry wladavs. EapIvlou Vo Ftai te Vie. TL* boeter et a thsnshlnganglue ex. plad fl 4n foma tWrsemlle oortb of liio-lyo. IMina. tMous Peter Oley. evuer oft te esgla.; Ch*cai.Sgde. Jauie. ltysa.Ahb eeetanid Willaid <al.- Yosm.Thebodsaile 0lite MM es e. iaaîy mangile ,. 'ne exploion. aterad ithe ire aunIrr the baler sn.mug th ubesI strar-eaid twy 'we.s troed. cm. i<umsa' hm as esatl lp yang a04 iutb&wi Wue visamj4al lb. rftblbeut of lbe.NTunier te mesals a uin a nemat sy Os. i- rokil. ni s sa <'a0isi ier iot vliMr- aal 41i1l1ns. Prof. . il. A"binu ai ef Iacola bas voowl tuIeasis ounMsd nmlai antie gres; gessia 0chnalu lmveti geikos rrtle -9A SIefie iObera- tOry Lu (lalifarai, Tb*. NsIlesl Ammeeltion ' et Reftmi I)rqjxWts -oomoeed et =»00deams va o k i lu otméid -fusa I 5201 kya'4# ImA e in Chca lfa uetou. tii; e &eri445au f tr a eut-te dalere. FI*# Deto slaU lki Ela.,. gurenu ers grnegi n, la" iBris A:.h' aie rcit or et le r-p"lig <sra 22-f9ot 14 viîaaiasr<-h la Jiwbilnhtlioy wvan a rett, fron ta- adta Vermillbon te ai- tati.>yacht nin ailiekithéster I»o tJla40.<1vis theo-31Iu tuhion fée eshmidoy sit 1*ê Misaspi taa.# alg v' pg RUIE8IÂNS ANtI JAPANE SI isYota foliow aveu tienloveiiefts a! cors.- * ....1 'In bref. btaides boaiabout 2M14.00 men. each' euýe claîmillg tic ather peimmesaodgl urorot uluillems Ps-obably Iii. ape laidtho *avantage. Tii. ltttîim, comna der la Cisef. Kantopatin. -ev l, glin.. sa a..nil- cis-le enst. south anidn-est o! LAlo- yang. Ris htala fore" -es-e to lhe ëst unaier M1ajor General Ivaaioff. wbo eonminateiThitai. Teutitand F et- Oatenth corlai. sadtotathe sont iand ,mIptast. naida' t&enraI zaroubleff. lit comaunad of theiret Second andi Vourth corps., FieIti Manabal Oyania, * saisted bty Cîiaf of Staff Baron Ko- dama, vus ln c<mmana ifu the lapa- Dosle. Thoelte,'aralen of Kumoki, >adzu ai Otu, vilcifonetlY actaiS ludepeudenti>'. non-becamu espectIUve-, ly the rigit.'ceaites-and leftt nlge 0f the grent Japuneso arnsy. The i f ilgna ot ativlt>' veto ont- poitlu mtlmluglla uIritele rng, but na astlles-y nork. At dnrunztofthte 1>5 day unu artillemy duel began. tbe lapoutue htnsug eretedtwota>batteries before Laualanstali. Thse Ilusslunu isad the bettet ofthtie ext-bauge.. The lapa put anlotiser bttety t Saupu for the. îurxuue of tlilvlg a n-edge be- tIween the Rttaglsns at Lîaoyang.amd Llandlunusu.. At Sel lite sterou tvo ti-siomon f lapasn-es-eseen a4- vtbanag agolmut lie latter place. Tbhenut day the Joîssnese toua ite offensive alossg thels- viole tIne. Tihe hottest ltghtiaag » Wasunt Tuegon-. sCemir bi Tu Ga& i Viseuce. iccordiiug te TIilom Niiot the tusmiaa sewlery mad e ellost pinctlce. Kutoli 'ire eIISfaveIng ta drlre o veaige heIn-w u NISUMU ahI' Llandlanulmu. bt* tise baIl*5e- ea tesulîlesa alHgty. Ont ".5tiSh o 0 the lltlg wnest ane despepats. The Ituaultrihavtance. gillE. lib t AN- sausian, olowig moveut bstwid lomitug150 seu>r -'u-OtIs veaug Ir> roti mnangegi ta get iils wuig.tbrovu betveeiith lb. ea~ouiM wetticorps., eccupylfsg tlitnssnlnfaifd-lioo. but h. n-na it'ile taefuto, tise Rlii.- Ms uufron t ts enhwecs.Thff vn -en~ ev tais en 051bauto&14e Tiers wa-sirwag os iltIs. 4oî te Iowntusbefoe AulahaSSbiU.Tb* Eue ianes lawly' gaIPO laii T-wil< la tis qrat asa Rek7h trw epauo , tbe p.l$ * .ur4 sirtfe uIg»ýseSI ls 0¶ lu tien ts imde.; the i. St eom reslstiL 'Thettouepo wiilc buhaquit- tel Aplins nached i Uao& * Ma-1 si -and -wenried anuw. -flou. et the nsIem rousel a pthse aartàhlait et tii. Taible Anaiber day 0f Sghtlag.Tmi. li.t Long QAin secouai andl Foustiicorps n-ose lu cou- tlnual rea gouord ma.nas they tell baci Ioosé lsoyaog. It begmiate lie suspeeteai tint ll ui'-.a ean large nunsiiets of men aerose tieTaltse BItter farith ie pus-pose et geitlug lu lie- bItaI Kouropalkin. the Itusslansaloim croeed he.Tila. River la ordor. to torestril teé mou-e. Weal of Llnayaug tise Jupunene n-ede-iled lu 'force andt attnctr-d by lthestan cavalty. wviics litaihie btter o! thera. The moinilapai»... attuls datai, roui tte soutb andi southenst. tie plan evlalent- 1>' becle i' d tIa"i-ileut troops lu- Ibat direetion 10 Ie' Kuro)tl'e move- meafts go compaiitlvely unapposeIt. Thme figbtlng coutnueai tram S a. su. tu 9 p. ni. General Otti ts-led 10 gel arounti the tuadin rilgisint. vest of the raltrond. The Itusalan casual- îles ths aday veto 8.000., The batIe began ut 5 lie nudt mos-- lug undi continued untll niughl. This n-nu lb.eharde« tday yel. Tise vos-st fighlag occeurresi belveen 8 p. mi. anad oniusglt. Tise Itusiumai isotegrouui but 1111fr. Ton IbouusanRoiouns, u. - getises-vIti uder îrtillery oeceujlet 'llîpratutisig. duo n-est o! Mutaen. Tie follouwlsg day lie Iumas uet-c- siatea L i.oyniig. Ai taon>'of, their tropasiiipossible retirealbticthenosti bauk et lhe Taiise,n-hors KIonroput- klu pteparqli tartWelation&.*'Kumoi. betug nlon- ne croe i otSe.,n-t at lcut Ivo diIsions. n-a fightg et iletylntili e dla-ded bIs forces Imb tva parst..The. eft proceedeil tu Hel- Yiostltb isengisl took il muta, nortis- feysoule to tho T eltat cooli mine. witIs tIsepuepo.. aorcittln the rond. Tue JâaaisecerepoitetiatiatlIe pas- fl55 f tise u"la serasa tie Taltze lofit ls charactu et an ordlety retreat esahome.a Iglht. Itaur tisousund, Muoovito norsthruvulato lie n-s- siM. uédtown-ued. . -K u l-on the inori c&inuaedte prees toward tise ratlroad. Hei sleird b.lghu opiposté lielylngtal. n-banc. hfi suoinltfdl the Eninus.u# The lnp. ae casualtles. uecordng to Ibeir-own reporta np t1. tlsta tt.. mount t. lIn îthe k*O! laong bj hie Rus- dmthe iJanSais. . notlhlvy lt ain fflm a wl ero oou -mL 'a wr tii IluM" Mh iou Vaflmy thte apete bus bienof " vià" éaitt ié, dmse mm stet thte p tamW miatuslty biR bai -Iliep md Chi teme mm., as bislreéft uwàui-la bu on seuimsd Ji SmmiphSttdl ms 31mb ad 3Uontii Daieta, it bonlnuI.prore l t1 But MMeIats sud En Kanses. lise speotsImilet. .liaI trou tht,. ta tour w.aka esit at,' ailé wéath ii buIIhoroqulred te mature the -lte cra. Tht veek was prectically reisesa la .the sprint, wbotregion etlanssea sU34 lie Daktlm. offordilng fsarable Veaher finr iarviillg aid tliraing. 1o4M «Air vsin theb.ortiiers por- tion Of North Dakota la Yet non»'. aud- Mt letisll dsan g bIc atewbeaî lu tust Utali sud mach ntthe serop viMDot b. eut. Olappoltlnt ylelda are generilly reportid trainiIdaho, Waaiilgloi n d 16n orthtru Aldbama and ila the ntlà- Prr portions O! Mississippi and Louslana Cotton bis lmproveld. the ero» -is l eralI lindîcat.untaverîbl. progren. De ienloratioa train rosa anal îbsddlng la n.- porteai train aesrly »IlI disriets. Usay 'reins baie prorea Injurions lu portious et Flogiais snd Georgls. v will eiseit large part of Teuas thse crop lias sugrered decldeaily trou aroutb. In t.e lant nentioocalShat bonl Vorms cotinu.desructve asd hall veevils ane putctwiAlg noir»' ail squateoinuthe. 8othvrestera.central, cotern aid eot ailvsions aud are enout ninmc' danige, as' fae sortit as,(DalIas. Kanofu>au anda Hauat countes. Plcknteluaifunlpro- irs-unlaTexas and la ceneral inu-tb. soute*nu portions ofthle central and Cenat. *ru districts. A goneral improremnent li toisacen le iniicatéd. Ctin; la weilI sdranrea lnl lte juidie Atlantic States sud 3New Eugiand id la npsogres. la lie Ohilo valler. la Wisconsin the. crop lseaiolog weil. sltbongb matumsng slwly. Tn. oîtook for mîrplns cautiantesprou>- iglug lua3New Englsnd. New Yart sud the UPpp.rlake reglon. but onfarorable reporta e«aolnu.rou> lhe Sttes 0of the ceutal talleis. lixtept ln prtie»onfo NOV England ad lbé nildle tlaatic ltotes. vhere bllgit sud rot àre report- tai he a grester on lois extent, su excel- lent etai> O! indlaien" Good Pragm habauoinadeit ftellplann- Ing thraaghout the. Central valys andl mlidie AtMagte Stato.. THE NEW BALTIWORE. illgty T»19 et nobaindim tint Cty Nov Proutemiug apflyl. A. sarlt Uis noad ene gacing over lhe nocollly bernea i alem e hrt ef Ilaiti- more woli bite jumpeal te the couelu- fion thot attuaore iad suffereai aufers.- parable luse. Satore lthe tien ver. acres o! runed andi diuuaotîed bulil- luge, lnauaiubout nblck aimies ot minn wortiaiii-sa p>srtatty altss manuet. lierouupliohiiag uatblg. Croaters oai tise- work of robofldtug t.e Ciy va. be- ing conuil drongly; thit the. City n-us deail. But et last order liuameeoutî ot chaos, aid ppreclable progres a slbe- lut Dnade ln the watt. 8o vaut vas tlie takof n.bulldîng that il requiredinonîlîs te oer c.even n olîrt upou lb. vont. Tiers are nOv snime 400subxtnntlcl builidings stelI tnder wiiy. ineludlngsune- cessons to the tali sudati pposodly lire- îrot rucitures wnlîié ebnill gare vsy ta the dames. This lina. tlîey are fare- proof. A mauiuotb scaffoldlung sur- rutînde is he keli.ton ot ecri truc-ture aud mkillrd n.omktwaare making cî-ery effort tu bave lhe ottices ready for occupancey beore sin flics. PlIans lbsve heemi prepaneal sud]are still . brIos prépéreai for dosens of subitanîlal n-arrhotussa andi storerooma. The muni- clpalily, to, i speadiug f rosa $8.000. te $10.000.000 lu iniproroinenta on -tb. streetg. aincis andI irkte. At lhe lIme of theolIre smalo0fthe streetsu nens- ron- sud crooked. They ane iping nid- euvai. stt-slglîleued aid exteideai te meel the' dernanda of moidern trate aid Iravel. Thea îaii.v psyroli alose lln iv Iunneai district tu eslimaled oi $25.000. or $150.- M 0 a wer-k. Nesniy ail of tiIs nmoney. howev or. lu bclng turneai bock iâte lb. Channel$ o! Irsilelos s11 o! the 'Workmen andI tirtfamille. are livinmg blie City. lusurmucte conapanles bare poai ont $211.- 074.35.51 lu lire lsss. TIhe ltev *W.1). lSmth, eclor o! St. George'. pariai of Frederickslaurx, bas l*eenelecteda rcideacon o! thie licopa: licese of Vrginiea. ('hopisin , eny A. Brao bas been îuîpointeal ciaplain, ut Part McHienry. This lu the fireIlime lu tvcnty years that tbe font bas lied s chaplsiu. Tiec-lier. Dr. tesataiB. Hopwoa or0 Novant,. N. J.. iba ut coiebruteai bis thrty ys-eas pastorais or tie (alvin>' Préabyterlan Ciorci o! liaI clty. Mes. Mloior S. Woods bas pseesil a nov building te lhe Internatonal T. hM. IC. A. Training .sebooi o! SprlinaI& MassL, ta b. antieaua dîiag hall aud dosoltani. Thie'Roy. J. Wlinr Ciapu>au. tih- evaugallt. bainannouneai thstl ie will accompani a ponT cof Presbîterianu niid liais- tnlonda 1tie Uir>'Lapai uexî ses- son. Min Margaret Ritlecy. daegitor af s n-ealtsy 'and aristocratie Baltimore fagnlit>, las déceruîlne«tl«vé tetsber- Ce- tates, ber tieids, lier home, sand nu a u>iseoi o jetaLiberia. lie Ro. C. O'. lsolsr. tormerimlne wWouar teta deaf mutes in n-esteri Necq Tortbisnc eld unnappoisntaient la tht charge of Ail Sai~ lliurri for lie lieur, piladiseiglo.asd hair enterosi upôn him aliepK io- tESrUCasle alsu î. Gênei.' bas naffl tii rsa bath 'cfbt e r efo ery irs *5.épaU lieWt iba e V05'oearl la taU tI lIseboyers bisga tu geatt- suamberthan dudoi V9etl. 2!eol acve= a varl.ty et gOOia Uand wlle aî wau .Zercitteilla the alectlons tiioewere *ai0Ma msy lber2l a tV» aggregate mating favorable parîmon i wtb a yeav ugo. BtieOt faverohie croitp .ws Goes not ta bave adverwey affocteat burins the. exîcat tbhalhbat been feare&i la giénital»' concei thujnecal the interlor are qute Ilej, And chante are consequently nuttî.lpati trade lImprovena.nt. Carrent. trenshs< tions exhîbît gala lu the Important d97. goodo branches, ln foolwear andi foi praducto. The i.mlîllnery autS dre*S gouds section openeai np aspcolfr and-iamaredeniauid ltgsioteafor litoIt -fie'funnlur.,' carpets saud' i', *iate. Mercantile cllr-et4ona madel. a gond shoarlng on country bille anda wet alittie ealer locl»'. Pari ptodue tire beîng moved ai beavy voIune. lamnartet. Ibut lb, iîli prie. teo consumera ha s seued the deis maid. andS lpmnts trainsaPoint. S.M.1177 bususels. are 10,'8 per cent OP- der tisose a year ugo. -Comspareai Vita the elusînts an weke. oarn sdvinaca Ua centI a basbsel, but dallien are stiS 'la wiiest % cent aim asts % cent.- The extensionm o! hIb. ai"» trouble la the. pavklng iradae hurt tse imarktet fer, provison»u. soa l wniu lght andavaluu wllaker. lu port 15 centla a Isarrel ai riba 20 conta4. IteMptA Ot lite Wa3 2M,.05 wltlî 2U7.5ý berai th isa.ame n-et blet year. Net-. wlthatandlng_1h. dinger of atm orge. ¨atlon of Supplie. ani epreadln$" ot the buteberit' su-lise.' oatiý,i.. ve Dot. shouvu amy *r.ome brek. al:bougii they closed lIan-tuboys 1-5 ei--ata bnndrealnelglît. sâ><l lu both .-hshre cai- tlc and sabh-l1) cetnts. N ~ Furtbcr expansIon la. DV fai trade te notedAt a leadlng centers. assditle. lait week lua àgnaut basu sen the 19lonï": est busînesu douetell -tIs e oug te seaon. Ceops'ii:ve mae faiPM- tese. olI.cllone bave beea ao tul ta bo4*t ot--bsckward, lu tact. 1>511 ue V weremoreoinerons Ii AUgMi thon tulu 11l naarlY ail sectilis. a" turing concerna have swelle abl ltl beyond thln l AuX.ust a er s Seaîway eoanlns.oshow, aligIi gs9 -v~litj .Thee Industrillilo là *ytllluniettle&.Effont* «s' relive tins mont trltjt br-itendinsiIl te lau- dependi-nt bonace $b.v9 acàât i nome Ir- regularlty or unceriaimrty in the uma!- ktl for lve stock endS £t- irustas. Uto Prui price.reduMtoii of tlire Anlurals are a feotare. lmonte nie aresumptiona or indasîrlal operatîo bàarue net 4la dîfferent sections. The eneril lIna et labor uffalrs a in ou@of Irrittion. DlIspatches lndlteOte cuarge&a ;les 0f'ý dry gouda. lothinag uwori.t te boat, buslinsno furt tIsîs easm.n. ufart, ho-. iug tramîmcîcillu Chilcago. BusIness falînres lulb.thetnlDted IstalCo for the weet cuditîg llept.1' nomnber 180. ogalUsî X-11li-t weat. ,103 lu ticIlhke tock lu 19W1, 1331 InX1OM lait la 1901 and 154 ln 19W. ln Cao ada talnrée. for tise week nuasber l agaiuOt 211 laat *eek AndI 18 lu tl. woee; a year ago-Brnd$treet*&. Cbîcago--Cattie, commts tu Prime. e.0 ta $5.70; bogg, sblppliîîggrade.,. e44() ta$555; abecp, fair ta cha, $2.711 tý, $j.10; wiiet. No. 2 reil. $1.08104$Le . corna. NO. 2 IV.c ta m1e; Oumta tusaiIs4 80e ta aie.-ye. 'Na. 2. Tic ta 13e: bal.- tIlinnîs. $&W0 lu $13.10: Prairie. #e»00te~ $0.50. butler, eboic re nuaery, 1410 te 1l)c; egrs. tresu. i4e t0- lue; P*Utto6.e indlanâpolios-Cattle, ohppint. $8.0 tO *1175 hoa.choeligbt. $4.M10 to ilseci. commun ta linos.. $250 tù,3.~ n-boit. No. '- $1.080 10 $1.10: cornN. white. 52e 10 53e'. >ots.NO-. 2 Wh 4 32c ta33c. Ict. Logt.Cattle. $4.-50 te 83-1-1:; $4.001 ta .71:heep. $3.0o0ta wient. No. 2. $1.118 t0 P.: cor,. roc ta nt%, Xl. o. 2. Sile a â112e: o.. OC teiTc ctuannnuti -Cuttie. $400 te Ibos. $4.011 ta SS.1; eheci>. $3.W1: iwlîeut. No.*2. $110 ta $Ç co-arn. No. 2 n"ccd. ta 59lriS; 08s. 2 miseai. 2L te 34c.e: reNo. Z2. D,ol.t.-Cnttle,$3.110lai $5119,- S4.00 tii$5.00: o.beep. 31L5Q ' iient, Ne. 2. 'ri t .1;cau yr-lo. STe Ota 1D&: aiN-Na. Wite.> ta 53r. rye. No..2, 74c tn 73c.: î,.lO t..$1:orn, t~No. &25not onaI. N[. 2 'White, 82e la 34c: ri-e._' 73e t làc; 1a blîc.'No. 2..115> 10a To"leo-ýWbenl.-NO: 2 Iitî i. ~~' $1.13- corn. No, 2 mîxeai. 56c te cati, No. 2 mîxWa, P& tta3Uc; rye.Xo 74e 1 9iM Ite:cver iised. Prime- iluifalt.--Ciittle. chir. siippiug $4,U0ita $5.75 -.hogs. -fir, ta. ciiolet, le *&.1; .eop. faitrl ta eC,' »Au0:bei. comamon ta giiolce,