- QM Atteuspts tô tlekle. mm 1»» nsFltopsvad, à( D4rivood, Mme an uansoesefl atfruapt to end ber lute hby e caloci et about- 480 Dr. Sbseldon, olr Hghlmnd Park, vas hwsreily mmoaed, and wuable aIo mle bW ilile, as eh. âa4nottaken eeugb of te p oisn take lunnedit. sffect. 8ho le gowlgsog lsynv lIer = &Sas are grsmaiy grTiêed'0eti thei. natwer, but rineS taugie au POsOObhrammau for iirattsnipted sulide. 4U.ndsrtoa .huseer.thstah? h adj * tlleg u\ vtb e wstieart, vho isa "lidlrat tbefayt. 8h. vaa 'e'th bine gémisan thé-ii. ulubredasml,, Ceunly Dersocratlc Club. At tàw rto*a cauças bld ta sec &hgatss tu tIi.couat'y onventioni WWenmn dunioca. decied to laueeh à ooulul oni~WIationa"d a canonttèe wu anwildfor tlni purpose oS dravlng up by4afanwu im laefor tie omrkn Iaiset.TM cooninilttn lllove: U4w. Quin OesEdvards, )LI Conrad, WUMWM oIsa, D. A* Grady, ,Titu pmma,.GsoegJako. John <lynb. Tepuvpom, '1Ofie contsnuplated opmmlmin. b lu thOe taIteés 91 the Prtytiw hutm.ot. Anthix Am Aa o0m1la. ae ianthrax la reporte4 fora the. wtern portion of tiie e»obly Md larme sare nèflitue110 am-ul tit aObdrssd disses ii agali 'boem preýàat in, twiiebrda, lu: l mmtbwn Wlspqua séepdel ansd go opai e!W IBI ff due disss.. Voi MAY shoot Oiaçks. Tbe dukon ao eeed TInvhay of, [Mst veS* and ma' bunte:aeisklug' O»t lkmmsasse ai C"lRk ne' OiO. Lienm e. snd bat eat eXplred ti. lassaof, Je.. Inucwd b>' Ugteinsg W bille "rilg homne Ith e Fair at tAbt*y'Ile huude' venlng ai Iset wse h. obA Çravind and ean Ear --K-,L OnawWor4eli"eat MWburu ýmai" ys, ~ud~u goasyevas Oi e',iiok It threv EMr. youges seau maulIugbtaedthe.bons. ~ t. t.whbm nks inta a rdxansd vile nt »% ftm II topM$Wa tConfeamle dI»stc. ,,4.,e ,J~Ph ias ubIE.tumd son t hink.. B tise c " oWlodd egba tr liiaid mu id ler s F. P. w-- Is~ i nuoulu nua mise, A.ï'Ir 1depsmed laadI",aI Ils nandede. H imu reme'red 1.11bouneot Dr. IJamisoni Thm" won eorenialdm1 for m..v ey@du.lui a Ok 6 PiwaMoaa uoidtlau1d Isýtll ve#q rîblmu luelt »bolItlebelleved raptZ Wdl. olil.baik-ta ILe d Mr, Ctbwiog le bçAdi burnud. ÀA oi I butwbre hwatie et .wtaly borued.toi r. Cvford le veil kuown lu sud *t et W qMilI *Wsd l anm bii> mW ad pmainéol. HRis ouit171 .mcis ai g sdbas ali>'rovmed f roi $me 1 The onl~y 1ind of consump. amyWetas'.-4<into - car la "nýeect*d Cý 'e4' Consumption," tait l People'are learing that con- ~~~~o E~sm~oiîs a curabfe diseàse.ý Ji!4 nýectdconsutnptionI W. .that is so 0ftçn- incurable. At the faintstsusiion of a MrinR.A.colsumrption get a bttle dl T. w. ott's Emtison .and begin regnar dosemi. The use of Sc" t'a Emulsioi' PM'teou at.,once, bas, in thousands of m lm, ~caies, -turned, the bince ini Witsuifavot, çI health. etgi I ÎW.tb iNwblgIected ccnsumtode - not exi%è where coVaEml Prmtusýeof- Svo tsmuk- can be checked. 'criwsoeuoneuiu ý.ý7 ar.1 .rk i; , lit. ig Al l . ......Ïi8. Dekk Il. 8 tU .. bcil.i., Oitrat.........CscmtFtl fp Wednetidaýy,, Sfpte>y er 14 2:30 TROT. PURSE4~ 1-. GAMETTA PRINCE, br. h., GamefeS 3 witurougb, Wautkegau, 111. 2:, JO! BSLA%, W.i. g, . T ... s. .Smfth, Chicago, Ilu: 8. ELEW lMdt&, a. .,Tp uMiller. .. ivetéldePark PVeri4 , iw. 4. NE~.~,.tw u....... ...... ..... A. Arthur, Cbfcego, III; a. SIC1 ch. gStrathway ..... ....W. A. Clark jr, ot o. ON Mb-. itrouior*.....Rrse sPark Far, "Be., Mont. ,T MDATMAoCm bI. m.. Grattas . W. y' May e hcglu. 8. IINQ AIRY, b. . Kvlln.....F4 ~fa eosna ii 9. imYOENU O. . . Tpieetlle . Uley ICuntr, Cblca.g, Il. 10. BELLqAMAii,,EO ,b i. Ouaen Omtdk*oStock Penn, Gseva1, I. Il: GRIAT @RT ~b . om"m rlto.ketul4ie Park Verni, Bcnli,Wise 1 R089ETTA TTAN. br. in., Q t.,P.Meruh, Prairie Tissu, IIlP le. Q ET RATTAu, Ch. h.,, Grattes.P. IL.Msroh, PraIrie Viev, Il È> f4. .IAITLANDGRAPTAN, ch. S., lata..*.P.R.Mareb, Pr" teVie, Ili. M. JANITA, eh. M., Graystoe. ...... . J. Turnar;.flkevau, Ws.. le. ALTA K., b. o .................. W. Thomu, Decatur, luid. 417. AlUIIER ..................... ........ 4eur> Mueller, Moncde, luid. 2:09 PACE. PURSE #GO 1I. WEST. b. Wet Vilk& . 111. Kenay Co., G'rand Rapiide, Midi. 2. aONNUT6Il. g.' Walnut By . ..... .......... W. P.Evlpakrie, I. 0. SMYL.QCK b g.,. ........... ......... L. j. euticost, Chieago, lii. 4. SU O RI L, c.g, d ......... . J. Wgnen, Cbicgo. Ili. a. SU ElE.b. h., %hllmo Hal............. Waldo Thora, bava.., OCia. Il 'D~~bh. ft m ....... M ocChicago, II. a. PLIt4TY.1*à**».. ý , ..........WSiFadr4 iuCtyl. 9. joi INTER<ST. b. ....... H.A 7 lCic Bn. 1.PESOITT%,b. ni., .................... J. P. Code, Bradford, 111. 91. OREGON MAI D.br.m.,,Od1Norte... clchadso, Boise, ao 52TROT. PURSE- SOX t, ONNR, . g, ,vrhwker............... 1. C. Worth, CinatiOI 9. IEYîL4NE. b. m.,, sel Wilke......_.. Oukweed Stock FarIlà, Gene-vt, IlI ,S. ETTIËlehI. mc.un, Iilude.. ý...... ...'.......1). chilllu*, Chicegolii1,1 4 AILEN W., b. t..Whakleu....... L. Giludr, Fiéee, III. 5 . aARONGALE, r. .,;B..Sroumen RiereldePark Parai, »Bu,,Wis. le. CALCNEb. m.,ClaMa.......... . ÀT«,CýýIi 7. Si~ AT~ .~~...... eiýa~chiefflgOiii., S.PETERS TIOÊL<S. ch. gHrse.. RivesedePark Fara, Berlin" Wis. è: FLASH LIIGRM1f1Nb. twood. .. -.M. Munt. er, Chîcmgn, Ili. 10. ALUEHAUNo. m, Ro"gHffln o .-J .jF McGalre, Denver, Colo. Il. SWIFT, S., b. h., Stoe S'........ ý-...... J. A. Ricluesa. ,Boise, Idaho RUNINGffiMILE !DASI4. PUSSE 5100 Thuraday, Septefnber 15& 2ýt8 PACE. PURS¶ 01090 1. I4ARRYMAO. ch. X., EdinaV.,............ e. ,Vagi, Solon Mille. 111. 2. MAffl KINQUIEY, b. m. Oolesel Cohran.-M. Johnason, Assomption, III. a. BIWVAL. OEWW'Y. b. ai, Patchea WlIkes. *..E. a. Cons, Chicgo, lu. 4. R KNO, br g..Athmailc long ...... .j. Carson, Wifhbepeg. Manitoba 6. 0*1111.sý.h emra ..... ..... J. Caraco, WlinspeFi Manitoba S. ç e H18TTAN bk. g., Grattas ....P. a. Mmu*l, = ire . 111. 7. UN gP .I., Pure 0God......CharltaP.DndiiChlUt.II ta teOalaluiu .. ttUp AU II, 1W =ýÇ bik. a.,Ouc00 ô00 . . .... .. 4,IL Kits, ackson, Mo. hI. LUL>W_.br. in., Roy'Ule..........ýW. H iati I4." pRLA1T#O. b. 8-1 Manth0K!..-atr CnaeII l15. F«EMONT t.. ch. 4g0W udru. E..l. S. Daxatad, Chîaton. Wis. 2:16 T ROT. PURS! S$600- 1. WII..KHURST, b. h., Wilkes Eoy......Riverside Park Paraierln, Wie. .2. AL.*N WOI>b. «.Whalébone:........isClio itber, III. 8. TOM -liq J., b. h., Tom M, e...i vem-idà e Psr emm, Berli n, W is. 4. qIAYUATE . . haeOi.........A. D. Hughbes. Chiîago,Ilil. .R!PlýAO, br. K.. = nl..t.........lao. Calder, Jr., Nochb etudemuo, Ill. S. ANNT, m .Mrrv.......I.J ~tset hcgII 7.NNI 'OU.II,. um,, Grand Brs ...d. HÔîlUd;Blwoomiigton, i. 8. III&ME SiRCl4bOOD; ch.m.,lihwood. Geo. Hil. Bâtabruoir, DenverCol. 9. .....,bh, t', ...... ........ J. A. Riebe*Aisen, Uose, Idaho 2152 PACE..POURSE $11m Butte. Xcmt II. ..... .Waldo 1bO, ibàwntè, okaý .~J ca-», %'Ii igMaitobe ......... ... L. J Gold-..........Chas. I fednhleno, nt1 mut ............. vf..t Mh 5,. ... Hu lsittu>' esue 1. bIlLE PAabIt. PURS! $Sb0 , Soptz»berJ LL. PAbe. PUSSE 16WOp Ihhl~l~ Keus>'& Co Orand R ,M .C £iwi cmgolit. Ch derilit se. iift RR 46000 ... .......ceI, l ......Geôait, Chiaego,l. .Rivsnside Park, $"a es4p, tile -q, A.-àoiuvR cbal&iàtgoa 111, a.. mme LauO Wlk.is . £o. ...... .... ......eur- hh.Sothway .......2'.... .&i 9;20 PACE. PUR«S 50 ELbr.-i4Srqde. a. i8mutuaS........... R.. eh.ou, iaiMu.........Ge TAb..,Game Onweard ........ ... .. .. .. 04M-a6o oUpI, ver lb '* ..........A Itcb Mericaa Java, per Poud....:.....-............... lotiuMuh sdJava WCose, pur th.. . 11 laow êucoored Jaffl Te%, Purth,. ........lb «**,, ............ kiuarcla Pure llaitig Po#w3Be, pe lb.*i>- ...........1......?..... p« colisa...r...............c..l..... . ....... >Ylonam ad in, aTeé, (hinpowderor Ymax HIIsôD Tea, p- Ilib....... r PrWs Um rem Bakin# Powlar, porlb ..... ........ .m... . . pineet FormoemOo<loong Te, 41.00 quallty, pet lbý............. let Rngll1a Bralut Tê%. noue better at a"Y Prim$ er ..... .... rangle fool ticicY fly Pipor, 3 double ibeeta fo ................ ... snt Pours, 2 pkge for ............ Sclapollo,poeak ........... . whiltea uhber, fret quallty Fruitjae RCO@. Pers .......... ...... lo i nlty ?olbbdWod lothes pa, per .............. .is -4I U7r1tVIlbryv ArItlt t50 oRCwar 'x botIti ai ene will b. mentfIe t4 every rmedr ai Mes .papr who Io muer- lng with aoY klnd of 41n ioétdaa or eruptions, any fbrinof EremFlldO 'lleding pli", ftrufula, lttch, Tet r Bathera ltef, Rngw(ormp, Bole, fl" Poisn, Foeectiore or any other flier diéseaeor oresn ofany naine or nature. *t5O reward will be paid for any cassé. of Eciema hS,-5nfo romptl f cia with Hecaine. E-z "wllhuiass' mors or cure the worttskia and uiake it look lîke vélvet. 1leretoforîbem hum btcen o BWpecvdlecovered that wotild cure EcSena and kindred dlispases. until FA.. uine Waatt dioetvered ad row tholuea¶ds are cursd dailkr. Neyer mind what yetu hsive trled; forget tihe, failure. inade lîy other rieilieoe anîd e.'n.1fur FREE SAMPLE of Felue, wbkeh iilwtys gilt relief andt a permanent eur. Ec-ztine Skin e sasil ie bet antî.e.pir mnoap mauude. It vill clearisu. anythng- wl destroy microbes of dandrulf, fauing hlair, more head. bande and fret, pinifples and lftIakhewa se face and bake -tbu sih enîooth. The uenly antiseptie @aa- lng soup made, giîaranteed to cure germ dineaes-*5i ls it don't. 25i entoi a cake. Write to-day to 11. BOYD CtlI3rICM. CO., DudSss i ie ot s for tbe pnluil)- f'the Alexandler Wureten rop-xety ou Wafhiiigton strffl.t al, tihe îld if cka>' culw.rt. ou,.oI the' Sinfft plamin tluhaut rt l ths.ity. The cuannderation vue #11,0f 10and lb. dîwtor getu uill oItihe lanud viLl the, exv-î'itloiiof -about 2iut> t.-t On Washlingtoni dreit uail]Park ai-onu,, or on t1i.'West ci,lof Itw ii,' roi-u. It in a iII-»îitiuilly msiita-d ; piee ,'tikilig' lu oîne of the prettaett pari nifthe.' big ravine wlaicb là i.aam 'Ieuîr fs,'ni th- lak. Tii trte uad clirul,-t U.litîje îîld h4 îeteuiclarm ainong thu fiient lin he 0.and Dr. Foie>' wiIli malleniaktmiuitau inuiproveinenta Which viili give bîî,iloe Of tI. vu-ny prettk* t bornes on theu' tort1% touiny aKccrdlng to. thenuinl cumetorti the vorkingman dotted bisIluthuit- filX clotem, diîîuned the. itimaguuîa of bis higu guelul raînk,nid tcu.lptnîîtï«l l.Ai,îr D&y viih al the celat tat elouii-.l tn lb. Occasion. Muont ni tliit,ü Inieaundu places Of bncitos.'a ,losed an bouor -of thea dend Lb. tawn vas arruiyod in gaila Attire. Eron Eiectrlc Parnit uuî.nw a evsldencuiO Ofixtrn, testhvit>', au iudnl day long the groundsa ver. juiimîiel. Tint parada, vaseneuir>'a le long, lulîndnu-ds et ipguiuIg lin île. and wi.wam itliuut ,dubti the biggest and best. Iait Wuiu- ikegan ban evir smon. ItLIneludî'd ahil zMue fsflttve6 Of organised labo'r and 1ados r>' in t e cil>', ad , sh ne mepl émut wltb happy marcli,,, vin 1 iet elt)tluat iltvrutheir otu ,~ -a#n~smoinie."--s. .Jones, Aeres arsspandllayIî1 a.norv liîfter, a blood - To-limItareovnykcpIi tBuilding.-,Material 'J'lie' building sttason u her. îîiil 'we a erepared, to futritIî nlî witlî- ev îvythîi n eoeptmM in thieIi iie. Let ne figure wîth y»u if vota j going to build. It, wîIl evrtnîmîIy pay you to do 00o Feed Department Our Feed Jepartment i completit ini every detail, and your inspection- of our lino liq deire1. (Our IIOw Feed Mill Io runing every day,and . will grind-any anti ail kinds of fowd Leadlng Brands Fiorida Rose Palmer Cox Little Palmer La Dominencia Little 'Dorninencia, La Comercial Ma&e by skilied woekmmn.of the, purct nid beat tobacco grown. - - .- -----. l Ams uie utoma sé ulWaj's tePuai i advauS.. am., s moue setils. ver Wei, y wets5i« ttlgshu F i AL-8 n milikere and 5me cprliitrs. W. EIPm LNAN.Llbty@vllk'. ,Woo WICD'lo ent eS Ibri rsuine of ouf. W ,snLii16Poil e 't lOf Mond W1 ut veeeeafon t hr fP. or slir t r i. L Addrs, Cam of eeneuRcmua. e 4'-t' FAU FRORLE-ICN'd le .irei11, MI,,s,. =a, o. vnoex&i. vimle W.t u oso U an. 4-tf..t ew rit Reuet. lr .aa t107 f a ui .ne t.u 5. g. w Dibova. -e i oferd iet tbe bDî.UUDEU? 5OMM. ÀbY f lnMY wWao. plsed t4sere dadas t'. miby enset wuileb SuItMar haVe br eeWns for t. i11l U LOeflGusac FOEB»*Ljt-M>recîdence on Fairotreet. F WihaIgu dpolot. mise A.A.. Bush. Uibentyvlle. 4-fu Adju Iation ticeY. c pub! enotice te bSesbr .1fVofltiit th, "utiet a.« o f th et W WilIl anîl ant UuntqfaiaeçMME',!t NoticeorF Pial ettlemuet* Sate rd 111112I8. cati uitLahe s..le tuoe, n oeour 09 fLa,'uunitr, U(ob..r 1dm. A. loge151 0s.1iZ 4,e M s.t<I.. Jteejb. U wu.j"Ge. Vlaarkis cOIue.u"il hMq Bauet,. heis. et la, ofaRaid -.uu.d ail,.on I onu tOc thtday ai OetW4.en.àAD 155< nt evn o oka. m,. Il.hef. hiehaim ofsd 1 nta .lceuAwtd, sud 64:toe bvethe mosp u anv.Isd te bave saléntate eise e-'I.d*éte te dfseed se muet ad. minulstur, a iot Ielme aud pisse 7« fur *aiD~eièf Yeu desire no te.de, on P.gaz- amtmlaitsslof et he Omtuts l>ntri agtujt'3. A. i>. il«.. 4l HAM4A à MILLEt; Mteme. Notice Of Final settiement. Pla.,ef lI1aule<Juty'ot Leke Ps&i lIecut',g:lar I 1 .akunoati Owlbe twn A D.110. thOe Usthr etthe lot Suiieh Tstaxment n0 Sab M"aie, To-Lewis Niui..Heury Madols 1be M. Von aile Mei netflaet si! on mmnai, lb,. zh bebdyc t>etedAv ae taeI ~ ras. M4.. a maniurlm e, b s rat ad an sa a ao theBaramm os e u es Dated Augst 30A. D. Dme. u8 N otce of Flua 1Settleunejt. limaitAtlmsî. us>' NotIce. - Adlmudo*tte Notie. lico u ntv convetion to R»didatm 4orthe. officeai ,me>', circuIt Clsu*, coroue Brwor wllbs elul la tWi !wnBoi Uatgrdq, OSIS o'elo la disavr -ýb" thicit accus Fda>' .Atm d e e o*veotIoaart igW5duct sfd us nes PMi beb on preelat tuaI semai lu dual psqdlat jtes ler but se bave ual e àus lu an hald l muatmsiare..asu se, Han**J- "Y -7, -e f J 7 A j- 0 - r -d' 1 -7 r-7ZA l_ àL-lL m 1 ýl - . . 1 ý . 1 ý. . 1 111 ý 1 ml ý 1 - 1 ý ». 3ý; . 1 - > 11, .;Ulon. 1 -,- - - -- .- ---4 FI 'l"w h D ti Il d A el k p a Id k nIr #4 b di ti tf J, x fil