Iay HEcketwil.r NPW~y*, 0f thia Plae, ai :,notits, gr;, cd Rocksfalr, oW i. oold friands bher tbit F. .*'Saillir outanir- oh* of ie sintestets baie and lisei 0f Ivarnie Camp ame air ball to as w u"iect 0* mark Andtewa ha doing tire1 wmvrsWaored lait Sunday by a ery O$tng s*d able addrswn by Henry èker, of Wmskegan, Prasidaut of the. lé ouanly C. BL Soclaîj Seau.. ot OlmnbrMane Celra. oafew word. lu 'Coli ,Choiera B.urady,"asya Mr. John lii.t, 920nga 1ass, Taxas. OM5 ou.w w it vhhbowel trouble ý al kluds of! ailelue vltbout hsgamyrelief, wben niy friand, lir. olànmor a irerairaut bare, odvind-ne 040,94i rdqbsdy,. Aler tariç an WÏm ea sym*rellaefi L t" U» twnrld. 0" I bs o oIl = ,Ozit. Ubelvlle - APT K Ic ligeWWaidrjr t ib i ge balt Fridhy. ýQ Nyrtia Hoin vorl ""t t a if DSy. Xt. suri mis.d.'Nuttar1 bWe Omdey aftaoj. Mies Lecy B"ariesd1 g aleray sud.Sd Ke Sobotiàumsd ulac 4ma. be ean Ur.sud Ut.. C"" i"e WibuI vbte a ttar' n»A4ptulnJstar Crffu ImPabtiti.bMan ~Mrinb i ofa uo. afr id -toretiayb H.le* t,ýI im .oom ,Usuri ér 4amm lac, doberi p"tir4 MWM' O rsau a om.. i Daurisla suffaniuj r, sd mlire.Alum Hall, Mbm Su d Roy Joue att pics burnday.' dbl auept 5 vitu Xia l9, a9 Ivaira, autacban.: hmewé a r b.d Mie Li& ýi n hcoutînuiug ber blgbo 5CO0m la qicao. mi- ]Dow G l bChiago, vwwte wlto ber past.ose ud a"m N Ot emthe happy parent Oras»Ce0.mou borpept, . th. Edaiîosai Ohago o0*"suliay. glu etaditLokyrW rubmiý..ÀIw studio ats is C ago Muati o4I. Mir. .Md tir&. 14ýw10*O5 1f14mmi Mir u lc. ChatesipnGu. rniýr.. WM..Bock là airaady rushng beie busin swlth llé new alght born»pwe gagolme euglue. lirxeg uid lira. WeW rAllegbah". CltY,, Ps, are viitins tirir bhtb,lr Pre stole. lir.msud lira& Bernard Magon o0Wau kqauspat-atowda"s -titu -Char s Evarett thia weak. Fred Stocke, Lena Hoffrneyrasd lir*,. Obria floetz spaut a le "dfya wjtb reia. tires Iu Chicago this week. 1lUr. and lire. Charlen Hermcbbargr, Jr., Of LonMg Grav, enpt Sunday witb lUt. and li.C. J. Harierga*r.- sudadiu I Min Ethelyn Kuedler hm Ibagu er va@ entirely lrlgb ecbcol courâea t Dnerlinld townshrip grest r bidy r ciroûl, Higlsud Park. For n"ebyliraS. LE. Loomis bas returnad ftram s r( Gevabse tva veekea vist iitu bar dangiiter, bMn.. Butllugarueaut Wankeba, Wla. . Onu W«dneeay,.Sept. 14, aIt the Long amsiness caler Grava Luthra ehurar, li;. Fred StoL-e 1 %4 udMinLena Roffinoyat T'aie United lu kinig for Mre. »arimés eby the 1ev. lMr. cbaildt. Sudayaschol i fildIn tha ne bal rlited at G. MaI Ib.ini.; YOUug NPopa.Allianceata .. 7 p. ni., sud preucbing mrvies a 7:45 Ifyrtis Hoif pn. Ailare ordially invitad toatianil. [my at Gtays- Tihe Kuedier FIinra.IMJJU hanbeeu ri3unlrW ugititira lai. laiýe mksoing e, <ieug ta tihe bg rush of euabour wbsat, msuy fre daim fast fainer. cmng tritu griat fro;u Wiacou- sin. Two fatmere frani Biltoi, Wt'., aibo camee lu company, returnad home ilppe of Lais itlr ston aoftour. parents bars ______ Fmarful Oride Amirrt Hlm. ýtorust bad IDedrlddon, sien. eaa «tute. Sncb baud'apoerla bIe!W W10tire condItion ofainsu<d - oldlsbyaueof J. J. Havons Verealhl., , Forysarlbe %vas trubian the. diat of! i* iSdney diseous sud nriîther doctors Io Grove . noam uitem gave bu relii. At laugth Obg M tm bahorie!Ebitrie Btters. lb put fhlm on hie bu o bet inllshort order sud noi e h *0 mouir à testifs "'m nion tieromilta ompilote The ransta rerovry,ý' Dest on .artb for iver sud liarys mme. Sidny trouble.sud ail frm1 i tma1 s»d -bo"el m lu . Oi 5e GumianeedatF .La 'ibty - Ville; OsvR& x aarav beltstîrh a- st iset t .u LAKE ZURICH. Mme. L UBrnetbooka trip ta Joliet lisSs Fed scbutt bu- Ua.i i peurai hi ,bei, Rmean Arudl,of Dundee, vasa visitar y WL e.Twmday. -Chaa. Schah mmade s buines. trip ta - ren Î Carr, a! aucouda;w ritudbualupse , esilor hmbor rSdsy. sn lande ta Fort m Peani Twelve faxiteil, vio bas ionksd iti i for tva y""re tilitFid 94i tago 10 sebool, lute itSabrdai shtteom. Nffie Traut aifCirleag; elslts Sra ud* hll er pr reI Couvase sud 'Mr. laiii1,sk &Mlira.fiee. Shohar epst lent slthMr.insd lire. O.M. Tranil Ut. .Runry Nordmeyer isaribrother *iâ MffIlut veal for NortinDakota bu' ý,ýisqte a nuratar Immibe atandai tibp ïaus t oGraee lait Fnday eveniig *a ail reprt aSmlsetiré. lirs. Rusiet sud son .jobu returrie OOboâs latlonsar *eongafaropendiug a kW wesel eltirfriands bars. 1 *pr. tud liraMle mBeelitendsd tha hariags or tire tme'. star, lMWsela Iooula:M U. Hew7t Th"ol, at Voibo lemt --X &hl. nuiner frein beau ataUded tire 1bli samutaIGrailake lest Stinday îmuaou, batrasnlirhe aGisaka sur flot ninea. Siahisar', Arnica iUshve limi wnriUld. fadue for n.arvallaum Iteus It= - oue n ýn. va l~e Y. W. Wesab noveil bis bouoeaold gooda tà Wsrreouda lent wesl. The danSes hatuordsy uight va. wQI attended snd tue muode waa grand. MineAmura Meyer, o! liuntlay, vialted ber brotherý Frsuk, bore Saturday and $uu.day. laine@ Davidson bai rptunned frorn"hle viîaCearda sud ea Ir.sud lira. Jaues Suetzlnger. SJohn Kohrl made a trip ro Highland Park vith la d of chiaknleslat eSk. Crist Sebumaker lnlemrde rondugta D.rringtaa tirelotaofOctohar were lie .hý -bboum, flpýM Lookuer lat bere ?easday f ol, ýÔW tÊty, ielaho.ba irsa osition St thre OoQi Idrtâ for tie.IL, J. & E. Mrsnmirem. Wr . Rainurr, ehro biase béeau vlôting wllbMr. sndlits." Bai Fuice for lb. >qt mtoutatrtail fer. 46 vot vzre cat thebaPrimery âo5Iau tai hd&y 0f vhlnih Ran isesivei, 82; ydecler, e7; Pe"@s, 4-, &or, IL."W»«' et end 0*otf e tpod esa agbok Mir, sudlts.Wi. lilekua, lin. andi Wm .Emil 1Fie sasd gr. endlira. Wai. Rsmmer attoAirdd tirs,ra a aILbsrty- villa Tueadaiy. A Àgaod rny more ame going tu attond tire mal tv,'o daye If tira wsdtirer la favorable. H500 solo aP. tof a rslaln' Ihave sltbrhr4l' orb Rsrrmy for more tbs ieuy yepau lb bao given, antire aiatin'ir. sold s pila of Il u cnroa 1edI blgbaly.-Jo.opbMcElbluoy-, Lln loval. o liaddt mnyfun fr-ind and ben troublie uta e outh or"ol. il aleass aford« qurel r Mi ard 7 intesasut tu take. For aaiaby F. 0. Lovaru, LIbenlyvle; GUSYSUkkU WARRENTON GROVÎE.. lire J. Shieidanilh vinltlng in Chircago. Mr. Wai. Hutchbfluonhsaediug thre St. Louis Fain. lira.. IeiCanu habeau vistingr- sou lu Chircago.-.-1--' limeoliar-yRyaltmlondayrFeîretl wb.re ire la ta tench tire eomflug year..-i idra. J. Caliairsu and son rvlnnhave Ibeau vsillug ln New York, bave retotnad borne. lire. K. Boulin ehia basi bee visting witi ber sdoter, lira. M. Dugan, has. . tarned t bshome in th elit. %bem raeuumd ubeIr atudias at tihe 9 1-h Im arPSk B4b chool. W'th bisf511211 p rior to 'dolng tiri nisidmnces for thé emn Chui. Atwet, of Ral Day, hau oma- V'&&W the euluirgonant of, the brlg amthe longb user eilutrberga Thei Lyons sriool opened Noiday wltb iM aru y *,Yànr, of Warrato ea tneWir. abè h; boarding at Bd John. No* that D. B. Gibbons bus the noi- nationfor .Raprestatlve, Wu & bout time the. bien. woka up !%aid boomsd t- satalittia. An estertawnent sud 1100eùnimsocil wa.4snd.rad.aii audiencabl about forty pèôplait the. Wbelervllle cbnrtb on laut Truraday evenflng,anda neat littie sui waI sfd. Mri. sud lir. Mile.s(Jonway bad tieri twln girls cbristied layçk li 9arnes are RitaMarie Con way and Rose i4ry Conway. -, h làtire duty of every citizen of Everett' to tiu out and attend the. bail grime at Wsukegan next Snndny between tira Ev. oretto and Waukegafia. And dou't for- get thnt tiera eerttz are goiug tb win.q lie'. Honey randiTar th diferent froni ail other rariradies offed for th. roelie of eongh, long and bronchial troubles.' it-eontainiqAntiaeptit propertion that detroy the gemarnud "ovant propertme that eut tirephleg, Rnsioiluait ta b. tbro*niilf, moyas tii. bowel, gently. Curascmp on o bhandl colde inl onîgr. oAy WIILL ELBT Lievilla ýDing Store and at 0 A.Y&,- LK uAEMACY. Mrd'. P. L. Jorgansan antprtalned a frend Sunday. Mpaucer Jorgen suad Eddi Thereiu ara on tha alck liât. The lMies Kuaak are atertaintfà a cousin frorn St. Louis. Frank Tupper, of, Virginia, baisbWS sasu on our treets lataly. Miea Razal Vaut bhmbégon 'eclool at tihe Highlaud Park Higb meiool. lir. aud lira. C. B. Easton visited ii Chicago saveral dasadurlug tira week. The. Amity club gaveas kitchen slrowr on lUlm, 'haye4a Vetter Fridsy eveanng. lit bas beau dqaredadvisble te change tihe tinie of tii. Junior Endepvormneat- inge bâck tb, the former tme. Sagotire meeting@ will bc beld on WandiiaY altarnoon, immuediatr'ly elter orlrool honni clope. Tire St. Pan's Evangelical churcir wlll calbrate tire snuiversary af the. ladies'. socieby and tireir airnual mission Mts ,Sunday. lSept. 18. Every one in cor- dially -iuvited by tire pator of the. churtb. What la Lits? it the lant analysia nobod4 knQwe but wado kuowvthat it isunde t laie. Abusa tirat law aven allglrty, pain rasuite. Irragular living inqans derange._ muent of tiha argani, resultlng linsti., paton, beadache or, liver troubla. Dr. YAg'. Newv Lite Nl.s qulckly re-adjustn tuis. t'. gantia, yet thorougir. Ouly 25e lat F. B. LovsLL, lbertyville, G.AA'SLàKE PHRARM. PALATINE. )4r, Bryant roturnad frorn bis viit witb Iriende ila Chicago rrrcntly. )dise Mary l)anlalseu returd froni bar eateru trip it St. Louis F'air recntly. lus, lisrtha Saner, 01 Long Grova, wasyery plesaut caller ou friondo iu Palatina Monday. lir. - LeasOlsan autertsiued the Bachlor girls of Palaiine Wednasdsy et bar home lu Evaýnston. Le DUi. Bnaof Long Grave, h aprvlni atarai jat dreniblkng wltb lir. au In lipalatns thlpjtsll. lir. and lir. Rerurdluger raturnad to their home le Chicago slter s week's atgky 'wIt friads lu Faatlns. lir. Northilusl,<ef ChIdcago, Wu$aa guésat of bacasent, lim. Hopkins sud esilriou friendu 1 i Palâtine Frids.y snd ffiàsrday of lest waek. ThMa wful grWnd t. abbing pain lu tbeaback infront te ldoe Ad of Plnuues wlll cure It ovar ng~Pireulsa lealew dkfcqtsry put up lua M.way. A dlgtureeyadoaiie for anl klêey ud lader ro5in.Soid by Vuz HÂELE, LbsryvaDrgstore slat GMvsLsIPm ur ç1m4QB HAL Mmr. Frank Browen hn vlatiug bor ater. lire.R, Bond. . ClareneaWorrllay. inbuilding a ina large cblckanb ouma. Chas. Tra.ker j1. sway visitiug bis brother lunlihaaoirL. mi"s Aliras Sdwlnis qulte siek nt the. borne of ber sater, lir. C. Woolley. lit. .pud lra.'Geo. Wilbur apant lait week vWlng lir. nrd lir. John Woelley. liràý Flovd Cuil vria apeuding s week wit b br parents, lir. sud Mre Shepard. the i. Fsilhuie ook. Mibuanon bas retorneàdtro ebr bau~s d Pete. 8baIwdvisl" W. j4ïý S C hcago Suu"$~. Mm $Ob hrdsoa relited relative tu 'B01flamthu Pest IkW da.Ms à4t idl . D r i. Ynd ýodsegtu-Ot af CWý>'ëte viitlng eý te ihome rd Bangbet. lrere. )lmio@NWkd Itumeeli aurii4iMr.Hý laturgr.pfIUgot4, vlutsd4 et t1hbonm. ofim Lt. ,M. Rumon Sqy.ý Bere! mwilll ha bild o*0 lbIoiasof 0. 0. Urnin un tunday témuaSn at 2rq0. Everybotle lainvited to atted. 1in Usais unnîli rterasil Uaturdsy fram a*1wo eeke' visît l» ÇbSiagor. r unele, Mzr.wartbe, açomp«Wsu dber Tburaday nrorning, @Setb, at 9~ o'eloek, 1jthtei.Caîrollc cie h oerred tii. musriage of Missae la Boslng to Reury Thaiqof Gtisha, lu,&1ev. Thie of Fr.moit, andi ltv. Thalle of Soutii Chicago. brothera af tie re oom, par. 'forrnad tireearemauny. Aftertireearernony a large reception wae given et ti. borna of the brlde0à parents. Frlay nooI, tire uawvly iw.dded coupla lWftfor Goshan, Irid., wbere a home Wa@ a l néatly Ihîto: Isira foW'thain. May thair Ilte haoa of happinesmind prusperity le the wiab of thérlruaiy frlaurla. Ona oftirae mast important requ ire- mant@ lu a ruadicino 10 ha given tai mmli cbldran ehîuuld be t t i laI to take. Badl tastng âradlchra distorh'ith. stonmaeb, destroy tihe apure. tite sud lItgl.ex trenraly difficuitto 0gat ,eidren te taka tbem. Tho. pkaamut Mlvorof RB.oniue Laxative Syrup, tii. sartair cura for Dyspesa, con- stipation -sud liilionsam amanti th most amsitiva persons nid lh tii. deal laxativa for yonrg ebidiren. 25e, SOc and $1.00. Salît by F. B. LOvELL. LONG LAKE Tii. liclairarifamâ~y bave rnavad fron' liera. Waltar White ws.r n War4isgan 'vitôr Tuaaday., Harry Sorerisanin atteudîng achooL at Raist Fox Lake. Win. Wilson af Sanda, visltad bie dangbtat rec.ntly. Tyler Glbrt4nmd fn.rily wore visiting lài Waufl a Sturday. Thon-»Graharubm ha hemisorune to break bis l1« lamt wepk. Arr Ëditor OlInlon. Our réa"eewilll ha lâtarested lu tire stateursut lry lr. Jobs E4moadsi. aditor ofibe Daly sud Weakly Couriar at Lineoln, - 111. ne aya: 1bave long beea farer fronicoutitirtlonal cousbts»tlo% &M ibavea ua.d loGo Tçnia Laixative S.yfrp. i l ouird tau egreabile maditei e adst the r thing for maou euçsed n sde ag W Crrnt.1 take ch rela rao 4rud ne" GoTuis ThkLaxative 8y1eP ai s suad ail.- tive',witront a"y grîpn o auweatinff efoe cmn, o i siniar r metra.' 25e 50e sud $1.00 bottles. Solil by DRUCE L ÎI(E Quite as unabar of f r, cottages rare ai- ready lasai for theremassn. FranmeasCiapursu entartaiujd a young lady friand f rom Ciqago limt Sondai. Nelson Steeleof Wankagan, la bavinga finer naw building eractedau bis property bore. Chai. Tucker la vialting bis brother ini Itlsouri thbis week and aisa tak ing in the pair. lira. Wrn. Wilson bai beau sick wit,i hrocbitim but la irnproviug et premont -writing. Mr, Patanson of Cu4agaý'speut Mon- day, aur? Trreday et the boni. ai lr. swageou. Mir. sud lins. Btoyenterttslndamulu ftront trasootiierU pex.i ai tihastat tire first of the week. A neii tbeory thatflbla roing accuas. fui in tire cure oal. hm« , onga bronebial affatlon îl, obled 'ln Be.'q Laxative t1oneq andiTat. -Thir rnrsy cuti the mue»a, bJrýthe -araabrauouel llning of th2i. W Ip g brorrefila tube.. .oaWusu lir. O.E. Dumwâi leahang bis home pointe. .About farty front bars wiui attend lb. Elkboru fair. - iMre. lartmn Pbrele bus autirely racav- ereil' franiber rusaI lUnreu. Edgar H. Couuuqir, of Byron, Ili., i spending i le vmoinsvitirh I.ebrattier, W. D. Morer, tire Jereler, irai movad ta Graynlake, iebert, b. cli conu et a jeaelry store. lire. J. F. smlti, tri Chln.agîr, opaint mavril htursn oitu ber tonsia, Mca. ,las Amaun thiru week.. A gai garu ine balijl . litala plaçe ber. Sudy ieteee Ib.loalte-ai n d tire WhiteB'oxM a-Libertyvilla. Bath tonins bave flayedgoad hall ail the non- son, aud, an finteretiug gTerecaui h. lrkdfor-' Theira ic»rga»lf lob dearrtmanlt -tunusý- ont arrctlOUu-- bisa irk le -rad a eira lswuaerbs, ar w. p llabrwe of echa pppt, trien bisa a lned U. TbeIlrrur.urqnsu5~ea ur r anse 5WY"'- f'Y foiaxyweriwi. uiiAt ýy Jaob Gaoidémltlr Irn N. A. Stel fer *O0ad 1 1te6rint îtdoil to tr lb. Iriniber' yiilh lalm Mosa' ln .r&thr lirts neas'hulndug on Ubedatidmu d nrtâ of Bnlloc&'-sgrUnd on Wb bfch wa iiaûs test week. Wankegan P-Pie lO"aoTet wek witlrsgrestemt scorrow tirat libelsj. Crmer, ihaugbter of formner Buet.of achoola W., F. Cramer, wu»- burrned.ta d"th lait Frlday at ber home lu Wiiver- ly, us. The youg lady lord'llgtrtsd gaslin aavelutir ktebn.Latarnsie turned Il off1ot only pantiy sud amcura- ulatad gasoina esusoil su explosion nu ah. ligbte'd tsacaue nte. Sire ushea froni tire bouse, sereamIng for aid, wlth bar dres burnlug rapldly. Wben oh@ roncbad the yard aire vaR anvalopad ilu flames. Nalgbbora rumbad ta ber alt-i suce, but thiri.Cforts we.re tro laIe ta ielp tire vketIrn. "The Tendert oot" uir 4couame sud na aud tire use &-Kvnntr Ibotrai, basa" tnrnnauiy dedimestn. The' attandanc wus only , aact tiret Wnukégan'sbould hbanrtilyabhbaned ai. TlirIons. ewal pructirally cofnplatonl, tilt- stage settig were satire, the iconrpny ou. itire beit tiraI confid hamacurail and tirat tire people of.Wainkqffi, aitor vnitirig for years for mal msr-i a beautiful pinceai amusement, did o u rut ntld MI tire broneta tire douo, Iu oua of lia myterroa. The Schwaurtz tlirein anauinstitutikon af whricb Ibis city esur trahi i.prod. Daatifully deconate, it td ieitb enurt- able apara chairs sud eithh varv con-ý veniaure tirat goos ta ma. the modemn pln>-bouonulte, inelodinar stagea roue for thaetir-stproductions an tha mond. Supeintendeut tira. A. 'Zeor,' ai lb. Ilinois Asylurir for lhe Incurable menue, Mouday commalésteà wiith Chairtopu Staphana of tira Board ai Supervlisrs, relative tu lb. trasiser ai the couuîy's incurabies ta the abatesitution. Ha wibed s Ilat of tire incurables at lb. ponrbouma t Libertyville marie out sud foieeddtgafilm. Tiren ans futIa roum la avallable et Peonla tlb. conuty people il b. acconmodated t l re.. fibAirnianStephens spd Suparlutandont Applyopaetuget rldof a grealî mauy af lire coauty's incurablin luinthiajuanuer, sud look for great relie frmi the state. - oinesa"-tiie pour house, have gon insane ine haing conmîtted ns paupars, sud thome jîroat lieanlludged ut trot-e or trycannaI ha mot -tu Poriro. Waukeai basareal i e oiiswbleb enterasirouam«, frlgbtcraathe luarates sud tran dapartas. A barteudar siiot uit tire thlng tire other uigil, *abat a hala rigbt tbrougb il and I irrilail aira wr-ut It. wny. 1 i i helu ii. lutity aifhiiaemete4ryl whereéiis gbaatebîp prowe about and ona uigbte Ibtweelk s party ai tan de. termiurd y<rnug mnotarteil roltii)i gnr deuiler-rircat alter tire graet. Ah iae arrrrrd tir tire teetîr, arndlasrepnrésentative ai q loupr aiiîer wns lu tihe crawd, ou thal t caa fornmidable anargli tir sapa vmnir suy power u ai arlunr. lButb.h sipook vas uatltis edioevaran sd &fer aafruillasfidvu hrour r dame lu the druiris, a midulgbt vigili amrau tire gravasla - tire cemetery, sud o, rteru trateL o! ai l themain Southr ail. streets tihe vigilanre rtnrrniuttse openiy aiofli &i dld nrt catch a glîmpea nf hfi even. Wuukfflau people ieilt not rida tu Ku-uoshaun tira trolley lia. tiiripor, au tlii fartera renidlug lu the t»wu ai Pk4w"rr&Prairie lutereein lutirecoin- Platlon oui lb. lraeks ai the ChflcAgG1, Rmnha & liulwiark Raillvy, have basaîinotidied tirat the constructioncreiv of tira corpany will nat luvade lCanosoa county Ibhis yean, but tW~work will bai balted at tire LaIe corrnty line until t*i apenîng ai tihe naztI eason, Thii. vo*k bai beau lot to Zion Ciy contenoturie sud it hua progtasad lu a very sablalý tory ursner. Tha blg ateantsb<vàh tire contracture are noie b"lul orkedkA tire vary entace of Kano" a tequ-M but thora lat sncb a short lime befoare b eonurg of the ieinter uranths tuae ti mianagersitha novirre bave urotiliisd the contracture up& tu crosslire st-at.a LONG OROVEL If th. weatlrer or rmre otilesunforseer tbirrg daeu I tpreveut, s guoi gaina ai bail maytire expacte n uthaelhome grounrle hinay aitemnoor,. Lon!g Gra ve cao allaluhboutaof baviug a god bar-ler, hou ICayes, forroeIly of, Paamneu, la glviug excellent satisfacionr la tire tomrsîrish lUna every Welnaadny, Sstrjrday sud Snrnday mniaing. Shoir ou seond fluoar aithe l>ollanbraii bu£&d ing. A service oaililutrated,,Bibhrr lectures yu .givarr lu tir Eeaelea ut -- cburc iry . H.ilrer, un lb. everrtrng e b. b suEdiseon eKîýnontpat(ruasving picturas.) Vary interestiti n. udistne. tive. Pri, 0of srrnhulmill h lac'. pinusav* acta lika &poultoe. Said by Wuj I V JheVvlhsDrug store: Il g 'a y, i ic-arien.........s se. ~ ii~ . e. 3 r.... uer.fbeur-me- â4nWa 1J "Atisetli ~xv ou' 3umce ]Reportet UCoaidtb.a .n... Moou0 O-l"o Lt u uiillmfr gsoeaipie ............. IrS eiiet i r 48 tBUaestnWhg nd. sa Miate &Zu ..e .t....t.......... ....sani>w ....... -........narra 2elk"13eafA mt YBroph nr re ,ai eIl& d..............i 00ar a.yaila&wf. rusfnsci lanhlnCsio'l'1-rplimajr lotisxJ-s on Vill.................main poteiisson V......................Vie (1 <hu.0 a ot Vaiml 'avfrt une n nato ebt%.o 7W -tt icd. h w .d .... ..........................n 0rr John U illirar17to ni tl.Ài's'nrrroti o la urr 'ar2rW-9tAil..~, 1 hrw, ed............................. s. Ilh ( Klrlak t ,14 »d a lrt ,ulot 1 fi...I..d............. .....artg JLOMIseal nrto W A & Mary 4A0li0ar $nltan eastrft lots bil orrt, wd-------àer ." "Me'rradnslt bov qu.. 10 mart Jl Vrtu., et ai te Mlle , c ~lufftwla iSte2blk os laS. AuOPros$ &ieI tu Villae ofimIe illuff strieOf liaiM i. i Ie t'Irouglrsatillae 0f1 Lu*eBluff 0h T Cerpeutar tu Joserhine Il Caructrlot mn a c iqueag spr s lutfed ...............a r ) n la, e~ne tu Yredeclak mp Otil iseft lotas bIzsr. n of lot 4 Wltbrer, 56rbo ......................rm00r MitheAtk4usn Iato m& 'a stopnse i se Westmai lot t e sem maeani srrkcgau Itwpwd .......;..................rai0 à A Gunina &JidetateJohn JohausO lot & dk 2Vutamrurs&J ou add.ieaekea ............iMa FRED -JOCMHEIM *SUSIAL AvTROenION vo anar , veN 05A .De. Lamas ud dloour5.............iU Ov.. ............... P'urture and ali,4a...9 Cadi on r <jlrd coin ............ ........ .....u.ee40 I;QIioriShuit e urrey. ...... .. 4 n0 flagl tender and treurairy noten ,.... 1, t'rcal carency. nickel, sud cent ........ ............. ....... 004 T4taJ .......... .............hul Capital itoci, 1 . .... . . . ... '..CO2r, G tasý a lu .... .. Delkerudd p't.irwlidu,0 x...... lirand depea,,.ccil.t ~ aee Trotar................. aiea 1, J. V. mor-.. r .,.n,,., Merci a rmer% lRant.k~ l.. do ian,, tirai &b& av e uteiet À. trap. 1 Lirahec'Lof rMY ktowledgeaml Will.Il~ Sie'rlbad and --nt,, me eth l 101 duy of ptn Im. o Bmnerigency Mocine. ut imla rgo-rt .r, ,rl-ratoilimai. eh haudrllala .ir.di-o for irsa i nem* midrlnt ind for magliht injries sa" illicuta. A gon)d liimenti sud one th"a iie fruit b-.,ri a favorite if notahousýA. hirr iri rrriaiy j la istilrrlamr's Palen taitnl. By aîr)lying it prornptiy to a Ol-irtlriae Orîr r jit alrî%yKtireWan d carrratira eiujirry to r»-errinuabout una. third tir. timi' liiidiy required snd st$k la uin nurtisr-î)trcie î,r.-ventsa srrydaunim ai blond pirru.WhrenPain Bfli k it rit Imund as trsin ursy Iletrss. infoe rflammrnaion Mta lu, vvWh - ru-ara*rit-k r...sery. Fur aiby C ider 1Mill. 1 unri prep-erd trgriard applea sd muko c ider. Dring lu yoar applas. - 1 e«"-p Wu. A. BuSk. Friie iYw, 111. Dîr. [)a&d'#; Little Livar Pille elrre Lîvir ilie. Sold b WrtiL Hàta£LET,Ui.brty. villa Drog JIore asuaIGRAàV@r"x teuspineus UC. e.. LraSatVWiri.5 £aesiuia1 - NOCONFECTIONER. W<C DELgvEA TO Aqo LiSg.RTVVILLE, ILLINOIS. Over LOM's Sf?r.. 119 aGise s t, Weega#l. DAY SCHOOI. NI~1HT SCIIOOLI New pupil. rmat e51W: t any lilaS. oohlnepiogs. SborGmos <ompderes A~thratcnSoelilng, TdegraphY. e«C.* omu V .&M a r e otgradotes tb positins.Sehool anl yer. lntru lias dcvate md dam âe.al t office-irwrite kt ' isog*ooum,. BARGAINS- IN UasIime IEngînàeI 1 handie Fa irbanka-Mome tamoule Porta- ble anid- *Statonary iIngliei. They lead thein ail., It will ho, to; your advantige> to getrfly rices beforé goig èHnewbýere. Cau oeil you a 1ý-H. P. Bagitie for $83, UO. - ertgv~IIe A. M eeting; c ýl 7 -- .1de-