CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Sep 1904, p. 1

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~4IN V e, Lake County. 111109,. FridaV. September. 23 1904.-S Pages. $1.60 a Year ln, Advapce W. have just received a new stock of schoâl room necessis' sities, such aï Books, Tablets, .Writing Materiat Etc. L V ELL' IVSTR Headquarters for School Supplies... -Libertyv ille, III r t, a (1y N 1411w yoil a or MF'N's x 1) Cîîlll.REFc 14 CwruîNca4. @ver 14liowil The finest liue iii towil. Over- coats, l)îck G)atm, Sheep- - Liuîed CoatW,MacMiIan>antm Men's Sweatero, menis WooI Bhirt.s, Underwearand every- n -- thlng usîially Pold ln a gn' furnislfiufg store. store Scharuck Block Libert!p'iIIe, Illinoils LAKE-COUNTrY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL - s- $50,000.00 SURPLUS AND PRiOFiTiS 5.000-00 DEPOSITS - - 330:000.00 F: P. DYMONO. PottmpCnr G. A. WRIGHT, V. PREBIDELN? C. F. WRIGH-T, CASMIAI [f.Ci .C;ALLOWtAY Juî' Ai-i.h nuun h otiic DR. FREDERICK Il MARTIN *ot'ius-hf to 1l) . cni., ia 3P. iiitc 6 to m p. ai. DR. J. L TAYLMR OFICE OtEfR Ttii;ji & TAYIMii'5. .oesc-7 t,, If) a .2 t tuciAd r»tA 8 1). ni. iffuuiiieit mn niiîuiaa-ay", o)ppliinPrk. -DR, A. 1. NICHOLS, it (Ilu-uago - i)NT'. cL FICE BUTLER lL9'iccEi1a1Tif AViiU STOUE 8:(X) a. mi. to 11:04b P.u BEI.JH, MILLER. A'Ti"fONEY AT LAW. BEATIi iILOCF. TkLEacîc0isE lut. 26. Liljertyvillit, iliuoîm. DR, E. H. SMITH. or1FcEOciVaEt i AahlCOV'tTY cBANKy. .sau-8 ta12 à. ai. acnd 1t i t . m DR, C. R.ý GALLOVAY, OFFiE vi<i.VEL' tllalTtU(F.. owcau-froni 1 ta 3 au>] 6 to 8'p. m. Libettya-ille, liioii. PAUL MACGU.JFI1N.. - A'1OIINEY AT lIAW. DR 01, R BUTTERMIELO. S VETF.BINARY BURGON. lECTOFIS ileH itt'i fi .W tii-un- t- First National1 Bank' Hl . (,fAinliNEit Caalier Libertyvillk, Illinois Accoita of fiims anîd individiials are soic ited and wili be re- ceived apon Hthe înost favorable terms coin- - siatenit with Conîserva- tive Ibaîîkýiîg. -Pioctor Block Libertyville -Illinois la aur Frome Departanent yau wili find the ail corn- -lete une af - -Grante Ware and. Kcitchen Utensils Mark Gpunget fb.tyl New ]il. Tr*ck. BIG 0 la 143<XT YBA iNG Aunted ia our lit Ise, the. opénîng day oifithe ira meeiUng of tiheLiberty- ville Trottt(gAuoelation was aiyitig but favorable, belng cood an>] disagree- able., and itise a5fukraoon a driasiing ramn, neeassalhg the. pocktponing of the tiret day'a rard. Tisait %vans ded>]to holà the ume.'lngYtdaeâday, Thureday, Priday aind SasiurdsiY Inatead of tsi-min- aiing it on Frday, as et finit ini.îndsîd. Wedneadny was raw and - oIt, but ai feerwd -ýwltaaaaad:. iii m..- Tise trucLk waas ntili tot aud t-uppyfrom Tue#i- day's Tain, making ftsitinît-impossibîle. .AN it was the. uise by !Iisty i>awn in 2:1.jU, tii.' aeeond beat of tii.'248H trot. was aàirditable perfu>rnante, * ami tampc iii. new ira-k cafeet.The.mai.' bail nie trouble'lip l anding thia raee atter appan-ntJy tiîrowing anay the i-t lient te) lic-l.' C. The. 2-25 pi-. was a gift ta iuyga, who aienit dta ta-».ut tîome n ui. sort fotinig. .tDr. F'.M * '-of lturlingt4in, WIN., -igiu. ans p"i'lddicg cicg, assisqtp-c by J. (cil Wtaegan. Suniuiari.-c: ri ie; u. cuiSs -iew: Ail ...........----------... f'iittleHenriy----------......a LaiiW----------------------a... ..... Ansi>, fari.- .....---------------a lus::@ Ladeciy W,»jt-r-.---.....-..----_. . --i 2:18 trot .Ptrie5. MityD&wa----------------.i... ttelluîLC--------------------..... Oi-ava----------------22 2 4 Nitiett--------------- le il1 Ht-i-m Grailan-----------------f...... MD-iss Mie ranc------------------a 111-4icliii>Lt.--------------------2 'I'liiue..4i... t . ........ Tfiuralay a ecoai.what better crowd ýwa. >n iband, but aot what it alîould have heu-n (.onai>eng tiie splendid cuti-, wieicicotid ias.' attraeled a big at- >PIJ pe. Tise rames w!e-m.eoéiy tn- tesete>], and the htting was liîvsy. King Airys- a av orite- in the -2-:30 trot, ut att-rlije a-on tie.ilinit tw.î beatsq it waw ail Kt,(- 4M.tuinthe ..):1>pfie Mon- nt was- an cîddr, on favorite, but tiie Ic-t lie Coull]ga.i ans til'>]monjy. the Idaho'it Ore goaajn Malul, getting tiie Isig endfthe-iltii'purs.'aiter n baudl figlît, in fo-htunr hans-. gui he.ata. WV-t brlué clwan ci .' eeonyd list. ltarîtmjguje, faorte 'Ip the 2:12 trot, fînnily won nout la a fia-c lient figiît n tl FlashL.iglitîiîîig. Janita aud] ilartianfi Grattan -illided i the, slow trot, both driveria bing thrown out, iîut niither hurt. Sain- tqiaripg:0 2-09 aoncti, p,îrc- Spf:- Orxe Muji-----------------....5 a 1 a1 Per-,nitî-------- a .............12 a a - flieit--*"*«------------a..... ritslunek---------- Kcàiu,î------------... We-st-------------------.d lim't-2:1us lil42:11. iu.a:i K2:301 itt. aarw'Ill-rie.: C-ai Ma . . ....................i3 4 1 i t KicksgAlry ...---...---..--..-_.. i 2 2 2 i-etinrttea--------------a.......e. e Win tJIuk----------------.........a. Bartiauci Orattuin-----------......s1a f62 J-8 iol ic .........................a s ? a7 fsanuen 1----------------......... JI&uita-------------------s....a.midi. Tlanu-i:12%s. t1C. Sauf. 2:18,. 2:11L 3:1qttrot. punif $6«s -2 4 1 1 the 2:15 rae- Frilay, and Golden Ru5!, driv,-n by lus i wtic-r, C. P. o riutuf Clic-igo, w-ci. - The 2:25 troît saasprietuî-ally a tata horst- race', in sa-l- Shadie Beattie an>] !tç.>dlac speiaved it,ffor fia-elîcatas, wiih .iidec tiie' ice. ae,-irdintg to tiie ries, hotuh hrses1stuc-id ta divide ti-smt an>] aeond îîîîîey, tih.'lactuIhiatrecuIt- hîg in a deuil lient ini as îretty a coli tesit as waxs er v'4iia-egtui't-een ta-olio ri-e (n ca ru,-to& Tiie ifi-cne-iilo M tht,' 2:12 unî-witlî c-ns., alter drujîiiîg théî tirat lieat tii M iic Georgie andci iiidltaiiy driîipiitg a lot out tii' iettuis' c]cicuy. fflilly Boggie--..-..... ------t i ia 4... ainli:kLuiI.---------------a...a__3 KeGoa mt--------------..a.i s Riemo ýatti---------------....... i me--Wî... . 2. ......... a..a.. u :15t-ot.tits. têl t:2iaaai fisu---- --- -- --:i M a. ......i.....................---i 2 i2 2 i Tiîie- :l V, 2:10. : 11f.... . Si ite"oi, MIcapeir Son SIatfe ladies--ami------------ut adr w4ieImi.-Knad the IOi. ielest:iattnd h -allaoin te &. Wnosoeg Bani,-hin t, C. A.,-MURRAY'S l'UN ERAL SUNDAY he fiee-for-aiâinhath<. shape uota,a >n- tt, ai nd £hImrk Cotton and Mamie KKgsley Woufl"*vii!ts tm UIIY easy, the latter, t1w auijh touti-! pater tunt mas ai id ln theé IÏÎDu -'ai Inuist fail, go- hig the. beait r4atéw lier life-. lier driver, ÇiîarIiy Dean, u.Mlié ud a ngo~ixl as- a ot. lus wtt.'ad Mx c-l,ýllin, Who saw the race froins, b&â5fldsteird. Xato Mame, wdWMuat .liry shwed the effeet of tlaer brd r'.-ariy ln ste week, or Ciiat4y!,Vuttoîii wud, no dossit, have _had, o stq, fuistéer tui wini. Foiiuwing are tU»#èmnmr i- wu wiOt. pi2fsoW ch re otton .... .... i ....1 i ixniy...... ....2 Bat. Mmc................... a' Je. llaek .............. .......... 7 4 T11A Dulii.......... .............a .s Holen Milf-r a 2d@a fya a.................... .........s a 2a2i T ifi ti . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . LyanA..... ..............a a a Tim k i *" .' 1V< :16,i 5d Wlnifsd tata,...........1 1a Bibny ............;..........2 ,, Ml1r........ ................. ..a a. Josh .. 4 Il4 e Zinc-lt.' ngainwoi b tI i iffng race. rand with litti. trouble. Management t ,at:sfied. IViilé?e tii. 3îieaane.- asiw n-hdy sniali, the nissnage*ilent si îîrtme tif4 weii mlitisft'-d, nthvntrîni-înda differiut n-suit tst ibe(I.Inf. itlgitt.ting. i i4. autliuritativi.yoatt - tlih.' îaî.itinîg wai3tiatI-un at 5.01,tit liaslwjet deiaunmtrat4ed tio sa: p. naber of tiors-a-nnthai tise.Lili-rt, f h- ýtra-k i., Ont-i uthet tiiet i tii.-,t-v, wiiei 4wtna th~- eti rîtait desur.ýl'fîtheiti-ttss plans tor the ersatk*of titaîuie iuiid- iria j--eaar 1 ti.iîoifîî a ngreat F'air ns-it vi-ar are being .,iir..and tîtat witiiiut a dockuhît t neiati>n a-li in 1I 4.iff bld lts lii't lFair, nd Wiii.-h 1 if) lie Oia .lart's* îîî,digifgnili. fent male. ASSUM ES Ngaýw vTITIE ilereafter WIll be Known an John, A41bander SNOW F120? rA iosTLE. Wenrins r ieh u'Ae anîd miter."-uit reied alter tiose utfiau ancient Jewjah t higl ipriest, John .'.l-xandler iuwi-Sun- 4dayý 'î~laî Iiîiimacl 'Job.' Alëan- d1er," li-et apsistl- îf thoChrtiati Citatho- ie Chun-li,t is cîtCity.' Tii.'ariuuunm-,-înrt t. s nfot a msu rWs. Iha bet lcen eie-e1fî>r days, l.i-- t 'ana-ni-qed thiartouglll.- by the- ehurch aund puhîlimhc-d to tii'eculi DEn. Dcwip -on. i r long gaj-nî,-it ir heavy whitesatiii. filwid with elirte i. Osemr tlim waas a 1,111plie faatin rioa-. fringed with gilt, ofl tuee lengtii. Tiiî "brui(lde ioit,' tii,- ri-hat teinture jof thii.' -oartne, a-as of nhiftenatin cullîroid - ered with geomsetri-al patteinas in puili. anîl goid, the'i,clor if the 'chur-h. Dri. Dowie smaid in "asanhiag the alie,- rafler readcing -see-aiiaI îammaasof $(.i-iit- tir n Nul,.taautiaî fuît .1 filse lajîji "The.' ufliire -of lit-st elleitie iS 6t6-uii [t siiiiuld tua,.-.. -n î-antiued-î. 14uî- j-eesrs to the origiinal tweive Wee. jlus e'n ta tihé- uîiii,.'r oui ,iii,- to f111 aacacii-s i -aume-d by nartyrluiii <r d.-atii. Ail of these are inore uo-,Il-ss auth-ntic-iit4ed(, emptt-iaily the ueiet-tima iof Mathias ini tite iplace of Judas Isijut, aaclof Jarnes, %brother of' tla. Lord, tbree yemr alter the asicension, anud of Ifarabàs and Saui. 11y aauuniption (o! the lirui pomteship i* t fiial5Maiel),-in litlie organsization ior i- h- hurch as pinui-1 bly JeuiChris.. "%Iiy lpxsie at ti- bc-ginuing démird fil,- t., asa3unic ttil, itlustolie office. buit i si-t it anide-iiot xiiu-i-u,îi1 Iboiev.'d <(i bnci mot coume. (liii-t n-ns alwnymei- Chfrist, but lit- diI îi-t tae .the titI.' of Mepmiai uniil the- nitures lia>] e-.c fulfilLed. 1 have sougit fl ot for ofili-,- hcutfor thie power t,, do the work. "I would rutiler \vear grave clutlis titan theme garrni-it. if Jglory ifI tthuglit by Mo doicîg ialaulî u i-htonor my Lourd. but 1 thik (Cod 1Iîîavc- the conuraige.ta assunie tit.'positiona iîît-uded for lie.' Tiieji l)ciwe -at tiî-,ugllstiié- fti ri îuru',ciîiîgiilii.-floic.d: '"iNluRr.s ufthIi, h iirntiaît Hast, .1t), volt net-ipt tie, Joliei Alexander, situ- tii-st apostl- of our 1,î,riJesusChriat ani -'Yem., ýaîi1Othe- ai-.ýwtr. 'Ofleermolifthe î,iin, o u a-u mm tias i-thaeîs f uar 1Lord JqàNtis Christ and the fitiristian Cathiv u Cliiureli?" "liii," in8lwüe ]the 400 deacni-is, deaconeàises, and ,-lifi*ra, and the- iens- ritotiy qas citer. Independent M amsit ÂdePay - those wiu have iver experieneediire- sultm from a want aid in the Pouîli-.s Calucun of tIheN4,î,'uiN would b.' J. SS'aer iit ns icaappo!ntpd lîy Mr. W atrous as ns,. atant iiostniaster. TO HAVE WARDU Neclicd Improvesuent at Coaty Farna Amured. Irlcmrable Iune go to Peoria. {-LI.T IS PREPARED. At fie regnibnr citmitiuig outhtIi, Board] o1 Supnrviirm la Wattkegan iast week it wans deu-iii.sltht tluî-full board gi, ta ibi.artyvillt- and] ut-tigate tii-i-mcity ot iniidiate ai-ticin i tiukfi theti. ctais. isiîmeuut tfa Iicsiftal atail ut tlie-cianty Isuar liusc and itsawi,-tnyltui, and it-teinglŽ' Sia-ii,;iiit Ai)ploy iilat.->] tii,- ecunty tatlî,-re aboîut the. vacrionis iuildings ndai big taitiian>] ilentrantu!il to thir aatfsla-tiujm tlîat t n as imioccrati e tge4iching 4t e' iiîto -are toi- lk unitrteitiates in a lititciane, itmpocssible. Olten it is; te lu rs,-tlat aile mii-k lesni ai- hall] inuacne subjeet lm re i1uired t, looik ialter ctter, *hou ar ieck. No <ne ile pri-ded wlt la qiialified ta cane fur eick patients. Aul tuis in enliraiy wrong atndiSuperintendet iAppley bu for a 1 ong tie urge>] the aeei-ssity of aî iîiuujituîl ai->]whlen- a tiaiiied or proft>c lt-nt iturse wuldli le lunc-iutint at, Tit i natter lias I lacithtii ands of tii- ei,nîîtittcs-ouuîImoer s-it powe-r tu aut. Tis cnauutittei' im canup)o".]oi Myi-, tGriauam ndCliiw antt> il are ktîuuwn ta lavoir timi.- iiprîivî.mc.t and wihi at theue co-mtiIar ieutiug preamnt a n'eport andciplmaniit i-iia-iîpruvidc, for a tii-ut ei-ms lojpital sa-tii-l. Incurable Insane ta be -Sent to Peoria. Cuiplyimg wltiî Supeîiitendeut (bu. A. Zt-iler's instr-uctions, a fint ith îe iiiui-iiclîlsane et the euunty fmmi lbas hien i.rc-iîned anti asahuit lns posslible tiîy ai be transierreci txotheeinstituation et l'n-ria aiîieh lu partic-acrly ijir tint îiurrurnc. The aone are: M IA LIK-4 PEIALIES l-cward Hlcey Carolitne Buaie Edward Hudson Sylva And.'rccîî IL. Loffner Carioine Hammonî Jaameus sherry Nettie Sheicani Arthutr <iuiu'r Anîeiiun Via--rm-y Eliahîmi Hatakilie Anna MeNiulty Wtuuhiigtoa Fftrr Rosanna fiat-lin, .oil Benson Mary Bfrowa Tii. seunding awinyoltieffisu iituaat@ tii the Mtate aayliui wiil prut lI,- -a great iihetfoîr tit -îîtîaty aimaluune- Ha. SaldI a Pilie of Chamberan* Cough ihemeda. f htnv'e sol> Ciaimeraii's Couigi ub-nicudy for muor than tweuty ytîuîrs and fi il"-ugivuin entîre aatiîiaction. 1 have anu al. o t &ndh-amui wn -c-iuiiet it Iliglly-Juasph Mlhit-.Limton, ina.Y<su wiiI fln>] ttis reii-y a gua>] Tr HE kind that adds to a ýoddne. have suites complete, including ichairs, sideboard or buiffet, china closto; serving tabl es, in -arions mtyles and finishe- you will cati 9anîd see the goode the prices1 surprise you. W, M. HEATH Furniture and Unclertaklng Proaminent Mien Attend. Ili@i Suace.or Appointea. 18 CHANLES 0. WATROUS Thelamst ed ritei ov.-r tii,- -aneot the. inte tJhirincp A. Murray, pomtigastc-r in Waukegau ifor ten y.-crs, and a pion,!- tient Lake - -aity p<,itinnti, wiiu died> imit a-euk.-, - eobserve>] lu the Prcmhy- terian eliir-lî i thaicity Stinday after- The -lîjîrI was rowded tu tih. dooriq with rilativî's aitd]frWi4 of thei.'deci> man. C ity, -uunty, mtate, and nation were weliretîr-senît*-dluin 'ttrong thnt gathre*b pay tribut, t4) the- aîenory uf thie- iînomI-.1di-w. i)istingîislîi'd iund Fl-'acndiui d<ge Dionn.-iy, aniiung otherii, b.ith .iitg iifk--iotig fri,-uds of the haie sir. Murraiy. The.' lal-ls'în-iu v,î-ré Congr.'ismian lIeu. Edînunîl Fuss, C*itas. Wiiitnéy, W. (,. Utoctôi, 1fr. F. (,. Kifglkt, A (.Fiw-licr, and J. fi. Kavanaugi. The chvn- orctnturywas a n-rtajiie -laîk ut iloaviru., ine.intui-als if diývotpd< Assistant Chas. Watrous Namned. 'luu-sdny muanuing Agiimaitl Piîtiuîa- t,-r Citam. Vutra)ji !w reielae> thé ir-st inti- mation he wnst, a cec Mr. Murray. ft una,3 lu thl' tîrm ut a letter frua ('oîn ga-acitan Fomm, an>]mi--anasfoliows: 915S Firgt Naýtional Batik iiaildiag, Ul ltnt, linuls. ,Sept. I19, 104. Mr-. Charh-c. G. 1%ttruaat, MWackegan, 111. Luiar 8ir:-f bt-g to iniforin yod that i fiavtb nu-oînim-nded ti the.'lion. Il. C., P,,sitinster-lIpneral, Wash- iiîgton, b (., <iui- onîîîtment as ponst- iîamt-r at îVatkc-gaaî, lilinoici, for the. unexpire>] tri of Mr. larene A. Mlii- rat, iicsumu-il. Vuq-y re.-pu-ittuliy yours. tico. Edinund Foua. 'The appoiniéit- o f Mr. Watrouualn emiîii-ntly Matisfnetory, and means tise rtiîîcvai ofti offite i ruithei.' cîluenee of po)litit:s, as Mr. Watrounais in nu senne a and Suri 1 We have on baud a few Buggies end mm that We must close out at a sacrifice lu ord make room for a new line. Whlle attendlng the Fair cau iiW atd le rshow you my Ilinoof Buggies and Bui1eu, au4 need of anything à on wheela" 1 will uote 47BARUAl4u-7INS I Gasoline En',gt 1 handie Fairbanks-.Morse Iamous porta- ble and 'Stationaxy Engines. , They lead thernaIl. It will- be to your advantage to get my prices before golxlg elatewhîere. Can secl you a I 4-H. P. Engine for $83.00.- ILibertgjvîlle Plumbing & Ieatiuuq( A. LICHTFELD', Prop. f'ashionable MerçIhmt. TA ILO 0 LIBERTYVILLE. Yuare lravlted- to subiscrlbq for *.lid ~-No, 51. Libee i ïï1m -i Buggies A.ýL V t'. F. Wj:il;ilT ni

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