CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Oct 1904, p. 7

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~*hgqm~ItoWm ~hBW4US.. SI. ~s ulipiard lu Plulcbcm's VogofpMe s, PuERas' r are lIe cause cf uatchd ring, cot ealy uttis tic. h but utti the clame, et a mot heel tise vmrniitga cf tm maouga My -'-. n ua- h Ila ie 1 bI ave banCIO"morecre- ci S*, atio -Alsisedïa numbur of fienilate take Ldia VII Md Ilbhave nvrhad -ai Ocb ory. VTemeryntr ly. WC Max FÂaP ,E.ZIG0Southth fi 1 fao , lieac eFis ils l aIs'adtraveong saesir it 0 i. i- tom in Inite1s ai slekan W It Ou or the Otseir. bTes." »sin Loeeomedi. "Uni*m o-- h tejoli atlstuk dmls In lx!Ct-'-i "Ah.n-bt are yeur preaPecta? DO, 1 --pe epei t uitytbre for the ctire ri Umsillcaeci Il Trsgedy,.'l "Weil. t viii cubher be'ia leng rua 'o er& long wikl.".Phllitlelhlla Pregsa. Mtev Train service. chiviagc lxute. The Chlcage & Euitutetii Ilîinela Ral- od on- ruasîîilrt amni Clay traxia mea teExpostin City, IVLI-11 reprc'c-utý th<le blWii,-sttypieetfrulail - outr-iiu- iloi. %Whieîuotixgo tu thce WNirds Vorim. eare yor tiket lu tmide itood il Over ftins itiI,. cca nd n u'lll i-1j03-every l tMle of in.-shomrt trip. Ycuir lul t-Ltraget i n-I ctaliy maline yeîîmtiolket goudcl iWlI'Y It y'cu miliuent i. A Wocean'a Thery. Elîe-It wu-nies tilt iil uluif ta de-- rlunaau citer uf inarriage trai Pruf. Brairdl fine i venicenir n-ci-êk. 1 ate-%Vhy, reut yc.'x iare lieutlbe Ji.tIse amtteminuni utiuc.rrateiau oftheii use? una-es îd :bst'i ivly t reiese4 bicsllIe v,.Uld isc.- ,le thimec xcidein-h eaat4te the errera in ny resuakersl ugmd0iwna _ _ frib x.xi.CHEET Co- Tistue. ot W* qi, udwekm baeuxun P. . Ciacc.y am iuII5là . &Id haitev.Jim Pofetel ina nominaa iiIl triis asnd =In D-t.Toedo. to. Ra' htri ure lh mtas .lnIercaly. sein l'i boutle. b"iby on t 1w,l5i ll e binare thed unioc tme The Maiiiem'5 Stply. Bal h.: «"Tc'e.a peach. Fly uitb Sha replled. asfice dashdai al is e cg:t «You'ra misir-en. A Pce.' dia i >00 sait Wel. In> eot-l'rn s csutalouiîe.' -Phlamdelphie Bulletin. A Nora Damne Lady. 1 uWi teund tvae.. mufut tatmnctîcns.E nmre et tis smnple praparatiesu fer the1 cnrsetofLencoerbloea. UIcesaio. Dia- placements. Faltîni etfilse Womb. Scanti er ]Painful1 Peiode. Tomons er roiths. Sol taubem.Deîre ta Cri. Cre lasn , u iigover theavSine. Pain Inu hie ilacir a. ri aiteua Troubles. te al.cdimg ~4m5em e moiiers et aufferng ilanil- te InliePlain a %oces" no e insuauasut if e deu ecntnue kt Clta ut 12 cents àraeh té i.sracle a cure. Tell ther suffeners et l.tla hski sit. Ift hie &aeaIn- tset yce. fer proof midraso Mca M.l. Saumunev. Box 105. Nor Dame. ted. 1 Au interruption. Johnso-Young Nupop gava bis baha a uegh let nght. M )ra. Johnson - Oh, Uie ihertiess Jeisasn-On tUic pnees scls. W brnan. Lâtvel? Wcuma. Poian md pecder on ber dresser Telles up quite a lot of sîtace; P'aiherVle tries te eppreshem. ,- Bat %le oelynmaie ac face. I&wois "Single Btcdee' tigtilie5 Usear. Made by baud cf ripe. thoreughti curaitotbaecce. uh Ib uves a .ich, satin- sa qed. j@w Faciery. Peoria, IIL V«méermj Soater 1leurý . Davis sud .oe »-laai, Bnator Biephen B. El- b Iave contrbuel$100t0 ta te W. Va.uea ai Vro gbt ait bit tacha tiiha- mut"ai $7, the second Part uliefi lyearse tla and -urete smrnetcfhlm et biautitul peslasat 75. six cf ir torenotat atmeric*fl peet-a-ànd ail it ene n aciiau wucll au lu quai- yof vcrso--BrIaft. Wbiltler, Long. illo. Loi iIotînes cnd Bincrvcio -livd te ages varylng front 75 1085 il Wère predàuive tu the tast. Dr. Mlmes uvote. i hlm elghty-ftfth yett jt liiitme doe ot tbveaien the cnid mm go tcté.. with the scythe ns Witt ea maUdhag." yet b., urote brîllat orse fer apeclal occasionsaiaia te 30 end. rhacdcve Momemsen e. ui or.lani., man cf Almeatluaigfllficaet santure tit ernaclated tramie, maetesi dlu il elghtysiltb and laat rear the ai o f a man lu midilleItfe. Thse :ari of Dnmdceahii. rtnoughlhe wanai- raya la bet inter, and bis wbele 1f. ras a serles et quarrelsm-tbc'igh be «'formisoine otthe mnt daredevil ai reccrdai inl the blatory cf naval vartare. wienlig miach brifiliacti e- orlea agnitennemius ada-li"4 to u ad wrcte c history of the lftai'& Ion of Peru. Chili and Brazil aed ,he Autoblography ef a Searnan.' vo maitvilgtou.. mlui and distili "rite, -nter the tatirea 'ai Intense ,yaical pain. le the lant three yeare li bis lite. Sir Charles james Napier, the herm )fScinde. wan i 0befove be jtteld ny tirent commu rO- t Hfoiaght ced won great baities, izevereed aiuccens- ily grest provimesen sd ncln'veii c great viame long aiter liat perled et tef bad pasai wben, necording te an anUique maorality not quite exialedei Ibeboeosa aman te Ia>y aside ,the 2lungia of thepresent lite acd te pbre- are bis aout fer thae ext.-SatirdaY :s-eeeg Pout. Could Get No Bio. Freebere. ieon.. Oct. I.<pcn. -.%r. I. E. Geid a well-keewn pan berv, tla -rejelcii lu thse- relief front oultering lhe bas obtalued tbrough lig Ddd'a Kiduney Pil. Hisexpi lce ila weil Worth repeatîng. as it bonh-i,*nt-thêOa-40 -heli te niy another Ilia ailar cendition. t* landdfan aggrevating casetfKid- ney Trouble," as i 3r,. l;oward, "that ga-ve meDunestuideavor niicht. tbottaus- hala a tew i ofe utodd's Kidney PilAtant liai lire lu i e and 1 raie llke a new mnu. l nue hiî"yte stole I hnve rai~v it gnî'nt cnd won4it-nful beni frotta >o.uKidney Plla. 1wenhd basi eoinmeud ail antlera trom> l<lney ro(uble te glai)o sKldney PFluéaia l'ai trîil as 1 have every raison te .,elleve it *ollice la e rcgretted."ý liudtla»,Kidiiy Pillai malte youfle l4Ie -a msw man or %vuman liecauce tlîcy curethe klixîcys Cured kidncys >.i'tie îpure taliand pure blod menane lexliv t -alt.nd>ucriy litevery paert ofthe bedy jap omeier au a Coclie. The etlier ai 1 was tall te a very inte.lliget titan Whe bau hadl inaey tuppertunlilea t ofmeeting nlobie trotte-ra-globe trottera ter reesona of business rallier thtan of pletsure-acd ha told me a rernarliable saor whicn toal been tbld'tt in by oeeoetthest, globe trotterait. The atery tbrei à algolficont liglit on the reasou% et the extraeiUlinary cuccette the .Iupauese bave beai galiilug le their recent bat- tien. A Japenese trader w-as leviug Port Arthur .lust as I it cîe -ident ltaat aer must coute. Re hbcd.ceurri trunks.. nn.1 tIsfe-h e eniriidtea) Chinse coolie, wbo-eaemed te be Wei up te bis work. and n-ho btizîdldthe trunka witb tUi. chiacteri prempîlti tude ced tacllty ,cf ac Chîijuan ofc lathuclans. Whee the Japauieae got on beard h. mraai bie;coolie. and hi fouldai aeugbis lbnggage axioticer tvunk uhlch he dii eut'reegnlze. Hi t'ietght uotbiug more efthtie citait, lielievlig h te lie one ot the mliatakes n-blch vere Inevitable li a liane of Lury and goîoetliflg like panlc. But n-he thie veaasel lun which he ns trav- aiglacd gene Rmre distance troct Port Arthur hbciras cpproaehed hy a japttuebe effier.eidently oft higli pc ettin. Thce aflbi remarii te the trader liaitlie bcd cnt oiai hie coolie. The trader confeaedibat this vas me, iuî gave ast an excuse that the ceelie bai auddenly dlaappeared luat ce the vi cal vas leaving. - i rais the cotli"sildthe Japanes efieer mu c amiuale. "I have been ln Pert Arthur au a coolie for aMx mouthi, SAFEST FOOD In Amy Kind of Trembla la Orape-Nuti. Food ta rebuild the strengtb a ad tiat la predlgested muaitlic selected n-heu eue la convalescent At thie tine there la eothlugeeo valuable au Grape-Nuts fer the reati thmt Ibis food la ail uourlahmeut snd la alieai digestible courisameiltA voruan wvi uneditilmaia "Somte drne aige 1 mas very iUi uith typhoifi fever. nu 111 every oee hougl 1 wcnld dia, aveu miself. Itl ltt 'm sa wemk I ccuhiinuit prepei digeli tood cf any kieii and t aIse 'bd uta bcwel trouble. which ltrt me a ires] hboipisa vreck. a '*l neadcd ecurlabmelit as badly i 1cey ce eovuld. but nous et the tenuc ,belped, me mui i 1finally trlei Grape Nuis food morulng and avcnlng. Thl cci onlî suppliadtfoodi that I thita 1deicouts mm couhd je. butat aialu madq .1 e.perfe<liiwonland strceg aialu.oi I cen de ail lny hoewerk, aloip Wal I oaly à« for utb'1e.1ra ui all 6 cutiawhere usa Del imaî)4a-. Grant. 310 I ail Baedolpb Ossiutiseslupaylag quand- ; tien evoir siece atueai" is aat j en u wlua aseatalon ofcounry 5 Mlles miaars,. ied ith o' drillerae,- mAtrs anil oa0sof producing terri-' tevyi thora le nouest11 >lnsta bua. ebateximd allier parts of lie MeOlnir, ln îhi tcbe h.dtU ha t-ukTa ps,7maiL.NO uns bu ad me a l01111Mi ad nue pcts te t= ru oui atnu te I stamebet, but <fln our@ u00ofls la- : Cideete wboesfemmels hava bie Iliteil trom poverqt.a&filuene. The Wonîtbl a s , Bt i beau drivan trou th* door and DOW COn> theg unet arison a se once ail vas dark. tuiter r. sadm mu. UWab Goff f ci UerIltee rowsahlp. 'at s,.eny. ilîl Dot have - te tire fa*= and go to ttic. xem. lijo G a o86 and JiS vils bear Sa. VoS luslu 9L vePr yearaUsel' bave beon hope pIe nt 0» wmd ver. Aueljouir lin dbt andl lm a banthree xntalsî Bwedil Msab a lu se o"tge, thiv m#aM On*P0"ig taleetinhi ouienuece etth stl eo. thértp0 f a gus tiaa a cthernflugt affaira belveen the. tir COuiitries. TbeuidUman. iris &Wasethe ctuesta Ata eetingofethle, lxbaltaliiaet audilor. shroaehfronet eIllai Mtiagitlegs Indiane trter a re1olutlon was <barges tisit l t gsg hodas we adepted pvcouiug man alteatilcu la lbe iait no langer A"nt tsa ley mueti have - ainp tenu fgev lem u n1; etthe isrritor7. l . eu n e du hé lh tiaiB il 5 e r Aarone Borr. Vké-lm-esdeut ctlb. Ou.' àïy ig ity ef clidriller. m eneM Ulnited States. left Savaunah for W"h te the tarin. Th,'ebtalned hegsrd- lagentete .s et lu the- Senae las aconsent and t*esaent a drIll dovuME Y OS ES A O ieh at tbe beglwnlg of tige -seo. tirngh <h. er. Dal after daer*5Ibgo a striccg proteet te the hishepS Oft lue Bif*eA"ilus <hur front yard mail M A uToiRE cbuvch repvonchng thein for thet t aI-lU5it he uork. Mr. Goff conlil not y-hl t4chcient te the. Bourbon ce . Os e i mprahsail vIsai as beieg doe.ely = day there wiraabsoot frow > lie sE-u -Uss.woul Ail communiçation hetucen Heliand 1 drUla& Thel bail tanek cil. Th ise ..N sud Enughiid iras iIi>lte bshe seu udlAsvie ul othae10ge is Sédie -Robinson, IBand streetq Rotterdaim belng oelzed anîd COUv.i0d' tse poor boue. The iess on the tu=n Meldef. Mua.,. rites. n-ate tu the F ranch geural. et 56 acrres Wiin 71.111 <hean ancrai *'Parues vas recommendcicd triome % The Frencha ficet et Bounlogne agtea et SM a month. Theocl man, toc uig about a year lsea senexcelent reînèdy vas ttacked mîsaucceafoeliy by th. Dow have a phaeice. a thlng e h. nlie for the trulem peculiar te our sex. and Brilah j 1166 cl *e Iam iez ~ ~ asî1teenilthat ail that wcs %sid oeti i Lfiç Britih. chldiahold âo baslong evaiclueilicwastruc. 1 an> pleasecd toence Betb Encglaud acd itusula declinail uhicli untilinOir bisguard'an coulil uev'dors. it. te scknewledgeUsahe w bile cf "Hic- ;«promise bc. bea,<,,8..î,let ung Samuiel A. Wl ied i itroigiailfor «Ibu ,. ss'âtabut avn Par c larm i"uic Ur cf agine pevcnicouhsaittl tainnaleverwmk and uleepless. * Pnuiisl omumet. nr arkr Cti.NiaIncrnehmd Bev 04 and bond at laa a w dors 1 a b: Tise cro"inlethe Ment Blanc pro- « bheeumoresthaa 500 a Jear and sa hie bagàa toe i ttcg, Mrappetite In- fie Inca of Vraxcç ie.datc.Ohmuoda pvt ycgmehcl al, ~i1 aga loop botter, . cm freaheta. p7is5 rianhoil le 16.5.4tu s«sthain oeasagaattly y arveesaes passed gel a good séducation, but ho almot de- &a'ays&W gheweakgwua le th. elvle spaéil.Tiii ilUluana. TiiiY usa- ergàaa ommadis.ppom9at Mad-bats - Sseotrsihee TearuAOe. cd t put, doua a«tes-Il. Tfi*uebl beau iWelland atroal ave, £Ince." . linatRnante led a revoit aInatw» iras ueem.Conue~nh latar the. rural Adircas Dr. 9. *il. ilartmmu, Presiclent Sb Guerrero. procIiang thelb."plan of arrier hought Wiuget au anveloeucou- orT b. Ilarteine SanicaHuin. Coeleîe. &rie, Jalapa" talului a ehmck for i050. o habsield .. for tvee mecîcenl adrice. Ail corre- H Tice neir steans locomotive "Rol h ust ih tranchlug band& Haie tIsed upondecce trirtly .-e'uientlal. bu 1 travelad frons tuenty-five th tuirty-five 1h51 f th eU lt d oui hê a»a lb ma>. I mean i n tel ta bis vite£and miles par heur. children. Hoeau, nirreelvini ifiecks WI.Y SHARKS HAVE GONE. I The ceir London poteifice Wvacs- monthiy cifi rom 1400 te $500. I pleteil. 'Ibucas"s cf mu <ers are aml&br- Kast ]River Deaeteil by Maesatars Be- 9Hl Macy Jensi ere aeileit freiul i rtn ba s..lL.iotmuotarais.e Ia gCedtlis.yyerB EngLind b b . eyasing0et ftise omnu ueath, penaesbut uPen occire. of hi as enloua ra8ay er CathccUe reilef hil. hard-wn-lig fumera.bMan uho nece since I've 0en barilslin ice Hast IRiv- Dr.Aiaandr DR, be ira cia- eut te seau cly the hog andl grain er" sald the veteran pilotonen eeof Dr. leia"e Duf, he lru ti markets cou vacave thc 0il quctttiou i-thcUnited Stcica revenue cuitera Uic setuary of th. Churcis cf ScotiL& aa. eau w taealu re-dring gamn for chier day te c Brooklyn Eagle n-iter. ad for iitllathiSi.______ "And there ueme plenty etfnunesters. LecemotivO 51dm avarimies ver. used on the rali1roadi I Eugland fox JUOGE DENOUNCES MOIS. toc. They usoetobang eround Fulton Uic fvst rne. ~t~ amai randmarket dQcks. 'wherethiey n-euh get U 1 t e frtmgni' olg Se> setigsiaKliGrand Jury te La- puuty taestcn te Uic 11 citaIthat su A wrkigme'a ollge &$ ntib- mtite lui ofNerm. iould lie lbrowc overboard troeilthe Prc rIlabe in lu L¶cdon b4yradbrck A. Mau- Judge Thomnss G. Jcues oi the United fmhngcnace rice. 1 Statua District Court lu bis chage te An exploiCalUBcaua Tgat firO ai thejmr i Huntsille. Ali., decialo iii The resien hiat mhamlta are ne long-g 1 Gaiesbead. Englaud. fiftY bliig kllid te ha Use duîy of liai bodiy te retmIn- c accu Ic thic river and byl e e S and th e m o euy l u a b a g Orne r 5 .00. ie lcent s ag& i esi lis Lyncher@ of the I o eb i e s y. la e e t alo 000. negro Muples neder cariaic conditions. plenty et ree om lic te sbark tar be- n Meple s u ia Huntsville Jail, aces- ion'thie pint wicerc the sips bottom sic] ad et a grave crimea. A mobet white veee te. But eliarka are le&n ani- rm 1 ritfy TomrsAgo. -ou mtaeked the J:il,. metO te kt, se- maie. Thcy wml touch eely these rai Thé ine irs S ehcsen a.eured liosseslaon.u als n agailthinge that have becu fesily kiiad and egein eperatluna. .- I er are ailve. 'No ahurk irWllI tuch a tlb lb.heentira AuaUrl= aMi irta PlcIl icilge Joues mata tac jui te put thi me-iay' fienter undrayccu-sc n en a mer footing. questioa te tsext citer bearin thie vi-' draycrui SautnAa wrfoing. âmcreesHg o dcelin hemalter: ',Would a white 'stances, Ot ib SntaAnalund E déreeen" g er an, under the mrneelrcmstauoes. "But* hie sen-age tù hie.csbey and ]Lx > Uic pePe'a vote cn lie poFMe 01set h arged ullb tbe pacilcular offenséanpcu rivera onc belluaides et New Yeor bas jol President ofthtie Maulea replic. Use semae victir. bave beau aftackedi'o al e-Tokabrewaesutn t WA MoileijlO imPeaglilie e vermltnurdared by tbis meb?" le arriviez at able for dah- Thaere la vemy littie gooiloui ts àcur* by lice DaPsi h omse oetaa mosrthe jury lu edYlei»dte con- 111h ta idLNetfSandy Hock. hardly off cemmeca b! a vote ot 90 te a ider uliat vas nid by lincabers of thea o .t~lL eadertDecs~pfl. lloa Gev u ela- ibat iresdons. If fI a a illu taet. except eels. ,And r emne et~auaa.amnv.dai b. apialmien décid1e ibat the met> vouAI net hava everybady kmon-athat eelm arc - the Wir of tat satemurdaved Maples ifho bail bheneà aitea lilest cavemgerS a luhei dteT' anY-out * et hîti, meysJulge Joues, *"ihen every die- ubere. c The shipa efthUe alicd fores ver. tatueof humanity cnd Instie demandu 1j 'Up te Uicetime thai Mike Dedy Our ,f greatlr daacagedl by fire durlag the that yen eturu truc bilis againea t hea1n-et te Havana te start .his sen-agebu * bembcrdmnt ef SevastepoL. minibers ocfhe ibe n>1 1systein the barber et Havanair as ac h * Abrahamn Lincon challenged Stephen Hers fer the firat lime a faderaI Jedga adsehuritere r111110 ,rA. Douglas th a joint debaein the i.bas l'heu that a nob wih l urdoru a s a' sparadi..skieh ~ r a canvassfor tleb efate. net"ro hiause ho . *Laganeg asnoia s l » pipes beganu drainicg Itb Havane bay < bacause ha ie cbarged iih 'a crime laye hie Éaurirbegae te cdean eut. ge (iii dur lisait lisibla te punisbmnet under tederal thie flube. L InUrne yeu wu't bear w s rty Yom U & Ai.lau. hie thirteeuth ail tourtaanth 'ot a ahamkin lu .cvcncbarber auy moreJI Chiat justice Roser a Tanci lied anaimets te the constituticoc ara ce-n thon yen ever hear efioceeiIs aide c It ai bis boee hi Eltimore. Md. Lied upon te uphold the vieir tuai it Ilu Sandy Hiok. The mater rlght areuicd A igt etrcn hrhia'mcaalythe nation'aduty te proeel is cii- %Y Acdlice eetire fen fefeeria aa menu from violence cronsel hy race axi- Nlnbttn Island la pretty filtby.Hon-Vo t can rthlentifce f neieaemWsly. The point thus ralse la i mpo- people eau peslbly enjoy sulmmlng it1 ac vairyI h aley cf the Shenan- tati la mere tban 1 underatans. A rneulb- Mse > doab rernied ti the routlig etftitelai- tctfui etfn-ater futhe iceEat cm North en ter ami lb. capture cf aleuran places CHR181IAN SCIENCE LEGAL. river or thec hay bam more microbes ol nr et srtlolt7andt 800 tcnlaOnems. iatstl$leiIo. fth. eNewr W.-.te thc square Inch hice ail thseOCoton the le Thse bank of Monroe. Wln.,.iraslet.Tht a hi, ur .that cernes ite lNew Tok. ge Yeu Dr ~ cdhi brglra ati ~,00 lacurrnci l'e ealti of the practLce of Chrs- e thoe harirs have more ena. Ussu £Or A »urel'd. tian Scenece lanlNeu Him»Mr hm ba ee Intelliget laudltabbocsof -Moublai- '31 IF C1. Robet G. Ingerscli addreWdia uphee byhi liiSupreme Court cf the ùm hi marnmelbunion meting aI Bryan &tinlua lecsln harsdeddoua u icn__he______ il Ral, OChicago. sait un. Jeu, e Speat of Cencord i 0 Harrn ILcu . ld «ecaped frein con- to recevoirammgeu fer injuries an tisa CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. 10 sfinemen t aI[ndianapolta during bis reaît cf treatment by, Irving W. Toin-d uiliiary tri a etuhlc Mucb Wiasde- Ueut, a& Chistlian Science practitioner. Whee the Back Adieu aud Bmmdi.,28 valopit cucerini ise f CecerdTrouhlse Set Ia. oct ai the .Camses. Us. purtien of Mms. peal cberged that T»biinm Don't malle the mistakre of ballev- a. tc Knlghta efthte Golden Circle. ba il lei te cura ber ofe i h. lias for ing baciraehe -ced biadilern ie te b. le- tai Fadererai timepa mnd miltila uer. uin-' iueshtated ber, ad bat lier cure cal 'iîai.Get ai the ceusa and Id dem arma ail day and lgt t Mena- rasgrti.y- îeiayed by tisa lime ae use theake'u li thi 1, phis, Tenur.. expecting an. attack by il aM ig ~liitruetnent. Tise casa W Ususa' id i , Use Confadevate force under Cihama. ideiinla avor ofthie defeaidant lu th. ney Puise, bicb 10 A late froWs President Lincoln, urg- louer court and was app«eld. Tha Sux- bave cured tliou- Li latisa adoption Or an nt-lavery pa. oit o ffru<l auuc ain8D. a ciao.. vas readeai naameeting Ineand dïtiis hetisabl. * \ Caai S.D 20 eein f ni taacnaiu la aubsancea,the cout boldo tuai<ha- BHu n ter, <;ï ri- teIÏruofanwSaecntt-pracise t Cor stan ncla légalad gins Ne. 14, Bitta-, th tionen B aimoe, . 1h1patienta ubo hava ered oauch brDePaveu. Pien o si Éllections lu 0h1o. Indicaasud PO <ceUamet cermet vecoverauy i&mailgasn larmetan cs syivmeic ucre a declalva viCIory fer ceuthie metitioeer uses le accapteil -' esidtng ai 2721) .et Lincon and tue admnistrtlioncf lb. Clwlmvisný Science metheils of treasment. W y 11e avenue. 'b , war ma" rabuire for the poace party. It decddas thia Obroistmu Science triai- - B aye: ment le nather negUigat ibaocialu lit h as three years age that I used ýksued <bat as Mra. Speai veut te Mr.. Dean'a Kideey Puillefek au altacir of lhhty Y 1111111. Ai.. omlucan seaidng Christatn &lcince idney trouble that iras mostly backr- au A building mt Aspatia,_ Spain. jeed trotinent. Lin-asbis duty su rami hue ache, and ibey dxcii me ip fine. There ce by lh. Calistis tu manufmcturs a n.bY ft ntbod, aed ti a lecoil net a rie mistaire about that. sud if 1 e- mnition iras bloun op mts greal m deaim thai uùoh ecethoil 09 trealMet vas ubonld ever ha treubied agalu. I vouid deolté oeutrary te publie poeAc. - get tUsam rsi thiug. au1I mcv vrai lt Wli m .]ELWlkhbam ias uman- trei atNea t . tbcy are." de maa'Ibllaxn ztmmkFor 'aa by anl dealera. Brio. 50 mecdir usorinated by Tammii Hall Tise Mollent clocddng plant.Ca cents. Foter-Milbtirx Company, But- 00 forMayr of 2ev York. ltte,. . . vort%0,000. n'as husned. tfie. N. Y. 'I- lihsildl*PgtCbea snaoux he b. Tn-oblocha cf bildings lu Onklay, Of declaratien cf us, betueau Japan sud Rda.. vare dastroyed by Oire that causal Wbmn tha brrent Cir a ns Cuare' nc China. $M00 Slouai. Baverai ictml Suests bild viich ha vas attackail by a tanatie lu ti A report cf thei Illincos board cf a narviwenamopa. Osu. Japan>- and tic Jlnrik ha Mu. u 0., eqoailaticn tnid ibere wve.elghty-firvA Lnmeni nammg b.bintpiceofartin le euvng hlm trombi sl- eorpvmlonelu 00kCeoty ad aoutJams Eox olkelevnth1, cii.Tîey bavte recelyéd a peesion frem - Pure Food Factorl es that mai iù aOaBu4, bu Adawtsiflby C.W.Pout te Pirsaiemman wii owa .)w t taJ hues « S an quot At Battie c eek. i. pfle au preet the logl. ,oq mient and ualeamau ability ta i a l b saddress t o Pubîlabera at th e and e f e ntom ffl a i at 0*p le Creek banquet Mr. Pott llketied tbirough the cWnu;" i the:.e grgwth cf a modern commeal per, a atrong contrai te othe"t-t erprle to the grwtb of an apple- ioed way f talkiug to o. eueté GooddmaccU. pleity of work andi&a t Ure. r are needeU, but the tree wll flot e apeke of the eeteu ff lieè *r apples witbo t wsu n e. ertier, for a puIblier uitW t .,le aunelUne top the commercial epeclal letereat lu iuaklngtie U9 t le pul licfty accured by d'.eraia- îîalng aneouncements attmcthi.À verotlaCints, abould ettm t*i% lai l u p o iib le e v fn w lth th e lipnv i- Infr mn a tio n f in tere t * *à vt oi e advertiglug te inake a sfucceessUn- readerS. The Poutuleitc4n sthe nrtcle bas merît of a higb made Batte Crek fmeur &U~g r. Met la the geod tree ard %n. wrld ndabout doibled te I né malte@' tlie p;îb'c *grow. à ýood, tiou_ Lirait cf Laines. c-e darkes lay sprawled orr the! eona bot day. Mosues drew a long tand "id, "eyah~!Ah wisk .bda bundreii watermelllonl!' ~r's eyca lghtcii -dlmly."Hm hl. Dat would au±±êuly ie, fine. À'n' l'o' bcd a hun'ed watermellioiis Ild yo' gib mue fitty?" ' n 'o. Ah woulut SW û, no Il7 termelons." e 'Wouldn't yo' glb me tweuty.five?" "o. Ah wouldn't gib yo' o twen- teerna ter me vouae powahtul gy. Ilose. Wouldln't yo'-weouldn't Tt Cocu gil m e cne ' u o . No. A-h wouldn't gib yo'ecLook à aun mm lfelr iyab. niffab. are ye'm ge-ernf-t~bo, -.2 M laîrZ dat YO! caln't Wlah t' o' V b.WUleacauiassflU& in watermellionsl fleauttia.coiOur Lnu"age. He--By -the uayl. who -la-that pretty ian talkicg te the Captale? ha-O h, that l a ea f th e Lle tan- M s a l w ta niVes. i mit.oaSu# Hea-Indead! And hou many. ulvea sthe Lieutenant? LQOOYILL TELL gt OONT~U1TRZVDE%,""atras e ppinomm, la Laew.1y flp.udant au the Stata et lBer EB@d. L ton wUaT*ilUU lun Wlian th. blod landlucrderd every Theintaatd butai czb9*nt Vin cf the body inafeoted unfavera y,5u!dJt< I fails to diacharge lia inctina* l.a ieh r a 4 a a m ~ ýý l a I. the cOaa. of every w om au i w i h t e ia t a eu u %tw ba rode pecal rov r Abut150.0S0 AmerIs zs h rioicalpurifcation of the 'blond and yeura9 W long as ibis occuZSrs irhe*~h en dieh tîlI a&euarin ibn haut Arits untaflingly reveal the beuellcial justreta "iL Se élight a canse ss a oold or a je basbhumen %i tbslcu va ulItha tecedta Iport eroua ahock xuay proddnoa asuppres- v. eu earone. oancre a en cf tis vital funtion and umil Itl sa . hee n bg atored. ah . in <ocom ed t e utsory. T ii. Âdore 5*t. e 5 emou utal han proyett meut prompt ~C4.c ad affectiva lxiaindiaurders pavemr oc , oh.0 bofamai. nez,itataiWb" hbrought aCh gront relief to, Miss Matai.Grla.' f No. 807 ludiana streeot. lawrenoS. racs, couoeruixig wbich iii. spuake as -In the wlnter eof190, tn momn îknown cause, ibere wua a oumetien fonctions pecullar te My sMx for a pe. - !d c f four»Moarthe, 1 boeuse very r a k f o nd o o u l d o n t S M u p a i A s W i h ....... 'ni help. 1Iliait aa L$iIt onatant headachs.I1 as mader the ax cf a physiculfor tites motho, Y out ho id ot isnoecdlaincubgm.ttal rien a lady fblond told ma, about thé . et -. meritsoetDr.Wlflami' Pinlk 1 111»wbicb Pl e hait a"etla her fanslly amd 6e lu - b 1Ibn lîced m te try them. I4 Vas linMIUI 00 15la wheu I firat iegan, te nu thom and in rue 1 liedfully recoverait My healub, id bava ince raiuand »rtéectly __ In au Camesof delayed developmment cf9 îunng girls. lu anomia or wàmemdue 0lmpoverlahed bleoit asud shouAni1W of ln palier, lack cf amabitien, despond. mcy and eervousness; alec An thepu grest Ji.c xaiutiouci dlslurxancet attendlng ;i Veried know e s t. hanmge of lifa, i.WlimPink Pinslam armamubwe....... a' WQMea, Whou b"heslu l ai eiy4spaden theslta r à blod. Thy ame sold yaUde 0"uà relatletcofh.-r, f a o ua ïut freala a maithenam oreta uy Sue Whe coes te*rite fi t tieinthé Dr. s Willims Medicine Oempany,SOchaeo." tady, X. Y. 5 Sir Jouaph Dalton Hocher, uaid teibu y.%go he treateutiving hetanist, has pasned sl elghty-eeventhb brthday. 1 eua reanml Opignon Curefw 05f lmpiSu for tut. It bas givra me»0J M reat relle.-W.8 L. Wood. N'armsreubw& W Ed.. Sept 1.S, 1901 Ouly ona-tircith ef the population ~has.a d Itaiseau raad anl write. Tm aai mach cme. svoue. miraigbl, um duh Hoe1

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