CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Nov 1904, p. 5

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a, il tes a question .whlcb ili.t. you-the welght of what yon bhuy. Wheu we oel You a pound ci Ueat lt containua16 OUD080sand its al good. Our attention tÔ> wbat Wema11imaurm s atiufaction for You ln what you buy, W. wouid lke to bave >'u cofiuit ne about mnats. la£ df*£Ltf jA gu I L &àîiS Jewelry, Watches, -Clocks, SilIverware, Stationery Watdî 1tpatring my tspecialty, and bave lia l if«ts stxperence wlth -ieadiog city fime a i rag-tical Watchmaker. ANDRE3W HUSS -S»r ua.rl Daety Brou. 'Libertyville - - Illinlois To 1Furnish gjou with ever gthing that failand Wonter weather cals for inl ang Uine.e lleavy Covert Corduroy Uned Coats Plecce Uined'Duck Coats Ail WooI Cardigan Jackets Wool Kcrsey Coats A Pull Lino of Sweaters We are selling a good $1.00 Sweator as long as they last .............. 75co Duck Coata from $1.00 Up. Union Overalle from b0c Up. Men'a (Iloves alud Mutte from 25e up. Gentleman's Fine Gloves ln kids, lined amit unlined, reindeef anp buekin. Mania ileece lined ijnderwear 8 bita Up. Men's wool Uîîderwear from *1.00 and up. -Caliland e us-w 0can gave you money. Mso#of ulf n tores t to LSb tyville Ré 4444i<4444444444 C. M.'& ST. P. TIAIB TABLE. I la fect May 23. 1s"4 %aders. TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. WUUK DAII. WuxiEDATa. Depart Prom New Depot. Arrive at New Depot. lisaa UilyvIIa Artva hl~ao "leavOCios. Arrive Libertyllia. liv. ro.. lam..........g:a.m .13 .i. . a. m. .........su1:1a . ac.l ...8 à m....... .. aa . la ...... siblP. m. ........... 3:40P. m. -id .....18 . 1tua , I UmP. m......... m . .........8:00 P. M. *18 S m.... Ida. 'am.....900..N ....4.0 p- M ............ 1:0 P.M. -la ... 9IL . ........... :14 :1am.- « i :eî P. m ..........3:40IP. iM. -140 ..... 141P-.............57 ~p M.- - 4 ........... 7:0 P. M TO CHICACO. Pnom CHICAGO. *MM DAIM. WUEEDAIs. Depart Progn Oid Depot. ArriVe nt Old Depot. Loave LbotvVlhI& Arrive chimoao. Lma" Ciogo Arriva Llbartyvillla. Re lm O. ia. ............ lffla. m.: 11.... 9,30am. ...........10:46A. M. *kM .......... . 3:14a. m. l'a...8:11111m .......... ý :44)P. 11 . 14.lU. ............140 P.. . 133 ... mp.m. ......... 7:80P. m. SONDAISBUXATS ii.o.IN ....;..m . ........914IL ..No. in ......r a ............ 10:46 ILm Mr. Fred Orabbe expecîs mtii riait tii-:Nlms. IL. Neyerm, uf \:islivillp. Tonu.. im St. Lnuim Fair next week. viiting wiii, Mras.rI ig. Wm. (lebjuge leavea M:înday for a Misa (Clra Miller rtîriuî.d tih. finit <of week at the St. Souis Fair. itho week from an î'\tîqîideî vimit witl, 1ow that It ln aIl over von rantliegin relatives lu New Y0rk. tt.. to thiuk of vour Tiiauimiqiving illinîir. H. A %Iquir«s ia very sek ut the: honte 1taf but two weeksm off. , ut ý- fMis. A. W. Waldî,. l:ies gradually ý ilu birtbai to Lilwrtyvilli. parents sinking and the lagîifly <unsider lus r. are: tO Mr. anA ira. 1,. 11H. S<brsk <a< roery very douithîil. Mr. $qUire@ bum girllMr. And MrW., Join Mi/ites n «y, 11:1:1 41remponsible pos.itioni vit>: Murobâl Mr. asid lir. Sai uh ia a hoy. ield in Uicago for wveral y:.ars and la Wednuslday ening. Nov. :sot th Protnînent in 'W<c 'rclea.Partial Olazier JubilsesSingera viii gir:. an Paralysia causes th- frontci bi emtrtainnnt at the Union chun-îî. lie suifera. Furiber notice in aubaf. înent issues. .'ied John LYnch wliîo lives inat north. Maturday niglît, Wilian SuttonU, a a-est of town in at lîdis<oor tât this brakemnan in tiie eniploy ofthte: Elgin, m riting. He hanlit an sufferer for 'Joliet and Eaatern railroacl vam instant veurs. Tue fanîlly i- fit hbladiide and IY ki)lcd ut htrngtxin lffllng bej nuoli<45t5are entertain.-d <ofbis r.-ivîry tween twO earm of a niovlng train. ?îîmn: brand, ne W tylîs in î,îture tir <Ju. lli an ~t. <~ î <>ov~nî4uuîuînge juutitat 14$wik*8Studio. Mr.~ eonaeîn wiîcof tIcdatl: of ifrlg lnyour piitiili< to hle frained- ar ee ndito rjO.s riglît. 0l;-1 c. Tho«î. Ellig. Aeix:îîPknitug tis*m are raîly t)I:. iiielui n Lils.rtv. MIra. B. H. Mille.r and ii lia Mmiii:. uh ville. ovured ln thie.Tow:n Hall Satnr- Mir. Miller did nuit r.tIîr, Lein( nt Pres- dajy niglît. There %vas a quartette At the oued party given i.> Foreutera (if A-1n- Camp lmat wveet iret auisecond prises vere vwon l'y Mra. Allswrt T'von and Mir. Johin ilatriiuur rseîv. wbile James Clark and Allie Enliple1 captured the genus' e Tho guddenss of deatha f ruipnî.u- moula lu aa unniier ut r«etutases and tbe prevalente oft tiat disease sbouid prove mufficiat to emplîseize tile nes- iti ut1'taking care ut yoiursef.' :*nt court deatb by uawees exposure. Fred Holc:mh lett- at the fxEua DEgTiruffice ,-tîis veefk tWo ours of as fiue eorn as you wouil wisbh to ýe. (DE measures 12 inieliea and tihe other il in leugtb and ha aays ha bas lots more AImDOUt as large. It is ibeheLest ýor bruught t'.> unotice thin year. Busimea conraea nt RocIesmter Acadp.gi4> flocheter, Wll. W inter terni, tuB>:>n only. $19.04).-. A gisd crowd wus on bîandl eari in the eveing Tuesday to héear election res tUrus recivad ut thie town Hall. ÂO tua-y came lu anti were dîacovorcd to bé aki :.xlected, ail one wuy, the crowu dwindled and oni y a-fev :.nt.luuians "tyod until mi:IngitLittle enthasue lsm.,wamanifest beiowseof thti: ne. uladeM fiaufthe tcou test. .4 Waukegun paper quotes au offli ut the Wconsin Centrai ruilrî>îd in an IDterview, nas lw: "The ,St. Panl road la Lack utl the big ]and îurrlase ai Llbertyvilie and the Wiacuonpiu Central ban notiing tu do witb it. 1 tbink the eompanY im aureiy to egtabiishucar abops at Lihartyville if wbWis athe:.cap, viii Lie a great tiîing for tbe tovui." Anot4ier informant daclures tiie Mt. Paul rondim u tu etablisb a '.ometéry on tl<:. site. Wbat next? Progresa la consitruction of tii: road- lied for tihe electric ronad extension mu Rocefeller ie gouul. the fine woather ut. fording every OPPOrtuuitv to push the thée work. By Maturday night tisa road. lied wili bave Lamao completed, exceptiDg oaiv ut conue the top dressing uf gravel to) witiîin tiîree.iiuarterm of a iiilie ut thi. WinteonainCeýntrul trukti. Itilaproposed to heginlaying rails in a tewd<ayaand JanuarY 1 i vlI ituesa thp extension about eompleted. <e n in a it- le m Se '«Old Jo ba-thte talior employed by Fred Croker Ipet witi Murmhual Fresbman Tuesday murning, on eletiun, thi: cou- ditions heiuug that if lIt<osi.velt aas elet. ed Freshmnan la to whecl John iront the St. Paunl to eletriecroud depot in a wheei barrow and if Parker vas elected that Joanunmust wheel Preabmau. Thesconditions vwere to ha complied with wltbin a veet ualtoi election, and no w. are watcbing for MIr. Freshian to mairegood. Wilton Lackoe iii play -'The Pit"I at Schwarttz Tlîeatre Waukegan 8unday evening Nouv. 13. "The Pie' is une ut tha gieuteat auccesses that the Amer. iean otage bas kauva for muny years, It la a poverul tarY of active Amnerican life-tb:., fictitious narra- tive of a "dea" la the Chicago wheat pit. TIie. social existence, the gambllng ln stocks and protium, the ebaracteriatie lit:' ut Chicago, form the background for un exceedingly vigorous and buman tale of modemrnilte and love.E MIr. Fike ut -the flrm of Clament & Fika,3 broaderes of tancY Wbite Wyandotte poultry raturned fron tle St. Louis n'ir lait weak and he did not cone ,mpty banded. Bis pensutofWhite Wyandottes attractod attetion ot ait l poultry men, andd la the gnuat conteatt for praminin haoewured aven murea tha bisshare. lmust. ha rememharadà tht &Hl comttriso olt lbworid vere la0 liie cSifest :14 balng a worhd'a show TU. RoWs Ora inltrç5rt spd pv bsek ovho ndal. 4ed th- .audieuuv. T<:. i- îre sîilemdid. 1Thiý Aptakiai. bras titiuu:pla.ved pmtrio- tii airs and lgot the lnrgu aiîdienee in tIi: riglît fraîiie ut mind to liear th lbe ill'y. Arthuur ltulikl:y gave a fin:. talk, the bflt <of tihe. :vening. H1e vus tollowed liy C. T. liey:i.iker and tben Pauei:.the "speaker ot tii:. eveaing*, 1and lie vas a failiiîre. The audience was glad when he tbauuked tlîern for1 their attention and (luit. AIl in ail it was a good rally, and eiijuyid iy thioae1 viuo attended. Riobert Proctor lins troules out lii uvu. First the village autiîiîritie$ st4op. îied the outiet of bis sewer. on< Newberry avenu. He thep arrmnged t4o have bis 1>ýms pool discharge ou surfuice of the grunul Odvacant PrupertY ovned by Mr. Maximin. Tlîea tie 1;ewberry1 a-venue peupile tbreâtened to Lbriug, suit1 uguinst Maxbaanumiluas the nuinsueale wra abated. Tii:. ituttonue la int lMr. Proetur tO Protect Mautham is arraîîg. ing to abandon tiie.Use ot bis a-ver ÉaI. together. This wi 'ii put thei:. Iusets andI and lavatorieffla inaielarge nem- Luiid- iug <ont t o ninisXlua until 5iiriitirne as1 severs are built bY the village and atteri ha ba@ been at a great expanse tu dintal " sever systeîin in I.Jhrtyville. Huw. P er; tige village hourd will atart tiîu m- provement eerly iiitbu sprinlf, arraug- h ing ail details; during the vînter, and M'ieu rtlief mJay lie looked for. X ANNOUNCEMENrs X Lake Itluff aill entartain tii:. semi. animual convenîtioin ofthetIi:.E ortil Leagne SatuirduauîandLils.rtyville. ailI Le Weil represeiit.d. Tii:.Ladies Ail siuilî 't itiî< PrOmbYtderiar ni linnli, il iimttt tIi. chui: Tiiiiruulmy afterlliioîu, Nov. 1 7. Tbereila soie a'urk tu b.> done mulid a good attenduuîim de Ired. Wedueaday even'iig, Nov. la yl L e heid the seco)nd ini h» e ries ut <urd parties under iipie" ofthtie.Forester Teain ut Acmn. tuCamp. IL W. A. 1l>u.iiiug ut conclumi:îu ut gauies. 1Sermon subjets at the: Methlilit cb 'urb SuîInday ivili tue: "Thuis Vuan Recelietb in: aond "A Woird]to Simn- The quuarterly meeting ,<m NOV, 91) wili I.. iur«eiddby tIie. mi love teust. The W. C. T. I. i pruovidiug a remding Broom and rireulutiuig library, to lu, àestabliabed over Heathis turniture sqtore. 1AnYone wiabing to contrlhute boka, .nîoney or suhseriptions tio pertodîcais 1 ili plaeiwwlouve saut:. with Mrs. Wî. Sikinner. Topie ut tiie Irsabyteriun churcb Snnday morung a-lU c- "John the htaPtiat, Dying for Christ.", In tii: evoning "Mr. RooseHveit, Mr. Parter and Dr. Swilow. Tiie Promiuenje ofu Rteligions Mt O>ur Coîuntry.-, SaturdBY eveluinga boqinunigNoîv. l!) the.Burton Uolilues Traoeilogufflvihi Le given mnthe fullitving ordar at Itavinia Park Tbheatre; 1. Loundon, Nov. 19; Round Albout Londotn, Nov. 26; Beautiful Ireiand, Dec. %l; Tii:. Iusian Eni1in., Dec. 10 and Japan Dec. 17. Ciorse Oem§on tickets@<unéalme ut Loveli's drug store. Now bîre si 0aptblng rare and You Cannot ufford to mies It. Season ticket@ $2.50 tu f *3.00) The Liiurary Comnmitteea ofuthte Mathodiet Sunday scbuol ie to give a merl o 0fla, for lwnefl4 of thé. library and chareb. Tii:. lrat yull ha a Japaneme tea. Theu viii bc .Ruusian, lfnglla and Amrnemn tee. Çompe to the japanesetéà ut thea c, h urduy avening, Nogv. 1 î, frum $,40 8 o'cloek. 'Thoe.wulbe gochqiUdtAA qMering *1w buison. The maaenk cl!dss Jslled y rio#,-olIlttu, ,M~'d 0Mdbutter CIA IMS- Th«g. ieau Old Restitunt John limaS Well Known Fariner. LATTER'8 BEATR iSUDDEN. Tlotmi Fllis ()nie of Ljluertvvi)lls "oldéatresidents 1îoth in point of yeara and Jp@rlod fil rcsid.mi:.. iiathe ~t4)wrmip died Tuenduy. Wite Mr. Ellis hll beeu l.ira freoble beaitii for a loîng titan. lus :eath a-w"ualookedl fOr tb:.r. ieinit) u Ilria n*ing s;ynîptome until aliîiut thi.. mr. le. vas t85 Jeara <Of iigp nmid t: tlîiR ln :lirlil3attributalitIi:. ailluî aiet liieli î'awwed lus deuth, Ftî,llenPm frotta <id- vance:t yeara underriiimg bismine "tu rdy constitutlon. Mr M ilia wilia a Ot ligiîiy F<5s.<-tft ciltizen and] while lwie all nev,-r indenti- lIed ljms.tpromineutly with oal n (rgaknizatiOnO Yet alwuivis took an in. -tefflt in thie welfure uiftheb:. eonniuu>iîy. If li sterling li<îueotv was na<natter of eor>înient aid l i neyr kmowiiigly lan- aur Inau. Ris iul:i ut (ilriglit nand Ji rong vire thie eoncptIon <if latrue minci, h:înîet andl fearleas. Miî. Ellim came t tilis :fQuîîtry fru'a England in the c-arly days <if Lake countys bimtory. Settling (un tbe fai-m kncîvn as ti:. llia <'stan u n Milwaukee, avenue, lii. Pred blusfamily aîd 'nid hy tbe conlla)tëee wbicl in fbismîld agis pruvidétidaîînîply for ail bais needa. Hi@ tirat wife vho i<lied moiînîtiuing ovr lapin yearai agi) vas of the saine kindly disposition am lie, tandt]lieir iioaptality wus everyvliere kLn:wn. lu thiîr homne aire brouglit ni) tee :iidre-n, and non:. tieir own. Vrs. lune.sanuithiof liberty ville, Mrj. Wîui. Liddis, now iuvated lin a western aitate maid Robert, Elli'a. a nepbev, 11,119 ail r:riniber thé devotioa îd (are be-ituv.d tapota therra b1 tipi:.knd learted cup.Tiai:. if. ho survivs ifallu bas niinistëred iuvingly to fais vantiq in li.4 detlining yearm and bétail ant PfftetionateecoMpanIlunt. Funeral services vereil mý lit tii:. ls., Ihv. Lau 1er iiliiuîugý fi îulruicut wlisin n î.týjr John Bush Dieu Suddenly. F:dl:îwilig i-lowua-btapotathe unnouncee nî:.ntf<uttii:. serious iilîiesuof lMr. John Bush, a wel known fariner living forth.1 voit ut LibertYville village, came la-ý foranation Outfim deatlî w ieb wala d, sliock tu lisii îiny frienda in the coin.' Wednesday ut luit veek Mir. Bush waut ini the village, tbougb tbcn c<>mpinàa ut faot feeling well. Tburaday paieumoa1, developedl and Sunday ha paseed quietly mway. Mr. IBushi W" a weil.todû tarmer, a staunch niember of the local Catbulie-cboircb and liked by ail who knew huan. A quiet, uauuing man, - devutoil to lus home and ftaily, ha livèd a îwacetul lite and by bard work and frugalitY bad accumnulated aconafderabla foune. H1e vas about 60> yeara of lige. li:.sldes tiie wlfe and eeveral amal ehiildren lie im msurvived iiy Miss ýEgnmuua Bii4lî wlio résides in the: village. Du.ceased vas reared la Lîbortyville toîwnshiip Ilîîving lived nil bis ]li:fler. rîius are Pnsing thie.pioncera ofthei: -oinnainty. lOne. iY une we cheroniele tli<.ir Ileath, and lt ii tu La uînlyýàfa4)w yearm Maitif tiie. older getueraticn bas ,luised., Funeral vga bld Woduiesdaay from the honce, Lurial biug in the. Cmtii:lic eemetery lut Wukegan. We wili con tinune for an:îther weipk tu, mat:. 24 pitures for 25 cent@. il.1d. xaviCsStudi o. COMING. Tuesday, Aedncslay, Tbursday Noveauber 15, 16muid 1l7ti. Miss Kin- înert, thue weii.known Optielan ut Chica- go, wili heaut tha e eetle Butai, Lib- ertyville, giving f rea exalnatînna of eyem, by the latest methodo. Miss Emmert tomes tu, ne witb tbe lict ot reeônmiendatious, Lotb us ta ber abiiity and traiglttorward ,lînsinesa niethode. Suie viii mate regniar montiily visite t'> Lihartyvill:., and mny lenses fltted by ber wiii ha exi.bang(4 tree ut <barge amiy- tiîne vitiin twu years. Cail and hure your em. examitied. No one urged tu iîny. 6.1-11. Cioaks- DESIONS FOR FALL & WINTER 1904 -1905 A splendid assortment from which to select, ln the proiper styles. Garments that give that natty, weIi - dressed ap- pearance. MRS. F.PROTINE IUDterMMd to Wer 10 DESIGNS I~Ii, CMlE VERY LATEST in Gents? Furrnsh- ings. We can suit you in Price, Make, and Quai. ity. .1. CALICO. About 600 yd. Caieioats of the kmW Hbi&"tOODraMIdnocbetter Cc.. ins bl"n"m edd" k blu ight 0«4du red grouada.latest pettera mm d u charné 7 to10 yd lenthe ........................... Doube Width Planeletmothe store s eil them ut 18e. Heavy OutingPameL loc klnd at................ lac iztm Heavy Uirtlng Gcods........ ....... 1 40 d 50e D oble Vldh Drm "... ooa ........ ý LibeortyvIlle - - - lift Don't Forret That we have a çomplote lino Stoves, Steel Ranges% Coot liard and Soit Cool Uhahi Anything you want in the Stove Une w Corne in arid talk it over. 8CMÏ 1Ani for,.

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