CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Nov 1904, p. 7

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î1 Isl eVL10,VMugo50S the Chicuo & Ilasteun lhiols BIail- 44 ov wrun ina ht asut day train. le 0 £iPooelon lîy, wieihtrepreusai Wlghlleal type or ralîrndoat atrujc- I~Whea jeu go itateWorfld' besurs jour lickt-h- la mate gond thl iic Ie ami joui nl enjo>'tet>' Wo et te shoritrInî. LeéWr je-mlI tiket agent wmliiglatIr "ao pour ichet LüOot tiaui' rIf jeu 0:es in Ige lr ý1IY the King et.Korea ns>' rear #»t or aie ronund uolumrns ad M raflera lataIhqbounneor meat s Jet «t brllianit ed. Oni>- tbe King wqlookuida the iac«emtcfthe WàW* b«ndýpd% ofa ttentant 15diM e. au>'am bulding ou-ide of wicb W g me tian three Biope. Four ~e vouki. ho igli resison ami emrrwerrà r*it Ialers Ml»behe ltaimeter et tithesrth as beetn rougir kmoeen for mon>' are Il bas late>' b<en accuretel>' sa- rtOlMaci sur lhlrhy-jt-îîrs*terabd. JI em ofIe 00Oi It la 7.9m Imiles j the equaalo ont 7.«1>train vols te QUiCI( REBUiTS. t- ort. N. C., JulçtIce of tbat-bocheY$. aid hisnathl an at-el a y e lmln it ye usaite ~eaut gam rai> l m pra.itMa Fo ob'altbeam.frin-e2) Oeowclls-be. ~ sud lie Up pr elaaIle rae et . agint dti.. ~egs srinnîltoble sud-W U. . Iaja, peuI. TeOklaArl dcla aster c iuguae n t le ai 'Th illa -bîfre In sudbavaits.egwpad a ache t For ite Ih at-tdOicrs.pric Ssr9el in cae retaPra. )fe A lno"- 3"apsop Thse genof tugîsit pet aIDri- ry Lau.ehba net 11000 lavoa. A lady lu Bajeituor iront dtaisate sec har cohtheoalter mornag. "Maria." ebe sait, "yeu*ve beon tu- lus jour work verj batly for soie irceke paI. i woul.t have lt!' "Ilum, repîlet lte ceak; "1ceabîma aint my caîl. -WNorik ini my rail. Hiopera*u my ct-il. ny 1 danlnow irbether I'm a contraste or ea ultanai'" Bele. ThzauSpaonkrnsg. Saailg teessotm cue chute. of mrita. dt6rultits. If It didt ters miould b. feu' chiltren that ierit q dg Par le a coustltulleml causge for Ibis- Mns. M. Sammeru Box «IX, Notre Dame, lad.. wiii sent ber boue ireoluiemite m> rnother. 5h. ashe té mousi, Writc hec te-tai If yeer ebltreu trouble jeu la ibis aY. Dom' t blamethe chuThlb ebasce. ame il cuat belq It TH-E W£LFAIIE MANAGER Wit the icIcMoit wyearu there bas boe neLela the letustrisi irntau Milice MWitkj»a u a shat et the Wei- tare nmamame. .Il miouidt cihoter- gottca, bueer. thât tIbis tari wma luvectet kaunt an cOmeeairedy la ex. latente.mai"thal R vwas net se lavent- ad ül lut-h valnuable irork et a plu- iteen cbprexer ad'beea accomplishet. This niaager, ha may ho elter a mai ai-àa mman, la a recoglaceltler- medtia" 'betiteen lte empieer&a euulloya etmercantile Ibousesumnt mnuufactnring plants withiti pe«ses an>' pretoasions tuaielsand l mîpreri ate. Sut-h a persan represeets thc t-baole et un eu pi..jer who noudtIl- Stroduce.auog ilsemplyes Itirovet motn more ta'orable conditiona, but - we. itamperet sahe tà b>'lte con- 1plex rumlfiima of the Industrial and aeasIdýof toa>. ant anabie t att ~ Isasly tueveery detail, Inda htl uobIlged tua aummon tuahl# al liT . cce. t>nt u'Intorunediar>' b. tkeeu hujuseht ant those lenthseont- 1ploy. 1 il lu Wie employer, onot tbeemplojo. ï ho bas chacal tis ntermedlary ant outuinedt Uicocpe of the managersa wark.' At thémane turne. ln orter thai blm owva pur poses may not bo tefeated b>' lie pïeaeanceýd o 100 ui bfiction tn hie' ectsllllhment. ho hou been ai peinaithep maklng ibis -boIre, ta re- stpect the sentimentsaont prejudices. ont sometims e ven the dîgelties. et bis employes. Ia no aeecomleg tin- t er my Obaer'vatioe bas b folledtotere- suave a iteifore mnanger unable ta pre- serve lte harmoiets. For sut-b o man- ager, It muet ho unteralot. ls unithe a SUp)erlntezit$nt or a foreman. ont bas no direct authonli> ll tebusinesa. tnor power ta engage or le diamiss an employe.-GCentury. s TILL NOON. The SiplinhIsbtiaI Kea" e sVigor- Wfcn ftue Datort tat ibis aito sped1cIne, en1d, the grasser eute the foot ho recommneonsemacnfitenca come tu lte observer. À Grocer cf Ossian, lad..,lied a Peso- ticah experiena itith foot wort# a>'- oo's atteaUcit H.e sys: "MIx yoars aga 1 becanie se uveakIm rm siantac ant baitel trou- ble t" 1wito lualI>' compellet tao tice op alMW er n eMy store, met le fatIaIlsorte aif'mork. for ubout four yeua. The lent jear I1itos canlined te lte bot aoarly ail ofthOe lime, ant mut-h oethUcte ti nable te retuin foot et an>' sert on my atontacb. ity hem- èIa were-batir conatipuiet continuai- Ir lyami 1lest la wigit ft tm l5pennids dosîn ta 88 PaeInrn8.1 "Whea I t. ebotteinof Uic Imdteri1 citanget treatient entirel>' atd miart- et in on Grape-Nuis ont cresin for nourIitwcnt 1 uset absalatly notit- lng but thihafer about tiree monihu. I slowly imprOvet until I gaI ont et Jietant ýbefan ta mare about. "I bore . een lmpravlng regularl>' ont noie lno the pasl lita years bave ,boom mecking about lifleon hours a day lualte store and nover toit better la .my lUta. "Durhatthese lta jyeans I have neyer ulsuet a breakfost cf Gropo- -NIlts ont cran, aot etn hase iltira -1.eal o a>, bt thoe ntire breakfast less rpora e toiowinS aai ong t NE A WPU~ 8LAUBN~R O = 1 h te obimuets là the Unitedi UE1VËeNDAYS l"4«OR. OF TH siU LACf" N8OPE $bitenNicheta Ohemical ComIpany. . 0TTIRN ST .U.GL O0F PORt AÉT#4UR. Ln dlameter.t bite. 12 feet at top- Pcnuaylvanla Sait Company, Nterons, rbrlIltngMotes of rvery .and Moe-..*tory ef iglrntog.gund the Bssia Pa..2=5feet bigh. 10 feet fille dian lm uCoina* troue Euu-Jas.ueseBat-. tro-sehold Forgez, outeof the Bl.ond.eter;. Maryland Steel Company. Spar- tiefiside - eperate andl Prokna.1 MM let Chauteér la Mleo-giughter coite Point. Md., two chlmeas, each Obite of Part Arahu,. iSes Cottmued Oyre, Ibm eMenthe. 225 feet bigh and 13 teet baide diam- - I *ter. it la rnotewrthy that ail these buriîîg t1ioe iek caie worid recelved Ofince ÂAua 1 te operationifaea eslria lns lo h the IWO Most thrililng occonnîs of the igaiiet Port Arhur bave matUiou. higbest lta brick ehimueya are at operatiornia of the present u-ar which tand$ Of ilves. and embrace a serte. metalargical planta. the old Grant bave ytbe ulae.Telrt 0f erce asmanite, band-ta baud strug- saielter et Denver, Colo.. anld the jet een ublihed.The ireworka of the'Orford Copper Company _was flie aîory of the battise of Liso- tin and artllry duels wthout p ar-a Contable Hook, Newt York barber. yails, to by 1rederick Palmer la Col- m-ealaé[ hiatosi'.ho heebin but30fetl lier'a Weekly. The ther en& the ac- Wbea th@ lapa ii P drove the Rus.- each0ftheebtgaou etl coui by the Aisocinied Presa carre- Otlan fronm ther s"Il position on hiht spoudeut of ihe.operatlons about Port the lst range -of iliiita front of the Det inlss Worid. Arthuor turing the eaitt hrec mouille. tartraa by a sUrPilse attack JUIF 50 Crem, Ârk.. Nov. , 4eli>-f Bath of tireze sterlestitili hereafier te Rusatanà retfrdte te forts, but ter elghteen menthe, guffer)ng tront .Tank numong th lb-Cassiezof e t erCoie- tliey alsa strongly beld preî-iouatli re. Epllbpsyl, Backache and Kldocy Con- aliodene. ared advanite lines ta prevent th. Plaint, Mr. W. H. Smth ot this place] The l'ori Arthur #tory lenves one la- Jepanene trou clecain la upon the for- te a Wteil man agaea ad thëse itho voluitallYwitt te fellg tht wr, lle riget ,bave watched bis rttiin ta beaith tholugha rll lite neelintal ting. a, hisinge o ot a ore m les oitatlngly glve ail the credit J<i thoîglîa hriibo ad bulalthlg. . TiIs inoof trtswsafoureenmlls Kidney Pille. in a n lterview yet redeemed froin part of Ils ugilesa long, forrnag a semi-circie f rom lbhe tegarding i. cure, Mr. Slmith aya: by the lutrous lierolant. self-sacrifice' Cat confi ta four ile frait the iteat "I bat een iow for cighteea menthe ami devollon oftlitavictime. as bere cotat aud crcuilg vmile. norhitest itti rybarek- id kidueja and alao eler a more wonuerful story told of Of PorI Artitut. The fortresa bet Epilepay. i badl takea everythtng 1 forgfetulneefselt tf and love ot coun- praper itas a titelve-mîle seml-circile kalew et and1 nothliag seeme tet do me try t__________________ofthe__________ ay gond tli a friand of mine got me try iiauibi occueto! he Jaanee .. .te geumj for u)nd<rs Ktdney Pilla. 1i n soliera îivho feil mor;taiiy wouaded on -~ ltaI t tey are Ui the ittMecilne lu a the aiopes of Port A4rtburo forts. saii- lte worid, for Dow 1 am able te work < las beet-ueetley tit titey oad done id amin finftaua tout and strong asi their part weil? Or itas there ever a belore 1 teck &tck." practce o coolr daing tDoddat s Kidney Pille cnre the Kid- pthe a i c oersrlW han tent fo- nyiCured Kldney cleanse lte blond h the apanse ionera tito set fo- *of ail impuritles. Pure blond means itard le eut ple entanglemneta ihSengot eaith. prevernted the infantry chargea. tum- IL bled over as dent hefore the itires, tuelk te ib Truait. wlf:-ectiey watcd urntil elghl -,fai. Lawyer-You. bave taken y0cr oath. thi: .ïitealthiiy caiied on titeir tbockseand 1 WliOt jeu tea asWer cadi ot My In to the barbait wire and ulpped i wiih qutionis iouestiy. -S tIlcr pacera? Witcea-Yez, sir. ocuaon The enthusiaint omonîg the prîvatesLwiteras- in e drver.aion and ender offilcers itas brougbt out la Lawyer-Do jeou duive o wagon? the groat charge wittheu orders. Tita Witnesa-?No.air; 1 do net.W attacks had been repulsed on the mcmn- Lawyer-Now lie ceretui andi rener- 11 Ing of Aug. 21. Ge. Noti q-as la a ber flint jeu are on your amui. You ad- a qusedary. He cpiied bis officers ta- ~~mittIhat joli are a driver! noie, hoaetlî.., a gether. The troapa were ieft ta the-r don*t yoit. drive a wagon? i owu devicea, sud sjîoiilenieouaiy by treuilcani ta coagt. The Jîipaneae po' Witneernrn-Xo. ir; * drive a hors.- do tes nt d iveutiea ruabed up te biood sillon itos a mile tramn tie advance Albany Journal L stafaied hill. Tieotheywere rolled Rusaan lcl lèinte center etof a rano rireBlack Baut. d back. but the third lime mate their 0f huis cocllet Fengboanio Mouathi. '"Charley hail a dreadful tinie lant efforts gond. iteentsof the oleratiiiia dut-e are au night," saId young Mrs. Tothins. "Hc Il seems; as If each qingle JapanesefoU s: ay$ lhe vctin ofthUic'Black soider l heUi auff of Whicbmartyrs Autat 7.-G erel beombrdaient sto- Haadon a are mae. angt tu glad to dia for his pet Rassiae tire frais Takliu snd Shmkliu "o. dn nuo!" erclalmed the b esilier. religion, itiicitla apon.Munthins; elsbt regimentse limbpet te "Yea He cmmehome u-lUiout a cent. Witat MIuet ente, then. muet thc cret of sTakîru. and. att-r desepoigne 1 dont quit. undertannd thei partielara Ruasàag e. iitafor ver iv, ontts. aud-to-baitut b, traie the- ResUases hoexpiained theni. But Uiej puilida Rumansbe.who fe ovr fve ontis.loto thiai permanent forts mnd captunretdea«dir weupon on hlm that la. known a.i have itnried the Japanese Itroop e t- four filditgens.aclbds.-WaatoSar hua bock flime atter tinte; Who bave Augant &-Heavy lapxnt-seattae >- lb hYWbloeu tr met Japanese cusining wilth oqual cuit- fare tajîligrn"où Shrnkiru lu-lutuin. re- Carrnase 5 re mIng; itho have met tatan«e.bravery pelset but eucceirnfulyren-cnet. tRus- LCal APFCantIDeONr. wli hequal brnîery; %wbo have m ilon fl5ltthunti-eta of dtuit IiOe aan- irse th L PII. diNSe. unatlili fla o Japanese peristent-e with equal pei. doued epositionsa; Jaauese casuaities. or comfutouM eiîe. nd a rdr e ur i 1,400. - oe Là enua ce -Y. IMU on ti sistenne? tn the lgting -on th, thu Angust 1lt-Tw. lapant-se ikgade lotslisuns urfac . iI:i'C*iarnhrle ef Uie Liautueg peulnauia «eoaid551 e pîred inmportant positionsu on the Rua- Wlneast qrisk edicine. XI l eribed bj bas scqultled igIt se o redttabiy"tiat sMan lei t Sok. atter suft-ring tiihtfsl by1c&«la Ou for hrureda of jears there itili heosbses ile utting n.way tlr.ugh etangle- etithet trole loews, osibtel wghh Inspiration 10 the people of batht-ouan- mentsetiier b-ar>- fire. aa kid o e tint di=0t11ontdm trles litht- word "P'ort Arthtur." Arugnt ltl.-Cuueered ly lutat-y bois- tiicotwo Iorftm. e eatrces sli on- bardnent Jo panes. infantry rut-uica ges- terullmarni là a crtes:Cala"S.Sadfor teo- Oyama ond Nouropatkîn stQIj face erai'atdenuce under a witlieniîîg ire and tluionilae. fr»' «ch therseros th Shahe. rW. aptued frt e wee thFJ. CBENEY&CO.Prsps..Tedo. 06 ech llie acras he Sakit. Aril-captret ort n w e oef 174 yards "od bY Utusai-is. pries a. lery duels are fnt lafrequent. Skr- blliiet point of hayose;lootak ite field Hal eUMQille anIs he i. 1u1 allsiee are occasional,. But nelîhet'Sag nad four nunuline unies: Jap caaual- t aide las_ jet shown anaujpurposeet tem. ,1.4W>: 350 iieaslaudeat founinu A Dcitd S@&vng.s tgking the reai Initiative. position. Rumainesa abtdonet Keekwa Dometi-4>o yer-wat me ta uethiti h FOrtnet aite by na t. , bot repuiledQat'aileul The japanese authrortten have sec intantry attack on other torts. iMlisres--Yen. Tbat le a patent tisbh knowledged that Ilii the eariy part of August 21.-Racejona attacWt ant te- washer. Yeu place the dtube, imsite and lune their firmt-las battioship, the eapînred Keekwoej'eri, bet laterilathe tunuithe. rank. Tahma. 12.300 ions. truck a mine day, without orters. a Japanieae rt-gi- "Pbwnt geet leiIl, sure?" ad aunlt. The tact itas reporied at ment irake ranks. torniedt uec eiglit in *Tht- denier. wrronlet t net ta break the Une uaoffilally, but itas o0ellally face ot a point-blank lire and recoptured oetr o deten difihes a week." uealed by the .iapaneae gaverament. the poiion aithie bayonet point; Weat telo iosjulîlole fr triei-BantLes .an fort aise ecnptured. - A ftoeckj ReauL ThedetlwxJsiibefo tae- August 2.-Jnpnîueae capered ne- Editer Highlone Magoul- have ex-= cal teceit l lej -eltimate linor ln the tualnder et Bujusan forte. forcing tihe amined 3oje anunecripi, air. and fiot hIf baIlle of Aug. 10 therefore. Togo haed Ituglan bock te fuît et fortifieui s. a tlirilling narratixe. wieic arresia ai- bul four bfiala lant Uic.Rus- lapanurne cdsiînliius fnem August 1) 19- Istie" * et 511 tataiijdsIts 1ajili- sies six, and itas oulnumhered. Hait- caliy put at 14, 000. boundt thle eau' . cîer, Le ihipîred lte minceaites badly. Anýguat 2rî me Septî-ier itI-Rugsiane Slruggliig Autiier, (deepairingiy> - aatlertng cornue oet hem nd trivlng sortie and attaek wurkinug.parties niniest hm of cet corse. k woel do. Ilve efthieir bnttliestîlîs bock ta Port every nflil.iwhite guuui hombardet hy Au to Sciies's Faume. Antier tilîtreluty bve înc b edy. Quarter not nsked cr giron; "cire u uie u ra u Arthurwhere tey bavesince b e treteluer beurers iri runtdkillet. «Srbe a uae u ietqa: rallier aei-erely danaged by thetieof Oeer.Firelr- of u ale tity etBluff will ieisPt-a. but lias lie Noge gne IfîL Se-tnitmpe Ot-shl ioheda'.-Fie l iit ercen ferl- erer wnhtt-n allîîhingt litI ili enduref N09's uli. f te fee atemPs IL-shl Iobida.Fith h,) percd fr- "f tliiuk lit Ia. 1have setverni af hie allier sortie Ilîî-il Lecfor ensier work itard deeke oft aij. unig up 'luge proieissany notes lenîy pes-ut-eion iîefi for Toge Ilîn l t.,as on Aug. 1. ecluntas otferuike and leaiing OaC9iP119 est t-t-cttabauddotwîu t.,poqterity ju luitlther alateinnt about tLe Tashi- rent. RuRsiane 11:lcl t-t-t tunpl! elîîliPi s e hogite lîmleme."-4Ciicngo Tri.- n-cut îot e arpniiii iftheUne oetire le praî-ut ailier warmisp. une. ma Ilwudtn csupiigI h Octoher 13-Ttîe %Vu-t VrIb fart dame-____________ tape bat bet-itguity et another gen- ageuL Bnttlésiiip ler-«iel truck hi tic uuîîie dcceplloe. Thougb the Ya-evTerol shela fruuî i t- lîwitzernd etiA ifC Il May have bot-n ralsed ont repatret. damaget. MAI N HE BRDUU E WVlion iajeatveoky reaches tue tair ctlober 10.-Japteese attacked an u oai ho ahouit a le aail11surpriset trenchet ilcohled Itsîciimake YTanta, J AOK EUI[SEY'S SEORET FOR If ho meetta veilirai-chas bafflesbîpsbetiteen the enatUi rt iri est Benjamin SEOUMG BLEP 1Poforts. Unter cover ofnatuenendons hein- enter Toge. But witoher Togo l abrteni ithecarnaplies et the center di- A ltiaseawi Pacifie Eettrcad Cceduetrs four baiticalîlpa or ilie, he probalY vision charget the gîtl: nus hbayonets Wka et Ve IsNvem' a wii f lot Lav-e muchi rouble capluredthOe tnre n--ionttheUic rent.- re t miei Ietvensky andtbis cavoinymen. October 20. te Nnviîtner &I-Parlons ÂA gal desi af fatigue ad anzlety je Thelu tgcet Port Arthur. general atiack hegnuîi wiith te objettet fbauet tp ln ttec bille ratl box thale, ihrring serrenter lîfre Nov. 3, the Mii- swings ai te loiticnd of every freight, Generol Nogi apueunedteb bis nrntY kada*s blrthday. Fit-e narahipa report- train snd sitarea in every jot of lte Oct. 25 fiiir there weeld ho n Let- @il euak ond Ribthlîug cnitain set Seing- string of hotu-y cars tutat preoedes il aa bar-dient et tht- wlile easieru ridgeabri mouaon. whi-i li,' bttireet-nlh e raila. The Men in il are goad, beariy of tLe >Port Arthur defenses prlînul-! railroat ont Riuing iil,îilitain captured. fellowns Wha heur cbeerfuly lte hazarda narjy teau aitemptautlils capture. This Tie Japauese aise ùu-tîtnret Enat I<ek- ontewthhegA pbit f bobrmn elntenx .adWailmoauetain. toplt- enaevier Iu oneit ihîL ratp-bli.0 honbatien boueîL nxt iu. ntlai any provious attek. trunsportation. Titey "a astir nigit: flnter cuver et Oie ire the Jîipaneae ___________di day an a vat aetwork ofetandi regîments droive the Ruazzinsoui ot LIBERAL VICTORY IN CANADA. tesympathies of telns ot thoagontu af teir tronches on Sungshu inet Iiiluug peaceful1Rifle ihomtea go it til tm au Mountains, and on Oie souihore part ot laurier lia Najorley of Neeriy Bey- their ruans, lTe great public muai have Poltalan Mounaiun. The arlillery prot-- enty-Borden Loe Seat. ils aupplies ondt ilese ara the mon iWho tice coainuet fer titrees tarya langer. Sir Wilrid Laurier andîthOe Luherol muet gel theun thmeagh at te cuit cran and an lte niglît et the twoaty-nlahh Prty are maters of Canada. Tie party of thair ices. lte Japonieu ertserves were moed up whlch hbon been iu poirer for the lait Mr. Jack Ratmey, et Connoil Groye, thragli he etwok niirecheala ean bas anemil the dominion over- Kansas, inasan euergeiic, frank, gont- front of the Keekitan forta. RtIlb yeaothu osralenatared menier oftiumbrotherflOad mad umre aur tiretIinformation end@. lie bt-rs a load ctitumnuies taI nakee Il Il la probnbly true ibat t-von thougit 1u40ssary for it te seek itelp tu keep the- Jaunese capture aellet the- forts bis exted nervestfrontweariug ltinmout. an fiaeritge tbey caniiot liait il un- Ho gasy: listhe>' capture nil er neariy ail oai* hattroubled ine moat itoumy in- tum fte ccounplsh Ilis grenier . abiity to ge& leep witealte chance came fi he I th t edbv eddant nutlrrlatingmgeesitiveuless of auy footîîîe irll cp, itit-t, hve edet ulle nerreus syaleiu, growlag oui et the niegle. l-ut tht-y wiitibaie inishot tLe irregýuseties ontd eito o~ Two severe cases of Ovariau Troubi and two terrible operations avoided. , h Emmons and MrS, Coleman each -- how they were, saved -by the tisùe Lydia E Pnkham"s VegetableCoenpou «DzgRMa. Pryxaàx : -I am an pleacd uith the reaults obtý ram ydu E.Pinkmau eteb o Conipundt tat 1 feel lIta ZTILprvle ta write yau about ik - "I aufeéred for more tha 5v.ears midi ovmîstanob»o, ag a unpieaeant discharge a gaibat weaknieaa, and ai times a 'fui collcame avec me whlc amnount af medicla., diet, or «q eemed ta correct. Yýpîr Vogetabie Compound loand the we.k ho tvr, ultbin afeit irek - an4 svcd me it an po il my troubles ted disap earedaidlIfannd uda nemoehé and IrL.Wordus W ocU rbeteregltruc, gmat eelhon'ta inmy heart, and I ment ta 1telolesick anapi ugelneat,-- Iully wit medielnes yau hono i u aeyiU mem's VeteblNe Compoad nd ml.nt dfori, O 'U différent itoma n Ana short tlie.m-Mna. LàUXA ExON% Vilont Another Came of- Ovarlaqn T"'o Cured W ltboutaf Op tt I wutroubled with ovarien treoîb4Ma mandnlemed oodiia, wh kqSm. 01 trtiere w o hé lben *ured of .v"' 1% li wU ta runmember s«oh leIbassam aboce m nmm la gel ou tabu>' eoaciunqwtaoit l aey. î 3s$Mi gi0* hsib nogeta Ohamoa l; ab» euh a ole ma4oim 1 a ou b u lk t tê y « , d e M t m u a is n e 'w Wmm beroi Md, abas mbaipd ommmaie - A44WW MEXICAPI Mustang Liniment ouren Spsmlum mimd Shahs.

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